IntresedSpeclators Watch, Repairs VOLUME 1 18 16 Pages BF OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1972 150b Per Copy NUMBER-24 . Earti-J,ý jis week, wh ile repaïr men were working at the town hall' to replacel pý-art of thep metal eave that had collapsed from an overloadof pigeon effluent, thie top ridge of the roof was lined with interested winged spectators, apparently wVondering if their homestead was in jeopardy. Several pigeon scouts kept flying a!ro unýd, inspecting the work- and probab ly there was xnuch rej oicing when it was comrpleted and they fouind the only change ws a new repository for their uise. 'Municipal Ofici ais o P1Systej-m, In Need opf Ref orm' RicardTelis Rotrin -Ifs 5; so muchthe sys-lemns on a imunhduipa1 leve1. 1In viduai departm-fent tu rmeet tem s th peole ivolvdii both cases he- said], governing the demands made upon it nicipal govrnmiient thiat bodies becomne omniptent leads "to the situation where need refOrmn)ing," Gaï,nct Rick- and o)mniscient and remnovcd a cry goes up to scrap the ard, Deputy Reeve ofDrin-rm the people". system". ton Twsî,tl oain "Everybody expects more Leading in this cry, caid 1Laýst Thui sday. than they are getting, and Mr. Rickard, are policians Hen bladrr the lýFpubli's thinks they are paying too who "know that to spea k of aPpathy t, iowavrds gov-ernmiental much for what thcy've got- reform is cxciting for people," precese n"hepo elig Tihesicmined and the "Ontario government ~o ha epulcservants with te iaiity of any indi- (TURN TO PAGE T 'WO) aredoig",andJ on the tend- ency to, turn to hgher levels of governetadcntaîa m . _________,Sa 4urdyCrashFKiliS, tion s e outions of prob-1 Fathr's4-t rea Man, Injures mTen otrasplan to make things. caser orthe head of the, houschold, thîs weekend,ý by, preseni ng father wth a cîgar MwhîleC washing bis car. Th- service cluib is holding the FDath-er's 'Day wash at Cowanm Pontiac-Býuîck, Satur- day, ti fro .eghtipthe morn- ing tofvea night. The pro-ceeda from cach, $2 car ,ahwl o. towards club woki he communityý An 83-year old Blackstoclî man was killed and 10 people1 injured, when a car in whîch1 they were riding went into a1 ditch north of Port Ferry, Saturday night. John McCullough of R R 2, Blackstock, was killed when he was thrown from the car. Mrs. Mavis Strong, 39, the driver of the, vehicle, is in serîous condition în Toronto General Hospital. Sherry Strong, 10, is in the intensive care unît of the'Hospital for Sick Children, while her bro- thers, James, nine, and Paul,] five, are in, satisfactory condi- tion at the Oshawa General Hospital. Three other-Strong chlldren, Sharon, eight, Jeffrey, seven, and Earl, three, and Lisa Lake, 11, Herbert Bell, 10, and Ste- phen Bell, 10, were released after emergency treatment at the Port Perry Hospital. Ail passengers were at first taken to the Port Perry Hos- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Lttie Frost Damage Hiere 1 1-4 "Farmers in this- area_ have been just plin lucky", said Olivr Datympe, area representative for the provincial departrnent of Agriculture and Foods, when asked about possible crop damage caused by recent cold weather. "We haven't seen or heard from in l of the farmers in the area by a long shot, but as far as 1 know there's heen no frost damage te commner- cial crops." Mr. Daîrymple said he had heard of theod garden plot in the Blackstock area wvhich had soi-e frost damage, "but as far as farmers go, i' beenth odi -nîp at an ear of corn". 've talked to those with tomatoes an--d tobacco, both hardest bit in Western' Ontario, but there's nothing here." "I talked to one tobacco man here, whose brother had corne dowrn from Tîllsonburg for plants and his crop out there has been cornpletely wiped out." The strong winds whîch blew over the United Counties during the recent cold spel have been given much of the credit for keeping the frost away from crops, but temnperatures here neyer even approached the low of 19. re. ported in Tillsonburg, centre of the western tobacco region, Saturday night. CTURN TO PAGE TWO) Life té 'Luck and Courage' Say police It wo)uld appeur thut Joanne Vezina o! Toronto, not only Fayer was not only a very heurd ber cry, but investigat- "ourucous but a very lucky cd. Two other hitchers stand- irl, uf ter she was seriously ing evea dloser to the scene ijurcd hy a tilling machine, o! the accident, did not bother. lat weck. Mr. Vezina aaid that at first, Both Bowmanville police ani1d he did not respond to the cry, Knox Henry, manager o! the "because ît did not sound Brookdule-Kingsway Nursery humun", but when it persiat- where the 17-yeur old girl was ed, he went into the field, and injured, credit a series o! co- then went for help 'from a incidences and the girls cour- nearby gas station, whea he age, with Joanne beiag alive saw the girl lying between flhc today. rows of plants. She was lucky that a-hitch- Police say that unleas Mr. hiker on the nearby 401, Glles (TURN TO PAGE YWo' Co0Un c 0lpro.?ves ~Q RfO flhenhfur Opposition Leader Wel-.