Mn.rsad Mns. E. J. Faîi'ý spentthe eakedïettha-ir cotag, wevcMile akein the H lalibunton Hlighlandm. Mui Beaaa Vanstona sýpent the waekenrl witb han sistan aind busband, Mn. andi Mns. Bruce Murrai', Guelph, Mn, and Mns. Fred Rramp wené Mother's Day visitons witb thain inothens, Mrs. F. White and Mns. J. Knamp, bath ai Brampton. Mn. cnd Mns. Robant James, aidPatenbonougb visitcd an the Ed n cd AMs. John M. Jaimes, anti brother R ick. Mn4. cadm n. m.ranning, Mns. C. W. Mathews, Mn. He P',al aiToronto, and IsI>, S. J. Dnjinikie ai Oshawa, wen ncptt gucîsts ai Mes,. J. A. Ca,,R-ing Si. Fait. MnA. Pe-,ter Vanstane, 1,ake- bcati UicsiiThundr ýBey, aýrniveti bmorn n Fidlaianti w-ili spenti soma ne n'ivth bis pananits, Mn, and MnSý. Byron VasanKng St. Wast. Mn. and Mns. 13ynon Vanl- stnPeter aiRi 1ck attendl- ecd Suciai ninig service et StJab's Uitic1Cnrý:h ih, Geongton f'or tha chisteni- hng ai Petan ,Daviti .aquies, son ai Mn,,îanti MnC. Henni' Jaquesi. Mn. Gay Bker, son ai Mn. andtI Mn. J. ]Baker, KUing St. Fast, graduiated as an due tional -Raounces Techni(iien et the gradcuation exencises aio Sir Sandiord Fleming Cohh"ge, 'Patcrhanulogh, hahd ait Satur- day. Mr n.dciMn, D. Mcddenl Julie ni Tommny, Petenhon- ough, n'aeSunii' guësti ai ber prns n. ýand MnÉ. James Mcmai, Lw Street. Mn. anti Mn. I G, Ce1rne anti BnObi', ToWn, joînticm ion Mn. M.l MecKeýnzip, il'ltt S 1t,baý1i natnned homnae fnom ClaiAll,, a-iftan having épet mnth isîtîiing wîtb bel'daugtéeanti son-hnaIn, Mn: and _U. M. R. Anmstrong antignandaugtenChistina Mn. SO. Brag andi Mn. C. tha firmen'su daughtan and son-bn-an', Jan and Robent ~tewrl.Sanîampon.En- roue tai'caleti an Mn Bnég' sîté, M- Nra Wýýilsno ai Dntroan. M. and Mes, John Pagne, aibe nd Shelley, Pankn'ayý, Crescent, spent the weekand et 4 thiein cottage, Cbamung Laike, and enroulé vîsîted theinppan- antis, Mn. and Mns. Robent McPAdaai etPatcrhüoaugh iand Mistu. Burt Pagneofai mme. Mnr. and Mns. A. M. Tkominp- soSheila and Roti,atndi thé wedding ofaithin son, Mn.r DeiiThompsi.anad lMiss Vetistone, Mn. sînn ae anti Dr. and _1Mes. lH. B. Ruadle1 Mn. cd es.To)rer Masor, cnal Fbectni nir Mn, ant -il Mn. Kenetb Mede, Pel, ' Onruce and lyativeshamet wette Sundeai' vr isai itbn týrhéi îatentCM. and Mn. L.' Côneaultbnita Meprs. F.i cCtlehrad ber u8tbinbTIay Or' ai' 1h,20 rlatiésbet 9t ehoe ai an gdrnio ant bs 'îa, Mn. and Mn W lrwin dohwéh, taurris e lian witb e famili' gt-tagethar at ber homeé. Mn, anti Mes. Laurne Goti- dard, Whbo spept the winten et St. Petcnýsbunjg, Flanida, arc naw et tencottage n Lake