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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1972, p. 8

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9The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 17, 1972J I la FLASHBACK - 25 Vears Ago v ille^ No. 964, Canadian Order of F. Blackburn presiding. Plans (Mens Section) were complet P renident, H. Hamm; Treasurer M'vanagers: F. Blackburn, Rovers Cal Braun, Quakers and Cecil Volleybaàll will also be operate( supervision of Bro. Bill Morris( t t t t FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago the Courtice Gymnasium on F times the Gym Team memb. landing in a spectator's lap dui Team menibers were David PrakkenP, Gary Hanewich, 1 John Aas Tom Veitch, Gai stra, Ed. Iianewich, Gary JefJ John P>aker, GeraId Marsh, Larry LeBlanc, John Hancoci CELEBRITIE S - Garney Hen] wîll represent the Hamilton Tig awa Sports Celebrity dinner, Mý Auiditorium, Oshawa. Henley, in the Cats, has been named Canai nine consecutive times, as wel player in 1963. In the off seasoi UJniversity of Guelph basketball ed by Hamilton last year, was n eastern linebacker in 1971. Pu: th-e guest of honor. t t t t CLAREIIIGH SCIHOOL - lOt-h took the tri-sehool mei straight time. They had thei meet with Courtice and Bown lations to Clarke, the teacher t t t t AL FLYING DUTCHMAN available to those interested in tl a very reasonable rate. For'infor >1 t t t t Mal;cDONALI) FORDSTERS M1acDlonald Ford Sales, were tii, Town and Country Hocke- the fifth and deciding game ii Ali-S'ýeaso-ns Sports. League' Braspresented the Archie Trophy to Captain Phil Loti Aldred, sion of the late Arci B3ennlett represented the spot t t t t BOWMN VLLELEGIlONNI 56 captired t'he Ail Ontario Ji Chamionsipdefeating the i Tremiendouls crowdis turnied o1 ing gaes, ad at the homle opff s hle Leg-ion PVipe Band numbw1ers, M'emnbers of the teni Vinice Van-stone, goal, rZay Ba;rr'y Cowl,7ing, Jim jClarke, d captlain; MorleyRihr, Va irey, Bill Col e, Ga ry 'Lanle, Kennrett, John Osbornle, Pauli Son Masters, coach, anldethe la ag-er. We are grateful to Jin the time to do"ithe r'esearch 0 grouind marki11 gs w',hieh rmight aeilphnmna. i1ýThinform a Cana1ýda wie sudyAmid ev t t nt I NE COLF CLUBè - Memb1l (Golf âand Curling wvill meel Coborg Cub t disussang the malgmatin with the I the two clubs do join force! golf corseisepceto cos pl'ký ans au or asimn o as e1! as ail the fcliisof cu.The ousewill be a f sli laoutwith yairda-ge 6,153 foi- the ades MAY US.. OPEPl ÀcI A On Bowr ireld Tl- rame thes maki Court Bowman- r Most Foresters, met with there >for the bail season - -numi ed, Executive are: - ,ota r, Bill Bragg; Team x:659 i H.HamFler;Young Hockey'Players From Three Teams Receive Trophies At Banquet Tec Lockwood, Millers.ic ýd ýand is under the " ;on. l oi- So packed was ~ '~t riday that several ers came close to ......O ring their display. hono. Bayne Fotapchuk, ry Neil, Bd. Spoel- at fries, Bob Cooper, Bill Warburton, hr k and Bill Bobbie. Iey and Mike Blunm, ger Cats at the Osh- L is l3th season with rn tdian Ah-Star phayer it as the most valuable Cil ,n he is coach of the ni team. Blum, acquir- He amed to the Ail-Star- ne Imlach wilh beNin On. Saturday evening at the Centenilall 1, Quicen S treet, "Rocky" Willoughby is the next player and is inchuded in this phoo W( tBowmianvile Hockey Association entertained miembers of the M\idget, because he won the most vahuable plyaer award hast year but wasinh Wednesday, May Juvenile a.nd Junior "C" hockey teamis and presenited special awards unable to be present to receive it. For the Junior "C's", Rick Shackle- ýet for the fourth to the outstanding members. The trophy winners are