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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1972, p. 5

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DINETTE JMARGARINEI 4 Ibs. 1.00I NÏItEs T L ET nuit g R. enucti Hud"on,( wio pderWnt atousiieLr- VOmjy lu PntFerHopal reuurvoe nShudy rcw bornie aat o!thev~i for Vie past ten yO"eanhave pydoud hin property.Tb cyp mnovei Votlichr cottage ap Coldwatenou Friuy. Tle, new ownens, Mn and MrE1s IlusselKeeler a"d yaMily, toniorroW (Cjuesday). ors, mi. muitWilliami, Ilethble sud D anlane, n it Mis 'ReVy Hîcica attenddit tie bri-t jn hionon o! iss ILucile Bi 1o 'tthe 1bornle o! haný Fniets egrt 1eV N.e Olive'r Rolimelrpneumnei t t fport Penny sition Sn day. Hylanit renIonatPrince AI- b)ertý On ýSunday Mn !1 r. eu lanitfmiygathening at Vie liOme o! Mis Neillue~ln unitlier sister N41s. IsoI)el Lis- er, atMakam Their biiiu- tifui centurly-o1ithome wth eenepropniadIo make ayfor Ce-danwooit Villaige eýt the new Pickeing Airpont.ý Ccntahie Jerry Bnwers 4o! Di.rçio is spending hli'ivaa %n «h it iipamrents Mn1ani Mn rsGeorge Bowf9rs and u ohe telatives. Mn. uniit 'Mrv-ýHo-ý b(r bEmhIodes, ttile BiitLai n., wera Sunday appe uet o f Vthe Bowms. Mu,.anuitMrs a.cFermier, jurdo,,wye mandinga few! I-Vencoon Mrs. Nlo Valc was liome brfnçimtVe Nursuig PHome, Potery.Al o!lie farnily isit2edit[rpnig the dy Gucipts wpee M. n.ud 1'mps Ferrier, Perti, Mn. e AItvini Marlow, Cacsýane, lint anow Min. Mis.ý o'inanviil.-adPvC MissesKtead enre G'roagu akoçiweve Sat-, rdyvusitons with f~~~~~;c Mm1u)Ms.Fe ae f l~a1nom E! otPrirnce Al- lenci-1e, i nia bower_iu, p - etit a Car for A DAI' OU WEEIIEND AstIifor Wa CHRflYsLE R-ODGE LT» 423kend %Oîc-SPIcEC d K -t rl W- U r.and irMn Clankle WU-; Itms liad au an oyaebonhi day, iVoday to0lFridy, Pt 3a cottage ou sturgeonn a Ou Sjinday isnorinlg l\r.1 'iud Mns. Fred IDayes atteude the iSlli oniversarY o Braipton. 'The tbheie o!fVue sermon wa "Rnewl oeVi Marriage Covenant.-' Mn. ud l4~. Wti.Abboit,p Davidand 4je», Rlgiimnfl Hill, were Satu1rday SupperC guests of Mr. and lNos, çGeo9e Dotea.The isises Vi'- gnaFortUne andAn-Si Men"ary, Wllodal we r (e Sunciay visitors. Wýo i -ë. lias been reçived tlit ~pveeudJosepfi Abbitt wij lp ficial open Vie Angli- can Garden Party, Fnidy July 7%., tetfichome o! Mr. and 1\n.s Ceormge Donnerai. levervnd ABLbt is Ciapflan o! 4Misslpn Vp Seamen," Rec- ftor o! St. ,Andrewsb,-ihè- Lain, and lie ah s 9lis es- vice en Sunday aflOnotin on- the D)estroyer the H.fM.S.ý "-Heidi". Revetenii1Abbott hbas ae ide range cf experdniefs ujnd bspresence shoul1d bet unue o! Ve ie lbights o! theP iVr. and MN eih)uru 1lVid- dietonl, Lidsaere Sndayw afternoOn and evýeiilng dine guees so! Mr.