The Canadcian 51tltrsman, BOwnlànville, l unje 28i 19721 623-3303': FLASI3AC - 2 Ycas Ag BoManville IntemedateRoyals blanked Whitby 7-0 ini their seodleague game. Mern.bers of the 13owvmanville teamwereT. Bagneil, cf; Gilhooiey, 2h Yourth, s.s.; Osonlb); Purey, 1.f.; Osborne, ;)I,; Ames, r.f.; ,Suttýoni, p.; Tyson, c. Also the same year, Lthree Bow- mavlegirls, Joan Greenfieid. Rhooa Evansi, and JaneMarerrionwho have been leýading athietes at EHSwill r1epresent tesho at the Ontario Track and ielid sponsored by tihe WVomený's Athietic Asso- ciaion to bechel iVarsity Siadium, Successful competîtors Wvcl11 go tlo England as Olympic ± t tt t FLASBAC( 1 Yeas Ao -Ken's Men's Wedeeatedl Snuffy's 15.8 last Tuesday'even- îng ai the IlighSchool diamond, John James wet he route, checking the Auto Body crew on Seven s -afeties. Bob Marjerrison led the attack with three singles; Ted Bird a triple, Curt VasoeAnd Don Bishop each a double and single,4. John Bird had a pair o01 singles., NAf.Rt)OW WIN --N'ewcastie Ladies edged Courtice 54in A Durham, Ladies' Sofibaîl League gm rpcentIly in Bowmanville. Judy Powell was the win- ner giving up 15 hits, whiie Shawn Essex took the ialiowing Il. Joa-n Kimbail led 'the wînners at jlte plateý with a horner, double and a single. Doris Mheshad a pair of hits and one each wvent to Jecan Stere, Gail White and Jeannette Wagar. t Ï t t T }IAWKYES awkeye coacli Mike Kirkpat- rick w'elcomied nearly 70 prospects for bis OsaaHawkeyes Junior football club at pra-. tis reenty.The club is prepping for the up.. comling ORFU Junior schedulje which starts July 2a( Cîii Fels gainst Oakville Colts. First exhibition game is calledt for July 5 ini St. Cath- armeiis. PM-1an Eddie Milburn inforins }awkeye supporers te 50-5-0 draw tickets are now avail- a?, Ithal proceeds heing turnoed over to the equimentfund LMsio, Milburn is on the shop- pin lii fr asevn man blocking sled for (rainling calp ue.Ai Murdoch of Bowmauville Is amonig one of the players seeking a spot. t1 t - t t LEGON OLF league got away to a good start -')h 0 pi'aying and non-playing members. Heid at Ei-nli Golf Cl1ub, BobWVils on has set up five tourna- let oi, the season .John Ford and- Miii Cars,-on have1rranged for a ý cook-ouât twice a month wiVth fan Turner in charý1ge of handicaps. Jim Barclay's teamrr is 5n1firsi place at the moment but other teams arýe pr-essinýg. L1es Smnaie, genial manager, is reported as behiing -100 per cent co-operative with the league anýd President, Ab Mavin keeps ail members inform- cd ef the ,date's of activities, t t t t t ORNOPE EES -,- de.feaIted Port Hope 9an1(tma 8-64î Orono, Tuesday inight. Marten on the, l moklgýund for Orono, Austin'started for Po)rt Hope wýith Swalesr, taking o'ver at the stant t t t t JE VAN P RA TT of ni Bowmanvilie and. JuDe La tig, of Meadowbroouf)k who both finished ai 86 low gross w ere defeatec d by Pamn M/,acKay of Thunderbird Golf Club withma 79iii heirsi flight event ai the annual ladies 4. olftoùnamntheld ai Osbawa Golf Course last i I t t Ît IITE VLYINýG P15 UT - The nxitimie somebody - ~ ~ P ResyY og 'lakite, turn hlin tlo thýepolice, i t's against the iawý to fly kites in Oshawýýa so strictly ~~~~1ý spakng-e b ugng you to comit a .