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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1972, p. 12

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12 The CanadîiStma, Bowinaftvîlle, June 14, 1972 To Start New Career in Mistry He Rides A Fine, Horse Editror',, Note: Former September and then tak up lHe has ai oé put expercence frîiends a nc! acquaintances in assistant's duties at sorne as a former newspaperman to thîs area will lie most inter- parish. work for the cllurch in fîve 4? esctq t lern thalt Benja)min Church Service years as editor of the Ottawa ~y l{rbr 'er" Mortlock -And lhe bas been prcpared Diocese News. the frmen(.r dynamnicAso- by long and active service to- Mr. Mortlock was workîng Fke Editour ofTbe Canadtianr the church. Mr. Mortlock has as Associate Editor of The Sttema oer30years Canadian Statesman, Bow- ,.,. ago, i,- about. to start a niew v1anville, when hie first be- are... t6 ers of c.ame intercsted in Scoutîng. age.ý The Following con "The depression was on destonrofclippingafo then. A troop of Boy.Suoutst the Ot 01awa Citizen and ýjollected about 2,000 toys, fix- Ottawaý Journal tells the ed them up, repainted thcm atory.nd distributed them, with BetMortlock will be well ontrcres ofmle preiparedwhen he enterý, the % ho were on welfare!" Anlcnmiistry som etime Hef moved to Ottawa f0 this al]. ork at, Boy Scout Headquart- An l l hebc hould be. lHe ers and became Scoutmaster lias-,wvrkcd 0 years for the f the 32nd Ottawa Scout S'ou iignL i ovement as a -, Troop. Thier'e was a proli- ScoutmaartelD and Informatio'n lem, thouigh. Offcer at national head- - I was ney-er a Scout as a Quater, oy. f went to a boarding r.Mortlock, 64, r1rs ~ oland we didn't havea sonas director of informa- trroop, So 1 had to learn the- ion anc1 relationships services -' sills along with the boys." for Boy Scouts of Canada,.. As Relationshîps Director and after a short vîsqit to lis -- for Boy Scouts of Canada, ý neUe Eglndha il beinMr. Mortlock is responsible, ftdigor the mnsr.f or maintaining liaison withi Merops to hbe rdained bi the organizations that spon- sor the countrys 5,000 Scout riFenYta Car for BE OTOI Troops, wîth the Scout move- A DY B EEas ~ he looked in earlier years ment in other countries and DAY it VEorN araging tours, pen pals A*- for Rae been a licensed lay reader for and other international pro- COUNTY 40 years, a synod delegate and grains. CIfBSLE-DOGE ~D bas in the absence of fmin- Mr. Mortlock played an im- CIFIYSLEý-DDGE TD.isters, taken over at âmall portant role in developing 62-286parishes "for as long as sev- Scouting to its present, form. __________________erai mont h,,, In 1956 he was appointed to _______________________establish and direct relation- h ~ I slips 'services, which was combined wîth informatio %L ur services in 1968. S u M E is special interest is Ar Ctfin, Scouting activities and hie Lanýýce McRobbie, age 2½/, tries out this handsome helped establish troops for o horse at Bowmanville Museum, being shown this CLE A R A N C Eb Indians and Eskimos. Me org- mao jmore year in the toy collection for the first timeItasan atof Arctie Scouting - Yellow- made