-n.aidiMsCek MM1WihaS.i Mr,.alnd Mmi. NrunIvn a'ncl Mrs iieFadyeii, Bo- mnievitýted Sunciay ev- Jening wth M r n. amIMrs Bruce Heaslip. Nestleioa ,ÇW Mrs. Victor ParsnsESk- stcwas bostes f0r Vie meting of Nesileton United Church tWomen onTuesday, June 2Oth et 2 p=m Tic president, Mn. AnrL1rý Hylalic!, opetieç the mýeetin-g with a poemr, "A Houise or a Homne.' This was flowdbyc thec thieue hyn-niai-i theu L4ord's 1prayclr. IMn. Hland1 1hnkd rýs. Pjrsons and ex-t tended a waicomne Vo al, sr C. Bowens and MrC. W. un Vicie einu Charge o! the Devi;otal with MrIs. Vinei I-eadin5ýil H orinthians,ch- pter NfisM. Bowers read .14Tnl' lUe e i reamn i! perfection. This comrpaeei fiwwsrt tqpeopie.In Il! çYçiu cen OISO Count on God Ifor cpiewpeacs'eatlon OI Tfie minutes anitcrrs Nverme read bv Vi< 'IQ~TMAS~J l~l r 009U pke. nf UNSÀf o r 49% GROUND CKUcK"Z!7Clb E AN, M E; A TY l'v % ft UINDPSTEAK DEMPSTEWS CRVSTY 1e&o,9c KAISER ROLUS6Y Reeê 4e çIc. FRESH Rcgd"sbes or Green Onions 2. i jnches'13c VUR~A MEAT BALL STIW . . 59c SI4ICED DUTCH S 0z f. kg. GOUDA CHEESI. ..4c (Spsced or, Plain)i FOR EASY OIYTDOOR EATING THY ý1-OUE FRBESU 1OTATO SALA DS MACAIZONI n OnIyN 49c o CHES LA» qn OSUMM 4)pT ICEOASTMA 79C W}UII TE SUED BREI ,ý3 for 79e WESLEY VILLE i hcavy ainis and win o! Vlie past week cecsed sor floodet ed cellains enit O fall trees. Ttl was liard 0onfiel oftender grairn. bu tL rnpîtpre was agreai, relier ýdry gerdens an fields. Jt hefore the slorm five liti phnebes who hait vernur vuit o[ thein îîesl andI hrddl donation wa s1 a bDere v e it wa s receiveit 4 rden Paqrt3 Cookic-Qut 1l Lsi* ýeip or m'lse for Vhe bave noV 10 W the e.y werc n'kp lipller ai sssed 1 at wel- mi Clarence ,th Duinuer, elogand 1 1 he. ; ' Ncwai thoir Best FRIESH LOCAL Sitirewbrri.s 39c quart WIENERS Vac e >a4Plv 39cI-b. Thncc-year-old Edidie Staman wais the iucky wnnen of tie scootr offend lu a draw eIDL snesFond Marlet, Ilndyateno.Pneseniting ie zscooter, laý Claude Dyksttre, and standing hehind Eddie, are hlsparents Chnis snd Men Stamian. Forthcoming Marriage M/r. ancld IMfïi. Robent Sisson, Peth(anyl\, are plea.sec fto aniniotIn ice forthcomnng marnage of ticin eldesU dauglitem, Ieather 1Elaine, Vo AMn. Dexter Kc,ýith Lev eris, elIest ,ont of Nr. anid AMrs, RItIaip Leavýens, Oshl- ewa. The w~in~ll take place on Juilyý 15thi, 19'J72,ý at four p.m. ln St, Paul's Anglican Churi,1 ehay Women s Institutes HA-MPTON -W.1, Nine rncnihers of b ie -a- ton Wome's biuSltute i moer- ed to coliourg For, a Pot Luvki Lunehieoii Picnicr fer emr Junie Meeting, lie Vwo ecai lad ! siies nie',1 ie (bt-l en Flougi Loçige w'icre iV.