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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1972, Supplement, p. 8

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m -UNMMa NU-- OIm m -- 1' PAG'E EIGITSUPPEMENT OF TH-E CANA1DIAN STATESMAýN,BOMNIL MAY Ilst, 1972 ",- trtc Smmr-u Through Entire S.eason wffl U iMU Pt' Me ,, e In- r ,. mlt':i 4RU e %tg" HOME adCOTTAGE ~EW LEISUREMMNG WAY FOR GR"EAýTER- EfJ10Y MENT 0F OTDOR RC-REATION By vJACK IIAMiLTO,'N Chainia, Cmmiteefor the Great outifoorg The Great Outdoors. Three simple words, really, but words that hold out ra promise for man's enjoyment and weil being awemovetwad such ever. increasing leisure time 'U' the three-dayv holidlay weekend and the shorter work TherLe arec manly, ma-,ny ways te pursueerecreati'on, But by far, most cf us look te the out-of-doors for fun ianid recreatien. It's out there, it seems, where we fý-ind the truc meaning of the wvord "recreationi": te reraeand refresh eneseif. And increasingiy, we're frndfingf the outdoors looking right back at us. A Two-way PRelatonship This is neonwa relationship beptwýeen mi and hi7s envirer)imen-t. To cnijo y ithe toraa( suc f recreaimni mua-t pay his dues: thie protection and preserva1 ýti(jjonf that environreentd for ail te use and Ever family that spends its weknd amping ba a olgaio 4oth to othe47r canîpers and ýlto thej oudor ia If te leave behind a dean ycamp,. Evey amly ha eJoys bwatin ius1114 be >s;lre nef to as ittr oerbard nr te pellute thp, waters. 9 E-very ýf-;mîIy that fishes or hunts should feoîwý good cnservaion rulesnd practices, because cf ish and] ~ninals reis umuh a part of.the environmentasare thestem and feresta ïv;in hich they live. Inshrmran his framily have the privilege of usn Lh reat outdo r nAil ils imany spiendors te incrase is ejoymntof life; but in turri he bas the inrdIient rcesponsýIiiifv to preserve and, protect that autdobrs as he woud preserve and pretect bis own famiy. Industies--rvîing the recreational ineeds of thej Caaianpbli have long recognized this obligation, and Ihave been working towards a better envireriment. Obveusyconsuimers would net buy their prod- ucts if the products could net be used under the, pleasant surroundings excpected by the recreation-bent people, But these manufacturers are users, toc, and 10 kM te, the outdoors fer their recreation as much as dees, the office-bound accountant or the factory worker. Persenal Reason, Too Recreation mariufacturers thus have a double stakýe in the enviroriment, and their interest and work in creating a better worid for recreation -- both fer the* consumer and for themseives- cleariy shows t]his unique inltrest. But the industries can do oniy se much. It remains, finally, te the users, te the campers and the boaters M and the hunters and the fishermen, te ANYONE who - seeks recreation under the skies, te recegnize his oblih gatien te helpbpreserve the eutdoors. There are more, and cleaner, 'recrcatienal boating* andi fishýing waters this year than iast. Use Resources Wisely Teeare more public and prîvate ecologically*ý planneti campsites this year than iast.- B ut it f ils ;te tbe user te use these faciIitIes isly to protect the envireriment in ail its many emt make sure th great outdoors remains what it las has beeni. How muntchcamping equipment wouid be sold, fori exmiif there was ne place te camp in cemfort?* ifow any eutboard motets or fishing reels wouid bel soitiî ie oniy availabie fishing waters were poiluted and void of fish? How many travel vehicies wouid be* seiti if there was ne place worth seeing? The Outdoers îs Great Obviousiy, a good envirorment makes gond busiJ ness sense, andi these manufacturera are spending lit-M eraily millions cf dollars annuaily on conservation and - ecieogy to insure the great outdoora stays truty greïo. The outdoors IS great, make ne mistake about that. - Andi it's gettîing greaterevery year. <charge lInto Greaf Outdoors À ith H!andy Cre dit Cards IfYouar;lke reiost vaca- ed are significant. The car own- tionrayouve ratt wel I tbt'athe ae ar-m your- er needn't put off vital re- CStabhsbe a tîght budget for self w-ith wallaccepted credit pairs until cash la, available, your upcming tnp. And if crds te, tide you over any Credît carda help your book- you a3re typicatl, not much cf emergency. Btter yet, use keeping cheres since often