Handsome Lttie Fdllow Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snod- grass of Lîndsay vis~ied Mn. nd bn.W. B, Hoar and Dther relatix es last Frida-y. Mrs. C. H. Wiberidge of Gngiýston was an oýverigbc't est. of Miss Vaicnie Mne ,aweek, Mrs. James E. Richards was iSunday overnigbt bouse ruest of ber cousins, Mn. and Yrs. James Connor, Jamie, Dean, Michael and Jane, ini tbeir new home aI Missis- %auga. Mn. Clifford Joncs cf Vic- toria, B.C. andi bis mother Mns. Giddus Joncs of Bow- inanville, botb wene fonmenly of ýOnono, eccntly visited Mrs..John Berry andi family And other relatives. Mr. andi Hns, Clifford Jones rnd tbnir ý!Ildren are m-turning b n e- HWEARIN Betten service for youn, hearnig aid means better hearing for yen Be sure to visit our next Beltone Service Centre HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT», 29 Ring St. E., Bowmanville THURS., JUNE 151h 1 P.m. to 4 P.m. DIANNE BERNATH 410 George St. N., Feterborough, Ontario Phone 745-3244 side in New Zealand this Lane on Sunday, and othen month. guests during the week, of Mrs. Ken Stainton (nee~ten 5t edn ni Forrester> is now employed versany were thein daughter ithe Township cf Clarke Mrs. Lamne Atkinson, Mrs, fl Martin Inkpen and son Trea- office. MissValeie Mrcerandton; Mrs. Doug Atkinson andi Mn. John Witheridgc spent snAtoyo hty the weekend with bis parents Congraultios to Ms Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wither- Kao use f1R,11. 2, Ononoj icige and family, Kingston. who received the Red Cros Mrs. J. E. Richards- was a adRylLf oit wm bous gust f Mr. P V.ming Instruïctors awards ne- Erskine in Hamilton andcntyinTrto visited relatives and fiende The Senior Citîzens are hav- in Dundas, Burlington, Ch'p ing a pot luck supper at 6 pawa and St. Catharines p.m. Thursday, June lst at from Tbursday to Sunday, the I.O.O.F, Hall, followed by Mrs. Arthur Tennant w*th pictures and a pogram. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gimblett 1ev. Wesley Qake of cf Leskard attended thc f un- Minden was the guest speaker eral of ber sister-in-îaw at the special Hi-C Group (Laura) Mrs. W. E. Thornton, Service at the Orono United in Queensville on Friday,ChrhoSudym nig June 2nd. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Maire Mn. and Mrs. Grant Moffat of Nestîcton, Mr. and Mrs. and sons of Oakville visited Ivison J. Tamýblyn, Mn. and bis father, Mn. W. S. Moffat. Mrs. Horaàce Best spent bhc The Orono United Cburch weekend in Guelph and at- Wornen beld thein seven June tended a square dance on Sat- ~ meeing ths wek s fl-urday evening and were Sun- i~t day evening dinner gueste of lows: Unit 1 at Mrs. Chas: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Hooey, Miller's, Wednesday, 2 p.m., Jili and Paul of Toronto. Unit 2 at- Mrs. A. H. Drum- MrGodn Wkrad mond's, Tuesday, 2 p.m.; Unit daugter Miss Gail Walken o- 3 at Mrs. E. Tyrrell's, Tue,- Wiliowdale w e r e Sunday day, 8 p.m.;, Unit 4 at Mrs. H. gueste of Mm. and Mrs. Ken Blascbke, Tuesday, 8 pm.; Bail.Z Unit 5 at Mrs. C. Hamm's, Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willow Iè'. Tûesday, 2 p.m.; Unit 6 at dale returned home on Satur Mrs. A. Loucks', Pot Luck day after spendinga few days Lunch, Wednesday 12:30 