FLASBAC 25Years Ago - The Bowmà-nvillè -RoerCre sentth wekenr.1camPýing at Seagý,rave. la chrge7wre Rover Leader Piekard, Rover mate John Broo0ks-, RvrSeconider Jack Munday1, and Rover Scouts Bil! Fra:ser, Glenn Brooks and Lloyd Wýinnacott, Carl Boè, former A.S.M. of Sècond Troop along i t ree Loue Scouts of Seagrave. A good ime as1potedbyail. FLASHACK -10 Years Ago The Mn Sofbaî Aeraeswith 10,or m-ore liesat bat stod t the- following: T.,Dadt'3n .533,B.sbre .500, L, Hamilton .500, A. Wiseman .46i7, E.' Bro1., T Pearson .389, H:. Snowvden .389 ,> G. Dudley .385, D. Girardi .38t, D. Bagnli .3_75, B. MacDonal6, G. Jones 333, E. Nelson .:352, T. airy .33,F. Cowle .316, C. Kilpatrick .304, U>. Es300 rORNO EE UES-have opened their series in fîn sylewib ictueries alked up in their first otwe gao, deeated ,Necastlè 6-2 and Frankferd X.- K.Hwc nd R. Brandt were th1e winning :pitcheý r(1udruins were breught ia by J.. Johasten, -'R. Clatdop,)ji A. Farrow, D. Allan, G. Hickey, J. Juýliekei r ad D. 'H ancock. NEWMSEATAithougli the season is for boat- > ig, eoyea'surethane foam plant nt Owen ~ ~ondOntalois already testiug à new type of setfor the next.snowmobiliitg season. Inidelien- dent testing has shown that, up te now, snow- moil eats, have been unable te absorb coin- peey the shock of severe bumps ýand jumps. Goderexpeets te overcome this by controlling thedesy of the foam used in the seatings. LUTCRY 0ONARIO ANGLERS -will ho taking homre $, wortb of prizes ranging from $100 te $10 if te~ i~cwinners in the l4tb annual Bicý Fish Contest run b ,y tbe Ontario Federation of Anglers and H-uniters and sponsered by Molson's Brewery of Ontario. in addition te bbc cash, every angler wbo enters a fish meeting the minimum weigbt require- mnits fri the species qualifies for the Master Ang- Ier:'s badge. Entry forms are available throughout Ïtle provne but you can aise obtain tbem by writ- ing: The Big Fisb Contest, Box 480, Richmond Hill, ontarie. t t t t NEW KI,ýN» 0OF SNOWMOBILE - Togetberness lias cerne ten sn-owmobiles.. Bombardier Ltd., wbich 13 years ageý unleashed ts Ski-Doo on an unsuspecting public, bas introduced a new machine whicb seats two people side-by-side. Priced at about $2,200, bbe Buite will -be produced this winter in limited quan- tity for test marketing, according te Jean-Louis Fon- taine, vice-president of Bombardier's Ski-Doo dlvi- sien. Bombardier is studying a camper-trailer mount- ed on skis and capable of being towed by tbe Elite for winter camping. 1 t t t tt MOTORCYCLE SAFETY CARA VAN - will tour Ontario cities this eummer and will «be in Oshawa June llth-14th, Information regarding exact limes and location may be obtained by contacting Don Forrester, Pioject Director,, Ontario Safety League Offices, 405 King Street, W., Toronto. t t t t t DARLINGTON PROVINCIAL PARK - offers new Iaundry facilities and additional flush toilet wasb.