nont the werse for rWear tPl- I langugge beforet they couldtl The a aadian 9tateqinan, Bowmanvi11% un~2,I7 tilou,-h1tb-ispast 1ve1z hasýpttempt to read., wýrack-ing avcrnts, ,orson Kvu' aetaBloaMntb haqving the rhicken-lo3011 with unlor grdes. One 7year Timthyhaingbrnhti 't1 had islxty-four pupils in] and tonsilitis and wijfe Bar- iher rý-oom. Salary was $50 P! hr Dr"" N Mis BueTiilisn,E barai presanting hlm with a1 :Whilthe~aP~redto b The yeRr bstore she wasiB .D tr !low attendance att the St. married, she taught et Glad-, y R 0 tr ýGeorge's Anglican Church sýtonle ý,?Mntoba, grades three, Assat Aiutri R e ttv S oi-thorK tLassies Com pete for Ontarloc Crown Sho picnic, held last week fIour andi five wlth an attend- t g er -Shrtn twsPark, we Under- ine of fify-tw a Salariesi sitn A rclkrlRpeeit busy afernoon.After coming te ntro tarin Apple Marketing eixisting r1antingwr hre o etxg tj ipe u - Tha annuel car rally was sadcddt ec t the Coi"sion to bld P upouton, ol a-epnîepoewîheol held Sundl afternopn with Fvn;rklin achool, but ânece EXpresMin, e piio oirate licensa feas of at least give the re dvnent snowlowswerascera ard Th Far'qPoductinionrpotl $25 will,, after snaking a dec- ica of a pnaeucobs savaral cars bainheragîsteredket- laration te thîs affect, ha an- tion fire. Tapoecnit ~~~~' an~~~~~~~~~8fd lots of happy people par-1 aven with a 'Model A Ford, gBoard has'announced thet tte ovt.Frfrhrii f1 eto n-afic lc - - tcp~tioonIb.sFurthalpreinormtha old lrlr ond ws'taPar-anexpression of ÔPinioi' POIl formation on, the Ontario Apple trîcal tubgahapnd tin n hî wl h rpota tcle rl god thgwy, bsepl rouer nthe Marketing Commaission poli to hardwod pitl iatdt Snext w amk eslgnadof i-o 1193the rsenearcntanaof tha nta beoha hld on J uly 12, contact tha end adsxqatric er-inme Taylorof Ln- i 95rhetutesC Apple Marketing Commission Mr. Bey Elle,, Fruit and Vaget- bolas drîle ut by.h 'isay as-in- t r.Mount Pleesent invited lier ('o wîl ha conducted on July l2th al pcaitwthteOt on;thia rb, ste die B achai Dannis. is vieiti ng witb tepech their puipila, and for abe197litwt heOt on brin Newcastle. Two'great-, four yeers eha taught in the 192 at poils that will ha- an- rie Ministry of Agriculture eight or ane etit h hy ni CaCthy anrid Sba1on uttle rad achenol-heuse vwlth nexunced et a leter data. This and Food at, the Bownianvilla An erdîner ad roe P alilett sent Thursdey lheîght grades, and e"o-e-enoneata-ffrstaofc tharmomer îdt odl Mla.Denireently moving lied" 'steve, but she fou.nd thecomstamnt ogiten Comnmts-aMilk Producers fUrged to Use lwrdt h otmo h frOM their home ïin BOwýma- work moat pleasant. asablshmntcf he omms-tube, eate temmtrl ville te Peterbereough xhere ieyaews pn ec-sien wee apprev7ed ia 1969 by BI ak npaefrepoiaeyfv their father, Conetebla Fredthe 1-on, William A. Stewart, Ini a relSasefrorni0. R. Irv- mintsitl aoeadth Pal at f ha r-Qn