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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1972, p. 3

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bet atd e ina Convention The winds of change stirrediCanadian forces. Reserve and Alfoget her, about 200 reso.. thec Royal Canadian Legîon's militia personnel arc elîgible lutions were' deait wîfh, some biggcst convention ever - in to become Legionnair?,ts after quickiy and easiiy, and others Regina rccently, and when two years service, as are mcm- with some rocky moments and they had calmcd down, the bers of thc RCMP. not a f ew emotional reactions. 308,000 - member organizationl The convention received as-'Wnie aye .G Bb was pointcd on a course for, ýsîraoce f rom Veterans -Aff airs Smellie was electeil Dominion the future. IMinister Arthur Laing that Presîdent by acclamation. The Dramatie changes now give ýthe Legion' s views on the basic new executive vice-president the Legion a potential mlem- rate for war pensions wudof the Legion, also by accla- bership of well over a millionb ie gvcmntwudmation, is Robert McChesney and ge i*opins hve eenýbc ive goernentconsid- lot Kirkland Lake, Ont. Treas- and ge goupngs ave eeneration, during any study of ueJ.AdeLaneoMnt consîdcrably oroadened. About i change in. the pension struc- urealJ.was re-eected fofice 2,500 delegates attcnding fi ucWuet heLeie fvr awas carman ester Mofier- five-day general sessions of the a regular review of pensions, ram, asc arma nCtre r- 24tb national convention votcd it insists 'that the basic rate Fu iepeiet lce overwhelmingly in favor Of must first be brougbf up tto naonal ice orethe et bringing younger people loto $4,500. The veterans' organiza- to aonar fie dfoltecfEd- flie veferans' organizatioîi. tion also favors basing any mtwon, Jimare Fagan of St. Servicemen are now auto- future increaies on public ser- Joon, JNmfld, ae Hunt.c mat icaliy eligîble for Legion vice wage increases, and not JoVan'se, anfd.,Do u McDof mcmrbership regardless cf how on ther cost cf living in Canada adcofveran o Ont. i longthe hav sevcd n te geeraiy.Although the decks were cleared for expansion in Leg- ion membership, flic veteran and bis dependants renliain the organizatien's chief concern. "ýWc must ensure that no * * *veteran is destifute," said the report cf the national organi- zation and planning commit- ~ ir~CAXIE ~ 'F E tee. "Many ex-service person- Cu' "U LD- SAVE Yte .) R LIFE nel are lu legifimate nced cf assistance. Many are unem- ployed, and no action is f aken f0 belp thiem". The Royal Canadian Legion is aise obligated te the con- tnuation and support f a vast jet.These range from belp- Ide tifcatongrow loto good and useful d n 11 ailie , ncitîzens, to heiping our senior citîzens survive in relative case and cemfort. Projccts and FU Irservices invelve sports prog- N EUR LE or BRACELET ýrams, education assistance, housing for flic elderly, and provision cf bursaries and MANY PEOPLE HAVE VARIOUS MEDICAL scholarsbips for teday's preni- CONDITIONS NOT GENERALLY KNOWN OUT- ising studenti and tomerrow's SIDE THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. MEDIC- potential leaders. ALERT IDENTIFICATION ENABLES PROPER r TREATMENT TO PATIENTS IN CASE 0F ACCI-L DENT OR OTHER EMERGENCY PRO BLEMS, ýPrincipal 1 Medie-Alert identification Information is available at ! o tr e 1Fredcrîck James Murray bas Bowmanville Newcastle 1been appeinted principal cf Men-crialI HosPital> Dr. lli1s'Ofc Maple Grove East Public~ District Hcalth Unit Banki cf Commerce ,Scbool, effective September 1. PU.C. Office Johnson's Drugs The appointment was con- Clinc Parmcy rono, firmed by fthc United Counties' Juy & Loveli