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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1972, Supplement, p. 5

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iWENSAMY3s,17 UPEET0 E AAINSAEMN OMNIL AEFV thoroughly through the soil. It will help to get your lawn miniot can established, by provîding the proper nutrients for root growth. When you have provi worked Up the soîl to a depth of 3 to 4 icete ee providetha akorus w hale of a ev plank with a rope at- tached to the corners, for lev-! eng. This method will give, land capeyou a nice smooth seed bed area, because the plank is If you're ucky enougli to wider than a rake, and if w'h7ll lave a lake or othier natural ' level over a larger area, If ]andscape outside, you cer- you have the time and want' tainly should open your house A- to spend some extra time on to display it. But even a building your lawn, then roi mîniview canmakemain ~ ;the whole area with a heavy mindoviw worthwhie maxi- ""awn roller, and you will be If yur ot i smll, ï~uamazed at the large number still can provide a fine view. fsoan d hyo ows sf111 left, Instail a talI fence at the edge of your propoerty and plant 1Ihese areas f or a nice smooth evrgensaingt if. T e- awn. Now you are ready to eoyrflee new "mini-la n-e apply the lawn seed. In this instali windows that are at- sash with an awning un-ut b- pint or stain area it s alwamsxwise oftohs tractive and efficient: they low for ventilation. Gl e- gFo year-round comfort a lawn aseed mxre of te should keep heat in the bouse wooa wndows, casements, or without the problems of sep- Fescue, and perhaps a nursin- în winter,-,operate easily, and double-hung unifs are other require lttie rare. ie. arate storrn sash, insuiatinggrass sucli as annual rye. If The best choîce is wood--- t bay or bow window will glass is recommended. Con- ~pyt elwt ad quality wood windows with add act ual footage as well as sisting of two panes of glass e or seed supply store, be- însulating glass. There are a sense of spaciousness- to a sealed at the edges to hold acas hri avtdfe- many factory-m-ade ponderosaj roomn. To make the ouldoors layer of insuîating air, it is ence between lawn seed. You piewindows avaîla'ole nacsil swl shgl fetv npetn e can buy if from 50c per Itb.i pine tosibe $s200 aahilb.,efebuteinremember th stock sîzes at building supply visible, instaîl a French or escape of heat in winter. the che0peatlbsnottaiways th centres, They range from glîdîng patio door of ponder-, Sinca 'woo tefi n ex-bs.Checlu the nt lael and maiwnn untst lreoape.It can be fitted with cellent insulating material, a idotwatsi h d picture windows combining insuîatiîîg glass, which may room with big ponderosa '. inciotwa'entebg fixed sash flanked by oper- be ternpered for safety. ýwindows, or a patio dooA fo 10 od$aw 50mixtre xise1Th ating casernent or double- Ponderosa pine window.lequipped with insuîating glass for $1,0 f0 $150pye l. T hung units., Another view uîits and patio doors are pre- ý il1 be a cozy spot with a wa toapyteaw window consists of stationary iservative-freated and ready year-round view. seed is with a rotary cyclone, spreader, xvhich is usually loaned free of charge, by th e garden centre, After ynu have f7 rjuppnlied the, lawn seed, care- fullyy rake the whole area to ýf r 1 yslightly cover the grass seed by Har V n Bel little tufts of grass when i LAWNS !quire some lawn areas for the isod as muclu as main water.f germinates. Roll wîth a light A RVDCOVERS ýfollowing reasons:j To ensure a good healfhy roller, just enouglu to gently The most commonly iiscdî * You need a play area, îawni, it is a mnust to have a tuck the seed and press it in, ground cover is the lawn, atiwhich requires lawn. good soul, !or fthe roots tothe soul, In about two wppzis 1l.east in our area. In som2 of ýt - Lawns are excellent for freely gruw ln. In iiew sub- the seed will show a green the Southemu States, large letting water and 'oxygen divisions. t4e'rule îs fo pile haze over the area, You mnay, -ýf are icoveréd by differ- through to the roofs of trees the soul before excavation and