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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1972, p. 11

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the dormitory fer Oshawa. son Chrîstcpher, Thûrr-hlLl, The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmativille, On Thursday evening the with Mr. and Mrs.KenBrooks Yelverton and Janetville Sr, arid daughters. girls played an exhibition j- and Mrs....Terry Baker JV game > with YelvAr _ýd1ng'ýýmrý soins with lier parents. 'ze- ffl, e gilIc 1-ïý, a ý!j- Marmn. N,,i, --ind Mirs. Lloyd Snowden. il-le Jaiietvill r,, iý. and Mrs. Stan Snowden, u rl a m A g-f %0 On >7url -c-nîrl-ý j pl,, , were visitera for-,na Mi-r,. Brure Tîllsom, Er Chtor ph0p,ý 987-4213 i,ýf 0'le iÀ,Ifll - jen ýý lo, -al _1adýi Dlp - - alter the evening] the -Jarietville Srs. joal, - ý, service. ýh,ýi r 1 " ý- l'i- By R. D. Siork gao1% vo. Scugog by a r 0 Wm_ Toi u mor,, Malcolm -iý t mr_ and M-rs. ikin, Assîstant Agrîc' Itural Representai Forrn Honoi- G uard for ur""-.P.P. Constable V--iqs Cind ' irid Nirs. Cecil Pascoe, guest thii wer-,,I;-ç7nd wjý,il mr 'Or r-r'l John Huband, and Mrs. Ray F,,obin5on E. V. Hoa,_r,ý Delil leave the veins of the leaf, se red suriý famîIyý S,' 13rooks, Bow-m-aiiviL te visit County Ît is verY easY te identify the la reaily le, mage fron- the Alfalfa ground le Once again this year Dur- da P rsonais 1 Sunday 1ýjî, ýýrîý:1 on Mj wiýh Mr&, L. C. Snowden and harn County wi have the Weevîl. From -now te hay- thing thý Merrill Van Çamn accon- Fjob. ing a United ing,, check your-fields two or loolking Newcastle - Overnight panîed by Mr. an Il pleasure of hosti T ee la un -uests this past V:rýeý-(7ndwith -;j Mr, aild Mrs. '-Arthur Bu Kingdom, young farmer dele- thrêe tit-ries a w k. Il yo - gro jHýarvey M-alcolm ý-lr1 1 - Mr, Andrew Nichols of- are in a heavî1y infecied area, -dj Il gate and family, Ebe rji v w I ý h 2" S -_ Mr. and Mrs. HarrN/ were spert m 'plý-nsnrif Vi i Shejfa Goodmurph n Huriliýgdon County, Erglan& you sh-ould eut, alfalfa belon Mr. and Mrs, GenI?,p V;ýtistone Mr. arid Tvwýý Huri Y, Mr. Si, Marm ilir Gi ý1I'ld and in piil IIIII-F; Mel Edwards will be visiting the Cnunty leaf injury vend 25-50 !ter of the G?-,lil 1 On cýlrnjn,- îhe Nir. Joe Hage _r 1ý!fb ver cent The best method Mn and Mrs, Dwîghtte Juil-- Whllr herr, heicif controiling A.1falla Weevî1l ario and Mî- -1pir, will be liang with two farm da-mage is early cuttîng President -r fi- M lliPir alinual Varietv Ni-ý-I il and Mark, Zion, Mir. familles in the county. The your hay crop. ! -iiid Mrs. Ted White and farn,- Ontario and ro-r ri.-4 Iligl-, fer, ývhich included musical nui two host farnilies areý Mr. and For more information c.,, Valorie, botil of Dorclht,ýstcr,'bers, stuff and nonesense and ilv. Mr, and Mrs. Elwin rhe 1ý1hiie and Lea-Ann, Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman, R.R. -1, Alfalfa Weevil and the in i;ý. humorous one-act play MaPle Ontario. Enniskillèn and Mr.- and Mrs. age, caused, contact the _Agrjý Irmie Hallowell, We understand that boys Mad Breakfast. Stan Allio, R.R. 1, Oro-no. cultural Office in Bowmari- ii rrom Newcastle Scouts atterýd.