ýqcrime. The faci that kite-iîn in Oshawa is againist the 1aw was 1broui ght h[om-e to a nurnber of youngsters ;recentýiy whýienri ,e. verai o Oshý,awa's finesi arrived on the scene {o tel temt ihunl their string, The police had b)eeni contlacted by a memrber of the Oshawa Airport control tower staff who'pointedoui to theni the sec- Stion of Air Reguldations (1960) deaiing witb the mat- t(ý ito states: 1\o person shall fiy model. aircraft within f ive miles from the centre of any ont -, one - raerodrome traffic Zone a e u nteDsgae Hnboklubiie n eheauthiority ofthe nstr(of tirnsport)j, in a anner ipTthat croats or s likio c-(eate a azaard ireaf. (Paraa50B).Paagrph101(à) Of bbc sam-ie regulationi sýtates thatàarra' means any machýine capab1le of deriving 1ýsupport in Mtbe atimosphere from re 'actions of the air.ý And ibis dlefinitely includes kites, saysý an ail-por soksm who preferred b re atiaony- MOU ous fr ar o)f havin1g bundreds of Osbiawa Llli ptnsdescend Lupon bb(-1-airpori anjd pin thlm b thj1e tai-ma wib'ifsr." «Anythiýg [Ibat f lics within a fie-mle adis ad ba higbt of['4,000 feet isý undc1 er h uidcinof the control twr"h ad Tfhe s-pokesma-n acddd that thereae been kîý'tes fhown near thle ai-port as high a-s 2,000j feet. eRAND NEW 1972 HOLIDAY FORD TORINO or 2,00,0 Cash EARLY BIR'D (Sha"re thle Ielfth) AE STAR AT :30PM, - BUSES.AT THE DOORl Grant for Softba Il AIl. sofibal leams piaying in organized leagues in Man- vers Township, will receive a grant of $U5 The motion for the grant \vas passcd ai a receni Man- vers Council meeting. Second Tennis Cou-rt ïin Orono ORONO - The Oroino Parl, Board bas gîieietaieap- proval te ,construction of a sec'- ond tennis court in bbe park. Tbe Tennis Club* rccently met with the Board and pro- posed the new court, jusi wmsi of tbe existing onem. b was giveo the tentative apprýovaI and bbe club is nnw invesigat- ing both costs and plans, te be submitied te tbm board. for final approval. Wayne Helson, president of the club, said that now would be an ideal trne to begin coni- stutoas ail paymenbs on thie frst court bave beent JUly Weekend Mosport 'Style. YvonDuHamt'l, tbe 30-year- noid Frcnch Canadian super- star of bbe motorcycle world. wlll be bard-prcssmd by smc of North America's best rid- crs on factory machines wbeo he mounts bis Kawasaki foi' bbce Motorcycle Grand Prix for Canada at Mospori Park. Aitbough the race is on Sunday, July 2 of bbc Do- minion to Independence Day holiday weckend, lb will be neither a day of peace nor a holiday for DuHame]., .lust about mxerytbing thit goes fast will make an, ap- peara.nce beiwmcn June 30 and July 3- sports cars, sports racing cars, GI racers, sedans, Formula Fords, motorcycles, scramblcr bikes and even drag racing soowmobiles. .There h se omucb tbat's1 gooci going on that it is bard to say wbicb is bbc main event. Canada's littie LeMans. a six-heur endurance race int theb nigbl,' - The Sundown? Tbe fourth event of bbc Bulox a Championsbi.p merÎes for Form- ula Fords and 2.5 litre se- dans? The Motorcycle Grand Prix of Canada? Earicr ibis season Eýt Mo- sport. Dul-amel won i ail four events be enicred i.bbceEarly Bird Tropby Races. Iben he was off 10 bbceIfS. to run tbc 1972 American Motor- cycle Association Series wbcre bis wins were not as regular. At Dlaytona, in bbec eîe opener, be was leading untilý bis cogne scizcd. He won thbc second event of bbc series in Atlanta. Iben trouble again... this lime it -was a irpmed Gary Fisher wbo collccted the cbeckermd tlag and kisses wbilm DuHamel nursmd bis cycle wiih an ail-1 ing transmission. Fisher bas not yei entcred' bbe Grand Prix, but specula- tion bas il bat be may. Duane IVIcDa-ýnimîs' of Michigan, bbc