Mr§. Girl u- Jolies, the ônly chaerofmeubers remaen re Friday Night Mixèd League HoId Banquet chrn e oibetworemînînge- '. calleti a few interesting de- Report f ro mteils, involving the formning of our Branch, 60 years ago this I * ~ month. Mrs. Anna Hughes, ~~IPast President of the Area, W o m e 's I stït tes brougbt greetings from that body anti congratulated al NwTONIIu . . pataoIuih lc cards those whobhad helped create NEWTONVIaI.E , I. plate, aong wîth plac Tbe_ 6th Anniversary of anti programs.te É roueiges pae ~ptnil onnsInsti- President Berniece Milli 1hnitouegesspar tutc was celebrateti Fîîdak-,, gan at the heati table rose to Mrs. Vida HreraneoT- evenirg, Ma 12 in theUnteti propose the Toast to the ronto, who gave us an inspir- Church hall. Guests a sembleài Queeo, followung wbîch the ing anti thought-provokiiig ï. fîrst, upstairs in the churh National Antbem was sung, atdress, intersperseti with ... where Mrs. Olive Hentierson folovwet by the Institute humor, in lier own inimitable anti Mrs. May Burley were in Grace, wth Mrs. V. Gilmer at manner. Ail taking part were charge of tickets, Mrs-Violet the piano. The sumptuous re- thanketi4 after which Mr. C., Gilmer was ini charge of the past, provitict anti serveti by M. Jones showet iunteresting guest book tionateti by Char- the' U.C.W. was enjoyeti by slides of local events anti ter Member Mrs, Alîce Jones approximateiy 65 ladies anti scenes, many dating back be-,.~ (now in ler 94th yea~r) andt hree gentlemen guests, anti a fore the W.I. was formeti. Ap- li~; o Mrs. Mabel Wade was kept couple of photographers took preciation was expressedti f busyseeing that each one re- pictures, inclutiung one of the hlm anti the Pr-esident calleti ceiveti a corsage, in the WJ. President with the two oldest on' Bey. Ted Snelgrove to colours, gold' anti blue. members, Mrs. Gidus Jones close the enjoyable evening Master Terry Dawson of of Bowmanville anti Mrý with prayer. Newcastle entertainet the Sowtien of Port Hope. Greet- waiting guests with a variety îngs were heard from Mrs. BLACKSTOCK W.1. of organ music until 6:30 when Bradley, West Durham Presi- May the loth, the Commun- ~igfa ail repaireti to the hall, dient, anti Mrs. Mary Watie in- ity Hall, Blackstock, was the downstairs, for the banquet. troduceti the guests at heati scene of'a most initerestung antid . . Tbose in charge of tiecorating table. Two vocal solos were happy occasion, The ladies of i anti arrangements, hati matie enjoyeti from Mrs. V. Barton, the Blackstock Institute anti a splendid job, ail agreeti, as accompanieti by Mrs. E. Ha'- their guests celebrateti the tbey saw teattracive tables lowell, both of Bowmvranville,7thanvrryfthfrm with goldi coloureti cioths, anti Terry Dawson's piano solo teIsiue serviettes in blue, cantiles anti was also appreciateti. flowers also in matching .Mrs. Sowtien, who is in herýr Presîdent Mrs. Giadys shades, anti signs of welcomne 93rti year, ablv reciteti a Thompson welcometi everyoe enhancing the background, as poem, "School Days, which After a brief business peýrioti, well as d rainty favors et e, ach she hati learneti in chiltihooti. we enjoyeti a report given byomlt rgh, ere our new member Mrs. Hug- The Friday Night Mîxed Bowling League heId of the group. The winners, fromlf urgt gis.Seasor elgte t teir closing banquet at emorial arkCubhOuse on Piper a iioOi thr a aneli i tendeti the Officers' Confer- Safurday when the winning team received their trophy, Luxton and absent'Aif Milison. ence la Guelph recently. Iaogwttay te rsnainst te ebr was annouaceti that the rol _ _____________________ ________________ membe caîl for June wîll be f0 com- ipose an original commercial f0 -intitie nddolTa7os ityt elyf fvrt rd LACK T CKA or be Lite ilcommendable job of rejuven- uct. ~ating the. formýer COF. hall We were happy to have as The past week in the Black-ioa muntCerewh our guests the members of the stock area bas been so filleti modern facilities, heatîng, etc. 4-H Club who completedth te with maRny, many activîties Thsicuddirhe xaa