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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1972, p. 6

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X ~tas~, wmviîle, 3Te~,17 on r .0. .F. M mbers Rotarians Learn the Noble Art of AI' Grand Lodge Sessions The Gravnd lodge Fof On- was offivially instâlle-d for-the 1ertero.o rgeVanstne Pap- (1a-, neenetOder, of 1972-7,3 termn of offie.- His pointed P. D.D.G. MV. Stanle Odd Fellow,feting 3t Itle home lodpe is Ya'rker 'No. 467.eure to fulfli the duitiesq RoyalYorkToronto, on june The new DtiiUstriict Deputyý's of tat ofice,,aidGrand Lodge. 141h and 15h. bestowed hon- supporting officers were ialso Th e f ficuiai epesetaiv o,1rs onP iseverailFmembers o f iniStal4ed at ,this meeing : Past fr-om Florce igtngP -lioefeNîhingal Lodge Gratnd Bro)c. John Ciark, Dur- Lodgewas Past G-,rard George No 6 00FBomnvle.hmLodge No7, Di stict i chelson. ro. do amn,)Pst DpuyGranid Warden; Past ogrtltin ndbs Gadf orneNhtnaeGraýýnd a nd Past flistrîct!lwishes to Past Grand and~ LcgandPatChfPari-euyorad Matr Bro. Past District Deýputy Gr-and' rch oqntarîio EncampmrentStne Mc rer DititMsr arv.Wdeoth j o lOhw,crceivedbisSpectary Treaýsurer ; P a S ti cl odge who was Peecd,-, ~ omsinas District -DPuty1 Grand Alan 1Faro--w, District, the high ffice )of Grcan Grad astr f urhm is arhal oh o f Florenlce Wardeun. Graýnd iodige ofOn trc o.4 t the G randIC Nihtingale Lodge,. tarin, àa, thessson, a repor MA1Ster's .linucheon on June 14. Due to thie sd illneso o hich a ppea-red- in last, he Grand Herald, Grand M/as- week's edition. On june 20 PatLDurhjiam0 "E LIZ ABEETH VILLE JLONG ULT Mr, and Mue, Ivan Ro ,l(0 lto know se smcipr PaigaewmeeThursdayand med a Is bet e u ý ýRow'lïli"-ýlýýl , Osaa was a Frs1- Mrs Johnton Kbid Mi, day gust a n M . .John- and Mrs. Twd Kid, oowo son MisesLida Johnson Me.~nu Mrs.iJ.IC. criok we e and Ailee ArThchJanetvlle, Sunday supper guessof the were Sunda guesis Ao!%Mr Smths andi Mrs. P(ert Johnsoin. Sunday visiton7o(f NMr. andr A goodly numnber at teh'dd rs.P.reoas n tn the Sunday School pdcmc were Perivésrhe-ini-aw,, Sunday afteroon.anneew Cilb 5o ladies served lunch fori the C a aly fmine t'1 (ITCAHT! theP hIrýOmoCis kd Sun- FOR »ic APPIANCES Mr. W. Vnvvk.Mis C Pen TIIO(-,Il H eiil nd EIgpisvisited afternoon and everyone is glad (Jntended for ipst week) IJnited Clurch Wfqoens Wok- ,W r.WsnBaietk,shop at Blior.Avery imam1~>~4l~Q ~i 4~ the opening eerieso.teinee.ig.f.ron.a.e-......y ~~ ~ ~~ ~church serces.A ereen1od jï tative 0of the TemperanceAs- s nnQa- ' socatin ws or seakr ad. ril an faily, St. Therese, ' hie spoke on "Faiylà Laf e i'have spnt a fewdayscect anAditive AgMinr. H. Quanltrili and hav GarenvisteiMrcQaAtgenwb g In Itle eventilinte G . in Ptor on:to General 10Hospial Hill Sunday School had thel in am il nrat eaccidet aniversary services, The o hrdyngt Sunday Shool sn i ha a Mr, and Mrls. V. ecck W eno resuits in funds have beenre leased for Motoly rmee iavwast.h b, th2 numer y temelvs ad ve thir two grandsons lcain CRMnn OE oubr littie onse n a qar- Anrdrew aýnd