p.m.; with ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Eighteen-month-old Neý Unit 7 at Mrs. A. E, Pnescott's, Morton. chap shown in the abover Tuesday, 2 p.m. A Thought of Consolation and Mrs, James E. Murray (Intended for last week) to Mrs. L. Bruce Tilîson and MViss Susan Goode wbo bas sons ln the passing of Cons- grandson of Mr. and Mrs, E succcssfully comipleted with table L. Bruce Tilîson of the and Mr. and Mrs, James MV honours ber course in Recre- O.P.P., on Sunday after a ation Leadership at Sir Sand- lengthy ilinees. Mrs, Tilison -- __ ord Fleming College, attend- le our Editor for Newcastle. ed with her parents, Mn. and Belated congratulations to Mrs, Ray Goode, Church Street Mrs. William (Chiîstine) Todd Trnity United Chuncb, Pet- ning ticket 11:18 of the Oronoq erbrouh.Prion to gradua- Hockey Mothere 50-50 Stanley at baqueta h oldy$5,0 ah.e hsadS r n tion, she was a guet of honor Cup Draw and receivedà l d by r l Inn where she received an also neceived $25,00 cash as Te HrîutrlSnn Athletiic Awand. Susan is at bc was the seller of the wîn- Thoe-how, cld on Thrs-g present beaching in a pivate ning ticket. lwrSohdonTus girls' school., Congratulations. Mn. Sean Eyre was the day, May 25 was most color- Mr. and Mrs, Charles G. guest speaker aI Kirby Unit- fui, in spite of bbe rather late Armstrong of Peterborough ed Cbunck Anniversary Serv- Sping and the hot weatber and Mn. andi Mrs, Wmn. N. ice on Sunday, May 28tb at the previoue week, Armstrong are enjoying Ibis 9:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs, R. Van Horne, week in England, along witb Miss Catherine Stewart of othen store managers on the Kendal je taking therapy in delegate from St. Saviour's annual I.G.A, trip. Oshawa Hospital and le now Anglican Cburcb, Oono, who Mme. George Morton spent practising standing up and is attending the Diocesan Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. putting a litIle weighî on bhc Synod in Toronto this week. Lawrence Harris, Douglas and injured I g. Her many fiends Capt. Charles Smart of the Charles. are giad b kaow she is mak- Church Army fnom the Penny- Mn. and Mrs. Vernon John- ing steady progrees towand town-Bewdley charge was bhe son of Peterborough vîsited recovery after 24 weeks la special speaker at St. Saviour's hic parents, Mr. and Mrs. the hospital. Anglican Cburcb on Sunday James L. Johnson cf Hilîcrest Mrs. Roy Spry le the lay morning. eil James Murray is the wee photo. He is the son of Mr. y, Simpson Ave., and is the Don Mountjoy, Scarborough, [urray of Newcastle. McRobbie Photo rden ers Whitby, j ucged the flowers and arrangements. Mrs. S. Holmes brought a lovely, bouquet of narcissi 7which încluded sorne new vani- eties, one being, "Liberty Bell" which bas two, flowers on one stem. Mrs, Billings' lovely arrange- ment of tulips and deutzia graced the front table and a mixed spring bouquet from. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley, enhanc- ed the piano. Prior to the meeting niera- bers were invited to view the Junior Gardener's show. Theyl ro n o N e hAn anecle disiplay. Avery etertlaining pirogramn was povidedi. Mrs. Lou-eL<s and MrGrant presented their -kit on -Henry and Eliza". They are a pair of' reRlly good îsports> IrCharlie Taylor played tfichre butiful old hymine on bis auitoharp followecl by sel- ectiones on his mnouthorvgani, and theni played -It and the aulto- Iharp too. -He ie a real mnusi- cian! Mre,,. E. Brown's rendcitionsý of -12th Stieet -Pa,," were wvell rereiveid followed.l by a numnberý called "Frank-furters, Sandl-. wices"and"The Chieken." President iVre. Billigvge made a n3umber of nnouncemepnte q rel upeoming sho0ws, Our, o)wn Summner Showý is toe15e August 17. The wvinAow boxeand planrfe wilbe jjudged jueïtl previoue 10 the show. Don't forget i, take corne pîcttures, thliesumir-mer to enter in photo-' graphie comnpetition-. There are five classes for anmateurs. Mrs. Hiolmnes rnentioned the Lily Show in Hanilton( July 23. Oshawa Society Rose Show îs June 23 and 24. Mrs. S. Allun extended an in- vitation from Newcastle to attend a showing presented by Ontario Hydro, on "Garden and Patio Lighting" on June i22nd, 1Mr. and Mrs, Billings will >accompany delegates Mrs, C. Gunter. Mrs. C. Miller and Mrs. E. Couvier to the Horti- cultural' Convention at King- ston the middle of June. Mrs. Couvier will represent the Junior Gardeners. , Mrs. B. Cowan and Mrs. C. Taylor served a buffet lunch wbile purchases were made at the Plant Sale. Mrs. E. Touchburn, Mrs. R. Moffat and Mrs. A. McGill tabulated the show resulte and presented the winners as fol- lows: Red Tulips - Mrs. C. Taylor, MIrÉ. Buckley, Mr. Long, Mr. E. Brown yellow Tulipe - Mr. Long, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Tansley, Mrs. Swan Pink Tulipe - Mr. E. Brown, Mr. C. Taylor, Mr, R. Wood, Mrs. B. Cowan Tulips, any other color - Mr. E. Brown, Mrs, Euekley, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. C. Taylor Lily Tulipe .- Mr. R. Wood, Mn. W. Wood, Mr. F. Vagg, iMire. Zegers iParrot Tulipe - Mrs. E. Tyr- reli, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Touch- bura, Mir. Long Double Tulipe - Mrs. R. Chapman, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. C. Taylor -Narcissi - Mrs, Buckley, Mrs.j WESLEY VILLE The gnoosiain 0f bbc past wekbnoughit much needesi mnoisture 10 fieldis andi gard- ens; thie tbunderstonm cf early Suinday monning cleared awvay before lime for churcb-goers 10 leave home. Lovely ar-f rangemnents of deep purpie and t w1hibe lilace with bulips andi iris bigbtened the chumch at1 Welome ,for thc morning. serv ie, June 4t . 1ev. J. Ramjit spoke on bbc themeL of Gý'od's Faithfulness basesi- on bbc Scripture lesson fromjý the fiftb chapter of John 1. The antbem by n full choir was "Feed My Sheep". Mre. John Groencveld Sr. bas returnesi 10 ber home from Pont Hope Hospital. Mn, an&i Mrs. Tom Rlcy7 cf Toronto spent sevenal days mest week with Mm. and Mvrs. Hector Danke, Pont Bitan, and Bey Darke and Scott cf Toronto vlsited there oný Sunday, June 4tb. A susiden endi 10 a life of one wîtb no settled ho,il came laet Friday. morning,ý whea a man was killesi wheni stnuck by a train. The acci- dent occurresi near a buil-ý,- ing on bbc raîlnoad property wbere lone travellers anc ac- customed 10 stay at interva-ls, about Iwo miles eact cf Wes- leyville. Visitons with Mre. E. Bn- rovwlough. on Friday and Sat- urday wene:- Mr. andi Mrs. E III, Consecon; lifr. M Brown, Metcaîf c and GeralsiU Hill of Winchcster, aise Mnr. 1 andi Mrs. E. Karvonen, Melodyr andi Daniel, Scarbonough. 