grdefvasxevn Minister of Agriculture and inaeto the Dairy Division, tempeeuentd h pera Pallitt o the O.and 1eight in the Betbanypod cenltly heen transferred om ubcSbocdwhethFod that an expression of Ker'iptville Cellegaet Agridul- tin shouîdh aete adt the awcatleDaecmen. Grndvlw PblicSehol ws producer opinion wouid ha tural Tachnology, it is pointed frn re ftabymw The racent dJraw mare'bylîtta aaidr fbe-7 ogin 92 nthe contin- out tbat ovar baîf the produc-Mr. Wrigtgvethfoow the pNew,)castla Girl Guidaeswa wamenydvtdt uance of the commission. Listsears that supply milk te Ont- ing tanipertr inpseta won by Albert Guaywhr oi ýe c i g athmatcete ftoeeligibla te vota will ario's industriel plante receive sbould hbed ih ey' aelcs. h rietnd ha . bepnstaclin the County and et least 20ecpar cwt. lasfor15' watc,,hbàbing won by re,. Rosa rades sever nd >t District offices et ihe Ministry thair, products than many eo1f -enrigteage Gaonboth of the village, et Agriculture and Food fremn thair' neigbors. This la ha- zpne witb ianýe Neden et Hamp- June 19- Juna 23 inclusive, cause they continue te Use milk 1601F Dne.1spc vr ton w,Àinning the hand em- SULIiNA ndW ,org l pl asfrcrln n hpig orh ýbroidared tablecloth, a aecuag hepacnsfrcoiga bpig or bur e seifteem producare in Durham County The actuel differenca is more Praualring Mss LliBancd Miss Mr. ènd Mrs. Lerry Deweil, te> check witb -our, office a s te than thie beceusa basses due te 175'F-Fiapktsmyh Aimma Brreto racntlyet-Dbbie and Rodnay, Bowman- Iletheroint their neme ila ticking, spillege, and low anticipatEdCaltefrd- tended a two-day seminar et ele rprmn Ban Blkker uditoium i ville, wera Sundey auoner'won the list. 1norder te ha ahi- grade or rejectad milk arepetntumradwt Belevila orPlayground guests et Mr.,'and Mrs. Lloyd gible te take part in the ex- greater wbere, the milk is down the by Th-e Annual Shoriboe as0'rîk ree) Alternate te have shown Shbortborni calves 'ha gils will ha intrýoduc(,ed Leaders, They feel this yeer!Brooma. pressio ton dl rw ada ncn ahrta 8' eoateby h aýie Compaintition wee held(it LacieQueni, wsscKathy ia the 4-H Club for at lesi ]ogith the visiting Quepens that lots et art and naw crafts Mr. and Mrs. L.arry Welsh, are muet bave paid e minimum bulk coolar. Truckers picking pumpersbudhavibl prýirGange Farmn, hom e et Lashy pre)lïsent L1assie Quaan. two yeare. Tebr ugdh rr h ote~rv a.l wl atug'btte ad iib-ser wman'rilof Mr. Snd y et $25keinglicnctes99frm70 atha p e m ik cna ae trvlling aine fameildvlpwe _Mr. and NMrs. Johin Rcad Rckod ayeSmith, Grand the Diractors otfhaAsoiaCnaa.