poet"ewa". he dis- that most folk bave harl tion of a part cellar for furn- playetitheir garments and won hati a chance f0 catch a breath aceînganti isto allaorngfa CHINESE and CANADIAN FOOD013 avrable comnients. between events. Surely no one eln adistlton fa Mrs. Haroldi McLaughiin, one can say that nothing ever _ alsanti limitae tempera of the 4-H Club leaders pre- happens ln Blackstock. ture cand aol ystedm pea senteti gifts from the hnstitute Fmlesoah Baktck Ti33op hve dmn Jaeerist hrh eeiv vt ~ strateti that with atiequate 10 o Off ick-up Orers ~ ElCraw Meteai These girls hv nhvîng f amily pictures as y edrhp idctopre icceiveti Provincial Honors. wi stevrosgoppc verance coupld wt at (oe 30)Ceyr;hElaîne Wright turcs taken over the past pVlXe orkmuc ca be achevt (over $3,00)CrindWright, also rec- weekend for the Church D i 4.î'5 a tro uh cmmnibcy heffort __________________ ati ind VaCam thout recOmurse fo unicipa eiveti gifts having been the ectory whicb will be publîsh i iin RE O E D LV E Yrecîp ents of County Honors. cd later. w txateon. eomniia The EHHlub(orfisspo- The St. John's Anglican '~- ~ soreti by the Women's Insti- Mother's Day supper on Sat- mw nSna feno r (miimu $300)tute. urday cvening was well at- - eti a gatherung of the Rae A number of young women tentiet. Three lucky prîzes Malcolm clan, a double barrel Phone 623-37%î3~or our community attentietie donateti by Roy Turner were ocasoninreogitono ______________class, "The Knack of Sewing woni by Mrs. Elgin Taylor,~ Mother's Day anti to honor with Knits" directeti by Mrs. 's. fNeil Werry anti Mrs. ahrRebltdyo i 50 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE Thompson anti Mrs. Huggn.ar8ny. e .Fthebrtda bPeiaetyonthis Some of their fine work :matie wîsh f0 express sincere appre-ocsn e teRlhM - BSNS HOR:an interesting display. ciation tii ail those who came omCnyadJ fDn 10USINESS10 HM. AI L One of the highlights of the from near anti far f0 make Milîs; the Harvey Malcolmns 1 ..t10PM DA Yevening was the presentation this event such a success. ane aiofims eo, they FRDA ndSTU D Y 0A.. oi ,. fa ie membership anti nin Sympathy is extendedt f0Mr.WyeMmols h l to Mrsad.STUPercy VanCamp. Mrs. Ma's inNorman Etigerton, Mr. antianefrindis0ftheVor M al-er VanrCamp is a charter meaiber Mrs. Grant Etigerton, Mr. antinfind fteVitrMl of our Institute. She bas helti Mrs. Harolti Crawford as well î colm family, many Onfce anti has always as f0 other relatives on the been keeny interestet inl the Passing of Mrs. Norman Etiger- m;>EOIL HRSPIRTA work cf tfhe organization. ton ini Port Pcrry Nursing ~.fiî~WEEK 0 My R-EPicluiv Mrs. McArthur fook chargetHme last week. iiii'of MaAdmissionslusiv8 of the -programme assisteti by Mr, anti Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Admisrt s ----maie,------fema-l--- 2 Mrs. Margaret VanCemp antiJohn, Daviti anti Paul wer-e ..,irthDsharg le 93mae rsPeyVaCm laaSunday evening dinner guests Disch~~v~~f argoeros ------ most iaferestiag way tbey trac- of Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Essery o éà zMnor operations -3--- 1 eti the aims anti activifies ofOsaa ,&-mrnc fraens 23 the Institute fhrough the ycars. Mmvnt:r. e Bs223~~ E__ Costumeti groups of singers Lontion, were weekenti guest s tsI,4~ i aieihumor as fhey sang of bier parents, Mr. anti Mrs. soags from the different eras.MuryBes MauatrrsCern~A traw was matie for fhree Mis uil ecc ni,, . articles on ,xhinli tickets nad m usea ..Dîga .il ...... been solti. The winners wereTrotwrmtieksu-. ... ~LhafllorLa as follows: Quiît, Miss Aileen per guests of ber parents, Mr~iI We aveacqire frrn ur uppierVanCamp; Beti Jacket, Mrs anti Mrs. Allen Beecock. Sun-~~" Nancy Kyfe; Batbroorn Set, day callers were Mr. anti Mrs. The sweet wee -girl in'the above photo Îs Julia somne fascinating diamnonds in, somne Mrs. Mary Aston.' Z. Adiams anti Mm. anti Mrs CrsîeJrisn duhtrc ar n hre shapes ,such as Marquise,, Pear and sary cake matie by Mrs. Hec- Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce BeacockJmionc Osaa wo