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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1972, Supplement, p. 3

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~71i'rTVnrbAV r~/i~.V ~1~& 1079 SUPPLEMENT 0F THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE Bringi ew eth Lives of Young ancId ByBill Clede Tur"one was a tîrnle w feoujtdj,ors'îeant "Rcd anil Guni", and that wlasn t SO lon ago. eepl lceed ci tie thrs e Main, tew sa Peoýple teoný- kilnature forC granted --- ut lnet the out-I deersman. iishrienani htnters bc- camne conrned over "their" fish and wildlîf e. Thy feught FW0R licence fees a1nd. txestc previde fun(-]s fer research and conservation programs te benefit nature's creatu.rcs they've been accused, of slaughtering, They fostered laws te centrôl their "harvest" se the future cf their- sport could be assured. >Then everybedy get inte the art. World War II intreduced nîany yeung men te fishing, camping, boating, shooting outdoer skills that in thepir recreational aspect are fun. Ferest Rangers found their weekends cccupied as guide, nurse and -policeman te a POP- ulation that would fi a small city. The gulf between yachts- men and anglers filled with a sîew breed cf bcatmen.' I'îstead cf a sport forý ard- ent fans, "outdeoors" becames a recreatien, r el1a xa tio0n, change cf pare fo h rs sures of modemn living. It became an exercise, a feeling cf physîcal well-beîng.,-,_ 1 Waterprc For fun in the Sun and Water STAINLESS STEEI CALENDAR FULLY AUTOMATI A/cooer 9 KING ýST. E. Spiritual IVel-Beisis An appreci aiion grew for the mrajestY of forested moun- tains, a ecrar stream, a white sand beach kissing the ex- panse of a living and vibrant ocean, Ail thesèecau bring a feeling of spiritual wellhbeing. The ouldoorsman always knew he didn't have t kîlli, fish or bag a game bird te u score his excursion afield a sucess. Nocw everybody knows if. The wave ofl new utdoors-l.- mcn swept the countrysidle, And they discovered an un- suspected benefit. In camp or aboard a boat, the family finds itself work-ý*.ý::'ý.ý:,,ý ing together in a way seldom possible on the urban scene.t Evon the most recalcitrant youngster can see an immedi- ate benefit in bis contribut- tion te the -family welfare.[," Everî one helps toward a cern- mon goal. Remember, Most peope took nature for granted. But when one family camping by even the feundations of nature a clear stream found itself in are threatened. the company cf one hundred They say man is rapidly other families, things started turning his planet into a hos- to change. tile no-man's-land dotted with Escape to Basies bubble-covered cases of habi- An exploding population, ýtation connected by "space- burgeoning industry, speedier ship" routes plîed by mobile pace cf living, ail combine modules of living environ- te make "escape" te the basirs ment. cf the seif-reliance and pers- 0f course, that's science fic- cnal relationships of the eut- tion - but it's logical evolu- deers a necessary relief. tion unless present trends are But eolgists tell us that changed.. _______________________ Trends Changing TIME TO ENJOY' And one important mgm- mal must cndure lowere TIME FOR FUN standards cf heaith - man. But trends are changing. TIME TO RELAX The calof the Great Out- deers is bringing a new TIME TO CHECK depth cf. understanding into orliycs. The commuter is seeing more than cencrete. YOUR PRESENT The apartment, dweller is learning that yeu can survive WATCH wîthcui. the help cf the build- ing superintendent. The' fam- terests at home, is finding out Ithey really do need each H Its hard te say whether cencern over tht' eiiroomént came because cfgrcving eut- 4door interest or the other way oarspend Bugt nihe i te'wo'ds c discovering thev;ariety of life in thefret gisgrar meaning te y mur ,ownlife. aboada, ota ancheS' learne what tepeet nmeant by "rocked in the cradie cf the deep".tepesoa o eca iThere is such infiîite voe tential in the cutdcors te ineds f mn tatthose who 'miss it are te be pitied. 