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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1972, Supplement, p. 6

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s,, fort:eG~ PAESIX SUPPLEMENT 0F THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAYMY3s,17 abongscday road8, are R * J~~~oîneld 3by fbweing crab trees A i g F m l The reat Pine Ridge l~~~~~atmain highxway exits alongLueo Otd rsClngFmy way to prcscrit a pageant o - beauty ini early May blossom time. High elevations. lookou -poins at Dodge's Hill (Ric Lake South Shore, Road) Rîcnardson Lookout(cu road No. 9 west of Gard, Hill), Healey Falls, north o .;Q Campbellford on the Tren River; Perrytown, north of Welcomne Corners, and at thie House of the Four Sciason, -' west of Gore's Landing, will hring new realization of thas r heautiful land - especially if -~ . - ~you view it under sapphire -~-~~-summer skies, dotted with pff hite clouds. The "Hall of Fame" at . B ewdley portrays some of oUr famous f1 s:atitwriters, Scraftsmen, statesmen, hu- SDawlinlg across Souther- sive mnoraine in their wake. 1 rom the watcrshed an ;m- maitras Admission is theeas, Tc rea Fie Rdg notben sorlîn 0ftheLae Otarn mandn e th,Sfeein dlctheis opern daiyur Ontario from York Countv on During one perîod of history pressrve panoraa etns readtegllr nPny thie -est to Prince Edward Ori Thie Grcat Fine Ridge was the with bright blue waters or Art Centre, on the Lakeshoreý fmsthe backbone of Great glacial Lake Iroquois. Rolling southerri horizon, Northward îng July and August. The tîme-bonorcd adage pheasant know what we rmean. ly ard clcaniy and b blieed Pinei Ridge Country - with bibis of Northumberland-Dur- streamns find tbcir way into For Indian bandcrafts, iii,- that the great outdoors is There are certain guider- bbc bird thoroughly. aibout 275,0-) residents. ham level out to the agrîcul- the Trent System, called quire at the Alderville Monu- strictly a man's world is lines whicb should be fol- Some folks don'b bake to Retreating glaciers on thei tural plains of Ontario and "river-bard-to-travel' by early ment Shop, Iigbway No.,45 goirng by thc boards. More lowed, howevcr, anid a 9o0d the arduous task of plucking waynobhwrdlef tis ia cugg the junction wîth Rire Lake and more women are be- share of the bird's flavor de- a big bird and it doesn't make The Great Fine Ridgkha Soutb Shore Road, or at Hia- ginning bo pursue the bure penids on how the freshly- murh difference îvhetber aý scenic and historiral, signific- ah-a on the north shore of of the outdoors anid very f ew cle hasant has been pheasant is plurked or skin-1 anc: b s cconîedasa is-Re Lake, wcst of Keene. vacation bbrills can compare bandird in the field. ned- a skinncd ringneck isl, THEGRET ace;it s rcogize asa ds- The Great Fine Ridge Tour- xith thecrombined hunting Pheasants shoubd' be drawn Stijl prime eating. C 1 ~~~ ~ U GET tinctîve geologîcal feabure of isb Council was chartered in and camping trip that involves as solîn as possible atter b-T knapesnetofi LIVE IN ique inar otrio, Ameica September, 1959, to discover the entire fiamily. ing shot. Fluck away theth wings close to bbc body1 Aginst thiq e nNorther ri c ni deveîop, the historie,f Aside froni the obvious de- feathers from tbe beîîy just rn b esa h is on iAganstthe orternskyline, acn , recreational, vacation- liglîtsthbab