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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1972, p. 6

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tbhe Canadian Statemnari, Bowmariv11k, June 7, 1972 I-In the. Editor's Mail Jue 2 Alter raading the Edi- talou the (re Garbage M'%euh ibis weck prompted n-'e te, write ibis laItter which I've itendcd te do ber se long, Hmlvlng ived bera only a atlime we wenl away -D f ea weekcnd and fergot te pubtor garbage eut. Wbat a ahock te comae home and find il gene. Hnlving ived in several places, no Scther DepI. cf Sanitatiin bigiven lima service Ibat tbesa boys havc sbownunus Piease undarsand folks I'm n wrîing Ibis bacausa ïny et the men ara speciai friands ef oura. Wa neyer k-naw Ibeir namas util remýding the paper. Wa e felsorry for Ibcm e7ut iunlime ramn, no-W, stili ba-viug telit garbage palis nndrI net plastic baga, but -fi fliiithy aiways bave that frîcndly "hi" and wave when in or car. We wated thase men te kuow tiat they reaahy ara appreciated and Wei iked. LIABILITY HAZARDS PREMISES 'The wny your home is main-J ýtaiuâed eau causa bodily inuryl oîbers. PERSONAL ACTS ~Any member et yourflaily aeven your pals, mny infl!il ýLi ury .. accidents do bnp pan. DE1ý7FE"NCE COSTS Iýa ealactions ensl ýmoncy limeComposite Dweliing Poîidy wiiM pay whebher you're albe, Iornt. Sn "bats off te juat a grant gang". Yours ruiy, Audrey and Hownard Vincent, Pine SI. Dear- Sir: I know you wil ha plans- ad in hear Ihat bbc affect- ivenass cf advertisiug piac- cd in The Canadian States- man bas nol dirnisbad lu this age of rush-rush -rush. Your maders 'crtainly hava preved once agalu thaï; bbc classiied section is cama- fully îe'ad bu babeaanut- mge of many bargains cIter- cd. I bave aiways bad ex- celent rasulta rom advis. placed lu your papar. Juat racenbly I advemiscd an automobile - witb amnaz- ing resulla. Shortly after The Statesman wcnl on sale Wcducsday cvcning, ble- phone cails weme raceivad in rcpiy le bbc advarbisa- ment. Tbe tirsb man came, eammlnd, bougbt 'bbc car and drove Al homa - al lu about an hour and a hall. MVauy othar enllia wcee - ceivcd in response te the advb. Wisbing you continued socces lu bbcservice you are providing. Happy Advarbisem. Dear Editor: "The second annual Stmg Raunion Dinner cf lima (combined) 407/415/431 /434 RCAF W.W. If aqoadmona will beha mcd s inse Roof Garden ot the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontar.ic, cn Salurday, Otober 21sb, 1972 from 3:00 p.m. bo midruigimi. Ail alliid ex-sarvicamen weccme. Fer bull partico- lam, write bo Gee. T. Suth- erland, Organizer, 30 Edith Driva, Ne. 1201, Toronto 12, Ontaric." Any assistance ibat you rnay ha able- te give us lu regard tb publicizing lima aboya menlioned avent, will ba very much appreciated, as liera are bundreda cf cx-rnambcrs stili "misaing on ivvy sîeet" wbýor wc would lika b hear trorn1 once agin. We biauk yeu, for Ynum usuai kiud ce- opeaion lu auch malteras, as on pravious occasions. Signed Gco. T. Subber- land, Organizer. Dear Sir: In Canada more than a doz- en native animais are on the verge of extinction. These *I...êDIare primarily the less loy- Agencyable carnivores such as the perigrehie falcon and the 24 King St. E., Box 100 mountain lion. It would seemn that our good intentions withi Bewmai.ville ontarle regard to mother nature stili lack a sufficient overview. That îs why we are eager ta * preserve some creatures while ~ ve stili regard others as un- necessary. For example we cao applaud the intention of St, Mary's Cement Company Office eien Et sablish a community of 623-561 623 M023 Cnada geese in the nid third ma;rsh and at the sameiri time acptwit-hout quesction the CHiNESE and CANADIAN FOOD, 10Q Off Pick-up Ordersi (over $300) 4 FREE HOME DRIVERY (iimu.iiým $3.00) Phone 623-3703 5KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE B3USINESS HOURS- I licht0 10 AM. tf0 10P.M. DAILY, fLegion1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. to I A.M. j %ian h Iwasi * AT ONE LOW PRICEI Ï SINGLE~VISION BIFOCALS THtIS PRICE INCLUDES * VOUR CHOUCEOF 65 FRAME STYLES, SHAPES AND3 COLOURS * YOUR PRESCRIPTION, IN WHITE, ROSE OR GREEN LENSES * ONE YEAR REPLACEMENT WARRANTY AGAINSt BREAKAGE eYOUR 011010E 0F CASE FROM A WIDE SELECTION *4 07- BOTILE EYEGLASS CLEANING SOLUTION. *BIFOCALS IN4 KRYPTOK, FLAT*TOP OR ULTEX STYLES New metal fra m avalable at $1000 Extra Charge Lowest prices on s;pecial types of lenses andi tints 2.3 BO0N DS T. EAST OSHAWA HROURS: Tues.,, Wed., Thurs., 9-5 Friday 9-9 Sat. 9-12 Noon Momday Closed Phoane: 728-1261 TÎ Wise 0w! Awarded for St. Mary's Ernployee1 ng cf foxes whicb sup- Jfft. M îi&iiý ' lfl1'iýit':i' are a tbreat to thae .~..., " 0 This ss a perfect ex- h*~i . of aur inabililY 10 un- .lu. bd what la meant by logical balance sunia cnvironment or Of iir significance it is ward hife lu generai.. X te, wondcr what other .ýýe.,, i'-. s have been con-sid-,~. .. Il appears thaï, noue ", ' ~ If this la the case then I.\t ~ ~ ït~e#tr~ ttl5i d to question the truc e~îr er cf what secmcd a i:tOsr :.Ul~ ui ltenlion. xecutivcs of St. Maiy's hout question not foots. Ie induatrialiats, and esas cf the many ration- ,OS 10 ,the contrary primary couccru is making. No smail part task, particularly to- ha problem ofproj ect- good public image. The 7.. indostry must take ar cara lu this area ' etfects of their actions f " laudacape and environ- i ir bar brom compli- "~~ y. Wbat a better way rove your image thau Éugene Terry, lef t receives a Wîjse Owlt Award laim to the commun~- Personnel Supervssor cf St. Marys Cernenit, lor folbowi Le apparcntly cousci- intention of turning a crcditcd with saving his sight ln au nid(eti t he pi area, that la bcing lena of bis safcly glasses, by a steelIfr7aLgmcut lthrown dispiaced by a huge the finishing mill. The Award is given by th1e Industria eartb, imb a sanctoary scaini oncinwt h NB ada geese. Wc may scain ucneto ihteCI3 h cother ou the back ic assuredly; ail these ceremouy but Ibat did not pre- anizad lu Durham hae bacamal about the diaregard of veut me tram cntaring into the Lieutenant Colonel and Com-1 'y for the cuviroumient spirit cf the day, I was glad mianding Officer. In 1885 hai ng, at beanl in the case that our Young people wcrc had scrved as Captain ati Mary's Cernent. But, involved for it will make tbemj "Batoshe" in 'North West Reb- minute. Part of thc bettar citizena cf the futurc.Jellion, lu 1888 hae moved bis la tragie. For bbc sake My mmnd went back to my bfamlly 10 Newtouvillc and kept' geese sumneonë bas icoo days lu carly April 19021n gencral store and post office to poison a coupla cf achoo Billand, Lorraine Milli-lumnil 1914 wbcn lha moved bis orianytbiugIhal meay gan wera called home aud wc wsfc b Orono to e ha ear lber ronatGie aougbb ntsleaned that thair father bad daughter wbile hae wcnt back t o Gosivea omas abeau kiiied lu action lu South imb bbcearmy aud fortbar dis- [0f extermination It Africa ou the 30tb cf March, tinguishcd himacîlf. Col. unly vcry inhomane if This was aur firat eccunlar es as hae woas always kuowu qares about Ibat, but wvith war and Ileft a lnsting bere was cvery inch a wel ,rysloppy (remamber impress 1ion. discipliucd>soldiat. Frorn bim Once again hislory On Victoria Day, May 241h, we lcaârned-to appreciata iaw iitacît. For man and 1904, ini the midat cf color aund nnd order and taka pride lu arly industry anothar pagcautry, a monument w as our nation. bbcth bock of how we unvaiied inhonor cf W. P. .ver diftetrtype cf ma' cd, nature is writtau Milligan, Captain in 46 regi- Teybcalrtb tp of W.Jns ie biggcst chapter, "if ment cf Durham but wbo weul