- roomÉ in two areas of bbc 400 site camping area. Fresh drinking water, fireplaces and firewood are ai1se among the facilities supplied fer a holiday ol lun in tbe sun. t t t t t WOLF CONTROVERSY - stili continuing. The controversy over wolves and deer continues un- abated, with what can only be called cornpletely contradictory evidence concerning wolf kili's of deer beîng presented by the two sides to the dispute. In the. Algoma district of northern Ontario, boîli wolves and dogs were re .sponsible for killing deer last monîli and members of the Day and Briglit municipal counicil decided to protest a decision te withdraW the $25 provincial wolf bounty. "Those whose blood curdies at the thougiht, of a woIf being killed should corne and srce the pitiful sight of a deer flounder around af ter being attacked and partly eaten by a wolf," one c'ouncillor stated. "Hundreds of people sign- _d petitions in southern Ontario without having a tae Of knowledge about wolves."1 Near Iron B3ridge, Morris Rutledge is raising a yearling doe in bis basement after finding lier lying under a parked truck too wveak, b move. She had been attacked and lier hind quarters mutilated. At last report theýYo11ng,9doe '%as welI on lier way to recovery andf seemed to trust Mi. Rutledge SPECIAL $600 Gam'e $150 Top Line $150 Bottom Line $300 Full- Card B ig $1000 Game Top Line $100 2nd.'Line $100 ,rd Line$100 4th Line $100 Sîli Line $100 FuIli Card $500 3 SPECIAL GAMES AT $150.01 EACII 20BGREG'ULAR GAMES AT $50.00 EACH THIREE BIG CAR GAMES - Ail played obn eoe card (tlirce for the-price ef one) No i-1972 PINTO 2-DOMPR SEDAN or-$U,000.00 'o,' 1972 Maveriek 2 Door Sedanp or $1,500.00 N,3- 1972 Tnn 2Derardtop or $1,500.00 Four BRigEarly Bird "Shaýre the Wealth" Games star aI :301~.f'. USES AT TfUE DOOR Denis Hulme YVins mgain Wýýýhen IDonohue S The McLaren team came threugh again at M.,osport on Sunday when Denisj Hulme repeated his last year's win whien the vaunted Penske Porsche driven by Mark Donohue had to visit thje pits for repairs. Above, thie cars go into the -first turn,:shortly after the start of the race, with Doniohue iii first spot, Revson in second and Hulme third. Lower photo, shows the fiish of the exciting Bullova sedan race, with the official starter waving the winning flag in the new "ffthe track"'starter's stand. Huilme'Lucks In',Slips bY Donohue and Re-_ffvson for First Denis Hun-e won bbce îap for ropairs losiag 55.5 sec- Mosport lap record cf 117.72 Labatt's BlueCo-r Sunday, onds, which ho was quick to mph, and leading untîl the last but the'consensus ef ail even start rocovoring once his car two laps where his englue put- Hulme himself, soems te ho was whole again, but not quite tered bo a .dead stop. that be sboufld net have. quick enough for bbe end of That was where Hulme, pven "I tink 1 lucked iu", ho the race., Ilanay case, he took te his own surprise, took over said after the race, intimating second place and proved net aud finished the race, noue tee the obvious; that bis win waslouly that a turbo-charger canismon, as ho was rapidly losing due te the surprise losses et ýwork well on a race car, but ground te Donohue's roi uvon- Mark Donohue aud Peter ,that lb works se weli that bbc atod Porsche. Revson, McLaren Team admit bhey Mult Minter book fourth aud Douehue, who rcopeat"edly wil have te ceme Up wîtb Peter Gregg fifth, both in proed that bis turbo-charged something new to keep a fight- Porsche 917's. Porsche 917-10 was by far the ing chance in the remainder Gord Dewar was tbb onlý fastest car on the track, lest of the Can-Ani series. Canadian te ,finish the race, because be was Jus± past the, Despito obvieus outclassing eut of four starting. Ho dreve pits, When problemns develop- by the Porsche, Peter Revsenievenly through bbc afterneon led wîth fbbcturbo-charger. Ho proved bbe McLaren stili aland finished a respectable bad te crawl back nearly alvery fast car, scttiug a newleighth.