ilcebrebrfrs Brihiat cts.tor Shorfi'idge anti decorateti anti boys, Caesarea, whîle Mrs. bîrthtiay on Prîday, May l9th. Julia Christine is the Brilliat Mrs, Walter WriLsht was cut Olive Beacock anti Mm. Ernie granddaughter cf Mr. anid;Mrs,. G. F. Jamnieson and Mr. Corne in foday and sce this by our Secretary, Mrs. Marg- White, Port Perry, were Sun-an Mr.N M.rvnndra-gnduher f oufsfanding selection aret VanCamp, our 4-H Club day evening dinner guests, n r.N*M rîe n ra-rrdagtro Prkd a' 0% ffLeader, Mrs. Ralpb Larmrer M. anti Mrs. Keth John- Mrs, Sarah McFadyen, alf Bowmanville. Prîce ALD aMON30%PPOff E anti ourTreasurer Mrs. Fran- ston, Belleville, visifeti bisM obiPht ces Moutjo. ,mother, Mrs. J. A, Johaston on - ALDAMND S CERTIFI ED A dinty lunch brougjLb t the Mother's Day. Don Hetidden cf, Blackwater Hospital Birthtiay Party to he memorbl eening eo lose Becent visitors of Mis. Aima who was the eftc noon speak- belti in June. andrah Ceenig fFFoEe If you are looking for a diarnonti ------- were Mm.,Alvin Bruce, er. Mrs. Hatiten hati gone fo On June 21, the ONO. are Manchester; Mr. anti Mrs. Africalast year fo visit a pen catering f0 the Roadi Builders' see ourstoday! .Morley Bruce anti Mrs. Geo- pal with wbom she hati cor- Association. More dishes have ii Limited time offer .A tnr rge Butherford cf Seagrave. respondeti for 18 years. Hem been purchaseti atiaeray Mother's Day guests of Mrs. excellent pictures of this for use in the Recreation Cen- c i l., ~ LFowler were Mm. anti Mrs, Don drcam come frue were eîîjoy- tre. Grace Flieger donateti a (,e sO n fla Chislett, of Whitby anti Mr. cd by ail present. INoreen Mal- punch bowl f0 the O.N.O. 0J anti Mrs. Bey Larmer, Danielle colm expresseti the apprecia- It seems that thbe "Bieck- anti Jason of Pickering. fion of the group present f0 stock" sigas just wont bang A public meeting on a landi Saturdey evening cllers of both - Linda anti Mrs. Hatidea, properiy so four new books § ewellers £dueLX!wfr h onsiM se ob-a o heltwn avsp,,r.anti Mrs. Harry VanCamp The ladies enjoyeti support- are f0 be purchaseti to replace ToshipbeHellii n Maersw rM. anti Mrs. Wilson ing the Bake Sale anti Hobby the nid cnes. Kathleeni Dorrel............ Townsip Hll i Betany, Heaslip of Lindsay. Mr. anti Table Sale wbich concludeti a will be the cneo o le May 9 et8:00p.m.Mrs. Harry VanCamp enjoyeti lovely effemnoon conveneti by Argue's wedtiing on July 22. ____________ - Sunday evening dinnier as the Cendace Unit of the Barbera Byers gave the GET CASRk TODAX guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Glenn U.C.W.gouledrthfoilstfr THROUGH VaniCaimp anti boys, of Port Mr. anti M s. Balph Laminer, the Spring Tbaw De;nce. If was faiywcre Mr. anti Mrs. Dean Miss Marilyn Duif. Mahon in Toronfo on Safurtiey 9 a.m.f0 6 pm. 9 am. fo p.m.Ormston, Shelley anti Diane, Mr. anti Mrs. Graham ec- ceig f0 FIDAYSATU DAYMm. anti Mrs, Wayne Precoor, cîveti greetings from Prime Dr,. anti Mrs. Max Long- MONDA o RDAY ST RA r anti Mrs. Ken Wyatt, ail Minister Pierre Trudeau, MP fulti of Brantfordi, Mm. anti Mrs. or rokln, r.aiid ri Bon Russell Honey anti MPP'Alex Mansel Wright of Peter- 30 MINUTE SERVICE Do Your Laundry while you wait Bray, Steven anti Paul, of Port Carruthers. They also mecciv- borougb, Mm.,anti Mrs. Barry Permy. cd anti gifts, Rela- Stapfles of Oshawa anti Mm. O00PENIRNG &m' SPECIAL Nearly10lde attenieti tives were present from Tom- anti Mrs. Dave Staples of _____________________________!the Dessert Luncheon on Tues- onto, Millhrook, Oshawa, port Orno were Seturtiay cvening day afternoon ini the Christian Hope anti meny other' sur- dinner guests of Mm. anti Mrs. ofLawrence Staples. Mo r R£[)LrýMAitr IN Eig,,ht 'Pound Load Single Article 1/2 Price EOnuetio buiding f th noutOir !Uniteti Chuich. U.C.W. Presi- Better healtb is wisbpd tiOn auta vnn u tident Audrey Wright welcomnet both Miss Eva Parr anti Mms comimunity was weli ireprr- Onmy ~~~L M V (Example - Trousers 40e - Dress 50c) :the, ladies after which the M. A. Graham who aie both sneie h ineat pca