around 1880 for Robert Hodgson of Tyrone, and D 1 ab isknife, 1966, and ,Churchill, is ail of -wood'exéept, the maine and tail which are real Bowmanville F b is1970 - and hie wasîinstru-ho mental ini creaîîng special hose hair. Mounteel on aplatforrn on wooden wheels, KIGSTREET EAST BOWMANVILLE Ar tic Scouting ment badges. and 26 inches high at the head, it was a pull toy, but - When he retires, hie will sturdy enough to be sat on. The gift of Mr. and Mrs. 1,,,ie heSilver Wolf Award, Dean Hodgson, fhe horse is featured in the Museum's Prices Effective from June .19 "il June 24 IScouting's higlest award, for his service ta the movemnent. extensive collection of foys and dolîs. Lance, son of Mr. Ths will ha presented by and Mis. Lloyd McRobbie, fhînks the horse bas lots Arnel Polyestr Gov n a Michener. of get up and go in spif e of its age of 90 plus. Jersey's Knits ~~~'eg, and four eîlîdren are LAcKSTOCK very happy" about bis move to the rinistry. Rglr$2.98 Regular $2,98 "II've wanted f0 do it ever since 1 was a boy." Tragedy struck Biackstock ing and M s. V. Bailey enioy-1 To honor his service Mr. again with the death of Clein ed a bus trip with the ladies1 Now;>.9' y . Nowyd. ortlocks Troop held a re- Wilson in an accident while of the Janetville W.I. to Ntag-1 " ~ ~ ' ropScouts, June 3. aerial tower. Clem was fhe ton points of interest. e eDRAPER"/ The troop, under Mr. Mort- likeable, industrious operator On Wednesday a group of lock's supervision, has long of the Blackstock Garage and Purpie Hill ladies enjoyed a been one of the most active will he greatly rnissed by bus trip f0 Ontario Place andt Saveai hese69cand p i Ottwa.friends and business associates. Pioncer Village with a group SATIN13ACKIn 25 years of paper drives, Sincere sympathy is extended of Enniskillen ladies. Low frîces STNBC he estimfates it has collected to his young widow and farn- So pleased to report f hat ~~1Afl ~~more flan 2,0100 tons of paper ily to lis parents, Mr. andMr. eih yrasabef yd Wrth$15,000. Me les led Mrs, Charles Wilson, sisters corn'eh er is e ortPr yd, the fr000 on numerous yac rte. u ilnsar o e r ornte ePorte F1REGLASS inig fripa and also on cane . everl hoeursgByore. Welope iïsits tfo the Rideau Regional sckb hpal foiir ecov eg haou rs.ealth contineel $ 98 yd, 98c iospital coli mts0n ,îirhatcn!iii _____________ Falis. at home. biii spital a, et fini ý,I htyu r bet On June 7th Ma. and Mrs. of writing are, Mrs. Shillenoghtyu r be CoMNE IN ANI) SEE OUR LARGE SELECT1N Morliock and Jamaie left on , Turner, Misa Cora Crosi'e stay home wtl Mr. Byera-. AT LOW, LOW PRICES trip to England, a gift fromn Mrs. McQuade and Jin Mar- r. Frank Cook, Mr. 'andi _________________________________________ is Scout T roon, low. Bert Gibson is able fo be Mrs. Harold Stewart of Beav- homne again following lis atay. erton were Sunday guests of ~~ Better health la loped forMr. anti Mrs. Wilbert Archer. STARI..VILLE thesa and any other sick of our E&turday ev*ning guesta of cornmunîty., Mr. anti Mrs. Wes Pearce were i ~ AI AMn. Gordon M alla w Cl, The froat of, Safurday eveni- Mr. and Mrs. Mitchinan, Mrs, M Mount Forest, lad dinner F i- ing