- Town, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr. Niebois farms in part- ville. Whlie. ed a weekend of camping this nership with his father and Color of Ground Beef Mrs. K W. Foley, r on a 450 acre farni past week. We cant help but ELIZABETHVILLE Mrs, brothe indicates Freshness Wonder how they ail made oui R. D. where wheat, barley, potatoes n e ni Hilda Colwell, Mrs. 1- a rel ase fro - the Ir during the thunderstorin, Mrs. Allan Clark, and field beans are grown. formation Branch of the rl i experienced Church, services were held. Trimble, - jario Minïstry of The storm Mr. Nîchols is actively involv -gr In Rev J. A. Ramjit had coin- Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. îculturc Newcastle last Thursclay munion services. Miss J. Me- Paul MeIntrye and Brenda, ed in his young larmier club and Food, it Is pointed out seems te have done consider- Gîllîs and Mr. L. Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Foley, Ma-' and has been a member for tha4 the color of pack2i.;zed, able damage to a nurnber Of Port Hope, sang a couple of ple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. eigni, years. While in th, ground beef concerns many County, Mr. Nichols will be consumers. Pack ged meats televîsion antennàeand sets on numbers. Mrs. Cruse playe 1. Ted Foley. a this stree observing agricultural loract- are often an attractive bright.. t, Sunset Blvd. We On Sunday. afternoon the Mrsý H. R. Veley Bowman- ices> as well as, takiiig part red on the outer surface hope 110 one suffered ainything Elizabethvîlle qurrlaN, Scbool ville, Mr. l-,cii CrYderman, in Junior Farmer and more than that. A large tree Anniversary ,vas 7-icIrl Vr. S, a darker purplîsh red or gray- Oýsliiwa,' witI. Ihe latter'splannýed for that il ish :red on the inside. al Bond Head Cemetery was Kelsey, his wife and uvý1 girls - Mrs, H - i parents, Mr. afid ow the United split and fell a 11_1 ', cross the drive- from Peterbomngh , brought Kingdom - Food Specialists at the On- ard Cryderman. rè jointly hosted by The Food way. us an excellent service. Council, Ontario Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wade s sang. Mr. 1 and Mrs. ý Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ashton, Junior Farmers Association of 11 istry of ý Agriculture and :?A attended the wedding of Den- eerlhey sang and he had an Caesarea, Mr. Russell Ormis- Ontario and the Ontario Min-ý jilcýL:,d, explain why. All m eat istry of Agriculture and Food. iz, a dark purplish red when nîs Morrow te Donna McLaren excellent address. He aise ton, Enniskillen, with Mr. ffl in Perth on Saturday and on brought a musical group who and Mrs. C. P. SwàIIOw. dbook lt is eut. This is a natural in' in provîded'more excellent mus- Congratulations te Dan Available color of the pigment in the Sunday je ed the party ic. Our local Sunday School Bruce McDonald wLbo grad- We'bave been notified by meat. This pigment !S vejýe Louden Bruce Tillson Ottawa f or the layîng of the the Information, Branch of sîinîlar te the hemoglobin ii, wreath ai the War Memorîal children sang, as a choir, un- uated on Saturda'y, May 27th the Ontario Ministry of Agri- humans, A contains iron and ruIicrýýHoldaway, Gary > Brunton, 1 Newcastle Lions Club, New- in Ottawa by the Grand der the leadership of Mrs. from, Queen'g University, culture and Food that- Fa-et rea ts te oxygen rayieiaistle Midget hockey tea McAllîster, Mrs. Wheeler and c in the samr ýïC