Happy Crew ead Worki Gets Into Your Ioodf, li is ceven O'ckhw Monday imornîng 2nd itis an.I is isotee really vaining, for the wvater is squirtng down in intermittent jet, Jike a =arm but perjiaeie showver and it is cauing Reg langlygreat conster PAtion, for if lie wecars lis liglit jacket, Aie ilI get soaked, but if he dons ýhi, ralM si,lie S goirxg t be soaked i-01fro te inide out. Tinale o in M a soluton Ln 12 feet of chin wraped the fAut f hA s A m nierp1 hisli diimm , e bein o llaround hlm, 1 th-ougýht forl'ue oes hich!leave the iav how The Shik won the n'ighlt the fool was goingto stranl el <URN TC PAGE TU/O) OUTDOR SPPLEENTand graphic description of theRBS S lis~ MTTDOR lrPIgoug ze ng and gore of theEsr; As part of tIMS issýI- ueous Inight Matt Machant IS The StaeMwan is plaebt u inaîgndexpost Ooor Ispeent hat Iseasadte peas hepntw- Tu MnerM the old éneuds ihtpageS pick- ed the week before. Bowmammile Hih sans~ Pl "phth rpson outcloor MWhice te trck îurnble-, tIo 1t11pnew buildfing Is pre- livinz andrerain s squieiling through Ahr pud- sently scheduled for Junr Woul as avrtVmet on-ies, Up Liberty Stree,tJe 191h. aceonding b a report1 erning equipmrnt and sup- housescoeh a z y as a nst of the Countie s chooi plies %1r whi h I e u1sefu 1 etls dw for the storm is Ba r n YohThafe OldN he $6,0'0 GantCut Now acîng $500sefucit VOLUME 118 22T Pgs BWAVLE OTRO ENSDNY., MAY '1, v197215e Pei Copy e as NIMBER 22' i Wh1en Glepnn' C. Snlyder of Six Mile Rn left a gs saton after JinghstnildMna night, he m-ade a fast exit, perhaps a littie too f ast. The noeaf fte gas pcump wis 1stil in hîs tanlk, anc when Mr. Snyder loft, hie look both hase and pump with him and dragcl he behind his vehîile for about 10 feet. "It took fire the inutle lhe drove of f, and we us-ed every extiniguisher -we hd butl st'ili the fire wvasý ail over the pac,"said Bill DavU is, a attend- antl atl theP 1867 Service( Centre on Hlighwvay 401, sou'th of Courtice,ý The fire flot only twis'ted and scor-ched tei pump, but also ignited fihe maineecrclupy ta the Service centre buldng r. Davis rajn mi and turned off the minswitch, "justmiue before the fire reached the bulinthytl Iý t xv. enitely dcied.4wo)uld net operlate as iit a l ii nate risoonas-c J"l - i n. te B w av a nmeig cf the OronoVouth ovr the pat two years. This As a means to thi7s endteyW nth BomnilFreDprmn Theatre on Mlay lWth that A nmeans there alY be nopro- re hldng a dance and draw ou arrived, the blaze was unider conrl(u h a ductinionsand no vwerksheops in the ecsteHlloC'tainen o ti ft undrthe sponsrshtp cf the r, idav evening June lith. as rce o')close or ~om em rauveloalgre~ ons hich may be alîz firAsmRnchad lhosed down the q-,e gslie twas aC itbol e rd above he defict are o c te benathMr1SAnnusaobleroe !tp wim )p cbletepre without used tei hen spenszor a grnup othewrbusncFe MElauene fn Nym alnglusou 5ebatn was.toing w damaged, qOnte Yeuth Theatre erg- premoter-s whe aythis ,yCai d~ i~stuned' nzatin whch laI yer pr- epeete heirown ieas ut vdrove off after giving his name ni drsn 'Ee.bvided a funding in the ameunit cfthe Newcastle Twn all estimate is available. satMr.1veetCrdr-c 6,0.Tis ameunt would Mncf these yeuths havelarnal a mma, eri'ev made off netbeailb( e te the Orono Cbeen members cf the Oi eo Fr he i amn se, aaet whapaqecommemor- group this year. Youth Theatre and the Great thne gas station at a1bout $1500.TeSevc Cnr angtesite of t1ie original The Orno ýýYoutlh Theiatre ,Pfne Riâge Festival cf Lthe BradleýY's Creshohdeeyineto foea-At.TieFrmnws ongs pumlp at the->18I67 service station àwhule others eek the supply tanàk gi noeain Fridy nomb. ing again this year innnd- nl ___ _______-____________---_____-_____-____-___----______-___- __---__ 'lbcaut hve eenhid Ste fbut of the year had sub& rm fort h pota re bur1- mitted al brýief and aprpoe 3 .I yedn, fceetou-, %the ro nli und S 0n ëH i mu% ta LeaVe icàdglt te ThinOntag nineutC A' Th 