~uVUW~UU~.!. ~ . -. w w - w uww~www~~ww~ G*RAND PRIX -y old Frelcich anadian wrd ilJ li e hard A riasbesi riders liemnt1is bis Kav Grand 1Prixor Cati: tlhougli dhe race is Domlinioni to Indepel end, it -will lie neithe dlay for Dulffamel. goes fist wiI makea 30 aand hillv 3 - spf) GT racers,, sedans, F ~icamber ikes anl mobiles. Comipetiti ontyspre-miere keen, but DuHa1ie lý thin1-g Occurredi at a m Canadýa and thie U.S.t an1y other purpose. Irn quently given for buyii t-hat came second this Show, for instance, wl tics, 48.5 per cent said fishinig. The next cate per cent Anothe-. stat motor purchased in 19 crease of 5.6 hp. fron 15.6 fee on an average. The whole water-ski in season. There's one ne- help bgneslean h[i basically big foam flc They hav>e enough flota ing up on the waîter. I are nmade Jin Scarborou skis with1 outboard moti also b-e 1used sinbply to - forth 1is mode of loconn idea of these boots is strated at the Sportsme ago. Thle Royal Navy l. sex'eral other armed ser e'ver, th1e idea of buoy, firor th)e Torontod ent1ed theoir idea. Georgi inig cour-se agiain thisý Lake Coucbiching. This year. The course is air sailor who wishes to& wishes to improve his sl es to lcarn special skil racing, performance,t Instructors' Seminar in Sailing Association wili just before the other , lege, based in Barrie,1 lqnd, Penetanguishenea Sound. This summnerý1 R-qin to offer a series ra ville. A week-long wild alsýo offered. The trip\v Algonquin Park,. It wiil 10. Ail equipmnent, imclu vided. iA TYTIP (Children Playing on the Roadwiay Approximately 35 per ce of ail pedestrians killed traffic accidents were chli ren under the age of 15 yeai Vour children will be- saf in traffie if they know ai obey these simple rules. 1. Cross the road ontly intersections. 2. Checký in dirýections before star tîng 01an Granit is a studei School, whler-e alieif hI Grad(e 12. Hef isp WareouaeDepIý., and wveak preparing marcha Sale wh%-ich starts Thi omld also lika to ri again thaý OPEN SATUI and MONDA STEW lMcTAVIý7SI Tvon DLuHaiel, the 30.year- 1 silperstar of itha mieoorcycle 1pressed by smao( North 'S on factory machinýes when waàsalki for the Motorcyle lrda at pot Par-k. Al- on Suniday, Jnî1ly 2 o)f i1h mideiice Day holiday week. er a day of1 perce nor a houi- JusI ab1out ex aythinig Ihat ant aper ebetween June urtser, sports racingý cars, Vormula Fords, motorcyclas, d aven )dra'g ra2cinlg snow,- n in the Grand Pixthis motor-cycle avenlt will be is the manti t beat, umber cfu boat shows in both Ibis snn:Mr peole saidi ceat for watier sking han for thie past, the re-asoný most fre- .ng a boat was for fishiing. But yeam. At the New York Boat here they kccp carieful statis- water skýiing,, 44 -par- cent said egory wa;s cruisjing,, with 37.2 tiStics: The average outboard 971 was 36. h.p. Tbat's an ia- a 1970. Boat size increased to ýThese are water skiine sîxes. Recreatïon News, on Tesdy, aly4th, 1972 PiPaygrouadis will open on TuseJuly 4th, 1972, anti wi)lioparate froro lVfedayý tbrughFrbay,9 am. to 12 n,1oon anti 1:30 tb 4:30 p.in. Piqygrouncls will, ha cioseti on MotaAulguist 7th, (Civic codcaifor' seven