Mrs BruceTlioEtr ewcastle Lions Planning'l Swimming Pool W aikaf ho n! Ncwcabie Preidect twth great entbusiasma and j each can gel several Spocisors ~lakr anoucedaIt bbc Lions sevca1 Lions expresaed their aad ber aîelato raise glu meeing on WednTsd]y'infgnesa to jota hîm.l $1,009.0 foc the Community "/liv 4t tatih and is two' The p lanq hatve not heen boswil ho walkicig froi, finalized but as ht stands no, Poo roj oct. ewle t Nwcatea dit- sevecal Newcastle Lions will There wtill o furthcc do ane f 5 ilson Saturday, leave BewdlIey at 8 a.m. on tails la nexi ee' paperf, !unerý 10, t(n ai nonlpy for June: 10 aad attempt ta reaclýiufb ui i he meatimo, if you Lhe wîninin Pol Prjee. Necaslelare asked ta ho a Spoasor, 'ion is pcoîetwaa et The walnng ian hpeta laedgde._ E W TON VI1LLE Misa Jl i ardley ba ce god-sa'ize ttslnof par.-iaanc' eri .ciNewcastleý Iu1j-ce oefrm Mmriletothler relatives and ici-lafler aur awn., ~-Ia0ta, Bwmnvile wer ieeaedfi endai. Somé 30 Mr. Grant WAde aPttended ah- eca tly ndecwet uc- nuniera wec res eented and'.an aRBA, meepting a éser, rry. ail p1 rocced are 10 go ta thoîr Sunmday7, accornpanied 4y mi:. Mc laymod Buce aa twîa achool" in Bcitih on- Spiro Annia of Pplerbocoughr. awy vc as eeen idraS, certinly a wothyý, After the Maaonic service finpvsîin ( yac1e se,e, ici-Newcastle, Mr. and Mcl., I'..Y. Upe aada, Gnn c.W. .oughen, Mca. S.1 C fR, Farrow renj oy edCIthep oeadother pointa of ii-LncseraduMcaý, M.JoncsiBlosaom Tour of bbc Unit-di bereai, werc among tho lucky anaS j Countîc,, witbMr. and Ma Mca.Gîcius o f Bow- wbo wntuD tasecLiherace,ýAff Porcin and weropp oicile ad"on Cifford o ýf ai the 'Koefe Centre. guesta wîhthe latter, Vicri, B.C.,werc calera, Mca. Amy Miligan isa ai ~ ,~ Wedesdywi 1'M. and 1p-atienit ici Si. Josepbý'sHois- 1 ýW IVIr. CM Jues Mc an pialPeirbooug, wece Newton'-vi]le U,.W. mei Mca.ClifordJons ad fai- he ndccwent oye aurgecy the Sunday Seboollhall, Wd livar lavngshrbyto last Tliurs(ay. nesday evening, _May 24 and bak unreadene ii Ack Sory o lcarF .od WodPresideflt Boa JoncS, vweicomn- land Nc Zelan. bd tbbcmisfartune bu suiffpr P, îng evecyone, read apo2 MTa, BeaJoncs ccampniedbraken toc wil e be nd a "Plitiig a Gakrdon This hy Mc. . qns, Ma Mýar-y coupfle o feýr oys wero apn- Ya? WV7adcan a . F Henden- Fdeavouiring to rm(ove bbc piano Minuites 0f bbce April myeet- son were among ho e tted- i r t ai he 'thur8- ng were cead by erca, ingth CrebalPaay"O)peci de y nghb concert. Ae aroaInd ;pproVed Hose esiitc iiOýaýlaa, ocal lafdies atitndinigfthe aaid finiancial standing report- Thursay mrning Shion, azar StudaIa d. A motion wa sped ta OnThcsaycvnig TaI ernooicuecedne s the spécial speakerr for ent 172" waa atagd iCu C. Farrow, J. Eliioti, VT the, recetît anaiversaryj a cor- lcal scboo,vwh1na varicbyBouc gcrie, JH. Trim, fD. Staple- 1tain amouCbn, and, ici future, progrnfi, arrangcd aind con ibo, S. Lancaste1r, W. Pacclen, ail aucb speakers are ta ho, ducbed b1"1"e pupils iibena- B. Joncs', IM. Wadre, Mý. Jones -paid, witbout fuciber ma- seies wa e.