Cathaco)rnai, north ai Paterbior-_ oughi. Enroule ta their cottage, tbey s-pant two we-eaks t NIag- ana Falls, Ont., n'itb thein danghlar cnd f amili', Mn, and Mn., Nelson McKay, anti ana weck lin Kitchener witb thein son and fenil', Mn, andi Mns Ted Gotidaird. Thé big holiday waekcnd ha clabration ai Mai' 241h i ibis coming n'cekaiii - s5 we x- pact meni' wiil slant thea mm- mer season i' apaaiag, up cot- tageýS, isiticg finanti cd r'elativepsaIadsaccii' ing a sChotrt motan tnpi-, ian n- tettainincgot-a on'a ,Ilgopsts ha younrne.We'dapri- ate recehving the iniformaýtion)I fan Use ti i iis clumo. Jil duel 6234~303. Mr. anti Mrs. John F. Wlie' and daugbler Adrienne, Laon- don, Oct., Mn. and Mns. Don- ald J. Cox ccd f cmiii'ý, Do wnî-i vicw; Mn. acd Mrs. J. E. Alan Gevléanti daugbten iDn'n, Oakville, Mn. ant'is. Genalti CoOrno, Mn. ccd Mn.ý Thomas E. PLogers and sonM, Ricky ccd Robbic, BCrrie, v7isiteti Sundai' with their mothan anti grantimother, MrÉ. K. E. Cax, King St. Faiýt. Thé faînilias ai John E. (Jark) Cala gathanect et theý, borne ai bis son antidugt- in-ewIM. and Mn. s4Rândi' Cale, Oshan'va, or'Suanai, 'Mai' 7, tacn hilm on thé occasion ar is 651h hithday ati nêtiremennt from Chant- ran's Mani's Wéan. Among the guesîs wee is àunt, Mns. MinncDrinikla ai Ombcwa, wbo hbi ince celebraiber, 82nd irtbdai'. Mn. Cale waýs pieseatcd witb a rcciininîg chair. Préparation for the Ms Oshawa Highland Garlues arai rapidly taking foinm. Jcyciee chairmhan, KéttWilliams, anl- nouncati necently thet the Osb-1 awa Jaycacs n'îli again meni- aethe cageact for, thé, Highland Oa-iiCoëtta Young ladies hclwaani the agas ai 18 Ccd 25, nboare single, n'ilbl habchiata enter hi cartacting thé Oshawa Jai'- ce1ýes, PBox,711,, Oibawâ, Ont., n Mn. Kýent Wllicms 623-2270, before June lit. Miss Fric Nicks and hber mother wene gueits ai thé UJniversity Worncn's Club ai Oshawa ccd District hat Wad- nestiai'evecing n'ben Fricn'aàs pregentat i withthe club ira- phi' fan placing finit la the gini's-solo, 12 yeans ccd under, ccd hinit la thé gîr's solo, 14 anti unidr, et the Kiwanisý Mnsýic Fesýtival la Osbawe.l Ena also pci eýkèd np four1 awrd t tlbe Peterborough Festival ai ethe Narîiun-i berland Canal' Festival belti racantlyin haCobourg. Coagintuietians ta Mn, Les-1 lie Aiidénson n'ho cahebeatét i bhis 90Otb birthday an Snntia,ý, Mai' 1401h. la haar aithe oc- casion Ccnd Mothc's Day, A faîhli' dictuar pari' vas lheM et the home ai Mr. anjd MS Anderson, deatra Street. Arn-1 ang'p faînbI- rneambéns wbo et-ý Lbree nsn, M, Den>1tîi Ani- denson ai Lontian, 'Ont., Mn, Orrns y Andruson, bis iiae acd f cmiii', Newme-nket, acd Mn. Osn'aitiAndansan ai Pet- erbroub;his, nlbother, Mr, Wiilhct iAndensýoni, ccd a niera, M\iii VeRnick, bath ai Bohcaygeaar. At Ilhe mîning eviels Chiurch, ha Scrm ota the ialowing eb11lren. Malt bén Jaes ees, ni fMr. ainti Mn. James B. IflR YCÉi; Mary .VRose, (liu ghtan ai r Mr, andsoru Ew, snaiM.D M rr. 