Tewoul ulhave G.tW.dJerus isuconvenience, destroy as a private to South Africawudnthv odseis inde aven biggcr. anldicriug but bis lcyalty te wa sec that such a Parbapa eut young peole Canada .and bis home village ais no solution lat ail. and t hosa moving inb aur was intense. Ha servcd by tr what wid geesa do midatlscit ic M-wolbion-uplanbiug tracs, praserviug old vive because they do tercstad i hedscitinOfandmarks by early phologra- Regardîcas ofOr bbc original monument as mn. phy for mauy ycnra, an adtiveý ae baud uow belonga to my scrap bock. member cf village baud. His y'a and I suppose thal The monument was built by greatesî achievemeut was tbe 111e cf any creal- John Hall cf Orono. Il waa bringing tllphone service tc ithat band. Wbo gava sunk five tact. At grouud lavaiOr area. Pcrbaps bis rol a s ian or industry that the basa measurad 10 beat rather oua cf a peliticîn Even as I write Ibis square, rising 10 tact whcre lb Howevar having had tbe privi- 1wonder if thera la baperad off toeaigbt feeacliega cf watcbing hlm in batlle [nl t il and a uine brom square. At bbc top cf the base aI close range I do flot basi- Mitchel scng comas tb et the corners were stncka of tala to i'dasa hlm as a soldier -d "tbcy paved paradisa thrac guna cast in Bowmanvmila cof tbbcÇrowu as was Col. John ýup a parking lot". from a modal. Betwecn each Hughes - cniy bbc weapons J. R. Sailows, bwo stacks wcra four cannou wara diffaraut. Guelph, Ont. balis - 32. pouud 'S, cbtained The tbird pam lot wms Miss * * *by ordar cf the Militîn Depart- Eliza, Thompson, pbysicaliy iasked about lthe con- meut trcm bbc mililary stores waak but mcutally and spirit- ofthis latter, Bill Wii- aI Port Hope. The sculpter wns umlly stroug. Har mariner was eputy Manager cf bbe Delaýnty cf Ccbourg. On top cf chnrmiug, unnaaummng and 5amd tbat altbougb thare Ia base ware two stcues cfgnîabl eruwvrg foxe prsenty kow .standard grey gýranite. Te bailh lu God was lika, a rock, inhabitiug bbc grounds shat a17 'tact, six luïrchas Thasa threa people, al sco ave beau lu the past, aboya'basýe or tclal hig o9~ffaetndpnîgcbr were ionlcmng for thern, monument was 27 feal, sixdiffereul rcd layt aacb had va ~ ~ inhs ha c h o A ottea uned n the tremeudous impact ou bbc vii- have dcstroyed tem llucs, A et unlue b aeIatcetdahaî of toxas can kill aatmonumenttavarretpebbc care et dgoslings ini oua night, mon untcipaliyo theCareofwaii balauccd almosphera. ne wbo wanls te coin- teMnciaiHo Cak, aving grown up lu au ea an g abad ad crn-frac cf debt, ,aneoleak abd outbc Timeumn eaeawbeuthere wns a gond bocal Peope tlk aoutthe hismonuentbecae abaud and avaryoehad a flag, ýbalance", but I don't laudmnark fer miles arouud., Iarn tbrilied that again flags bis la il. l'Il ha glad Unterbuurateiy il was but for flcal ovar our village, Io anybody who doesn't herse and buggy days and b a- isteUonJcsànd vith'me", came a menace in metor traf lu in the bUnicnJackôsand aiso inierasting te nota, flc. On Easter Sunday mu wnrs througbout the world yct while area rasidanîs March 1943 there was a col- aîways taking wibh bar just he arrivai oftheb geese, lision et a transport and a dcar iaws, bigher standard et liv- miles te bbc wesl, and the basa was raducad tc ing and sbaring ot knowledge. san overpopolation ot rubble but bbc shatt unharm- The second flag. the loved for- .geasa lu Metro To- cd. mer Candian Ensigu uow bbc arks. Six years inter the Clarkeofficiai flag cf Ontario. Third Parka Deparîmeut 55 Council pub a cament base lu* bc w0al et lgcv cmcvug ggsfrom a plot et land given by thaen Cndne al le an al. It id shippiug them te Depi cof Higbways and the il aniadfa c ofstaincost.aud parts ot the country original shatt was creclcd. "plense God kaep lb that way." tching, since lu the Ours wns a amaîl village but We do net know bair bubure seo pepura