Sbiawýn of 1Ka- nbhfro hm the teady streamn of vehces goïng wîth acga to puff ile itîf Em»1ene TiHoA01sty sake.huer and pe ý"s he.te at Cowan Poic-Bick, there should have beeni mr. H. ThjîksM ontok r.' Alyson nd rs. H. Thickn us SMney an euii ýStanford Strong to a Peter-hdinewthMadrsT YOETI SaeBUrglaFyhorough hosptal on FidTHaryMrcrOonEe lad oyStron-g IS !stayingt cently\hii,(( ~ Robhery<hold-up)with Mrl. and MVrs. B. DaviM.anhsuonWibe Port Hope, yAdpgils, shawa, called on (Inended frlast veek) farher, lur. Herb Btrgese.He pwer e eldon Sutnday forLAI 7 Stock DBrglary Mrs. R. WshesrandtMr and MrVs . b deo was a, fonmer resident of Fathe)r's Day. VahiableFapeNI Ms. J, eKoker, Oshawa-thl wyto a"d Xom thenTyrone UCW met at the-Trn.vstdbrM.adMs ad o spent JavrsSaturday in Toronto.park bat they bave their home of Nis.Ralpb His ondrs EvCMcC Thelocl hgh chol su- amijper at. June L4th.Several thank ou M, Rssei Hrd, Ms, eita te Grdi CrdTh. ets a hme for the hoý,l'iDue to the rezeotOf notes mreced attested tethe granddauhter, Mss LindaLAlldread and grandson Randy, n days. Some have jobse other obcointe eh ae patlbood flowing through theOlvrOsalstee. ow nileviteonu-pny ForFuthr nfomaio Cil reloking orwok. PuGllers aur coing from there gMi, osa sapsi11'rslEa-cCy ,pet he day wtMr. and Ms eresm O)n Tuesday evening Unit 2 to pull plas nts dtis arem ocniuio eapeitdbywedwt er daugbter ,A[)read, of the Uniteti Church Wu- elanct-ilAt eir respectivethe ILeprosy Mission. We can and fhusband, Mr.-aonti Mrs. J.!Mr. and Tour.'T.C DoddTh Janis isurace en hltithei Jue met- arms. Rther along day, fil! a need for knitted mit&i5, OlieFennFaIls. viited ther niece and othrre ing Pa the hîome etf Mr. antic, ý'oniig from the're and4cork irT icilc,!i rsW.Reed whalv'so n&al-or a n rtr-toques, acarves and socks this Mr. oand Mrvfs. Tom PleasacrWelaivsin Tooto latCo1 ~""' imit he farm o the ,ate Rlemig.a , w ayad em -iter. Oui supply carmn an f aml tendedthe Sno- hursday siaiatnidteJ Mr.Mr.and Mrsll O.i McePr suggst tatwe n'i Ome0ofden family picnc at Somia fnrlo hi ebwi a ~~Uf~7 ~ u Trew, nw owned b were inToronto oniFiday. Pour spar iekitng àIbis alon Sunday. ontcs Parker. IThe President, lrs. uinert_________à___ B HA Ne . ai, 24 RILES, E Box 100U Wheeler, ,wýas not abk-le 1n-_"Opera-___ sumer to colecetinr.R.Hi, Mrs, W. ark Powuavile Otaloattend anticoMrS. K Tew Otober, se let's join 1pr-Ms .Bet r.A a aciteca mMs .Mr E NSJLN tion Jack Fos.atended a coffee Party and! is read the tievotional partl Vacs"atinBblcbo"O wil hina dispay at te home of' 0,the mein.Mr.HL! nene for lasI week> be nhe lJly 3id te 7th. Lead- Ms A trkBomnvi thestti o Ar Ma rrsand hipers aren eedels Wedtnesday morning. I andi she licked Rhodesia l10 M. -and Mrs. C. Stawnon and are yousavcingplastc Severai famîly gthe îngss tako.Tesrwer up !anti family were Sunday teastinerse SOS patis and thep- u prwas dicasseti andi plaons guests atMr. and M -s)MIod non-spiring type of clothes mad fo i. Ahal sle CasStainuons. peg? Cokies for the Young-__ made for IL A aie Sde WaLl BURKETON __su. î, l vrSiý(ISý,L1das ewM ffi4cre