__ Los e SnnI rdpç 2à iyou bion rI Darlington Soccer League Senior GaMes On ýMonday nigbt Courtice June 7- On Wednesday plaIy Si Salemi with the win- night Salem piayed in Court- ner of that gamne playing ini !ce, arnd came home with a Hampton, against Hampton on four to nothing wrn, Don Wednesday night. Also on Trewin started Salem off on Wednesday night Solina play the right track with a goal against Tyrone in. Tyrone. only seconds atter the kick- The final game will be on off.,In the second half Dave Saturday June 24th with thé Shackelton started Salem off WiflOOi5 of the two groups an another quick start wîth play ng e ff Paul Shmyr and Simon Bruns- - ma. picking np th e final insur- fIIU ance goals. Larry Welsh col- V I chuokers that followed, Tedi lected his first shutout olfte LVOWA LES Car F i Ir Shàw, Rick McGary and Dave'!year. HEATING SPECIALIST IL~li~I~J Waite, werec clppel for Iaponow-în oî- IOI~~re mianvîJle's remainig dozeniInIamtn iingSla 1Qe trt rusand 13 hits. Shaw d-came eut on top with a twol Bowmanvllle ~ prte atergetin th fialte one win to preserve an p1two oute tho thendl-eight-game no lost record., PHONE 623-7591 kîing the bases on three strýaigl-it Dn etlake and John Werry 24 HOUR SERVICE frec ses n thtop thescored f or Solina.j Don Rog- pas e O ors replied for Hampton. 01,Gs&Eeri rnc Saturday, June 10--After a &z Air Condition Installa- The Electrons led 6-0 wheniscorciess first half betwoen tions - Central & Window Oshawa's third pitcher; Rick Salemi and Tyrone, Paul Units - Clare Hecla & McGary peered down the bar- Shmyr put Slm it h Findley Equipment rel of the Bowmanville attack. lead on a goal midway through Free Estimates He- was cuffed for soven the second half. With onlv Budgeýt Terms Available more taillîes and five safetios minutes left in the half Gord _______ (13-O) before 'Waito got the Lowrey put in a ,oal te gtve U'. final eut of a long and ad- Tyrone the ene-all tic. venturesome Electron fourth Courtice dropped their sec- frame. During his five suc- ond straight, four to zero ceeding innings, Waite, the game in a row with Don pick of the four L.egionaire Rog-ers and John Payne each' moundsmen, gave up threc picking up two goals and Dave runs on eight hits. Akey lest Taylor the shut-out. bis bid for shutout number June 12 John Hamilton two of 1972 whcn Oshawa made good on a shot midway > .~ .-.:struck for their only run in through tbe first half te score theosixth inning. Ccntrefield- the only goal in a close game e r Tony Joncs' tye-eut singie with Salem. Dave Johnson x'~ cm scorcd Bill Brady who was1scored the Tyrone shutout. 3~J safe on a f.ieldor's choice playj Junior Games, 'l4 and advanced on Oshawa's Tucsdav, JuJne 6-Tyrone ...... ffhbit of' the game by juniors pulled soxncwha:t of ITIN<l KNIYD Chuck Thompsen. The "Han k" an upset as they dcfeatcd the IF4M E PtTK aln only a nirth inning Solina squad 3 te 1. Rory double by Waite, over the last Gibbs picked up the hat-tric r tbroc frames. for Tvrone and Bruce Snow- den picked up the lone Solina Around Thse Bases gol The Electrons, batting .303 Thursdaî, June 8-Courtice _as n team, aftcr six games, dropped Hampton