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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1972, p. 10

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The C ranadlien glatesmasit, Bawrnvilie, May 31, 1972 .Tossina in That Trash and eômnltteea 'ýwÊere seat up for the Anniversary and 'ro- gation Service on Junie 25th when Bishap Read willlbe- in attendance, Garden Party, on July 7th, and the oaterîng tn e wcddlng on August lt Following a lunch scrved by Mesdames McLeuglin, BaIleyv and VanCampv a cieeningce ,va- heýldInsîde and ou.,t of the ehurcli. ist Catrigj.ýht A Cub Peck le a group of ecry xte boaneid laerAt the is trict Cubaree ld on Scugog IsLand an Satulrday, these, Cubi-, through the campreti- tive events, earned the hlgb-,- -st points - thus wîoniing flice Tropliy and also the honour of hostmng thc Cuboree in Blackstack next year. Mr. I Duiveetyn acce-pted the tro- phy- onr behal, f ofthe Cubs and their leaders.ýý AtlaCeCuboree, coropeti- tîve evnswcre lield in thle moring, and in the afeiera thc Cube -,enj.oycd teele golng,, from baoth ta ot at tile County Fair, run by hei larsof the participatirg Cubi Packs. Reccnrtiy tais Cub Peck enil lamuIIes at a WVaiily Niglit hecid drfsng theiiir regularý meetîning tmer. MyI ïi Cubs disleyd iemsthey had woîrked un taca rn badges and atari . Apragrani was pre- Oentfed by the boys anid lunch wes served ta flic guests. Alsa thîs Pack had an out- lng ta Scugog Island ta sec flic ne tinig site of the Greût The- Board of Directorq Of Car'twright Union Ceireter mrcet Thur-isday mvnn ain- enset theb c cmtery graîundIs par nd a incw paint ijob for the chapnel wcrc ecusscd. The president, Arnaold ýTay- lor, alang with Jin Marlaw an-d Lawrence Malcaoli we.r appointed as a commitf ce ta pursue the possibîlifîe of cx- pension -for thc cemetery, Mns. Hoacy reportcd on lier cammittce's work for Decar- atîin Day. This will lic held 'n Sunday, Juoe 25th, with Rcv, Parsons -and Rev, Mit- chell particîpating, ELIZABETHIVILLE Donl Sheehan and Harry Levine wrestle a- nather canful of thre f ive ta) six No Churli ser-vces wcrc 1 ~held et Gardien Hill because t~auandtan ai gabag, tret th Bownanill crw landes nci yer. of thce anîrversary servicesl hel d et Wlo Mffl 1On saturd--ay severel et- tendcd the bazear and teeý BLA CK S I 0 C e, % eld et Shilali Church et Starkville. -Mr: Haro-,ld MLuhi, rtigMs oiibirt-hday.l Ru.-aell Liar. rOn Wcdncesday evening anc Mi- ad rs Wilbur To,-_m Aieaettending waMn .Earli Mr. and Mm7 Ray Larmner scwrng dlass wound up with anrd Mn1, Couîtney Grahani Tr,ewin aof nikîllen, and, fars'ul, Puçkeî îîg, wceea sacial evenilig. The on et w~~reç Wïdiila dmurI iep et the Senior Ci+î - Sunday sunneýr ct of Mn .Bawmanville ended lest wci-k -12steif;Mn - nf Mr M. ýE.,.zes Euclire were. Ladies' Aima Fowler. an-d tac lest clace ends to- Taylr o Enieklle, c1c-hli, Mildred Thompson, sec- So-ny ta rep a at Ms. iglit. onMcWIrigbt;luckytic- Shirley Turnelýr bas een s -Mr.and M'-s John Currier JOB F ktRuy ee~ ie'ahili lusy ic inBomavikean-d famtly, Part Hone, bad Carl iWrîgh, s e fdBl l'F- HDpi Webnctaili ee wth i,.and Mns. H. Baiey.Ne~t S-. itîeii' btte helth - r- and Mn. Don rWllitbrzied ___________________Vegs a acudngaHiantcf attunMine e t-tk thetaSe rrr!p nt' si stay wth lr rents, Mn. er n luNorwoo!d can W"-- Mounai-id o a peci'ce r GenralInsranei:Mm.Carl Wlha-dnsa.- Callers 1hwîtb Mr. a T'Mr- vistmgothr elaive whle On F dy veiMr.-andI Caren-e Beatty 1un ta , ar auREed ATMBL ee rs eniBoncf ozl- u;eek weni-Mr. and Mra. M.' INSRANE Smnehy f te cmmu- aa wre uese o ~ Biekue and _Mar-gai-et, Canton, ît e xene tO arfodeHiand . nd (e C rn-M. and Mrs. Clarke Wilam, contiat: ci-i tsen asin f iecrnPote adfa1 lNestieton, Mr. and Mrm. M. HARRY VOERMAIi-i ,oup-e'r broth-er.Nrns ldt rpr ia ii PliMlok 62-11 63390 Hag, nFamutC ri-r ae on ul be t1-1- Mi5 Gardon Moyrris lied ir sl. . al, ngani-cetî bmeegnbl1ng autgerylflimni rue tafnll an-i Sude eenngcale c ti li JsehRuddy Hai-nîitai'srl clbr ast avce BOWANVLL Mis tIn Li-nerweeMe atWHtby Aspeedy conîvel- Mr. _RusieI White le ln Port ___________________________________________- ecene u wished for yen, HOpe HaSputel. Maxne.Mn.Exan Quentrfli andI TTCLTUfU Snday e~ofaIMrs. 