'Jtubi E. Mil;ce; Sbawcv Michael L. Paît; Brae Marg- 1--onalt WShiell; Sera Janie, rigNI rai Mn,ani Mes, Lari'K. TaylorPelr Dan- abtci, snnoraiMn. cc1d M.Don- aid J. Yeu: ccd eKainnatb Chnristopher, FslonraiMe. anti MVail la Canada ih cow On Steta'marin MnlU,ý ant M.Murai' McK-nigblt TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H lVinistr- R-- GeorgeK. WMarc, A, B Organsi ~-MissGailThnpo SUNAYmAY 215t, 1972 11.00 aj.. PTREATING GOD LIGHTLY" Rev. G. K, Ward Siday School Houri Juiorntcnuediate and senior Depts. at 9,.45 aý.n Begnnes, indrgatenandprimary Deptsa atil Social & Jrsonal Phone 623-3303 'l mj liAGAROL.*Ënd TAMPAX gradcbbdcn.Beides c b1an Meicanad famniiy, Yelven- wene Mn. end Mphilip Mai'lth. C'TAence Gbna'X busband, ,he was elsa pre- tari, ~Miss Nai' Judcmon, Leng,.Ici Cenyl Agin-W. oti a h aglnIii EUA decesadbi'a . n, rnld Vicwiakc. Mi s Kathiy Saailcy court n nW.A-mnbymein iteLd 6L II0 UE Be-tlram. Pont Penny, Mn, Jîm Kent, batt.Dvi îc ohnRc-ii .Paiden tMn. H. 1 j~j Tha nena serice as Nwcasle, n. Ay 1wi mn îic ý1JMn. end Mn, Wri. Lee weicomcd he goodetSVGLT2O paneabeken Funanal HR om, -hy"Wbai,,a:iFriand wr Port, P ennyc, on Thu rsd a1% bave in Jusw un ol Apnil l2th eznd was ieonduicted j..1i. yhawd iterd'Pyn i' Mn nl Hfitttcr, ai- d-ef'U f ~cei u s Te dvotionel panriodwai l ternt w, as ia Union Cae>- charjge aif Mnr. C.Gina a:nd, U teny, Cad1mus, h -q haa Scretarial Asseoüaitn is dcdicated tthe Mr.. GardonGilisonira) h Pehberan wne ixg ai-grawth and idevelopment of secretarial proficiencyin e std'book "Thiesa Daye". DogaThomaîs Panci JaseýphV the Oshawa Area, Monthly meetings provîdetresîn tIll ceeni, is Rl _ndDonald Archer ini preparing for the Certîiled Professional Secretary resp51ondienca-. S cveri"hakiCSiiiiOTECiTM11WIpOU~~~t Amon themiavi boveliExaminations. Eaeh monthly meeting features a ùdemon%- yu eten wr ced fo adisfpiiFiUoPUE~OScCJA floral tnibutesionevodea etêai ui'ent ad irieffe Mebhip toewohdbe een ccased \viss held, were hoseFeails $15,00) for the year. Join Non' and enjai' the ri' las ce1ad1fnth15KIGST. W ESTY fromni tvhltW, adesCdaftagc:s of membenshlip, bot iancn a ésévd ata ljl g *b uu. Aid, AutomoiveHrwn'ria 