ý hane~d id rrenIgeit forý Mn.s .AcockeutdMmi'ý. Luicy Millert',o Daccemipeuy îý, on eu plonfieý. Itwaa s Pmmýi. OuLIl 1 ýbce 'wln s fpossile, Thons -,l narleok o! a beintiful unç uitney andt Jeniier Pey: c l)ilox. for flchese hes d'th oeçtlred lintPo e,- lat wofkeone o! We ilIe'S former residen Arthur 'al.Mn. R;Ha been lîl Fnor ýae lin 3 ïsextiide tohîs Wu faily. thèere wes a il pp onive thr 1we luies ai Mm Lt-eUFordt e] andt Mvs.LgryDiniu wieIi iI9amee laemth4I had nnwWçt and aurit, Mn. d MnIr. Chias. He(-nder§oèn ot Dré p River for gudparc-ntýaneut aas enitertai-neitlater aI Vie howie o! e lengmntpanents,-Mr. atit Ni. Frank Jigginis, part 'oo S IÂttlç Miýss tinnev r ece ci e, Iov el y -iRme ot Tracey Mr nd. t FrsEicOlvro witlsMm, aArnti i petér HOkWn miJl hé takng, mwimmunig Iessone ftilsSun- m!fier in Cobo urg, whéei ,hé ,,;D ie stluceet, wslith xe' er hiltde, b y f rlie higi- chve he éi ave bis ii» Wf ad vre. Reyi abe ,f prrlsenoin le llp i>t -lý vvitnr i'h, Snj Allerlunci, wen oLýux- dlsfoot was pachkeitaw we liait aI! lehur drive Vimougli Cobourg adrminlg csore or eVie aiulAhomes 0,epeciaiy eleng tic L-vakesbnr YiMeetig bacinaIthSe (olden 1pinugi. Mmi. Ba Ioid uni ýMn. Chanit ihelpe [lie ladies o!n lýie kitchen Vto prep-aue tee! en ad pt. nl plate fulli o!fok les whch we liai aken te lserve li te folks aI tIpcGoldenr Pnîi;thl-e resit l us h-aia veyluLes"tiuig tour o!fIel Lecige and were very ilmpress- Young ladies betweci e ýge-n, of 15 asid 20, as of lylt,12 to en-ter NSNCRIVX BEAUTY CONTESI Fridoy, July l4the:1972 nryfoirms av;ailei aI JUY&LOVELL DRUG SOR $150.00 Cash Prize Also many Mlechanidise Prize5 Ail -oeýê.IxrnSt 1e in hby Wed, ftdly,12ih MoeparivuCairs availabl- n4m try -Ili,, e.d( wlt;t h Vie ork lie ladjp5i We tinIeo hc Él ie imain Itoor dIngroof thc, Lodge. Are iiilunch Mns workr~ thVieLo)dgpeçak ofliy i ea eut ciCookies an w ontto ie Upatients wio wene" iniahle Vo c CoritowuVo ie h dinoingroomllteVienes'ýt On pu lieut a ion meetin uCi Board CIlmoomcn1. IMn1s. BPyl 1L openit h meeingby Icading ns I repatiu ticOde' anil tic Mlary Stewrt %CocIi liilisoni. cures. Byan nt crgave us repuiort n he onentongl alteteei u a , CulinluMa 1andtianettclde o A gini from tic HamptonW. waýS gienb M ï.HatIgsou, liec- May Yen, oi.n emrecUlý nria e wý,pith ouri cest Wisfies ror lierfuueapis.Ti peating o! tic Lordts Prayer. WeS e c verysPounsd Vo havi Mn.Sadie dmon rn We arivpe1 ithoe lu lime loi superbnigmga vcry ba tiu Ia o a coe Memiens et Vie Beh Ile on Mnty cvnug mJue 1 tic imu ' i aeptName cii o!1 týu c mcwandingtlg n mle fninW. ien" ii ai1wo it ls elpehi lVo mahi