1Ideatly, you'll try te select a campsite early in the after- ew ell rsLci neen and net wait untîl din- nertîme. Then yeu'll be .ac[ climated before sundewn and BOWMAN VILLE 'have time for a swim or hîko after yeu make came., 4 There's Fun FIrAith FmI In Great me i Cutry THERES VARIETY IN leisure time-may save a bit. sneîvs. Hikîng trails, or ski VACAIONS\I' - Active and We're on the flyways for trails at Kirby, Camborne and l spectator sports - art and craft migratory hirds- and hiking North uîmberland Forest arel studios, antique sheps, muse- on the Ganaraska Trail in- impressîve b,., m 0o en 1il g ht unis; industrial tcurs;,'excel- vites the naturalist or out-, nights - or, fleedlîghts. iRe- lent dining facilities, cemfcrt- dorsman - and Previncial cent mushreoming actîvities able modern accommodatien Parks at Darlington, Presqu'ile cf snowmobiles make even the, and cenvenient shopping. Peint and Serpent Mounds mest distant spots accessible., BOTIO rags omhave corfertable campsites, More ccttage cwners arei le AIsulytorabygeseb roatsupeîvised hy Ontrio Depart- "wioterizing" a cc om rn oda- leiurey tur y huseoatment cf Lands and Forests. tiens, an-d sidereads are! threugh shaded backwaters Golf courses arc stili green, plcughed for weekend vîsîtors, te water skîing and kite-fly- and the weather's cooder, and and "skidoc" trails are fleur- ing activities. This is pickerel small game hunting is avail- ishiîîg over the relling coun- country - and panfish - and able.tyie muskies! Rire Lake is famous tyie fer muskies - thrcugheut There's a new experience Theres a whele new world1 Nerth America - and they for you in wintertîme. This cf winter sports - farnily ac-; have the rnuskie-rearîng pend used te he the resting seasen, tivities - curling, skating, ski-ý at Keene to support these when crisp wintcr silence wvas ing, sncwmebîlîng - a four- dlaims. Fishermen congre- breken only hI snapping twigs, seazon holiday land that offersj gate fer sport, beginning with and great dark pînes rast variety fer yer action, at1 the treut season in May, in shadews over glittering drifted any time cf the year.1 streams' cf the Millbreek- Cavan areas, or in Trent's I tributaries cf Percy and Se- i. rI meur Townships, around Hast- I ings and Campbellferd. Aug-,]t Planrt Liuîe E se 1îension ust is the mcnth for Eaul Faims and Flewer Shows and Great Tht' uptîght world cf rmcd- ahly lewer work efficiency, Fine Ridge "Festival cf thet' cmanin - ugly sîglits, pel- The estîmated lcss in thisý Arts" and Cobourg Highland luted air, offensive smells and country frmr reduced work Games and Cobo urg Herse excessive noise - contribute efficency caused by distracting Show! significantly te bis physical and seuni is said by the World Ycu rnay be as active mental pmcblerns, Medical re- Health Organizatîi ot be al- or as relaxed and admirîng searrh shows that our environ- miost $4 billion annually. i yeu wish. mental troubles ccntî'ibute tc n hnoree e oh Brig eu cmers n heal sorts cf tension-related n sohen ndureesee ontti "Meen cf heur anein teae"dîseases such as headaches igsohn n rsflacn wheon ofd the rng atue stomach ulcers, mental ilîness' us, eue bodies and emetiensi whenold Moter atue nuross, llegie, een al"react, semetimes with seriousi splashes the ceuntryside with nuoealris vncr results. It bas beeri pointedý lavish clors, The fishing is diovascular and cîrculatory eut that: "Our emotiens, our! stilt great - and the land dozes diseases. 1prt-ee u el r under the golden haze cf The incroasing leve-,l of noise cpniti-onObywhat ue eyesr autumn. Some tourist lodgYes pollution in our nation is res- cniindb htOreel are -featuring special Spring-posib_ ordistracting work-sc Faîl rates when young familles ers' concentration,- reducîng Tht' word for the sîghts and have te return home fer their arcuracy and multiplying seunds in eue world is "uglîfi- school, and ethers with more errers, resul ting in consider- catin," And an important weapon against it is nature's, own green,~ grewing plants,' trees, shrubs and flewers; netl Ans we1or Man 0f fers simply because of their eu tfîgeffects, but becauise! a » and anti-pollution qualities h t g Mci li*-% y A d ice whî h can help reduce uglifi- cation and pollution, and ease some cf eue tensions. By FRANK PALLO Heavy street traffic, for ex- ample, registers a noise level Eastmnan Kodak Photo Information Chief !ocf about 70 decîbles. The jud-l Let' tae itfergraned hat ou re gîrgte cîcîîs use of plant materiais, Let' tae itforgrated hatyouare oin towith their sound-absorbing include a camera on your venture into the outdoors, qualities, can reduce that noise be At a weekend camping trip or a month's cross-coun- level as much as 60 per cent. try otoing acaien.OnequetionI a askd qiteSurli planrtings ran redure the try otoing acaion.Onequetion1 a askd qitenoise fromi a buisy highway teo often is: "How many pîctures should I take?" My an- that cf a suhurban stree t iný swer is quite simple: Enough te, convey the scene, the