îoed by a and F. Gîlimer. lions. Supper ickets are bo f,7 ____ - Câlers with MSsA., os- hociddta blose asaiting hjibt, Satu'day afierniroan, were wîhae imusic, ifoc bbc Mc.Elva Gr eenfield and Ma same, occasion. 140105 of ttbrks1 WVinnie l'tudle -wile their wecc read from those remonm- o * ~ aste Mia AlieBrag viitedi beredi by thoý SunahinoC - Mca. AnonBcly.mttee. A n invitation ta i Sturday- evecing vis3itons!ShilrÔh Bazaar and Tea on ri T"' r; t witbMc and cA. C. M. May 27 was read. The Social 1_ AKE1, A Jonies wece AMc. and Mn*'. Fuactionsi Comimittee \w a a A ~i~tAu A1 . ClarcceAlia and Mc. and'authi.- to -order Ti ~ W~ " ' f Mc. Wlbri ee1eof 13ow- Bxes tafit bbcparesent pcarta ~At4IOt$O'4E, macvillep. on wheels, also ntccssary S ali e-, M. and Mca. BOi-ýd Ha1rrs and pepper stsý. Appréciationt were ouit aI Icbae Pet- wa epcFSaaed to that fcom- - rr-Iough, foc aupper on St- niittoe for tbbc wVoncrfully p , ucdaycelchnating bthe ben\vell plannied rmeal, docoration bitbday afier wbich theýy and serving ragmzSa attoenderf a show. bbc Insitute Anniversaccý -. Mc. nd Mca. Dd Jiak- Banquet, May 12> " / visitons wiývtl1i'. R. Bruce. LaeshpSbol Iici Qaba enurai ncrnof w relekd Tolde atnii b wn"Ourhopinionsof oreves". wa gave reports froni their wasbbctheia- of nov. T. vacious groups. Rol ýall was Sncgrve' Scidy iacure.answered by the 18 memibeca Hosyres e bbc iportance of and two visitors present, afr a truc výaluation of aur own iWich lUait Leadér lus ac B Y M cpabiitie, ,hich ahould ho row presented bbc wocsbip sucoaaIChitin iin.A reading, fiscussing saniep &iaitarie The chofir sang bbc. old la- iehln, a îecn mmrenritef "Came otahbbcCburcb with bbc singing of Î71H0N E 23265 0 iibcVl".Svcla ur 1 b1iýlaSt anc, "0 For Pa Thonai- ___________________ inmemervawit on ta thand 'Tan gués ta Sing"'. ________________ m__ m___ ers______________nLnciwa)aeve,7;litb Mca E DoSmit holdling bbc lucky cup r, Fred Henderson $hbawed Th e toncil of the M unicïpal*ity furcq taýkpr ucingiheir trip- th Ownship of C are ucb enjoyéId by 'al.- NOTICE z)-p Cnneýil of tihe Mnicp >lt1fChe Townrship of Carkeherey gies nticethati inentis to passa ByLaw" dcose or stop'up the Road Allowan1ccsi the Township of Clarke, ini the ie-tuýnty of Durham, following, that is to sayý: L. The unopeneti roati, allowance between Lots 10 and il in the Sixth Concession of thle Town- ship of Clarke, Counity of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Sixth Concessýion to the northerly limit thereof. 2.Thieunpe road allowance between Lots iiiad 73t in the Ninth Concession of the Tonhpof Clarke, County of Durham, ex- tend-ingf(rom the southerly limit of the said Mnth oncesionto the northerly limit there. 