No. i plate boider lri road raighas eniries or ob 'a 2,150 c.c. and a; 350 cc aa ha. IvorLloyd-( will srdi a 750 c.c. hungry Honda for, tbe event. Competion in Ibm Grand Prix, ibis cont11r y ,s premiere, moborcycle- event wil]. be keeni,i i..,r Di,,,' ri i di t e. m no oic, r Softball' Champs from South Courtice'School WFIITBY TOPS EWCjASTLE -- WIhitby At-' tersloy Sports defeated Newca,,tle Lions 8-1 in an Eastern Ontario Junior Baseball League gaine here as, Dave Ross pitched a one-hitter. Ross struck outI l hatters and received. 10 hits from his mates, with Miles Sbnider collecting three, Ross and Dave Moore earh 1bad two bits for Whitby with others going to Harry Long, Doug Wanlow and Mike Shisko. t -Î, NEW TRACK OPENS - The Board ef Directors of P.eterborough Racing Association wisbes to announce the opening cf tbeir new racing facili- ties on the 29th cf June. IÇawartha Downs, the naine cf the new track, is Iocated on Highway 28, just south of Hig-hway 115. Racing fans, as welI as horsemen f>vr the area, have been pat- iently awaitingthe c, pening of the new plant and the impro-vements planned by the Racing Asso- ciation menubers for thm henefit of its supporters wilI he a welcome addition to the local racing seenel. Construction sehedule ails for the com- pletion welIl advance of bbc announced'open- ing date, to allow fer a final inspection of tbe new grandstand. Although the racîng senson ba.s been sernewhat delaycd in opening. ibis delayv has been purposely condoned by the association te ensure that the facilities Would be in excellent operatien for its many friends and patrons. JUDO- The Mapie Leaf Judo Club, Courtice, will be hosiing a German Nationial Tigh Sebool bearu fromn June 3tb bo July 3rd. There wili he a work- oui of bbc beamn Juiy 2rid ai one p.m ,al, the club. iVisibors are welcome and freec admission. At Livin ïxeln eint goid, a water show and squarejfor g ouýt adawr pi - .~ ~ ~ -dancing under century oid for the best strikes. trees are some of the attrac- The spectacular water show Soi th-, C'ourtice Public Srhool gýirls recenbly took1 Tink, Kelly Baker, Karen Massey, Carol Casile, Barb- tions of Shawano Day 72. will include daredevil kite fly- home theWetr Area Softbaîl Cbampionsbip, in ara Aikinson, Monica Greser, Captain, Karen Roberi- Subtitled' a "Salute Lo Leis-ling, bare-foot trick, pyramid competibion, with other schools under bbch Norbhum-1 son, Wilma Martin, Joan Christi, Betty Kuyer andîure Living,"' ibe July 2 event1 and shoe skiing, as well as berland-Dui irha Schooi Board. Lef t to rigbt are: Lynnj Sandra Vienhof. ilsata n'pm a hýln oysrig - -----Shaw ano, a 1,200-acre leisure~ Square dancing, witb well- living development 25 mi1esý known entertainer Bob Jaffrîay If Jun,, tihey bave a f@ur and inorth of Mador in bbe Higb- calling, wil]. be open to al1 Lo a vai O ta j e v ' 'iht Ch mp lfive. won-iost record, despite iands of Hsig,6 miles visitors, following a dmn outscoring' n d outhittlngnortheastby Ptroog their opposition during the More than 3000 visitors atsqaedcegup .nîe gme trtch Th Elc-tended the previous Sbawan Other attractions planined Day held in August 1970. for the day include boat cruis- irons have been averaging BaloitJrr otrades, sailboat training rides, dis- seven runýs end 10.44 hits per Blons er st adplays of leisure-living equip- gamne. T'hey bave however ce ilgv eosrto ment and a guest appearance sbranded 85 baserunners, o rides in bis propane gas-fired byPinesCan tro an average of 9.44 lefi lion He il ntoateptLake Ontario Regional Devel- board,, per -game. 0'or g around bbc world in 801opment Council, Sansur ad inr 'a days, bisthered ascent be- The family attraction Às stone have yet to stieetiglmtee 0 et ue, and aimns at encouraging wh le Doug Crough is error: Burly, Sourdough Sam (o-tbhe njoyment n i unspoiled free in his first compîcte sc.