Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drew, Oshawa, visited at the, Staple- ton homef. Thursday. Miss Lynn Simrr Terrace Bay, Otspent, a wNeek witb Miss Nancy Goodwin. Mis s Cathy Cover and Miss Karen Morris spent .a pleasani weekend in Woodv-ille. Dr. and Ms G. Edw-,in Mann en1tertainied several town couiples alttheir cottage, Buckhorrn Lake, last WVedaes- day. Mr. and Ms.Larry BowerC were gtiests aýt the wveddinçg last, Saturday of Mil'ss Judy, Sellers and M\r. Hans Fuihre ir Collîngw, ood. Mr. Johin Froats, McMaster University, Hamilton, has completed bis second year and is employed at Canadian Tire for, the, summer. Mrs. Charlotte Kater, Mr and Mrs. E. Rietmuller, Irene, Nancy and Perry-James spent a mhost enjoyable weekend in Niagar-a Falîs, Ont. Mr. and'Mrs. D. W. Ives of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren of Hampton spent the weekend in Barrie. and attended the Shrinetennial Ceremonial. The many friends of Mrs Fred Kramp (Freda) will bE pleased to learn that she ha returned home from hospita where she underwent surgery and is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. (Bill Bagneli, Scugog St., visiteè their daughter, son-in-law anî grandsons, Mr. and Mrs. R Robson, Duncan and Robert Oakville, on the weekend. Mr. Paul Raycraft, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ray. craft, Churcli Street bas coin pleted his first year at th( University of Waterloo and foi the summer is working at gas station on,401. Mrs. R. R. Nicholson return ed home on Sunday aftei spending several days in Belle ville with her daughter anc son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walt er McMillan and also at thi cottage in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs Norman Gil more, Lefroy and Mr and Mr Wesly Gilmore, Meaford vis ited with Mrs W. A. Edger oi Wednesday and attended tih funeral of the late Mr Lelani Edger of Peterborough. St. JohnAmbulance report Md at its Annual meeting beli In Toronto, June lth at Sut ton Place, that a record 49,10 people took Fîrst Aid, Homi Nursing and Child Care Cour ses in Ontario during 1971. Branch 178 of the Roya CanadJin Legion, Bowrn -vgie, recently, donated thre flagpoles and three flags wrhicl were cdedicated ia an impres sive ccemony to the Milliga Monument at Newtonville Four GCrners. Milss Nancy Goodwin, daugi ter of Mr. and Mrs. Perc Goodiwin, 8 Rehder Ave., isv home for the summer afte successfully completing secon year studies inPhysical Edu cation at Lakehead Universit3 Thunder Bay.f The Fly-In Breakfast wi' be held this Sunday whe over 1200 people wîll start ai riving from nine a.m. on1 300-400 planes. Also antiqu cars will be on display s0 should make a very interes ing day for those interested1 planes and cars. 1General Motors of Canad will begin its holiday' peri st. PauI's United Churcli Minister Rey, H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Orgau ist Mr. R. Metealf. A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 11:00 a.m. Public Worship Comne and bring your f amily Infant Care Provided Christian Reformed *FOUR ANCHC Rev. Gee Sacramier The Churcli School will A. social period wilI be hall ini order that men to say goodbye to Rev Andrea and Melanie, Bridge Street -Church 'Mrs. Nor man J. Scott, form-' erly of Bowmanville. Profes- sor Scott is a graduate o! ~.