weakýs,ý -th 271 t 4:30 p. Locaion: LonsCean t r e, 1 ordC Blila par-.1k, Vî ncenlt MasySuhool Groutis Me isoiiPark , BilBco WeCst Bea-cil, Rtory Park anti *.., Waverly Gardeis (onrof a Lawreace Av\e.) The a"ue lmît il for 'picygreuntis la four yeer of aeaanti uip. Swinîmint Classe Sterl on Tuesde>, Juiy 4t" 1972, aI Creem of Bans y Pool andtihie FiyiîsgDutchn'an -,1" jMotor Inn. T. A. Yanaiag, Director of Hact-aet-on. " O.A.S.B.O. Tournamerd Winners Ty/ke 1'riday June 30--Bowmn ville at Por Hope, 6:30 p.r., Pues. JuJ ly 1-Port 1-op( ci, Bowmanc 11e, 6:30 pro. Thr. July !3 Ohav. atBowmanv ille, 6:3c, pr. Sin, Julu- 16 -Powmian vil tCabourg. 2:00 pr.In yUille atOshawa' 6:30 p.m Sun. ýJuly 23 - Whithi al Buwincîvillc, 2:00 pi. Tues. July 25 -Cobourg sa Bowrnanvile, 6:'30 pr. Sat. .luly 29 -3oîvmans ville at Peterborough, 2 p.in, Sun. July 30 - Bowman- ville at Oshawa , 2:0)0 p'mo Tues'. Aic. 12- Whitby at iJ Bownscnville, 6:30 o.m. Sat. Aug c5 -Boxvmanvi]ie aI Part -Hope, 2:00 p.m. ndustry-, is pr-eparing for a bigid ew gadget this year that will PO T O L 0Wto get up on skis. They are ats with ski-shaped. bottoms. Again wve woulld like lo ex - aonto support a skier stand- tenc1 our ,symnpDthy to ý_iir9 llAv rhyare called Ski-Buoys and aend M\rs. oe 1MCLdIough anad ahe fa y on eli untimely dea)ili omn igh. They will work as vater of ii aghe and stster-ý duinped th, walk on water once the knack Mrs. Baýn, the fv ormier Viola .ii.~i' of 172 <r l os as s m a l ast h.p. T h e a r . V o a B o , o o o t * ~ ~ ~19 i 21h. Pî ch ~oio asbenmstrd.Te ge, se away ,sudden1v James Chapmaný, Presîdenit of the Ontario Association Of Sehool Busi e d Port Hoc flot new. They were.demon- bitlher hm,59 Edgewood Ottîcials, presents trophiies lo winners inthe association's tournament, held Juniethn xe en's Show in Toronto 15 years Ave., To)ront'o, on Monday, 23rd at the Bowmani-ille Country Club. Winner for Low Gross, left, wasWiad as perfected a design, as have Juine l9thl. Burial was on xie fohrcutis o-Wedioesd(ay ftrom the "D-, lMiller of the D)udleyhocký Company and winner for Low Net waýs Ernie Bmwie0 rvice of il cuntris. forthl Chaipel" of lVkDoueall! ýright, of the Board 'or Eduication.for the Borough of York. 'ant water skis is, probably a and Br-own( LtdI.. withinter-- - designers and they have plat- ment :in Ba1llyduiff Ce \tery Ia olee sholding its sai- e arie gî1rdc to 1reporth' year from June 23 to 28, 0on bert ownshave hotH., -K lru nis Tucyke Tvwo Games tý SWas a successful venture last LLur1-ed hom111e frOM 1110t',ifte ndat three groups: the non- However, Mrs. Mary Rennie is flw i~Ia ~ t r ~n s o tai, Peterborough. NMis A,ýr - kIWN 4 W4y TIIe- Cl, I L ab to bc kilîs, and the sailor xho w ish- jene Brown is al o a paient core f il 1ls such as spinnaker setting, in the saine hosphtl.1 1L E I l Iýi~4 oaI Pa] tacti,ýs and ruies. A Sailing Several local residents weréw w j' Tfla n Il be offered on June 2.1 t 23 nuptials solemnizeri in St. Anr ji" idrew's Presbyteîian Church, NESTMNLA U II:atb -PC ;iling courses. Georo'ian Col- Lindsay, on Saturday, June B W AVLEMNSTW EGE Else tpes(.5pm)toota