'Mn, andi Mrs. Evan Hath-i erly of Peterborough andi Mn.e andi Mns. Irwin Hatherly o-f- Cobourg callesi on Mr. and!: Mns. Haroldi Bcd on Sunday afternoon. Wesley Best who le a great sports entbusiast, plays bal VancoverSandra bas bee in Asaiafor socn rnntksî and lateçnde b -ýstay with bherl uncani aunt, Mir. and mc James Tinkees for a fcw wecksiý bcfore corning east. Mrs. Robent Goebelis cf Pont Hope accompaniesi by Vins. Murray Payne, and Mrs. H{oward Payne was exploring for wild 'flowens rccently, ln this arca. jA DAY OR-, 1WEEKEND Ask forRe COUNTY I h Jor gulne ÇBrtcles LET US HELP YOU CAPTURE THE MAGIC OF YOUR SPECIAL DAY WITH A HAIR STYLE ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. BEU'TY SHO Cati Us - We 71 King St. E wHii be glad te help Yeu 623-5019 ______________________________ - ~II~ F00n m A5 Our Store IsNw Larger and Co -mplef e! y Renovated I'and -Deccoraffed for Your Shopping Pleasure Pa rking Area "ere Are OnIy e- -- -" eek's Money Saving Specials GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS DELICATESSEN LUNES COLE SLAW - POTATO SALADS COMPLETE LUNE 0F DELICATESSEN MEATS IMPORT FEATURES 2 b.29C While You Si CANADA PACKER DEMON RIO MAPLESLA MAPLE LEAF 1i r 99, 5 9 DEMPSTER'S- CRUSTY VI ENNA B READ---fr5 MARG~AFET'S IONEY DIPT7 2 Pkp-e. of9 DONUTS '69c 'top! FRESH WELL TRIMMED PORK CHOF MAAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE-- (HOME OF 's, 89 8 5c HOCNIG(x BRAN» FINE Noo-0dies ý a Box of 10 79-ç kg aPack- of 16 Btat3 IALITY) HONIG BRAN» SPINIG VEGETABLE Soup Mix 2 pkgs, .49c BEINSDORP DUTCE ONG8BEEF rCIOE BouillonCue a8ac4 M y ~ijilI W, Wood, Mn, W. Wood, Mrs. The Canadian Statesmn, BTowrnanvllle, June 7, 1972 R. Chapman Other Flower from a Bulb - MsR.Chaprnan, Mrs, LQ N FSL Pansie - Mr. C. Taylor, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. Zegers Mr. and Mrsý. Lsi tksSna inner gustof the Single African Violet - Mrs. and famlily and Mr. and Mr.Camnerons. W. Wood, Mrs. F. Vagg Gerald Flatt, Maple, and Wi- Bannie Wright, Enfîel, Double African Violet- Mrs. liamn DelVille,- Toronto, were wý,ýsas Monday suppergus W. Wood, Mr. C. Taylor, Mrs, Satunday afternoon vîeitors at the Ri. Cameronsý, tb hebIi C. Taylor of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cam- Ruthannu celebrate tier l3th- Colecioncfiluselats- eron and family. Isobel and brha Many Ha:ppyRe Mn. E. Brown, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mlaine Stokes stayed over- turne of the day, Ruthann. Mrs. Zegens rdght with Ruthann Cameron. Mn. and Mrs. Raymiond "SolIo" desk arrangement - The Stokes and -Flatts wene Thompson, Baltimore, epenit Mrs. E. Schmid, Mrs, Cbap- Friday wîth their aupnt DAn m1-anl,Ms Swan with 1the WelconEý Juveniles; uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gib- ".Natur'al Beauty", - Mrs they played ln. Peterborough son. Sch-mid, Mrs, Swan, Mrs. onl Sund-ay aftlernoon. -. - Zegene1 A telephione mepssage last oG'r CASR TODAX "Conversation Piece" - aun-week tu the HoandPayane atur, ne Sanfamîly announced the safe THFiR 5U GH _______________ rrivai of Sandra Payne in ST AT E SMA N li . 1: 1 1 Â -- mm ,DYKSTRAesý