she attended tise graduation of af suJLa her granddaughter, Miss Nancy r du tG a ' ae M; (7 Hall frem the U nessty cf Seaac r au i ~ a u i ~Int re t Western Ontario in London. bol gnterres0/She receîv:d edgr o M em s of-Bachelor cf Science in Hocoursà Phone 623-3303 Otan» Place bas a niucber we of attractions featured for the h 8tis, 9th and lth cf June, D Mr'. cnd Mx's. Byron Van- Couccillor Maurice Prout, These feature: Thursday - All- stnoeeweedget f Mrs. Prout and granddaughter Star Wrestlicg; Friday - Ber- Mý Mx'. ccd Mrs. M. S. Jaques of Miss Nancy Brown were ln bersisox Quartets, Felk Dance Woodstock. Ottawa on Tuesday, May 30 Ensembles, Pin Soits Weeken guest wlth Ix'.acd visited the Heuse of Cern-SauayLodnDy-it and Mrs, Simon Wickec ens . hymtwt euycsue oeyat Bar-Os Deaewere Mr. Allen Speaker Russell C. Hocey, bershop quartet by Tise Lon-C brueco Dvid cnd daugiter M.P. ccd attended tise after- dpn Men of Accord ccd e fe- Brueison f oono noon cession of Parliament. maie berbershop quartet and i Mx'. lEd Breslin, Torocto, son a rock gxoup. Mx'. and Mrs. M. L. Foenigk c f th ce lete Mx'. acd Mrs. Maux' Mrs. Victor Jeff ery, ber W attended tise opening o h u "Moe" Bresin was in tOwfl daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. Stratf ord Festival Teren recentîy cnd called et thse ccd Mrs. Dennis Connagisan, Mondey night wben "As YIou Statesman office to réeew ac- and Mx'.ccd Mrs. Rey Stain- e Like Et" was presented. quaintances. Ed is followilg in ton, Debbie and Betis, town, anB Michael Wiood, con'of Mx'. tise fam-ily footstePs ccd oper- and Mrs. Jeffery's soc ccd acc d Mrs. Murr'ay Wood, Sou- ating ceveral men's ccd ladies' daugbter-in-law, Mr'. cnd M's-. Mi gog Street, bas completed bis wear stores in Toronto. BosJ40r1Bhcc rne first year et McGill University, Cousins Douwe Kerkstra, Oshawa, cttended tise marriege mi Montreal. Holiand, and Tony Kuipers, cf tiseir nephew cnd cousin, Ï zDonna JLee Terrili lx' cc ad Mrs. Frank Aber- Chicago, met recently in Bow- Mr. Boss Wottec ccd Miss Mx.At tise graduation exorcises Diane Hfoar iethy, Gxeenbank, and Mrs. manville fox'tise first time la Janet Osmond in Kingston lest Miss Mary Anc Doyle 'heid in Alumni Hall, Univer- Pe Harold St. John, Lorraine ccd 65 yeax's. Mx'. ccd Mx's. Kerk- Saturday. daugiter cf Mx'. ccd Mrs. sity of Western OctarieLac- dauigitex' of Mr. ccdî Mrs. Ted w Lyxnc, Scarborougb, were over- stre are visiting Mr., and Mx'. We learn from ,tise Orono Stephen Doyle, R. R. 3, flow- don, on June Ist, 1972, Donnar cc annd si'auter cf nigist guests cf Mr, acd Mrs. John DeVries acd Mx'. and nekyTmsta sa -mavle rdae rr heLeTriduhe fM Jim Abernetby. Mrs. Kuipers are visitng witb eelyTîertatOsa Wamnvlegrdute ro te e Trrldugstx'cfM' i cdMs.Lelifoiac AtI Cogauatost M'i-Mx'. and Mrs. Bill DeVries, Bud Bolpb, probabîy Oronos University of Guelphs on %Iay acd Mrs C. Terrîli, received gAsdat sed wth alzache ineric RRngatuBtiomanvir.lhe. -oldest merchant in yeers cf 24, 1972. She received her ber degree cf BechelorcfAsdgec pcilzn uI ou~~,R iikesh rcevd iswsevie te tie omuitBaheo c AtOdgreMusic, fxom lise University of on Wikenswho rceivd