î- nsMrh fMdc, iiwildcrnerss. areas, son as an Electron. Leo Kell, Ray Crombde, Ricb Littie, eryBlack, Wray Rendeli, George Jones and Vin ce Van- ~ne have achcmmte jtist onm rror. One of thec Electrons la impressive figures is in the !1RV C4 TA TN stoien base department, wbere tbeY bave thieved a mere 10 In the fine gamnes. Tbeexa base hit stabs are not cspmc ially flattering, as the club . have managed only five cloa1 bics, one triple and sýevený bomers. for a total of 13 tra base clouts from their MODE RN, TWOBAY RANCH STYLE base bits. More of tbc Ee irons' figures appear cisc HIGH INCOME POTENTIAL - wrbere on the sports page. One of bbc main pf_,scns * AID TRAINING PROGRAM responsible fer intermedîate baseball's revival m Bowmnau * MODERATE INVESTMENT REQUIRED ville five seasons ago, Fred M"Bock" Cowle, bas enother ,FrCnietalJtriwCl Project undmrway, The c--FrCnieta 0-rrwC * Brookdale Roses perfermer Is' 19-year nid Bowmanvilic resident, Horst Geisser, righi, becamne Oniario's top irying to stur up interestinbJ C MD AlI amateur heavyweigbt boxer Saturday nigbb, in only bbc fourtb fight of bis career an Electrons Oid-Timers con- A 1ncku *o test bIb te vcry near future.AEACDE75-4-x4 Horst. wbo, weighed iu at 245, fight nighb. won with the only bbcou f h Any pasi members of t ibeE CD evening. at 1:10 of bbc first round in bbc Ontario- Amateur Cbampionships ln- Roses or Royals Intermiediat- or Torionto. He defeated Bob Giies of Brantford, and says that bbc only bhing lefi crews tbat would be întere- for him now is the Cana dian Cbampionship. Howie Edmonson, 1dbt, was a run- cd in more Information on -RE CD sucbh a cotest, are advîsmd t REiOE)0-4547 nerup in bbc ightweight "B" division, \veigbing in ai 130, Friday, bbc nigbt of bis gmt in touch witb "Buck", figbt. Nexi Home ^G:ame Ram For I fTwci Sunday ces Cuancell tion V Electro ns G urnes DU Dflrnl sin ema LQby 'linsm re Hnpe's Agriculture Park. Jb Bowma-nvil.Ie Ibis year, aiel beat. 0~~~~~iree previous ,affairs, te bh osts fra2pm ae on ilfauet, asbd ui 5-Fdel 3-2), bs ath won iwo on Saturday,,Juiy lst. ~. atles ake of0 imT LckceV (ct -4s m nd3e, ),ib th inBow- Ibe Electroos' nexi borne esn ke , th 'i' manillewhil theElectron1s' acrap i hiibs coming Sunday gammalais wek,-2 i r ýù,Wmd- 4-0 victory wsa away tri- et 2 p.m., with Peterborough eneday math sPtrbor ogbumphvisiting. If al of the sehe- A ntivenin pendC an rocot undeta erS On Friday nighi Élie TV- duied foui' games gmt played, perCi ek aitSudayagansicrwd travel to Peterborougb tbm Electrons will bave disý An lonn fr Ra,-ttlestiak(, Osbaa wmvý-reostponncd, g j or an 8 p.m. tilt, Ibm Keodal poscd et 13 of ibeir 28 lmague bites wv,111he avaliable at 28 ing tbe Bowm11anvillesua Eagîas, winncrs, in their iwo matches., depots on an emergency basis a weeuk idie. Thcv lasi spviprevinus meetings against Heading loto bbc final wemk this sumnmer, tbm Honorable action on Sunday, June 181hl Rýichard I. Potier, Minuster of when tbey dropped a 3-21 LOCKE TV ELECTRONS STATISTICS Hleaiib, anneuoccd today. toughie, here, witb Port Hope. asi of Tuesday, Juno 28th Lest year's ntwork of de- Manager Clint Ferguso-nýs AB R H RBI Ag pots, ail of whicb arc bocaird bîoop are eogaged Ibis Weu'k !in geeahompibals or public in a bmctic -feur gamnes in fiym Ki1patric'k --------------------- 8 O 4 1 .500 beal1ib unîts, bas been streogi- days, egobn tngh e i Sansbiiy------------ ------ 16 3 7 2 .438 benmd by tbc reemot additioonsdaya -0pm)a o Kelly --.