-comned at Labatt's lue Race i i 1 J . SumerSessions FollOWIng the uulSUM- mer pattern, neo Bowman- ville Council meeting will be helçd june 19, and until further notice, there will beý only one meeting, on, the first Monday of each month. Iff a holiday happens to fali on the first monday how- ever, then the meeting will_ be held the following Tues- day. 3 F:iremlen Appointed Three new m Vevebeeni Bowmanville has taken out the town will ha ve to pay ani a ppointed to the Bowman a debeýnture from the prov- additîonal $,605.50 in înterest ville Fire DPPartmlentt e- [nce, for repairs to the Arena accrued over the five-year place memrbers who recently roof. period of the boan. resigned. The principal of the deben- Interest payments begin în BinSih 6 !6 ue turc amounts to $9,823.50, but November of this year, nnd St.; George Moore, 25, of 9 ________________wîll continue ýeach May and Churcli St, and Wayne Har- November, with Drincipal pay- rison, 25, of 76 Liberty South, me a ns in May, until the final have ail been auxiliary and W oma ûie payentis made to the prov- substitute members. À ince in May of 1977. Their appoîntments are sub- Asuci Car Rov1thesde-ject to medica certifictes of A ,voman w as kîlled a nd a at its last meeting. batîonary perîod. man înjured, when a nrth- '~~ bound car rolled several times on Highway 35, Sunday after- P I E Margaret Kaethe Drube, 20,F BIT jSPE E of il Cliffside Dr., Scarbor- ough, was pronounced dead ut WHOOPS - Somebody with a flock of No Parking Ross Memorial Hospital ln Any Time signs made a slight error last week when Lindsay, after she was thrown they carefully installed them on the north side of f rom the car she had been Churchi Street, Seems they were suipposed to be on driving, as it rolled into the east shoulder of the highwny the south side and they were the next day after the one mile south of the 79 turu- error had been spotted. That s why they put erasers nff n Bthav. n 1ead pnecils. A passenger, Douglas Haney also of ScarbDorough,' was thrown from the vehicle, but' îs reported in f air condition in the Lindsay hospital. The accident occurred at 3.:45 p.m. ChageLaid After 'Car Rolis on 7A, Injuring Two A-Ir] aid gil aatw-ot old babywere Leslie A.-Davis of R. R. 2,Sre, another past-senger taiçn tcRoss -emrial ls italiLîndsay, aftc' a iu the'vehicle, were uninjured mu the accident, whichl ninle-ar ~cien on1, i P wy A atI Cacsarea Road, took place at about 2:30 p.m. Aca reiess driving chiarge Thui'iv îfter'çrî.,lanad Rlobert Elfford, of 208 was laid against Miss Elford, following the crash, Q~~en ~tec¶,furrPer , wee released alter emer-1 Constable Da-vc MjKyteinvcstigating officer fro.Iý ~enrv te~d'e1 ., t t ic.lspital, Owner of the cri the Newveasie OPP detachm ,elmtddraet hom~s harlesGrairgexý, also of Port Ferry, and the car 'at about $20 t t t , .t i. EXIT PROBLEMS - We shoudd have known better because it's happened before. On Sunday, we waited too long-te rernove ourselves from the infield at Mosport Park. Just as we were prepar- ing to leave, the other 49,999 had the saine idea with the, inevitable result that' it took three bouts to drive 100 yards te those two tunnels ut the east ide. We only hope Mosport's new President Harvey Hudes will be'able Io figure a better way for people te get out of the park before the Grand Prix in September. He did pretty well getting them in there tbis tîme, that's for, sure, t t t t t HOLIDAY - It appears that mnost places of business and municipal offices are planning to take the Dominion Day (about to be Canada Day) holiday on the Monday, July 3rd, instead of the actual Sat- urday, July lst. The only celebration in this area wîll be at Newcastle where the Lions Clutb wil have a fireworks display on July lst. t t t t t ARTISTS- Bowmanville's Library bas a