eut it if the grass is 3 to 4' ent types of rocks, pelubles, and shrubs plant ed around then spread it over the rouglu- inclues long. pine bark and other types of the homne. ly graded area, alter fthe home ground covers. There in on *-Lawns can be easily main- bas been built. Too often a the market today, a product tained to give you flue mani- lot of thîs good topsoil lue-G re n S r va which is extensively used cured look. cornes buried under, leavingGr e u v ali throughout Michigan, that is * It is relatively inexpens- the lawn area with only an synthefic plastic pelubles, col- ive, for the homeowner. inch or fwo of good soil for ored with a pîasticized paint, * I1. is very fast in giving lawný to grow on., You must F îghts PollIution, whîch is available in any col- you a covering. haver a minimum of 6 inclues or. Evergreens and creeping * Selective herbicides wilof good topsoil, or if you lackuAn D e a vioes can bc ufilized for a gv control easîly for weeds. this topsoil, you cao bring in» e ai very smnart landscaping effect, How to Prepare fora fresh soul or prepare the soul specially, siopes are off en Healthy Lawn by mixiog a 2 to 3 inch laver Mans ultimate victory in the covered with ground cou er The fime is rîght now, if of peatmoss thlrouglu the soiu. war against deadly pollution,ý plant materials, such as fthe yotj are planning fo install a If the souis on the dlay side, envirooment ai decay and eco-' perenniai Vinca Minor with new lawn, The niglut temp- mix 2 fo 3 ioches of ýgravel logical abuse is depeo-dent oný efs dee 0 blue flowers, or the eratiires are cool, and fluere i'î sand, to loosen pthpfle -cav. xvhat he does now timprve, Perennial plants Thyme and enouglu precipitation to, elim- Apply 10 lbs. of a higlu phos- protcct and pr eservep t h e Ajuga. The overail landscape inate hand watering, which phorus fertilizer, such as 5-20- green, growing plant life, however, will definitely re- does nof help the new seed or 2 to the soif, and work this aîound him. Life-giving cx-j Want 10-, Save Money?0 andi a very unpieasant job of pumping septic tank at the sArme time ? THEN BUY.. SEPTO-M CLEAN ..THE NON POLLUTION PRODUCT!1. For Septic Tanks - Outhouses -, Pail -A - Day SEPTO-CLEAN digests paper andl other solids, Buffered to nullif v caustic contents of detergents, bleaches, etc., Systems, Drains, Tanks and Tile Beds clean at ail times, SEPTO-CLEAN eliniinates odor on contact, WHIl work under freezing conditions due to fermentation. We absolutely guarantee against pumping if system well coistructed, or digging for outhouses. SPECIAL NOTE to hunters, resort and cottage'owners: SEPTO-CLEAN is a self-fed formula that wîlI work during the week while you are away. YOU CAN BUY SEP T0 - CL EA N CLEAN, SAPE, ODORLESS AT CARNEGIE 1BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET, HARDWARE King Sf. East Bowmanville Bowmanville LANDE R Hardware & Electric Bowmanville Phone 623-5774 DOMINION STORE Ring Si. East Bowmanville McGREGOR Hardware Ltd. Bowmanviile Phone 623-2542 A& p FOOD STORE Bowmanville King Street East REID'S HARDWARE Orono Phone 983-5307 TOMS & SONS. IGA Newcastle Phone 987-4627 ygeo us cerived rrom green '~plant life flrouglu fle process of photosynthesis. Man de- pends on green gowing plants fthle air, heip clarify water, sý,oi erosion, help abate noise, manufacture oxygen and cou- 4 rroundings. The plant life aound us is flue key te our survival. Thus, members of the Amei-ý e canAssociation of Nuisery- mýen have joioed fogether in flue Green Survival" cam- qýpaigo, aeî al-eut campaigo f0 lring thfe message home te l 4each individual that man's survîvai is fruly dressed in green-in green, growing frees. grass, shrubs, flowers and ,Oohem plant life. f "Wes are stepping up Our dfforts te educate t h e public f 'influe things eaclu man can f0 t help bning about a solu- tion te enviromental prob- les"said Robert F. Ledemer. executive vice-president cfl th e American Association ef Nrserymen. "The fterni 'Green Survivai' luas vemy seieus implications for our world and for future generations," Lederer said. flue pmollems