----- -1- .----------- 42 Il 18 9 429 of N,,ortb Bay Civie Hiospital. C o be ------ --------- ---- 3 . 4 1 Anynnoe bitten hy a raffleCobr3 l 1 2 .8 soa'ke is advised to apply a Crugb---------- 18 5 6 4 ,313 tourniquet immmdiaiely jusi BgnIl ----------- ----- 36 4 10 5 .27 ahove bbe bite and tightA e - - ---------------- -.- 8 4 à 4 ý7 nough toencmpî1mss tbc sot tAm 8 4 5 4 .7 tissuies ronly. kmep bbc affectmd l McMurter ------ . -------- 31 5 8 4 .258 11mb a t restiad sek belpI ' Holmes-------------.. --- 4 1 i O .250 from ibmii nearesi physician or ~ Piper - -- --- -------------------------- 21 4 5 1 .238 0eot 1.i Oeilly - --------- - - 28 6 6 1 .214 Tbm Epidcmiology Sesrvice of'Bak-- - 10 i 2 i .0 bbe Hiealih Ministry reports Blc ------------ -------- . 0 1 2 1 .0 1t h e Mvassassauga raitimi 's Vanstone -- ----- -------- ------- 5 2 1 O .200 Irange as bcbg up to 25 miles Joncs -------------------- --------5 O 1 i .200 from ibe (-shore fine of Gmorg- ' A am -------------------------- 5 O i 1 1 . 200 ain Bayv, Lake Huron, Lake 4_, Parks --- - ----------- 1-----------i 2 2 1 .182 Erieý and bbc Niagara section ACT4ti7'EUti/g 'Redi - 7 i 1 i 1. of Lake Ontario. But is main e d l ------------------------ 7 1 1 1 14 locale -is ibm islandi aýnd shore TU/SWI//(c Lie -------- 2-3 ------- , 3 2 3 .087 ine of Georgian Bay libn ANTthe, 6~'«/TeaM. TobaIs --------------- 32,4 63 94 52 .290 Parry Sound arma. Laest yar, 4,'i;rweem- .. p w L R F RA HF RA four of - th provinces sev-sn reported bites wmre inflictedi 9 4 5 3 61 94 79 1ihere 4Ai 'tW Meo Lefi, On Base - 85 in 9 games Ibm Massassauga rattier is V ~ ros -2 Onbario's only poisonous snake PTHN lits bite causes severe painSHLZSh)l1? R H SO BB W Plve swelling and dîscolouratuon hl l 1 0 B ae witbbn a fmw1 minutes, Servîce Akey -.-------- 31 10 2 7 27 5 3 0 O Antivenin hs supplied by tilc O'Reily ----- 15 2/3 8 14 19 5 1 O O Hi e a i t b Minisiry witbou t charge, te ail deps.Altf 180 KING E. Crougb ---- 61/ 6 7 3 8 O 0oO blese depots and a map show-' BOWIMANVILLE Kiipatrick ---- 2 6 6 0 4 O O) O ing bbc range of ibm ratle IRendel ----- 9 10 10 6 4 O Il O oaeIs avaiilahie en requesî, PHONE 623-.5662 1 Holme 0 1 8 1 frem bm Cmmuniaibes »( MeLachlan - Don Pli Parks 3 I 2 1 Brnc, instv f -ealth. jobais ------- Quecens- Park, Toronto, Toas _------- t6 61 79 63 38 4 cania taehwn n vitha latoat i 4Iu 1 r living and ti xrvgnail Psnnucr ctivitioL 1. T4, ii 008n,,So .AFFSAY tirr iý SPECTACULAS WOrTES SHOW fe1 ,,g i", 1 ýhows trK h« Fyrýg Bor.rc, A.554dOn 80DYan SiiU5FIiN l SQUARE DOANCINGO -hora rd 010 ) wit B.b Jeiinay rMh 45 ROAT CASS.O FREE gpd Or -i-o, t4 Pc, ers., irawno k.. (do iorg fL GOLO FANNING ho od5 sd - dgo S- -11 roro,,5w Aid" t ,- - ' I, h AU ~ ARE kELCGMEù ~on highway2j ITULOW DUR SINSI 9. PISo S C&MOTS SRAT S 5.(Y-, , - an - trio9 h , . O,,deni o 10iRET B ALLO N G RIES nf-, nr ,0, n -. - 1 0 r -,i rh . o 1O0p,,t0 iM MANY 01.555 FUN ATTRACTION$ 12- CORS .AN0 ONJOTYPUBPIMSLF. (brin, a1 m,.bb, tka amsso& Furr 7b.! , , i "' ý a ; et et lois 1 'lite 1