pictured hère ton and Max Johnson were tied with the most points and shared the most points in the with the donors standing at rear. -Front row, lef t to right, Paul For- Phil Vowles trophy, but Max was also judged the most valuable nanville, Congratu- sey with the MeGregor Drug trophy for scoring the most points and player and won the Mike Puk trophy. At the right end, Darreli Hunt 's and students. Randy Thiele with the Paul Martin memorial trophy for the most won the Devitt trophy for being the most loyal and dedieated mem- valuable player on the Midgets, Handy Allun with the St. Mary's ber of the team. Standing at rear, from the left, Don MeGreg1àor, Mrs. t Cement trophy for most points and Laurie Gay with the Septo-Clean and Mr. Jim Martin, Ken Mackenzie, Ah Pelladeaux, Phil Vowles -bas tennis courts trophy for, being the most vahuable phayer on the Juveniles. Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devitt. ;he game of tennis, at rmation cail 623-3373. i -n theirî final tune-up prior to~ t adies, M ajor League Bow11ng Champs Mondaysmatchi, tis S:tur- - sonsredbysasoinFat home on Monday, the champions of.whnheepoie saa y Legue winin .~Legionaîre Seniors drop in! in overtime agis a for a 2 p.m. encouniter. President Bryce On Sunday, May 28th, Se-~ Aldred Memorial per Creek hs again the setting ng and coach Jim for a doublehleader with Pet- îie îdre. Autinerborough the visitors. isorat te prsen-This season, any Eleetron} or any Locke TV batter who wý t ,.h its a grand slamn will re- i ceive a made-to-measure suit,~ AIRE of 955 compliments of Ken's Men' iiveile B" hcke Wear, and a free tank of Ningham Mohawks. , Super Sheli, compliments of; performled several ie i4& in] wret as follows: U~.Orono W atr "Witey" Preston, e e efence; Bob Fairey, ' Safety Elecis John Mason, Ted Tomi Gould, Harold Herbert, forwards;i97 Oficr ate Al Clarke, man- The Oronoe Water Safety iClarke who took î Swîmmlng Club held its an-1 ,n this item. nual meeting on May AthIl t ~Displaying their trophies for championsbip in the Dore Mutton, Darla Lowery, Onie Etcher, Mary te rnoHdoB ing Ladies' Major Bowling League are: Brenda Wikin:., Hender. on and Jean Hlarness. te on eonyd re seldnt. on tlhe sýightîing of un- 7-- __ol 1 esn peeA ces, orunpaie Kendal Eagles Play Oshawa and Byron Holmes are, re- The Club elected their offi -_ be ehtedtoacual. . ~turnees. teresumm te ear tarr on e h eaeit tal E 4cr ni PayPort H p n' pnrManager Ferguson aise wilhel umr rgano ae ain will be kus 'edinLecrsrayH p in pe r have numerous new faces to safety and swimmingclse tuafiti for eventual complement the old guard and at the Orono Park. .ty will be respected'. poiioesadded d eptheat moîtTis programn, as,'n former LIMU'us,ý P0 By, % â,qs % Acorners remain a mystery and years. will be ireld ever. JMUUS, .O.Bo e uii~CIu i iris- suggest you drop down for morning during tire montir of 1~ te Eectons'hom clsirAugust for ail groups, Mns, i.A. î. lt te capabl he Pr lahi iley Reynolds of Hampton erýs Of thet obourg ex î io d v0% rf O O lrowd, on the holiday Mon- îstrct in cag h 1N % i Al-eu d r.,Làr A f ter lal % %Ê 11 day, beginning at 2 p.m. 'We have irad a sneak pre- Mrs. Je Barlow presented port Hope club. If programn and we're very im- which was voted into office ýs file new 189 ol L IJ i eî U d j pressed. President G e o r g e by tire meeting. Tire officers st in illeVicirlity f -dh M m e in in ,IKeILnU, Sainsbury,, lus executive and are as olw:MsBey 7 dîrectors have produced a Clark, president; Mns. Darla .,0.Telong terni by jii 4CLek year-', e ntyoto top shape Akey, Larry Piper, R;a y Co!irbook that thre fans of the Lowery, secretary; Mrn. Ruth oi and t'enis5 couirts TheLokeTVElE"ctronis for v7hat ,.