Drugs meig MeGregor Drugs Dr.McKenzieêS Office meig Fredenick's Pharmacy Stutt's Pharmacy Vi sji the.,. sPonsOfed by ~ÇI*ix. OSHAWA and DISTRICT s V Life UnderWriters Association S/îoppe ts' Thîsj Advertisement Publîsbcd Court esy cf:< Specializing ia:n Perais.. olr DEKI N i Latest Cuttiag Techniques LONDON LIFE REP-RESENTI rvï ONE623545 B ma ilePhone 6;23-3167ý -37 Kîng St, W. Bowmanville *1 Married in St. joseph' Church MnI. and Mrs, Michael Scott Bothwell On Saturday, May 6, 1972,1 i&t 4:30 p.m. in St. Joseph's Roman Catholie Church, Bow- rnanvîlle, Father R. Heffernan1 united in marriage Miss Jane Eileen Noble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John William Noble, RR. 3, Bowmanville, and Mr. Michael Scott Bothwell, son oif Mr. and Mrs. Normani Reprtsfr Wome.ns BOWMANVIILLE W. 1. 1 Although the weatherman didn't co-operate wlth the Bowmanville Women's Insti-' tute too well, an enjoyable afternoon was spent at Mrs. M. Wisemnan's cottage at Cae- sarea, for the June meeting and picnie., Twentyon attended aod the meeting opened with singing the Ode, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, also the treas- urer's report was given. Mrs. iMundlay__said Mrs. FlintofU Big Plans! You're going to take your family to the movies. Let's see., That'Il be two dollars apiece for you and your wife, plus a dollar and a.quarter for each of the littieï ones. Grand total $6.50- plus gas. Did you know you can-take the .whole famîlyto the movies for a mere 16c. All you need is Cable TV! And there's 190 movies each month to- clioose f rom, [ O DO'T DELAY - Phone us today and spend a summer of a lifetime with CABLE TV. 26 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE, - 623-2506 1353 KING ST, E, OSHAWA - 579-22312 Bothwell, Bowmanville. Given in niarriage by her Mr. Rosi Metcalf played flic father, Jane wore a formal wedding music and Mr. James lengfli gown cf nylon crepe, Fair was the seloist. accented by a rciled collar and The church was decorated sheer nylon fucked bib. The with bouquets of white 'munis, long siceves werc gathered at gladioli, stephanotis and snaP- flic cuffs wîth a six-button dragons. and flic pews witb. closiog. Cuffs and borlice of white bows centred with pink flie gown were frimmed witi roses a,îd lily-of-fbe-valiey. embroîdered, appliques and Éeecl pearis. A cathedral train was attaclied af the waisl. A hrown cf white flowers lield a three-fiered elbow lcngtl fl~ -~'veil. The bridal bouquet was a cascade of pink sweefheart roses, daisies,, arnations and d~dd baby's breafli. The bride ai i ns'cu'u'ces carried a silver borseslioe sent 1 n i u î- efroni England, had one more littie matter te speak about. This was te fliank r Mn Wiseman for In- viting us te hec cottage Ycar after year, and askcd lber te accepf a littie fhank you from us ail. Mci Wiseman replied, sayîng flianks, and said she cnjoyed having us, Rail cal was answeced by aînging, sayiog, doing or payîng.ý Peems. fongue twisters, rid- dies and jokes of a great var- iety wcre given. Mci. Twist gave an inferesting report cf' the Convention she attended. af Guelph in May. They visifed flic Adelalde Hoodicîs Home, and bad. many good speakers at flic convention, Infersperscd wîtli slnging many of the old songs. She said it was stressed te invite more ladies te join our Instifute. Mns. Twist said sbe met many busy enthusiastir workers, bad enjoyed berseif, and fhaoked the Instifufe for sending bier as our delegate Mrs.. S, B uttery gave lier report on flic District Annual heid af Nestîcton. Ten mcm- bers atfended and ibe feit the highligli f cfthe day was Mrs. Wisenian's paper on the Histery and Growth of Wo- men's Institutes