3, Thiat porioni of the Road Allownce between Cncisio1 7 andi 8, in the Township of Clarke, Cont4o Durham from the westerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 7 easterly for a distance ef Foumr îHundreti and Thirteen foot (41,3') miore or ls on the northerly limit of Lot 35, Conesson7 and a distance of Three Hund- Yrti ad Seventy-seven and Nineteen one- hundredthis feet (377.19') from the westerly limtoc Lot 35, Concession 8 on the southerly liit cif the saiti Lot 35, Concession 8. 1. That portion of the allowance for road he- twýýeen Lots 16 andi 17, Concession 9, Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, more partici1arly describeti as follows: Conimendwng at a point in the saiti allow- ance foýr roaàd ditatortherly Two Thousand, On Hundreti ad Fifty feet (2,150') more or less -,no, the norigth- limiît of the road allowance lio- twee Cocesinn7 andi 8 tbence ncrtherly to the Suhliroit of allowance for road between Con-, cesjsion 8 ati 9. The unopeneti roati allowa cie between Lot 18 and 19 in the Eighith Concession of tho Township of Clrkeý, County of Durham, extending from the sotelIimnit of the sýaiti ighth concession te ilhe- northe-rl limit thereof. The said description te ho sujecLt te the approval for deeding Registrar fDreets before incolporatioft in the enabling AIND TAXE NOTICE that any interested party diringte inake dlaim or te oppose the saîd By. L-awwiII ho heard in person or by proxy at the -etigof the saiti Council to hi helti in the TonhpHall at Orono, Ont. on the 6th. day of i Jne, 1972, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the Dateti th , th ay cf May 1972. Clerk-Adninistrator 1 cf thie Mn1nicipality. ]KENDAL VisitôoSAi thé homo of Mc. and Mcm.Allen flawaea, Sun- day, May 211, wecc Mc. and IMca. BIdon Libîle f osbawan Mc. iu and Ma.David Little and family af Keîne, Mc. and Mca. iCliffordl Litle and family of Pecborougbh, Mc. and Mca. HaodLitîlra or Milbrook, Miss Lînda Downea, nurse-mr- tcarlngaiSt. Jaaph'aHos piaPeterborougb> lb was in bbcheform of a gain-away family gabherlag for Mc. and Mca. Bidon LiItlF Who are 111oviag ta New Brunswick ta live. Mr. and Mca. Jas. Lewis wereP supper gurats Saturday e veniag wiih Mc. and Mca., Joe Smith at ibeir summer Thie Keadial Waffmo's Insui- bute mt Tbursday evenîng ai ib the ome of M. Garlandý, Catheart. There wre cime Imembeca and anc gueni p ros- ont. Aller lbb readiag of the mmiusteb ficiancial report af aur Penny Sale, was given wbicb was quito, rewardiag foc boucs o0fvork. Mca. Martia Mandola chose as tbc topic foc bbc ovoiag "Con- sumersanad Sevon 1-ints foc Cood Buying". The June meeting will ho bold at tbe home af Mca. John Hender- Keadal Juinior Bahl Team plydNewcastle beani on Tbu,,raday evening in Kendai. Park. The score was 7-1 le favor a,) Kendal. On Satun- dayN aflernoon bbth e dl Bagîca Bail Tea;m played a Mci. Thas. Sttvenýs, lber dagtcand f;imily, Mca. W.