-e oùgpeoiple usyaaintr-,up er 'and JotnMr.and ros. arketingehar16s o 0 atare igcoset pik utb ereedrtheayoariotatw Npcale Tn 2s.Ejh ale ac Urcpqa- tion for tiheir 4-Il Clubwr, h wrdfrcieigth sa. o aeradJonadcrp.Tes ereaabin oTauin-,terraa r taar ch des were choe t rad ilson. t uhatndling et.cattia ln the snwtitinetQuen inu Octane i:,z , Vonkeep i ind the Newv- farry Cowling, rBownainville.,iuaad RqAs abasia -fer datarmin- increaing. Undar the Govere- 210'F-Crtcl-Tebyl sem-fcain s te cpeei-e Lîia Ci, Prhm.l) e i ing, eia,âas 'eit ,drp l, hq ClîyStair--ilede. le Lions Frwrs esp10h akode h n lgiiiis icaterc-et aia rn rorm letceti'eint d are te ofeiposiat tbam)iii in i mekinga 1 1e have'bdteo be en LsiQua:(ettrgh)eoatUlied9th X. Qe ilha aneulcce ta in t et 2firsbaquets, sale, are »fer this Satuirayaý ven- :Vîr. arn;î,'BruceTink, .yeîatailable. Preducars witb r o'asîýte.i aig'jiý,wahr emtîg t-ModMs on ik;n-i__ the change from milk cane te firas in t]eCut edaeu Fir akaGa ca Lea Te ha ig ibatham e talhe nmainrîling nf the CoIseumfld days. etc. with tha aýim ing, we feda treritlte- regondMrs. LallTInk end ,ié aiy r.adMs el uktns TIdrtePrg ain end~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~o hao LeleAtn;btentagaet16 and 2 0, :etthe Rya WnArit ir b promiotîng and advariigpwv ed vrutlteGegrM.cdMs Hryadfml.Mr n rHlsul ak.Iee hepe-lto ethtiaawr es BondeM illrKeataiRuh rom ShoiilrthrnFisa ,eeme e hich ima al Shorthoru ate.MIdacalin!Tar ilKex Darh ndlera e-me ratgad es h trmpeuer e rciaupe y a rmod ey ei mari é rit, b.egîinnîng witb the Fitfe nic bheld ei Soina8 Hall on1 wih Mr. and Mre. Evaratt total cei t installing a bulk in the byh wththge Badge Mary hciat pd rt edfo Nwe-Sne.Crydermenl. tank. Fermera ýwho make the iinla cgoodycndto(n c ~sup Bat C h; t ille; a2 grlp et yeung people M and Mïvrs.,1-arvey Yel- Mra. Ross Crydermen cnd change abould deriva satîstec- if Yeu haadutt1ae Badge 1'W tr% U--Mek le.1-1- d fo 'raalryJpour theiriiearti lewlee.- cttenrdediba heDec ora- Misa, EllenCrydermein, t- tien from handling mîlk periodic rbsteeear W ef eek nd f r 3 C udra Jessup, Bath Coch Ska, into4h1bir work. tien Day service -t- Cari- tended the graduation of Mifss tbreugb an aasîly cleened hulk thet your ir aii ô h Bath ~~svrYgf, aChard whery-adflaterJn tf, on Friday nigbt. tank, peints eut Mir. Irvina. nx eg pl lm~ fl1Nihis;oyr, owbc l h vl-Glen Larmer, 'Blacksiock. lces cttandied e falygeth-igfciiisl tefrtctpJH C a lyM ping a t teterboroume BadgpK-dei, gt)t etor.hpderrMr ed 'as.W.sYelow-instaltin te lk t ON ~EM merBade -MarsiaMair. ga.Har4reheî Yts. ~ Mr. ancT- 'l;a Hrva-yMe-ango Saturday night ai towcrd 'entry into a highar Each g id a na l~ dCnls copaniad ber.Icaîf, Rbbart, Linde cedl Don- tha erýona et Miss Necn Allln, pricad, market for industriel Nevcste-. codg ona AtîgAKela tenic ocha and aIl otheira w >Iohit1 el l clas a gîtt fro-ithp . -lRwmlcallewaraSua-Toronto. milk. Sceute Gecy Chala;nd t a a e.ed at ha camp aise Cis and the laP'waeacPh- - dy eveèntg cPlera' ci Mr. Mr. and Mrs, R'alpbDevis Wet Ray- Cen Cause -vires thala NecetleCu PekThe Junior Laesil et- whlian dihera t, home ipeîenîed (]wjth e a mal gift1 rn X ei t md Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees'. enterteinad oneSue;daythie New that we are ilte the "Yuca' wnthmai" ~dna hs ar ae e-1n Ioedlivîlg ng tPad remasa oniet th Lanke For: than !ho eNé s Michelle, Allisen, Staven imdpe eiye M .E ain esn1î' net rl' ck et ýcI mcoopereieonby WyeLcdyadCtyteBta lb i pneigEvaryone then retirad le IVs.C rereton- land, spent the waekend wit-h birtbdey. Congratulations Mr et handliag andi stering wet Gen tewethara c or aîcadn Dwye ïr. Thaceekswho wregroup, wilb speial bnkate 1 helenerau InsurM.ance Dvis nu cvea!tatsatdlrede igmetetth cmpwraPe ,ia~e.the balsame rnt room fer a care- As wali as hewering the ou ew ea h rd rt obk Ihe T ' Lon thelna c amp,ýc ;l- , -ýe* monythe fiftitekind la 'Newcastle - For the an- Mrs. John Knex. Mr. cnd Mas. Frank West- quehity et the faad, lt cen re- FIE dATMBL Y o -irea ..c i-1 an wrk IV[.ondey axenî ith ýNewcestle, which )wes itbe, tire uientb ef Jnly, iilease Ms eaiBah ti r S. lacdtmlyvsiei suit la-the spentaneous cen- NSRAC ;p îaot the beys and leader a.Utlte ererwera everyone dried -)eu t r, acwee ihigh e heÀan -Atelephone your v ne M,,FwF, te Mrsi Bruce TînJ tedt bwrSudywt<r.F .C1ok, hustion 'fira tbreatening ferm durin the hreedayantdScets G rdon Blar Roc upward as drps li letan~ardaCord -tha lehi91ast: Margaret Brçreton ai 987- tor is-,CerolynDewell et Bowmanville. bidnecdlveeka alContact: Park, petorough.At fwUnba eated ap u e gt et Cud tedipn h hl Giigws r-4221. Pleese nota the change thehboretMrs. J, Newton, Mr. 'ced 1M1rc Frank Coek, cs buman lives. Harold Wrigbt, HARRIORA beys, Ptî'o ach t heeihtabc lcseetice ivy du Q ickt o Clubs thfi wubaeci nth iert'i je n ,ithe uafrs~ding or Whitby, on 1"brse4ny vening. Boweanviýl]a, wraSaturdcy terni saatty.spacialist, with the 2-1o 623- 30 Pha wroeae f toroghl CubKevnfChims. h ice nth stIbu iml arneiy tlphnigy nwsl, Mi. and NMrs. Jon Knox avec'ing visir,, wItbMr. cedjOntarie Ministry et Agricul- KIG3TE Guidesleror), thei'ntoby NOON R OUR ON TIUg attepéedd' e.ioe5thb wedding Mrs. Frenk westlae, tr e ed faecpa OILNIL -eeked Lhey left th campAth-latîc Daws cancelIcd me Cemmijnity Hlaitcpr-a trof Gis lqetenat dmnMND U re. Brereton eannivarsP,ý ery cbration for is Pear ec tedaitciyt e cbakood emaprbey grulsany u e ha due te tha irrainmakar anti it Pantetien wac ýV ;m,- fl,'chek lita yll tiî'e tilbetai bie Hr"sashe' wll tsel -P-vetisnttypeRev.' and Mre,. I'-E.Kennedy Deceration D'ay et O0rono nt theîr motte leteride hsat l Frato cdihn Tnstrc_- heu lt ané ai hmietntaiaroubem 10est et tham, thev ugi sheeit nluati taboy, chosaýn b he leadersal i, àfc tr_ theradoin wha te ave ean a 'bs ho . I tatemen ffie ha'tht ix-,Mr: nti as. We Hus bc vistetifriads o Suney. stan fr do îng airh as -ýl it", Te e pre heliuual Iî ar'ei Pc.cdt ai u gta U hirusoe 4. or opra _ýtML ad Mr.Rss ic T n'est ctivites cecailaciend ponts fe cactacs le and bar Mrs.Flerana Tilion tetheir osÎlenc forIbis ,indr- C &lu Ire J.WIl- ig te bdMadieato M&. cat Jeel sul y W ried, cdrhie- ,tant ceremony A 1,aifulted' Mill for "om l.