since ifs founding af Stoney Creek in 1897. She aiso feit if quite an honer fe have Mn. Fitzsim- mons, Home Economist, con- gratulate flic ladies on flic dresses f bey lad made. Mns. Butfery saîd flic Central Ares Convention is te ho held af the Royal York on Nov. 8fh. 9tli and lOfi. IVrs. Blair was1 eiecfed as our delegafe, wifli Mrs. Flinitoff ns alfernate. Mrs. Downey presenfed Mci. Wisemoan and Mci. Flintoff wifh imali gîlti in recognition cf their work as leaders of flic sewiog dasand cadli ex- prescd flair fhanks. Thle meeting ciosed witb flic Ode. Games and conteifs we-ce conducted by flic directors, Mrs. Johins, Mns. Bragg and Mci. Malley. This was lots cf fun and prizes were won by many. The la r ge dîning-room fable was soon laden witli cassei:ol s, salads, jeilies, rouas, and desserti of aIl kinds, andI was se enjoyed by ail If caus- cd many groans. Affer ail had been cleared away, tables were set up for a few games of euchre. As evcnlng setfled in, aIl picked up fbeir be- longingi and said flianki 'te Mci. Wiseman and good-byes to friands and refurned home, Mci. Munday exfended son invitation from. Mns. T. But- tery te go te lier cottage for our meeting on SeptenTher 7fh, and if was acceptcd. Suggestions' for CLOCA Prolect Bcwmanville Counicil will suggest te flic Central Lake Ontarie Conservation Auflior- ity fliat students employed in flie provincialiy funded S.W., EE.P. program, lie deployed te dlean up roadsidcs,' watcr- ways, Jackman's weods and for flic "dressing up" cf bofli iand-fiil sites in town. 1 The projecf (Students Work-i ing in an Environmental En-' liancement Pregram) h aiî. cd bof h at împreving flic ap-: pearance offlice landdcape flirouglicuf flicprovince and coping wfh flic problemn of studený,t uncmployment. AI-1 though i fnanccd and ce-ondin- ated by flic province, flic C.L. O.C.A. îs directly supervising the opceration I Carol Cowarx, mald of ýhonor; The Canadian Statesman, towm.anvîlie, .Tune 14, 1972 f bridesnraids Susan Bothwell, f sister of the groom: Merna IReid and Joan Follîott, Cous- e suuis7 Grade II Piano-Fîrzt ls girl was Julie Davies. TheorsRcadSc; a- bridesmaids were identically The followîng is a list 0f Janice E. Reard, attired in gowns wlf h sky-be successful candidates, in ex- Grade I Piano-First Glass crepe skirts and scooped neck- aminations held recentlv bv Honours-.lanet A.- Munday,. uines. The bodîce and sleeves 'the Royal Conservatory of Roger Proctor., wcre of white nylon dotted 'Music of Toronto in Bowman- witli tiny blue flowers, White ville, Ont, The names are A nuc e satin ribbon around the emn arranged in order of ment. e pire waistlines, feul at the Grade X Pîano-First llain ustne back and were trimmed wîth Class H-onours-Lisa Samiuel, tiny whte roses. The flower Grade IX Piano-Honours- 9hik ie girls dress, styled lîkee Joanne Faî or, ri s fe bridesmaîds', was of white ny- Grade VIII Piano-Ronours ion dotted with bine. White - rances Vandergaast; r'ass EcneeInsbtnervnobi roses sprinkled in their cou - -Dennis Bamber, hemorrhoids and repair damged tissue feurs were worn by ail at- Grade VII Piano-Honours A renowned researchi institute ha, 1tendants and they carried Brenda L Krause, Aîet on nqehaigsbtn parasols covered in the samie Taylor, Colette Taylor, Shar- with '.he abdlity to shrink herne: m aterÎal as the bodice and, on Gordon. rhoids painlessix. It reheves itchir, sleeves of the gowns, trimmed Grade VI Piano-Fî,rst Clais and discornfort in minutes ani with lace and posies of yel- Honours- Mark S. Munday. speeds up healing of the in]ure4 low roses, rink carnations and H-onours-Patriîa D. Lunn, E. intlamed tissue stephanotis on handies and Marie Andrews. Pass-Bren- Se