-hould be a very hie (following an excellenItElectronis hould eiijoy. Many Grady, treesurer, n.Mte ful clecpnry ll ushr iii0roir 1972 E.O. compe tîïtive, six -team, 28- '1cmeg) e el,thkiotemhat hoGodMn oa rd., Mel. a fuli "(»;ý1eA. Senior IntermTdiatesea- came schidu lie heElectrons 7 e e el, k etemecat h odMs enAd r. ~~~~36~~~~~~ yadcapo-sonx odyatron etrdli esnshm George Sainsbury.' Guy Parks. made it possible tirrougir Sandra Hudson, Mes. Joanne1 Doafiucr"Barnl Pttioi upor.Hutton and Mns. Carol B61-1 ;0 for mien an;580 Getsopn Creek ar, against opener, by a 5-:3 margin over 'e1y AciýCrsyTeEcto wlhaon detr. ther Port H4ope Flýyers, at 2 Port Hope. ely Aci" CoscTeEetoswVlhv odrcos p__1 Maly of 4ha t ye-ar'sclub Maae Cliint Forguson will agein be seeýing plenty of and oacre.Ted "Baldy" duity tis summer, with tireirCo m have een wrippng ths Felows ike Gry "awk".cial H okey L a u Honan Gnea"Jones expenience a vlal assaI o m ee q % side ovpthnComerialgettogthe wa theabsnceoutLlod Hmilona tîce Leage Hkeybanqet eldof mny f tc plyar Dc preiou winer Tlire MGe Drugs Midg- A presentetion for bcyond wIfe Larry Chant ditire ITe folowing wene voted p onenene tsreeieda standing ova- çall of duty effort by tire horions for tire Stepiren Fuels in as tire 1972-73 Executive:ý cov nec to rmtr etoftr em uir"C aaeet oscoring hardware. President John Fowler, Past tionfvo-n lipres oftheteas Jnio "C Maageent toBrien Bradley of Brooks' President Larry Cirant. Vicee and ax(cdutive for nepresent- Gary We]ker, bus driver enci an-W vnrude OutbowdMotoe& Suportest was tire winner of President 'Larry Perris, ýSec- fineg Boanville s0 woil in tramner of tire Junior "C".tie etDeecmnar.rtryTeserGyAky tiroir quet foi, tire- All-Ontario Bob Colwell in iis closing th es efnemI'f' reay-rasrr ay ky *x S * tMiget "A" cro'wn. nemenks reminded Bveyoe K D r8 Brian also walked off with and Sttsiini lne 1 Tire MeGý(regor Deug Tropiry tiret tire hockey season will be similar hop-ors for bis Town Past President (70-71) Ted peeneiby'ý Donald Me- stating agaîn in four montre. SALES & SERVICE Leegule play., Prevîous wiu. Fairrey landieci the eleetion, G gnfor higiret scorer onIThins ended a very enjoyahle niers of tire Commercial Leaý- proceepdingiz. tire Micget club went to Paul evening and it le5 hoped ttirt "We Service What We Sell' gue'i top defencemnan trophy Only irf-n ena rne rs oà Fi1e.when tire puck is dnoppod Poe6358 have heen George Brown and Mutton- ftlle winniing teami Tire Peul11\1trtin Trorhy. apain for another spaison vou ' irrî en o s' er' 'aniu oresenfed bv'Vr M'rtsrforl viiil be lope r-i.ont yingail tir" Z91King t. E., Bowmanjîie h t iF' nik il ryson outfît. Sainsir_ Ithe Most Valuable Phayer orn action of ea ew season. honore went to Joe Balson Marjernl.eon 4nd Chiant, y I1~ rowd AImost Wons dt Men's Field Day in Saturdey, May 13, tire and i's juat as happy ho didn't mennville Country Club got a boblu i one as witir a Jtire Men's Opening Field. crowd o-f tiret sîze, free drinks Sweatirer co-operated andi on mim would irave been ie up witi tire boit day ni migirty costly. spring andi contnibuting ICi Following are lire top win- iîngtire day, eccording to ners, eh tceam peizas (4 mon ýBob Burrows one of tire toams): ist Stan Marchent, 3t successful to ireirelc Gi-o. McKnigirt, Tom Forestail, e andi witirtire les geit Lloyd Harmer. Net 56- 16 nber oi entnies ever. A undier par. il of 119 playere teed Off, 2nd, 3 teams tied' Geo. Top- n tire morning draw and ping, Jack Wiley, Ted Whrite- in tire aitarnoon.. ly, John Adams. Joe Nowlen, led Huer cerne witin an Colin Cooke, Bob Gallagirer, cof tire hme on the 3rd Lerry Ostrom. Ted Hoar,, H-oward Ormiston, Bob Mer- iton Twirling -loLryCiet___ indas Resuits II >a Seturday, May 6tir, tirese ig twsiers neturnod with ions fnorn a competition 4LTF04rg~?. din Dundes, Ontario. AR6UKe éaron Farrow, 9-10 yrs e. ,Aý0; eanced Claîs, won tire Open >rA8Or$ one Jubileè Sweetireert mrooi 1T# mpionsirip. Sharon won o/ET -d place, hon finit time out 3olo Parade Maiorette Corn- W/1( TIEiY tion. Her other awards aire 4iE /#A rdin Adivancedi Solo and F irti Adivancedi T Strut. 