the quiet cf the evenin. people and the MOOD te both yeurself and others. In addition te their service Te do this, you will not have te snap niadly away in si.lenrîng the surreundîngs, at eeryhin insigt. ut yu wll aveto se ourtrees and shrubs sereen eutý ut eeryhin insiglt, ut ou ill avete se eurvisual intrusions, creating an, brain as well as your eye in choosing your pictures. important sense cf privacy. Compose pictures utilizing peeple'and nature. For Their anti-pollution qualîtiesý example, one mountain usually looks very similar te hielp fllter the smog and nox- another mountain, se use a familv member in a logical tous ga-ses, adeosta situation te personalize the scene - preparing dinner Molcy companies are begîn- over a fre with the mountaîn as a backdrep, or merely ning teO rerognize 1vilec observing the vîew, living plants te belp inicrease' Don't let tain or bad weather conditions, ferre your efficenrcy through, redueed weaters prt, noise and picasant suround-- camera into hiding. Inclement ing. A greatpnurober hav se include a picture essay cf this aspect of the outdoors. devclcped programmes forl * emember, the film you use is minimal in cost landscaping plant and effir-] compared te the vacation expense. It would he a shame sites for practical aestheticý te scrimp on pictures when they will remind you con- rea0sens stanly, ear lutr, f yor otdoos aventre.Progressive b u s i n e s sren stanlyyeas ltercf oureuteorsadvntue. have disrovered the benefits cf * * * ,live indeor partitions cf green, If your boat has been laid up for the winter, would growing plant materials b e- you go on an extended trip without a "shakedown tween werk areas te effecta cruise" first? Or without getting the f amily camper levtels whi i suS lvl ile adding beauty tuned up befere drîvîng te the Reekiés? and fîeshness te the air. Ail are standard operating precedures for mest Pregress is heing made te- realistie people who enjoy the outdoors. They knew ward more abondant andý that miles from civilization certain activities becerne gracefol use cf plant materials take prir t îeaingin our centre cities. Mest cities impossible if proper care isn't tae ro olaighave renie to realize the value home. te plantîng lowering trees What many people clon't lealize is tlîat camieras, and Fhrubs alnng their avenues even those well-censtructecl and simple-te-operate and dewnitown shcpping areas! models on the market today, deorîeed te be checked temkrep own ortbri and âeret eut before leavîng on a vacation. It is an easy and atmosphere in whui'ot work rewarding chore, iaod shnp. Mijni-parks iii large Shoot a roll or two cf filme, încludîng some flashlcities provîde places cf qui!et pictures. 1Have the developing deone and if the results1 an d beauty te urban weý'rkers and dwellers laneed c f a are te your liking, your camera is ready to go on vaca- "Green Break." tion. If not, show the picture test and camera te your In al cf these ways,, greený photo dealer, He'll help you put it ight for your great grewing plant if e helps te outdoors adventure. case the tensions cf our hertir! * * * and often unattractive world Wha hapen whn te sile, hme rei tu ne, reducing noise levels, What iappns wen th saior, o-niefron the sr reening unsighitlîniess, creat- and the hunter, home from the hill, get together? Tbey îeg beauty, freshenîng the air, swaip stories, and oftimes, neither can quite believe the and provîding an atmosphere other, ef tI aquîlity. ing" technique could turn the head cf many fellowtlime tor uiceue tp lroi a o alcomne swîmir or clîm sportsmen. Warning: don't trust the man who shows tlhiop0 ooottwr you a of a 40 lb. sunfish. to admire a panorasnic view, . p. _______________PAGE TRAEEE E '72F Pinto Fully cquipped with 4-speed Transmission 1,600 c.c. Engine. 4 Cyl., IBucket Vinyl Seats, FactoryWarranty. Inelud'es ail taxes ex.cept Ontario Sales Tax, and Licence. VW $2464 DATSUN ... $2595 TOYOTA . $256î8 Super Beetie 510 Corolla 1600« 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Coupe PINTO $229 PINTO _ .. $2293 PINTO ___ $2293 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Sedan Lower ce-_$171 LowerPiby _302 Lower by 25 IF YOU CAREn- BE FAIR COMP ARE 815 KING ST,. WEST (aut Thornton Roaid) OSHAWA RELAI,- SET ROCKERS LIMITED FURNITURE anti i{OME FURNISHINGS i Sets or Inidita 37-41 King St. E. Bowmanville MAY Ilsi. 1972 IA SUPPLEMENT OF THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILT-E

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