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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1972, p. 4

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The Canadian Statesynan, Eowmnanville, May 24, 1972 EDI'TORIALCOMN Back To Six-Day A rember of the Government has finaily admtted what the rest of us knew ahl along- that our mail service must be improved. In a talk to la Van- couver audience, Postimaster-General Jean-Pierre Cote acknowledged that re- duction in mail del iveries from, six to five days a week "seems bo have creat- ed delays in mail deliveries on Mondays, Tuesdays and even Wednesdays". Demonstraling that hie does not bring a closed mn d tbhis duties, MVr. Côte - despite sonie qualifications -- iritimated that there is a good prospect that Saturday mail delivery may be re- sumred, 'This is the first open admission that reduction In. the, mail service has irnpaired Post Office efficiency and that the move was a false economy. In short, the retrogressive scheme has not work- ed, says The Smiths Falls Record- News. Noonue can cavil with government efforts to reduce costs- in such circles, il is a rallier niovel idea. But when the attempt precipilales an unreasonable drop in service - parlicularly such an essential service as the mails- and, worse stili, when gravely reduced ser- vice is accompanied by increased cost Some Laws The çontinuing deveiopmenl of any sociiety is sharply reflecled i. the laws il passes ta con trol whal, at any given trne, is considered by the majority bo be uidesirable. Il is only in the more enlightened and experienced countries that true niaturily i. law-making be- cornes evident. One of the basics in legislation, says The Winghamn Advance-Times, is Ihat there is neyer any point i. creating leg- isiatio-n-which cannot be enforced. Per- haps the ciassic exapinle of this s ort of error was during the prohibition era in the United States (and to a lesser degree In Canada). Despite the most stringent regulations, it was proven beyond doubt that no laws on earlh can prevent peo- pie consuming alcohol if they wish bo do so. Not only were the laws consist- ently broken, but lhey created such a lucrative demand for "boolleg" booze thal higbily organized crime syndicales in the U.S. were born and have been thriving ever since on whatever sort of prey lhecy co uld Eind. Test cases are presentiy i. the courts in several Ontario communities where "strip lease" shows were opened. Very naturally many elements in our society object bo anydisplay of unclad f emale flesh, Il offends a strict moral code and is frequenlly viewed:as a fore- runner of doom which ýspelled the end Sense to the citizen as both taxpayer anid Post Office customer, then some other area of expense-cutting must be explored. It wouid be consoling to lhink that the deterioration in service had been ac- companied byan unalloyed decrease in outiay by the Post Office. But this was not the case. In seven years productiv- ity cropped by 12.5 per cent, despite better working conditions and ;an 80 per cent increase i. postal workers' salaries. Hence, as Mr. Cote admitted, "to coin- pensate for this drop in prnrluctivity, we had to hire more people. This rep- resents an additional expenditure of nearly $17 million a year." The provision of adequate service i. ail probability will. demand more heip. But far better Ihat more men be put to work improving a vital service than that millions be spent finding non- productive jobs for'thein i-n so-called innovative programmes that have little purpose other than keepig thein off welfare rolls. Il neyer did make sense to cut postal jobs and fatten make-work experiments at the same lime. Inthie meantime, hats off to Mr. Cote for acknowledging a need and moving to- ward filling it. Are Useless of the Roman Empire 1500 years ago. And these moralists may be right. Our o nly