did consitierable tiarnage DeLaMatter, Mrs. Maison, al 1 1L A day lest week et Mr. Lloyd to farmers' crops anti home of Toronto. mmMallowel's antia e pe garde ns in this area as weli as' Mr. and Mi's. Les Busîfielti guest eat Mr. Llew Mallowell's in maîîy others. of London spent the weekenti Mn. and Mrs. Brian Cas- Wnners at the Senior Cîti- with-her parents, Mr. andi Mrs, well were Suntiay visifors 'C t Ts A I1N T with Mn. and Mis. Haroldi zens' Cai :'Pary on Teay Murray Byers. MryJîso Wor ba ben eceve ofmesieMcCullougI; Second -o Gulph were Saturday th asngo r.R. .Ms ok Mp'High - Ricevng callers of his aunt, GOOD QUALITYEXTERIOR waily awl nti Rosea Andlsop Mi, J.Ad Mrs tunt r S P AITYEX E IOUA Lray evry aWh ellnd KirCitizens i d acard spent the day with the Girl Party every Tuestiay evening tended the wedding neceptiion Gudsa olnwo. froin now on. o their cousin, Mn andti Mrs. H OUSE PAINT Mlee . and S tiýý sexeddto M. Pen oster et Boltoilion Sm ecd ber -parents, Mn. and Mrs. sutiden passioig of Mrs. Gib- ,Mn. anti Mis, Anson'Taylor, MisNorma Mallowell bas Thomas norl of Port Perry nigît with his mother, Mis, ON Yretunneti home andi with Miss recently. Roy, Taylor. On Sunday !i eýr Baulali Mallowell, Toronto, Mrs. Mazl tinsoinoftusdeughter, Mrs, Garnept Muri- wili spenti the summen laee speîîtTusa with 1erianýieid ray of Manille calleti ai also - - VALA LELttle Michael Van Drunen, Mrs. Aima. Fowlcn. On Sun- visiteti 1er grandinother, Ms ALSOAVAIABLENewcastle, is spending a few day Mns, Ted Gilson of port Forder in the Mille est Nurs- ieys witl Mn. and Mrs. Jin Penny and ieha son, Glenn, eall- ing Home, Port Penny. Latex W hiteSol. c nMs v Pi n i.Misses Nancy Hresad Mý or -' L tx hgeMvissAnn Totitiwas a eSun- A ima aParad r.Vera Joînston of Oslawa wýen e ExeirPaint dygctwtlhn finiOnThursday Mis. E. Skeld- Tuesday evening guests ofMn ExteiorBeverîy Caswell. anti Mrs. Geralti Kelly ai Witl Mn, antiMrs Liew fanl.Ms oet icel At Saie Low Price Hallowell, Suntia, -lastheir Dion, Jak;Merady f Loen grantison, Jeffney Cail e11. Frends h Woodl' mstoek; Mn. anta itis.en' ($8.95 Per Gallon) Suinday gucats witl Mr. anti don were Friday ovarnigît ]rs. Tjun Stark were Mîclele C i À e t guests enioute fa the Cen-Ar PANSad aniScoft allowell, Monîîsh, C ub ee s rceiVIIopo ftrftLirand I-'p Sundey afternoon Mev lfsot A-DEKI~ InT~ wNortley, Bethany, wîîî le The Frientiship Club of ONO JAB RN TH S ALLPAPER g-ucatsipeaker at Shilol Ail- Trnity Church met in the Thc June meeting of the niv,,,saty witî mu >sic îy our chunch hall on FridayJn O.N.Q.- was helti et the homeIl 55 KING ST. W. PHIONE 62.54.21 choir anti M. jim Cscl 2nd for their regulan metngof Barbara Dyers 'on Thuns-11 fisinigyou favorite produet.'l Mis, Percy VanCamp gave Distric nul et ecnl E N D A an înteresting report of th e in Blackstock. Mrs. Valda McTaggant la Ragles playeti Oshawa but thist Gifts of pins froin the Insti- staybng et heu' summer home time 'Kantal loat. tuta were matie ta Mrs. Mary in Kential et the present fume, On Fritiay avanîng Kendal -VanCamp. Mis. Leil Bycrs Mer'daughteu anti family, Mn, United ChurcI Wamen hld anti Mis. Oscar Grahamn. These anti