2-02fr nmyCyon MyiGthi, ani1ULL:t Iý5E Toronlto, Ka)ox ýChnrcbi, Woodcopitedeaîs nhie lunch fllawinig te635 ville, 7'rJiu1dý; an TrI ibons .lceusn service for the tu -____________________________________________ pittended the graduation cere- :1 et mnïiM.Mre h -ufiplýtýemn o mni'r a 7 927 Mmnes st Sir Sandford Flemmul . ,$EMorleyjThe vCaners Earid- S ats(D rmMitcell.iw----v----- - --M ay 17,__-1 -72 - ' ng ollee, Pterboough 1 I The roil cpili wcs well ans- ,P h when their Fson Joseph suc- .. ; ý, ý-ý .ý -'I ý ' . wered using the w,,ýord "Show- o to ý' .. ý w ýr- " cessfully comýpICted a two- [1iN.k. _ en_._".ný Pý _ ; lEtcraton. iený, ..,., -i"pf-Th hmn "Beit Be the ic.: ye r course i i R c e t oaà Bi> -eý 'ýý>;ý_ . i c ý " in d "ar i g I1h o t o avrg and aneàaf the top . benedictian cioestethe Tmet- A praduct oý ýowmanville xii.c;', Mrs. Gardon Gilîson ad Mi , he PTheagraphy Ga,.ery..,d , ss le.rit written an ea Cedar Sprngs Hospîel-axi . c" ix.i....x'... - . *:: ...M s aro hao rp a fte Bo mn1ha h ro ae xhbt 1 choa",for, the mentaily re B Gnisan t extended Ille; ý-ý - -,,' the vote of thank- ...ail who . area, for.fut r ho- il tra nt abeav y aerge amng asother subihects ý,Mý-, "... i.' otis*n Wdnse atr ilhoaran, eaeartmis pojeet by pending sign languages,- ::_ . 1 . --- ýpýýI Il ' i<:it-l?.1- ,i erte ton United C uth rO meter, s akCd tO cntat teir idhin - -nth ba- program waî in care -lst n, Nil Nwton thegaliry c men anttiwho.Io.swha he .wa..s« at coll1ege. be had the1-,- e Lnc ws ered by- bonr a shnin Pime Min i. iý .sun .n.te.Lrd' P..e c oiesudt o unc.iL -rr , lai co1: .mitte.e.: .with- a -fine tendanc lelDlhe g its ih. adMs r Recreation DeýiPresident .Mns.-Mo:row in1C1as; .eh and( famIli. ...ona.e Mn.:?1l, ., : ;. . . Rt ruce B akestnibirecag. Nxsot.he M.adMS e t atlne..chie. re Vyag.'.M.. eenl::giets î Entertain at. 1message..._>_.._,:_1_ 1. 1. ý . ý l~~~~~~~~~~~ ...Life" as the theme ofâvilePuli Lb-Itishoedthber-jr fÏve yeLife holikasa.Ic M* and Mn.,,,Peck- nd.M . Jim>Stirk. the oGtoln f C o iiirsof 1--Sa: l.., .-ilrd I:,",ýý ,.lyi tep Js o ah-trseph'spotgapiý,,, Bo m nll nd a snigt ro h r e aty.ele u ilt M. Bet Ti1s. ai n ing~o .a.pnsndb -ve-.RBOWlin Leaue.v. ne. Oono Saundà, nd n. .1Aram, 1'ynne Unit ,,-urai ,"I Minutes1af te.Apnil«meet- bey ettendeIl ,p ..g .e11"tcallcd onïfriads in the ail g. . g-wene read by the. .1 >-,e cbrclh. lth o ma -ta h oe hn dy ,,,Iýli U.C.W tar,.Mn-Noran.Minsand n. ad Me. E.Shie of n. H Lan h apatint l conî S ring o oe ocs ladieprtnel, thir n, Llyd Hala- .eedy.ccovey. Mn Kins and- _unden the direction_. oep- Iil t urachuenô b M.Ke...Mn, Wm. Steal _fi Wastheusar aiterhservie et . Hillg Oshawa, an gcfor the n udrdeent B.Boeîhn.M. hl.3ndy e Raiph M n. Henry guesti. 