à1L(,I-n-ýJohn Chalmers and.Mur Master. Mrs. B. Burton. Alter Kingston, ý with his Bachelor Sheet 1-landbook is now avail- w the ay. The, dark celer of +br n Ile, JoYnt, lNewcastle Liberal Association, Students of Newcastle Pub- of Commerce (Honours), son Some < able te àny Ontario lamier fresh- eut meat quîckly bc cil Suiicliy ývU1ý1 -,qth, 175 Ljýifoi med OPPIBowmanville County Chrysler, lie School 'have been practîs- services lunch was served on of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Me- who is interested in subscrib- cornes bngbt red when -nx igi2, fnIjoiIýýijiýý a i]Iii(-,ss Offîcers,ý Boninnýim-ill.- - TownIstaff of Bernard's Garage, irg for theîr field day, which the lawn and the musical Donald. group played and sang some ing, In the last two years, Posed te air and ýax-ygen, in and out )îý for WPolice vnd FireýNewcastIe Hockey Mothers, was raîned out lagt week, but Congratulations te Miss infor ' atîon cri speci.fic topic this pigment . picks, un oxygep period of just ov- îq I-!ionths.lljept. attericind the funeralSewcastle Cubs and Scout , we understand they are ai it; el i A charivari was held ai Mr, Diane Brownell, Base Line, areas> in Agriculture has been in a m- anner similar te the Borw;ýiiJ raisedin Ille Cil -y service nii(i iii 1-pspect formedWést Durham District Boy 11 in full force now. and Mrs. Ken Fowlers re- on, winning 3rd, place In Ba- put out through a one or two waY hernoglobin carrîes oxy- -e his tr deýa guard of lionoi 'ivîth a teain!Scouts Association, staff of Theý The pool ai Waltona Park cently by the locals. ton Twirling on Saturday vt page Fact Sheet, rather than gen In bu rn Ofr1ce, has recently been prepared Mrs, Meats are covered in a clea there that of an u(,I101-lfrom the marching squad who Canadian Statesman Dickinson, Oshawa, North York. There was a in general information pain- Merer, llip deceased pnjoyedýrnn?-(,hed in front of ' theý,Durham Chapter, 0,E.S. No.ýand full of water, just waitÎng ce.lebrated lier 86th birthday cla,," of 30 girls ran:ging in phlets. Up until now, we film, through which air car ?43 Gt manv ý,,n i-;oIti in the l)ýenient hearseý ! 18 1, ý Bowmanville, staff of for the temperature te stay ai with her brother Mr. Henry age 7-8. have had Fact Sheets in our penetrate. The outer layer is Pailbeil-orq and Honorary li Newcastle Bank of Commerce. -of his 1ýorrp on 1 level and the race will be Sheppard and Mrs. Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Merton Veals Office and you rould get them therefore in contact with s ]-Ili jiIPaI1bearerý, all offl-ers' lom recently. Mr through us. Now you can oxygen and îs a bright color Donations were made in his Her daughter sý and sons were Sunday supper tui,,i Iýjs nvý'frI(,nkwith wlinim flInnstable Tillsoni orne MAMI memory te the Newcastle Mrs, Thomas Lennard of Bennett, Oshawa, was with guests with her parents, Mr obtain the whole range 01 consumers have come te ex- Ila(i , i pect. The meat in ýjth during hisi is a patient in her. Fact Sheets in a binder and, the centre ,es a i-elï4, Youth Organization from the Newcastle and Mrs. Douglas Leard, Pet- aise, r ceîve new fact sheets !S shielded :&cm oxygen and c àîs 11 TI, ý-y were Pall- ý Superintendent and Personnel Mernorial Hospital. Mrs. Robt. Westheuser and erborou gh, lýe reis Cpi. Sid