CaneceUni LederPegy cnfmd f hooitls.openîng or the recently reno- Lname xtnteier weco ed O hm.N vateti Janetville Community 'Lrrie etede br elom O O.Hall. 1f was our p'Ieesuire to TK RSCUO ýanti inviteti the ladies to help On Mey llth, the O N.O. assisýtini a smahi wey in the TK T14: OP1 N tbemselves f0 the many varieti helti its May meeting et the ribbon cutting cerernony joint- [J IIl Idesserts along with cofie, The home of Ruby VanCamp witb j_ with Mm. Lomne Curtaîn, lw e W0 ' D- MS OWU T teâ tables were attrectively 27 members anti one vîsitor Chairmaan of the Hall Com- deccratet i wtb 1lowers from present. Presîdent Joan Thomrp- mîitt ýee.A B BRING TI ADVERTISEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL Mis, Camnaghanlis garder, Affer son presîdeti for the meeting. M.Curtaîn. the Hall1Co- $1.00 SVN ON FULL LOAD OF DRYCLEANING thii part of the affemnoon was The minutes of the last imeet- m-nittee anti other interested 55RIGST, W. (Off er Expires June 3rd, 1972) Mountjoy favorcd by playing- heard grtzulateti on getting a edt- _____________________an__________________piano____,_solo, anBab Russell anti lautiette m--,agrant of approxim-afely jean Kyte ilntroduceti Mrs. Bprraan are servîns at the $19,000, strictly on their own 'The Canadian Statesxnat, Bowrnanvï1le, May 17, 1972 ENF IELD M-r. andi Mrs. Tomr Beckim Bowiman, Londtoni, were Suri- s-0ent the weekend at Echo day guests with Mr. andi Mrs. Lake with members of their Lloyd Avery, MaDie Grove. famîly. Mr. and Mrs. Do-r Grîfffir Mr. anti Mrs. Bob' Smith, vîsiteti Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Scarborough, anti Mr, anti Mrs, Graham, Oshawa. Les Johnson, West 14î11. visit- There was a social evern*x eti Sunday xwith Mrs. T.,Tay- in the church basement Satur- lor. day night wîth Mr. anti Mà ý Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Lee en- Godfrey Bowman as guests oïI tertained their faily, bSun- honor. A choice entertainý-, day, also Miss Pat Dobsonl, ment consîsteti of oumbers bhy Biackstock, a junior recorder banti d: SMr. anti Mrs, Wallace Pascoe by Mr. George Bowers o(-, visiteti Mrs. Hugh Beaton, Oshawa; a duet by 'Wiertios'" Oshawa, who soundeti better than tbey Mr. andi Mrs, Keith Taylor looketi and a civiized-lookin.-- and family, Janetville, visiteti rock-group trio who sat stii! at Mr. Gordon Taylor's. anti delivereti fine -harmonv. Mr, anti Mrs. Leslie Coch- Durmng the evening Mr. air rafle were visiteti by their Mrs. Bowman were presented family, Suntiay. with a bridge set andti two Mr. anti Mrs. Ken Cochrane, hantisome lawn chairs. Wîth Dawn anti Grant, aiso visiteti former residents present fromý Mrs. A. Sutton, Warsaw. Brooklin, Oshawa anti Zioný- Mr. Richardi Bowman, Mont- ithere was an air of Olti Boys'7, real, was an overnight guestiReunion to the evening, toppD at Mr. Wilfrid Bowman's. led with an abundant lunic'. Mi. and Mrs. Fred Samrisý Sorry that busy lines kpt were Suntiay dinner guests lus fromn callîng more homes-. wîth Mr. andi Mrs. Don Griffin, South side, in their new home. Avoîti causîog a hazar(ioiij Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Lone, traffie situation by filiîng youtý Laura andi Linda, are moving gas tank whea the gauge regý 50011 to their new home at isters înear the'eropty marke. Blackstock. Mr. anti Mrs ________________ David, Love andi chiltiren of Rent a Car for Whithy purchaseti the Love property anti we weicomne A DAY OF. WEEKEND themn to the community. Ask for Rae.,. Mrs. A. A. Emmett hias sold COUNTY ber property but will re- CHRYSLERDODGE LTD. main for a wie Mr. anti Mrs. Wilfrid Bow-l 623-2586 man and, Eric anti Dr. Bruce_____________ claties ust about dollars every year * and medical exper îuankind the abilit doa't have a cure Summertime if not worse than A highl'y otgus that people with c( * ng and sneezes ai much as Possible. anti if medication1 f yon. Remember - à to get riti of that possible finie. "A GREAT M, with their prescrÎ] * pharmacy produet privilege andi a dui famuly pharmacy! W 67KINGST. EAM . M.... f ý