contention is that laws which forbid strip joints wiIl have no effect whatcver on the total amour't of ski. which can be seen if a significant percentage of the maie population hap-. pens to enjoy Ihal sort of recreation. The only consequence will be higher prices of, admission and a littie more difficuity in finding the addresses. .1Moral standards have neyer yet been enforced by law. They are incul- cated in humans at a very early age and the extent of "imnmoraiity" in any society is to a very large degree depen- dent on the cultural background of ils people, In changing limes like our own, parents are less sure of the meaning of moralîty. They do know thal many of the "sîns" of yesleryear, like playing cards and dancing, have been accepted as social acts only, without valid moral connotations. In recent discussion xvth a traffic expert he admitled Ihat there is abso- lutely no sense in placing a3-mlan hour speedlimit in a zone where the average driver sees noi need for such a restriction. Unless there are policemen behind every bush, lraffic will move at the speed indicated by the, apparent hazards or lack of lhem. Most of our laws work out in exactly the same way. CIJRBING PYRAMID SALES Recenbly in respanse la an ad aller- Ing' part-lime empînyment, a m an' at- tendcd a "sales opportuniby meeting" aI wlhich be vas persuaded ta invesl $800 for the right ta ccli plastic discount cards ta the public, A large bonus was oflered if lic recruited additional in- vestors. Wîtl'in a few days, be rcaiized t1iat bbe pioduct had seriaus limitations, and endeavored la cancel bis conîract, but couldn'b Sucb schemes known as nuitî seliîng. are in general of bwo types, namcly pyramîd and referral sales. Pyramid seiling/methods are those which involve bthe cale of distributar- slips ta orin a network aI ditributors for marketing a particumar praduct. Under bbc relerral seiling meîbod tbe salesm an pro-mises price reductions or bargains ta bihe buyer who provîdes naines leading ta addiional cales. The probienis and abuse resultîin- from referral echemes include the fl- lawîng: (a) A lack nf responsibiity an. tbc part of thec-principal seller, wha isnont boun1i1d ta fllow mp bhc leads suppiied by bbc buyer, wba depcmds on tien la get a f air price. (b) There is nc legai reiatiansiip bebween bbc seller and bbc maniufac- turer leavlmng bbc buyer without a quaiity guaramice. (c) Free gilîs are oflen promiced, but seldan materialize. (d) A disguising cf bbc tact liaI a fin- ance company is involved is comman. (e) Inflaled sales conîracis allen mas- querade as profit siarinrg sciemes. 1Legislabion inlroduc(ed a Iew days Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMES EDITOII-PUaaîISHER aga by bbc Honorable Eric Wimklcr, Minic'ter af Consumer and Comniercial Relations, bans relerral sales and pro- vides strict conîrols far pyramid ccell- ing birnugil distributnrships. Bill 038 an Act la contrai pyramid inctbods for tic distribution and cale af commodities bas bbc lollowing provis- ians: 1. No persen shahl engage in a pyramid scieme unies be files a pros- pectus dcscribing lie scieme with lie Registrar and receives a certificate ol. acceptance. 2. Amy change in lie scieme muet le appraved by lie Registrar. 3. Tic Registrar bas lie power ta suspend a cerilicate aller giving rea- sons for the suspension. 4. Wibbin tie lirsî six mncuis cf tic agreemen-l bebwcen himsel and tie prornoted, bie investor may witbdraw froin bic scieme by wriîen -notice and must le relurided aI least 75 per cent af bis invesîment. 