0Prencei-5lletIet Mnr and Mrs. 0, M11FwAeMRex.ani'L .Mer- . uldrew s tha ccli,. mil ergsci' a oaeit. H. Thucksoi-i esnt On Sunay mcnîlig Satundîiy afternoonwikli Mr I an Mn-Gei-ld Klly d an-d Mrs R. Westheuser, gil tted tr fhe p ulStarkvîllc- Tcnt Annvcrsry Srvi cfMn., andI Mre Relit Nye andI thE Columbus) 'Unl Ed Church1 gvla, Grand Rapide, moh, Wamîen antidwere ue -e spent a few days mita Mr. flFellowsi-îip Hu ier nIMrs Aubrey Gilmanr. rard, Not toa m -' b-news, eveu-y- Mr. and _s--. Bah Fracs--e aeatala u11oue Agýincourt wceest011 cleanîng and garden tendlu,ýg. nday àI Mn. and Mn -.Bull W HY PAY M RMrs L. YcArthur, Mise ida Dernin:sey accanipanled MiAsaN o r SýAVE_ ON Betty ofnturaITaranto 4 ta visit relatives lun Stretford PrnuiQuality lest weekend. dAp proves * DIEEL -~ ing relatives in Duiir ans 18rs. *hl MOORad thcy w--re awey1 In Fauf'teacïinilg tranglers aI'- OIL and Ms. Bey eelyad fcctiig area echeols have lieri tanks a n ips girls, Ta-on t, zren thficappnoxcd by theNothumber- Earm weekend wuth i Me. cKcu -lenid-Durbam- Board cf Edu- av,,aiable nie. Durig the wecdMn. atuen, -- jani-d Mrs. Ban-y Dnsmfa - Ruchard J. Holmes wil mcxc MM Grande IsiantI,Nc York, frani Port Hope Hsgb Sehoal CAL CLLCTMM alsa vsited 1here. ta Central -Publie cheoaland 668-3341 MMa-ny local laies esndd M Carolyn Donald froni *Dh'x bridaL thowe H OheltoOntarua Street Public Sehool FO IMEIAEDELIERY Stva mnu tfi oe aHilîcrest. cf Mns. DltonDonel antI 1jChane Lyn-ch, a physucal - daght'-siin oureur cfi, s educatian and mathematîcs LindaMosutjoy eudef etacher et Caniphelîfard Dis- Mi. and Mn E LmerAher, fnet Hugh Sebool, andI Peter LocalWhtby, Mr end Mr- Vmuceii Sobîl, an Englueladi eora SOuppo1 Tou Arcber,' Bawmanjvlle, warÏephy teacher at Courtîce Sec- wth tacln paret, Mn. and oudary Sehool, wiil bath lie Mnfis. WIlbert Archer, on Sat- maviug ta Bowmanv1llcHîgh, d erdi-ey,0&1Sehoal. I ~~ ~ ~ A ndeenentusMrs Fr Buin ss an br oterMrýý'T John- OBITUARY Mm. ounncyGrahami werc ONMtLM kels Y UR omm nit 1[11ar IMr. Wilbur Toms Mns. Jochn Mellema died nid M-.and Mis. Harald Mc - uddcnly Thursday et ftic aughlun ntI Kely. Osbawa General Hospital. She IThe-ldi o f the-A.C 'W. luxed at 241 Senece Street,i gjrow f afld prosper.nt ttePenlihHall' ou Oshawa. Ths a aternoan. T1 h c The formerý Magdalena G. metig asned b.,y their Alderden was bornu Dc. 22, resid _- ns Harry Me- 1932, in Aalsmneer, HallantI, Laughlin. Chas. Smith andI was married Nov. 21, 1953 cdu tht-e Dexeticual, us- IBcwmenxlille. A resident îug- Spng themres cf Youth, af Canada for 21 years, s Scedilîme andtheflicHoly Spîrît, ilived in Oshiawa for 20 years. CANDIN EDERATION OF with mditation. andI prayers She was a member cf the iN DEPENDENT BUSINESS fithetais Other pray- Chnitian Reformed Church crsfrai- na i-laJapan cf Oshawa. awdlasztac memibens' nuay- The decea5ed Is survixed bl Thtis message placed by thie Canadian Ieuaandth-flue payer peutriera' bei- husaed, John Melle=.aa1 Inrayens were eaid in unison. ifaur daughters, Shirley Joan,j Federation of Independent Business - a }An excellent poemern tutlcd Deliarali, Julia Lyrn, MeleasÉ mB catid n "wee read Patnîcia, al et berne; bei federally lerpr ted n-profit organi- by l -,Mn.MLaugi-lin. Our poaete, Mr. andI Mns GeraltI turearer nepanted that the AlMderden af Oshawa, twa is- t ratyen dcdicatcd tp tIi-e prreservation of the Mothier's Day Supper netted fers, Ni-s. Peter Van Roessei famuily fairm and indecprendent business. tace moat cf any euppens ta (Edltb) al Whitby, aud Missý date. 