Mrs. Archer fnoin Toron- a special meeting. We wera 1ladies are ail charter mcm- ta visitet i1er on the weekenti. pleaseti to hava visitons from bars. A gift ai an Institute cup' Little Kevin Thertell, young Newtonvilla, Shiioh ant ir- f0 Mus. Chas. Smnith. She les son of Mn. anti Mus. Gary by. The gucat speaker was helti many, offices in the In- Tlertell, was faken ta Me- Mrs. Fnank Barnett Of Toron- stitute anti les always beeni a marial Hbospital, Bowrnanville, to. In a very, interesting, anti very activa anti, interesteti lest Montiay evening. Ha is jivýel 'y way ahe fol iof lier member.- improving now. , ape1 ncsw1hile living in The programme on ,Safety", The ragular June mieeting Aýfnica for týwo yean. is was in change ofi Mus. Mug- ai Kenldai IJoiteti Chluni Bret alsoshowadaltis nt gin. Aretiig as ivn by Wornen was helti in the .SUn-mnnecîigatce I Mis,. K. Samielîs on "FýineeHaz- day School on Wednestiay v-al from Africa. Lunch wes ntis îin thie Morne"; another hy Panînlg. TIe PresîHidenLM s(.ieveti et the closecoifIah Muas,. M.MLu~lnon "ecTos. Stevens, presýideti. Mis. evening. fnca anger:s'.Mus. Percy W. M ". Ste hoe se Mn,. anti Mrs. Frank Baud ft ValcnCap spoke on "Poisonitpi1 'o'-Sh ue i 1 ati îmiîy froin Toronto ing"ant Mr. GldysTlap-ique stianaire on which s ivea i pen the weekenti et the sum- son on "Pesticidies anti în1sec -0question cna ta ier. Tanse- mer home of Mr. anti Mus. ticicles". and yechmembe -.T ese Th os, Stevens. irEvn Ali ejoyeti a contest by Finl pans we n atiefoi: Muý.T, anti Mis. LeyEvn Mis. Percy VaniCamp., . îemeu ait e nenî aig isiteti et thea lame of hanr Meetinig icloseti bY Sînng 9servet iie Ie Dunem Clb tai panants Mn. and ti Mr. Clarence, "O0 Canada", .A social time wes TCotoet6pi. on11,Sat un- Tenel on Sunday. enjoyeti overan e inty Ilunchdaun 1711i. TIare wvill ,VMn. anti Mus. Chias. Roacîi senveti by Mis. Huggins anlibe 'lno meeting in the month jvîsuteti et the home 0f h an h er gî'oup. of JpJly. mother, Mua, Wm. Meucer oni ____________ rs. Ruiby Poster anti Sunday. daughten Peggy weebostesses Mu. anti Mrs. Prg. Elliott for a bridaI hoenlest Tues- were weekcnt i gesaoniMr. Pin Rigeday evening in haou)f Miss, andl Mrs. Alex Littie et thein Pin Rige Majoiy Murphuy. cottage on LaeaCatchacorne ILMiIssJLynn ouru -Mus. Allen Poster, Mis. M. iClub for Blîn mitedte 10 emorial Moit),ial, E. Poster and little Misa Kar' E . wtl appendicitis. Mer îaî wieh this pat week. Mus. UPlans Events iani, Mn. Eýddie Courouxý,va M. E. Postar,ýieaîiet for a TI Bwmnvil ati unhspital lest w ikfnmvîsît while Mrsi. Marlatt ne- TiTuesdaya'tii F anay.iuineti home wit1h lheu daugh- Durem dvior Bortito Kcntliiýa rkeu ad tre er iter visiting witî rla- fIje C.N.IB. mi-et eýt the Lionls bail gemies alveu fIe wkvi îvs Centre on Weclnesday, MyOn Setuutiay, Kential EaglecS>;Mný antiMsd ui tvn 3lst, for the spring meeting, plaveti Bowmanville Eler atu fmlyaiGelIspent whaight members present trà:na anti won. Kendal Junîors . anti Mn. C.. Hilliain, D.A., pre- playeti Newcastle antiftle score wes 6-3 ib fevor of Ken Don Allun wes inu fhe chair del) On Sundey, Kential and, asketi Dick Manklay tf0 neati the