12 Te Cnadin SatesanBowmaaville-, June ,1972 Pre ie R-Las orerson o ~Staff Learns FHow b Douse, the lames Coburgs HstricV ictoria1agil 't Ontario Premie r William G. linest public buildings of lts nationwide camTpaign planned Davi\S was scheduied ta re-lay period in Canada. Designedi to raise $1,7 million. Restora- i1he uminerstone of Cobourg's by Toronto architect Kivas liOn architect Peter Stokes 112 .,ea-r old Victoria Hall, on Tuily, iA bas been declared a was retained. lusay une 6th. national mionument, and when Restoration plans will re- Victoria Hall, a massi1ve restored, Is expected Vo be- furbish the municipal and Georian stl toneý building, corne a major attraction along court space, but also provldé iconsiretahamnthteLae ntrohre an elegant opera bouse, muni- It has served as municipal cipal art gallery, archives, Reta Car for offices and courthoiise, and musýeum, plus a rathskeller In A OR WEEKEND also contains alag opera the basement. The original Aý;z erRaü. .house, which argsd o fie used by Cobourg's Fa- tînouly ntl ast e con-ther of Confederation, Hon, COUNTY when engineers reported that Jms okun ilb e RSED GELTD. major structural rpigwre stored as it was in the 18601s. neced A omitepaciloca Sir Allan MacNab, PrimE needd A ommitee f loalMinister of Canada, laid the original cornerstone for the building in 1856. The Prince o)r Wale's, later King Edwàrd ~U DVII, opened the building ata gala bail In 1860. 1-e arrived front, and was drawn in ah open carrnage, pulled by somn of the town's leading citizens S pE C A Cobourgs irst settier an- rived in 1798. By the 1830's it was larger than York, and a major port .along Lake On- 1 Lýtarlo. It boomed thnoughout il Aff the 1840's and 1850's, and town.speople built a railway north b, Peterborough, the Cobourg and Peterborough Railway. There were dreams of future greatness when plans were made for the city hall". But the- dreams were neyer achieved during the last cen- tury. INGLISToday, Cobourg bas 12000 population, or 17,000 If th TW N p gltr Wash buiit-up fringe areas are ln- cluded. But ail this may TW N - PN 12 Mb. Wash Load change moon. The province * To-Yarforesees 100,000 population in W AS ER Tw-YarWarranty the area as part of its region- ai development nrogram. The restored Victoria Hall ii expected to provide a true ýÀ centre to the future com- $199-98munity. 1Society presîdent ln Donald COLO 81000 ETRAF. Phîlp., Campaign chairman is J. 'H. Covrt Massie. Pat- rons include- Hon, Leslie M. Frost, Hon. George Bees, Hon. Edgar Benson, 'Historian Ed- * ~ win C. Guillet, National Gai- iv~ctlery of Canada Director Dr. Jean Sutherland Boggs, LMeut. C~Nard Col. John Foote, V.C., Tor- onto developer Ken Roten- berg. 36 KN ST. EAST PHONE 623-5408 jCobourg, has been homè- town V o many famous people durlng, Its long' history. Artist WE ALO CARY . .Paul Kane painted la Cobourg Rt(OOMV AIR CONDITIONERS in te 1830%s and marrïèda Cobourg girl. The bouse hi LAST 3 YS di s h omni' l !eatetrcnl a ci e lIë n The Bow-mai. nvil 1r8 Dpr41t, cety a b è.ers o M era osîal For th:ý.sreeday, ie CK ýteh stf mebers inde ter n roprueo ýn guiers, aund i ntbbc se of fine0hoses n orete pnr Sliam Wèln, stioncstan stage-,D cr b tra ae.Eend Hamilon arnI-eci e td haintheobourgfnd tec Stogte Torontof182).troa IRoetI utrig, riiIa fotem eopubicnd un. asofSt unteerchol Bw a lat er fohae md Onta's srn.