hi Mr. nd Ms. W.J. Brr ol"rvle tothe ommuArts achulPsyfAissohogy. ArT inontohlolu TConvocationocat Halll, M first class bocors B.A. in Ecg- M' c r.W .Br'c elehrated bis 84tb bix'Ihdàây ue1It Din ba be W lisis Literature frocs, Simon Prospect St. ccd Mrs. E. G. on Sussdey, May 2th, ccd is Junre ît.UDiaesit een - H Fraser. University, Burnaby, Barr, Oroco, etîended gradu- stihi going strong. Bud bas heenu w awcroatnhex'c how- fH0 B.C. on May1 27th. aion ceremosies et McMaster an, active membex' of tise vil- G r duate G ra d- ushi frocs ie S cidi sol cf- C Miss D. Croasser returned University, May 25th, wben lage in macy ways including \.ra Uaie radua ewStudie, Yale Uni- I recenthly fx'om a trip te Aus- Ibeir son Erîc received his sports and best wîshes go eut cutt. She wiil commence p, traia isee ase istedtis RaheTr f Arts degree. Ha lis t, hlm for many more years frme Bweniaereienat present teaching et, Oroco of good isealtis. tdsfebeDooresui Miss Helen Cotton, now Max ubi-ciol Mrs. Wilhur Milher ccd MissMsclg nSpobr ried ccd living Ihere. Mr'. Brian Peters, son cf Mx'. Margaret Allun ettended the Mx'. ccd Mrs. Guy LeBlanoccd MxsD.C Pteso graduation exercises cf West- 1 have reî,'urned home frocs a BuintncdBwavil",e, ra Univer'sity, London, Ont., Graduate w very enjoyable holiday touring eiedbs oorB..c on Juce s wbea their nicc, cm Psychooytte recent con- Susen Proctor, received bierE five Eurcpean ceunîries, olam-et li ecg wbicis were Lisbon, Spain, vocation of McMastar Uciver- BA. degrea ha Home Econom- V cn~ nglnd. sty. Briarr is again workicg ics. Susen is the daugisler cf ~ T Italy, France adEgad MisMreeDo y e' t lise Country Lace Golf Club Maurice acd Marlon ProclorM! ont, s ejoi a npto nas-hWitby for tise summer (eAlnBokilie, ccd is scu Ibis week wilb e fxiendmts. presently completicg lber in- Miss Dcwney wili be visiting Congratulations te Miss Eli- tercship et Sick Cbildx'en's bier parents, M.,,ccd Mrs. C zebetis Braden wbo graduated Hospital, Toronto. owefoef Wdy exonTisursdey, May 251h froc AItishe Geceral Meeting of i thk.lie University cof Waterloo tise Bowmanville Kinsmon on- ac week.witb e Bachelor cf Arts deg- May 16tb, Stan Dunn, Bert Mr c xs .Hadcdree. Her mother, Mrs. J. Wal- Snowdec ccd John James wex'eW sonsScot an Bran, erelace Braden, bnoliser James eiected Honorary Members ofT gueîs t tse Oti wodin a--cc --s Stewart Halliday, cf tise club. Tise new Presdn niversery Party for bis isteAsb ccd retier-i-TaW Mx'ccd urc, attecded tise impres- fox'tisa coming yeax' wilh De Mnd's. Je b ive ceremeony. Kin Bob Pairey; Kin Bob Mx'.-ccd Mx's. W. Bennett, Abisoît, lst Vie-Pos ncdK Cogauain e Miss rsdn.Cnrtltosaàh orantulany. Mx' ,ccd Mx'. JondStion e'e ese, cyie Sandra Sobil, a deugiter cf RniCerlcdJ byes ie. for auess ccd 7i4'. cd rs.Petr Sbilcfwere recent waekend guests cfhatwsssfraucsfu BM. R.anwdnhe wbo Mr'. acd Mrs, W. Meynes adcca dra Trowy aise welcemed l Rohi3,eoOttwa. Tbey Who Kin Dave Crawford a anew Snr al rw eg iio graduated Juce 1 fromn Victo- visited Mx'. ccd Mrs. Bob membex' mbtiste club. daughter cf Mr'. ccd Mrs. On May 31, 1972 aItise ent, itba ac oTe f Tarts and y cf