4Th@ Canqdian Stategsman, BorwmanvIlle, May 31, 1972 EDITO)RIAL COMMENT Planning, Board Cornes -ta the. Rescue, Our -bat is ýoff this week fo the Central Ontario Joinf Planning Board .who recently came up with one of the frotsensible recommendations we have seen in some time. They suggested that g-olf courbes should have special assess- ma~ent consideration rather than being taxed at current market value. We only hrpe the mioney-hungry province will agree, ofherwise many courses will be domsed and those which can survive will bhe so expensive that Mr. Average M-nor Woman will have to gîve up the gaule. Golf has certainily changied in the past few years from a rich man's hobby or' folly to a game in which most wage terer an participate . and if serves 4thern right In earlier years, only the ~t«el-todohad the privilege of exper- icing the frustrations and disappoînt- jne tstha acompnyattempts to put ýt iny whitle baîl -in an even tinier hole afte'r walpking affer the doggone J'hIring for everal1 hunidred yards. The lower incomne men found an equivalent lit fisin'jg, affer. which they told f an-- tnstic, stories aqbout the ones they miss- M, muich the same as, the golfer's tales. l\jo, golf has become economically ,o ssible -for nearly anyone who want s ~drive hîmnself crazly, There are miany reasons 'why golf &~iirss souli-be iv\en special consid- eration fax-wise and the COJPB bas outlined only à few of them. Hiealth authorities stress the- need for more exercise for- those who, normally are, office bound during the, day and- then, instead of walking, hop into cars to go two blocks. The only exercise they rec- eive fo stimulate the heart muscles is obfained whule cutting the grass. Golf courses fake care of this basic need and for those who play as we do, a round of golf in a zig zag fashion does cover a great deal of territory. Golf also gets you away from Mother Bell's jangling telephones and lets you, relax from the daily labors, If also enablesyou to com- mune, with nature as you search through the woods for your hall that wanfs to play hide and seek and the, bending to pick up the hall from ifs resting place behind a tree or other impediment is good for the back. Also, golf is a busi- ness stimulant providing much employ- ment for those supplying equipment necessary to play the game. Fancy ouf- fits in wild colors add zest to, the play- ers who also must invesf in special shoes, gloves, bats, clubs . , there's aI- ways something tlhat you hope will inr- prove your game. The Planning Board's on the right tlrack and we're aîl for them and their recommendation. Lef's have more of them thaf we can understand. we suspect there is still some probability that we'll be linked more closely with an Oshawa centred region than at pres- ent.* However, we don't like to predîct too closely what will happen- until more information 15 available, Whatever1 comes from Mr. Mc- Keougbh, there is little doubt in our minds that he has abandoned his earlier ideas about forming more regional gov- ernments and their advantages over tire- current system. 'We'll know more after tomorrow, but don't expect thaf 'the proposed changes will make too much difference in our way of living for some tîme. ai11 .1 L -- *r.. -- halls, 'sat in ifs classrooms and taken part in ifs many events over the years. Old pictures of teams, teachers and stu- dents- have been reproduced which will be.of great interest to many. Copies are now available at the school for'those who ordered them'. It's a fine piece of, historythat is a real credif to those who took tire time aind trouble to gather the information and assemble if in a worthwhile publication. conratlatonsto all those stdnsof Bowmanville High Lnd students of former days who t tog,,eth-er Pa miemorable edifion crehOýwl to mýark the end of e tree school anid provide a sAry ,on ifsas of service to current editioin, being released k, i7, packed wif h milemories for 7ho hiave walked tihrough iifs Th e Beloved Prince of Yesteryear iories were brougit fle Britisir governiment and tire Cirurcir af weakend wýihthtie, news fiat England fiat tirey willingly wouid have tire Duke ofi Winidsoýr, had diad tirown ouftirhe lot wiren firey refused ude wirat iras ta haonofaitira ta change tire rules ta accammodata tire love stonias, and tragadies ai King and iris heloved. ,Ouirars were angry aitirae Americans wio irad tire