'atiry Blake 13-14 yns. Ad- eci Class, won fourtir place te Open Easten Jubileej mcess Champion ship and hin irer Adivancedi T Strut. indy Robinsoin 9-10 ys sonfrt place in Ad- leether MeInnes 13-14 yrs1S H LL Shi vice Clasi, won iti place ý She Novice Solo and fuir îJ i Service vice Basic Strut. i Vendy Ferguson 11-12 yrs. 10KN vice Clasi, won second place10KIGE her Novice, Basic Strut. BOWMANVILLE GET CASH TODAT PHONE 623-5662 SFATROUM A Don MeLachlan - Don Plain CLASSIFXEDS ___________ ONLY 50c ADMISSION TO THE NEXT e'BIG" KINSMEN SUPER CA%,R BI1N GO01 to ble held in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL ÇENTRE SATURD-AYMAY 120 $9,100 in PRIZE MONEYF INCLUDING FULL CARD GAME FOR $300.00 SPECIAL 20 Big 3pci Z > $600 game Reglar ae $150 Botom 1Hne Gaesamet $150. Top Line et $50,00 ea. $150,0 $300 Full Card each BOAT - MOTOR - TRAILER -4)0 HP Electrir Mercurfy Motor l4"'deep PRunabottBoalt 900 lb. Tilt Trair f roni Paris Marine -lake.field wy Ail this or $,0 Cash BRAND NEW 1972 HOLIDAY FORD "TORINO" or $2,000 Cash Early Bird "Share the Wealth" Gaines start at 7:10 p.m, BUSES AT THE DOOR KirxmFii nEUREMU THE BEST 0F OUR "Go odwi I " USED CARS 1971 BUICK OPEL 2-DR.-SPORTS CAR Brand new, 4-cyl. overhead cam,' 4-speed tran-- mission, radio, rear speaker. S5 Rally Gold with matching trim. Serial No. 772304735 71 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DR. HARDTOP Finished in Aquarius Green, with rîch black vinyl top. V-8, A.T., double power, radio, white wall tires, dises, rear defogger. Lie. 3952A 71 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automatie transmission, double power, radio, white wall tires, dises, etc. Finished în Castillian Bronze with iight brown vinyl top. Lie. 68592A 70 CHEV 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., automatic transmission, radio, white wall tires, dises. Only 35,000 miles, Locally owned. Don't miss this one. Lic. 742443A 70 CHiEVELLE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatie transmission, power steering, radio, white wall tires, dises. Finished in Sherwood Green with spotless matching trim, Lie. 70537A 69 BUICK SPORTSWAGON V-8, automatic transmission, double power, radio, white wall tires, dises, roof rack. Forest Green with wood panelling sides, Lic. X54110 69 CADILLAC ELDlORADO 2-DR. HARDTOP Executive driven, Ti ïs is a real luxury automobile, includes air cniinn.L i-c,69580A 68 PONTIAC LAURE NTI AN 2-DR, SEDAN V-8, automatie transmnïissin, double power, radio, white wall tires, disess Sold and serviced by us since new. Lic. 72079A 67 RAMBLER 990 STATION WAGON V-8, automatic transmission, double power, radio, white wall tires, dises, roof rack. Local, one owner station wagon. Lic.ý X53404 1968 INTERNATIONAL 1600 SERIES 26,000 C.V.W. cab and chassis, 345 V-8, 5-speed transmission, 2-speed rear axie. Lie. 88274B 63 CHEV 11 ,TON PIC$KUP 6 cyl., standard transmission, goodtransportation. Handyman's special. As is' 39900, Lie. 43675V ---------------'- - J Convenient GMAC Financing j! . .. . . .. . ... . .. . î * 166 KIING ST. E. 623-.3396 President: Tom Cowan Sales Manager: Stew Preston Salesnien: WeIdo'î Rtrowt, Ray Laîlihangue, EarI MeQueen i

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