tops of parasols. da Prout, Jonathan B. Stanples lIn case aftur case, -hile gent, The best nman was Richard Loi eue E. Van Camp (equal); re]ieving pain, actual rcducticý Mayberry and ushers were Annette E. Rypstra, Cynthîa (shrmnkage),took place. Peter and Jos.eph Bothwell, D. Bail. Most important of ail-result brothers of the groom and GradeV Piano-First lass wer so thorough that this improvE James Noble, brother of the Ronours-Stephen M. Arscott; rinent was maintained over a pric bride. Honours--Lishia M. Belliman, of many months, At the recoption beld at the Pass-Joanne M. LeGrcsley, This was accomplîshed with Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Bruce -Snovjden. new heahn.,g substance (Bio-Dyne IQucen St., Bowmanville, the Giade IV Piano-Fit Glass whîch quickly helps heal injure bride's miother wore a formai Honours-Ian P. Munday, gSlls and stimulates grwfli of ns, length gown ýof floral crepe Honours-Karen I. Iiionping, tissu,. witb white accessorîes coniple- Pass-Gordonna Rieger.- mented by a corsage of pink Grade III Piano-Honouri Now Bîo-Dyrne la offered in oin and white carnations. -The .lane A. Staples, Dawn T,. Ment and supposÎtory fori CaIIý groomi's mother was also at- Morris, Kathie M. LvceÏtt Preparaton IAsk frit at alldn- tired in a formai length gown Evelyn Fayer,; Pass-Anna M. stores. Satisfaction or your meps of powder blue crimplenoesilsi with a corsage of blue-tippcd feather carnations and pink roses. Mr. Ron Pîngle w as l a e s C ~ c / Master of Ceremonies duringý the, reception.M r e s C Ue For their boneymoon f0 Eastern and Coastal regions of A lîttle boY was taken on a fisInng trip by fis father, the ISA., the bride chose a along with some ether fisherne, anîd at the close of the day, red pantsuit highlighe ywhen thcy were ail seated around tlhc cainpfire, the yeung- navy triro and a nax y bos trlscdt i h tIl" tales of fthc big catches told by witb saîloî type bow tie I the mn.n Whcn tbcy retired he whîspercd te hus father. Miss Noble attended Court- "Say Dad, is it truc that George Washington neyer to'd ice Secondary School before a lie?" ber marriage and hs now an Ys ysn u hT operator with Bell Canada, lerysn u h? Oshawa. Mr. Bothwell also 'Weil, I1iras just thînking, hie must nevcr have gene rjattended Courtice Serondary fishing,"> i School and is an apprentice csteani-fitter in Oshawa. Th, CLOTHES CARE HINT:' d happy couple will be residîng GarmIents arc ruined by pressig at home. Proper equipmcnTý ýe at 316 Saguenay Ave., Osha- is necessary te do good .Pressing. itwa n Out 0f fo 'n guests attenid- DON'T FORGET FATHER'S DAY )f cd the wedding froni Toron- udyJne1t h o odn Peterborough and udyJneît n Hostesses for the showers twere Miss Carol Cowan and d Miss Susan Botbwell; Mrs h Colin Davies and Mrs. H. Is Brown, and Mrs. Joseph Both- d fterth dding reh eri T D ;0 ai the bridgeroom's 'parents OTS84K GS.w.6352 hoe.randgessa h "We Specialîze In Shirt Laundering" -MeRobbie Photographv _____ 24 Hour Del ivery Colors Fully equipped with 4-spced Transmission 1600 c.c, Engine-4 Cyl., Bueket Vinyl Seats, Factory Warranty. Includes ail taxes except Ontario Sales Tax, and Licence. VW . . $2464 DATSUN $2595- TOYOTA .. $2568 Super Reetie 510 Corolla 1600, 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Coupe 2INo ..Sed $2293PINTO ... -$2293 PINTO .... $2293 ~~~2 Door Sedan 2 Doo ean2Dor Sedan Pinto Pr*cedep Lo er y $171 Pinto Prïc d 0 cPïi t 0 P275 -Lower by --erb Lower by IF YOU CARE -BE FAIR -COMPARE! 815 KING STWS (ut Thorraton Rond) -OSHAWA la its e-, Dit S ' te 1, i-ne oriaai aLi,,eii(j-anis werE 1 BRAND NEW 7'l cabletv,

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