Pappin, Alyson, Starkville, and Mrs, as they are issued, The côst remains a dark color it was It, ýin,, !lie ririd of thn wý-, bl1ý a CPl-ýof Number Eight District, e' i',- long ambition Jýinqes, Coiý7'able !9en Lat-ýCommissioners and members H. Thickson spent two days in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens of this Fact Sheet Hardbook when first ground. The bright on, Constable Ken Ruttan. al] Brantford this week with Mr were Friday visitors with is 10,00 and can be ,,,,ha,,,d i)mp ý police officer stayed, of Provincial Police of the OBITUARY Iýl^tîon v ýili Iýjn-I rven alter lie m0Lýr1f Newcastle, Cpi, Stan Ros- Ontario - Provincial Police,, and Mrs. H. Staats, while Mr.. their daughter and husbaild, through the Irlfgr nord of Woodstnck Detach- Westheuser was in Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping, Branch. For mer p;ivý m-ý,,iied the former Fin- Provincial Court and Crown P informa- ., ment and Stnf'> ý- -f, -Tirn Woods MgS. FOSTER SNOWDEN connected with his work ai Peterborough. Saturday, Mr.tion on the Fact Sheet, Hand- !-Ï"IýTEPJTIoêl FAI relire Miýn, Wright in Juii,-, Attorney's Office, Newcastle -ïts in March jq.ý:ý (-if Kitchenei Delachment. G.M. and Mrs. Roy Tapping and book, call the Agricultural li-onorpr-,, ý'FiIlbeai-erswereCub and Scout Mothers Aux Mrs. Foster Snowden died Mr. and Mrs. W, Muldrew, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stevens Office. t lý,î, Gliu Tillson ej,ý Officers and staff of th were with Mr. and motored te West Port, visit- Check for Alfalfa Weevil ýConstable T(iiii Holdaway who e suddenly May 29 ai the fam t, l' Police C'o[leý(,, In,- Newcastle Provincial Police ily residence in Brooklîn.' Mrs. L, Muldrew this week- ing the former's oldest son For the last two yearýs, Alf- ï-, oilin, 1'.1ci in May of :ilý,l 71 Ï':"lt OC the coffin Detachment, Newcastle 1-lockeY The former Hilda Bessie end and wife, Mr. and Mrsjam able Gary Brunton es alfa WeevÎl damage has rang- ai Peteiiýni',)iilIrvltn Const Mothers Association, custOm- Langmaid was born Feb. 12, 1 cd from light te heavy Still wifli iiiiI' U1ýIli7ing bellinu il, followed by and Mrs, Don Whitbred Topping, returning borne 0, ers and staff of the DX Res- 1897 in Darlington Township and girls, also Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. ý,hroughout the County. Now lier cýghi- Di rîct, he wa-.ý b, Francis Dryden and Cpl. taurant and Garage and many an si d was married Sept. 2, 1922 L. Muldrew have gone back Mr, the time te start checking s Allan Snowden, Mr. 's Ï, 1 at Cornell both of the Whit- friends and neighbors. A rnem- in lîved te Oshawa for a few days your fields in see if damage f')Pl;ýchnient, nmv N-1 I)v Detachm.ent. Inspector John ory tree was aise sent te the in Brooklin for the past 10 Mr.' Russel White îs ho' e and Mrs, Bob Goodmurphy, is going te be à factor in your of'Downsview Detach- n' Mr. and Mrs. Len Gocélniur family Irom the Bowmarlville and prier te that in and feeling better. haying operation. %cause of fai 1 r,' 19 ï 0 Il- -yI Superintendent Gordon, Tops (111jK Il Mrs. Rýon Rogers visited our laie spring, Alfalla Weev- Belleville Detach- Kedron. Mrs. R. Westheuser and She was'a merriber of Brook- Alyson and Mrs. J. Dekoker, the Wards Funeral Patio- il develoipment has been. aloiv