on their were led in their landslide home field 2-O. Scorers werc soaîe edd edastriumph by Lco Kelly. His net reported.SAEL gîda,ë nd Kendal umingRfor 6 cvening drove in thrcee Junior Standings hl .9-1. in re ave bee,-npng ..'s) and "Butch" Bagneli Ceurtice ---- 4 2 2 2 6 Service wîsfrand acouplef Tyrone------4 r surprises in this season' ribbies worc noxt in lino. Rav Solina --4-O-O------80 0ING3E3 ygoings, with most Ï .mes Crombie, Deug Crough an 1d Hampton ----4 i i 2 310KIGE fhhting sluggin, Thilo Don McMurter aIl collected Boginning on Menday, Joncl BOWMANVILLE oons rang_ up 15 bi'ts o ýn two bits. Both "Butch" anîd i9th the Darlington Soccer1 urd , gig thbc 35 in Don shook froc of slumýps iii League will bo holding thcîr PHONE 623-5662 pasttw gaesth Electrons' surprisingly fourth annual Carling CupDo MLa la DoPai rombie, whio was 4 for P asy,, win. btouinmnt in a weçklongi )inst Kendal, wont 6 for 9 round robin burnamient. I_______________ hoý two msëtches. Don Mc-- rter had threc safeties on turday and was 5 fnr 10 p u OATN H r the weekcnd, ijacking his M K o gnrin LNTOATNZU rage up te .333 frein.263T . CENTEN1NITAL ÉDITION 'cars te ho getting untrack- at the plate, as doos Ricb D Je. Rich made bis first D v lp en of bbe year a beauty, a veo m n se run blovv in Satura' î st inig.Hc contines t Darcy McKeoughl will en- IîG H LA N D1A E prs ihslick glove work, large on the role te ho playedELI PAK-U B ' ler frein second or short. by Port Hope and Cobourg, inEL NPA K-U B DG ho Locke TV bunch jour-th devolopment plans hoe re- yte PortHoeti Satur- vealed Jonc 1,a beka yfran 8 pin. tilt. The meeting". with leaders of vays tough Flyers roturn on those mtinicipalities, tomer- *B N IIGC MEIIN nday for a 2 p.mý clash at row rnorning.BA D&P IN O PE TO S 'or Creek. Alex Carruthers, MPP for * SPORTS CONTESTS , ____________ 'Durham, announced the early* DANCING CHAMPIONSHIPS morning meeting in Port Hope,*MAS» ANS -EC 3aIon Resu Its Il -iallta the may- Beginning at 2:30 Even 1ing Entertainilient n SaturdayPoJtneo3rdatdesobouud ngi Stwsrler reuned î thes b-ndth reeves of- Hamilton Admission $1,50 per person (under 12 Free) oigtlrs ein a competh and Hope Towniship will ho nor fr a<h orth vnric rn resent at the meeting. I ______ tennial Centre in Wîllowdale, Katisy Blake, 13-14 yrs. Ad- vauced Class, won 4tis place lur The Miss North Yerk'Opea Junior Cisampiousbip sud a 2nd lu Advanced T Strut plus a 4tb iu ber Advanced Miii- tary. This was Katby's last cempotition as a Junior, sheý bas now moved up te tise Senior Division, We wisb ber geod luck and goed fortune in ber uew division. Sharen Farrow, 9-10 yrs. Advanced Class, wen 2nd place bu The Miss North York Open Juveuile Cbampiousbip aud a 3rd lu Advanced T Strut plus a 4bh bu ber Advanced Sole. Cassie Wilson, 9-10 yrs. Ad- vanced Class, won Stb -place la Tise Miss Nortb York Open Juvenile Cbampionsbip sud a t bi lu er Advanced T. Strut. Heather Mclunes, 13-14 yrs. Novice Class, won 2nd lu Novice Sole sud Stis in Novice Basic Strut. Mary Louise Reddick, 11-12 yrs. Class, wvon 3rd place bu ber Nevice-,Milibary. Cindy Robinson, 9-10 yrs. ciass, won 2ud place lu ber Novice Basic - Strut. Pain Cattran, 9-10 yrs. Nov- ice Class, wen 4bb place bu her Novice Basic - Strut. Diaune Brownell, 7-8 yrs. eNovice Ciass, won 3rd place in ber Novice