ae West in Tire, Globe and Mail audacity fa lai ose ai tireir kind hecome marning wnote .an excellant 50 involvad witir aur King tiraifis about tins mas, wira more fias' catastrophe could happas. Feelings ras ae ai tira royal famiiy in iis- iigi but tirroughi ifail Edward's popu- îfdtireireanîs aifiris people laity was maintaired alfirougir sot as cly wý,recked wiraî was .lait 'af greatnts if mad Ibean.Fnom tien until La1rcirv. now, ire and iris beloved have appaared nr Edward was tira Prince ai in tira news now and tires ta rasurreci 'ay hck wien, h was doie irosa days and mnake many ai us won- and wom-es round tire world. dan wirat would hava happesad if hç'd 'rudaau at iris ciranîsmatic hast, been aile fa continue as King wiuir t tire sama langue as tins gîam- Wally Simpson as iris Quean. une wiao set stylas in clouiing, You young folks missad a great par- anr vain eyer fa wasir tieir iod in iistory fiat will neyer accur an lire d kissad thram, ,. and agaîn. Too had. t mrore afas tirasiris parants ireads ai govensmennitiahugiri GIVING ILI dI hava. IHa was a lad fiai ose arouind and hmd everyana f alk- fa cIa aa t mm, ail tirai I, own ,oronafion wa anfaitiragreat-.would hae osfa tire day. If w as a sirame ai notiring and red talevision iradn'f been in-nouiing, ecausa tire pagaantry was mag- - would ha al and tira cormmarcials woul i me , formilos Tires came tirai my lufe and goals iay wian ire abdic-atad bacausa myv dreams- tupid restrictions tirai farbada and friands my weaith rlarry Wally Simpson, tira div- and pavarty Mreicani, wliom lira loved. Oh, my irappiness and hope ne trag-iccdays fiai will 'neyer ail tirai I own ttin by tirosa wvho expaniencad for nathing and 'iis gallant figuira giving up natiig ag irbe hmd bean frainied for. would ha al Jad as thay lisfenied ta iris voice ai me. ing fia fataful words. Many -Suzanne, Shetiar, angry aitirhe top mesrlli te 159 Guelpir Street, Oshrawa, Ont. Durhazn County's Great Famlly 1 ournal ,flt..$Lt.1,leLÂ "e.10 yV4~ i. £1 1rY Also Incorporating NA The Bowmanville News 7 The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Second clas mail registration number 1561 Plroduced -every Wednasday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66'Kingi St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. P., MORRIS PATRICK GOULD1 BusixEss MGRt. SALES MANAGER Phone 623-3303 DONALD BISHOP PLANT MGR. Tlhursday could, be a fatefulda thi aeawhen Darcy McKeough sak i Peterborough and ouf lines Sstwhat the provincial authorifies Iave in mind so far as developmenf is r-'cerned ýfor the eight counties around %i rgion. Probably Prrt Hoepe and Cobourg jîlU have special interest in tire pro- otuncements because eariier they had eýLen informed of plans to virtually join eml-Y together in a centre that would výentually reach a populationof about 000,To date, there hasn't been too chinformation released on just here we in this commtuify fit in, but Ai 'I - - - , 1 ý (Our I have put oüf Tire'3r bit of his Thei tins wee.k has0 ,-e w Iover tire sEdwardi,1 ta conichu graatest Bruc( ?Mi sday coîumanai any imen ,cap' Peau Plrre Tr plsnt ir pùus fi paes affi Jedîd i md Ltire ico gai lgabout ,%evest tt colCI Y nted be ficentcol ~efwl d the si ileed A] 1 se wei hé orgotl thrn. Ti everythin pany cri( -onouine -oe Phone U623-3303 JOHN M. J.AMESý Ern)ToaR-PUBLSnmt "Copyright and/or property riqhts esubsist ia the image appearing on this p roof. Permission to, zoproduce in whole or ta part and in any tarm -whatsoever, paricularly by photographic or ofset procesin a publication, muet bo ebtainei tram 'the publisher and the printer. Any unauthorized reproduction veill be subiect to recours. t in . $7.00 a year - 6 monthn $4.00 $9.00 a Year la the United States Ltrictiy In advance Although eývery procautton wllt he taken t avaold errai The Conadioin Statesman accepta odvertis. mgq in ils catumna on the under4taading that il wîtt flot h. hiable for ony errari n nny advertieement publishgd bereunder unse sGaProot et such odvertismeat is requested ta wrtinq by the advertiser and returned ta The Canadian Sttesman business office cluly stgaed hy the àdiertîser and with suich errer or crrections plaialy noted ta writiag thereon, and ta thot case if any errar se neted is net carrlectedl by The Canadian Statennman ils liabifity shai] not exceed such at portion oi the cabire rosi ,l uehch (Jvertisemont