tiIel)ll)rl fif Iii', Lorne irch, and a life Oshawa, spent Saturday witil Toronto, on Sunday 'evenin , across the province, but with W H Y P A Y 1, l' nr PefI-rborôligh United Chi te pay their last respects te warin- da toyaý C e _rýfzîoIl irember of the United Church Thicksons. ys develonment M Mýljj\,jjiý 17,-, 'Il 0BITUARY 'In ý is being 1-Virs. Evelyr Davidson, fnoth- cuite rapid. ; TI Ray, y Tobarro rlantirg l il of \ý'omen and gave generousý is gettiNewcastle Detach- SAVE ON -,f ilir îIýlni1IIiýIi L,-ýur, lier vocal talents 'ai ail ril as the scason _g er-in-law of t!Ïe forrner's - When checking your fields. î,- 1, N", MRS. WINNIFRED WH11ýý, times. on. some are-, finished and daughter and hlisband, Mnnow, Yeu Should check the Premi-um Quality fi;nerq] service was held a proloril ýjI_ Thedeccased is survived by il well on the way, and Mrs. Bill Dàvidson, Wes- stem of the Dlant te look for May ý1lqiý hite her husband -Foster Snowden; Mrs. Greta MoMillan, Port ton, egg layfng punctures, The G-ASOLINE -9, ,. 1ý,cfn-r rels, Winnifred ym two daughters, Mrs, Jim Pen- HOPe, is VisÎting with lier sor,,, Mrs. Alex Tanner and Mrs. adWt weevil wifIl eat through t 'ý,lltiday ai the Osh 1 r ýpenj the stem and Ipy egas inside DIE EL ('1111-cli ;jiý,I ni thc Grnei;il -Posrital, She livnd lýjge1l-ý- (Bessie) of Brookliii; Mr. Ken Trew and Mr. nir e 13 c ij-l. ý', ý ý-, P ri, the sterril -If vov ýý,c ý-g! 1 MOTOR CIL 1,iIý Mi- l'r.-m.Pleasance (A--nn),OlTrew, 1 with -the forril Mr. and Mrs., - L flie -,te Lwo scrl Joseph of en daughter, Mr. and Mrg. 1119 puiictvrýý rlit in Enn j-)on Brook nd 01-1 v, Fam tanks al-id pviiipý _Isl, 1 l ,In* m of ()Sb- and fainily, Millbrook, _s a_ Rob. open an(! '11, In 1p W illia, oill -ý-. ýý light Ti! fnril"-r V--'.nnifreid,,Gil- W 14 grandchildren iný the village as Weil ;n brown iiîà.ý available. eF: CI, 25,ýa a anl attending the Sunday il h;I, e ýýI1 linghani bon, Nov, youngwi hatch- r-, tlir, 1-Y 'l ]-(, sister, Mrs. Georgie of Nrivcas one Anniversary. Other -visi,ùrsý GET CASB TODAT ed and wili be irr the tle United 1894 1, N ewfoundland, and Perre died ý in 1964. - -i- ori the ",blircb and for Sunday were: stem te begin feed, t 1- 0pp Tqýhpr Fý K. Mal was married Nov. 25, 1922 In Mrs- ' Snowden rested ai the Mrs. Proi TRROUGH g leaves. A2ý --, moVe COLLECI 1,,ne former]ý- wifh Si. Joseph's Si. Louis, Miss. She bad iýý and Charlle, Port Hope, Mi youn 01,CICP17 kpt ýI vi-ii. -lArmstronig Fulieral Horneý S. J. Gav, Mr. and Mrs. STATE S 4 AN, nie June, checkz fi-Ids Roman Ci 1 il o lle Churches, sdled in Oshawa for the p;ý,,ýt T'in 'ýe-rý ,ce in the chapel Wednes-ý -xr and others, 1--af damàrý-ý I3owmanvillý 1 Newcastle. four vears, and prier te at.three pým, *ith infr-r-ý NI,-, and 1 Mrs H Fbone 623-3ffl velli c;if the I;jnder FOR 1 1 The dli,, P fi nni the funeral hmi lived In in Zion Cernetery. Bfýli iliad dinl with Mr'. and Ï'v'ïrý.1 1r;ýrfL of the leaf ;3t)(q v,;ill nni y hoine te Bord 1-lead Cemetery, ]3,0,bcaygeo-n and Roserl Mundy of Brocklin Un'L- J. Currier, Port Hore on Slin Newcastle, Ilok the deceased She was a m ember of Alber L 'C' day and aise attended the 1 ýed h,,,h officiated. past the Court Roorn he had ýýStreet United Church. i Pallbearers were: nephews, Golden Wedding celèbrations served se well these past few d