--O-og Jolted by Live Hydro Line Mr. Charles Peàrçe, Orono Hydra Manager, rêpôrted ta the Comrnisslôn last wêek that a live hydren wir in the Orônôf Park had fallen into the cree-k and, had gven an elec- tric joît te a dog. The dog and île yôung owner weré playînrg ithêaréa et the tirne of the incident. '-ha hydre manager alzo t;ad that a number of fish and -tiags had been killed throug.h 41he fact that the wire had Salien into the water.. 1In, reporting the incident Y-r. Pearca aaid there was rieed fer repairs ta the wîr- Ing and lighting in the park and suggested tha t Hydre could assist with the repairs by carrying out the installa- tion, if the Park Board would CULrthaFýee the ,materiala ,He iaid after ail the park wasaa cornmunîty ventura and the Hlydre could i gve sorne help, The manager ie to report the incident ta the Park Board and at the came time offer l Hydro's assistance. SSunday evening a water main in the north of Orono broke. ta dsrupt for a short nerod, water service elong a une tot the Curvply north plant. The break was just lauth of Elmers garage on the ýd treet. Last vear a break openied ýD ijuet 12 feet from the Sun- Jay break.-Orono Times. YELVEBTON (Intended for lest week) Congratulations ta Mr, Brian Wilson who recently succese- fully Decsed hie second cern- eter et Gu"elph Univercity ta carnnlete hie first full yaar at collage. Clâd te report thet Mr. Walter Karr succes-sfully und- er-went curgery an Tuesday of lest weak and le convaleecing in Menoriel Hospital, Bow- manvilir. Mes. Nor man Wilson and -Ivirs. Muray Mlcolrnen- bars of the Lindsay Sang -Seirinners vited Rochester this oast weekend wheee they participateed in a festival which Was won, we understand, by a Scarbarough group, Many, Yelveetonians attend-. ed Sorne of the ceveral func- tiens beld aIý Bethany on the long weeke.nd. The weathçe- man cooopïPtecl by provîding th etposile- which wae aiso cnvenPliently utilized hy iran fermrain getting cae beleted sprine waek taka-ýn care of. Yelvertoni irl èeccesu in thair Conrtltos ta Mise .te-nnîfer NMcGill owiiba been elected fram rad ilin I E.Weldn iHigh Shoolin Ldayas' le rthe ne upl wbo wililiea cetnt ta Bitieh -1Ca- lunibiafoIr a ekor wo s Sareadby the Fedieral Goveen-. ment Il abear' aficiallv con- firrned by e e tt 1iment! ammtte 0 he Tnie ter wllbe nermîtted tae e-. m"ain ta serve- on thîs charge. Mr. anýd Me.Ada Nasatt)i and fanily 0f Port Credi-tý weýrc eLekend viitars atMal. LONG SÂULT Mrs. Ivan Rowlry and Mr. Travor Stonebouse, Palgrave Mr, and .Mes, Bill Johnsan, Jenelvîhle, Mem Fletcher andi Mlr. Jack Johnson, Oshawa, were Sunday guests af Mr,1 Êrd -Mýrs, Bert Johnson. Me.F., E. Alexander, l3aw- YeanqVi17le. speýnt Fetday alter- licon with brer brother, Mr, Mr ad Mr, F0, Smith, ~owmavîll, were Sunday- gueste of the fihs nMr, iic]John Baker and boys wevre Sundifay euppêe guests of Me ;,nd Mec Dave fiall, Han-iptan, at thele catý tage et Caeseéi-ea, (lntended fror ls ek Mes. a'esSawidon and girls, O5hawaA, >were Sunday cuppier guests e \9,and, Mrc, G. akr and femuly. Mer and Mrs. J. C, Cook. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ercegovac and Anna were guests et a friend's weddlng in Toranto, on Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. P. Collucci and family were. Sunday aven- ing guests, and Mrs. Koren and, Petar'c brother and ne- phew, Toraonto, spent Sunday and Manday with the Erce- goveca, Me.. and Mes. John ljeis, and John were Saturday ev- aning guests af the G. Kovacs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Arche Me-1 Neil and daughter, Orono, Me.,and Mes. Ron Rawe and' family. Bowrnanville, Mr. endl Mrs. Stuaet Hoaey. 'Plewcas-l tle. were Sunday'visitars of Me. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Mes, Jamnes Sawdon and girls were Sundlay cRIlFrs al the Murphys and G, Xayacs., JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMoN 5 C KRE DONUT-S G .00l RED GRAND BIEF Short Rib Roast BONE IN, POT ROAST Shoulder Roaist Brisket Plate RED BRAND STEER BEEF, EXCELLENT FOI Blade Steaks Fresh Ground Chuck RED BRAND MTER BEEF C ross Rib S teaks RED BRAND STEER BEEF Rib Steaks FRES H Round Steak Mînced OR BRAI II FRESH PORK 11ICOOEM.S -1J lb 72, Spare Ribs country style lb 78C PORI< LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO l72e Pork Chops 9 l 1Chopsi n a pkg lb 88e NO CENTRE SUCES RÈMOVED - NOT AT A&P WEO) G ,Ground Pork Fres Daîly lb 68e (LCDL 81 ( lbSSt; c8 lb 98e ,b 1.16 lb 98e SUPER RIGlIT BRAND, SLICED, RINOLESS Sîde Bacon 1.lb vac pac 6 8c TOWN CLUB BRAND, SLICID, RINDLESS Sido Bacon i-lb vac paci8'c SCHNEIDERS BRAND, POlit SaUSaigo SizzleirS 1-lb pkg 68c BURNS BRAND, STORE PACI<ED Sausages Beef & Park lb356e SCI'NEIDERS BRAND W ieners Red Hot 1-lb vac pac 64e TOWN CLUB 241s VAC PAC 980) W ieners 1-lb vac pac 54c SCHNEIDER$ BRAND, 7 VARIETIES, SUCED CookodMeats 6-az vac pac 34c SIOPSY BRAND Prrn d Bef pkg of 4 2-oz pkg 9 8 e DELICATESSEN ITEMSI COORSI4 BRAND, POTATO SALAD OR 'Cole Slow 24-oz carton 57c COORSH BRAND, 6 VARIETIES Parfait Deserts 12-Oz container29 SULK, NIAGARA COIL Sausaige sx Brand GOLDEN SKILLET BRAND, COOKID, UONËY1 Chicken Legs or Breasts GOLDEN SKILLET BRAND, COOKED, IIONEY Chicken Wings lb 68C 1b78C I i PO^éULTRY 1I Chicken Legs Frozert SU$PER-RIGNHT OUALITY 1-bbx4.90 lb358- IFROZEN FOODSI FANCY OUALTY, FROZEN AêP Peus 5 12-.z poly pkgs1.0 PICNIC BRAND, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Grape Drinkc 5 6/-1-oztsl.00 VALIEY FARI. REGULAR CUT, CIOICE OIJAUTY, FROZEN French, Fries 3'2-16 pkgs ý1 Q0 CHECK THESE PRI CES 1 NOWc 100% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COkFEE' BO OCloek Instant Coffee c o r10 ORANGE, GlAPE, ORANGE PINEAPPLE, FRUIT PUNCI- Hi-C Drinks 3 48-fl-oztnsl.00 OR-ANGE FLAVOURED Tang Crystals poly pkg of 2 7-oz pkgs 79e 6 VARIETIES11 ACTION PRICED Primo Paqstas 2-l6 pkg 39? NOUS' & GARDEN Raid Sprayý 11.2-oz aerosol tin .38 l'Tune Fîsh CLOVERLEAF, FLAItE 6-oz lin49 3 VARIETIES ~? Poly Dog Food 5 15-ozins.00, LYN VALE Fruit Cocktaili 5 lO-fI-oz tins 1.00 J GNGER ALE OR WINK BEVERAGES, ZIP TOP TINS Canada Dry case af 24 lO-11-oz lins 2,5 9 lb fÉ -C SMOKE-D, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE ISING Po-rk s'houlders lbBS RED 'BRAND BONELESS BEEF ROASIS ROUND STEAK ROASI Boneless Bottom Cul $ RUMP ROASI Boneleis SILOIN POINT ROASI Boneies b1 .1 8 ýs