as th.e$paettooccupied by the noted errer hearre te the wbate pace caccupied hy uch detieet <«j MacDuff Report Prioriîties and Smoking SWhatever happened ta Heaith and Wlfare Minis- ter John Munro's plan to ban ail promotion and ad- vertising of cigarettes and ta control* their nicotine and tar content? A bill to accomplisth these restrictions was introduced into thei House of Commons a year ago, was argued over for months then ailowed to die on the order paper when that session of parlia- ment ended. It has flot been heard of since. It is likely that pre-occu- pation with the drug cul- ture in Canad~a and what government wiil do about it has pushed fobacco con- trois w-eii down on the list o! legisiative priorities. It is likely also that the sub- jeet becamre a bit too hot fa handie, There hasý been one-durect resuit fromn Mr. Munro's lunge into the subject of cigarette smnoking. Manu- facturers have voiuntariiy ended advertising In the broadcast media. And as a side resuit tihe Minister has cut down on bis own con- sumption of the weed. 1The present session of parliament bas been the first in many years during which t he controversiai subi ect of cigarette smoking bas not reared its head-if you except the perennial questions and private mem- ber's bis of Barry Mather, the NDP member fromn Sur- rey-White Rock in Britishr Columbia. Mr. Mather bas made his opposition to to- 'baoco and his campaign for safety on the highways a career. Manufacturers who. said fhat in addition f0 remnov- ing cigarette advertising from television fhey would print a heaitir warning on every package of cigarettes, have not yet fuifiiled that undertaking. They did not set a date for conforming to fiais requirement set out in iast year's Bill, butý sug- geste d they wouid do so when current packaging supplies i-an ont and It was economiîcaily feaible ta do Sa. The Department of Heaith and Weifare hais been conductlng a running battie a ga In st cigarette Imoking for many yeari. The camPaign had one peak wlhen Judy LaMarsh bhel the portfolio. Miss LaMarsh was a-ireavy smoker wirên sire accepted tirat post from Lester Pearson. Later wiren sire got invoived in tire De- partment's campaign sire stopped entirely, both as a matter of' personal convic- tion and f0 furtirar tire cause wiricir iad as itsend, tire reduction of smoking among users and to con- vince young people not te start. Mn. Munro's personal con- tribution iras, not been se drastic, but ireiras cut down personai consumption f0 tire point wirere ire is now seidom seen publicly wifir a cigarette and ireiras given iris biessing faetire Departmental anti-smoking campaign. Strangeiy ail tire ioopia wiricir led up to tire intro- duction o! tire Bill in June 1971 wiricir wouid ban al advertisîng (a $25 million a year business), to e ur hecaltir anlgrn alc arette packagesq and flan pinting of nicotîine and far content on firam, liras suir- sided. Tire Bihll tsel! Is,.in "file 13" from wbichir i ap- pears unlikeiy Vteirc resur- rected. There 15 every Indication tire Government doas not want fo get into tirat irigily controversial field fins late In Ifs mandate. It iras about a Year te run before it must cail a general elaction. Tire likeliirood is if will not watt tirat long. To introduce the Bill now would put it in tire centre o! election con- trovarsy because tihre is no possibllity o! sucir a measure passing witirout lengtiry and, bitter deirate. Periraps if was sot too difficuit for Mr. Munro to subside In view o!fVire !act tirat governments m ak e more money ouf o!f obacco tiras anybody. Figirting tire aniticipated legisiaflon earjy in 1971, Vie Canadias To- bacco Manufacturers Coun- cil came up witir statistic wirich sirowad tire retail va lue o! ail tobacco pr.,i- ducts In Canada in 1970 was $1,435 million., Ouf 0f fis federal excises took $600 million, provincial tax- es $200 million and corpor- ation taxes $25 million for a total o! $825 million, more tiras balf tire retail value., Tbat's big income at asy levai and with governments ganerally runnàg buge de- ficits and, unwillllng to ,int- crease taxes is otirer direc- fions, if would sot appear to ipake sesse for tirem to cut down tireir taire irons fins source, and a reduc- tion in cigarette smoking wouid do that. Beside tire was a distinct lack of public conviction that gov- ernment siroulld isterfere In ose o! Ifs pleasures, or vices - tire term usable beisg a matter o! personai viewpoint. If may bave felt tire exancise wouid be as futile as tirat once *waged agalnst bevenage aicoirol. Tire Goverument is now deapiy concersed by tire non-medical use o! drugs. Tire Le Dain Commission wirich iras bean investigaf- ing tire non-medical use o! drugs in Canada iras just publsbed a lengfiry volume on tira availabiiity and use o! marijuana. It findsaa great rany Casadians bave, used if, at eýast once _and firat mYany.