ý e. Foa5tor and Mcaý. R. Elliat abbcnded Shîlob's B1azaaqr And- Tee, Satucday afternoon. he had a gaad erowý,d and the 1salei Wenb quîckly;. An range Service was ieid Sunday marniag et Keadai Churccl. Thece wece loc4anaai vîaîtiag membeca aI bbc -;L.0,. L. and L.O.B.A.preent. Ther local 'Girl Guidîes, under thei leaderihïp naI Mrca.Carrad Mca. Weyicb, th la cal Bcwisufider thé leader- ship oI Mca. McDonald a;ad Mcaý. Cooper mrarcbýd alsa. Tbey ail aasembled at Kendai Sehloal. and pa3raded ýota bita baid amusic ta thecbrh lIov. T. 8acîgrove prea3ched ai fine sormon tao v oaraîza-, tions.j Mr. And Mrv. Hoilebusi nd three sanos pet the qeka with Mr. ;and Mcaï. Thos, Stevona;Mcarý. Stevnretura îng wiih thens tc Taraonte an1 Sur day enlng., Mca. Hacland GeeCtns Eai1lebScRi ad Mca. John Tho-mpàon callod ornMca nèÊg, Elliôti and Mca. Jôe Sii,j Priday afiernoon. - -.i If The Ciaadian Statesmar, Mwan e ay", !, i Jz.,ý Pack pres îildred for the m-sngWbich was lýed L17 Ma4vy yor correspondent sognfor-NestieOn bird potentily-hse litte tlgs uin h nonlgatii maýke ectionpiease? In lover. AIl winter imany br anhaeSll chrcl Ilheccident that occurrad feeding stations weire set lup. co'-mmnifolk are te rnr-tis. ac compte,ýýd wtth 'Ie nex1-J tn cubxe-ll 1 Phone 987.4213 wet of the village, on 7Aý Now summier fr-iends have re- fty buisthey coninue to rO0W Gadlol prsatvtes Apeltoinetné tHcgway, on Suda, ay '1,,1urned. The flash of eth e e ngace and tu play awnad"tr ok nteO~altelaeswioe-f dtn the e bu-dtruck 5errdisadelight to the. hedrfl at a îuthrngstd rc JhnWutrso -c ecelntrk latran> ~~ into is Wi-rnglano ,and col- robins are here with ther GCod' ca use. Scod cuogwasfrst ig uryng aylnadIan mu ~, lded 0ith te wsbud heyCheer Up! Cheer Upil Sunday Sehool teAchr re Try ato lf Cartwright Volswaen.Lae McClurgSWaiOws cntebWE Acircle commended for Cti ecel- p,~oa ej ngto Constable uNeS1drver of the car, wasab- oddPan ie ust YMP :lnt work with the you F t cugog, Apprval fo "M ~~lvey folk. pprv- o pado nyerror, in reporing walzs feeding on thelanTh eung ewfur. and thank yu for drawing notr so popuclar and op this to niy attention. starlings and crows are here The Cubore, for unattac ERach PMcI ein a ~r~ Mrgsh twart Kely adi too but they are aIl worth cd groups ofc ubs, was herld made a spa 'a i~ i Mrs. Charlýs Kellpy, Toon, their.eight ln heiping ton Scugoglland on satu npr- l ",Betdesi m Car part 'MaOicpatcgar were recent Sunday visitorsbalance theeooy a a 7h îl i t Mr. nd Ms. Grdonfromthat the lharmony iof oys wei1ý r from secod;CatwghA hid Gilison an1d also )callied on M r, theirsongs la like a g!SantndPot e riMn ort ery Bourth and Mrs. Clarke Wi iias. choral orchestra hiddcen un chest4er, Scugg san aWPmr zs Foor h rmpctîtn Dbnuess~ o he