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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1972, p. 15

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The Camadiais StgtesmýnAn, ,wanile7un, 1972 la -I s 's- I- 4 BATH TOWEL Luxurîousl-y thic.k, beautifully floral, excellent quahy usheaed erry. Two patterns in de- coraor clour: Geein, Golti, Pink or Blue. Re- plensh he inen close t nwor put together a sïet for the shower gîft. TEXMADE "CARNABY PATTERN TRUPREST SHEET ENSEMBLE DOUBLE FLAT SINGLE FLAT OR FITTED PILLOW CASES QUEEN SIZE FI-AT OR FITTED (not available [nil stores) ea. e a. 54 es. , 9 P2"49 6.99 First quality Fortrel1 Cotton no-iron sheets iri the lovely "Carnaby" floral pattern. Aqua or Ccral. 0F INELINNSBEACH TO WELS BOXED TOWELS W din,11, howýer7, ani l ,r l es, somethinig P!lmgnt forjylu own omeir, miclicin i d offers l Idsor ;enil0 tnely woiked - .4 rom L69 4.491,L~~ l5iiow aea ~- Bxer or nboxd Rîdge~ak A great way ta bring a littie colour ta 1h beah. Manufacturera$ clearance of Lady atbe jeueLînro Sets <-Bnqe e Large size: 30 x 8" for iying in theý sun and towel sets, perfect tor bridei showsra Çhoose Lace - Tabothi Paeens-Runner$ drying off too, Vlvid coloura, derk bcgons a bath lowei ensemble or kitchen set. KITHE TERYELECTRIC BLANKET GUILTED E N sEMN1BLE 5SPcSet 3 92 9 Kîeiencaa pttro n'udes leiiy tes tomai, Reg. 2598 Single controi 21DM9READ pot hodr arnad 2 ovin m tî, Its fhe par- & -,ro rhomrs, fReg. 3098 Oua 1Contrai 4.9 rieq. 29ea. 2 .9 FLORýAL TEBBY K'iTýî1CHEN THINGS Double bed sizes, Rirti biend of 4F;% Polystr, Aliiover quited spread in a ioveiy floral bouque' vîponaes.1.9 Pt -oidrsea.9e 0%Cottoni, ,35% 4.Rayon. Nylon bindîng, "fiuetra on acnew'abean"dyblAuoVfc pattern: Goid, Pink, or Bue. Mtching draperien, Tes Towes sa.99cOven MiN pr.99C ontrols. Nassau Pink, Bermuda Bue, Avoado, maetyorsefraînrevJai b Luxrjusshare trr ncoloîrful fiorais, Antique Goid, Liiarx speci:al order. Great wedrling gft idea. LIN~ TEATOWES aMARGARET ROSE"~ "SERENE" FORTREL 9e Lady Gait Beds,-pread PILLOW e.1 .99 Reg. 6.g5,7 Csuil get a!')lo f Ldryî:. ng pwer firt the$e Cotton fwn size apread, wafle estit Coloured Our n-m oa ostrel iow nom beîîg etra Prge 22 x 38" É,lnna oNets,'rI an bAckground with White trini. Coiours: Antique offeredat this very attractive low price, Buoyant aso l)etof clîtl5rpe patterna. Goid, Avocado, Rosa, Sa ndalwood or White. for confort snPasy cars too 1 Reg'~ 12-99 DIoLmuniuon Txties aclaga 8aSaIsets n No- iron Pote edcttn ashion designs tI sasored clour. -,ouble, fia, 1 ftfed aheet and e pir of pulo.v cases, 5KING STRET EAST PRINTEQ THERMAL BLANKET 6.99 In fasniourabte printseand modern coloris. Sight fiaws do riot affect mear or Fpeaane. ,u now for the horne or the cottagz. j te lotiRriu 0 rOpticit Ciree. BOXED SHEET SET st999 Doule bed shet ad pillow case set. Cut mork embroidery vwîhth anýd heinrstitchýing. BOXED PILLOW CASEFS Exquisitfe d in uifand wqrked pîiiovcasas 2.9 9 Prom our regular lires, iîaliy soid nt 349 Io 3,98. I I - 1~ / Ni J ~r-%.-r-,. 1<-" Short leeve . ret :seletion of sae.Szs 141/-17. SPORT SHIRTS ai49 Permanent Press name branti sport shirts, 65 o4 Polyester, 35% Cotton, excellent assortment of patterns. Suzes: S-M-L-XL. DRESS PANTS 13099 100%, PoyseIouble knit parîtr in houndstooth check o ci tngplain sae.Sires: 30-42. POLOSIHRTS rach 3,99) Permanet res orre anti Coton. Beery col- lars, placket fronsib styles, etc. Rich pattorne & sun-fun clusS-M,-L-XL. ýTha';tsi thoay f0eîysiinr, in apir f1 Polyeste- r)uble nîtsors thoy re washIable. Colour choice.Sie:0-. 17se 1,0111,-F jcfl l pIon(hcsg PHONE 623-5451 ( r r-r- --'N 1~ t ___ COTTN KNIT POLO SHIIRTS 4-6X 1.99 A. Cool littho SUMMer shirt in two styles: pointed collar with zipper or mock turtie neck. Assorted colours. Sizes: 2-3X with anchor applique. 1.59 STRETCH NYLON SHORTS. 