bas branches in Orillia, Mid- 124th, with reception following STA ND) NGS Frnsa .yak 81 .. o oo and a secondcapu.i O inl, church and wedding dance p w >t B Jn 9Erîar In the Chamber of Commerco husdy the col7ege iîs branching out hall, Pontypool., Buis -------------10 9 1i 0o .00 - Wye iKap 61 .. a h f canoeing coursese at Hunts- Master Kelly , Neal8- s ý Stephens ---- il 5 61 X54 4½ tpen1t/ais(:5 ...ihd a Ierness canoeing adventure is spending 1h w eek and ne> .t Whytes il ----- 1 5 6 O .454 41z viîl 'be about 50 miles through at the Orr-Walton Hockey Kramps - -- Il 5 A6 O 454 4 1 I1 be undertaken in groupi f c _o t Orilia. Franksi O .54 4 idin caoes nd oodis ro- On Saturday evening of lasIw rn 0 3 7 O .0 udiw'cnos ad fod ispro Iweek, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne'tW rn IMFadden of R. 1i, Peter- TOP 10 B ATlTERS (27 or inoreAR borough were t o celebrat e Cp A B R H;1 P 1 I'0R Av, cross. and walk, dont run their 35th wedding anniver- M. ooe . 8 30 12 1_ 14 4 .567 e while crossing, 3. Neyer dart îr ihafmi gatherinig DCye Sout froco between parked cars. in their home. Howeveiir dur-n .il 3142 101 45 4. Where there are no $ide-iing on, of the high-winds B. Holroyd, WY ,10 4 a 14 ii ,~l ent walkýs, waik on the left side earîîer la the week, a Ires B. Bradley, E. 8 27 10 Il 12 i .4071 "l o0f the road, faciag oncomiag brandi broke off and broke J. Kramp, K. 7 217 '7, 11 7 2 .0 ld- traffir. lthe hydro wide leadîag into M rs. You ca help protect your 1 te houFe. causlng afire O'Brien,E, - - .--- --- 10 40 16 16 7 1 .400 fer ~ ~ rul chirab1lwy1aigwhich ttlydestroyeci home ----Bry------E.-- 8 28 7 il1O133 .nd sure they 13lay in a safe pae n contecnts. Mrs. McFadl3,n !J. Humneniuk S.----- - il 32 8 il2 7 0 .175- away fram the road. Remem.-, atbe: odlrsned cosan Il si.ster of iVrs. Ha7rrlet G,.IRabb, W.------------ 10 32 61 li.7 ,ail supervision, aind a safe place ?LsPnypo.iR Donoghue, K. 10 38 14 14 6 2 .368 to to pley.Suniday -visitors with te . Bke tedtoep.ay. Pausks wvere Mr. Mnd rfs. yTBae Tuesday nigicI Kremnps, ex- Eeastabrookof etrough ploded for 17 bits and pounded, Miss Sharon'Eeastabrook New,,- iKremps Furnture took two Franks Veiety 22-8. Kramps tonville, andi Hon Locga, Pet- gamjes lest î eek and moved belted seven homne ruas m erborough. loto a tie with Franks, Ste - three doubles 'anti were sup ~Ç/) irocLu e As the reeders noi t! ia'phes andi Whytes for second porteti by some shoddy fedn the Omemea bell]cedl place, four anti a haîf games by Franks wbo committe_t 1publishetýi In 1lest e k b hni leegue laading Ellis ei h ra s i e D n 9 Sta te smia, P on yi ,ýpool a me Shos who were ide due 10 t ehati two h omiiers, is secon 1'l (gar sfa,1f-.