5. Tic promoter must keep a reg- isbry ofaI ahinvestors. accessible ta bbe public, and miust file an audîbed annual 6. Tic 'Regstrar bas the power ta insp(ct and bic powcr ta arder an in- vestigation. Every percon, who contravenes amy provision allihe Act, is hiable ta a fine af $5000. or impriconnent aI one year or bath. In the case aI a corporation tic maximum penalty is $100,000. Governmemts may legisiale fa pro- tedt tic individuel, but in bbc final enalysis biere is no substilule for a carelul consumer. If you bave any doubîs, don't sign. Durham Couni y's Great Faiyjournal Est ablished 118 years aqo in 1854 Also Incorparating The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent, The Orono News Second class mail regiatrabioxn number 1561 Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMESPUBLISH1NG COMPANY LIMITED 62 - 66 King St. W., Bawmanviile, Ontario GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULD j BUSINESS MGR. SALES MANAGER h t Plane 623-3303 DONALD BISI-O? PLANT MGR. MacDuff Report Turner'S..Budget John Turner, wheu lie was offered tle post cf Finance Mînîster liy Prime Mînister Pierre Trudeau, realized fIat if lie took flic job lic was p]acing in jeopaîrdy hie gambie te evenlualiy achieve flic ton office in tlie Gov- ernmcnt. More than one ambilieus politician wîlli hisecye focusscd on flic post of Prime Minieter have scen il slip ouI t ofliir grasp as tliey took on tlie foîîgl job of Finance Min, ieter. Only two finance ministers in recent years wlio mighf lave made flic switcli frorn finance 10 tle office cf Prin,ýe Minister were flic late Rt. Hon., James L. Ilslcy and Mr. Justice Doug- las Albot. Bolli men left île politicai field withiOut makimg a runt for fthc Lili cral leadership. Scores cf allier. Federal1 Ministers of Finance vwl1 would have lîked b niake A bid for tle office ot Prime Minister have seen tlih& popularity fade as tlicy lirouglit down flicir budgets. Lcvying lieavy tax loads le mot calculaled fa make a man popular witli lis fellow voters. Consequently il was wîtî sorne degree of concernfia-t Mr. Turner finally acceptcd the joli cf Finance Minister froin Mr. Trudeau. Tîcre were Iliose in flic Liberal camp wlio were îoping Mr. Turner would cventualiy succecd Mr. Trudeau as leader wlio warned hlm lIat le was endangering lis whole politicai career. He knew lIaI but lie could mot place hlmsecf in tle -position cf lavîng turned clown the job. Mr. Turner bas now brouglit in lis first budget, Il was a good budget, well fleught out and executed. Sugar By A CANDLE TO LIGHT THE WAY Well, you can stop -holding your breati. Tie iiggest tbîng since, bbc building, nf bhc pyraniids, in the opin- ion nf somne people is accomplisied. Our daugiler is marricd. And off aur bands aI ter 21 gruelling yearc, Il says bere. I hope.lbcre's saine ancient saying like: "Starmy wcdding day, sunny marriage"I Kot Ibat there was anybhing slormy about bbc wedding ilselI. Il was posi- tiveiy seraphic, and came people were- smiling wibh sheer deight for bbc lirst lime in yearc. But bbc weatber vas cometbing cisc, The day before ~was sunny and ctli. Thc day afler was bbc came. The wedding day wac bbc worst rotten day cf a long, j'otfen cpring. Driving ramn and bone-cbulling wind. I 1know. I was there, Outinii it, do- inig ail the lasI minute dhores: ice cubes, creain for bbecocalIe, sinokes, mix, dry- cleaners, etc. I bave neiller a bal nor a raincoat and 1 couldn't find my wife's umbreila, sa 1 was coakcd la bbc skin Iroin bbc navel bIth ways. However, I mustn't complaîi, everu, Ihougli I have my first bad coid for blirce ycars. Il was KIM'S DAY, as everyone kepi beiiing me for about aý monfli, and wiat malter il ber dear aid Dad has double pneumonia. Samehow, as if so cftc. bappens, cverytbing bell into place. Hcr nid lady taiked ber way cul of bhc hospital, then wcnl Ilire coud days and niglits with- cul ONE WINK of sleep. She was so nervous and exbaustcd sde was positive sbe'd bave tb bake tb ber bcd befare tic ceremony. But Iroin that subter- ranean deptb wbicb mosl nf us don'l passsIc not only made il, but came tbrougi with'flying colors. The rug-clc.aning mari had Icen here and everytbing was spotless. This