spe- ciml attraction this week in the form - ef an, Art Display by thec pupils of Grade One at St. Josý eph's Separate Scboel, Visitora will le welcoee While there, th ey may alsn incet a young man, Ronald Taylor of Oshawa whe is an Arts grad- uate frein Carleton University and also a BLS frein the University ef Ottawa. He is helping eut the library staff teniporarily, cataloguîng and changîng references, etc. T TT t t GARDEN TOUR. - The Editor rëceived-a note this week from a former BTIS teacher, Muriel Sissons, president of the Ontario County I3ranch Ontario Humane Society. They are planning a 28.1 mile Country House and Garden tour from 2-6 on. Saturday, June 24th, through some of the estates in that area. Proceeds wil go ta the Humane Society and citizens from the area are invited, ýt t i FORESIGUT The glanring headliles e -er the iveekend about froat fdarna;ge te 'farinera' cropa inu many parts of Ontarieo once more .howed hew fertunate we are in flua area. We seeni te recal that oeeoe the main reasens tobacco grewerg came te tbis section nîanyyears ago was because we seldoin auffer froin extensive frost. Froni al reports, they have proved- again the wisdom behind fliat n--ove eîe there was very littie damage bore flua ,year, On Sunday, the leader of Her Majestys 1loyal opposition in thie. House ol Commons, the Hon. Robert Stanfield ýwas an honored guest at the Ca-n-AÈm races, and is shown in the top photo being welcomed by local off icials andi'other dgi taries. They are, from left to, right, Gloria Anderson Miss Labatt's Blue Can- Arn; Bernard Kamini, Vice-President of Mosport Park Lïiited; A'lex Carrthiers, MPP, D urham;, Mr, Stanmfield, Clarke Township Reeve Johnl Stonîe and Bruce Elliot, President and Ien raMnaer Labatt's Ontario Breeries Limirnted. Race Weekend t Has BecomeaFuThng Where -J ase TOver Gett-ing to MNios po rt wA~Tqs 0long easy, atrille sQwr11 GVtn ot asanthr 'day, than on the previous twüo "oy.Ee for those wiSe ',r)h t start their trek be ore t e last lap , the vi7r- agýe Wtime from beginning to W thle end of the journey ia Bow- maniville, averaged at least Bu y t a hr~ee hous. If you were lcy who knows? "There were basically fouri Unofficial estimates have ambulances out at the trac k p Laced the, crowd at more than over the three -days, bu11t 5,00 which more than ex- they were taken-out by ff plains the congestion on the ferent crews. Nobody could wav,4y noutf What the figures do stand that pace at MosPort," rnot reveal however, is that said Dave Brown, Assistant anyif o-h aoiyo Administrator at iNlerorial (y i nt R the aGE rtW o f, Hospital, speakPAGg of thî pace in the crowd, not on the track. The ambulances answered a lot o! calîs he said, "lso many that I still haven't flgured ont the exact nuni- ber, but noue e! them were rvery serlous. They kept on coming in, but everytbing was mînor. Don Harvey, supervisor of the ambulance service, said it was lucky that most in- juries were of such a minor nature, "because wvith the traffie it would bave been- quieker to walk out o! there with a, stretcher." ma wus eectrocuted Suniduýy ufternoon, as lie helped mount a neighbor's television antea. nu. 0Clm James Wilson was killed ,,at approximatelry 3:30 p.m. when the anteinn, feU] ucross hydro wires. Police from the O)PP New- castle detu.-chmentsy that ho was poone dead at the scene o! thie accidenit. NiewmiR oad w er Ch rl -e t Mw eni- e T oe maciehwv cer, says he expects the Bow- manville Works Department to take delivery o! its new road sweeper, "ini about four wffeeks,"' f0 replace the present machine, whîch he had, des- crîbed as "literaliy held to- gether with baling wire," -Not only -will MWatbe but it will also be the make and model, he, had asked Council, to approve. When tenders were first opened on'May 15,. a motion to accept the lowest bld, $1, 090,bySwift Sure Equîpmnent' of Albany, New York, was (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Honor Author of "In FlandeJrs Field"l On Sunday morning, mvemrbe-rs of B3rani 178-Royal Ca-nadian Legion, led by th-e Legion Pipe Band, paraded ta the cn taPhta ayara, t t mark the lOtà annîlversary of the birth of C-oloniel John McCrýac athor of "In Flanders Field," lack Knight was acting Sgt-at-Arms for the p)arade. The wreýath was laid b5Y icmigPresident Ed. Majer, witli the colors beirîg carried by inconing 2ndVice President Maurice Annaert, right, and R on J ohnston. i