ASH{TON NIELSICN Miss Grethe Br.-' Nielsen Oaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Aage > Nielsen, and Mr, G~. Richauýrd Ashton, son of Mr' ;and Mrs., Harold Ashton i of Enniskillen, exchangcd, niarf'iage vows at four o'clocký on Saturday afternoon, Aprîll 8, 1972, in Enniskillen United] Ihirning Rectal heu Itelieved ln Minutes i Exclusive Healing Substance Relje,'es Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids. ' Ifyou want satisfactory relief from 'Itching Piles'-here's good news.1 A renowned researchi laboratory bas fonund a unique healing substance tiat PrOsnPtiy relieves the burning itch and pain-actualiv shrin1ks in ie N'i bel Churrb. For thb eriemony' Uhe churc-h was prettily de- oraýted -, 1th arrangements- ot yellow nrnms. Tho offPriating cler gyman ýwas; Rev. R. C. Hopkins. andý IMrs. K. Warden piayed 'the wedding music. Ç ine amarriage by ber- fathe, the bride worea white, forrral-length, A-lineI gown worn with a hooded ,xvblte lace reingote, wbich foed, into a graceful train She carried a bridai bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. D, Stainion, Miss Susan Nielsen and Miss Deanna, Stainton, the bride's attend-' ants, wore white polka dottedi purpie granny-type gowns highl'gbted by darker purpi velvet trim, They wore match- ing ribbon in their coiffures and carried baskets 0f yellow Married in TrinitY United, Church iemrrhids Tbs sbstncebas Mr. Clare Ashton was best ..en shown to produce a most cffec.._______________ ýive rate of healing. Its germn-killing rpries aiso heip prevent Visit the.. . ... In cas after mae "Yery striking L;<, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Wright .-MclRobbie Photo iproyement" was noted, even kle "--,ng cases of long standing, And Mis s Francine Elizabeth step-father, Mr. Donald Plain, bride, l3owmanviiie. bis improvemnent was xaintainedBun daugbter of Mr. and the bride wore a formai- MTrySiho sa Vera period of montbsi iCS ho emas nld ain Mr.Gera length gown of white polywa, was best man and the ush- Thi -Isac(mlilorba'ew pmrs Doend MPlain of er was Mr. Joci Burns, broth- Speciaiiubsancengi-in:)- ordon Wright, sonl of Mr. ester georgette and Frenchi er of the bride. Master Rod- hidi qucly helps heal injured Sealzglnd Mrs. George Wright of lace, highlighted by a mand- ney Plain, brother of the els and simnulate gro wth of new Persus - Clr Hampton exchanged macriage arin collar and long, lily- bride, was ring bearer. ssue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in Ciairol Wigs jvows on Friday, April 28, pointed sieeves. A long, Following the ceremony a L'tent and suppository form Latest Cutting Techniques 1972, in Trîity United Church, graceful, lace-trimmed ca- reception was held in Cen- ~ild repraio '1".Askfo i 62~555 Bowmanville. For the cere- thedral train gave back inter- tennial Hall, Bowroanviile., tal drug srs-atiÇ' sf tio PHONE 6355 mony, the churcb was batbed est to the gown. Hec very The bride and groom are oney refunded. 37 K.Ing St. W. lin jhe soft glow of candlelight, beautiful headpiece, which was residîng ai 74 Scugog Street, Bowmàanville and the offîciating clergyman worn forward, was fashioned Bowmanviile. was Rev. George K. Ward. of Alencon lace petals adorn- Severai parties bonored the Given la marriage by hec cd xith pearis and Aurora bride prior to ber marriagé. crystals, and fastened with Hostesses for the showers (' ~ LI anandushrig wre Mr. ported Engiish silk illusion. were Mrs. Carol Coi neli, ~~ry C'i'eamen i l>zIi irand Howeis and e Mr. urho carried a cascade bouquet Bowmanviiie; Mrs. Karen NîLeiseyn.Hwlsad r to white carnations, Woburn Burns sister-in-law 0of, the U lean rs L m d le ielsn. 