Residencelplannei. Luntilch a eIii Ms lwnDceyses'sak wudalob OnidnsdaK. rs. w ani eim. fmnlie pvca~. sho incM.adMs .Gthi 1:52-53 63-03 Mrrs Ms.K Tewan e~ Snayevnîgviilr The Sunday ew O shaOwa, spet Thursdy will Thiksn tted Ie 1 C heir parenste lM. weanoned frbu nday, M. and Mrsý .A.CStpe Stainiýlns. s s ai( i, Mrn and Mrs. Joe Rekker and june 251h atu30 at Ennisik son and fonay.f m Swct, Newcastle;Miss EieP len Cownsaton Areea. Mrs r.AI Swain has lenfWt OkeBowmnvile; r. and lISarman andtins John Vaneykihidying moihNM, a"dM T W Mrs. J. MocLaughlin anti rem n- pesntta lruy insarig F, Tabb. da. Union;tMr. end TMr.F. devotionalton "Prayer" . Mrs. MiVs, T. Bie ertaneti This somimer, wherever youovae, Doia"nd, Mr, and Mrs. E. Mcli- Aldin Hoar introduced the aily fiends from Bon IA vii fndanIA toe n Na,1-VisMaureen McaîAr, guestspeaker,-Mi. larence ville anti Osbaw'a 1ea famiy G.Yvl idn CA-o,- c7 Mv. ati Ms. Wyne Becetwugess, Oshawýa. MrW. Burgess dinner on rai otenOtra Penny,-ant iiauilne, Mri. anti openetibis tlk with aï re.1ct- Mr. IHowari AhbbotiUalfryo, àtyadhlpo e Mrs. ClaveeAvery, John iloneofapoem qyWalt Masonpathi ineorial Hospital aed iaaaitwnoabgcl antrJmes, were Sunday -ho in the late 1800,s was IeBowmniilep.We ail ish tincsrillo Q, ilunclieon guests of Mv. ani wvdems ie edhmaspeedy rcovery Iw tcs.Iti ik a th inir. Muray Marahaîl, follow - daiiy wriiter. Mr-. Burgess con- Mv1. Ted'oi Iroyd, Bowmlan- nt every IGA store? ing dhe christening of thid iueubsdîesreîng villevisitet Sunday with Mr. daughter Cari, tiof antiMrs. FrankHolroyd Sr Mis eahe riffn ca-peusoal extenive reseacawloenti hufamily.m ir boroughn Regional Schooi ofthelpoet's lîfe and work anti ru. anti. Mrs. E. Bancettanti PRKCS517411WI NI'ursing, spent a few days iv3s doing bringing [hat by-Bule, Scaroroghspent the J)UNE, , 28$b7To A! 51fl Y i1 with her parents. gnvramvous mie weekenid ith -Mvf. Ant iVMrs. Mv. and Mrs. R. Ho1(we antiMd î,wbr a"" son"as ank Hol oytianti fmily. fWE aESRVFETKRIGHT F) 1MW famnily were undyisitors borel in 1862 nelonger exisste orry W report Mr. FredJf 2OAwTIIT wlhMv. ani NMs. Donld butie community of Coum- abb returnet In0Port Perr Todt, ecste us., lo mirom ithe "site, Hositi onFiday s aftev's Mr. ant iMrs. Gve(gg Tobin.,is familiarlLe us. WallMsn' pndn wowesiaom: Cobourg, rere Sunday visitorspoery was a regular femaure wihM.ntin Mrp,. F. Draper. ni' the "CanadianConym" MIrs. WV. Wovks, Mrs. D. B. among other publications.M. A f.~ Kay Tmorntopent the wYeek- Bres'rciain fsoef" o"r"iai .Jsj.iaO vnd v wit Mv ani Mrs. A. ibis poeîry veaieIw oeOr- marc Sharpi,lhi; sublect by the speaker )ucd VYeeI\ly Rpr Mv.e ant iwiIs. Russel Samn- a love of human nature Yh ton, Zion, tin comrpany wihpetI ovdeMtepasgeo ekof une 19-25inlsv MV, ýanti Mrs. F. W erry vime lle befavorofihe, dmisios 8 wee vîsîtors nu lnday wî,th1aleaA-h-iýJn Mr, ant iVMrs. GrantWiiassbecmatrAnueroBits5ae,3fae Port Perry. Ipeople in Arc audiecereet icags7 Mv. ntiMcc Ge. Pthik, l l a mail world as Mv. Br- YMajor operatione . 6 Scahoouhwere saturday gese eoneiIe ae Mnr operations . 