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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1972, p. 10

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The Canadian Stateenen, Bw 3nule une 14, 1912______________ Mew Owner of 1Batterwood ý!he np.w owner of the Port HonpeBatterwood estate, form- er hiome of the latle Vinent Massey,Gvernior-Generaâl of DavidL. IIaddn, aprinci- ,pal n GG. and H. steel 0f Scarborough, and who has, inteý.reste ;n both .Lundy. Fenice nd a chain of seven 4 retauant, i to take, pos- esinof the 300-acre estate, Vuy 1. ~' M. Haen l moving from the Pickeliring area because of the immýinenit construction of the new inte-rnational airport. The ýestate bhas been owned 4b Robert Mî\arten, since 1968. \ Il Elue fM N. C *À4 NESTLETON Mr, and M .CliffordCak, 'Willîams' point, visited for- ~ audyeVenlin.g rdinn1jer wi,'th Mr'. and Mrs. ClarkeWiim. Eving visitLors were Mr. and iMrs Arthur Clarke andlMs SAlice Pearce, Oshawa. Suindaya.fteirnoon and evening dinner guests wereMr and Mrs. Doug Fallis and boys, Bow- M.ndMrs. Don Walker, Wilowdlespent Wednesday to Frýicla\ wit1b Mr. and Mrs. Gerg onneral. Saudy evening supper gust ;ith Mr. and Mrs. Cýeirge Bwr were Mr. and M1rs3. _Malcolm Elfor'd, Prince Mrh. and Mr's. Luiow Ham- trhave a very unusual p1,ln1. This plant which la seven yearr old, bel1ongs to the cac- tus faily a nd measures six îic i- çross. At present it has thr-ee pui- v Ini e flowers incas- ur11ing ftour incesý across. There ire two huLd which will be in fuil bloom in a f ew days. Unfotuinately eac(h flower only -4aýst-, 24 hours. Pictures have n een ake and friends have called to see its spectacular On Saturjidayr Mr. and Mrs. NomnMairs attended the wdngof his niece Miss Judy Sellers and Mr. Hans Fuhre in Trinity U Tniteçi Church, Col- bingwoodi, and the reception at thie Legion Hall at Stayner. Congratulations! No report bas been received from damage by frost on Sat- dy night but at 5:45 Sun- rtmyrorning the temperature -wqas oniy 32 degrees. Suniday dinn)er guests with theLace Malcolm famnily were thep Neil Malconm famly, r,1lackstock, soent a recent af- ternicon 'with Mrs. R. W. Ja;ckson. Nelson Marlow is now convalescing in the Commun- ityv Nuràing Home, Port Perry. M'r. Oliver Rohrer is a pat- ient in Port Perry Hospital. Imiproved health is wished for these folk.* A number of Nestleton resi- d1ents atýtended the deliclous saladH supper at Yelverton UJnited Church on Friday even- _Mrs. Ivan Proutt and Miss 1Ruth Proutt were Sunday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt and f amly at In the Cadmus area toma- toe*, corn and beans have been repoorted to he frozen. At North Nestieton early potatoes and corn have, been blackened but îlo extensive damage bas been done to fieldcrops. Congratulations to Mr. Lar- $ men Iivland,.who is obaerving hie; birthday today (June 12). Sunday viitors- wîth Mrn imnd Mrs. L. Hyland were Mr. and Mis., Wm. Ferguson and boys, Blackstock, Mr. Theo- dore Swartz and John, Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Welie McKe- own, Caledon Eastý, visited for Thursday dinner and ýsupper with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. The Lawson home in Nestle- ton is nearîng completion and wilI soon be ready for occup- ancy. This beautiful new bouse ils a lovely addition to Nestieton suburbia. _ Sunday School Pienie On Sunday miorning the Nes- tieton United Church held theïr Sunday school picnic at Mnilcolm Memorial Park. . The teachers. Denise Mal- com, Jean Willi ams, Helen Vine, Bruce Fisk. Donna Jack- son and Janice Judson attend- ed wth their, classes. SGamies and races werc en- Joyed bhy the young folk, To coniclu-de a pleasant fun-tîme cookies, ice cream, op and càfee were served. Miss Denise Malcobr, who bas been the Sunday School Superintendent, was presented with a gift from the Sunday Sehool and she also received a gift from ber Sunday School dlase. 