eatioP sc i il wns packed more patrmot- rla but do know il wiil dem- 1the point, where smprsueichtn uand a specimi breed et man. sidewaiks ara " slip - auy obhar pince 1 know. This Candians are not flag wav- witb thair droppings. was largely duc 10 bbc gooe sadIa sigmsl woold bardby saam te fartune cf having Ibreaeout-csadIn aigmsî sturl blanc alherstanding pabriols living hera at why, la lb becausa or feeling theuraldhofaIheecentury, of patrinlism rua deeper? Il ________ lheoceisbopashee te wnvc Fîrsl, was John Hughes, au sfoîhpstm owv Newteuvillc, Ont, eider brother at Sir Sam. Haeflagif wa racontr aarad l May 30, 1972. enlisted lu 451h battalion lunacphowrspctour'slaw a t 1ier 865 aI 16 yeas et age, later sorespec ot c woÏr mw m -; rvaeCitizen Or New- bccoming Second lu Commandaad. s 10 t Aihsa osa frespon- I weuld hike le Pub- When 461h batbabien was,-erg- lasibIfity is e acufoetour 'aïk time Bowmanvilia --lw. fw r aecai of tbc Royal Canadian 'm Canadins and timid te show for bbc gift et tbree usiness D.irecory our colora wa musI suap cul id flag poes, prcsanted -. t i-Oura is a Young nation Cauolaph ,on Monday Ac c oiln n Ica n c buallprtsndy hea bbcrasdbe eVictoria Day, A .1 Y1m 1 parts ofbb - world Office Heurs: marry n dîvorcea. 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily The institution cf divorce, Ciosed Snburday and Sunday if one may calli h thal, is a Office Phoe - 623-5790 vary od one, becausa we bR. ILLAM ENTD.Ds.rend lu the Old Testament DR. ILL A KlEDDS that God permibted Moses Professional Bldg. te mlow tbbchcildren of 22.) King St. E. - Suite 106 Ilaaie, divorce. But this OfficeHours:was onfly becausa cf bbc Offie Hers: arduesa cf -their hasts. Weakdys - - 6 The New Tcstament alse axcapt Wedncsday aflarnoon cnan ioc sda Taiehone623-349 the Christian Churcb boday. nSUrInamn weli awara thaï ln I ns r nC e serne cases divorce migbî ha _____________advmsnble when A marriage DONALD A. MacGREGOR bas so broken down that it Lite, Auto. H-Tome uiiirreparable. AndI1arn 67 King E., Suite 2A algn awar ht u sm ýBowmanvmlle - phonle 62_962 caeues there is the "Innocent" f-rom Bill Hay, Safeby and ig ,safet.\ rules which are nl. M,\I. Tcrry holda up a iup byhis air harmer, in al Accident Prevenlicu As- as weiî as the "guilty" Party. This,,bowcvcr, doca not mnaka' divorce aniy more acceptable in God's sigmb or lu bbc sigmt, cf. bbc Christian cimurch. A divorcea neada as murb loveannd belp and under- standing as muy(,eelase and lcI nooee bink that God lovas a divorcea any lesa bimn Ha loves mny ot His children. This doas net meniowever, that God'a Word can ha airugged off as a ' stupid, restriction",% Il was wmiîbenns a guida and a menset instruction, and as sucb sbould bha taken seriously. Yours sinceraiy, Carebyn Ball. Bowrnanviile, Dear Edibor: Jo1cSb./ 97 Replyînig tb the, many auquiries concerning lima Counbry and Western artiats slaging Jamborees oulsida duming limesummer meutha, wa would. iike bo make lb known that we would Se& happy to perform for any wothhie fnurBpoiw Advertisement Not worbythhie ventropreo ot mnanvile or any other worth-' while charity. DA o r Already this year, the A t o iz d b artists have helped out two families who were burned m out and also entertained forAffacked at Meeting the Rotary Club fireworks dîsplay where approxîmate- ly 1700 People attended. An adycitisement which ap- planned for Cobourg's w est So, f ayon ba a oodpeared in the Statesman and end would add 'ut lenst an- Soif nyne asa gnda number of other area papers other 60 new pupils" to the project where our artists iast week, purportedly outlin- area's present schools. can help, please contact us gth otubradDr DalitnTwsipm - and you wîll be delightedigth Nrtubradur Drlgon owsp e- with the response. At the ham School Boards position ber, Sid Worden joined those