ý ware it, ha playtar1:15 pro,. rairny weather. adtido h esn ad onSndy.This is now la- Dorroghue, Steve Blysme anti"" cor1rect. AI1l Sunlaygames cicurch basement with D'eels Brian Crebbe "acl beiteti thei- will b-e played et 2 pr.ilSe -1 servact by their leaders ant Ifl of the season. John Kraa-ip v er>al of our players aIse play1 ail want to e show ia Peter- connecleti for bis second of tha M artin "ale Lindisay- league anti corough on Saturday after-.ya anti KenCryderman beIt.. i t1icase gamnes are playeti oninoon. Ple eett m~eibstidhiarc h er ihnela timne.me Marine 5-1 ia a reai goon ghue eaccli rove infvera On uadyJun 2tblie bilgamne oa Sunday afler- wiie Blysme antid ay -otpool eongregation bid' on oohaac crt oi farawa-ll Vo blair pestor of the Oni Montiay evaning, dune ruas. past threc years. Hev. Davidi 26th, Mrs. Waes.,McMehon antid iefrtgiepee Northieyv , lis ferewell ser- lier pupils helti a recitel TusdynihtW mon, remniaiscati verlous hep- lthe auditorium in Grandview te cm ... peing.sanci chaniges thet bcd Public Sehool. Mrs. McMahoa rr eit ctifu usi tknplaice in lthe charge hes 63 pupils altogethar. Sha the top cf the sevant b anti edg- turing i say anti Ild of rût oaiy bas piisfo o dSeha 18 ckMLa UI~~lIIi8lliilll bis n mission ila Labratior. typon[ andtiehan v, but H niWrenHr ahcn Ye, ev. Nýortiey a-nti Mrs. several frora Mililobk.5ev,-ltnectati for home ruais for Northey are going to Labra- oral cf har pupils rcni Whytes. Harry Willoughiby, trom il previous aewýs col- triedth ie Conservatory eam-Bob Tugwood and Steve Wat- liaI have liedfihim going inýitions il)Liptiseyanti c , son eacli lad tbrea bits for the ine Britishi Columbia anti thon result.s were qulite fpgeN winr. atdiv1ifu U. iblicte Brechia charge. He iuns anti Watson tbree. Joa ! hatýl ihopedti bgo tb British Hu menîukantid î'yBake'- ......' ' Coluchiaantihe led bon hUII IAtA I~ C w era Stepliens hasteth . ect as minuster. in thtc lI V L Jplate witb two bits eaca. 1m Hull ::~~: ~tK ,Brchuin charge, 'but afiteeI-ETIGSPCIL T eiuk tirove bilirea ruas with . i "" doing muai travelling anti a triple, double anti single~ . ' ' mekig mny elîsb vrics 1IQîseen Str'eet Wednesday anti Thursday.~'~ officiais of the Unitedi Cburr.h, Bowmanville n..lit.gmes .er. .st.oner hae was givan leaevle pursua HO E 23751 due to rein. Two gaes wVlee ifite work thatlieha bs earnest. -24 HOUR SERVICE ~eaio uta ih.l 1 l wsheti fer. Rav. anti Mrs, the first, game Harvey Wb Noi'tey wll h livng i 0a1O, Gas & Electric Furnace star Iossad flne bal. giving ipiii new mnse l Nortwest& Air Condition Installa- oaly oaa bit anti wnikiicg ûct H ive nt fr from Goose tienis- Central & Window as lie lad Kremps to e 15-0 Bey, anti wili ha covaring Uis-CIare Hecia & sîuglter of Frenks Veiet cnt of BomnileHg cany m iles b plane carrying Findiey Equipment ranks oaly hati the two bs lie etuningi te(f11 fo nMission work amoag the Free Estimates. runners in the antire gme reidnt, aaeofwcotae Budget Ternis Availabie lWebstar ratiredti he flrst l0; presently enployed in our Ekms uigVc service ý Mah act aoeDaa 115k asa fo 1971-72 being1kept ve£y busy this the cho1irJ rendereti[lle anl- Crydarman bloopeti e single Mi-Shmr icm, "Wiaere lHa Leetis Mu, ,M inIeleft fieldi. Mika Donoglua . andie fo- Grnt 1 Wili Foliow". At tice close JI contioued tc, swing a bot bat ursday, June 29th. cfriceterKAe, Ms, SA KeanforTUlo ramps going tibrea for it our- store is H1'at-Ms otie o omte lun of the yaar. Rentiy thair accomplîslsments in ltce Dtoheas once o past anti exprasseti lest wish- a li. oogb u eis"condctti er i DAY, JULY 1ls't esfor then' la Iheir new ven- -Ccrire Webster at oc, ture. Thay were ecd present- I Hendy Donoglin a chclhlid twoý eti with sterling silver jawal-' bt o rms ~Y, JUL 3 rd ery. They wiii ha vaceting- ç-la liesecond gemeof te eutQees nona tha parsonaeailaBatheny Ïon nihterry Baker tosseti fine KinsacaCu fOscw il Friday, dune 301hi, afid iôr ou it hall as Staphens :0.pm.