(,iar)yîe th yer t'otýTinVi mtiOnu Ee-n.autricd a A - 7 Tc tnpT te Englanti leckingin sf rficit wed e reunti the araa ie tolh i ple etat he -ýjîîsnA ac ad cd w etba t TIIA Cied sb aa sieiAi, e- Ir.hom fe bsn bfr ,uilti n oafrk . and eihEue wilicaspckîot the pack ai fer tise Bstl", jrj-mii2Cube ideU ie îeh i uides, Ma. aelas.Abe dHlsalX is on y eh ,eonisno- 'reoiaentiesny ' t h' neigal cîiiscoiti Woul be a,icinnue vnhlighg Aadien fllega,,Iilýiir o n ý itwe les m obete rvt nal~r~ î lquekfrent cftua et, Ms. tisa M,.,'Mar- i rtv-tbrin asufie th' w - insparuo ein a rewlth the bî h tiill nw ha hn g je 'Hooand eg teen C uttennid$ Feti 7resz opll Ivn Eheicoît, Vice pate ventien et theoA theOpack aa't'- ararSaturdayB w"eSre, eft Woed bteri uctedry. Wliatutieratati conijuiorna ,te pecrya e dia na ei Ms nmnNaa, Ehri Ma EretHcaa niN w South r, en sch idn on- howev aartet i lear s i eta ti Jeey i a amain-výlarea Mr.T, preoisrade-al. ici lte- w ibil note urhy M. at a ai na , r Ke.uNImanprctilrtswra de aj ltinefec.re1ar pua wichh a ow Pilima.seoils eaaeeise 2l nMr.Tjoma ako nSe etsPsllp e aiy Glny ae. John iki on insslqalars. leaes j th t stt ih tmte OnirShac, war ands, se. AisOR Bobby Dwyer, MaraiChar- deidati thet aacb 'Peck, wbo FoHiowîg tise, prasanttiejn Newcasîla Gil Guire e.urdey. Mrhawa we r.,iRey îtitl- Co tcem ai_é, Jim Wicd, Brien Ver- aîtendad frem Fidey until tbe boys 1hulrirp ' sac hati 'M~ rrtî a~e af av~~lfe at ~ d d " A to rf heck, Danny Simpsn, Gary M nday sioulti hava the ame w-ra witing te aka them t n araer ra rerateir cer- tbayhave leti tisa commuity ion, Midh ny, -s nt ' . w," A Schmd. Risha Poter Dccv e tisir eangraveti on Kenldai Park whare witis da mantai onthe mayyears it jte liv ie Nerths West River,' days with the lattar's.parente, A new secretary bas been SVEO 'ilartin, Cecil FKcapýp, Harry ilips hialti and thln anch arsPck KantillCuiba, they enjoin a aise tin abthsplateau. Labrader. There -will ha e OMa. andi Mrs. Alax Potier. birat for Countice SaconldarylAEO 1 irstiald, F Hbby F r g et, i oult I receive thaebietid for game etof esabeatletas- Se1oit e-tie ork ttihati ciurcb services le Bethany .Mr.a.ncd Mas..Clarence Schooei ta replace Ms ea31emuiQult .Hanry Fikan,hi ceaiDem- o'e, namnth's k<eapicg, as tre- caiveri rfebnnsn o eudree ngtfrein ext menti' as betb Rev. Brcy, M-. Gerald. 