g ,clu-b ,21 had a very su ce fui b Mar M. Lloyd Asil- ton won the draw on the iot quilt. The amount cleared,i $127. Don't forget the Bowl- mng Night, May 27ti. You are asked to meet at the Centrée at 7:30 o'clock. Mi. and Mrs. W. Bovinani and Eric, Eiiniekillen Mixr. .Bruce Bowman, London, Mr. Mil ton Tambly n, Mrs. Mar- guerite Trevail, Mrs. Helen Lick Oshawva, were Sunday v isitors at 1\r. and Mrs. Lloydý Mr. Delbert Potts, Renfrew,î Spenit the holiday at hie home., Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ashton, Toronto, spent the weekendlI at their cottage. Mr. and Mfrs. Fred Ashtioni returned home on Saturday,I having spent the %vinter i F lorida. Mr, Michael Strenge, Scir- borough, spent the weekend with the Rose Ashton family.1 Mrs. Gordon Dudley and Neil. Burlington, are holiday- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read. Mr., and Min, Bruce Gar-~ rard and Timmy, Keswick, I visIted hie parents, Mr. and M\rs. C, Garrard, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thunmu- son, Mr. and Mrs. Donaldl Thompson, of Bo,,wmanville,I were Sunday visitors of 'Mrs. A. Thompson. ' Mr. Terry Thompson, ý'1rj onto, spent the weekend wÏih lis grandmother, Mrs. A.,. Thompeon. Mr. and Mns. Arthur Tre-1 win attended the Avery-1 hiorrison wedding at Sonyai on Saturday. Mr. Çharlie Garrard' camel home from hospital on Wed- nesday.j M\1. Jack Fotte le a patient' 1,n the Port Perry Hosiftal end was operated on Thurs-1 day7, He Ie wishied a speedy! zecovery.I Mr, Glen Ashton spent the treekend camping ai Algon- I cýUIn Park.' Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Carol, Dale and Neil werel çSunday supper guests' of Mr.ý anI-d Mre. Doug' Blackburrnl Wýýhitby. Several from Haî don at.-ý fended the Ennîskllen S. S. Sunday service and supper on i the holiday. PONTYPOOL Mies Jil Discoîl and 'Mis.! Jenny Barter graduated as registered Nursing Assistants ±r-om Rose Memnorial Hospital,I Lindsay, last Frlday after- noon. Jîli has now a positioni In t Zî. Joseph's Hospital, Pet-I eroogand' following a1 two weeký holiday wlth rela-ý tives ri winnlpeg and area,ý m. Barter wîll be on the, staff at Rose Memorial ilospi- j tai. \ns, Grsce Fallîs. Brent! ýand Gerry wvere vî 'sitors to Toùronto on Saturday. Recent visitons with Mis. Hf. Ilusk and Mnf. and Mrs. R. nu£k were MnI. and Mrs, Levi lMGîll, Reather and Stephen of Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. I'redl Rusk and Tony of Peter- botough, Mise Joan Nicholîs, Toronto, Leonard Van Teas-, dale, R.C.A.F. Downsview, pnd Miss Jane Pallie, Toronto. Mrs. I. Rusk attended a meeting of the Diabetie Assoc. In Peterboroughi on Wednes- day. Severa] memibers of the '-iSutelu, VanDam, and Faiti famiîlies attended 'the funeral in Sherkston lasi Wednesdayl of the laie Joe Parkas, a long- tim-e fanily friend.1 Mn12' . and Mrs. Laverne Chap- mnan were shocked on theî rretrn home tram the Sttl vin the weekend to find ta their station wagon had been gutted by fïne while thepi u were absent. Mirs. Lloyd Pallie had the ieforunte to, have the reari of her car smashed m last Sunday. A fte r attendîng .-hurch she was about tu make alett-harid turn itoDavid :Preston's, when a car struck Èhe Pallie vehlee rom lbc- hînd, Portunately tiiene we io injuries. lfr. and Mrs. Earl IWigl:t et-ýtended the funeral of a tur ing to Stutig art, West Germar.y, on Fniday. She hias' been a guest of her î siser Erika ai G. and E. Grocen. Wayne Mitchell, who a been employed in the Brook-I ville area, hias been trans-1 ferýred to Perth. Mns. Prank Ashby w as ib- tesrecently for a mniecellan-1 t-ous shower for Miss Lindal Youngman, a June bride-ta-1 Dean Fisk lias successfully pa--ssed bis fîrst year in Scl- ence ai Guelph U nîversîty '-nd is currently employed ai1 D t.of Prets rono. MVies Peggy Storc1"y of O tawa \vas a vbitor a-i tu Gerald Pisk home nrfor th wýveekend. tUiT St