11 Sunday School willrepe In, September. Red Brand Steer Beef ELE'S EEF ROASIS BOTTOM CUT ROUND STEAK ROASI RUMP ROASI SIRLOIN POINT< ROAST SeHORT RIB ROASI LB7I< SHOULDER ROASI OE H OTRAI 72 BRISKET PLATE BONED & ROLLED ROUND STEAK MIN(ED RS RUMP ROASI RED BRAND STEER SER RED BRAND STEER BEEF, BONE IN LB7I<%0 B98< LB 1i.18 Great on a Grill!:1 FROZEN, PORK ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGMI SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 1972.- LB ïï l' FRESH DÀILY l COD CUS SX BRAND, ASSORTED 16-oz kg COOK D5ME TS aiees, S ce 6-oz vac Pac33 CO NE BEFSHOPSY BRAND pkg of 2-or pkgs 21/ ER HA/2-lbaverage C UB raUnSChWeger, Liver & Bao & Sandwich 3 8 or Cbubs AADNW Zealand, Should rL L~ivuu ~ruur(W. hadNci only New Zealand Sprins Lamb)ib COtE SLAW Coosh ;Brandt;toSapsy Brand 24-or ci 7 S UA E SX BRAND, BULK, NIAGARA OLl CHICKEN LEGS or'BREASIS Co,k:ed Money Dipped SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED, RINDLESS Blade Steaks lb 88< Side Bacon Fresh Ground Chuck lb 88 Side acou'LcFRnDL RED BRAND STEER " SERF B co Cros9S< 3 URNS BRAND, STORE PACKR RED BRAND STEER BEEF Sausages BIEF & p Rib Steaks lb $1 I 6 SX Brandl, Store Pack, 4 Varetîe SHOULDER OR BUTT Italian Sausag sHOPSY BRAND, "GRAT ONA P ~I OR & O ,Wieners ALL BEF COPS 9 SX BRAND, FROZEN, "GREAT ON A GIRILL HamjbUrg Patlies 2-lb box 1.58 PORK aîes Hot, Sv 1-bvac pac 74 Chicken Livers FROZ.EN l FR0 ZEN, PIECES CUT UP, TRAY PACK, BO ILING 1-lbvcpac78 u UÈoI b9 "Great on a nu Sweet, 1-lb vi SITTNER BRAN D, BULK Bratwurst Sausage TOWN CLUB "GREAT ON A GRILL" 2-LB W ieners 1-lb vi ,Plaie vac p VAC vac p UO % Y-FROZEN chioekn Leg 1b 7; 11 i SUPER-RIGH-T QUALITY 9< ZEN I Sy the PiP D BOLOGNA -TownCkI 10-lb b-,. ib ib Vîskinil, Piece -2w l n Reidy-to-Serve, Tomate, Vegetable, Chcken NoedIe, Mushroom PIH ORK MIX -&A Heinz zSoups MATCH 61fior tins 59< HeinzBeanis HEENZ PREPARED Keg O'"Ketchup 32 fi bti69<W Heinz Mustard Mx & Match, Piccaleli (Green Tomate), Hlot Dog, Hamlnirg, Barbe.que PLAIN, WITH ONIONS, WITH ONIONS Heinz R lishes 3 i fi or jaras 1 .00 H izBarbeque Sauce WHOLE <NO GARLIC) 32.FL-OZ JAR 39et) NOODLE NUMBER Hetinz Dilis' 324 fi oru jars'$1,00 Heîi Spaghetti IN TOMATO SAUCE11. STRAINEO, MEATLESS VARIETIES ma n p gh ti Iç ioîn45< Heinz Baby Food 2144fi-or tins45 &MUSHROOMS 3 i.l-iotins$10 5 14 fior t Ins$.0 2I 14 a¾9< Janie Parker Iakery MVaes Raisin or Peach JANE PARKER acte Crunch JANZ PARKER, PINEAPPLE TOPPED- Sweet. Rols JANE PARK<ER Bablka Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, FROSTEO Bail Donuts Pie each 49< Save loc 12-or pkg 39< pkg of 8 39< 16 or cake 59< Seve 14c pkg of 6 39< JANE PARKER, SLICED DELICIOUS TOASTED) Buy 4-Save 16c Raisin Bread 4 16ozîoavesl.OO JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE OR T win Rols3 3,kg;,.121.00 DOLE orCHIUITA I EVERYDAY LOW PRICES COFFEE ÂAND TEA DRI', PERC, ELECTRIC GRIND .A&P iVac Pac Coffee llbt'n 99< NOW 100% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFE 8 O'Clock Instant Coffee 160or e 1,09 A SUPERB BLEN O0F 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE GROUND TO ORDER (348 BAG $,9 8 O'Clckl Coffee lbbg69< NESCAFE 10-01 JAR $13 Instant Coffee 6-oz jar l i9 CARNATION Coff ee Mate, 1&oZ jar, 88< ORANGE.PEKOE Red Rose Tea bo f 60 bagsg85< Actir'. on Prced CASE OF 24 1O-FL-OZ IP- TOP TINS SAVE 40c Corn Flakes 6z box 4 3 GENERAL MULS CEREAL Cheerios 15 oz box55 PSpI EciAL K(15 OZ BOXC, v Aiphabits 10ooz bx4 'AN cy', ' QUALT,ZN SA&P Peas 4 8 92,on A& RNFROZEN acaon,&Chese1s.00 RI~OOE , F &6N BÏ ;reD pkgo 1 oai 7 F.' OR GREEN FAMILY SIZE) C ose-Up Toothpaste 100o MI ube 9q7< REGULAR OR HARO-TO-HOLD et Set Hair Spray 81/4-01 aerosol tin SP-ARKLING ANTACID EoFruit Saits en of 20 foil wrap rikgî «" REG.ULAR OR MiNT FAMILY WZ CetToothpaste 100mi tbe 8 -~ S.-N 1b -,%Ad AMW qw /

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