patient in Port Perry Hospi On SundaytMr. sud , Ree"c. 1a 1pese e. oa oit ee~e v ~naprv4 Ltlas the result oi a faîlDon kProujtt 1bos-ted a famil- y10"fr heofficial opcniwrre: pCartwrigbt A 417,Scu- y teNrhmela4 Fllortuniately nlo hones wlire barbecueparty, in honour of and Revcrend Brown, thc.gnoi 0, arwrigbt F3 3 5,ham BSourd of Educatin, ....... .....broken andi 1frienî-ds are hop- hÈFis other, Mrs.TIvan Prou tt's chaplain, led inprayer. Cannno1,6S port PerYM F TheIlags 4600fo ing sheP wHi h a hm e soon. b hir thday. Congratulatins! This yerie heA~ r 350, Fi'cSugg(anePblcShoi olo2 Guels, during thaweek, Oth"rgumstawere tir. àana ýthe Cubohrse ýwas "Th171 l e r)3, Port ery A P315. IOrono'11urt wihMr. and -Mrs. N'ort-an-t Mrs. Joha Buchani, Crlnis"Scout rsom Cann'rg-rThe iudgresfor ai! vnsh 2900frHnpô Joharstone were Mr. adMr.and DouiglasLindlsayý, 7M i to,Baetnan Catwreldesfo Wstlr$190orouteScn' Y E.Epamlsh and Fon Richard, Ruth Proutt, NestIeton. right carried lthe "Ylympic aq h e wn r MleRnBo Ar, school. S.Mn.and Mrs. M.Reyids, ecentruet, n i MTr, and (1Torh whlh slgt. r' Ncu',Di nt onmis n Mr.J,VMcLean, and Mrs. M. Mrs) . Lorne MWcKee were M ,r. lckAokthQpe eof the rMuc, Elea"orDasnM Scfiwe-nger, alflIe 'dle, ad Mrs, oranSiiea, Jan- firstCbretet wev! Ema Brgg;Mr.BrcKeI lenaCrft congratulations toa, 'Ro-etvlle, Mc. and NMrs. Jim Mc- mlesý, lto the lland. fomti iett Caîma!P'teuh bect SadlerBowmanvill, onilKeePontypool, Mr. loyd annothortr Oiictochw re, ar Pciaiet;Se- AYORWER lie eihtethbithdy hic Hnry, Bowmaiinville, iightcd adwilibPe tr arriarvWclti îdArk for Rae. was celobrateod at tSe home On Saturdy evening Mr. thcougbout e cday.,ra rr bVn0mCUT Mf ler 'sonand diughtr-n-and Mrs. MKe ttenidcd ithe Pior twthU arrvaom Ythé Pii odtîuigt IRSE-OG T law,%M. and Mr. Iph Sade- Woodward - Weyie reception Olmi-1mCba rpie ru.cccld6328 4~i~~"'~~A er, with a tuirey dininer on in Oshaýwa. Wle et f atrgtUccamspfl eand e'ydtn Saudyqther -guests were Sunday's bil amiiNesi" .'Mr adMr. Hibard hMac-ton. vs Burketon etBlay - M Kencleand Claire, Mrus, Ian stock, final score Buirketo 1~rtee îlion Scott and Chaclers, Corbyville, 12. Nestleton 8 Mr. WilFrldWilms ý; andr.- j/11 Mr, and Mrsý, Ivan i . It awthadeseeofand Mrs, Bobn ehrll o-Ciarkson, crInoyed Slinunday- eî loathat werecord bbc e 1afl avle lunich with bis ,'father. Ml'vil tis w-eek of Constabe Bucel Symty is exendedoCMIir..ez Tillson, a populJar member-jofMr.AeArcieadamSudyeviereytis outlketbrgte5u umr' theu e Ihe Ontaro Provincial Policehyon the death of hlie u- I hPohiyteCa"rian Chumi k u cW "U ufaWhgm Newcatle e DTetachmrct sanilnd, MC.ArhucklThe Ar Rveren-d Mice f Mtibll buaband of The Sttesmn buckle fauly ,ý hiaeUazttgeB.A., M111%,Uhoe Amo Newcatle ditorFloPnce a Wîiams' Point, Lake Scu- shepherd.