corne from sbaring behind the keel of tbc breast- n h esa h is on The Great Fine Ridge is vis- al and boîîrisb attractions of your outdoor fun with your bone and slît the belîy sîkiri bove tbe foot. Suit bbc skin1 iblesanunuatnasdg hi anon Tepundulabing ridgc ri ffrd hefo fwinhe ow t heIbis ustetalsknbak whose great pines provided h Rgo.Teps 0yasfmlsc n fod h o e rre ont ov uher bbcsail, 5khebadk masts for Ris Majestys ships. bave been a voyage of dis- opporbunity of enjoying a rare anus. tovor the eaîduk bcbd Theriae i pesevedin bccovery and increasîng wond- baste reat --afreshly-killed Carefully rut around thetwr b ek zabHls'naor -oe erover bbceu ealtb that bas garne bird that bas been pre- anal opening andi remove bbc Alter these preparations bbe "Mat Hll" nar or Hoe.been boo long unknown and pared and cooked rigbt from entrails. If possible. swab bird is rcady for iMom bo Names lefb by Indian, unsung. Wed appreciabe your bbe field.e out the visceral caviby withapply bier favorite rerîpe for, French and British explorers help and inbercsb in bbc dis-. Those of you wbo bave put a clotb or kibeben owlin. ril or noasb pheasant and! and settiers bigblight a rich covery and developmenb of fork to bbc ricb, wbibe-breasb- The main point is tri remove the famîly will soon enjoy aý treasury of hîsbory awaiting othrs, lied meat of a newly-killedshot-puncbured viscra quick- succulent baste breat. rediscovcry and appreciaton.- - __ Dwcllings buiît by United yasdui aeaie Empire Loyalisbs mark their LII er obsbv rsn passage tbrougýh or settlcment IA IP f ,-g ro vMaly peopfles minds about, of the Region. "CenuryH o% w T aI - -El], T ro uIÊ' enzymes. Some people be-1 Farms" wbicb have been in ledthm ob a elh bbrvrafml o t etgte, tecrares of one farnily for 100 ,,l h*E evd; te boh a hal Whree afmiy os obetoehe, ycars were marked during tebtpllb. To bebp clan-ý 'Citation makes a home TO ay.from home. CanadasCentennial Year.i O L I I II~I I 3 f bcezm rnrxry COME TO bbh Food and Drug Adminis-ý OSHAWA'S FIRST TRAILER CENTRE tis-OoaeGnrsa ________________tration rommissiooed the Nat- and Lower Trent - are work- obten woti'l remove thcriîthon- lnlAaeyo rers- TRAVEL TRAILERS - TRUîCK CAPS îgb rsreornbrlougbly, but an enzyme deberî ational Researcli Counril te ~ IL FIEPARTS & SERV.ICE Darlingbon, Presqu'île Point, -c gnt or e zyme re-soakwhn conduct a detai lcd review of RENTAL CAMPING SUPPLIES Serpent Mounds, Ferris Park l a' ar on o orrscewe;ailabbc data. Thisinvestiga-1 are buildingutin he il: -MOBILE HOMES " TRUCK CAMPERS and bbe newer Scugog Islanid you're agbtchou ity ncwids ien took about a ycar, but bbcl ar uligwîldlite sanctu- - Ibh b used of dirty b ainryNAS report shows enzymes to are o terpesrain. , ,fDdue i hr ocryb botb SAFE and EFFEC- necenotly, bbc renSeverrîo - h is day's fishing catch or bthVe i omlue deetyteTeîn-Sedvarn kids spent ail afberrioori pbay-TVEinomlue Waterway was deîngeda Kit Carson, you'lb ld Wbat's more, enzymes arej national pak.nd if your laundry producbs bave biodegradable, snd in n wayl pIn sprîngtimc the Great ,.. Pine Ridge Country is a fan- enzymes. Tbey help break coobribute bo the pollutionofý TELEPHOINE b .