Dick. Snowden, Brooks Peare yeai s, and past the old office The , deceased 'Is survive e; for Mr. and Mrs. Fil Brown, thelafterroon, Buttars in on Kingston Road, and the by her' hùsband, Rev, R. C * cousins, G o r d o n Detachment with White; one daughter, Mrs. Charles Langmaid*, close Mr. and Mrs. Ross Muldrew Newcastle neighbors, Robert Flett., Doug- and Natalie, Ottawa, spent a ýits fiags ai hall mast. Clarence Haywooýd (Marie) of Floral tributes were sent'Orîllia; one son, Calvin White las Love. ekend with Mr. and Miý. Insurance lfrom the Ontario Provincial of Oshawa; one brot-her, Rich- Mernorial d H. Muldrew recently. NOTI CE v1rT,ý ançi Association Number ard Gillingham of Si. Louis. Canàdian Cancer SOcictY Or H, Iviuldrew went te Ottawa lEiý,ht District, Members of the Mrs. White ai the the Ontario Heart Foundation last Sunday on the bus triri. would be appreciated. Mr. Jim Muldrew is ho-, d Police Dept., Armstrong Home, an, Euwmanville received his AA. Pt ti.1 uni_ members of the Newcastle with service iri the chapel on versîty. BARRY VOERMAN !Fire Dept., officers and mem- Wednesday ai 1:45 p.m., Inter- YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer or 6z3-3950 bers of Hamilton.Lodge A.M. ment was in Mount Lawn were ati Westport last Sun- 33 KING ST. E. land FM., Newcastle CenoiaphiCemeter3,. Rev. Melville But-I day when the late Mr Provost lCommittee, staff and students tars of Albert Street UnitedI U.C.W. News C h n g- e 0 O w'n e » 1 BOWMANVILLE died, father of Ron lof Newcastle Publie Schooll Church officiated. The May meeting of Yel- Ruths husband. verton U.C.W. was ýheId at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Floyd stinsOný Mrs. Jack Wilson convened MAFLý GROVE ik, ry ýhe devotional, assîsted by an famlly, Bowm-anvîlle, On May 31st and Julie lst Mr and Mrs. Aý R. Scott, the Service Department. the L.O.R.D.C. Convention Goderich, Mr. Frank Lee, (Lake Ontario Regîonal De- OshaWa, were Saturday after- Ivelopment Couneîl) was held linon vis1tors with theîr cou- at, the Rock Haven Motel in sins, Mr. and, IL G. Free- The owners assure all thoir eustomers and friiends of the hi Peterborough. Two of the inan, tre înteresting panel. dis- Anniversary Vîsitors: ards of service and would bc plcased W look after thoirý-mètoring roquiroi eussions concerned the role of Mr. and Mrs, Eber Silow-1 local municipal councils ÎTr den, Ebenèzer, Mrs. Albertl [planning and the Constitu- Brown, Hamilton, Miss Mar- tional nights of Local Gov Ion Snowden, Toronto, sri ernment. The highlîght of per guests with their cousirýý,! the convention, anticÎnation Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freernan, wîse, was the sneech of Hon. , Rev. and Mrs. Marney rit- Darcy McKeough re proposal terson, daugbter Leslie and 0 116 C A N 1 111M 1 Regioro. No definite guide- Phase 1 of the Lake Ontario Rent a Car for lines were laid down but thrce specific alternatives were sug- A IYAY OR WEEKEND Dodge - Chrysler - Dart - Colt end riüdge Trucks gested for consîderatîon of all Ask for Rge concerned in the ares. Ac- 344 KENT ST. W. icording to the pýorosaI the COUNTIT i ý e 1 1 1 çnd The- HRYSLER-DODGE LTD. Bowmanville ,arc- iý cr)nsid- Iered to be the EaîIprn ex- 623-2586 itremity of the, urban area

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