thelý Ditit nul sue aiul( w u i nli t ' çy f or Vipiat ondio SMay 2n1- mnEýý -Cires Jood he hievl, t1p OIadiionviScoatdVian cdti Jackson prtesý 1ecd e li of tbem piph acUp ait saucer. Tiec pogrmm wus lnchaose o!f Mris. Car Poteousý, con- pi ogria n - ýwh as "1hC Womn'i IsiueOguz lin. Ms.CinceTwa gaecomnts o i ol lie 1 intitutae11unit se' ýtieni mulipl." n.Ka 1 McQuacm gaestatistic- ionbace dhitricts, -areas in i ciA ,C .W. M" Turns KicSr gav ail letou eo f ic warlcdoile lu formîte-r 1ean by ie Bralneli unit alssome 6! ie lmarc i ecent aciýieventIs. Mn Johin Palmicer, ane"?, me ld wyslie Juhihe ncr e(t lu joinIug [ticinstitutse ms hmasJackson, Vhe Onty le miembien l ic Brandi, wcspreseleý'iwt a (corSagi o! pasis nit sic olt of mnanty iteesin ightlighisic ticIttie turinýg lierme beti.Thc Betlieny Pre-nc waS staîi luin1914 anit thc mcmbcrsip mmw stands aI 36 SOUINA W.I o! Sollua Wuînnu's inîluf. ivsheM ii tic hallon Weit nesgy Jnc11h.l A lingu graceitVi palloini. MissPer ah Peiet Ode euist Cle.M. ee m-ii ites unit gave iefin.- a.s Weil as a lcttc 11cm ap Ou r eoshv i [Ihe suIrbsrip. MrAl Co n H.ielen Wrr nonldi notify d,,ectr,.by)Julyd ResL- il weplan te o o n the tnLp.ý We ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ar[oaîg$5V ot lie head brain-waSh cý Golden iPlow ,Lodige A s tli Lry' w h ýIchl llprcae h old aria i StqrvI' ticetsoh drw. bou achar'gcter c1ýe I Our cserl u!icheon fortmelyHle listened Vo eýý-verC, pwxt spnipng wilt li eldo laeo!fadice luadSýilHID Mlari 2lsi, othIlw ise .i ontFitly gave up tlngs haF i w\oL1ul ore on Ithe dayýo!fu e-oydbecaulse o)! Cfear o! )fï regular meIetin. oueuece avse b ai CaniadaPaea belo pt aehmmisenable ie e-j sible. l~~its Mary-.Cy~raeet- A ~ ~ ~ ~ i conuiyswri o cides anmi mercurlyali 1ht- b~helciDioiThrs[JiJueue Dhm.He peude ld u L9hwt he villalge gr-ouip lusittling il)a ini ,shelter ulichag. Al arin lvited. rea1ding bauck issuefýs of Read-ý Mr.Wm sltndstiter's ilst Mra Fitzsimmous oncude diecor gvea e~y ntnet-byadyjîSing us to 1use (oun iJI reor o u eDistr ict comroon sCeseinl bWy iu, d- l Annual h l t BlackStocký, eop s al es rataceand ý i,\ithIlNestIeton Brandi, Ihost- donfl be gllible. Pead ci Ir esses. We decicîdd'th Iýat a - I enybox would b',passuien at fine prwlint ouprodilucs. C;et 10 eacth 1meeting. Bach ' sumenheAssociatjion, Ti mede chane. tlj te OIIP IloSe tl.usnalize ,we al have ad Ai ex! , District foo!lîl inswii e e AnniiuaL-l Vils Lettl montgn ladTter. TIIs topic u iwu ieit ('giv',en as out Peni e e1remy Intene(sting adt foi, Frlindshi p. Mn.1 S Fj1iitsrn MonIilS 11Pea s]ing Tic UPres"ideu( ýt ian0uouu ed proaiymd Vhumorous1- thiat wePare Vo