-9 4 (<CODE 416) tasbic study in cmerald, roll- dwn cug i mt Iadmany riýMcr , sams 1910 SIMCOE ST. N, ing hilîs, county forcsts, 'Y E an noami rgct oe aîisecyya OSHWAONTRIOsbrsmsand lake onry . I whicb cari be more easilyf'ind camp;ingr out awodru ('ýXTT DUHMCLEE sadApple orchards, wild er... action. ku1ow ow o take bbc, troubl ___________________and___native_______________1-J. --During bbe past couple of oult ofL SInT ON TH-ýEITOP BOYS! C-l-L Model 171 Clip Repeater ., $ 32-65 Cooey Model 64 Serni-Auto.,. ý,,,,.,, 37.45 MosbrgModel 640 .22 Mag .....,.. -52.45 Riflis Wýïincheste-r Model 94 30/30 Rernminglon Model 600 243.308 Wrinchester Seýmî.Au-o. 241~308 rmnmington Semi-Auto. 308:30.06 Cooýey Single Shol- Model 840 C,1I1L Double BarreI Model 710 Winchester Pump Model 2200 Remington Pump Model 870 .22 AMMUNITION .22 MAG NUM SHELLS C.lL- Winchester ý Remng~ton) Box of 50 22 shrs.90 per 50 ,22 Long ifl . 95 per. 50 TARGET >22 LR: Mushroom 1.05 per 50 12 and 20 G MANY OTHER% MAKES AND MODELS UE CIAR GIVE US A CALL Y OURBEFORE YOU BUY! Home Hadwre 'rhese dayS, lisrdly auly rook, Shop for fresh vege- vacation excepb camping out tables and fruit et wayside wibh kîda is cheap, non-fat- stands - thbey"baste twice as benîng - and fun, boo, good as tic supermarket kînd, Uufortunately, lb often isn't Park a firsb aid kit,' so you niurb fun for Mom who bas wonb bhave bo chase ten miles bo function as cook, dîsbwasb- bo bbheriesrest store for a park- er, fist aid expert, tent cave- et of bandages or some suri- baker, and, worst of ahl, fam- hurn oiotmenit. Kids just seeni îily clothes wasber, But there to abrart ruts and bruises, so are ways to eut down on all be prepared. these cbores and enjoy ibb As for bbc family wasbing easy-living dclîgbts of camp- - tbere's no way to avoid it, ing aloug wîtb bbc zest of bbc but there are ways to take bbc Ifamîly. drudgcny out of it, Fîrst of alb, don'b foi get Clothes bake an extra beat- that bbc wbole point of camp- ing on a camping trip, Grass i ng out is bo relax ni a naturel,,1stains and ground-iu soil, are lînformal atmosphere. If you ail in a day's play. Fîshing or ihad wanted to dress for dinner bhurniîg clothes get boodstaîn- anmd swîm iia a cbborînated cd, Casuial eaing oftcn means pool, you could bave gono to more 1,thes soiled witb cof- a fancy resort bobel. So dont .ee, eorlate, gravy, cabsup ftry bo "keep bouse" as if youEad ail kinds of fruit sud werr home. vegetable stains. Choose simple rocals thatý Sometimes these staîns arle do't requre many dîshes'tough to removie Ordinary and are quick and oasy to , oap, and plain detergentsl ICampbellford and Conservationj WUhere It Ail Begaîf' lations passed. Game and fisheries inspectons' wÊre. ap- Campbelford's reputabiori poinbed to enforre regulations., among sportsmen is well Game and Fisberies officers estabîîsbcd,' but il. may sur- ibegan carrying out law en- prise some te learri tbat wbab Iforremen t, restocking and obb- is belieî'ed bo be bbe fîrsb fisb or conservation measures over and game association ini On- the yeaîs. farîn was formcd in this Tient Tefieîb fteecd 1alytw nAga 9b conseivationists accouit fo 1878. nurb of the large populationr Tbe assocation xwas borri as of gaine fîsb native bo bbe areaý a resuit of coneerri on bbc part todaày More gaine fihai ' eý 0f ian popl ovr ass taken in bbc Campbellford, slaughber of gaine and fish at acea each year, yet surveysý bbab Uinie Beaver had alrcady show that fîsh p opulations are,' been