4-6X 1.79 0. Comfortably fittiîig shoits for the little guys. Zipper fly front, Assortment of fun colours. PO)LVESTERt/COTîTON PO0LO LSHI 1RTS C. Good-Jooking knit p--oo w'irt. h ip neck. Colours: Lilac, White, Blue, Maroon or Gold. Great buy. ASSORTED SHORTS D. With luli waiStband, ripfjy, 1 ion 7sn cet ani de bel, loops, Washable. Assîted co!ours.- STRETCH NYLON SWIM TROUS 2-3X 11 4-3X 1.9S-L19 L. Swim tuk for ail the boys in tefamuliy ah very econor-nîcal prices. Assortment of great soluid shades. STRETCH NYLON SHORTS 2-3X 9 Corne andtisee our as-sortment of summershrs o Excellent choice of colours. CARTOON L00K SHORTS u itie boys, 7-12 27 Boy's just love the cartoorn look in shorts. These ehave hait boxer waist, self beit anti iheyre unspabla anti cuense resîstant, Colour choice. BOWMANVIA/LLE 1 ---e ý F. Miciselic, wito offîciateti at the Funes ai Mass In St. Jos- - - epis's Roman Cathoije Cloureis, iBowmanvilte, on Saturday, June 3rd, waua assl~ted by Father Hefferman, Father l~a- la ne tuf Douro anti Father - Hicisson tuf Peterborough. In ferment w as jas Bowmanvîlle ('cm eter y Pallisearera \vere M~g~e, Patrick McLaughlîn, James Mebaughiin, ~aymond Gute- 1cm. Eldon Hirscisfeld, ~Paul Laprade anti Joseph Ronnauti. -\moog the many heeutoful floral tokena evIdence o! fb-a - est eeno in whîcto the deeeaes~ was heluil were those ~rorn Meniorial Ilosoital, Gezo~rai Motoon, and Las~ses' ~jaepita1 Awdliaoy, To Study Bus Laws The Ad Hloc TrïanntrtatIo Crommonttee of the -Unitee-Ciur- ties' Schéol floard às to etudý; and neport oii the preeent school bues topping law. The study wai undertee at t'Ir reqiueet of the Ontalia Schooli Trustees, Coumocil, wibich sfoethetb board, that the wholp1-lmatter of tihe law pet- t~Anisîg to s-hool buses ie at pre'sent, under consideration by the provincial departnoennt of Transport and. Coitnmunic-a- tions. The copornttes wilreport to, the Board, andafrnru Sal, aod any csarood- fîcaio, the corcluilon il h forwarcýd dto the councîl, tihe bettr ofLh11 , ao1"iZ Even ett Crydermnia ftr e- portig the ýPreturn- f acoin- memorative sagas ý, et week . The sign wàs -found Tua day on the shouider of e; aide- road, about hall a mile wcct of its original location. or-ath site of Bradleys Crr e' ,, Scitool. 'Mre. Cryderasien saye that smnce the road j!s, usedc quite frequently, the sîin rnust, haebeen placed on it duri¶g the dy She - t that thosge whýo i funcdtinte sign will re-Êeceit it wI l mbd the new posti îb concrete ta0 re- vent a rptîtion of th; let Dela y at New Schoof Thr Board of EduCations re ently receîved a report th?+ the General Contractcrr wo.d be unable to vmaîntAin tiseý dates eatab]isbed for thse m f0 the new Orono echoL. 1l~- work was duebta arjr iro site May 25th but splirad- vised that thse frtdiv would not be made utntîýlth 291h of May. With this em date, it was thea n c eayttv revise the proposedcH -iog date for students. Thýýe!datas establiîhetiare aP flli s Chiltireasto occupy tis- eîm building on Jume Q. Demeshtinc of the eisingbilding iet te commence on Juste 16 G-ei-' eral Contractor statedtia - proximately three weswu be required to deo Lss ie existing building. Generýal Contractor ri eqýuzest- edr pDermnission ito begvn dne litin whlthe 8Board wap movingfuntue.TseC*s The Conitracto.rwa avîe that under m crnmone coulti the denoliin contir-' tor be an the bjuilding woýVti,, either studfents or tise Boa,ýrd wvork force, Arcbitect bas rc-eedtis qiota1tion from tbe Geariql C'ontrac.(tor for t he wovrk out-' line vith regards f0 the lor-' tio n ofportables a ie s'a-r aligsm1en1t of the dr!vîvway %t tilse front of thisheool. Tbi-i bas mrow been received byý Board staff for review.- Tise Architect he her< sk ed to issuie aemticp of cag for the intlainof faur, floot nulits f0 ben ocated o t1ise centre area o!theoan resures r. Mi. Mofat1 bp.s requesttitd ercetce Archtec isto ihave teCmn- tatrquoter Ltisos wrk an u ismt t to tise Board for con- OBITUARY MUS. xM. OLLOYý ar W\~ LADY GALT, cO0LOPl RFU 'L F LO0RA L B ATlH TOWlliIE L EINS3EMBLE ea. 1979 ea. 89c, ea. 49c,

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