Çlnteres1 Guelph and Mîchigan Univer sities and head h imo Owen R. Scott and Associates, 23-3303 Lclndscape Gardeners, Guelph, _____ Rnosslnd Park Country Club Gracluate 1 In slightly more than a monn Osawaoicilyoeso th's time. The company wili Thursday, June 15. Desîgned f0o shuf down production andbe the latcst concept in subur- fabicain , pe ra ti n sonban living, the $500,000 struc- Jabricatng o i e m ioy s onture will eventually house 3,000 July lth o ts emphlodys and look a!ter their recrea-, may njoysumer hlidas. ional and social requirenients. Don't forget dear ol' Dad. One o! the newer features is lt'sbisdayon undy, unethe Rossland Park Equestrian l8th. Sce if he bas any paint- Centre where residents can ing, weedîng, trimming, dig- board or rent horses. The pub- ging, etc. that nceds doing lic is invifed to sce the latesf around bis home. You'd be in "subunbia living" on Thurs- surprised bow good you'll feel day, June l5tb. doing something for hlm forRmdmce h a-n change. Parade Thursday in Oshawa' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cock« but not the enthusiasum for! shott (nec Gladys Jamieson) meigrcn rvr ahe~" ,o! Winnipeg, Man., are gucsti Oliver, 'John Cordf s, Gary1 f hîs wcck o! bier sàister and Magwood, Marty Chenhaîl and brofher-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don Joyce who were on hand rA. D. Cameron, Oshawa. ThiE f, talk to racing bu!fs. Miss lU lir llIil Wcdnesday they are visiting GloriaAdroMsba- rsa Marjorie, Murph «y Tina Kozub, Mus. Bac, their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. att's Blue Can-Am, was aiso daughfcr o! Mr. aindMr. O Ma 29hatCnc- daugli FJamnieson. present. Mayor Ed McNeely John Murphy, Sf arkville, . ec-'t ion Hall, University o! Toron- Rude]l Saturday, June l7th is "Cèle- welcomed the partcipants at eivcd lber Bachelor o! Science: f0, Miss Tina Kozub received from bration" at the Royal Ontario city hall. Central. Colegiate dcgrec af the Sprinig Covc-brBceo !MscDgc Retai]i Museumi when an anniversary Marching Baud lead the par- tion at the University o! Wat- in Educafion. She is the cePted party will be held in a day ade with lively numbers. erloo. Marjorie is currcntly daughfen o! Mrs. Olga Kozub Counri long programme o! internat- The Ont ario Humane Soc- employed as a Microbiologist o! Newcastle and the late lonal music, song and dance. icty, will be conducting an with Polytechule Consulfing George Kozub and plans to fNearly ail countries will be Ontario County House and Analysts, Toronto. attend Hamilton Teachens' represented'and theý event wihi Garden Tour with ahl procceds Spleialitourske.aPÎm ncontinue froin 10 ani. to nine for the Society's work. Homes pecalst ouse ep.m. and gardens on the list include ~ .iaau t LI Barbara Crapper, daughfer Mr. and Mrs. Ciceve Homne, G a u t o! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Crap- Mr. and Mrs. G. H. bowndes, G a t per, receutiy flew f0 Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newman, G a u t ,e Alberta, witb bier sister Jane Sir Neil and Lady Ritchie, Lto spend the summer at Banff. Brig. and Mrs. J. G. Spragge, Babara will he working at Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Evans, Sunshlne Village while Jane Myrtie Museum, Mr. and Mrs. will continue bier nursing atCerf Robertson, Try f0 take fhe Minéral Springs Hospiftai, in this 28.1 mile tour on June d Banff. 