'i , ieatr-e group. InTuMa'y the 6 EU é RM I IuldI L andlir 1atis muthae as ia rS hoï,ntrtin JLocali Schools S o l l i trckbeaue t asto bgOrnaiegroup asked ta h tegoina ar'said nms! iefaudhave staff hîrd U Cr.vderman. .within a Feur-day period I"ICI tauTVUn 01rf 1f! ce tmehr i reîgmg 1 The for foo wide sgn as fotund that this was irii-U M W U U W n he aetkr r e Son hsao yfre t-teOroino Yoth Theatre w iii f June 30. dents of the scenoL, at a net eperate this year A uciit14ii j Td ïWindle has rersigned his s for chng osiionIL oN -D ýFed rtoyrsd n cotc 4.The O0rono YethATeutr e Un 5 1013111110teachr miposition atGCourtîc Provincipalmplie are la- wxvfiinda itacif %it a deficit5 Secondary Schol, and Jan vestigating ththhei -o f 500 whichthey ishte Semplenlus ef Vimn cn sy "Despte a general public tien.-Here we are ntetda-any gripngaotherpr. Thie BownnviliHighbo t en c urwd. hur-lng pioregamIrLA.Mpublic Schoel, Donald Bec and miscencepo,the Ontleing ith inanimate materIsnal need" SchoelBand ma"e a "PeoyAt tme inrmi -ienian IThomnCharman cf tir Eustace Iodtc f Bew-lTeachersFederation ant a but with peeiple, then emeo- bc dcmn y ohtec oeleffuland m-eledieus c-oMusecum Board, expressed a manville Hîgh Schoel, ail r- u i \ , sy l PiU, prin- tiens and thir future hves. er3 ând e, rfdrto o t- - fi1 ribution to the oGpenleg cfu . mw1comp te AiLand partiu- tire on that date, Lpal of Suuth CutuicePub lu this kind cf stainm re raesblt n r. loim1Bowmanvîlle Mu spe u m onM\tearly o r.Trlmend the Th &ol!beard bas ap- lc Scboe. people have te put thle wel- fessionalarbs aedem Ah w urded$600 Crunt wý'i1 mRestrictun D boh rAX oigUo ndAln Phua paiove ~o es $ 6 Mr,11e11 er1 me or yaSorebeak ad xprssd 1aion ad h inc"i oun he banaýd m n a fitltlingl 1 t n tht hoforan ""aYlý - Dua shOl fl b e * sicidof c d or' ' ThcPhtogapy Gllryin hepreenaton f hctm-as tmerw aje ëcanrs nyîats il1av e oa $00ad diplays. But wethrm' 1101 boards mNOV.tra-1h cd testn re, alea an i ti' b tng cf tres and lâw, with 0fsuppot ri ni 1 0 tewn re lsi- w bomet e adeej pt e nîsic da'i as PreÎ in oda Deelian aornion C e si, e- Nsitn gs sain o nradcte aehm nw ce rary~~~h bni-e o la hs nrean peddt anuc nîgaiseliig htte ol f h hseduhe t.ssd $40e adhmI ah Cenlfo heAtsba edae 300 gatad hneîanced th smartacpnar-te tbemunicipl4eAecion ac lHei.' demnda er hei prfessena os, ad issreenty ngotnte estcheuca avenetbee cdinscin te aîcr cn- WIS 0-0 RA iy ît mniiplcned ,hool er ther amount tiens or individuals intereat-erMUIjn rlie, eeinaops-rD.5sEc Irory beard eectionsail bel bbcnonwbyeteaaera caet bclasa-)- il -llw e iArnu rid cfl uem e r nht COSSA Meet __'__T_ ______ua mos n tha te uil grnt mocys aw Prebe1A " a b oia n d yad letervassoeclve have___ _________ CongatultiosrteGrat wuî bnmad avihabe.ierseSho170-0ndiwns frstscadig Aril 0, nd 3Screch wl ill e gven utielstdens an th TO PGE U/e vile.eletios. ______ ethehofinal publication prepared in the old schoon!t pcyLcky" $000 o asiTbin eonla needed tilae u- errm Mast ersbowmaauxpcesd tebeinefectby the mal odrcpeYr led ntemis hswiî A p lso sa hirBetfrTu 2 , t a , nthd ylca._lre az-land - -- et >ms cnlcs.oeato floa eol,- vaut-r.s whca hIe Jumpcd 0'614- te breaik the old reco-rd by more than five inces t tbbcCOSSA rack anid fiield reet in Trenton on1 Thuirsday, May 25th. Fim-ac .Helmes came veon vith a Jump of 9' 6". T'mi firat place finishers l echevent are eligible frît bbc Ontario Federation, cf Secon)dary Sehools major sacts te be hcld this wc ad t 4Cent4eanial Stadium ea qoon trScndtlplace finiI-shers re a5ie ligible te ceonilpete ir thc>ey pass a PIT dccmn standard. 