1Abbey sw%ýeetheart roses and bride,' assisted. by Miss Shar- An nsrane gen, ritnga pliy fr copucîîrFollowing the ceremony a baby's breath. on Gibson; Mrs. John Gay f insade age rtn ol fraccidents, erepinwsbl tbc MciKaren Moffat of Osha- Courtice, aunt of 'the brde, askepd if ha had ever bad yacdns orne of the groom's parents. was was matrrin of honor and Mrs, Karen Moffat, Cshawa, "No", said the cowboy, tiien added, trying to bje helpful, The bride's mother receivcd the fiower girl was Miss Terri and Mns. Joan Hayes, Bow- l'a brune kicked in a couple of my ribsanaid a rattlesnake bit wearing an orange colored Leigh Burns, niece of ' bc manville. mie A couple of years ago.' "Wii", ýsaid the agent, "Don't you eall those accidents," Noreilied the knightof the branding iron, "they done il CLOTIES CARE HINT: Homiie cleaning îs dangerous. Cleaning fluid shouid bc handled only by experts to avoid explosions and fire. HELP FINANCE CHRISTMAS LIGHIITNG Support the Chamber of Commerce 50-50 Draw j cl r INGST. W. 623-5520 U p-Date Your Present Living=Room Decor!' LARGE SELECTION 0F CHESTERFIE L SUITES * MODERN * TRADITIONAL *SPANISH Generous Trade-In Allowance on Your Old Suite THREE FLOORS OF FINE FURNiTURE 37-41 KING 'ST, E. BOWMAN VILLE ,blossomi, The gcoom'î motheri Bob, Miss Tessie Brown, Maple assisted to, ceceive and wocc L anin r GrvvstdMc Ja rs ta blue suit with corsage of Exa -ner rvistdMAlaFa- blue fiowers, er on bis houseboat at Bewd- The couple honey.nooned at ly Niagara Falls and for traveli- M. and Mis. Clarence Bray îng the bride wore a navy attended the confirmation sec- 1dcess with shirt type bodice vice for tbc latter's aicce Miss: and accented by red trim, Terry Smith at St. Catharines,- Tbey arc residing at 118 King on Sunday and also visited! St. East, town.. other relatives, A teiler wlth tbc Toronto- .Mr. and Mca. Bruce Taylor- Dumîiion Bank, the bride at-. and f amily attended Hampton tended Courtie Sccondary niesradwr upr Schol. Te grom, ho, lsoguests of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce 1attendeci Couctice Secondary1ýý Montgomery. SimbolnsSan at Mrs. Clarence Bray and SimponsScar. .Miss Pennl Leach enjoyed the' bus trip to Toronto to Higb Park and Edwards Gardens SALEM ýwith the Bowmanville Hocti- cultural Society. Congraltlations to Mi s.TeSoJnaLbrr Bod Robertia Cralg who bld a meeting to discussa hec Bachelor of Scce ine sumnmer hours and our fal Nursing fo eatrUi bazaar. The Library wiil re- ersity school, of nursing. She main closed until September wili be employcd in the Vic-i John Dewdncy cxeept foc June 28 when it Stembnrer Mcf NursngBob of the Board of Examiners ilb open 'or aayone wanit-ý Craig er.r and MSsnandb bcfth Royal Conservatory çlf iag to take books out foc tbe Crag ad Msse Suan ndMusic conductcd c ur rcn t summer months. Our bnzaar Cindy Craig attcnded tbe examînations for tbc Royal is toelie held on Saturday, Nov. grauaton n My 2tb. Conaervatory la Bowmanvile 8th at two p.m. Libracy board We welcome Mr, and Mca. on Jonc 1 and 2. members arc aircady bard at Orile sore,'Bowman- Mca work for the bazaac and we Orville sborn.,Dewdney bas been arebpa alteSolina ville bo our community, They member of bbc RoyalCos- community wiîî assist us. bave movent labo the stone vatory of Music's tcacbsng Mrs. Helen Milîson, Misses' bhouse by the gravel pit for- staff siace 1946, as a teacber JntadHahrMlsna- mcerly occupicd by Mr. and of tbcory, piano, and until Jandedtherdate ion at-î iMca. Howard Bickcli, recenbly, thc organ. Canadian ts edt Coraduation execcî- A numbec of ladies fncm trained, bie studient witb Dr- Toronbo, for Miss Peggy Mili- the community attcnded a lDavid Oisrbterlony, Dir. Chtar- son who was an bonor grad' luncheon at St. Pauls Cburcb les Peaker and Reginaint Gont- nb n a wre b n las Tesaywbn or