The- Canaclian l3tamn owmanville, June 14, MC,7 Warm, Short 1, Meeting The eXtreme warmth in Bowmoanv ie Counci] Charr -ers msay have promptedth eariLy ciosing of an unusua41ly lethargic, Meeting lest weeI; Coin cidentally, thebd egreed that evening to renew- ai of the prescot air cont- ditioning maintenance con- tract with Powers Regulator. Company. Cierk Josephi Mllroy ex- piained that the discomfortl which occasioned- even the hardiest counilors to removeý their jackets and in some cases, their lies, due to a mai function of the ar-condition- irig system, which, recluired a waiting period for necessary parts. The repairs shouid have been made by the next meeting, ho said. OBITUARY Mrs. Ruhy Luceil Abbotti Foilowing a lengthy iilness, Mrs. Ruby Luceil Abbott cied' Monday, June 5th, 1972, et the Medex Nursing Home, Park Roed North, Oshawa. She formerly lived at 116 Gladston Ave., Oshawa. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Hooey. -Born July 26, 1899 in Ty- ronc., Darlington Township,I she was marricd Nov. 9, 1940 in Oshawa where she iived for 32 years, -and lias lived al her life in this erea. The deceased is survived by lier husband, Ace Abbott, two sisters, Mrs. Sidney Bluett (Reta) of Toronto; Mrs. Earl Prescott (Agnes) of Tyrone: one brother Stuart Hooey of Newcastle. One sister Jesie died before lier. A member of Centenniali United Churcli of Oshawa, she was active in church work, and was a member of the' United Churcli Women. Sheý had received lier education in the Tyrone area. Mrs. Abbott rested att the Melntosli - Anderson Funeral Homne with service in the chapel Tliursday, June 8tli at 1:30 p.m. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev, Donald Tansley officîated. LONG SAULT Sunday guests of Mr. and' Mrs. John Baker and boys were: 'Mr. and Mrs. Barry Clemens, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. D. Owen and f amily, Mr. D. Fishley. Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. F. Clifford and family, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. A.' Mathews and family, Salem-, i Mr. and Mrs. R: Glass and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. G. Dunk, Miss Linda Zybala and Mr. R. Robinson, Oshawa. Bruce and Murray MeLag-1 _gan, Dobbington, were Satur-ý day niglit visitors of the Bak- er faminily on tlieir way in fo Mosport for thebig race. Mrs Bill Jolinston and boys, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs.-Ron Rowe and family were Sun- day visitors of the H. Murphys. Mr. and Mrs. -Don Stephien- son went camping with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vickery, Osha- wa, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook spent Saturday niglit wth Miss G. Smitli and ail attend- e, the Harmer Famnily reunion at the bone of Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Harmer, R.R. 1, Bowmanvîlle, Sunday aiter- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jolinson, MýIiss Linda Johnson and Mr, Stiles, janetville, were Sat- u-rday,, evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. F. G. Smitli was taken by ambulance to Memorial Hospital, Friday afternoon. (Intendèd for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong, Salem, were Sunday after- noon callers of Mr. Robt. Sim. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Partner,, Orono, were Sunday visitors witli Mr. and Mis. G. Kovacs and girls, Miss G. Smith and Mr, F. G. Smith ¶vere Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker spent tlie weekend with,ý and the- United Churcli Wo- meni. ,Her hushand, James Stark, died December 30, 1952. One1 daugliter, Mrs. Helen Stinson, died April, 1968, also five brothers died before her. The deceased is survived by oneC daugliter, MVrs. Fred* Taylopr (Grace) of Toronto; one, son, James of R.R. 1,1 Cishaýàw a; one sister, M"i. Franýk Kiley (Agnes) of St. Cathiacines; thcee brother,, JFames and Frank Ormiston ofc Bcooeklin; Daniel Ormiston if~ Ohw;eight grandehildrren andr two great-grandchildreo. Mc.Stark cested at the .Armstrcong Funeral H o mo wihservice in .e chapel mu Wedc~dy, une 7'ýh Pt pm Int-rment in Osliawî. 1lni'~ 'em~~rv Rev. E. A A MICAFIL INSULA.TION The quick anid easy insulation to intali, Each Micafilni VeimicuIIte granule contàins millions of tiny dead air celis that resist the passage of heat or cold. Keeps your home couler in summer and warmer in winter. 3 eu. f t. Bag Beaver Regular 1,98 Special $1,e7 7__ B BEAVER SATIN WHITE CEULING TILE Smooth white tiles that go beautifully wvith aniy colour sch ene. Beýv- elled on ail four edges with tongue and groove joints that allow ton. cealed stapling. 12" x 12" size. Carton of 64 tiles will cover 64 sq. IL~ Beaver Regular 7.88 Carton Special s699 Carton C Beaiver Mi*cro White CeàliFng Tdes A 1,mart contemporary file that will add new dimension to any inter. ior. Thousands of micro perforated holes that help absorb sound. 12", x 12" size, Carton o! 64 .files will cover 64 sq. ft. Beaver Regular 13.44 Carton Speia _$1(0.99-Carton D VAL DEZ PA.NELINýG Prefinished mahogany plywood in a rich toasted finish. 4 x 8 panel, Beaver Regular 3,99 Complete with self edge arborîte courster top, stainless steel sîngle bowl sink, chrome deck faucet, Ideal for home or cottage. Set complete with upper and base unit., Beaver Re-aular 167,95. F 12 GALLON WATER HEATER Ideal for cottage or trailer, Instails under counter. 1500 watt i-hrnio= stat controlled element. Glass ined tank guaranteed for 2 years. 271/2" high x 18" in diameter. Beaver Regular 57.88. Special 5 3,ce_àE G "MIAMI CAREY" 'MEDICINE CABINET 14V x 20" mirror framed ýin tainless'steel. Complete with two steel shelves. 0nI s__$1,95 H"T HRIFTEX" CARPETING A polypropylene indoor-outdoor fiber with foam back I ~, ~, for indoor use. Grease, food spilîs, you name it, it al wipes up with a damp sponge. Available in beautiful shades o! gold, orange and green. SpecalM.. sq, yd. Do a 9' x 12' area for only $35.88 Store Hou rs: MON. TO WED., 8:30 'TIL 6 THURS., FRI. 8:30 'TIL 9 SAT. 8:30 'TIL 5 BO WMANIVULi, LE Phone 623-3388