wa- , Iccause evcrybedy would have mudidy feed. But il was gond, because cver ybody wipcd blîir feet or took off tbeIr boots. A gang oI boys bad arrived bbc day before ta rake mrp the lawn. This was gond. But il wac bad because everybody was co wcttlao ntice. Firsi arrivai was SbeiIy, an itiner- ant young acbor, one of the men Kim lad.,sbarcd ber aparîment witb al year. No, be was mot bbc bridegronin. This was bad,, because Kim was ctlii talking and laugbing with lin, in jeans and T-shirt, with one bour ta go before bbc ceremcmy. But Ibis was go od, le- cause Sbciby is a great mixer, and laler on, wben wc ran noul cf mix, be wenb nul and gel came, NexI guests wcre bwc drenched urchim3 w7ho bad hitch-liiked bîrnugli bhc torre.,nt corne 65 Éhues. Soaked riglit bbrougb. I didn't what tg do wilh il lias added'te hie presfige. Patientiy Mr. Turner lied been waiting for tle Prime Minister 10 announce flic date of flic generel election. "When il became obvious that the Prime Minister was procrastineting, Mr. Turner apparcntly decidcd thet to lic a responsilile Minister Mf Finance, le sîould briog down a budget flues spring- a year afler île last budget. Accerdingly lie informeci tle Cabinet of hie wlsli 10 preceed with a budget cariy in May. Whem lie was nof discouragcd by Prime Min- jeter Trudeau he assurncd bliere wouid le no June elcc- tien and proceeded witl hie plans. But witli a genciai dcec- tien hanging ever hie liead Mr. Turner li efc difficuit task of liringing' down a budget fIat would not brand hîm as an ireponsibie Min- jter cutting taxes in a move a' and Bih Spice,' BiSmiley Ibein. Son Hugli, al the way f rom MVont- real for the, day, provided a solution Ihat no middle-aged square wouid have thought of. He tank Ihern downstairs, bad thein take off theiît jeans and threw Ibein, (bbc jeans, not thbe kids), in tbe dryer. Then bath front and back doorbdls started ta ring like a five-alarin fire, and yours truly, the only anc dressed, sprinted back and forth, accepting gifl- wrapped parcels froin litîle boys and delivery men, hanging up dripping coals, and brying ta introduce perfect strangers tl a cdother. Chaos. 1 But 'chaos oflen works better than logistice. This was bo be a Baha'i cere- meny. The bride and groom, with their typical acumen, had nal even decidcd an the order of the ceremaony, and were - well, not squabbiing, but arguing - until the moment of rutb., Kim hisscd at me, "Dad, you Say aur prayer afler Marlene. ThaI's ail you have ta remember." And that's about al 1 did remember. There is an nid cliche: "The bride was beautiful in a . . ." Weii, IPm here ta bell you liaI bic bride WAS beauti- fui, in a long, svelte, borrowed dress that lnaked as Ihougli she had stepped nut nf a Botticceli paintinig, long auburn hair, huge brown eyes and infinite youth. The groom looked pretly good, toe, but hie f aller can write bis own coiumn about that. Mosl weddings are like funerals. This wasn't. There were prayers, short, Mine, perbaps subconsciously, was a General Thanksgiving froin the Bock of Cammon Prayer. Chapin's mazurkas ripplcd quictly in bhc backgraund. Bro- ther Hugh sang a haunting song in Frenchi and Engiieli. Then came bbc mcclt dramatic and poignant part aI the cercmony. Tapers were highbed, witbout anc ember drop- ping on bhc rug. A ingle candie was lit f rom 11cm. TIc bride and groom faced ecdi aller, eye la eye, and made their personal oabbc (not repeatiug something aI 1er a minister). Tbey had kept secret Irom cach other wbat lhey were going ta Say. Sbeiby kîssed bbc rings, put theni on bbc appropriete fingers. The couple kissed. Four beaubiful nieces ecd brougbt anc white rose la bbc bride. And il was aver. I tbink il was simple, spiritual and joyous. If 1 ever gel married again, God farbid, I'M going ta have a Baba'i cere- mony. I lbink my daughter said goodbye., I rememober a kiss on bbechceek, a