ni dn.He bolds a Bachelor ý1 Shepherd Mernorial Gold was la' charge of tbc ion- Music degree from bbc Ui- Medai for Biological Sciences. ebheon. versity of Toronto and Is an Misa Peacl Leach attendedý Miss Katby Twist and Mr. Associate of bbt RyalCaa- Hampto n Ainiversacy and Bilan Driver, Toronto, were dian College of Organlîts. Hfe was a gueit of Mc. and Mi :s. w cekend guests of Mr. and is a speciallît lu Music Tbeory Percy Dewell. Mca. E, Twist. and History, ai-id author of ___________ Mr. and Mrs, -L. Savery and bbc text "The Tbeory of Prac- Miss Carol Savery, Oshawa, tice of Mu sic". Mc, and Mrs. L. Rundie, Mc, Announc Car and 'Mca. Larry Wclsb, Bow- manville, Mc, and Mci, Bon SOLINAc Wes and Patti, FoxboXo, Sae Office Mr. nand Mc. P. Blackburn Mr. and Mrsý Roy McLaugh-B udFgse crMn and Mr, and Mrs. Don Wclsbhai and Dcbbîc, Miss Jane Budd FtMaog alsd cardMan- and Traccy were Sunday sup- Parions Biackstock, and Miss annu thacond Fo as per guests of Mc. and Mrs. Lînida Fulis, Courtîce, were n annunesofbbceopinînge ofealr Lesle Wlsh Sunay isiors ithMrandsbîp's Osbawa used car lot. Miss"s Cindy and SusaniMis. Lloyd Bcoome. The new office sbouid make Crnig. wbo are wocking at aI Joana Crydeiman, Zion, car shopping a lot casier saîd motel at, Victoria Harbour, spcn t the weekend ýwitb ber Mr, Fogg, by eliminating bbc spent last Tuesday at home. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. former neccssary walks bie- Mc. and Mrs. W. Craig arc Everett Cryderman. tcnbcdaesi n b visk iting . âfo rafwdys. B a Sunday callers witb Mc ilot, during a transaction, week ib Mc an Mc.ob and Mci. E. Cryderman wcre Davi, Byng Ilet.Mc. and Mis, Geéo. Bitner and O JU R f nmily. IiMr. and Mis. Howard Far- row, Port Hope, wcce Sundny NORMAN TAYLOR supper gucîts of Mc, and Mra. Geo. Knox. Norman Taylor dient auddcn-' Mc. and Mci. Ray Goyne of ly Tuesday at bbe Osbawa Couctice were Suildny visit- Gencral Hospital, He livent at u o lors witb Mr. and Mci. Chas. 220 Roxborough Ave., Oshawa, if"'Langmaid. Born Oct. 28, 1911 i0 Toronto Mr. and Mcaý John Mmnterni, h e wns the son, of bbcl late Mr., l uAgîncourt, visitent un Sunday and Mc.. William Hcnry. Tay-' witb Mr. and Mis. Rosi Kos- ion. He was mar rient ug. 17, satz 1940 in Iloly Tcfiity Church, *l EXCit. Mr. and Mis. N. Grills, Oshawa, anid hant resided in: t il x iing Calnnîngton, were Sunday aup- Oshawa for 40 yeaca. pecr gucsts of Mc. and Mis. He was eemployent at Genacai - Ralpb Davis,. tVTbns for 35 years ant catir-1 rMr. and Mca. Bruce Tink cd Sept. 30, 1971. He was a attend cd- Hampton Anniver- member of bhc UAWA Local sary and wece supper guesta 222 and bbc Cedar Masonie of Mr. and Mca. Percy Deweii; Lodgc. o MIIMU PRIE nso Mc. Neil 'Tîak and Miss The deceased la survivcd by )0 MNIMU PRIE) Danc Lawley, Uxbridgc, wcrc bis wife, bbc former Evelyn supper gucats. Mary Steele; one daugbtec, ~mMr. and Mri. Weî Yeilow- Misa Violet Taylor; one son, :30 rivi were Saturday evening Robert Taylor of Osbawa; bwo 0 PX visitors wjtb Mr. and Mca. Roy sisters, Mca. Anne Gwi]iiîam of Grills, Valentia, Osbawa; Mis,. Clifford Johnson Mc. and Mca. Ivan Ellicott, (Muriel) of Osbawa; one bro- Ecaservilie, wccc cecent vîsit- ther, Reginald Taylor of Bow- ors wîbh Mr. and Mca. E. manville; bwo grandcbildcen, rT Hockaday. Robect and David Taylor. Mr. and Mca, Wm, Ashton Two brothens, Arnold annd wcrc Sunday supper gucats od Reeve dicd befoce bim. at Mc. and Mis. Cordon Wîlbuc, Mr. Taylor restent at the Hampton.Armstrong Funccai Home. T. WESTI Mr. and Mis, Roy Nîichols, Service waa la bbc chapel Fr1- G ST. EAST ýPoci Carling, visitcd on Wcd- day aithtrec p a'. with inter- " ST. WEST nesday wîtb Mc. and Mrs. Don ment io Mounot Lawa Cerne- ýTnylor.tecy. Rev, Ronald Sharp of