and learo flueir solutions. Tluat's wluat 'Green Survîval' is all about - to help people know what they cao do as Individuals. "We want eaclu individual f0 understand fluat lue nf oly bas a very important stake in flue future cf cur enviroomieot, but that there are littie things lue cao dc thaf will bave a, significant impact on ou r overall figlut against forms of P pollution and decay, lue ex- *"The pobleims are noct ewl f0 onursery industry people,. Tlu hey luaye been living xith tluem daily and fluey kîuow some cf flue solutions. A good nursery man cao tell ycu luow to reduce taffic noise andi pollution from a busy lighlu- way aound your lucuse by planting flue proper type cf plant materials. Hle cao) pro- vide you xitlu practical an- sxVers te prollems dealing witlu water pollution or erosion or lue cao tecIl you flue besf meflu- od for impmovi ng -Lnsîglutly aeas," Lederer pointed ouf. "But flue reai joeh," Lederer says "is Up te eaclu and every 00ne of us who waots f0 con- tînuc living sud breafhiog. We started flue pmogam for 'Green Survivai' f0 get lis message across te do every- tling we cao te let everyone know Nhat role lue cao play in cleaoiog Up our dirty world. Part of flue answer is in ,'Gmeen. Survival' and if de-f pends on you." Enjoy the Great Outdoors VAN BELLE WHITE BIR.CIT Now you cari get that "clump"' effeet ini a single planting; whieh gives that I'Natuî'aiistie Effeet". Beeoming very popular especially with RANCH TYPE homes. These multi-stemmed "White CIump Birch" 1l'end a special artistie touclh to any laadscape gardeniog plaoting. Spring 1"- inýg Only. Max. Hlt. 30'. 5 feet tait single $ 5.95 6 feet tait single 6,95 10 feet 2 stems complete 19.95 12 for 38.90 SUNBURST LOCUST A dazzling display of' yellow golden tips on Iovely green trees. Filters llght through Ifs feathery branches, 8 feet tall $12.95; 2 for $24.99 IMPERIAL LOCLJST The best of the new Loctist trees. A thlomleas green and very fast growving tree. If filters liglut through to the lawn. 8 feet tait $12.95; 2 for $24-99 LARGE Vivid red maroon foliage. A delightful refresh- iog contrast witlu fle green lawvns, plus excellent 8 feet $15,95, 2 for $29.99 10 feef $19.95, 2 for $38.99 iwill grow to .30-40 feet CRIMSON RING MAPLE SOID CONCTE Sparkiing White Color $11.95 to $16.95 SHADE IN 3 YEARS ASU (HARDY GREEN) The FASTEST growing and cleanqst tree avail- able. A tree of most graceful shape and habit, excellent for street, lawn, grove and park. Bark of trunk 15 of dean light gray colour. EXTRAF ARG for 18y SEEDLESS ASH LITTLE LEAF LINDEN This Lioden tree is, a natural BEAUTY and suitable for any garden big' or smail. The very well shaped tree produces LOVELY heart-Jmikeý leaves whieh stay on laie in the fall. The smali yellow flowers are very fragrant and addf BEAUT'Y to the ATTRACTIVE and hiardy shade tree. Very EASY f0 grow and wilI thrive ln aay ordinary soil - ail this combined hol convince every home owner of getting so much for so little. Max. Hf. 30 ft. 8 ft. balleci $9.99, 2 for $18.99 NORWAY MAPLE Ideal shade frec, larg~e dark grecen leaves-, pr-o- vides fine quick sha<le, hardy and fa-st, a' height 40 ft.J 6 feet $ 8.95; 2 for $16,99 8 f eet 10.95; 2 for 19,9 10 feet 14.95; 2 for 2U79 f 12 feet 18.95; 2 for 34., "I BEG YOUR PARIDON, WE CAN PROFIMIýE YOU A Yes, that's right. We eao promiseyn a rose;f garden this sommer.Just dropindml It uis show our lovely beauties, guaranteed fo buom this ycar. Potted, Pruned Ready to Plant (OVER 100 VARIETIES) 1 -NURSERYMEN and FLORISIS- 07NDNAY thru SATURD Y 9a.m,9 to 9 HWY. No. 2 Between Bowmanville and Oshawa e6 - I ir TUE -DEAT IL WLM OUTDOORS! SUPPLIED TO PROVINCIAL PARKS to pass every test! for that it had BUCKINGHAM MARKET Taunton Rd. & Town Line Phone 57i6-71703 Y OUR storesST ORES SEPTO -u CLEAN CO. 46 Scugog St., Bowmanvî1le Phone 623-4145 Made in Bowinanville . . . by the People of Bowmanville NUMI" SUPPLEMENT OF TUF, CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM ý VT , l 1 IWEDNESDAY, MAY 31st, 1972 1. fl _ -ncm ýU' 7i,, PRUý 'f'-Y 5

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