24th. Sec ad for furthcr de- d Miss Wesvdi Stephen o! bon- tails. 1don, Ont., spent the weekend Fricnds o! Jini (Murrell) twith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward will be interested George Stephen, whcn thcy f0 lcarn that Jim, a former )f celebrated their 25th wedding Bowmanviile resident began -annivcrsary. Friday nighf his 26fh year as a barber in guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ste- Deep River recently. Owning le phen were Mr. and Mrs. baw- bis own sbop there, Jim.. .. ýr rence Sandy o! Tucson, Ani- iearned is trade in Oshawa a zona, formerly o! Bethany. and worked ln the barber shop Duîing the mvont h o! July, next fo Loturs Gardens i -students o! Secondary Scbool town Just before Harry Sutton ýr ag rmHladwi evsit- fook over. Before leaving for t~i ing Canada, and during the Deep River, Jin barbered in '.:i. d week o! July 12-18 will be lu Ajax. Mn. Woodward is mar- - tthis area. Anyone wishiug to, ried wif h two children, Deanna- e have a student fnom Holland and Ron, now marnicd, and " " billetted with thern for the bas two grandbilîdren. daugi - week should contact Durhami Rcceutiy Mn. and Mrs. Geo-1 Perey s Chistian High Sehool at rge Thrasher, Mn. and Mrs. Miss Dianvi TYoesi s- 623-5940. Bruce Berry, Mn. and Mns. Jini received bier Bacelro! Arts rceso degre inSecretaniai Science rcn )n Ont ario Couuty, wbose 14.9 Fair, Mn. and Mns. Dick Pern dcgresdin Ma 3, 192 t Sharovi Darlene Graham Quen .e per cent population increase fect and Mn. and Mrs. Gary onhedUniesay of Western a daughfcr o! Mn. and Mrs. Honor d was lth biglhesf in the prov- Conway all hoarded a begion Oteriv f ! etr Harold Grahami, Courtice, ree i ince, durng the lasf five years charter flvghf f0 England and Ongaro.Unive ue2d r h - led the eîghf counties that nturned home via fthe chater She is thedaughter o!Mrniraua oWeteJ ernd ar ioh Id stand between Kingston and ast week alter a three-to-four and Mrs. Arnold Taylor of i siaty ho! Western nei - Toronto in gnowth rate. In this weeksý' holiday abroad. Affen Bhackstock. Nexf year she with abachursong.o!iscience 7 gnoup -Peterborough was third their arrivai ovenscas,Mr and Plans f0 attend Aîthouse Col- ham is a former student o! e af 7.1 per cent and Durham Mrs. Thrashcn boiidayed, in lege o! Education, bondon, Courtice Secondary School,' 1founfh at 646. These figures Englan d and Greece, Mn. and Ontario. __ and bas accepfed a position were relcased by Census 71. Mns. Fairnila England and with the Victonian Order o! il M. Wndei Pime, Nag-Wales and aiso lu Beliuni and Mrs. Hayxvard MacDonald, Nurses at Windsor. al ar Fais, oalerNiaug- Holanld, Mn. and Mns. Perfect Michael David, son' o! Mn. and __________ ~e dy, Jne radutedvisitcd relatives ia Enghand Mrs. Rodney Stork; Canolynu ersty, o! 8th froin the Uni- and Scotlaud; Mn. and Mns. Joannie, Walfer Douglas Junior Toonowi baBerry holidayed.