Solo.' The Joliy-ettes, Sharen Farrow, Cassie Wilson, Kelly Goiîld sud Pain Cattran,we 2nd place la bbe Juvenibe, Novice Teain Division. Locke's WaIIop /- 1I n mm MW NIW Mme% aI1\~" I~5- by Ji-m Clarke ced much Îireved hl all vor Leadiug 7-2 in bbc botti Kendal Eagles turued the tise îast seven iramîes, efbbcetisird, bbc Elrecto notion sour as bisey claimed 'à Tise Electrous cellected -isted anc rtir edge. Wtity 12-9 decision at Soper Creek bits, but ouly bwe more runs, tise sacks packoýd, Carleton, got by Jim Clarke Parklast Saburday afterneon.bt comîug bu tise sîxtb in- the- TV eluib's top ,,,,a1ter, Tise Locke TV Electrons lb was tise third win a row for rng, atter traîliug 12-7. They Leo Kelly (8)u rîks. warded off bise frigid nîght' tise "Rolling HuIs" crewd sud faîled te cashlu on bases flI Keuda,1ýi e back witb five- air of Kinsmen Sbadliumn last tscn d tie (Bowmav itutinsiete -rd a run volleys ili bbc foutb sud Friday eveniug as bisey crusis- stunfiftbthe__________ ____ - tiste climax a sensabionai cd bise Oshawa Legeniaîre crew. comeback. Wray Reudoîl re- Seniors 18-1, with a sizzliug B3owmnanvilie, fresh frei o . n ~lîeved Homes bu tise fittis offensive performance. ter18-1 ceuquest of Osha- ý1 ~atter 'Baruey" walked1 tise In was Bewmanville's first wa, ou Friday night, charged fîrsb two batters. Iu tour meeting this seasea against bu front 7-O, after only t complote înuings, Helmes was tise Mebor City Buncis, sud inig nSbra.Rich Fatýher S b oucbed fer ubue runs aud six bbey assaulted tour burlers Litble's tbroe-î-uu, feuir-bag- Day bits. Rendeil got taggcd for duriug tiseir 20-bit extrava- ger was tise Electrous' miajor C tbiree runs sud bwo bhits ho- gauza. Tise victory was biow, as they led 4-0 atter euejn c ai fore ho extinguished Kendal's Locke'$ tird bu six contesta îuuiug. Ray Orpninie banged r'fîisthrame tirewerks. Over I-as Gary "Hawk" Akey labtcb- Keudal hurler Terry Canecton 5 9L bis te last four îunings Reudeil cd ente bis biird triumph fer' a tWO--ruu double iun bc A'/O ý[ aIowed ne runs en iust twe agaiust ne dofeats. ,Tise TV second, as tise Eletreus an..ibits (eue a bunt single) tomn- crowd's soutbpaw turued bu poared bouit on demeilîiug' n u îng in an impressive chere. a, seven-hît, eigbt-strikeoub tise visiters. NÇoOs, uReels Tise Electrons were unable piece et meuud work, despite SThe Eagies, whebo uco'te copy Keudal's comeback bise boue-cbilliug weather. Tise back previeusiy tiî;sYcar fIrein n T c hereics sud suffered their temperature cbatbered in tise a n 8-3 deticit t ii1'-8, hoý- aà cck fourtis defeat bu seven cou- îow 40's with a pesky wîud gn tiseir uphill dlmin ý hbc 4 tests. durîng tise leugbby attair, thr.Tiey reached Bew-ýI1 Around Tise Bases Tise Electreus disposed et mauville's yeung rigbt-bandcr Keudal's rigist tielder, John Osbawa's Gary Carroll after, "ýBarney" Homes for a Matiser, bad binsoît a perfct ý21/àiuuiugs. Tise Logionaires' okr P o t aarte-2Sercon *e png B g day at bise plate, geîug four usuably very capable bbrower sokr ee artnc (nfor four sud drivîng bu tbree was jardfrsx un sd upeted f a twerunudule TLauir ofsafeties as tbc Eagles fremom eofCarrolîs p-st for evencou sudninebit ~ ~ -~'bangceut 1Mpîtchiug successaaittse ïLa the fcisirst to nuiing, bss , We uunderstaud tise Oshawa Electroas. Tise thrCe Oshawa * A - p * A S A il