1 Both Legion Draw Prizes ,Won By Oshawva 1 e.sidents The montbly draw for 1Br, wa, callpl or o n iake tbhe held by Ron. Biewn cof 380 178 Royal Canadian Lecgion firat draw andaetd ticket Weetwcrth St., Oshawa. Welfre ond s a tl Ne. A_3844. we by Ms Ticket sales for thee mon[,h Branch 178 Ladies' AoxilinýryjElaîne Failla cf 116 Summer declined $422 over the pre-. Bingo last Wednesday even-1 St ', Osb-awa, as bbcewinner vieu.s ionth's total of $4,106. ing, May 24tb. at ýapprexi- Of $1953 first prize. ýSecondi This figure is aise $544 les miately 10:15 p.m. ,prize of $100 was drawn by\ than tbc May total of 1971, One cf bbe bingo wieeers, aýnether bingo winner wbc b1ut te dntet sales for five 1Mrs. J. Dubeau cf Newcastle, I elected ticket No. A-3905I (TURN 'TO PAGE TU/e) B.H.S. Band Performs ai Opening- of Museum A large crewd mas on hand last Thursday evening tien cf instrumienta lrnmers that wvon roval frem fer the season opiening cni wavîl adDistrict the adenebeforue tlney teuredtheSnteio Softh Musem o iverStreet. Fresh rom tlherir ekend buildin esee bbc many new Icatures thatre oni moit te Penn Yan Academny in >Tew York ,Staâte, the dli-play thîs,, year, 1-3wmi-anville High iho band provided a wide selec- on Queen Street and te mark the occasioin, the first portion cf the hard-covered bock is devoted te the school's histcry including pictures, names and anec- detes cencerning the early days befere 1929 when the firat addition was built, Fermer students will fEnd it cf considerable. interest. The 80 local people who ordered cepies will be ablete pick them up at the school on or after Thursday. t t ï- t t. OPENING - After extiensive renovations and extensions, Dykstra's Food Market have the changes pretty well settled away and this î weekend pl an many re-opeing bargains to) bring people in to >see the improvemnents. In the midst of ail the, re-arranging, one of the partners, Reeve Robert, Dyk stra ms haveoverdone it because lie was taken to hiospital on T hürsd1ay for observation and to date lias net heen releas- ed, so brother Claude and other staff members will be carrying the load buiis weekend. Bis many friends will wisli a quîck recuperation cf Bowmanville's reeve. t t t t t STILL SHORT - Bill Thiesburger cf the Rotary Club tells us the Retary ,Enster Seal campaign for Crippled Children is stiili short cf its chbjecive and we hope they make it son because they are new overlapping on other campaigns. If you haven't sent your donation, please do so today. That Thiesburger just neyer gives up. t t t -t .t CRESTS - They're net the only ones running" a bit behind, The Hockey Methers, blirougli no-_ fault cf theirs advise that the icreats ordered fai February have net arrived, but will be mailed eut te winners as soon as, received. t t t 1 COIN - H. Hibberi. R. R. 6, brought in ce urrusual coin he flound. It appears te bc, acopper teken.Y adver- ti;iing Starbu ck and Sons Ma/,chliîne Shep, who made air furnaces, cauldrons, screcws for paper, cil and, eider milis, etc. We've no idea how old the token is but it appears te be well worn. t t t t t. LEGION HEAD - Robertn G. Smellie of, !Y ii i fi peg was elecbed Dominioin Presîdent cf the Royal Canadian Legion at bheir recent ýconven- tion in Regina. Be succeeda Judge J. Redmond Roche of Montreal. Beére, there'a been 'a change cf Presidenta at Branch 178, with Stan Dünn net standing for re-election after tliree years in office. Rd Majer cf NewrastJe was ýeleeted. The installation will bakle place later this'imoabi. FILLING UP -Tewsoe js atc h Dominion Store arýegrualbegocpidTh latest one te eoendfrbuiesis the Quick- Clean' Self Srie anr Cnr hat appears te be another buaspot. Ne bado Ucyour shopping while the weck'z, wash s ingdone. Last weekend, the apple blossosas throuho tirham and Nýorthurnbelan w-ere at their heautiful best, w"ith many citydwllrstaking avatgeof the ic w,,epther te drive eut thiswayte see hlow the othierhlalif lives in the ruralaras The -Pinie Ridge Tou7rist Couno'il hadpu lcie the Apple)I Blossom touir ;and e e ,al grAïers in the aeajiedin by erin e'êhetst isite rI i~ photof, attractive'C Noýrma dBail cf Th Sataanstff posýed for courphotographer aniîdst the blossoms at Harold- Watson'e rhr west cf Bowmanville. (a