exterminsted ini the ares on bb cirease, Heavy ce- as a direct resuit of bîgb onices storking from bbe nearbyý on bbc Erîropean fui., market. Deen Lake Hatcbcry is a gicat; Deer were beroming scarce bercift for Campbellford. Thce- and spawnîng grounds of gamne district is a mecca for fîsher-ý fishi weîe ruthlessly strîppcd men scekiug trophy-sized mus- et parent stock~ earb spnîng by kirs anîd other game fisb eacb bbc use of nets and spears. season. Atlantic salmon wbirb used Reader a are urged Io be to migrabe up streanis fîorn "conservation corisclous" ,and Lake Ontario eacb spririg .in bo remember that whenit abîîndance bad heeni slaugbt- cornes to conservation - Carnîp ered out of existence. Mask- bellford is wbeîe it ail began. inge populations were seri- ously redured. A't that iine, tbere was provincial legislabion, passed in 1868 for bbc protection of garne ini Ontario, But - thcre wvere no enforremenb offîcers, and ronsequenbly few people botbeîed to observe regula- tions laid cdown ii tebct. The Carnpbellford, associa- tion and other înberested per- sons brouglit pressure in Sp- iîropriabe places, and tbe- On- tario Gaine anid Fîsh Division 'z was establîsbed in 1890. This ± commission soon baed existingc h laws aimended and new regu- 'j tFeed the Trees Fertilizer Regularly 1Early spring or late fali islfertilizrcr in eaclî deoressiori, an ideai Urne to fertilize tree, bn cultivated soit, fertilizer says IBuss Gomme, horticul- ,,o beapplied to the surface nd rakerin, tural specialist, Ontario Min- The average apfflîcatiori istry of Agriculture and Food. jte is three pounds of fertil¾ Trees need food for continued izer for eacli inch of the treea strong growth as do aill iv diameter, measured-four fret ing organisms, ho0wever, theY above ground. Wlien app1y- require it in iouici form, ýiîg, be careful netl b Place The same type of fertilizer fertilizer toon close to the' that you apply to your lawn feeding roots. The pob should cran. be used to feed trees. It bp don, at least, eeyother cari be applied by punching year. holes in the ground or re- Ilf aves displaý oo color, moving small sections of sod and if growth is sotand below the outer branches of slow. these are sigrý; ista the troc ind applying the fecding time agalo., CAMP SOVE WHITE GAS- HEAT for stoves and lantern5 ONE GAL$1.07 Large Seleetion of; COLEMAN & THERMOS Chest Coolers Priccd froml $10,97 up MANY OTHER, HANDY PICNIC and CAMPING, ITEMS PHONE 623-2542 MAE YOUR BACKYARD A TE1 SP SHPAT B EAV ER SELECT FROM OUR OUTDOOR CENTRE PATIO DECKSýi SPRUCE or CEDAR 8" x 12' to 16" x 42'j FROM $124.95 Up - FREE PLANS ON DISPLAY SEE BEAVER -WE'RE IN THE BUSINESS- FREE 1 VL L E RiEDWOOD FURNITURE IT'S THfE IN" THING SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION ON DISPLAY GARDEN TOOLS&FENCING PICK THE STYLE FOR VOUR HOME AND BEAVER WILL DELIVER IT. CHAIN LINI< and WOOD FENCES ON DISPLAY RE Phone 623-338 $92,75 109.95 149,95 169.95 $ 28.45 89.95 84.95 89.00 f ouae oking towards a rifle fo)r.a gif t o urprise for the man i your fe e sfîrst. We will discuss if and even let you exchange your purchase it dees nuot suit flie requirirment5. .......... 3.65 ,SHOT SHELLS -2.69 Box Phone 623-2542 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVI LLE MREM-, 1-e ý'jl

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