Menotick, ccnd Mx' Tise Editor ccd Staff ne- LeRey G. Br'own cf Lindsay, Spxing Convocation cf Unive- Mrs. Allen Myne cc cived odet ektisat who gxadualod May 26, 1972, sity Colhoge cf tise Universitysi degree. Siseliy, Ottawa. Derok, Patty ccd Serais Jasse fx'om tise Pashion Division. cf of Toronto, Peggy Mihison,E Mx'. Cceia erse oui, ecralMoonspesanenCidenlus reeched tiseix' hometise'Ryex'son Polyleciscical In- dcughter cf Mrs. H. Milison Jefferyý C. Gilisooly Bowmanvihecl, rduaed as a caracd trncks asboset erin Vancouver' safely eftex' anistitute. cnd tise icte Mr. Howard sou cf Mr'. ccd Mrs. D.J. Nursiug Assistant et tise fourbis al-lime records durng May 8,500 mileCtnpda.Tisrougis tisesi lis GMgrdutin Wlcse y n eceived box' Rachelor cf Sci- ualed frocs TreYUcve Sî beld Friday, June tb aI tise for ccp mec hid G.M. isory. port Pawonderful lime ccd ecfurGr ethGaeA eebrugMy27 92 En 1972, celender yeax' te date aesiîrrn 0tae gin sdandonce,.ourioss wiils GrdeA PcîehorouBA.Miy 27nt,1972 Witby Psycbictric Hospital GM sl 1,29psa5ar e ctim arngTisayaiseaskdatadig MssMiisnwa wti aB. n oit oS Tr'aining Centre for Nur'sing GM. îruc1,29ks 1971 cat a-yireebeedb l seir cisc cwax'ded lise Anc Sisep-ics/bistory major. Assistants,.ar, 0,45brd Memexial Goid Modal fox' Jun IS Mx. Jsales, 107,518; trucks, 23,439. friends or 'business acqucint- iogcaSieesPgyhsj Thursday, n .t r -G.M. foreign car saTes, 1972 - acces in BowmacviihetithoncepdwihAvcd cc Cunc llorsBi disretrwere 2,942 -ccd ic 1971, 3,273. tisevymet wisen Dcrek was on le raut it dvne cl Curiillos Bll Mediutin cf the. cf T.t beginat v'wex'e in Pelerborougis ccd on Mondcy morning, a cisap the statffoftise, Statesmen.MeineoU.fT.t gn a ,ePe is eeigwben delivering religicus, circulars St. Pau-l's United Cisurcisstdosi tseFcifr e W,ý. Darcy McKeougis spoke ou ýon Cisurcis St. apparectiy en- Wormeni, Unit Sevan, spocsoredi tise Lake Otaneo Regien De- ceuntared, a dog lisat bd' Lnho I evdhat __________ veýlepmeret Report. been conventad. Tise rasult oný Tuesdcy, May 3thl in S t. Tis Pcty as fud ris-was rather dfisastrous fox' the' Pcl's Cisurcis Ral, cornier c)f mac Part wwasabittecais-en he Silver ccd Cisurcis Streets,. V chu'is~okiisupport o ni enc f Mp E ws eseîicy r d u ate incg ted on delivrn ci MsE.TýLq 1 carayS chirà or adMrs, tisa hecircuiens to lise boue tis h ie lunc'heon ccd wes as-a reports a successful luiiccieon h eicg protetdb th ie brenesr)te Alhasmof$6-0Ticad mittea, Mrs. L. Waisis, Mx's. F. frocs sale cf tickets. Mrs. eocs îchrMs .Seka Hoskic wes tise isstess for tise Mr. Russell Osborne tells, us!Batonbur Mrs. K.rld Scckleo vatof an unusual avent lisat isap- tn rGý l peced on Sucday wisea about ccd Mrs enHai.Ms Mrq Helen Melcaîf returncd 150 wild gaase decided le taAlicokn a Schreo recently frocs n six mnt'areto a pond on Wilmet thse mn c rgam. - stay in Flonîda wîth bier b-Cak, 3rd Lice of Clarke. A7cotiigsllvse tiser ansd sist'-"-à, x' cdApxently, lisey set tisera towerliethabcd bean erected by' Mrs, AlecL Knighît. Happ~y mosb cf tise day wih creac Bowmenville Electrenics near- bîrtdaygnetîus bclifros reidats evig afied dy tieirbuilding on Lamb's