- Vviwsoeo he yliamesWCcern, onerstag- e- pet drs noe ýe coach soeratr ofC n- Sérat ion" d a it Spwask-n ep a a er fothe CGran Truksof St. Joeh cholanow - oe bult n h iad180 Hnmanvilwsoe0 h ,e J181mes 9 Cacbun, w Cho- peopBu ta acireesa o e- Cbourg.ow FatheroFrCn-i Duf (1d87a-on", 2), frtSak-u d care of the CanadingBoSeofPatciato ft Nith" ApproveeriPlanx ped(1861-1889) en eol nD t WardIioaY Force in ooudgPersonnîel exchanges wili -andi ordaiaed as a prîest in thkedpaent ea of wee ' the town. Bis statue sands tandeann coo oaédcat ia New Yozk's Times Square. ,ane frou coty Sarabu ,Cobourg bas associatlonste fur cut Sprt twith tbree great. actresse' S'cbool, Board bas dccided thal -Manie Dressier was bora iV c aunirot participate la the -Cobourg. Katharine Cornel program. now la New York, spent ber Althougb trustees recagniz- éariy summers bere and n'as cd the plan as an excellent married inl Coboung, and re-, in - service and pereonal Stains bier connections wiith. growth form of education"', 9thec town. Béatrice Liflle, Bn-« they deçîded that "because of Stish camedicane, sang ln tbe the kay positions occupied by, Preshytenian church, where tha Board's personnel," the ber sister playeci the angan programn would. bave. ta pro- and bier mothen led the choir ceeci with'notbing more than There are plans ta rcmem-. their blessing,bedofcstf ber ail of them lan zestoreci Fiva rsxha ofc tf zooms of Victoria Bail. members and ane staff mem- ber from each régional office t'IT Tm aaeta participate during the LONG AULT 1972-73 school year. The pur- (Intended for last week) apose f"obfplathe p lnise Mn. and Mrs., Harold Triv-aaees"fbcpolm ett, Toronto, ;nci Mrs., Ecna and opérations" of each organi- Wood, Tyon, ere Saturday zation. evening guests of Mn and Mrs. Robert Camecrons and famîly Mn, Geraci KIlctandi miss 0-PP T a h Barbara Felîzer, Jncvl were Sunday ,siiupper guestsf andi Mr. Colin Taylor, Bow- iy l nigbit get h .Cam-Cf Mn. andi Mns. D. Southwell, I andi famUly wee Suaday vÎsi- Constable Joyt iitc with tors of lier mother, Mns, G. each class Juna 1eV at Manieè Beayn, Prince Albert. Grave West Publi: c Seboo out- Mn, andi Mrs. Rya Gibson llnîng bis programnma ctf Bicy- were guests on Saturday ait cie Safaty witb regard Vo signe the weddsng of their nephaw, and signais, Mn. Douglas Gibson 10 Miss B tesc oteeude Judy Battan aI Burns Presby.- IHt ikes a edtth hicl of b tenian Chunch, Ashburn. Re-t ie r eilso h caption was at Thunderbird rari ard are govarned hy bhe Golf Club, Ashburn, camie signe and signale as cars (Intendeci for laet week) aad- othen vabicles. ýBikes must Mn.i- andi Mrs, G. Bernard be dnivenr on the roaci safely andi fýaniy speat the îovcîy andi cychsts can be chargeci wecend on a camping tnp! for trafflc offencegs. Bike rid- and iV was enjoyeci by anc eae sbould be aware of zoad and aiu, signe at al l imes'-blt ila, boa MVr. and Mme. Bye Gibson n'any Instances they are ignon- calleci on Elan Parkinson cd, and cans.idererýdInVo h per- andi Debby, CourVice, oaa tainîng to cm ny avening lest week. Constablè Joynt will returai On Saturday altenioon Mn. Vo Maple Grave WesV Pblic andi Mrs., Bye Gîbson vîsited School in, SapDtenm-ie r Octo- Mn. and Mrs. R. J, Batten, ber Vo arasant bs ons f Ashburn, andi Mrs. CGibson Direction" pr-rame ta bbc .attended Miss Judy 13atlenPs primiry cas trousseau tep, _____ ___ iVrs G., Berinard and Jo- anne vIiteci Mns. Gîbeon on O IU R Monday afternoon. O IU R On Saiturday cveaiag the R Gibson's calleci on Mn. anc1 HEBER DOWN Mrs. E. Kchoe, Oshawa, Heber Down, 84, a Whitby alderman andi a laadiag BURKETON fammer in Ontar!oCounty for (Inteadcd for last week) iday, May 27 la Oshawa. Mrs. B. Lee, Oshawa, spent 1Mn. Down farmeci 675 acres a few dayg Wth Mn, and Mrs.letBrooklil on Bighway 7,1 Sonny Vo report Mme , M. Producens Association, South 1-ambly ze a patient in- Me- Ont aria Plow-rna' Asa-4ýj marial H4os-oital, Bowmaavilia, Vian, Ontario CauilntyFea- Wc wisl hber all e hast, lion a AriulurOntania Mme. R. Davey spart Sun- Counity VgtbaGrowere, day wîVh Mn. andi Mrs. Sam Association and as a dînec- Grant andi family, Zion, on of the Ontario County Hag Mn. andi Mrs. Don Stephen- Praducers A.ýocîation for scv- snLogSault, visiteci ne- anal yeare. cc" ng îh Mn.'andi Mrs. A. Ia 1969 the Central Lake C. StephensonOntario Conservation Author- Last week -cwsignal ligbte aity bougbt a 75-acre park andi wcrc installed atethîe C.P.R .rana.meci il Vha Heber Down crzsing east of, the village. IConservations Anea. a course for 155 staff mem- ef Jim Hayman instnucted vanious types of fine extin. pane them for handliag fine oie 0%f Parents' 'e Schools m reétiag of the S eparate School -Board - Teachar Liaison Com- emittec, racently, an thc pros nand cons of parent volunteens in the sebool. Mn. Guttenîcige n'as joinad by Sister Barbara Larmanci, a lacIer andi Mary Heffen, a. volunteer aI St. John's School, Kirkfleld, la a dctaiiingof par- son-el expériences wiVh thc program. Mn. Gutteicige said siace 1969 be has lad libnary volun-ý 1Veers, but Ibis year ha decideci V o extanci tIe program. After rseniding a questianaira home la îparents, ha obtaincd 26 valua- etacre, 18 of wbom. are stili at ýthe sehool. Be saici volunteers eteacl inlatbec lective program whicl includes sewing, waod- workýng, ail painting. andi teooklng, for grades saven andi LIîegît on Wcdnesday moral-g. 93 he e ighest number af boure voluntears bave bean Yused per week in bbc past tive emontîs and the lowest la 68, ýMr. Guttenicige saici. Bis prog- rram aiea, includes a babysit- ting service, provideci by par- iente for chilinen afvolunteers. -Sister Lanmand said ways emuet be crcated for panants and beachere ta have a real dialogue. "Interviews are flot enough", The volunteen parent pnog- ram leas bathl positive andi negatîve benefits, she saici. Comimuicationnle more fre- quent, opea ani frank batwcea panants and teadicers, andi par- ents gain a grealar knawledge af wbat 1e gasng on in Ibe On bbc negative side, ana Vhe înconveniences wbîcb olten aiewben, people wnrk Vo- gether, Sîsten Lammanci ex- aolaîinec. If voluntee ara un- able Vo corne, tle bacher must ha prcparad ta adjust, by, planning ahead andi baviag work prepaneci in coe sud a, situation arises, Important factors too arc 'lhe good of tle ebilci, and bbc at-ý titude and feelings af tendhers! andi panants, Sîster Barba ra saîci. "A situation wîVb tens- ion en anly harm Vhe chilci". She outlinad the prograns at St. Jobn's Sebool, andi added Vînt Ibis year n'as an eypeni.. mental stage and sevaral chanrges will ha madea next yepan. We wili bave a differ- enV, aprproach." Groupe iiq-wîll'bha araliar thant iha presepst 10 and ench wîl baive a -volunteer leader, iii-the~ elciepzogram cof art,cen'-1 ing, cooking and pupnetry. 