moment, Cathy Piper, Chuck on a new senior elementary who supported the advertise- Kipatrick and Joe Both- scbooi, in Cobourg, came under ment, sa 'ying 'we had a tough wn-11 are playing the Stouff- hcavy attack at the Board's 'lime convincing people in Our Covï Palpsea meeting last Thursday. larea that M. J. Hobbs was a The Board had authorized good andl nccssmry school, but and doing a terriuie neither contents nor cost of the 1 dont think you wou]d flnd advertisement nor the holding any opposition to it now". Vours very truly, of a subsequent press confer- After the meeting, A], Strike Canadian Country Artists. ence, ail of which were ar-, saîd, "I thirik the malter is a ranged on the initiative of the [tempest in a teapot I se the administration and three board point of those who objected, ~ Formembers. Their objective had'and it wouid bave been baller been to "correct faise rum- if il had been approved by the New mP FÊwr ours and misinformation" Board. As il was, the wording spread by what was describcd and contents werc not really as "a 'pocket of organized OP- sanctioncd, but they express- Cla rke Hih position" in Hamilton Town-led the general feeling of the sbip and Cobourg, the areas Board over the past few mach. A new vice-principal bas affected by the new schooi. ings, and so oniy gave us facts been appointed for Clarke "There may be other ver- wc already kncw." High School. abuns," protested board mem- The Nortbumberland-Dur- iber, Garnel Wbitfie]d. "If' - '"' ham choo Boad ba co- tbree or four people want b . firmcd the appointment of make a statement then the rest John Syivestcrvich, to com'- of the board should ha con- U menca dulses September I., sulted. Otherwise, anyone of T,;:;, OU us could make a release 10o LD ' _Tr S'O- the press under the board's TV LI~~a U~umname."1 I~W ~IIUIIMr. Wbitfield also qucricd W7 eie T au advartisement dlaim, ,that oi o Ray Ta e building developmcril could bc -,~, irheid up by the Ontario Muni- Il y ~~cpal Board, if the new sehooli z Branch 30 et the Royal Can- 'Î nI constructed. adian Legion, will have to pay "This la like holding a municipal taxes like everyoneibludgeon over people and 1 cisc, Port Hope Town Coucildou't think it ever antered loto bas dacided. iour decision tb bu id tbis_________ The Le'gion had requestcdischool. As of rigbt now, I don't exemption of t h e i r nw" o $350,000 building rom taxa- scho acc omod ,to o lion, on the grounds that oper-, . rak ho, abo c atig epeues ndmorgag edcaion and one of thos paymants on the uew bead- :dth dcrieet e- RN 9350 quartera ara very bigb, andifended bis position by pointig S5 fOME91 HAT SERVTICE that the opes'ation of thelJout that a new sbiiin______________ building wiii be community,%en orieutad. Thare Was ne discussion on) tbc matter at the regular' council meeting, the deciatoniC U to 1 ,P having airaady beau made bbce previous week at a ciqscd $,0 5,0 committce of the wholc. $,O 5,0 Lloyd Austin, secretary, af. Obitain all the cash you mecd and reduce your payments the bran ch,, said that ne- ap- by as much as haif with a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on Seni peaiwillha ada i te pra- ible terms. Cali to 10 p.m. todsiy for halpful courteous cnta lme mabut w he w eates ervice. Prompt Investment Corp. 330 Bay St., Toronto. the paymcent1 point, wc mighlt Cai Colleet 366-9586,. evenings 231-8146. make an appeal. 10-Ls. lac U j IIDEALW1RTH ICE CREAM I PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. No. 1 GR ADE ný CRISP PI.UMP CAUIFORNIA PRODUCE 0F U.S.A, PER LETTE g S;EEDLESGA FOOD PRICES EFÇECT-IVE WD,, THRUSAT. JUNEZ-10 WM RESERVEIH1E RIGHI lýO LMII QUANTITIS BOWMANVILLE mGA MKTG REPAKN MONDAYl 9-6, TUESDAY 9-6; WEDNESDAY 9-6; STOREHOURSTHURSDAY 9-9; FRIDAY 9-9, SATURDAY 9-6;

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