defi band exbracting fram my pockcl bbc promised cbeqnue, and my son-în-la\v going dawn ta ibe basement to pick up the double sleepine bag I'd bouglit in case nnbody cisc did. Now, iow about sorne grandcbiid- to win votes. He decided againet an acrose-the-board personal income tax, whicl would have been a popular etep. Howcver. Mr. Turner seid lie assessed the econemic situation and decided that in order to gct the economy rolling any lix culs should lie made in the field of in- duslry rather than for in- dividual taxpayers. It wae a brave decision and as Mr. Turner said in advance, it xwes part of patcrning a "responsible" lbudget. As hie cxpleined il the Canadien people wanted a budget thal was econom- ,icelly responsible and yet recognized some cf the lu- man problems. That is what, he souglit to brin g down and lie succeedcd. In provîding for pensions cf fhe eged 10 risc willi fli cosl cf living hie tried ta, prolect the senior cîlizens, thc biind end disaliled from. the impact cf inflation. Later flic Minister cx- plained thet in hie view.,the amount cf disposable income available t0 Canadians was sufficient to continue a slrong dcmnand for gonds and services. The prolim in flic economy was mot de- mand. The' difficulty is flat Canadians have been buying a lot of importe, Mir. Turner said flic p'ob- 1cm in flic cconomy is thc compctitivcncss of our man- ufacturing and processing elements. Accordingly he moved 10 provide fax culs as incentives for Ihose in- dustries. There were no lax culs for the hard-prcssed middlc in- cerne Canadian wlo je now bearing thc brunI of tle fax load. However Mr. Turner hopes and is confident fIat flic b axpayer beering the licavy burden Ioda3T 1Will rèaliZe that by aiming et produr- ing more jobs liy lie budget moves flic Finance Minister in the long run will lie lelp- ing the middle income fax- payer. Wliat's good for the cconorn y is good for flic tax- payer. There le corne doulit fIat flic average taxpayer who has just paid hie latest con- 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO Speaking of unusual eggs, the junior apprenlice aI ,Thie Statesman, Lloyd Win- acott, takes the record to date, for one of the family flock laid an oulsize speci- men that mcasured 71/2" in circumfcrence by 81/2" pole measurement. It looks like a triple yolkcr and weigls juet over 6 ozs., Messrs. Allan Strike and Gordon Pollard having comn- pleled flicir firet year at University cf Toronto lefI Ibis weck tb spend the sum- mer as lumberjacks with the Stamforth Lumber Co. of Kiofk in Northern On- tario, M1r. W. J. Henry, Miss Helen Henry_ Peterbioroughi, and Mr. J. S. Henry cf the California Brandli cf the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, San Francisco, Cali- fornia, were guests cf Mr, and Mrs. V. A. Henry. Thc veterans. and their familles who live on 'Vet- crans Ave. enjoycd a pleas- amI get-together at a wiener roast on May 24 which was sponsored so that they could become better acquainted. Miss Helen Gunm and Miss Jean Smitli, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gunn and daugliter Sandra, Oshawa, wcre holiday weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Gunn. Dir. J. C. Devîtt was elect- ed to the Dental Public Heallh Committce at the Ontario Dental Association Convention leld in Toronto lest week. Mr'. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, son Arthiur and Dottie Lou, Belleville, and Mr. Harry Taylor, of Brighit- on, were guests of théir par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Josephi Taylor, Ontario Street. Mrs. John Cale, Antîci', Sask., and Mrs., Sam Veale, Toronto, are visiting fîcir brother, Mr. T. B. Veale and Mrs. Veale. Ornery and unprcdictable weathcr with rain most cvery night for a week or more has prevented seeding many acres in low land. Blackstock: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey lried eut fleir new trailer cabin by spcnding the weekend at -Coboconk. tribution bo the Govermment willlblicquite sa understand- ing. Particularly le will be incensed liecause the initial stories in the -press and on radio and TV about the budget left îim -witli the impression there were -ne tex increeses for individuel taxpayers. Howevcr there le a catch to that liccause while Mr. Turner did mot say so in lis budget speech hc made a budgetary de- cision not te prevent a tîrÊe per~ cent increase in thc personal income tax geing int effect January 1, 1973. His predecesser Edgar Benson, as Finance Min- jeter, last October introduc- cd a tcmperary Ilirce per cent lax reduction fer pers- onal income and a seven per cent reduction againet 1 have now field Town Hall iiet- ings in Orono, Cobourg, Coid Springs and Bowmanville. Tic meetings have been succesclul and cerlainly benelicial f[rom mny clan dpoinb and I have rcccivcd very gocd representations Irorn my canstiluents. One malter wbich Ire- puenfly crcps mrp at blese meetings and in my mail reflecîs an undercurrent nI backlash relating ta hilingualisin and Quebec. I think il is something we siculd tiink about scricusly, il il is nur wish bo kecp Canada wiole. I persan- ally amn, as is tbc Governmnent and, I. believe, bbc vact majority nI blose I represeni, dedicated ta a unibcd coun- try. Wc can approachiti as a problem or an epportunity. Tic whoie concept cf bilingualisin in governinent is bascd on tie realistic assumplien fiat we are met mow, or ever likely ta lec, a bruly bilinguai country. Most Canadians oulside et Quebec are unîingual Englisb-speakimg. Some 70 per cent cf fin se in Quebec are unilin-, gual Fremcb-speaking, and Frenchi b bbc mc lier bengue nI 90 per cent. Al are equally Car adian, yet until recent- ly, mnany cf blese wha spoke oniy French cculd nI communîcate witb Ibeir own Federal Government in lie only language lIey know. Tbey were made toafled like aiens in their own netion'c capital. Whilc Frcnchî-speakimg Canadiatîs comprise 28 per cent af aur boal popu- lation, oniy come 17 per cent aI tIc execulive jobs in tle Federal Govcrn- ment were filled by them. Il is sinal wonder lIaI mamy Icît grealer attaci- mmlticthir provincial capital in Que- bec City. Il is nur boe liaI ail will [cci as muci ai home in Ottawa as you and I do. There bas, been almost proportion- aie represenfation in tic Cabinet since Conlederation, Under ail governinents. Il id no ditîcrenl boday: eigbl nut aI 30 Miisters are frein Quebcc, plus bie Prim e Miister, lwo aI whose moîher longue ic Englisl. Ontario bas il, in- cluding tie key portfolios of External Affairs, Dcîencc, Finance, Eneîgy, Min- e & Rescurces and Hlealîli and Welfare. Hardly Quebec dominance as same The latest musical ti umph, which brîngs consid- erable glory to a young, Bowmanville artîst and lier, native town, is the rerformi- ance of Miss Gwendolyn Williams, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Williams of this town, at the annual recital of advanced stu"- dents of Toronto Conserva- tory of Music held in the University Convocation Hall, Toronto, last week. Mr. E, IR. Parkhurst, one of Toron- to's ieadîng musical. critics, in comimenting on the pro- gram in The Globe, pays flue compliment tb Miss Williams: "Miss Gwendo-, lyn Williams, pianist, ai" though only 16 years of Rge, played Cliopin's Andante Spianato and Polonaise with delightful malurily of style and a surprising techni cal adhievement. The audience was stirrcd to enthusiasm by the extent of lier accomp- ]ishment. Mr. A. J. Wadhams, wlio conducted the Hotel Bow- man here for several years and more recentiy the Royal Hotel at Whitby, has pur- chased the Goodyear Club Hotel to take effect June Iset, Mr. Arthur Jacobs, Wood- bridge, has purcbdeedi thm bakery and co nfectioncry, business of Mrs. A. T. Christie., Mr. John Roacli, Fire Depi.f Toronto, recentiy visîtedI hie mother, Mrs. Eily,, Roach, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Chai7- lis cnjoyed a very picasanit- trip to Lansing, Mich., over the weekcnd whitler Mr. C. Clallis was sent by the Moffatt Motor Sales Co., to bring into Canada the firt cf the new model Olde" mobile Cabs whidh is nomr on exhibition in their show. roms. Mr. Chas. Boyd, who lia.