1 Mi,:, Heffer said sIce e11oy-ýs cd working as a valunteen j n'itI tle chilciren, "but thama 1 Pwogram, in exPeriMcntal". ýhe founid thr age diffe-rence y' oo great ia ber cooking ciass, S h#% ivhich. includes grades threeID or ta seven. "1V was difficuit ta :each cooking Vo each level of interest". She also feit classes should be smnaller. "It is a goodS h o bing for children to leara but are have ta be careful we, are Robert Gutterî not wasting ime on things Of St. Joseph's that are too general". bis volunteer pro, She fait that those wbo are thie echool was lo nol. interesteýd ia the option s-,tuleits ta pubi should be weeded out at theering hiome ecoll beginning. dlustnial crafts,2 Whe alc(, jivsle iPthe Separate caemeaà ed wby he be-recently. cam1 e voleer, 'Mrs. eferEven with tlb saiçi the ehers work ver y!te a hard anii they li,,feit I could tet ttghit ce be C of hel, iI wou".lb( glad to cildrel aiare do W'", Seadded mds 1ychned"said lV thatý sh e did inV fe particular - "Cau_. hy ly capale of teaýching cnoking, e, nts foritpm a"lhough sha f a mothr of are beld la corn 'even 1chiildren. and saf oomnsi On1e parent at Ille Pmeeing "W are a b fu t aske-d how teachers knojicw i bar,"bu w a par-ent is quialified Votabpogasùw a suýbjeeýt. Mr. Guitteridgec re- are a firsit rate1 piied that teaýchens ïare not Unyleessth1e prog quaiied Vo teach il 1jareaS So vided, 'said IM~ they draw in experts ýfor theecide are g:i areas. Anothier parent nw ht Roman C2tli edi that thiey diid not thinik any- ond( class citizenî ole would voluinteer Vo teacb Suýperinteriden a su'biect unileis they feit cap- le, eýxplained ti able of doinig so. time" had prevet When asked if the elective tigation of the program interferes with the introducing a pr curriculum Sister Barbara , Assistantqsuper. Larmand explaineci that these er Roach said thb oiptions are offered oniy for amies is not av approximatéiy an bour and a public sehools an haif during the week, in the many students ar time usually alioted Vo art. back ta sepa at Mr. Guttenîdge said in bisý take advant,ýge program grade eight pupils rechlso. were given first choice and "Wc have set because of the difficuity in French over ec orgaaizing the program child- said. rex werc noV ailowed taco ng Trustee Frank options.oulnd cag questioned the qualifled" voluni He aiso ot ibe tree things piogramm. he stressed Vo volunteers: Bie was assu they would noV be placeci in a Bogie that thei class with their own chilci; teers with spi they must keep ail information under the superv, confidential; andi they cannot crs, could be -zi "buttonhole"l the teacher, ex- la the classroom, cept in the staff zoom. vincial legislaior Change' Pupils I Board ToId icge, principal ha întnoduced Vo leixnz school, bègan the use of volunteens." ngram, because TIe Board recommieniCedi îsinlg tono many bowevcn, noV ant extension of lic schools off- the volunteen pnogram, but anii nomîics and ila- investigationi on the part o[ a r ie old echool principals, laVa the pos- School Board sibilities, of Sb3aningr public scbool facilities. -ui-ses"hs beinig short Mlary Amnyotte, avé ta ask pan- uint anci classes ,rîdors, etdrage at the school." .iaccredîted iout flrst rate don'( say we board.!! ýram5 are pDra- vlne. A myotte, ,ivanî the idea aoies are "sec- tFraser Hog- bhat "lack of anteci an laves- possibility of rogramr. rintendent Pet- at home econ- vailable iaii àl id that la feet ue traasiferring te schools Vo c f available ýpriorities - ýconomice", 'be k Leahy then use af "un- ierà ln sebool wrcd by Mn. uise of valüa- pcl talents, vision af teaeh- aost beneficial iandi thal pro- )ie shortly, la Sec reta ry Resigns Mns. Joan Duab-amn, Sc-, tany at Courtie Sacondany School, bas nesignecd ber position, effective Mý/ay 19. B YAM PLUMBING & HEATING arnd AIR CONDITIONJNG Tyrone, Ontarjo uf PHONE 263-2650