br iing witeaswl, quston o orpresent Sys- Colette Taylor thon f Javor- temo o! educaiom, n, otour ed wt lier tVwo finle pianlo er forntheBoad o Edca-nealy aletedpianis . M1s, tion will dsus is. Page thnke leah ioi.had( Wr a ýre V emrir h aken par t i li te even n't weddng atenng n 4c3y 8. pnogain. Misa Leaci added Ms E.Spires elxprtcss-d ieir apprec-iaion and closed Ia11ks f or cornmun 1 1i vgi fts1 iti "The Quen"i . We tan on ichi! o! ilierso Ke aIIenj- eour ial tieme ith 1)is \wife . ithe gr1ouip selvilng StnawbeIric I "'fe mli eau', ' 11 t n iotek.Fighliteen 'irand- tht luy tatrn gan-moithers seaHted etia specýial mother made-atho101, >Thistable, , wier- given gifts and wasvey nteesin, ecli - epeill-ored. vg asur 1 vi iulels Las lriad, but temaI sr4pC.aclt CLOSIED ALL DAY M~ Cro-up ot eoltosto charge 'Lfpr lýie r'ogrnim. Nhe otto wýas v we ll take DOUBLE iyhv s HI . Kux Tlfe yvou liue, i tic\essn !yo bcomeCrndp'shired iman Gl-u sluce- ail thec family arei grown) and 31cigone, aud Vie to hlp.Twopiano scions: Tayor. Mrs F Wtsn, O o ur * il lKodacoI veycapahle 4H Laes us.s Flçe oillutaele aku SUMMER i "Cosurenlm".Eaci slidg astaken Dmin an ïad sic ing products he comipanyis Ilr yng fo persuaide uis to bny, lid at (uS frolini V afio, w- I paper s iors, etcý.Te are Sk ]il rl plued V(0appeal ' o l 1 -e 0 p u l i c . in V '0s, e ,It s i I -, aibuoui. rclocie pr iase'. 'I ýt;i i- ri arfaci ng C0,1 rt ies' !roa, c Saire inil 0Hable conJditionl", but at, the ~~ame time, a t Jinub fr 7 1 lctlay e-su f 1-101 mar alunilwfas tboi eit Ju"th- Theii rcnt]y condtwte37 '1/lil eo s hci t ii ie .IIwphait, have fbrke iesfii-a oict b me r ,Co C 1oad: t7 eepor sadiftd thet thr icnoowe rpeetbeiItr ,(, ho eUliidnibar fie ountye àre tryving to buiild th,1e bht possible ropd, 'or the least pimount of snonley. ndrfur- ilher quLestiofiig, lie agrmeed ~htitl azpossibie tJo blidi imoads whîcb. do Inot break- Iu.P Ibt thlis lie $aid WQitildcost mnuchi more thari the county CouLJ'd or Would sýPend. CouncýI thEn qçptd COnIStr1cionî0 1for re-onStruc- on o No. 3 road [itCourtike, a waMd li thereconsr'le- Goni of No. 37 road to North- land Býitu[Ll-iie t o f DPow'U- GET C-ASflTO»AY excl usive PHIOTO' dor Dvlpn $ with Our DISCO UN T pectin, Certo makes your jams. jellies anid preserves taste so much botter, bCauýse ,,you boil for onty one rninute. !L's goc(J 'to knowA the fi'ts frsh fiavour r3oesn't get boied awvay. You can also get a bigger yiefd and a perfect set. Cet a qOOd start on the seasün. ChP the coupon and buy your Certo inow. -%one YKSTA'S62,3-3541 E FODM.ARKÊF E 1 or.; mi, UN

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