0f M n. K. Rob_ .. -.ýýk>I.ýý.: . C li ..n..Musie Festial hed,în. .....i .îi .inted .butfVfod foreacb ow ir, t h abtbvilley, an-lwGratiand feamily Zi,spenri tardedemberCatfomande Sp ,in. .Sup- bis parents, Mn. and. -.. Mes.1.E. Sue>d hewitbwiMn.heR.eeavg.y. commb newa. peieson aan Ma ,. ": -th. (Sec cdvet-.k C. Wasthauser.-7 called an' Mn. , W . .1 1.1 lr'12,il Bailayli onI yt?:e"-63'.- p: t e c e Bow m anv.illa tîs......lng) - M n.. -. ,,.,. _ , la>wnenjcnit d M al- W meM n. nlJ.fiBothwe W loil, Bow m en-l ; Sundaynu -luin High- - ool Cocert....,.olm...i....ake.afthe-Pic-.ville visited Mn, nd Mn, Sympath i. extended t tonalChurch.Bok. Pi.tun .Russe:.Savery. Mn.,Ed. trong, ami-y an Mn. . J.m av.aanîenan i n,în a lvîg îe ndmah Thgeevening - as remn-araite '"b etrTh Mthn aySevieDo't frgtau crci do -mii fram - th, e m usical prîng. i y:...:ý". - -I . -li Time, ~Mrehhl, bic Wasespciel etSbilh Sudavaiteno, Sunay choo A.nivèsan point_.. of5 v,îew. - ly. sui' , . ,o , ot e frMy mt ing'Daf. n so wi att ends. Mn Ji ad uppr E nisile, ' :-_.ýSnei- Mon;,ay, May,22 oh Tcsde, Ma 9, 972 et.ý11 ý___.-.4 6O:: ý..,, ý . 1 ý"b_ he mer- deugbteeI:0f Mn."","d.Mn. villme. e was n bi\s 8 t yer . . Spiîg". Son th.p.n, nAvi ouh He was bonn oniii Mlanch 8;, became clogged, s um a-,' -1,ý7, ý .'.,.ý,n Bowmnvwi,te are guestir 1nacelved- ,.-,1% ,, l:-. hl educâthon. M..A,".. .- I li e o. a oute ra-r . . cd~~~~~~ý withbthdnes seeraoKathph.Gilaad Jhneiernn aa hldig th trphyand n te bck ow, ron Mahen diaana"KepPt yeans ga ha nesidd et he laf ta nght, . Bcktt M M rial ,D.,,Weanui::., an1..ekt;asnRn n rgac itarlv ; o(Caepof iss MhîîIa Radaî le... ; A ba... kv.ý,' nil e n( sf tcn In ilune ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ý bisret.amnt17 - - -me rhs cspcte, nvend m * 'le p f r hs Mrar ed.M1il, 1 .. r..memb' ercd.,: Seb.1oo-l..s . - --do- - nat-ý"m ý ; M;;U M W '-,eah rk.gna mny ome boar. mnvila.Recnt ueis \th la MnandMn.î.bnt M an MnWarenRhar mpa, rav,,pre a uid 'hep iatelifu nlervýice Mn.Mains enc Mn Fny TnMarlw. ai.B.. k-în an . .we.e .ek..d.uasti i Mn fr _itta. chîlnen - Kcep, an hunsdy, M.- Coogatul t-ns t Mr an Llnday On haîr tunn tey wadîag a tnei nicceMlii oma uno me_ llb4n a cnutdýM s sa1ihm wb e cm omei, 1%.,.;:p...v:: 1. Ia.:Oekwood Lit I 0.ý::1 - Raier aci , Bibi MnlJohn Roilel rLcd "Tha Rav E.Sa lroe a, Nwta- i atdihei ad g .icB. ia . Pot c nad t angon n atu- bsete Alhaet",Mss..i rays ad Brce,50nk vfoiw P ..