Rocdi his Bowcsenville, friecds on taking pictures cf tisa beauî-, was desigced ccd cocstructcd ceeh'aîg îs6nd bridfu bir ds.te wîistand 100-mile an boum on Tisursday, June lst Celebrîtie iote atiswicds wiscn coated wîtis an tise People or Places (POP) inchiOf cfec. But, lb couldn't Wal isld n Pckeiogon stand up under tise pressure MisNdaSwaE St cu' audywere Murray West- cf c tracter tisat caugist oeadaugister cf Mrs Julîca D o las W.ane Piphaes gtJoyce Sulvan, Chrîs 0f lhxhgh tensile secl guy Schwartz, fox'nîcîly of Black- (Joel Pipex' of Bowmanviîhe, u nite %Ch rc ggins, Nicole Morie, Uccle w1 nscd bora off ancisors, stock. Otaneogx'educted from rihisn grcducîcd frocs Giendon Col- Mise:Bobby ccd e Hagon. Th isa tise rasuît tisat tise îowerYokUvcstcd ooct -lg York Univorsîly on1et Reev. Ji. A. Turner, sc f$00wsrie eadtpldee.OcrC c ed ou June 3, 1972. 85e ha urday, June 3rd, 1972, with a B.A., B.,D. in tise figist cgaicst the gevern- l nwudlk tcaiidrceivcd 5cr Rac1-clrox f Art Bachelor of'Arts Dogx'oo (Rh- Oraxs:ment plan te buiid an irport that tiera was nobising faulty Dop ol peilre Honours a lingual Progx'am) in Engis i Ms. R Matcif. in lise crea. wibtisahelower construction. Eighiiss. Ncxt yod t -,is sgo-Ltrtr.Du.past A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. Mrs. Tom- Burx'ews, West Mrs. Graca Helmes ccd son iug te tise Otarie Celege cf attend Teacisors' College lu SUNDAY SCHOOL HilcdM.BlBros Mr x. ccd Mrs. Tics Holmas, Educclion et U cf T for ber Septemberx. Louise Sbehdrick, Coîhorna; Rutherford, N.J., spent tis aRecor cf Educetioxi Degreoc 9:45 a.m.Mr,. ccd Mrs. Ed McWaters, waekeiid witis Iheir osn 9 yecrs and older Mn. ccd Mrs. 'Ross BIck ci ix l c Mrs. C. W. Downey, Viole Mercis dicd Nov. 26, 1971 ..ýIiSTL TO Tricha, bis acd HigiSt.Tisey alc isc t eufo ihe ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 Tica .1boouh M.soonlenMcheedosp 8yasadudr Mrs. Glenn Brooks, Howard tiseir cousins Mr'. ccd Mx's. Geoi. Rega died Aug, 4, 1969 rlnd ae pased ucs ccer ndudr ad Murray, Ottawa, were Kennedy, Tiixd St.ccd Bow- Mrs. Wm. Fortune is' ro 11:111) .m.Adi n naor oguests on Sunday Witb' manville Musaum. Tisey ware Tise dececsed is sux'vived by Dr. Albert M. LWxity ix'ssiug favorebly foilowing PUBIC ORSIP x'.ccdMrs LelieBroks,îti estd îo.i touingtwo dauisîotrs, Mrs. Davîdiwo a, eR A -el1%d M , C. sxxex'y in THuibeir Memnielî Ciaîsm flrspndn cfw Bowrnanvila. .Mx'. Edger held Sunday visitons wiis Mn.. ~ das wbh isa. Wsil tie a position as an Engineex ini ccd Mrs. Wilfx'od Vine and Toronto ccd- London, Octaneo wtiste Bai lepon'Co. femxly woro Mr'. xsd Mx's. wîtis Tad-laphenast ,vie B Eeg. Middieton, Mxssisscuga; TRNI Y NI ED CH RC Pedcesa b ,i Mx'. ccd Mx's. Gordon Slev- Evelyn- ccd an infant son, ha ,soc, Peîfex'îaw. Mriser- ey Gore . ar, .A BD is, survived hi' bis wîfe Fie Mx'. ccd Mx's. Louis Hacsstx'a, raence ccd' stcp-son Geald. - leeksteck, visited Monday Organist - Miss Gail Thornpson Mn. Jef Giiisooley laft Tues- BeaU VÎIlla anc' Strathaiven Nursing Homes evecîcg witis Mx'r c xs 1972 day lu o drk ha Ottaw a ise onuan ame4s SUNAY JNEllhgoverumeclal office under lise -A On