'Mre VanCam--p, Sun- Thenesa Alderden cf Ozhawa. shie acrtauyreported thet Mns Mellenie rested et the hebed senit four carde Armstrorng Funeral H ome. orN T WATTS N.1ew busziness meirudýed i-e- Service was held, in taeceha- pre IttOa a41nda luPanish nel Seturday et 1:30 pin, Ir- Distit MangerDurham UCousty Hall i the urheecf a term-euf lu Mount Lawn Cs-m- ne-,- tairni ndifo lu ecy e, D. N.Haeml aburcli1, Discusions, 14p1?I ns oficatetIý Durham Agric News By Bob Watt Assistant Agriculturat Representatlive tiranRualExhage aria Tlegîan Develoumient Clarke Hs-gh Schooi, dGrand- Program for 17 Prograrn will be held at the vicw Public School, George Once again thisy e ar the Rock Haýven Motor Hotel, Petf- Hamilton Public Sehoal, Rose- Urban-Rural Exchange Prog- erborough, on Thursday, J une n eath Centennial Public Schoal rani is being held aeross the 1, at 2:00 p-m. Hastings Public School, Cob- Province of Ontario. The pur- The Lake Ontario Region ourg East District High &chool pose of the Program is to pro- includes the Counties of, Hali- and East, Northumberland Sec- vide an oppartunîty for urban burton, Hastlngs, Lennox and ondary School and wîthout ex- young people ta live with f armn Addington, Nlorthuffbr1and, ception, the principals and the f amilies for a two week period Peterborough, Prince Edward, custodians in- the respective of time. I this way, urban, Victoria and Durham, schools have been very coop- young people can obtain a bet- Mr. Darcy McKeougýh, the crative. It makes my job very ter understandîng of farm feTeaue of Onta-ria, %will be pleasant when the personnel, as well as, observe first-hand iat the meeting ta disciuss the wîth whom I have deait, have what is invol)ved in today,-' rrhmrinary report and ta an- been so helpful. f aim idsr.s questions. Regional Dev- Effective June let, the Dur- The Program aiea provides 'clopm)ýtent. Programs affect harn Counity Office of the Ont- an excellent opportunity forirevery;one inicorne way, s0 we aria Mînistiry of Agriculture urban and rural yaung peo3ple enl-cou-rage everyonle ta attend & Food will be open during ta meet and strike u-o friend- thie rmeeting on June let and the foliowiag hours: 8:00 a.m. shipe that couid iast for a lie Berfrst hand of plans and - 12:00 Nooe anda 1:15 pn. tal time. As you can weii imagine, prosais ,regarding- regional 4:30 pi. tiiere are al kînde of urban development in' aur area. childre-n iooking for an ovoor- 1 Shorthorn Show & Sale Dur'hamt Junior Fariners tunîty of this sort. The prob-1 The Sixth Annual Central Prom Marilyn Knox lem is obtaînîng hast f arm Ontaria Sharthorn Show and The yeapr for Durham Caunty f amuies where the chidren 1Salýeiwll be held an Satu)rday, Juior Farmers got off toaa can live for a two week pe-Juneai 3rd at the Mark hamn great atart wîth meit fiehing iod, FarrudMarkham v.wih et the Newcastle East Beach, The Urban-Rural Prog-rni the Show. tarting at 10:'30 The mesnbers etarted ta gather in carried out acrass the Prov- am and the Sale at 1:00 iii a,ýbout 8.00 p.m. and finally incc througb a number of Reg-ý There wili be four bulle and after niany tries we mnanaged ional Coordinators, The Coar- 4,5 femaies on show that day. ta bring in two fieli that got dînator for our area is s For more information and away. Weil at iest we knew Pat Down, who ie working Out catalogues, contact George they were runiîngt Later Our- of the Agriculturai Office in, Brown, Secretary - Treasurer, luck changed and we got about Brighton, In the near future, Central Ontario Shorthorn three quarters of a bushel Ibas- Pat wili be contacting ail 4-H Club_-, 13 Sbcrwood Road West, ket of fish for aur wbole and Junior Fermer familles in Pîckýering, Ontario., night's effort. After many the Caunty 'witli regards ta A THANK YOU frani K. nimembers had falleii in, or at acting as a hast famunly. Fitesîmmons, Home Economiet lclast got