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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1972, p. 7

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ily. James has recently been!Ih aainSatsaBwavl appointed manager of the Firsi Ciichomers for C of C 50-50 Tike s S ud nt-Aid Tendi tasanBo anilMy2,17 naI Concord. branch of the Bank tiK1s I tu e ibusinesses, and provide case S ocal 9- & ersota of Montreal, at Highway No. histories and research mi- f 7 and Keele St., Toronto. He .P. -,w- reu eia o psiledoro-dId embarked on his banking . S I ment of courses, in small bus- P hone 623-3303 career in the Bownanville I uiness an e enterprise man-c0f xc ie real. o-otcnutn s ist- i will provIde first-handBw Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wickens retirement from employment Mohrs aygst with exeinefrsuet niPrBOfcs-%e Bsns and daughter Delaney spent at the Goodyear Tire & Euh- Mr. and Mrs. R. Bycrs wcrc __ac o ml nai o-icese epomn edtereglrbsns the wcekend in Kitchener. ýber Company after many years Mrs. Gordon Sturrock. town, summer by'a group of gradu- ent with, their own profes- meigi t nrwsAd~ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell, Con-ý of srie Mrs. Gary Hancock, Annette ~. aeuîcssuet rmtesoa ceomn oima .0pm fe i. cession St., recent]y returnedj Congratulations to Sharon and Douglas, Orono, Mr. and ries e V Ivrsty of Western On- As o sthe . i nerMssLs Sme etr from a dlightful holiday in Farrow, 10, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Don Fordt, Joey and trio School-of Business, it 5so s ergoa tainedusathpin.Ms Virginia. ýand Mrs. Jim Farrow, Liberty Dana, Mr. and Mrs. Harold was announced April 21 bofMicen istr w re-stfed and nMhry redLs t h us Mr. erg . aes in t.Nrtwn onte uen- Farder, Anna and Rhonda, and Industry and Tourism Min- St, Eat visited hier son John lie Baton Twîrling Champion- Mr. Bill Sluto, Port Pcrry, MriteJonWteoprinsdMr Wie, rs.RoaAnesn1hne aMifronWcnsaofship of Ontario at the compe- and Mrs. Howard Forder, copelrsv aao h titions held in Toronto on Sat- Prince Albert. Best wishes Thilypilot project 'may lopportunities existing in the tendanc n rsetdec last week. sp aiu ein ol ea-o h Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rog- urday, May 20th. were also roceivcd from Mrni arsitiiexadngtî tp aluegons wotured orav-tof tem ihasal it crs, Toronto, were weekend Mr. and Mis. Albert Low and Mrs. Don Wright, Patrecia tîiyt oeote coî tarted wîthout deîay. Furth- ation. visitors withilMi. Rm C. ogers and Jennifer, Toronto; Mr. an and Jeffory, London, Ont. el.i of bsnslcos h rv er support wihl be aevailable 'Mrs, Ronald Leung, Mr. How- Canon A. C. Horbert of Ajax, inenx e l h Church Sreet. * ard Leung, and Mrs. David former Rector of St. John's ~ h io td a rps esc steOtroR-wr nthe yaPs Mr, ant inîn, esoy Yun, onrolwoe ee- Anglican Church here, attend- ý,t % CIed by the Schi.olol f Businesslsearch Foundation,Rginl disrMssRt Paul and Kathy., Southway end guests of their cousin, cl the consecration of'the now AmnsrtoUieoy0f1 Tn io tci otn nSmith fLdsyTefoo- Dr., enjoyed the holiday weck- Mrs. John Seto, Mr. Soto and St. Jude's Cathedral, Frobish- WsenOtro The pesited $3,000 