Sunday Mr'. acd Mrs. 1100an dretinofbia oorbl ire-hodig Opern House during this week, ;ýN. Samolis wox'e eflorceon dionctin fd he cdoi-a.lgdinnex' guests Flower Sunday Service for Church School Bot h h omles are holding A/5,ernooi Tea wth Mx'. and, Mmc. Tcnnysen, Semoelis, Rhacksteck. Don Rarrabeli and IHerbent "GOD'S USE 0F OUR GIFTS' 'OBITUÂRY -eetrdtecmeiin Rev. G. K. WardV1 fa I 4'11 cd pcddled down tise Non- huhSholcass ilatedJOHN AMBROSE REGAN1, qaur a jn ijn on Saturday. -Thoy bcd Cr' rwî Ssponsocsaescss. Al atound the morniug service. John. Ambrose Regan dio-d Iv pnosec.Ato suddcchy Wedcasday et bsni nicd lis"coursie aud ne- At the close of the morning service June l8th, residenca, 210 Kendall Ave..hedthd couse d e a social period will bts held in the Sunday- Sehool Oshsawa. between 2.00 and 4.-00 pm. Mnc. Cecil Wilson, Port. hall in order that imembers have an opportunity Ha1sd ivd a 2haa orPory. ýiCcmpauied Mrs. Bich-' tise pesl four years, ccd prier er Davisen ou Fridey te to sny goodbye to Rev, and Mrs. Geo. K. Ward, te baisenl Bowcsanvilla. 1HarLeaskdaie whex'e thoy vixuted Andrea cnd Melanie, prior to- their departure to wes c mamban cf St. Gregomys Tu PBLI I WLCO E5c daugisters, Mrs.,Nra Bridge Street Church in -Belleville. Cisunch 1Lyens ccd Mme. Ccii Eliott. His wif e, tise for-mer DorisonSuxdy vcîg M' nd Mrs. R. Davison were The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 7, 1 972 -7 ipper guests with Mr. and___ rs. R. Douglas Davison, cott and Neil, ln Peter- that returned to Kendal that orough. uraauate igt Mr'. and Mrs. Carl Elliott, Mx's. Irene Richardson,; Mr., svid and Kim, Leaskdale, and Mrs. R. Elliott were, lu isited Sunday afternoon and Toronto Wednesdcy vîitirg 7re ýevening dinner guests of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. er parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alfred Elliott. On their waY' iaViSOn. home they cialled to see Miss Sunday dinner guests with :C. W. Stewart in Oshawa Ir, and Mrs. George Bowex'sGêeaHoptl verc Mr'. and Mrs, Bert GnrlIeptl John and ian, h Tere were two bail gm wersa. In Kendal Park over the On Sunday, Mr'. and Mr.s. wieekend, On Saturday after.' [axke Williams accompanied n.oon the Rendal Eagles piay- Ix'.Wilert alclm, rs d the Bowmanville Electrone. )orothy Brjstow and Cathy, The score was in favor of ýelverton, to Aginicourt wherec Kendal. On Sunday afterý hey attended the golden noon the Kendal Juniors edding anniversary of Mr. ' played Keene. The score wcS md Mrs. Ecri MeGill of 1l-10Oin favor of Kendal. 3everton et the home of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. 13amsey id Mrs. Maurice MeGili. of Port Hope, croc called on On Sundcy evecmng Mr'. and Mr'. and Mrs. W. H. Poster on irs. Williams attended the Sunday. flth wedding anniversery of Sunday School AnciversTxyr) ir. acd Mrs. Wm. Chapman Services were ohserved Sois-, n the Masonie Temple, Port day merning et K en da i erry. church. There wcs special Miss Marjorie Bruce, Port choir music by tihe childreri erry, visited Friday' evening as they sang "In His Hands", 'ith Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce assisted by Mx's. K. Wcd et leaslip. On Monday Marjorie Miss Ann Elizabeth Foster thse piano., Presectations cf cd her parents Mr,. and Mrs. daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Roy Pins for the year were macte ivin Bruce left on a metor A. Poster, Kendal, recently, hy the Superintendent,, Mr'. xip te Western Canada, received a Bachelor of Arts Leonard Pellis. They were Guests during the week with i ociology from tise Univer- given te aIl those who had at- \Ire . and Mrs. DoneMee sity of Western Ontario, Lon- tecded 755% of the Suxsdays ,ener. aund MichelDe, don. Ann is a graduate of Ken-s- rnce the first cf September. rono; Mrs. Dave Frew and da' 'Elementary and Clarke Presentatîon of gifts were 'waî ne, Viewlake; Mr'. and Higli School .and is presently made hy Mrs, T. Stevens, pre-. Irs. Jim McKee and family employed by the Rehabilita- 'sident of the U.C.W., Pontypool; Mr'. and Mrs. John tien Foundation for thse Dis- Rev. T. Smith of Newcastle IcMillen, Tomnmy and Brent, abled, London., was the guest minister who caesarca;, iepresented a very, interesting KeKul, Betty and LaFreda, srtdsrmno en- Millbrook; Mr'. and Mrs. Mal- VTTTITCaug«ht in a Trap. Just asa ille Henry and Ian, Osha- moD L nuse ma2r ha tempted and wa, iVrs J. Smith and Mr,, R ccugl[,ht, se boys and girls n'cy Mrs. Bud Virtue and Mrs. Elliott motored to Kitcheur* aise be tembted in fe and :mily Mairs, Bowmanville, Waterloo on, Mocdey They, letnr ccught in a trap. isited last week with Mr'. Elî visited, with Mr'. and Mrs Word was received hefore Mairs. Ross Flliott, Jonhn ' ad F1iza t he, close, of thse service of thse beth. On their way home they pcsing of Mrs, White, wife nf T'~ThTC'T1TTt' visiteýd the African Safari eoux former micister Rev. R. E NS IL N near Hamilton. C. White cf, Oshacwa. Funeral On Saturday two bus loads! services -te be held on Wcd- Mr'. ccd Ms.DJ. Napier, ccnisting of Girl Guides, cetsdcy. Toronto, were guests cf Mr'. Brownies and 'int er e st ed Mr,. ccd Mx's. Tom Foster cnd Mr. O . C. Ashton, eduits. took tiseix' tour to W-- were supper guxests Sunday Mx'. acd Mrs. F. W. Werry saga Beach ccd Collingwood. evecing et thse home cf bis vere guests of Mx', ccd Mrs. They, left Kendal school -oarents, Mr'. ccd Mrs. W,.>H. ['erry Hoskic, Oshawa, fox' a around 8 a.m. The first place Foster. pienie supper on Sundcy. te visit was the, Zoologîa Weekecd guests et the Mx'. ccd Mrs. Ken Lamb, Park'et Wcsaga Beach; 1se9re home cf Mr'. ccd Mrs. R. El- Oekville, were visiters cf Mr'. they also ate lunch Ut tish i ee Karen ccd Chris- and iVrs. Lorne Lamb., picnic area. Then they visited tine Elliýott, aise Darlene and Mr. acd Mrs. 'John Lock- the show place Houseof tl.