2 eveninrg visilorswpubMr Nu dtisiecolnacs inwg the lirie Emrgecis 250r Mrs. S. Petlhie1k. fof WaILt Mason, a;îgreat manl, 'Miss Joune Bfv,,In,.Mvnaly forg-otten. A congeialI f1 LaeneWrigl, Toronto, ,di vsit lh Mv.Bu, ee as en- Busineýss Directoryf wece weee tivisimlrsaI MWv. oyed as ves! over iceti tee ant1i Mrs. E. Witight's. ntond ice.Accounta cy M- niMS. Roll Clemprns, Wnners athdeEhe pa ty W. .H.CGG Brent, Brati anti Brooke, Mi.e a s follws: Mm.boe hreeiAcutn anti Mrs. Murray Axford antid a, c.Annre Manine, Mi. hLibertyS.SBomnil Melanie, Hamplon, we~~re Sun- JC. Cook, Vr.Isb Wiht-1n 6331 1ay cupper guests of Me. antid s tn iin v.Wn Mrs. E. Wrigbt. ifrtisdCameron. 50-50 tirau WLIA .HAL. On Saturtiay, Mc.anti Mrs. . -B.Commu. MP. Mrsha 11, AndCIrea ant ner r.AîurRcad. ChreeiAcountant Ér 'aiaatended ïthe Aluni O atra eeigJn. King St. E., oshwa0 picel a t Trent 1TwnivsitLy IlIth, Long Sa»t, BelbestiA Telphne715-65314 iibli wac lti in hmo ofaniTyronecommLiie uit,- ReiiigPejtetTom y-e i rselto fapeeC h i ro p ra c tic on.of crystai anti a gi t certificatecls_ c, DBavidiStaintn anti each le five local couples mac- .EDWVIN lMANNs, J hîltren, Cohourg, weve SDt- liedi ecently: Mvr. anti Mrs. Ciorco urtiay visitors wlth b.Stain-rDonald Pelîtier nPee margeaeOffice: lonsc andt he Nsenss. _ hishrgr);McaatiMi.15 E i-S., or. o orl lsey St. STuart Hoey;lM. AI Ms. Phone 623-5509 Brin ilhiamc (nlee bynda JOffice Heurlisi . B apinme fDvy;Mv. aiMcc. Gary-H ilf arer(ceKaren Milîson) ýý Cantinee RcGeeu e DR.e. DnaWlL- N Jean lVlReets). Danci ,ng ni DetlSugo M.antiMr.J C Cok 9-12a..-1 -6fi TOurf, kend ndCuIStoE spenitftle w7eekenid with he exepiSaturday ceid Mlige WVelcome Le the wond rful worid (4 Ch n nfod at the Lotu eider My, anti Mn. brne y,.W.M UELD. GDardens Restaurant, where you AUll nioy the suebtiteso CKes atn', iedDorangvillYani at HonmsE: Bwanid cuisin .-ur enu is eXOtIe and legendary, i is filled with everý,y delîg,2Ge iLaiCeeey .,te6pm ai IARUHm~r Closeti Serée. 9aîut y6 ntiSUnday ____________lia Popfflar dishes and Igourmet)( liace[M-,. anti Mrc W.Park vieil- ffice Ph n 623-5790 If you appreciate a caneof pac lrom ltheordn r orei _Mr. ai Mr%. H. Stelof OPARCHMENT8%54 hav th slghtstwhim tfor real Chi-ese gouIrmet foodt, Ppeebrhovug.h. .D3R. ILAZET .. ~ampe~ -oJr...,bn -ou_-a11_ejoy he-bstf.m .. Mr.,ani Mca. Ralph bBowers Bwia-ileMONA0H$m 17 AE - TOP QUJALIT t y MONDAYS THRU FRIDAYS5 SATURPAYS 7:30"q m t0p a p.m How ~ te Gel ~ There: SU 1ND1)A yS 12of noà p. NOS2 IGHWAY' __ STRAWBERRY PATCH 401 HIGHWAY___ RR.2, IBovvwmanuville ?houe 623-7252or6-59 ýdrop iv and sf iothe friendly man aI ae2ý,d ïi nearly every city and nmaior vaca- .1 esvery onýe, there'S ci Mr. )GA waiting to ie.Ad, n10malter where his store i, lot- fy, you'1Iil i bcgettliig thc>se famouos IGA 0ee' efriend losehy, w rever you go y r pedb HF. OSHAW ý GROUPUhfrTO OpNt OR LMON LTO MOPE r) EO 2FOR Lu»,csC7OU$(A 1"41Af~ elANIlA ROSAI VEL LIQUNO ~PLUS ýà 9' 47 ORE NECTAIE 79 PAPER TO WELS 2lO053 THU. r y AT- OPEN AS USUAL 'SA.-ý SUN. MON. prize.

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