willin- an n sreintMslonc on apngwt tins irs oceso t.Es. er Bay, Baffin Island, on Suzi- affcers ,Mr. and Mrs ereIgi Mrs. A. E. Billott, Division day, April 9th. It was a su d~ 5~ea ~ lude apmanrke uitad o-TolnsnpPeîent, Mirs,îo of Camphellville woro Monday St. was in Toronto hast Thurs- dclightful oxperience for Can- Lonsonof lthe UniversitIy's asultin panhe lopcnt dnto MarntBes;Vc-Pe sH.dyatnigalnho ooHebrintale aabeSchiool (of Business. acranteetn n ~-dnMs rt rw;Re visitors with Mr. and Mr,.H a atnîga uctntaooibcti ht owsale uo0f domnand for the service SecretayMr.SilyC- E. Purdy, Temperance Street. colbrate the 50th annivorsary to visit an arca of the Eastern The Ministry will hire 10 in Southwostern Ontario. liss;Cor SertyMs Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Craw- of the Truc Blue Club, a Sun- Arctic whoro hie began his 1 7, atr fBsns dmns tdnswh aeitr-Mro efr;Tesrr ford, Scarborough, wore Mon- day School group of Gleho ordainod ministry la Juîy, Itration students betwen ti he ductory interviews with bus- Miss MalnVasoe day cahiers with their aunt, Road United. Church, Toronto, 1930. Canon Herbert said "to first and second year oýf their inessmen lnterested in the Mis. A. E. Billett, Division St. of which she is a charter meet with the many Eskimos programi at the University 0of program., Later the student The uk rw o*ti Western Ontario - selected consultants and faculty boadc nhwswnb enfx Mr. and Mrs. David Penney mmbr adheLrds alea teca- of Ottawa wero weekend Saturday dinner guests with ly morning celebration of Holy an.d supervised by a foui- will tneet ta decide poilic n T. guests of hier parents, Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundie at Comrmunion was certainly ama autbor.Tes-ogni heumr'wrk Mrs GergeWebte, Cnce- smme hme n Wod sbad reat experlence. Even though Mrs. Peggy Frank and Mrs. Marilyn Cody become Malcolm Mackenie'sfirst dents will provide the con- load. Each student wîlho annualrpts Trare' sion St the St. Lawrence River, it is 26 years since I left the customners for tickets on the Chamber of Commerce A-50 Draw. Proceeds froic utnmevcewti 5 sige vrairsonsibil- report, alnVntn;Po sinS.Es.mile radius of London for ity for two or threo firms. gram, MrlnCt;Wy Mr. nd rs.E. J. Fairey, were Mrs. Morhey, Vanstone, Eskimo work, the -language the sale of tickets will finance the Chamber's ropi project an the town's Christ.- the period May-August. 'II must stress," said Mr.MeaMrlnBresiSn Liberty St. North, spent the Miss Barbara Vanstone, town ' oo became failar "Sev- mas lighting._____ __ _____________________ The board will comprise White,. "that this studentshnHlnWli;M be. wekn ttheir cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanstone oral of the people, represent- tropoesr n ere- group is noinnddaa ship, VlaGy Twelve Mile Lake, Halibur- Vancouver, B.C., and Mr. Jiý ing theircommunities at the heprfso adae tinne sa Te ton.BrgalAnstrArtc yndreonzdhmCI Criteria for solection includes panoles needing conventional, be, u il Vats e ant emmbr 2thacademic qualifications. actu- part-time summer an utig peferaby t se Mr. and Mrs. Brian WattsaWe can' remombcrea 2famandlre.emhLrd1theAyears h an rcRxae