-e Mariam. Copoe. hert, Niagara ' Fals, were Kaufeur Furnture Comp ny 'R n a rfo Thursday visitors cf Mx'. ccd of Collingwood. Next te ise Rn a o VErs. S. Pethick. Blue Mouctein Pottery whex'el A DAY OR WEEKEND M. S. Kersey, Hampton, they chserved tise pottc'yl Ask for Rae.. MEr. and Mrs. Douglas Ashston, beicg mcd, also the scies COUNTY. Bewmanville, were, Sundcy roems 'of the flcished pro- suppex' guests cf Mx'. and Mx'5, duct s. Dinner was served etý CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. HE. Ashtoc. tise Blue Meuntain Inn. Iti 623-2586 Mx'. ccd Mrs. Leonard was a tired but happy crowd _____________ Stainton, iu company with IVIr. ccd Mx's. A. Nielsen end Suscn, were Scturdcy supper guests cf Mr'. ccd Mrs. David su Stainton, Cobourg, acd all et- tended tise dance recitaîl teI c na iiapupil. Os aà Mr'. ccd Mrs. E., Wright, A o115 ege , Miss Betty Wright vvere Sun- Summer Training for Business and Personal use. Get a day supper guests cf Mx'. ccd head start on you1r business carter! Be more employable Mrs., Roc Clemeus ccd et, for future summer employment! Acquire useful, tended S.S. Anniversary ser- personal skills! vices et Hampton., Mx'.,ccd Mrs. O. C. Ashston For The University For The High School visited with Mx's. S. May cf Sten udn Sucdridge cnd Mrs. 1. 'Iravehl et tise home cf Mx's. S. Rod- Siarting June 5 for 16 Starting Juiy 5 for 8 man, Oshawa. Weeks Wek Miss Retta Dickie ccd- bro- * Forkner sisorthand and Persocal Shorthad-. ther Allen, Hampton, were, Typing Course Typing Course visitors at Mr.,ccd, Mrs. L. #* Typing - Accouuting- Typing - Bo okkeepirig Lamb'. Business Machines Business Machines Mx's. Herb. Stainton ' i * Comprehensive Typing Personal Typewritig specding, c week's vacation Course Course with Mrs. D.' Duquette acd other relatives lu'týÜonto. For Students froni Complete Business Mx'. ccd Mrs. E. Wright andi Grades 6-7-8 Courses Betty were Scturdey visîters wîth Mrs. Lena Heard, Osh- Starting July 5 for 9,~ Accelerated Secr'etarýial awa., Wecks Course Mrs. Prens H-ummel, Pet ý *Basic Typng accd ~Junior Se"retarial erbroough, accompaced Mx' Bookkeepîng Course Course ccd Mrs, R. Lamsb ad Lesley * Personal Typewritisg * Business Administration ,on tise weekend to tise Lcmhs Course cottage at Restoule. FREE Literature available Course Masters James cnd Scotiý upon1 request. Get all the * Stenogrepliic Course Wcrry were Monday ovex'- facts - then ACT. Ecrol- * Accounting Course uight guests cf tiseix' grand- mentis limited, * Clerk-Typist Course parents, Mx'. ccd Mrs. E. A. Werry. DIAtL 728-0052 Individuel instructionInt 1Tise 1Hepburn brothers bave MALCOLM C. BARNEIT, ail! major, ekill subjeets. sold their fermsiacd Mr', ccd Prîicipal Job placement service forý Mrs, Harold Hepburn have 18sîSmeoe st. North, graductes of complete bought ccd mcved te a berce 'Oshawa mosrses. et'Osisawa R.R. _________________________ x»mu Er EFFECTIVE MON., JUNE 5 t*SAT., JUNE 10 Save on the six super.Iow prices Iisted here! And while you're shop- p inq for themn, check the I.D.A. Everyday Low prices on popular Health and'ZBeauty Needs. Thçy too, make I.O.A. Drug Stores - 'ýWEFLL WORTH LOOKING FOR". '~' "' VASELINE LIT IN INTENSIVE CARE PEPSOv"D E N T'i LOTION OUWAH&GRL "ACTIO)NMINTe'ONLY(7MR' 5 C-IANT SIZE--- SUJGG, IS] IC i SUGG . LST 1.09 SUGG LIST 1.49' r~ NEW! ARRIDGI.TE "'EXTRA-DRY" ÀADORN "TrAC Il" t,, IIGHTPWDERHAIR SPRAY RAR J ANIiTPERSPIRANT 4TPSWITHI5 TRAC IISHAVING ~ , 13 O.CARTR DGES IN PLASTIC UGG. LIST' 1.9 SU GG. ST 2.95 WvE rSERVETHErIMG H'TTO LI MIT a' ANTM E S IRD5Ki N G ST. WS ALEXIMCR ELGv0 . Drugs579