wet up ta the knee, Wè,e dhlave host family ap- - Durhami - Northumberland we enjoyed a camprire and ho't -pîcation forme eat aur office in Counties. doge ta dry off and make the Bowinanvîlle and if you would As the 1972 4-141 Han'emak- night camplete. like mare information ainflic ing Club Program i wnds up, PHOTOS: Rura-Urban Exchange Prog- I would lîke ta thank the 1. Nancy Knox testîng the ram, contact aur offlice. Northumberland - Durhanm Bd. warnith of the water. Regional Developmeat of Educatian for the use of thel 2. Karen tLowrey was the Meetinig Planned school facîlities. in the past, ngt 3 ath. We have becs' infornicd that have held Achievement Days 3. Enjoying the caiffire, a meeting ta discuse the Phase on variaus Saturdays in M. J.14. The beet legs ini Durham- One aiialysîe of the Lake Ont- Holbe Senior Public School,lCaunty? eW Havcrcraft wîll start as a Hire 4 N rade threc teacher at Court=- lc South, and etnMsi Teaciersiwilil be a new grade seýve-n j c'- t M. J. Holbes Senior Pub- Four nýwvrfeaching appoint- leSho mente, effective Seatemiber i have bee'2 apDraved for local Rent a Car for public schools. A DAY OR WEEKEND The United Cauntîe Board Ask for Rae of Educatian has given uts starni of epproval ta the hir- COUINTY mng of Shelley Akîff asi l- CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. brarian and Dale St. John a_;s 623-2586 a junior division teacher, a 1COMPLETE SERVICE We wîll excavate, grade and lay asphait ln your personal drivcway or patio. Guarantced workinanship by skilled personnel with' the latest equipment. PHONE 623-5410 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CTEDU~jIFUELS& JILr1LI PAVING 138 Wharf Rd. Bownianville a, ATTENTION OLD AGE PENSIONERS GUARANTEEDINIMU I NCOM E LEVELS HAVE BEEN RAISED to $150 monthly (single penmsioners) and to $285 monthly (marrie pensioners) AND...IF rTHE COS0F, LIVING GOES UR..,,SO WILL PENSUONS Elpensions and pension supplemOntsý' have been increased back to !ast January to reflect increases hn the cost of living ... C' in futurs,- living costs rise, thseo benefits wilI be adjuosd accordingly each Apri!,- Cail of the 1.8 million pensiioiersWil!! have their pension and supplement fu!Iy adjusted for changsin thecost of livng.. . lI million aged 65 and over (about 60% of oId age pension ors) wl!! recoive increases in either their maximum or partial -su pplement benefrits . .., Elan additional 10OQ,000 pensioners wi!! b. entitled to the supplemoent for the first timo because of higher alowab!e income. 'Ihose who may quellfy for Supplements Ali! those receiving only the basic O!d Age Security pension wil! receive durIng Juiy informational materia! and a Suppleoment Application Form to assist them in determîing whether they are now entitled to the supp!ement.. Your old age scurlty pension Vour May choque Wl!! not include the iricrease. Your June choque willi irulude: Back payments-JanuMr to May $ New rate of regular monthly choque Total to be paid in Jumi on!y 14.40 82.88 97.28 Your old -eension and supplément Those who are recelving maximum benefits under the combined Old Aàe Security and Guaranteed Inoomo, Supplemert wi!! be entit!o*d to $1 50 for a single persoin or a miarried person whose husband or wife is flot a pensioner and $285 for a married couple where both are pei-sioners-$1 42.50 each. Those who are now receiving a partial supplement wili also receive the same amount of adjustment, but not the new maximum benefits noted aboya. Your May choéque wl!! foi include the increase. Your June chaque wl! b. at the riew rate and Wl!! also include the backpayments to last Jan uary. N.ed More Information? Additional Information will be mailed to afl pensîoners in Mid-June. Information is also available from the Pegional Old Aga Security Office in the capital oity of your province.

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