ý of Tekon, unth Tîilîsnfr( ee Wh. Hof~dgg heme foc hi-, rmessa,;ge m O IT atMmraKospitail, Busw(Sunday evening i Jin cP er wag caiied by fod Lto s e manivillte, onriSunday eenng iges ]fMr. and Mschar- lrsel ]fro7nl c~r i nfl wa May 28th, la bis 46th year les Smitb, Blackstock, at Con- Peple lived t I an nessIci ERANDAIIS and PIS, sundepka nt pool amas are a nafurql after a prolonged. iîNess andjmway Gardens Port erry ur day v people, omire rpeopiefor tWi fine product. in addition to bis wife lassur- wmre Mc. innd IMrs George if doa ,feel rio rned o lvived by four sons, Noma , iaip, Nstet n r.are the c&,c0i.R> ur talent Miark, Donald and Stewart. HoIMrs AlibecI VAbhot lGoe W md ur loe HP Wiii pek DID D D (If 1Y rested ai ortbcut EllitiLandin, ha. Robend t.ta e gi.Ma.HV V U E M fL LU Funeral Home, Division SiTcno hswainihono)r ser sang "Vosu Can Kno Bowmnvilefor service to- aI the hirtbdays of Mc. and Jesus, but You Muint lieve' day rit two Wlclock, follnwed Mrs.Suith, Colngratuilationsý! VUited Churcý(hSi'a ,by -intermepnit atBond Had Il c vernigbi g ucesta se»!olAnnlveraar WIL Mr an Mr,ý.NesletonBEST P IC S! BEST eP RO Ut S 5 _____________________Heaslip-wece Mr, and Mcs. Sunday SchoolAn vcsy John PbPhlp and baby riaofSrvice was hlild Mary t. North Bay.ST PlACE TO nUY Nocth Bay, ai, Il a.., ii t th ovren E NFIELD Sunday lnierargrti aes A. Pa-yton, BA3, BDP with iie Lawcence Mïvalcuor -aIKingsvý iew United Iuc Miss Marion Stinson bas famlly wec Mca. S. BrceoIç, O 0shaqwa, the gst peaker cýompleted le ous nBowmýanvll luM. Rand Mcar. Th'. Sundey ScbnJoo up's SE OU Journialism at lIyersoa and ila Walbae Marlow, Mc. and favoced witb four deihful'"y elR njoying a trip to the Yukon Mr75- StI,ýey Maloîni and cirumr, TyaLie vith frnds. Miss Gail Maicoini, al of thie Rata", "hB aeu' u MsBiackstock. (by bbe tiny total-,"Zcbu" Conraulaios o MiaË Mca.Lawcence Ma I c o 1 nmand "A LitMo Seed." awardd trohesfi' second Gail and Glennenodabu RvredPyncho'e placre ici op 15-17 agegcu trip with a eeboah"GdsMioiis"a h and thiird place in opencm gcoup ta bear ItleKaIhcytpicFor ber srmo petitioci ai bb c udoTourna - Krebima ircl Srvceleing to tihe c1hi1çdrenho s o, - men atAjx, riay igt th- Fict reshytcia i Curli cd an pple seedt an acac 5'XNGS. . Dk-mA1I~ 4 Waich i@t, fellows,-in lishurg, Penciylvania. and a rimah, rom otheli *W ' ÉWï rMAV1L Mlc. andMa Wlcd o- Protect fthe Birdsi" la thrppnted outhie teedu man acc-ompaniicd rb , Mc' RuisselIJOrmîision and Mr Milton Staicibon o[f ciskil- bner alnd1MUr, and Mca. God- fcey Bowman of Bowmanville atlended bbc funecal of tbe ÊlIev. J. A, Plant ai Brighton, The, Messrs. Bowmaa were pallbeaceca. Symapatby la extended te Mc'A. Noirman Stinson ici bbc thb, lors aofisbrothr uRobert (Bob) cf Toronta. Several fcam bore attended bbc hurl Service ai Hampton Cemýetery. Mc. and Mca. Mark Libby, Osbawa, viaited Ai Mr. Lloyd Smîtbs. Miss Evelyn Cuningham, Brantford, was