were Of May woekond that was ad ie it hi work exporience and func-e "I arn concerned in improv"Fdlro th Rof'i anlday, edalUe, ihwr slatweed-.The igloo-shaped church at ilaexrts.nghepotbltyfsmlTrn holiay eeknd uess wth armas astweeend n Frobisher Bay is a wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Cryderman wolcomed overy- hack many memories. Alter toni xprtse nteprofi tabhte0 smahln Thrnt. he aet, r n rs at os uylt oiasMr. White said that the ad- bs.ese ... hesudn s Te KnteCokBo her prent, Mr.and rs. fct, oit Jly lt hohdaysaccomplishment: for the Eski- and family were Monday sup- one and thon Mrs. Cryderman visiting and remînoiscing over vnae n ifiute fwil doal, with those prohlems pso rudfrtogrst Howard Pickard. are not as sunny and warmmo h osdrdtepspe usswtMran r edasothioyo rd1vnae an îfclis fwihwl edt meit e r Mr. el ilso ofMontreal, t was a perfect holiday woek- s bof scns iddinthe pas- p rouosts withMand Mrs road a schortebsinorybot Bra po ofesre yteprgaiwl eaaye swela ogrnipoe h Qu.MW lsoneovr heaf î endpritn avid gardon- build an igloo with snow is an Miss -Helen Baker, Toronto, tirst log school on the nortb- Hazel (Crydorman) Legere withi a vîew ta, broadoning as el s ong-rn ipro vo hoCubsExctive meet.-g ' day weekend with his, par- ors ta indulge in their hobby, easy matter, but with lumber spont the woekend with Mr. east corner and thon of the and Marianoe Cryderman, Mrs. the service ln 1973. mponîts"in prduthvte nd ingwl ohl uolt ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wiî- and for others ta enjoy their and varlous building mater- and MVrs. Tom Baker, and brick sohoolhouse on the Joe Snowden on behaîf 1of the III arn confident that in- pois__________Jean eîtpeotdPs soOtroSre.cottages or short motor trips. lais, it is something cise again. Miss Helen Baker and Cath- southwest corner which in group thanked Mr. and MrS. creased understanding of Presiden lrnewt e so,-Ontaraggtreet. Mrand Mrs. Garo ne.ToNrhl rs eidarine Baker were Sunday 16 h Ot nlesr fable aftcrnoyon. estabhishment of doser, more The meigwscoe -George W. James, and mrs.Mran Ms.ToITrnrthe Holy Table reminds anc of supper guosts with Mn. and this scbool was celebnated Cyera frapotrnodsahusv ion sipblm nd INS. Crisne 50-50 DrW P,'sbar ied MV.r. and Mrs. Elton Werry Mn:. Harny Crydermian and the early years of the whal- Mns. David Smales, Oshawa. Mr. Mark Hancock thon Mn. Burney Hoacy, Mn. end small businessmnen, schools ôf Orono, was thec winner of of osI.hawa ta Toronto, îastMr and Mrs, Albert Colo wore ing industry, the collection Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Bal4 hnk biofly and called on Mrs. Tom Baker and Cather- business and the Ministyo r-oHce Mothers' -ria, hre te weeguosis at the Harry-Harle plates arc woven froim local Mxbr.geomer Bunayr who said htne Miss Hle Baker, Mrstnuty andTuîmwl e h Fiay hr hy w o wdding la Albert St. United grasses, and the îectern, pulpit I xer, er una TowsMBarker thc ndat d Me Dugee ndMr. slt Indu sad.Tuns5wir -5oStnl oey u Drw r. Mark Hancck.anddand rs.GDouggeleomandiorn sit," ho said 50-50 Stanty CMr.Daad gust a M. ndMr. eogeChurch, Oshawa, on Saturday and comnonri are made vcig alrs ihMnon Everett