- udin Beautý new miaistar, Hav. Ficito ant1 i flumtTpeti Wiytas 10-4 to ,cra- lis femity, iil ha moving ic e the four way lie for sc-EV;"NING DR',AW FI on tice samne da,. IlierEpwl onti plac e. Eti Hyborchuk Tat OSed~cc Mrs. ilorey anti ns. to place Staphans attack. Hie 0iNO NU' W,î Betty Lou Preston andti i cao rdrova in Ibreea os. Hon *VA ITY0FBOTH Port Hop cidlle P e eNees he Port, Hope Leg- Wee caVs by a scomiý Bo,,mntvillo. duneý er Sarginson liaict pe L fiva laits andi ccp- aiba, ineÏô CheAmpsodln SîctesmA, oM "M m,~ia 2,I~2 f RIVING (COURSE« ci~in J[ i Dusnai Co]lcgpe wfl aller a ceamprehens- eCW rnsg cou! seý through ils Cantîmiuing Elu 'alian Pome h conapîcte course, cf ferel tbrough IaRlann Division, includes 25 hanfs ofelasmnoninsctwion, 12 hours of driver observation. and six;ctî,; fdriv- iginstruction. The course casts $50 and tbiane is ii(- exra charge for use af ea, and bac ,ýs. A Lcicanse obtained through Ibhis l"h cm alcatioà coursermayv qualify a particitfor a reluction, cf insu'rceý rates. The.lectur1e part of lice course begîns Ju]y r fand runs two cvýenings par vycek Manday and Wed-. ncselay from 7.00 ta 9:30 p ns IThe living part uhlii ha donc afî.er this five vw ek I cwîe eot'1se àisini- cd.Actual dates for n'a niuio wl b amagdaccording ta "lp ýs tumesolbt la) inieand vaning sessiaons as0 - necnul bv .lca drving sebool, Ta yo ls ore tisoseintersteshauld wsitea ta ibe D~b olg a IReppistra t ox38,5,Oshia'aflaian officiai ppî t t t t BLL TOURNAMlENT - FilcoEasamn(mi arioa r from pointsbtcaCaen le t Cobourg Legion Piratas pot ou r Omos AMtIr stagh ille iathe Kool-AidPaXaaBshi - Toumameatschadulcd for Jaly ïaLt aIChoiîrg. Inf a2(ddiit ion b _obourg and pe osfnaiî Oshawa aad Kingston, P!t.risurongh, liRato j aad lntoa tratura ebisyacr ta doubaIlra"oh uc v asnals fmou . a ii 1 in e, AIl Sla Thurlox, LiAds, Yi ta rma:iC ouciPlace%. Sixeîcgancewaeunl ii l Ceii haknock-ot Food, L'nsitedCctianomîau Yb l iaMnrem cur- Associaion.The gmrnd eAns 'ir masciiii Rn f MpeaMSe-d trip toi Moatrec l a mach tha Expos play an Atguitst ' anse against Lthe world champion Pittsburg Pirates. top~~~~n irnfrts oa tir, Vth iwo tiplas anti twol disastrous startf ashinýdth ie plate. Ravin, id thrae dafeats, lie Wooîley 4 for 4, Paul Cac0g- Park Tykes came irette, Handy "Char" HaLlnning1 eat Coisou..g îy aandG PBuIlce ht 1 t 10 et the Me - nti Sharp v.are Ca-1 'k TVuesday, June- orgs big guns. raihe cinira Hau et a Car for îr lastInn witli IA AY OR WEEKEND drc n rg iCOUNTY PaulCasegnete CitYLERDDGELTD. !,I Pet ecynolds _____ ORONO 993-5S2OF ibSîO HO - HATSEVC CR t PAR ,LI ERTY ST, iblas ~~~5:00 .n xiilo o hl s Pipe Bani Boum a n vileKisanKipcP îOR DA O AMILD TIKTS-$f0îFC ù lit