ý are constant lis- ers, despite tire facGt tiat possession, use and frai- ficking are, ciminal of- fesses. Tire, Commission itself was divided on ifs recom- mandations. Tire majorify suggests tirat simple pos- ý session sirould not ira an offense and fiat fnaficking shouid ire illegal by statut e ratirar tirasundar tire crim- mnai code. A misority re- port suggested, governments sirouid open "pot sirops" to legalize and control distri- bution. Anofirer would ne- tain stringent prohibition. 1Mr. Munnio's personal re- action was firat ire would. have no part in making marijuana legal. Tirat could have bean expected. He ir.s already ordered restrictions on tire use o! otirer drugs sucir as ampiretimines aven as medicaliy prascribed. Wiatirer these movas wil bave an ef!act on the illégal fraffie in "spaad", tire drug whicir is causing trouble among teen-agers, ramains fo ire seaen. Undar these circunistan- ces If appears that Casada'z 6,400 toiracco growans, most o! wirom are in tire flue- curad or cigarette type business, plus tire 10,500 es- gagd In tire procassisg and marketing end, can go along peaca!ully witir fieir $1.5 billion a yaar business for some fime yat. Report from O ttaw a By Russelli C. Honey, M.P. -This week tire Hause of Cammons iras been cossidering a Billwirich wouid require ragistered political parties and candidates ta disclose contributions and ý xpandifures, imposa limifs on spesd-- ing in election campaigns and provida finascial assistance ta candidates and parties was întraçluced in tire House'ai SCommons as Tuesday by Pnivy Couscil Presidant, Allas J. MacEaches, Tis, Bill is intanded ta, open tire system of poliical finance ta . public view and axaminatios and ta heip place candidates for electias ftirte Housa of Cammons on a mare aqual footing. Tira lagisiation implaments tire-main principles of tire Barbeau Committea on Elaction Expenses, submitfed in October 1966 and aofie Commons Spa- cial Committea 'report tabled in June 1971. Main featuras.aifie lagisiation in-- clude:. 1. accaptance of tire Barbeau Commit- fee and tire Commons SpecialCommit-- tee necommendafion fiat parties disclose fie total amount af contributions and tire disposition ai funds, bath assually and after an election. 2. a provision tiat registered polifical parties appoint agents tirrougir whom ail contributions must ha made and al iusds spant. 3. a requirenient tiat CANDIDATES obtainauditors' reports on thir posf- elaction rafurns, similar ta tiosea ta would ha raquirad ai negistared, parties. 4. recognition fiat tire pinciple cause of accalerating campaign cos s iras bees in tire area of incraased use of paid ad-- verfisisg. Tire Bill proposes two matir- ods af raeducingtis burden, (1) Finst, if recognîzes fiat tire is a naed fa place a ceiling as tire amounts a candidate miay spesd on paid advertising. (2) Second, if providas partial ne- imbursement ai a candidate's advertising, costs as racom- mended by tira Barbeau Com- mîttee and tire Commons Spa- cial Cammittea fa a maximum of -25 par cent af ailowable costs. Tis would assurea ta tire candidate would ha assist- ad in cavering tira cosi s of basic communication wîirtirte pub- lic. Raimbursemenf would be av ailabla toalal candidates wiro racaive 20 par cent of tira valid popular vote. 5. Tire.Bihl would pravida a fax credif of one-tirird of tire contribution up fa, a maximum of $500. wiricir could ha claimad hy ail taxpayers for contribu- tions ta registerad parties annually and ta candidates for faderai elections and by-elections, New Director For Gallery Glen Cumming, af present director o! tire Kitchener- Waterloo Art Gallery, will succeed Paul Bennett as direc- for o! tire Robert'MeLaugihin Gallery in Oshrawa. .Mr. Bennett left tire Oshra- wa Gallery May 1, to accapt tire position o! Executive-Di- rector o! tire Canadian Guid o! Craft s, in Toronto. Chamber's 25 YEARS AGO (June 5, 1947) An interesting demonstra- tion o! ýdancing 'took place at tire home o! Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Sciron, Beech, _Ave., Wednesday and Tirursday evenings, May 28 and 29, f0 tire deiigirt of about 60 guests. Mrs. 0. Friend, in- structor o! tire class, opened tire program with a few wel- coming ramarks, affer whîcir tire. 16 girls, gowned in fresir white dresses, present- ed tire display o! instrumen- tal dancing. Girls taking part in tire demonstration were: Jean Living, June Aulchn, Joan Rice, Marion Dippeli, Janet Dale, Ver- onica Friend, Nancy Varcoe, Mary Southrey, Mary Pater- son, Patsy Smith, Marilyn Miller, Wilma Richards, Marie Scarrow, Marjorie Mutton, Marie Clarkre and Betty Grant. In tire recent resuits o! First Year exams hald af O.A.C. we were pleased to note that B. M. (Mac) Ingham, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ingbam, Millbrook, and former Bowmanvilie residents, passed with higir ironors. 1Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cryd- erman, in company witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose and son, Newcastle, are cnjov- ing a motor trip tirrougli Western Canada to the Pacifie Coast.' 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Linton o! Schenectady, N.Y.; Miss Jean Bell, Detroit, Micir,, were Sunday 'visitors wîtir Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Bell.' Mr. and Mrs, F, A. Bruce and family bave returned from a 6,000-mile motor trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Quie Ken- nedy and famiiy, Detroit, spent tire Memorial Day waekend with Mn. and Mrs. Hugir MacDonald. G.aed 49 VEARS AGO (June 7. 1923) M r. and Mrs. R. F. Aitchi.. son, Miss Aileen Parker, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cavcriy, Harold and Rena, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Caverly, Rex and Grace, Misses G. Armstrong and Neihie Montgomery, Mr. H. C. Caverly, Hester,- Winona, Clint on and, Stan-. ton enjoyed a trip through tire fruit district _o!,tire Niagara peninsuia on Sun- day. <Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, Miss Enid and Mr, Leighton Soucir affended the wedding o! their cousin, Miss Hazel V. Kerman and Mr. Arthrur Clarence Crowburst at Port Hope on Saturday. Mr. Leon Dumas, Bow- manville,.had bis car stolen in Oshrawa Saturday morn- ing. If was located in To- ronto on Monday by city police. Miss Kate l'aster of Bow- manvilie and Miss Georgina Lord, Toronto, spent the, weekend wîth the Misses Oke, Ontario Stree.Port Hope Guide. Miss Fanny Heliyar, of Toronto Normai Scirool, vis- ited her uncle and aunt, Mr. John and Miss Eva Heliyar on Monday. Miss Jane Grigg and Mr. Duncan Murray, Toronto, spent tire weekend with Mrs. D. Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. F. Allin of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Wilson >o! Bowmanviiie, motored f0 Lindsay, Satur- day and spent tire weekend, with relatives.-Post. Mr., M. A. Neal and !am- ily now occupy Mr. Wm. Foley's cottage on Lowe Street which ire recently purchased. Mrs. Fred Reid and daugirtar Mary. are visitîng wîth relatives in Winnipeg, Mar. C.oncert Closes Spring Arts Festival Spring Festival ni the Arts, ured performing group of the the Grand Concert wili speli evening, the Oshawa Sym- Resigns fini to' the festival with a phony Orchestra, The Bownianville Chaniber fiourish. Conducting the Symphony of Commerce is now lookingy Set for Sunday, June 4 at Orchestra vill be Jacob for a new Seeretary-Treasurer. 8:00 p.m, in the Civie Audi- Groob, leadJiqg ' with twe Mrs. Peggy Frank, who cur- torium, the Grand Concert Beethoven works, te Eghth rentiy holds the position, has wiil feature the Oshawa Youth Symphony (First -Movemnient) resigned as of June 30, be- Symphony, the Oshawa Civic and the Aegmont Oveture, a cause she is moving out 0o1 Band, the Elementary Schooi stirring, piece to conclujde the toùwn. Chorus, the Oshawa chapters evening. Sugair and Spice By Bill Smiley PLAY IT AGAIN THE OLD WAY, SAM Do you, occasionally, have the feeling fiat youd like to stand up, pre- ferably is some public, place, and scream, "Stjop the world! I wanna gef off!1"? This urge, which is becoming a compulsion, seems to ha hitting me more offen lately. Perhaps it's the first, faint symptom of sehility. Twenty years ago, when our kids were babies and I was leading tire hec- tic, 