St 'Y ST. SOUJTH Mc. aod Mc. Don Taylor Mattbew's Anglican Cburchi 'RTY'ST, N. -d famil ' were Sunday vîsît-lofficia ted, r, EAST ors o îtb Mr, andMc Al F Memrorial donations to the Al ,', nethbv, anila. Ontario Heait Foundabion SMr. and tics. R, Fraser andJ would be appreciabed. The Caiiadlan Statesinan, Bowmanville, 3une, 7, 1972 q CDJnPake *1967 *1967 FIREBIRD 400, V-8 engine, automatie transmissîon, CONVERTI BLE;'Nicey". Lic. 29977A MUSTANG HARDTOP 7RAMBLER *1967 ______ * 1967 * 1968 * 1968 * 1969 * 1969 *1969 *1969 GAL. 500 HARDTOP JAVELIN, OLDS DELMONT PONTIAC WAGON IMPALA CONVE RT.. 302 V-8 engîne, automatie, custom radio, buckets., Lic. 282531 Rebel 2 Door, 6 cylinder,- automatic trans- mission, radio, Lic. 45501A V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. 57601A 2 Door Hardtop, V-8 engine, automatîc trans- mission, power steering, radio. Lic. 46353A 4 Door Hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio. Lic. 66536A Laurentian, V-8, automatic, power steerîng, power brakes,,radio, Lic. 29967X V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, power windows, radio. Lic. 49328A IMPALA 2 Door Hardtop, V-8, automatie, power steer- ,ing, power brakes, air conditioning, radio. "AIR COND.#Lic. 227824 CHEV BEL AIR * 1969CORTINA * 1969 * 1969 * 1969. * 1l969 4 Door, V-8 engîne, automatic transmission, "Good Runner". 4cylinider engîne, 4 speed, transmission, radio. Lie. 42071A MUSTANG 2 D oor, V -8, automatic, tape deck', radio, SPORTS ROOF sport deck rear seat. Lic. 89159K GAL. 500 HARDTOP x $100 s1600 $100 s1300 $1800 $2200ý $2200 $1700 $600 $1900 $2000 $1800 $2200 $1900 $1300 s2400 $1500 s2400 $2200 $1600 $7500 $2400 $3600, V-8, aubomatie, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lie. 176761 METEOR 2 Door Hardtop, vinyl roof, V-8, automatie, power steering, power hrakes, radio. MONTCALM Lic. 63636A PLYMOUTH 4 Door, V-8, automatie, power steerin, FURY 111 power brakes, radio, Lic. 71419A *l1970 :GîNE * 1970 2 Door Hardtop, 1800 c.c. engine, tape deck, tach., 4 speed, Power brakes, radio. Lic. 88780K CHEVELLE Automatic transmission, radio, 6, cylinder. "'ý300" COUPE Lic. 44546A OFORD *1970 HARDTOP * 1970, * 1970 * 1970 * 1970 * 11970, * 1970 PLYMOUTH FURY SEDA TOYOTA WAGON PARISI1E N NE "AIR COND.ý Custom 500, V-8, automatie, power steering, power brakes, radio, Lic. L54737 V-8 engine,, automabic transmission, power steering, power brakes. Li.440220 4 cyli-nder engine, 4 speed transmission, radio. Lic. X53882 V inyl roof, V-8, automatie, power steer- ,ing, piower brakes, radio, air condîtioning. Lice, 15448A> MAVERICK 2 Door, 6 cylinder engine, deluxe trîm, DELUXE "Nicey". Lic. 56675A PONTIAC WAGON GAL. 500 HARDTOP 1F IRE NZA *1971 DELUXE 1LINCOLN *1971 MK 111 *1972 *1972 MacDONALD GIVES YOU A HEAD START - AND SERVICE 'RAT KEEFS YOUT TERE Safari 4 Door, V- 18, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, power tail gabe, radio. Lic. 42586A Vinyl roof, V-8, automate, power sbeering, power, brakes, radio. Lic. 56702A Bueket seats, 4 speed transmission, radio, Lic. 56690A 2 Door Hardtop, air coriditioning, power seat, power windows vinyl roof, etc. Spld new $11,000.00. Lic. 322592A VEGA 4 cylinder engîne, radio, only 20 miles. 2 DOOR Lic. 30905A CHEVELLE SPTS. CPE. 350, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Only 20 m-iles. Lic. 30900A 1 F YOU CARE - BE FAIR - COMPARE 1 85KING ST. WEST (ut Thornton Rond), OSHAWACM KINSMEN lis Fun - It's New - $200.00 IN PRI2 FOUR - $50.00 GAMES - (1, EVERY MONDAY AT 6: ON CABLE TV C AB L ECAS5 Cards on Sale in-I3owmanviiie CABLE TV OFFICE - '26 KING S MacDONALD'S VARIETY - 71 KINI BRYSON'S SMOKE SIIOP - 31 KIN( JEFFREY'S SUPERETTE 83 LIBERT NORTH-END MARKET 1 101 LIBE] 'FRANK'S VARIETY ---KING SIJ ~sq i