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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1972, p. 9

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"PANTHER MARTIN" s~pinners perform so ex- )cptionally that fish find them irresistible. Made of Lhe double re(,vers,.e concave-convex curved blade, wh)ich emn_1".,itshyrosonie waves tbey are among the latest ih a., must for the tackle box. t . t t t ISTEVE WEST anod TOMMY SIMPSON - were draftedl by the N.ILL. in the sixth round choice. Steve goes to Minnesota and Tommy to St. Louis. Guos Bodnar, coacli andgeea manager of the Oshaw,,a Generails stated that both boys need some sýchcoinig int the niinor pros but have solid fultures if thecy apply themselves. Best wishes andcogauain from fans in the area., t t t t t JUNIOR FOTAL sbaw,ýa Hawkeyes Junior Football .Clujb beginrs training camp June l9th at Civic Fiels, Ohawa.7-j Over 60-70 are expected to begin tryoutsý.24 more nlames were a;dd-.ed1 this week wÏih somne firmDrhmCollege and Bwmianville indicating they xviii be trying for a spot. t tt t OPPOSITION LEADER - Robert Stanfield got things off to a rolling start whien ho acted as honorary starter at the Can-Am race at Mosport on Sunday. 11e was accompanied by Alex Car- ruthers, M.P.P. and Clarke Reeve John Stone. tt t t t A PUBLIC HEARING- will be held Sept. l3th in city council, Oshawa, to determine public feeling on the Troy Developments Limited proposed 1,100 unit sub-division for Gýrandview Golf Club, The planning staff are anxious to retain the Course and develop the area into a multi-recreational area. Lawyer Gilbert Murdoch appearing on behaif of Troy Developmnents f elt the three and a haîf month delay was unfir to his client. The hearing is open to all residents of Oshawa. t t ' t t t ORONO TENNIS CLUB - since the installation of liglits îs enjoying one of its inost active seasons in many years. Mr. Wayne Helson, President, states the membership lias almost doubled, 18 beginners are receiving expert training f rom Mr. Joe Ardonez. A second court is being con- sidered and would he constructed immediately west of the present court. i t t MUSKIE HUNT IS ON - Last weekencl provid- ed the anglers in some portions of Ontario with theix' fîrst chance this year at that biggame - niaskinonge. This lonely resident of channels and rocky lake shore is the whopper trophy among Ontario fisli, It also is one -of the uaost wary and one of the toughest figliters. Current record for Ontario is a 61 pound 9 ounce sock- dollager landed ini the Kenora district in 1940 The best one last year in the province was a 45- pound fisli taken from the Magnetawan River by Ray Deshevy of BrittL Areas opened June 3 were Lake St. Clair, and Natural Resources districts 3 to 8. The latter includes portions of xvest central Ontario, Lake Simcoe, the Kawar- thas, Haliburton and that part of Lake Ontario frorn just past Cobourg to Kingston. 350Mach Il Kawasaki 350 Mach Il See the revolutionary Mach Il Kawasaki - the nost powerful 350ce on the r-oad today performs like a 500 but handles like a 125. For power atî a prýice'you can afford, corne in and see die Kawasaki Mach Il and corne out aliead of all other 350ce and many 5OOce models. JRÎ Authorized Dealer for Kawasaki Motorcycles - Polaris Snowmobiles ORONO - PHONE 983-5810 COIN TR Y m n-.Am Races ai" Mospori Attraci Spectators of Ail Ages Six chaýnge odr have been apiproved for BowmanvýIle, Secondary ,School. The Éores er apr& e by teNrhmeln-u baýým School Board ic tils lasI credil of $,0.4 The(se two photos indicate pretty clearly that even At right, this young mother from T1oronto pushed her, the very ynung enjoyed or at least were present at the year-old twins and an older youngster