'Bray anti Dueem, wbe re signeti han arc, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~d Claana on Mimssaa fr ism aig hi Braniyiouandub ae owanaroo lroghtetis Kit Aem atith aw ie Wnty ra ati ra psiioIffctveMa 1, is GSOIN Sherar Brkad Rne, Dla tik I eu whantis giegfinshti er heseasP on, i Therine Bage,-the hi Uitti irbmnisthe, ne tedtwts ags-wrz enTre eanhnnw DEE çen, CaoecTt r nray elay, Tom- Sinre thp hisna ara axernand'boysti -Ils fraateat oriatminlytsautmt ioiiaestt wt eatvdat Dwerani icae Jhnet ton SouarChîlnt l hpp hliay acorainhgall-Ib[ Cnaa or, sStdathtrm raes5 te inds ove r i wa ti. enTrnrbgn e C ha rla , ct i h ose w i att e d tisa l ers, ju n fior a e s i s m ai l f er atu s nn le tis le . thie r to o n at(u'he, -tie e i e , o n p î i o s r n i r . M iss ! a h T d a e m ta k i d u - p a( part t tise\ cmp but-lït Lakeanyrantiveriedcbdges aiscduréngirnidn tP ay Day selçIgMotai antiTammy, Curilea, aDIESEL -arie itare*Maiik McMackînebcd te ain Ste attela th i ra- etGoro n dvc ola P blic Sb o ol ving t ent, 0 wi-he Ma. .loay Wariaid ati Sott est- clos oo r. Rutt i- c raig e on Juay 19172.Sudntthti Ma.l ativest and ai irl cui e I!ev s 1ad id -bie rndu clwTom-atilidai ite 4 te-i wwra or M Aplince T.wyei and ichaë Johned lim Scoii(,iiý,, ýpDID holiay, lda Ccaaciss SSorays tem Gader otf MiendKaith he wrekegd '~hsaboy war ace np haanhermerc de-nthIlait-itýionstsfrm. CMr.e¶fand belg patien e Gel ash3u4a ratihof thî ecadepsSut- cerpet. As sha w nalkatheloly rde ena tee n m Tey cn' Osew Gaarl eaplcWe d T A TtanksnM A Np .'rsýla(î George Cherattnd-tteN astPia -. (>jniniasdayJulte w o eeth on hshnoeipah heptt frcwinn buehpefrainey eoay. CAil-,,E~ FRIMEIT DLVR <2isarland Mark e a n ,ccdl e- Bjp id an Rirdanfdt, Wt-Jue2 ,SiacoiNwsilatassfr i vnig c ,peei'n byl1 Guis bpi- i antic ielng Publ i chl vireJËhn L vgrtoi susn hoo63-33________________Mr._________ I~itrct ubMecarabentmoisas gan ejoatitie Tna Vadertep, orerceri)imen. Ri neliy Rutids ati 4 peints anti er lesing teaine fi-n'hi o-n ca paia ey !osit.iiy t Mtier cat hlpr e iss c mpny Ms, drivti et h e bad et is s era 19,2point . ST e tation In bdclwti teanie aGieBaue.Vere udn,2iCe pthre sha lew 1- it a - werey peaîl of±, poccer dri b-C ______________________ Thi yae the inna vve Guid Lietenat; Ms. Palincdiadaor, ise ati na cd tis hie cofball hr 24te trgai cam cac bs if Btthetiin is Lon Remetth Sere, orerDitïic Crnlwbia etn sgntcg ber acre- garibaget-mn*, Cskipping laugb o m n v etrem u iy al ani u ti r m sc e e; ie Ce d te k , i t tie n w e nt -it are u ni g s e ba as, e rtnt I the meet capable direcioneetaguasi speaker;mas.ORitaacortir-ltisasanadelCord.8Mas, raceobstacle1course,8baske Bell ark ten' cm. e 1~2everena st doe te varyHeidw-ay,2ntiCo,'sh;lpe; forrsan Butsmothropta-foab ataion was apanviati ealer is i ar a d rel able dh la ,' e in Tesay Jly salade, Ice crean,, etcj il ete winI M mu1 EtC lîldeniteG or e 1 eea1a, blatadat -tý ethr,ïMas!Ant e ssup ;-an i n lce uh -es gîacars: Mas. Bll taSm Mib, Mn.emnn C)ist-i fl r aht eb igj't lwr at aaienpnyViiMas. to oernswegi irterfis nd Gui d 4apintsMasndrasing eamL ke y h. g n o ýr-om_ h'flag -vl'nlllý 1,f M te Deputy D Iis 7rict e misieea A lten IRyn e p ritof Rtes insee,2 Mis N e s atonsl nieistiwib tei fan a. war itrductibyCei rilwîth