Cryderman who start- and Mrs. Wmn. Ashton at- Apart from provdn s m ila odwas the Bray. ovening, May 2th. The bride's of regular komatick-sledgo rsTm aer d an the thoughtai ecting tended the gatherîng at Brad- sistance ta smahi husnessos, se lloh iam nIgtik. Swmmngfo tissoso fthrMn Grdn are asmateria1. Ms enRniBw a sign and through following loyi School Corner and later the prognamn will help uni- unafficialiy opened the middle a former organist at Trinity ___________ m viewsaMnavs- it up it bas now became a at Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cry- versities increase understandi h eevd$5.0adh ofls ekwe oeYugUie hrhhr.ton with Mr. and Mns. Ross îeality. He was pieased on ho dcerman'e. ing of the problems oi such won $2.5.- __ lads enjoyed a workout ia the M n r i rmi A E Cryderman.hafoteconita rng--__ mii od.Th wi dt town, and their son and daugh- Ms retHokdyadcongratulations to the rosi- was somewhat carlier Ms Jatlcaayset et btaneet n and ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bihl yptyl xeddt Ms enHcaa pn dnsbt rsn n ast, Crombie aiathSyracusedeNY the weekend at Harrison Park M ceSodnsoebif Mrs. Archie Mstrsont te weedi ido~bcfml of theauseate. Mrs. and also visited Mn. anid Mrs,îy. ors, Lambert St., have returu- adatne hegauto d. Stnong. Mr. and Mrs. FakrnghOwnnon ed home lafter spendîing several exorcises at the University of' Strong were former resîdents Mr. and Mrs. John Knox Atrmuhpcîetaig days witb their son, daughter- Windsor on Saturday, May 20th af this community. vîsited on Friday wlth Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Crydoerman in- in-law and grandsonsMn. and wben their daughter and sis- Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig, Mn. ai r.Rbr er co io i aterhm o Mrs. Donald Masters, John and ter,~ Miss Barbara Crombio, and Mrs. Ken Shackleton, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. IaIr Knox, coffee and lunch, Mr. Cryder- David, Collngwaod. received bier BA. degree mai - and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton, Darh n eio pn hemapaydarofhete If you have been awayOf on ng in pahtîcal science. Mr. and Mrs. Al Stephen, Mr. ckn tEehLk. tawstkno h Ot holidays visitîg relatves and n Apnil3Oth Mr and Mr. and Mrs.Ji Comsad M.ndMs Chas. Lang- anniversariT celebratin 0 f riends, or bave entertaifled Witfieid ceiebrated their 50tb Mr. and Mns, Doug Reynolds mnaid and famiiy visited onh pehthtM.Jc out-of-town guests, please give wdiganvnaya h teddthe' Rural Bowling Sunduay with Mr, Rud Mme, Baker gave, which hnought us a cali. We appreciato the In-o-the-Partk. Mrs. Whit- banquet held nocently at Sa- Keith Mi Enniskille.n. information for use in i field is the former Grace Lin- lina Community Hall. Davcdond pn ,e w.een at Gr d ý column. Just dia! 623-3303. ton wha was bora in Bow- Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. b. the Bruce Taylor home. O5j' Mr, and Mrs, Fred Vanstane, mauvillo aud lbved on Contre Buttery atteaded the Wo0 Nnc herin PIctao Vancauver, B.C., Mr, and Mrs. Street until bier parents died. moni Institute district an- speat the weekend with theW B3ruce Murray, Guelph, and Mn. and Mrs. Howard Jeffory nual meeting at Blackçstock