à been local manager of the, Dominion Stores, lias ac" cepted a position wîth the Springer Lock Co, of Belle", ville. Mr.. Gilbert Jones lias been promoted to manager and will lie assiited liy Mr. Wm. Heape, Cobourg. Miss Beatrice Devitt, Vic- toria College, Toronto, le home on vacation. Mrs. Richard Bragg lý visiting hier sister, MrY Bath. Pickering. tax for corporate income. This reduction wae extended te thepnid of 1972. Mi. .iIurner had 10 decideý wliether 10 extend the ta:e cut into 1973. He decided againet doing thal but lie carefully refrained ,frni niaking any mention of the> decision in lis budget speech. This was an error as*when sulisequent prese stories reported Iliat Can- adians would get a fax in" crease at the end of tbe year tliey were not happy. The Finance Minister quite jtifiably can arguie that' li inot înereasing txs Neverîlielese lie did othingii 10 stop tliem increasingý which looli core of tlie shuin- off bis brîgît new iae. whicli he had woi'ked liard 16 achieve in his budgQet' speech. Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. wol se's tk. e Let'stake uelook Chrlin --Inia Af.& arl cv Corte - l Pdastif &Nrth, GeDra Crurye - PesTraery Boad Gouyr - SniTr Genera Macsye - r Sol &itr iniarli Macand - M.Regînal Eonmic Expn Pelarc - - SoalEcbaryc Sf ate. Pepleier- IndstryTre&omtte Treau - Pstr, rime & CMii Trudeau On PrimeMniale Andras -Onsuri CrpA ABnrs Consumer &nCo Gillespie - Science & Tech" Gray National Revenoe: Macdonald- Energy, Mines & Res. -' Martin- Senabe Leader, Munra Healli & Wclfar-c. O'Connell -Labour"c Sharp- Exierial Aff ai ra Stenbury - Communications.,"' Turner -Finanice Plus lirce frein B.C,, two Ircin Alberta and anc Iro accioaItle olier provinces, except P.E.I. OUTSIDE Witb cupêrb magnificence a paper picce of in fou illuminales bic dreary ccli whiie crystal images are llung across a -piasbcred stage, A silky ornementation nI ile and bic pîercing warmtb aI a paper sun tiaI sinki rellectiane an tie world oulside, TWO SOULAS Two couic liaI bouch, a man, a woan, and beeuty is translormed le hif e. A miraculaus expression af a breabiing devotion sewn togebier by wbispered v ows and love, --Suzanne Sieller 159 Guelph Street, Oshawa Report from Queen 's park by Alex Carruthers M.P.P. "Copyright and/or prmperty, rights subsist in the image appnRTin,7 on this proot. Permission ta r,produte in wholq or in part and in any form whatsoever, partiCularly by photographia or offset procets in a publication, must he obtained framn the publisher and the printer. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject te recours. in law.' $7.00 a year - 6 mionths $4,00 $900 a Year in the Unted States strictly in advcrnce Although every precaittion wll be token te avoid error The Ca nrdian Staeswan accepte ndvertis. i, 'Uis columos on the understoifding that it will not be lhable for any error in ony advertisemnent puhbîsherahreurder unlesq n proof af such advertisment is requested in writinq by the advertiser and ýretred ta The Canadien Statesmon business offi ce duly signed hy the odvertiser and wlh such era rcorections plainly noted in wrting thern, and in thot cas~e if ay error so noted is not corected hy The. Canadien Sttesean its liciblity shoil net exceed such o porton ofithec coffre cozt ni eur,-ch cdéL>rtïsement etn th space occuplod by th.istcd error bears te the. whole space accupiedý b? cuch advertisement.

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