72-hour a week life of a weekly editor, I accomplîshed a great deal. I still found' time tô play the odd game of poker (and odd is the word), catch opening day of the trouf season, get in a few rounds of golf a week, see tire latest movie, play with tire kids and fell them bed-time stories, and figit with my wife. Today, tire kids are grown up and gone, and nry weekly chores have been pared to a reasonable number of hours, .Yet I find myseîf sa beleaguered thaf I iraven'f played poker for five y ears, haven'f wet a lise, or sliced a drive this spring, haven't seen a movie for a year and a haîf, and scarcely have time ta figit with my wif e, Don't say if. "He's getting old." This is pure malice. I can stîll out-dance and ouf-drink. mast twenty-year-olds. I was goisg to add out-fighf. But let's put if tis way. I cas stili out-run any cow-- ard my age, or up ta tes years yousgen. I cas still swim a hundred yards in haîf an hour; I cas walk a block in twenty minutes, wifh time ouf for catch- ing my breati. I can hit a golf bail 2 00 yards w.if h a mare 60-mile taii--wind. Don't say if. "He's caught up in a social whirl," That's pure imagination. The osly social whirl around hare is trying ta decida wirefier we shouid go ovar and visif Grandad, or ask him to came and visit us. No, it's something else. Whaf, in the worid of ail that is ridiculous, is happening, in the prime of, my, life, when I should ha coasting a liffle affer yaars of uphill pedalling? It's the rotten world,'that's what if is. Tire danged firing is flying around f aster and faster on ifs axis, whafaver the scientists may say. Tire days are getting shorfer and shorfer, the years are flipping by lika somebody shuffiing cards, and some- body is- wishing tire weekesd wouid coma or saying, "Thank God, îf's Fri- day." And ail God's ciillun scam to know if. The kîds are into clrugs and sex as fhough they'd just been înventedl and migit be ouf of style tomorrow. The frouf streams are polluted. It'u easiar ta flop and watch an old movie on television, with forfy-six commer. cials, than fa ventura into the dark thre. afra and hacome involved., I play an anemie and safe game of bridge jinsfaad of an erratic and brilliant game of poker. The golf courses are so crowded if takes ail day to play a round. And even playing around is no flin anymare. Everybody, isstead of view- ing if with fthe delightad harrar af a ganeration ago, has an instant analysis of tire whole affair, in pseuda-psycio. lagical terms. If used fa -be fun ta, fight wifh my furnace, man against the beast. Offen if won, but at least I had the satisfac- tion of giving if a few good beits with the coal shovel. Try that with your fniendly ail dealer and yau'il wind up wifh a law-suit. .Evarybody is sick ta daath of taxes, always gaing up, hawever cleverly dis- guised; af politicians. who seem maore coscerned wifh scorng a point, for or against, than in laading; of tira lausy postal service; af the grawing, army af slobs wiro diddla the resf of us and live on usemploymenf issuranca or welf are. Tire majority of Canadians are sick ta deatir of those darlings of the self- styled intellectual leaders: anti-Amen'1- canism; lack ofa "true Canadian cul.- ture", wiratavarthat is; bilingualism, a perfect example of tire real beisg con- ned by the ideai. -Howevar, don't feel tirati m givîng rip. The oniy people wiro seem ta gai ahead thesa days are those who dig in tireir heels: tire garbaga callectars, pas- fies and caps, who -are now making a decent (and in tire opinion of many, an inïdecent) wage; tire farmer who refus- as ta sali oufta a corporation bacause ha balievas in wirat he's doing; tire odd teacher wio refuses ta ha shut up by a smofherisg administration. Perhaps if we ail dug in aur heels a bit, tire world would nat be going fa hall in a wireil-barrow. Or going aroundic s0 fast. I'm willing. How about you? Maybe fao masy of us feal firat we 're a voica in tire vilderness. Not so. That's where Christ gave tire gears fa tire davil. And see wiaf happened. Mayhe I sound disgrustled. l'm siot, I'm as grustled as they came. And osie of tire main reasons is fiat I've jusi learned fiat my favorite uncie, at tire age af 80, is getting married ta a brotir of a girl of 72. As Jewish writers have it, "I Should live so long' BEE1R NO'cW Av/AiLABLE iomorrow We Learn ur Faie, Memorable tdîtion r-its the btreet ly3là