around the Labatt's Blue Can-Am races. The group at left rigged grounds while her husband looked after marshalling up a multi-viewpoint arrangement so their whole duties on corner eight. crowd coulId have a gondlook at what was,going on, Men'sScft b allL e ague (T. Baker) STANDING (As of Suaday, June 11) GPW LT F A Pet. GBL Ellis Shoes -------, 7 6 1 0 62 29 .857 - î-h Frank's Varlety 6 4 2 0 42 46 .667 11/ Whytes Upliolstery 7 3 4 0 46 42 .429 3- Stephens Fuels---------- 7 3 4 0 30 36 .429 3 Kramps Furniture - 6 2 4 0 56 74 .333 3 1/ W. F.Real Estate - ---------72 5051 60.286 4 TOP TEN BATTERS (13 or more at bats) BRIV0R M. Donoghue (K) - R. Wallace (W) B. Oaukes (S) --.- D. Maynard (F") D. Cryderman (F) ---- S. Parker (WF) J. Kramp (K) ------ D.-Passant (WF) ----- H. Bryan (E) ------------- T. Baker (F)-- 7 1 4 2 3 0 2 2 4 1 Il 4 6 1 2 0 6 0 6 0 Ellis Sboes won three games1 downed bhe Heallors 9-6. The lasI week, exlending their winlwin was Ellis Shoes fifth in a streak to six in a row which row. enabled them 10 open a 11/2 On Thursday nighl in the jgame lead over Fraak's Variety first game Kramp's Furnilure in the baIlle for first place. opened up a 7-0 lead after five Franks lost bIth cf their innings and hung on to edge games, afler winning their first Stephens 7-5. Harvey Webster four and are a narrow 11/2 went the roule for Kramps and' games over Whyle's Uphols evened his record aI 1-1 wilh tery who are hot. Whyles havekbhe win. The second game saw won lbree ouI of their lasI five Whyles pound ouI 13 bits and garnes and are currenlly liedIlbump Frank's Variety 14-4. wilh Stephens for third place ltay Wallace bit his secondi in the standings. Homer of >the season and In n lasI week's games EllisiSIeve Watson connected for bisý downed Wbytes 5-2 Tuesday firsl Homer, a grand siani to night as Howie Bryan van his pace Whyles. record 10 2-0-wilh a fine five Four games were played on hitter, Ray Wallace hil bis first Sunday. Ia tbe first game Home Run of the season for Kranrps pounded out 16 bits Wbyles. In Tuesday's second and slaughlered Frank's Var- game Walter Frank exploded iely 22-9. Dennis McFeeters, for 15 bits and tbumped John Kramp and Mike Dono- iKramps 19-il in a high scor- gbue each bit their tirst Home ing conlesl, fealured by Steve Runs of the season for Kramps.. Parker's tbree doubles andS Bave Maynaird bit bis second! Ken Crydermaa's firsl Homer of the season for Franks. Ste- of tbe year. pheni Fuels received a fine aivel Wednesday nigbl's action'hil effort from pileber Dennis saw Frank's Variety down Sullivan as tbey creamedi Slepben's 5-3 on Bave Cryder- Whvles 9-3 in the second game man's tbree run Home Run in of tihe aflernoon. Sully walkedi Ibesixli nnig, is irs oftwo and fanned eigbl in record- the seaso n Rndy Beaupirie ofng bis third win in four decis- rae bseo.rd 2-0 with nions. Paul Forsey connecled excellent four bitter. Inbtse frbsfrlHm Rnc b second game, Ellîs Sboes aid- season. ed by six Walter Fr-ank esrors, In Suriday nighis fir'st game I Ellis van their unhbealen sîreak Reul Car or 10six witb a 12-6wsn overi Renta Ca for Walter Frank. Howie Bryan A DAY OR WEEKEND w on his tird of the season Ask for Rae ...witb n bases. Steve Parker- COUNTY sotisued bis bol hîllune fori CIIYSERDODGE LTD. Walter Frauks with twn Home CHRYSER-Runs (Ibird and fourlh) and 91623-2586 a triple. Wbyles pounded Kramps 17-4 in the nightcap, ~ lacing tbree Kramps pitchers for 16 bits. Glenn iRabb and e Dick MeLean eacb bit their ~DE I firsts Home Runs cf the season UJI 10pace hts KIUTTY WELLS - WILF CARTER - STOMPIN TOM CONNORS SUNDAY -UNE lt 8pm Tickets: $4.00 $3.00 - 2.00 Children Half Price Tickets On Sale BoRard Takes Additiîons and a;lteraýtions 10 Enniskillen Public School