a t1iat b udgt ludes centin- those credit carda fer neaded single billing will itamize al gencicy funda fer ay -mishapa servicesi befoe the trip begfins. axpenses - a particularly, ~ourcar iay ncenieron te B nefits cf the credit cardvaluable bene-nt if your carý I __________ plý)fý Aflont Exterior 90 PAINT *Good Quality Latex 50ONLY CEDAR PICNIC TAB LES' &about 30" High - Top about 30" Wide white $4,4À04 Gallon SPmA $1~ BUY NOW AND SAVE' !CAL$ 19 «\~ 24 SFo0ot ALUMINUM' EXTENSION LADDER SPECIAL LOW PRICE AS. SEENIN OUR 11972 CATALOGUE QUANTUTME .4483 LAST FIBREGLASS REIN FORCED PLASTIC PANELS 2"x 8' YELLOW or GREEN WalI Hung white China SINK 9"x 171. SPECIAL $9*95 FREE! STYROFOAM INISULATION % l' x 4' x8' %99C x 4' x 0' $1.49 1" x,4' x 8" $1,99 WHITE REVERSE TRAP TOILET COMPLETE ,WITFI WHITE MOLDED SEAT No. 6A SPECIAL. set STEPETTE, LADDER !DEAL FOR INDOOR AND LOWER OUTDOOR USE.' 5 FT. HIGHI WITH TRAY SPEC IAL ea~ oLYMPIc SPECIAL BUY FOUR GALLONS AND GET FIFTH GALLON DRESDEN OAK 4' x 8'-- REGULAR $5.66 STARDUST Interlacking 64,SQ. FT. PER CARTON $9"951 I I ."So)nora" Series in GoId or Bronzex 4' x F' -- REGULAR $41.99ý Special 4.3 3 COTTAGE SPECIALS INDIAN GOLD- MOROCCO BROWN- ALLEGRO REGULAR $3.99 K Special 3,59' SA&VE $10.00 on SUNBEÂM ELECTRIC LAWN MOWERS I expe-nses are tax deductible- VStili another plus with thp. credit card is that yen needl' n't carry excesa ameunts of cash with yeu. Credit carda bave becemer universally accepted, More than 200,000 gaseli-ne stationsýJ accept credit cards, net ony for gas and cil but for Mooe expensive purchases like tiresv and batteries. In addition, ser-1 vices like tune-up cao ha charged, often inte easily bud- geted paymrents.a Almost 115000 idepcndeit: service outlets accept sema1 form of credit paymnent plans, M! ranging from their own to pepular bank and travelitype credit carda, In addition, a rar share of the 33,000 automobhile dcal- erships service ouýtIe S are Rac cepting credit carýda Soe will even pay fer first year's membership lenppu7lar travel card organizationis. ý'Se, t1lere's Dne ntord te drivel an undermaietairdI car on vour trip te the Great Out- deoor5. You can charge inte the countryside with asurances cfý a trouble-free trip, RE 188D Twin BIade Rotary. RE 1700P ,Single Blacle Rotary, Special Special Sod Your Lawn _ -. --. -. Sodding ilaaal cx client -S ME OTfF INYCUTC method oe estahlishing a'ofUME CT A G S lawn, particularly where' Ai O RT 'desirable te establish a 1awn HA DY1 Iquickly. [t la aise an effect- IVWyt cvraslepe onU SELF-SERVE rearwore spots in an estrib- lished lawn says D .B.nSTR Neill, horticulturalciaitVLL T oneMinistry of _Agrie11 ,ure and Food. Good aod frore a rcputableN.2IW~ WS growc shoud be used. Pas turc sod can be uaed, but it provides a poor lawn and is,~ SIW often ful of wccs-e The sou ashould be prepar- SHWA OCAVIL ed ie the Same n anner as for4'7 sceding, with geod topso ij ....EOO O M N IL well worked, levellcd and rollcd. Apply feri ier prior î______ ____________ te ayig te sod and. later ____________ af high nitarein plce Bdom aftery th siodaaen ertpla SANDILANDS (20 x 28- 560 sq.ft.) - .lre j The soda must hc laid se O ESTAN $40O tht hy fit together tîghtly. FOIESeH N $400 The joints should ha staggcr- mMOHE LI C___ __ cd te prevent washing if laid M E PA STO CO "ROMv ____ ____ on a slopr. After the sod l1 ladwteýittoruhl i,1(from 340 sq. f. up to 980 sq. ft.) 40jIH A tramp or roil if. Wcll-laPid1 sod wil) have recta in the sil in thrce or fotin dav WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND aed wii tharat hi ksbe WAREHOUSE 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIO)NSI Sodding ila afast, fficient L M E L N ___ wn. Ifs bhiggrsf rawback a BNDS. W. <OE COURTICE YARD and but homllprieaanl cost. It j100 Bond St. Weat 0-eEA ISLSRO inr xesvthan aecdingOshawa ir.w vry short time.n Phone 728-1617 f COURTICE RD. A L N Smlokçe ceoking '11cwq~~~Lit~I I l ffU~ U ~IIJW. !~W ENMIfNfii~' coeking ever a lew flamne w the grill rover closed. ThUTq 2-61W RHO S U BRA D7811 food n uý1sually cooked i n i rçr,, _F 728nIn -17i~j~ju ~ n~ià anume fou '"boit" xe 7, I[~~ fat ,î,ld ha drained off aJ i lH d II~hJIIIMI t a mnail amount cf ater.add- . Jý".g eti to the boat occasioniaUy. ffiM - M M UNM $69.77 $79.77 ri. THE GREMAT OUITDOORS

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