-in the Eitsban Kthnie arnebide ýs Masters Degnee iu Educafion. Isies; and Mn. and Ms Con-! Mn.'lf and Mrs. W. Douglas r u '5 prssiverceremony andtifs way, were in England, Scot- Alîman; Trevon Dale, son o! conclsion erMn and salm- s land, Germnany and Holanid. Mn. and Mns. W. Dale Condie; concusin Mr an Mrs Pam-1Wanda Elizabeth, daugbtcn o! h- en and childnen speuf thel St. Pauul'Unifed Chirh Mn. and Mns. Russell Hutchin- y weekend with bier parentWmn ntSeesosndson. if n.audMr. Tm lurer, bnho sSre"part y Dr. Ross Tilley, Wellesley er Wellington Street. oôn Tuesday, May 3th in St. Hospital, Toronto, formerly o! d 'Mn. and Mrs. Roy Boudreau, Paufl's Churcbe Hall, corner O! Bowmanville, was thbe honor- 1 Dwnaand Gregory, New- SivnadCuc t e d guest at a gathcrng o! "the ,y market, ennoute home from an Mr. .Tws ws binay Guinea Pig Club" at the Sky- enjoyablè holiday af Myrfie o! thbe lunicheon and was as- hune Hotel, Toronto, ast Fr1- il Beach, South Canolina, wenc sisfed by. memtbers o! the coni- day. The members o! the club an weekeud guests o! ber parents, mitfee, Mis. b. Weîsh, Mrs. F. are 50 Aiiied aimn who were ýr Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smiiitb. Mn. Blackb1,urui, Mns. K. Sbackle- badly wouudcd ln Worid War iu and Mns. Bob HRursti, Nelson fou, iMms, Gerald Shackleton II and. were freat cd for their ue aýd Launa, Miss Annett e Boun- aud Mrs. Joan Hoskin. Mns. injuries at Engiand's Qucen it geois, Ottawa, Mn. Ron Tay- Alice Hoshin was lu chargeO! Victoria Hosp., E. Grînstead. t- on. Oshawa: bisa and Rami the menu and programme. The original "Club" hoids a re- in Smth were Sunday guests. The TParty w.s a !und rais- union each year ln England. Ms.Gerg Sape-iug pnoj ecf lu support o! With 640 members, o! which C. da ton speut the weckend o! June cubwokadMsTwist1170 wene Canadians, 50 decid- >d3r i Kngto ad ttnddreports at success!uI luncheonlcd f0 form a Canadian wing to o -d codnocat sion and Qu en ni-with a suni o! $16500 raîsed the ,club. Wiug Commander Mrt covctitowhn thQeinsni- froni sale o! tickets. Mms. Alice'TieaogwibtelfeS Mn. ty Har tewatrceived wHoskîn was the hostess for thei.Acibaid McIndoe, acfsew oe bis Bach ew !artsdreedevent. standards in, operafing on theý rci IMn. O. J. Hiendlerson, Toonto Te Fedenatin, o! Women's badly wounded mcn. The Can- ý.. -. ,ier vîst cd at Mn. George Staple' echr Association beýId a adians came unden the cane o! -ro toui's Tucsday. W ithere he beadlenship Training Session lu Dr. Tiiiey:and under bis dinec- Sandra Sobil May showed pictures o! bis, receutiToironto on Friday June 2 and tion, eyelids 'were re-built, iclei tn f Mnoco f UitTw il day Safurday June 3rd. 250 jaws and noses manufactured: Sobil eR.ofr. n . Peteowanvihle ti o! St Puhs CWo. t ni womlen teaichers froini ail over bauds re-made by plastic sur- Sbl .R ,Bwavle of S. Pal's CW.Ontanlo attended the meeting gery and lin many cases per- graduated froni Victoria Col- Congratula ti ons f0 Mn. Rob- iltite delegates -taking Part sonaities ýresfored. Dr. Tilley hege. University o! Toronto, ou erf Symo-ns wvho graduafed on in vProu-goi-p sessions on is the son o!: Dr. Tîey, a June 1sf, 1972, receiving bier Friday,, May 26fh froinithe mme atcpfnwrn eia rciinnadsr Bachelor o! Arts degree. San- University o! Waterloo witb wîth schooî bociadpogmamrnme eon formany oeurs ind Bow- dra is a graduate o! Courtice Mn at Bachelon o! Mathematie s planning and budgettiug, com- manville. The f amiy resided ScnaySho.Nx erMs degree. Robent ii the son, of munications and bargaining lu thehome uow occupied b she plans f0 attend Toronto Sund M. and Mrs. Paul Symons o!foe uc ne h ea madMsFruo uc Teachers' Colege. ago, -USf. Catharines. He speuf last sbip o! Miss Isabel Ward Pro- Street.