cnrauthe ry gi1 itte MtGe l orge A tkinsoc, Mac.i bamlu e csoa, cros , a panuc Pi s B aortdoi-i' uticer a ti- iuentisa - /lys-cPiýtw-îî Bett hrtr, Mr. Ja antianrase._2-1,inaraa - cun y ilBarte is eïapglswe anrs. V Bel, n.0 i tvheyFaformersarveti ch- ant i eTtt he oRt m isaQuenwe ' At- ia inrdction tce u 'Fýt' al inoMs . Cet.Barloisnr ha cake waetc vieypanisern, c re esln i Noics r~~dieeiCaten eg-wiharetsns e peaue,' paiewcke mci atia- peNeHosawo tsealy LIONtS CLUB tisei by tise ladies îtting e t te tise PiiliScisoo te cl s eSharn- Carê4, - Mis:ý tisa headt lei: , 50efer eonotise ceetaff;Ms a.Jd iuonIoh'NtnvrrlalTxchriîurTat ~th 'Rutis Pat erson,-, BP. EEbi Pisot Ms.Thema Wigtaad c.îeastnan dents iforflkNvrra bi ofeosareiverr ir F IREIA!O 0R KS DIS PLAY Citizen Badge Ntive Bond.-Ph Mas. Carol Mooney. Tee,- ' NeataBelPakAimaea Br-ne -B.P. Emb- meny et t0ism,"P e ut et 10w-nchars treatati the chîltiren. te.Butrwarmand-reliabe Texaco'fofed beathinga It1~ ir ]am, Citizen Baýtý-: Phycrl e- ia odee ,s oL(ngcr c râf Pthen f m ârtrae.Tefrcsta reAdo ogHirrabex Scatturdciy1,July lst FSandraEbem-BahCocs lssshae nuytptsingic eemettiaan st'is. ' funce.Th fmce ha rer tlne nddo'fogt i rlabeedawae SetiJaspMeysei~tijr tia rpccrwhsuc necrs, ormr-t dteto ensurethe complete conýbustionîofever eaer.Ad wcoai bmrs, I«ittia Housa Emblarn - Kîme rdagsî r ia-Tecee omrsuient cnadas Bithday) Nciola atYous ay as'i efrtkngpatne,, d i s leat - Ist drap of oit, because oil-mearis the most H'sgateettigthtilpodeo anti llienis pa - hetforMahiipattmoneya wîthwarmadreliableatl omIcmirt sia Maerý Hni ade -ouaethiseToronto Scienca lli È. BaaSrii w-ho le ne- ààfrh4ýtmny l 'Qdm !hý th_ ieFii rmBa fi reos Kini w-ar W.çdyKeW, a -r cen ,f1i- tint e . et-isantiofet iisYoucun alsocou nt on hihto get you a, E vey daýy3nd e veryn ilhttro.u ghttof aisay1egirieig ai 8-30 with Kthe yna, WndyBaie;p'ndtiby tisa :Scisool Lîbrari- MOnethis ta e c eing carear tafleWentiy Johns"n, Susen Pes-te, a-,.Mrs. Jý Barber. Lest w-eak etf 27 - acre. Mrs. Smidi was§OR Badge - ite Bewlea, Wed n utiei ou ge ie Bl e, la saide *th ar ranewPuli H ATN In case cf rei-n Mr rdrin igrsix ao w-cnt te Toi-ente, ha- yalewarnations orier 'fntfe Mdia - . LKRÎ Lae ed uddtrugotBak4 hl atGadye-,ule141 LB1T T .62373-7 Bais, Mty ytirma, WndyCaIeak Pioneer Village, anti ScisolT on Tbiuretiay, June 2%, Monda ,July 3r Kelly, Petiis SaSntira ete -tise Royal Otarie Muse, 1972.. Jassup: nwsio et'ige - um. tTisey w-re errompaniadti -ian tiret eciseol w-as la an EvnycaWece eBath Coursl ,3rvele ,M ar, b yhieir tearisars, Mas. G. Gray -Iralanic satlarnent near Ar- Coletintaape Pri ptaneBage-Bah ors Kmmotiseas -s n enmnili ec-1138 WHARF RD. 621-5410 "N dsBr e obiaîrCongr-atulat ions b Rav. ing femnil7. Biaginnars isat i _________________________________________ Marysija Mja;Team Sport Robert Htayna w-ho appeers, become familier w-itb thi .kk S.