Don Taylor family and Rex. Mr. Jim Brignahi, Ancaster, and son Stephon were amang iast Tuesday, aadMrse berwncwerlSun wlIere woekond guests'of Mrs. the gucsts. Mr. Jeffcry is Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig aind day callers with Mr. and Ms Morley Vanstane and Miss Whitfield's first cousin. faII y speat the holidayDaon, Taylor. Barbara Vanstono, Beech Ave. Mns. Charlotte Katen arnlx- weekend at thoin cottage at Mr, andMrs. Bruceý Ha4 Mn. @atndVMn Jim Ahornethy cd last Tuesday nlight, May Wolfe Lake. son, Lois, Ralph and Gary, 77M wer Wonesaydinner guests 16, at Malton Anport, Toitnto, Mn. and Mrs. Farewell Oshawa, visited an Maa ai Mn. land Mrs. Harold St. and was bappily greeted by Blackburn accompanoied Mn. with Mn. and Mis. Harvey i......., ,,,, John, Scarboraugh. They also hon daugbter and son-in-iaw, and Mrs. Bob Backburn tailloles STREET ,...,..,,,,...,.................... attondod Enniskillen Annivor- Mn. and Mrs. E. Rietmuhler Kemptville where they spent Miss Nan Aluin and Miss sany and were tes guests ai and bier four gnandchildron, the weekend with Mr. and Manian Garvin, Toronto, and ......R.I........,,,,,.,,,,,, Mr. sud Mrs.,Elgin Taylor, ai Hans, Irono, Nancy and Pcrry- Mrs. Glen Blackburn, Mrls. John Marks, Sahr Enniskillen. James. She aiso enioyed a tea Mn. sud Mns. Walten Fax, ough, woee Monday visitons MyI.APhradsî,,,.,,,,,.,,.,,.,,,.,,,,,.,,.I Congratulations ta A, B. party the foliowi day in PsctweMody aî- withMn. sud Mns. Wes, Yei..,,1I!.frq.eoeII.of.,ye Masten's, EBilaBromehl,J. W. bonon ai Mrs. E. Bietmuilen r's s o owlees, f6f Rob_,însýon, H. J. Kilpatnick and itbday, wbich was atteaded Welsh. Mn, and Mns Russell Vice L U sUTCIP OMETENRPRMA EPITI<RA Moniey Oke anl thoîn icceut by close friends. were Sati rday eveaîng sup- îè ~I.D.A. DRUG STORE ON OR EFORE AUDY IN ,92 per gests i Mnsud M Vu(U.~JAFMrIî,~ 1I1 .~ ~TIME L IMITED SKILL-TESTI NG QUETINUS5AWRE Daug Lane ai Chathamn, Wes and family, Ashburn, w er laene es rM.dMs. > ý1 PAr; O RT IPQATIFORLSTHE TOE Lane ai Guelph sud Mn. and Suuday visitons with Mn. and Svrilde iteW-WOR COMPLUEPTICIAINRLSI REHOBOTH Mn.JmsLn iTrnoMs .Cag r n's Institute attended the "LTAKPROA Chita eomd wene weekend guests ai Mn. Henb Craig and iamily, Janet- District Annual held at -PLITE""o ""iT ASSTRRAI and Mrs. Ross Lane and fam ile erc recont visitons. Baktc nTedy Church Mns. Fred Baker sud dau- Mn. sud Mns. Clarence Vice, ElIT _ STAP.ATîRYPHN TT ghter and grndson, Oakville, Mns. Hihtoil Tink andi Mrs. RI-CS tU ET Sougog Street st. oul s s 50h ween 1t r Foene 4lwle acm MrUNia e anid Mns. Bob Collacott. Mnsý panioci Mr. anMrs usel URi d Church Joy'ce Rhude and Joan, Osb- Vice and vîsîted Mn. and Mn., Donna PlagIeVTAI Rev. A.,VandenBerg,, Mnite: lwa, are staying with Mn, Hsald Jebson and D orotby cauberaiM. ndM Il. . Tuner, Bob Colactt and Joan while Beaverton, on Suuiday, B-4. B.D., M.Th, Reev. H .Tre, <Mns. Callacatt onjoys a visit Ms Caec ry sdOcrPaiR .1 aoo TEXTURE Phone 623-7407 BABD wîth ber sisten at Oakvihie Mis, Pearl Leach vlsited fnl graduated fnam Waterloo Luth-.