-Pn bweckend in Bowmanvi]e vîsît- vincial President discussed ___________Mr iug bis gradmother, Mrs. A. questions that had been sub- pspent W. Hardinrg. Robent is ut pres- mitted to the Conference Mrs Ln n l FT f e cnt employed by the Stelco Jane Bryant o! the staff o! . ltrledast1 Company o! Hamilton. Vincent Massey Public Scbool L ICh; The weckend was a busy Bowmanville anmd Miss KabiDSCiuu~ 2 -3 3Mnh onefo mmbrs !BusRoalheuMoto o Catwigt en 00) amni. Douüglas ayne,1sn o!fMn. 2-00 ýp.m. te 6:00 p.m. Kten avnd Mrs. Terny Baker; Byron ýen IRS 0F RELIGION" Beverley, son o! Mn. and Mrs. TICKETS (wthng,$25 mr rge K. Ward Beverly Ehis: bisa Aun, daugb-(mhnap - - -- $,0 wîti fer o! Mn, sud Mrs. Bruce clude it of Baptism Huick; Erin Leslie, daughf cm Obtainable ai Mns o! Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Hamîl- Mc, J tiot meet until September. ton; Dean Willard aud Jeffrey HUMANE SHELTEIL Hope held in the Sunday School CnlJms on !M.adiThîckson Rd, North Whitby o ol Mrs. Willand M. Johuson:, Todd of nbers have an opportunity Norma James, son o! Mr. and o day y Mme. Douglas McCoy, Hailey -o Mrs. v. and Mrs. Geo. K. Ward, Anne, daugliter o! Mn. and Mr prior to their departure te Mrs. Patrick Murphy: Car1 on day of Tour at Brougham Park, ald, in Belleville. bucilie. dauehtcr of Mi- and onHy. 7 - 12 mile east ef Brock Rd. qe Mrs. Arhur R.ower: Janef Mn. b,ýauneen, daughf cm o! Mr,'und 1.M. Graduate Patricia Rudeli fter o! Dr. and -Mrs. Wr 0, receutly gmaduaf c Chamberlain School« Jing, Boston, and bas an id a position wifb Fashioi cil, Toronto. Graduate' Judith Anne Crappes htem o! Mn. and Mns. y R. Crappen o! 52 Con- ,n Sf. West, Bowmanvihle, f ly gmaduaf cd from cn's University with an nrs Bachelon o! Arts deg- n Eaglish and Socîohogy. Graduate flerek Martin, B.Sc. o! Mn. and Mns. Milton -ta o! Napance, Ont., anc în-huw o! Mr. and Mrs. erf CRIh o! Bowmanvhhc, .vcd bis Bacheho'r o! Laws ce and a pnize la Taxation nQuecn's Universit y on 27, 1972. He plans f0 art- wifh a law :finm in Cal- NEWTON VILLE ;Wallace Boughen were iay dianer guesfs. a weck ,with Mrs. A. Bougbea. ,Hope. rs. Ken Ware o! Toronto t a !ew days here wifh mother, Mrs. bea Ovens, week. marlene Hall wus hostesa îe 4-H Club Pony Club on day eveaîug. !ogmafulafions to Gary pleton who graduated froni r ist College, Belleville, on urday, June 9 and is uow loyed ut fthe Wentworth issment Office in Humul- ns. Mary Wade and Mrs. Valkey were among those ,nding the >at atno' bmeeting la Bowmau- eTuesduy eveaing. îelhey Brown uaderwent appieadectomy iu Memorial 5if ah, Bowmunville, Thuns- nrs. H.' Tnini ttended a ah sbower for Miss Muni- Trîni ut the home o! Mn. Mrs. Bihl Tnin, Oshawa, vday evening. r. and Mrs. John Cunlaw Warkworth were Friday îiug visitons witb Mrs. iJoncs. nrs. F. Robb is vîsiting Mr, [Mrs. Art Bonaett and ily ut Mississauga. nrs. S. Lancaster, Mme. C. row, Mrs. K. Flet cher, 5Iva Farrow and Rev, T. lgmove were umoug those advug the guthering la dal Cburcb, Friday ýeven- sponsoned by thein U.C.W. iday affemnoon guests hMme. Melville Joncs iu- ced Mme, George O'Neill, sArt hur Crowhurst and , Bruce Leut y o! Pont 4r, and Mme. A. E. Wîley Niagara Falls wene Safun- rvisitons with Mn. und 5F. Gilmen. I.and Mme., Pat MaDon- o! Lindsay .weme dinuer sta, Sut urday nîght, with and Mme. D. Vînkie, r. and MrB.- Moi-ton Ien- Jtms~0 Phone 6. Mrs. M. Jackson o! Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowley, MRS. S. TYLER Rexdal e; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fooigaulnss!to Chapehi, Mn. and Mrs. Ron olwnaninesft Chapeil, Ratby and boni years, theý deafh o! Mns. S. Anne, Mr. and Mns. Duve Tyler, uged 77 ycars, occur- Chael. llfroîn Mount Den- mcd ut Mannwood Nursing ChapeM. a Ms.Nr Home, Bowmanvihle,. on Fnl- Beattie and Bonnie. West Hill; day, May 5fh, 1972. Mn. and Mrs. F. Woollcy, Daugbten o! the late Mn. Barbara, Norma and Brenda and Mrs. William Hockia, the o! West Rouge;, Mn. and Mrs. former Evelyn Mary Hochin Norman Reeves, Donna a tc adsoo at beskadand and friead, Brenda, Bruce adund Grhoe. Sheswas re-nd Dense f Rsebnk nd r.Maple rvSewsp- Dnise o! Rosebackod n. dcceased by bier husbaad, Mn. aad ns.Ray ackon, Seward Tyler,, several yeans Gi!ts and curds wene ne- ugo. ceived and a bappy finie en- - The deceased had resided invprl 1-,vail. nerahine formerci Mn. and Mrs. Wallace *Boughen atfended service 4 Cobourg Prcsbyterîan Church, sunday morning, whene the Odd Fellows paraded. Mn. and Mns. S. Lancaster wifb Mn. and Mns. Jack Cbaml and girls, visited the Black Cneek Amea, Sunday aff ev- Mn. and Mns. F. Glmen visifed Mn. 1-jury Holdaway and Mn. Mac Imwin lu Port Hope Hospiful, Sunday even- iug, dnoppiug in f0 caîl on Mrs. Irwin, enrouf c home. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Earle o! Ida, were aiso theme, having been supper guesta. A succesaful Cumporce wus held ut Emiy Provincial Park hast weekcud with 21 Cuba and five Leaders lu attend- an ce. Ail boys passed their Woodsman Badge and 12 comi plef d thein Firt Ad Badge i l spîte o! the cbiliy weafher. basf meeting befone the suni- mer recess wilh be this Tues- day evening. Scouts, will be baviag their last meeting on Tbursday evening, endiag wifh a Cook-Out and Badge Pres- entation. Scouts bave a five days summen camp to look for- 'wand f0, lu August. dMay we express upprecia- flou f0 Leader Phil Huymaa and the boys, for the addition o! flowen-beds ut the Ceno- " taph, and thein work lu trini- nming, etc., addiug much f0 n the geucrul appeaance. I e4 *e Wecarry compte t-'Une, of chemicâ1s IA equipment. *AuthorizedJauzan General PoolAcesrs POOLS 5 Bernard' St. 623;-3058 Bowmanville SUMMER SCHOOL, at the OShlawa Business College Summer Training for Business and Personal use, Get head start on your business career! Be more emaployable for future' summer employment! Acquire useful, personal skiils! For The University Student Starting Jane 5 for 10 Weeks * Forkner shontband and Typing Course, " Typing' - Accounfîng- Business, Machines' " Comprebensive Ty piag Course For Studelù ne.f Grades 6-7-S Startiug July 5 for 8 Weeks *Basic Typiag and Bookkcepîng Course *Personal Typcwrifing Course FREE Literatureavailabie upon request. Get ail the fuets - then ACT. Enrol- ment is limited. DIAL 728-0052 MALCOLM C. B ARNETT, ýPrincipal 18 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Student Starting July 5 for 8 Weeks *Persoual -Sborfbuudii-I Typling Course. * Typivig,-Bokepu Business Machines *Personul Typewrifing Course Coniplete Business< Courses * Accelerted Secretaàril Course * Junior Secretanial Course *Business Admînistrafiog' Course *Stenognuphie Cnurse *Accounfiag Course *Clek-Typist Courseý Individual Instruction in ail major skill subi ects. Job placement service for graduates o! compicte DoUrses. WAe ,TCH FOR T.HESE ADS -THEY'LL SAVE YOU MONEY, Johso~sBAND-AID Wampole- ~ BABY DIL PLASTICSTRIPSAG LX ~~ Famîi>y Sizo 6D 9 OZ. %ftW SUGGA IST 149 UGLS19SG.ST.9 NEET Co-a ~ "ODD SPRAY 45414REM 543f Asrosol SUN GLASSESRZR iniA% edgmn. iCOs i,ï n %NE ERE UY TUE RIGHTTO LIMITO.UAN4TITIES REMEMBER DAD ON SUNDAY,,JUNE 18th WiTH A -AJHER'S DAY CARD AND AN APPROPRtIATE GIFT!I I.