will be made wth financing from a debenture in the amount of! $360,000 issued by the Coun-1 lies' School Board, under By-' Law No. 19. The By-Law was passed aI, the .une 8 meeting of thel Board, The monev wil l e borow- ed from the Ontario F.ducaI ton Captal Aïd Corporation at a 71/% annual intereal Irate. __ THE ANGLER'S SHÔWCASE ... A draniatie catch for Dad's bg day? Something for yor own creel? llook the big values at Canadîan Tire. Red or reel .. . spinIing or spincast.. ,whatever yossr angle, it's all here at prices te suit your pocket. Thbis is but a glinipse of the major s. You'l lind al the extras too...-Spinners, flics, plugs. wobblers, tackHe boxes....the whoie kit and kaboodle for novice or pro. The Canedian Statesrian, oni1, June 14, 1Y~72 Announce Winners Keviný,jthns,Hil by5th BowniFlec; jami iL 0f PinewAood Derb Hillcresý.t Heigts ,a u Thie Boy Scouts of Canada, Leke, 4th omnileic WesIýt Durham District, hl V0gel, Bows their,, Pinewood Derby Dis- DesignWnnr ae trict, Champîronship on' May Bragg, 3dBwnnll;Gr 2th at St. Joseffi's Auditor- ry Stace-,. ows Sax ium, with the winners as fol- Garrod, Nwate 3ows:. P ceaýrd, il r stUH e i glits >ped Winners - Michael Doug. atro, i P o g e th 13owm-ranville, er; ilr lmtn AflROTARY ANNU L 1 Affl' CAR WA AT Cowan Pontiac, bcwmanville SÂTURDAY> JN 17>1'-1972 8 aan 10 5 p '"IE P t E,11 Il: IlC IlXLP OC)IlTHEliis5 To Our Friends and Customers:m Welcome to the wonderful world of Chînese food at the Lotusý Gardenis Restaurant, wbere you will enjoy the subtleties1 ofChns cuisine. Our menu is exotie and legendary; il is f.iiled with,", every deiigh'ý popular dishes and gourmetdeiaes If you appreciate a change of pacte from the ordirary or have the slightest whim for real Chinese gourmet fond, pamper yourself and your family, enjoy the best from uis, Your family will marvel at the exotic cuisine and your dayý will be most rewarding. When you enteprtain or have an occasion to celebrate, flatter your guests. Serve themn an array of these delicious Chinese specialties. Your party will be a success and your eveningwill be most pleasant. Whether you dine at home or at the Lotus Gardens Restaurant, our luscious gourmet foods assure you of a pleasant, memorable experience. Thank You, The Management FREE HOME DELIVERY ON $3.50 MINIMUM ORDE-ýR FOR SUPEJRB SERVICE PLEASE CALLo J?0tus Qarclen s 623-5583 or623-3473 IL.- n E,, Choose f rom oi cast of theusan for Fathý-er's Du SPINNING RODS... and SPINNING REELS (A) 6Vz'.Mermnaid 'Trueeast 2- (E) 'Caliente' De Luxe, anti- piccc hollew-latblad.$7.98 reverse lever; pushbutton re- <ai6h GlssFernid Rd;lease. 150 yard cap. $10.45 4 guides, carboloidtip. *11.93 <c) 81 Cohot, bollow-glass; 5 spring-loaded drag brake, 150 yard capacity. *18.95 gulacs, car-u<o>)D.A.M. 'Qiiick 5 30' witli (o) Fine 7' Glass-Ferruled; 5 ball-bearing gears; tungsten- guiesnteloç-badle$1595 atbidelineguidc. *24.88 value Aftcr 50 years it's.stîllourway of lîfo SPIN-CAST RODS..~. and SPIN-CAST REE LS <4) 'Red Spciar 2-picce d, < m>W)ýejoiatxc'Closed-Faee;. Solidglassblade.5V2-ft $2.98 star-drag. With 100-yd 8-lb- testlsor; practice plug. $6,95 place hoflow glass rod. 48,98 <K) 6'Glass-Fcrruled Berkclcy.- I{ollw glass; steel tip. $11-95 îL) 6'De Luxe Heddon. Ho!1- low glas; doubleoffset.$16.S% ruetal gear; anodind SPOol. With 100-yard lunc. $1095 (0) Johnson à CentOflj'».Dia,- conwtolied drag; anti back- 13shr 50'rd4n 15.95 Extra savings wîth Cash Bonus coupons ..,or extra convenience wilh a Canadiau Tire Credfit Card, STORE C, STEWAR-WT MeTAVISI! TD 160 CHURUR CT BOWMANVILLE' FMONE 623-2518 MON, - TUFS, - WE-D, - 830am 060' T HURSDAY - FIRlDAY -830 am 4 SATURIDAY - .........

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