a weekend vîsi- toc ai the, Pascoe home, Mca. Ro beri Stinson, Mc. and Ma Mike Stinson, Mca, J. Youaigs, -To-onto,, visited Mc. -Narman Stinson. Those of us who admiced bbch sýign commcmorating 1bbc aile ntftbbc aid Sebool ab rd eysCornera sympaibize with theý folk wbo are indîinant, and igbtlyý so, Juisi now. Wbat- ever bbc motive -foc atealing it, bbc bliftidoes-i't mako 'senso ta decei people. Mc, rýan)d M.t\r-HeccyAam and gcandsoci Braley Aaa Bowmanivîlle;, Mr. and Ma Ivan Cochr;ae, Blacksitock, vsited Mc. avd Mca. Leslie Cochrane. «IMr, and Mca. lRoy Ncas Pari Carling- Mc. and Mca.7, Harold Ormiabon, Osb-awa,, visibed Mc. anid Mcs. Fred Samnis. YELVERTON11 1 Sympatby is cxtended ta Mr. and Mca, Dick Rowan and family, Miss Annie lIowan of Enniakillen; Mr. and Mca. Arthur Rowan and family aad Mrs. Ella Patterson ini the pasaing ibis week of ibeir mobhec Mca. Mahel lIowan ici bar 92ad ycac. Funcrai serv- ices wece conducted by Mc. LGcrald Hofatetter fcom bbe McDermott - Panahaker -Pua- o ral Home ici Port Pcrry, with i neraient ai the Nostiebon Uniited Chureh- Cemcitery. She was prcdeccascd hy lber ýibhnd ln, 1918. Mca. Rowan bIias -arned bbc respect ovér bboer f all wbo kn1-w bier h ber Christiani way olf life and dedîcation ta bier ifamTYily. Sorry ta leacn, boon, of bbe pasîng af Mr. To-m lawlso-n of Peterboroughi wboýe, wîfe xvaa bbc former Mary Ker af adjacent Lotus ý,and a nîcce of Mca. Jae McCullough 0fi Ballyduff. Many local ladies a;tended bbc abowcr bold for bride-electij 1Misa Heaiher Siason in Sit. Jobn'sý Parisb Hafll ici Beth- ariy ont Friday eNencing. Miss1 Siason was bbc eîerpient of numecaus !lOvely gifla. A numbher front Velverton look advanbage nIf bbe oppor- tuaity of 1gaiag by bus to Wat- erloo to sc our aludenlt min- isier ordaîacd t the nio- iairy. Siiicece congratula- lions ta lIev. eadHfibe ons thisacopih nt Mc. and Mca. trryMal- colmnt atended thiiecgrda lion exo-rcies a ulbUni- IniO,tmrubv Shcea the lionar oý Bren-Ida anid Tcrrv's jacconiulîahments. LET__ ___BE __________R Glen Rrfe-hantaI-Saer Miraicle Diseount prices, but wdo have h lowest home deliv'ered pices ini Ontario, Toronto Homep Delivered Prei. 40c Peterborough Home Deli'vered Prie. 5ý39c Bowmanville HIome Delivered Price 35e *Glemri a. is Bowmanville's only loeally owined and operated dcryï, *Glen HRa. has botties, jugs, or hygenie disposcible pitcher-pak bagsj *Glen Rae salesmen give you that personalized courteous service. SGlen Ha. salesmen carry a complet. uine of the finest dairy produet, poese in the WMost ulp-to-date plant in Southern Ontario. * Glen Ha, is Cana'di&"n, employing local people,1 and using milk f romlocal f arms., F OR HiOM-E DELIVERY Ask your Salesman about our volume dciscount plan with haîf gallon returnaxble ý plasitic jugs. SERVIN BOWMAVILLE FOR 60. YLAPS 98 !N TETWS el ,,WýMVI LL' i KIECTI ETMKI