îI.;a ...gil ,fian îî etCacan..*î.On -husda. evnin, M ditio luch as arvci y Aditrium Box Of1 - A-ax:,Ceate Smake Sho O'Ncll, Grnet Rica n ndmania istos i M. 9Mn. and Mn_1 . LIa yin ,Wl-M. .. Ickon.,'coms ropen. Wilir Mnly Mrows aens M, n wr M. ni n RwadMn .1Mc.uhlh, n". M. Anod Wlbamsvoc Mis.IfGrant Thompi@ a:::n.i Mn .:St hdTa, n. adW gnd niMn _:av h peit. B-lh:ods iSprtîalove L ol Travel Agnc Jack CrtisTorona, apnt Mn Maunia Samlis ad. montt-..dnautve Th Jnametig il'h OWA A cVl UbIVIU ,. 1..W N. .XLIAMSO Mn,.an.Mn:Clnke Wi Mn, an Mn. Jm enen ion 192-1973was an Monday Apnî 10, 172 etand Mn..Aàn.:"W.<iams-ad.iawwith er finen, n, Wm enanc ai th Scou Maya Cli~Hapia, et bnog ImiyNetetnMn sdMeab, antIlle., On Sun . ý.. t K- :i. __o. ..atudaI, :.:: Dagheraita at Jh1 rdDaionwaa uIl et Wu.fn'd..ord,.Mn. and Mn. SbaaaeMrTundan Ranger Scout cr:. Elzbeh.1n. 1.-N tniie W rnns n- John Clossley, Mn. Anth;,riRayncr Walts, Cubmasten aiI Hil..1...iman. : 1 waqaoe lc-Uîtd Cuc tNwa- onta, were .nday eveningWeltî leaderBarbare Watt stc adncavd a dua vle .M . euuasnpî rler ih.n edM . .-'-.and Mrs.(W. Wcl s who apra-7 tion' JenctvilhaF.W.IN1.rprasident, was the bad. I ýItha Ladies' Auxihiari' BýLeckîtokIl i n d s SvnL bocl naîdans, e - Cm isà ne n. Fn, Bradio-rd..On.Ja.u1ny, 1l, _,_ .Rece:t guest1 .with themtended tha'rds..ciIu, ,supper Wh..kin mad. la pr- s,.t.tioc Nalson.ih.iamsn who pe- wcreMn. ,ndMn..Grat.evcnngg OpesofadMbrhe JaboreeMl Japan a thos Mn..Wiliiamsonhad.rasid- Bîýks, Buwmdnv.h1,-Miss On ThusdaofMn, andOM.eSimcae area ton~~~. un1l196 adaiaiiadBlck o..Rbet hoes h Lnia'.Laa irco isrit s ass et Lndsa, Backîock and n. nd Ms. orma "Sa-, Laen, a te..v.ia,.thy Cbmasar ,ita W Brad.od,.. .,.as.c..,.e ailsiV:rs-John.rand:Mend atendcdthe 7thsannvensai' wbo was chirmafan1IhiCres yliearS a mtnddchrh r'ay wit _ M.erd _s. M . and-n.,Bw, 'calie.wes compm d- y the U, 1 evOANT n guc wtAN Mr Cadmus, ar'd a. e.h.u.... . f lckstnk, n Lîndsa on Satu; a', -n laatar ees no.strns...LARr% Týo berU i1teaît1cetnc anund Mn, and Mn. Vini M l n, et .a.. lIe Mss :Laa cet:d pôben . Ths yec , F MiYS i'; 1OST a.SUi.Lu ,7 et ho-(ati ntre a.a oorM. ::Rae Mal Geong Bnwens werc: Mn, and snow'. - :Mr ad rs L Pek ndMr. imStrk deughters, Mn. W., ojm an bis 80.h.blr.hdaî. [ns Ra"ph Bowens and boys Folliuwing 1bewtbanquet Daie Getud)aiWod n ndM ., Rec Maieaum. Vina and girls, . Nesîletan. abhcamc iavôlvcd ha this sac-ý, gradciina ad angrIl Mlî, M. anairad n.Gerg Dnnra O Wdnsdy itnnon