< JT14 SUNAYSERICS n. . eteif tIis week. nsa Oooa Sna eran University on Sunday, 6anryr/ni~ ID ,'S.CT,, SERVICES Mn. sud Mils, Ken Shackle- Mn. and Mns. Raiph Davis May 2lst, 1972, receîving her U. ad famiiy and Mi. sud visited with Mn. sud Mrs. N B.A. lu psychalogy sud sacia- ft-Yiflf 70 SUNDAY SCHOOL 'Mrs. Bruce Stainton, Oshawa, Grills, Canaîngtan, pon logy. The graduation was, hehd PIH GAD. A -er Go Rur9:45 a.n. speut tho weekend et thoin day. i thouenMmil ui-ANTI-PERSPIRANT MI 7' Rack to od four9 year and older cottage at Pigeon River, Mns, Rass Kossatz' re centlytoum 1MOEPCANUERfX aM'7 held s baby showen fon Mns, 7.Boz.forpri ii m -7î I3 Dial 1310 Radio 1:0jam.Glen Wcry. -f 60, î% î--lST10 77,EILtS1l i r udy 03 .. 8 years and under JirlasmMns HlnWenry was à. mra ris tnp WlKINSOM 1L4 99 1 - Thursdazy Ev'eni*ng, May 25th csuoioWiinAdacts Unit Fnds "effluent Jounnallsm, Social Research and Communication, In the "Sowage effluent was sur- burton, Kawanths, Pine Rid thîrd optional yoan, the stu- iacing" sud theo grouad was District Heath Unit goos on IE dent may ehoase fnom a van- not îoceptivo ta the dîscharge ta say that the "condition ex Bowmanvuuue Highb cnuw band îoty ai nlated subjects and irom pivato systoms" says a îsted ou Frederlck Street inHURFEROR wilpa nl~na :5~buîîd bis awn: prognam, report on the Rebder Avenue partîcuhan, and ln view af the C)EODORANT 5e urlýlyo ana -1 ..Hoavy emphasis is laid or. situation, made by the local nature af the sali,it un- DEObarEef practical oxponienco, which Health Unît. doubtedly existed, beyoad ta e Ial"-, 5. UGG3 cSTc 177T includes wnlting fan daily sud These findiags were1 con- other stroots sud theo 50 'anSLPEYArEC e Spýedial Jisplays: weekly newspapons, as well tained inla aletton ta Bowman- Tma rveyuos." 4,3s,'e" S 247144 EA'_RLY RADIOS OLD B.H.S. PHOTOS as the Coiiegeso'awa wark- ville Council, sud bean out Then ch 2yndnake h- ET.PRD27, n shop publications: Drum, Dur- the productions ai Art Hoapor,twoMac22sdA il7, <" ""> " 48SSGGLIT47I l- MODEL THRESHIIR BLUE GLASS ham's magazine, sud the Dur- wben ho spoke ta Couacil iouud that "nuisances asde ham epot, te Clleg Aly 1 fora dputaionde-fined under the Public Health Al1so: ,hm Rpr, to CleeMy1 o euaind-Act af Ontario," resulted fnom uowspaper, bath ai whchn are mandiug that the long post- the seepage, aud recommend- PERIOD ROOMS GENERAL STORE wnltteu, edited, designed sud poned sud deiayed Rehder ed that a sower ho installeci COSTUMES . TOYS . . . TOOLS produced on campus by Com- Avenue sewerho fiaaliy Sp- ta cape. with the problem. - sud Mueh Moremunication Arts students. proved and installeci. The only comment aof M CMourINtS- ES adM hMoeStudents intenested inl the At that time ho said, 'm c il an the letton was the pasS MU. TîOw D u n h a m Jounnalism sure that if the local Hesith iug ai a motion by Court.~ I M AD ISO T UEMcourse should apply to the Unit nvestigated with dye Hooper, that the Hoalth Uniru g s 623-57D92 ,AduJits 50r Chidren 25e Registrar, Durham Colloye ai techniques, they would fiaci ho îufonmed "action bas a Appiied Arts sud Tecbaology, traces tramn the septic tanks." neady been taken on the mat-1 Box 835, Oshawa, Ontario. , The letter from the Ilali- ton", a .-'~ - ~ '~- "n~a~n~nn5. ~- -

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