À D.A. REEDIES - HOSPITAL SUPPLIES G RD u s 5K1 N G -ST, V ,'ALEX M,-GREGO3D-9-9 derson and family of. Morrisli The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanivvile, June 14, 1972 7 Swere visitors -with Mr, and ,Mrs. T. Henderson anid f arn- a 2Cril v. o 'ýVih M. -nd -, en Graduat the iast svnyâs With Mr and Ms. R ~there from Maple G'" e- he Fletcher, weekend visitors in- late Mrs, Tyler 'vas A ous'-1ý cluded Mr. and Mrs. David wife.and, a membero!Map Fletcher o! Morrice, Michiga n,Grv UitdCuch Sh an)d Mr. Don Fletcher, of a loammbro ai l Nova Scotia. Grove United Cuc o Gary and Davy Frost of men, and o! the SenrjùC(itiz Oshawa, stayed with their ens Club. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ms ye ssrîe y L. DeSmit, a few days, earlyMr.JHop(eni), rs this week, while their mother, rE . oley (Ellen,poe \,,JckS- Mrs. L., Frost was in Oshawa nKeHokMr..Kll Hospital, having dental work (ooh)adMs .Mr done. jerron (P)ail nsRiece ian Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen of nephes.(a) alnc Peterborough and Mr. andTh fura sevc wa Mrs. G. Roberts and famrily hefrmteoriFuneral of Oshawa, were Su-nday Whel, Brom anvhelM onri Mn-ý vi i or it r . g es B r day, M ay th, and w a;s c oný- Iey.ducted by Rev. L. IM. Someýr- "A Centra o!f eviue ville. Interment was inBo- was the theme o!for in- manville Cemetery. ijsteér's Sunday Imorninis-Mn lvl foa tiue atc (ourse, tr ucsin te im p.ý.ort-attested to the estee m mt anceof atrucinteprettionwhich the deceased was eld ofn te ean ingm 011f G os lw s a on g which were those frni an eapi in or w Maple Grove United Churtchi, aniv es. T e h ir s n " ru tand Trin ty TUnitd C hurnch fl. he bsketU.C.W. rn h akto! beautiful Plbaes wr ess cd flowers on the piano were in TRennetli W. Blewett Kbe Ke, BbMaýftsn Ofmemory of the late Mrs. R. C. son of Mr, and Mrs, E. BlewettKeAle AponichkJa Rse ý-White whose funeral toiik R R. ,p rno rc ,vd alDon Foey an G. Va n place, last Wednesday, Ifl Bachelor o! Science with hon- Leeuwen. Oshawa. Many !rom this ors degrec, geological science, ______________ charge called atte fi romn Brock University. How- Rn a o strong Funeral Home, prior ever, Mr. Blewett did not rec- Rn a-fa to the andviextop es ym.elëve t 1he degreeat the Univer- A DAY OR. WEEKEND path to ev. hiteand sity campus, but at the first Ask for Ee.. pathly t c ht Canadian convocation held COUNTY fmy.north o! the Arctic Circle. He CRSIRDDý Congratulations to Mr. and and two other students rcceiv- CH SLR OD T. Mrs. John Beattie o! Crooked cd their degrees from Michael 693-2586 Creek, clebrating their,31sf Moore, pro-chancellor of wcdding anniversary -on Sune- Brock University at the special day, June 11. This was in the ceremony in the unusual se t- A ED nature of a family reunion'at ting May 30th. Mr. Blewett isAR 5 theîr home in which they a ;member of EOS (Easy Ocean s WIMMING 11 were assisted by their two Ship-Routing), a research ýand .OL daughters, Joan, wîth Allan dvlpetgop Quantrill of Orono, and Aln, e, ________________ with Neil Vanderstoop of Brown's 1 flDT'TTT fl I d JP; 1