minutes aifIe lest meeting which were approv- D khlm 4 H whicLesLnsgv the tn-s aocial report of the campaig H fan for raturas. The DA. nreeti lis report anti xpiainetisaine of the vases [n lis bock TIc second meeting ai the, These were approveti epd Durhain 4-M Field, Crops Club saconc'd.was hld May 31sf etthfei he reatFneMtieClbfaim af club member Barry frThe GBatlinlapRig aubBragg. £ top th ekBlinJos planunmeg ail ledhemeeting witî fIe'i~E te Lke Jsep Sunmer Steve Banie, Pîcident, Cap bus on Juna 25th. pedan d Marilyn Kax 5170Ce. ot Any blinti person unteresteti followad wifh fIe minutes i 95-7 Cev &Pot in goiog please contact MmstIc lest meeting andtihfe ral Front & Rear Armisteati. TIare wilil 'e a eaul M.N. In attendance on tIc The meeting was then turn- lus. on Wednesday, July Sf1, eaurovenrf0 Mati Stork who in- thfe picnic for fIe Oshawa foîmeti mambans a July 4f1OhLY district hlindi lato lbe ll at workshop ft el elt et Onono. Fantiasy Lanti Park. TIc purpasa wîll lie te leain on Wednaatiay, dune 21sf, fthe sies of jutiging projacta.j shall in Peterbonough et the ceededtief0show fIe mefbotis onimier aisg Legion Hail. Mrs, Armisteail of soul testing anti showed o te as wiil arrange transportation how f0 coractly fill ouf fhe for ail these avants. sheats f0 le sent wtl fIa soul DROP IN 0 The suppen meeting for tha samples. Great Pina Rilge Club f'or Foliowing flua up JinM ick- the Blinid will le hea thfe, ant gave an analysis on low Lions Centre on Septembar muel fartilizen a soil neetis l3th at 6:30 p.m. in relation ta fIe soul sampie A cominittea lis tohalie etanalv.sis. up for fhe visitation aifh Aiter lunch the meecýting blindinb the district. Each was closeti. panson in the commîtte je fa riait a hllnti person et least GET CASIk TODAY Th6 RNG ST* FL once a month. MsM. Haw- iý 1thorne i5s lýai hetiaths coin- TEO L thie weekend with his par- ents, Mr. andI Mrs. Thos. Stev- en j y afl (vi e~ O tt ot BROCK 9S>Bop SALES & SERVICE "We Service What We Sel?' Phone 623-547 20 King St.EBwmnle Genune A 09E OR PHO0NE 623-3396 ON CABLE T ani olowr[w'h 'navrtueîe on june 7th 1in thae ONu. BTTV dley gave '! Wtha interet-Ton p ai wthn'lt'i ofore f hehîhlgh M igopeneti by sngnthe C A B L E C A 3SnT" 8 thimot ýi1 St. Peer-f îtute Ode nl Mi. ardspoe Iief. he TMvary Stewart Collect. Craoyi Sale Iii J3owmanvîlle et î i lis assciation it ih oui TIe minutesaiIels CABE T OFICE - 2 RIG S, WST li bandti te frientislîp ha meeting wene reati anti ap- CABL 26 ING T. las madee fIera. Duîing lis proveti, fIe traasuran's state- MaDNL'SVREY 71 RING 'S-T, AST sen yaars as oun nastor, lis ment anti correspondance ima-1. BYO ' SMOKE 5110 - 31 KI-NG T WEST enteneast in our club antifbt Plans ware -matie for a bujý JEFF~Y'SSUPEETT - 8 LIBRTYST, OUTF meihens, anti lis heinfu nstrip to Alf on anti Collingwod tq'ýR c il Aattentiance et our rmeet in Tuly. NOTi-N»MAKT -101 LIB3ERTY ST. N.-1,gshas een greatîr 'appireci1 - Teroll eau imcdfabe FRANK'S VAIRIETY - KING ST. EAST et1etyI L ,im m igat a n -samc t the tabls l"-coet erti wtlý"An originel, avery hapy ein televibion commercial ,adver-1.

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