The Canadian Statesmian, rowmanville> July 5,1972" ,Hear Canada j More than 7,500 irequests for rntvy fornm and.i well over 1,10,9 entries have been rer- eived irnth "Hear Canada Sing;ing'" song-writing compe- pnsrdby the Canadian Conereceof- the Arts and supprte byMolson Canadian (TM), the conpetition offers ,,17,500 'n vcash grants, making it the- largest Canadian song- xiiitiig comnpetition ever held. "H-eýr (Canada Singing" be- anApril l2th, 1972 with clos- ngdate for entries July 15, 197.2. Reussfor entry forma ha1ve, been comng in at a staypare of 150 per day from VUanicouver Island ta Newfondlan, as ell as from CaainForces' rbases je iEur-1 ope and iCanadîans living -i thr United States. "Thle competition, bas pi avený irnurh more successful than we -xetd"John. Thomson, ad-ý ~ vrtiingmanager of Molsn ~,. Bewery(Ontario) Ltd, aaid- " wentinto this competitin UrbcaLuse we are pr-oud of beng Caadenan we wav'nted to do somenithing poitive thiat -boosts ~ "'Vioson anaian (TM) thika hatCanadian ,song- ritand talent deserve en- couragementii and support and we have theresourres and the desîire ito hlp,",Mr. Thomson Pepein al walks of Ele and occupations. . . a ho use- wife in London, Ontario, an etate, agent in Toronto, sistors in ai convent, prisoners in insopPuc4entiary, studeflts efudland, officers in.theý Canadician army in Quebec, a dmctor ini Hamilton, andaa pro'minent ,Canadian painter hiave enteried the campe- tition, Ian ys1 spokesman for the competition, reports that cpenries-,have been addressed to 'Hea r Canada Singinïg" Èn ~iny 'variations, inluding: CnaanCulture Song CigAotestaad Cnts Rear Canadla Singing Here Caonada ingiSng Ç'7_ an Tyso Singng Sn Competitmon ~i~- It ihe hope of Molson r~ Cnaden TM) and the-Cana- '~ dan Cnfernreof the Arts Rît e nisrta lustin In Corn Binsï du1-cted hy' a numrný1 of Can-ý adian compns, an effctive' trf-reatmenrt programhas been estblibedto control cor- Coedrn and 'grain in 3teel 1' b1n3. over nolYoJefin primer on the ~ Inide allsand roofs of the ~ ~ bin W1171 inimize corrosion ,a~nd geaty etend the if e of the mietal grain bîn. StocrageF of acîd treated corn in glvanzedsteel bina was - rsufltng, in rapid corrosion of the mietal, to the point heetelife of theý bin was ~ reetced't as iittie ais three ~ years whensub.iected ta the mor corosveacids. Since a galvanirePd steel binshould ~ norally ast up ta 30 years, ~ thîs a ndrasti credurtion *' il life expectancy. (High imoisture feed corn is treated "'IÎwi organir acida - usually Sproprionic acid or a combina- tion (f proprionic and acetic - Io t suppress or inhibit the growth 0 f .micro-organisms ~. The ý problem was first libroughit tothé, attention of -1aple over polyalefin prirn- icm, pr-ovided the best perform- nce of the coatîng systems teýstedI. The coating ney- be e-itherý brushed or sprayed onI ~ ta tickness 0ý f no lesa thani S4mis Other alternatives - 4~ inclding ahesive - backed ~"polyethyl enie - proved less ~. efectve i practical use, '~Polyolefin primier and high- '~ bildchloinaed.ruibber coat- 1 inga are aailable from InteLt- acid dîstributora. 0%w hoi6Wha Cracked Wheaf LNEmo eig~Pie MI 8înch, 22-OZ s59< JAEPARI<ER, VSPIYUAISIN RICHk JANE PRKER VNILLA BUY 3 PI<GS ~- SAVE '> aca ,'Rroopn Cup Cakes' 3pkg-, 016 $100o Sw 'ee RI< IIýS ielY 01 Pineapple Iopp.d pkg o[a3I Farnily Donut5 Pen rSgýskoI29 JANE PA pI<ER, TW IIJ RO LS OR1 u ér P g ý 2 9 i Çnlowfloke-RIs3PksH$~ JANE PARvIR-3 kgof2 Cube Stýleakçs I$ RED 5RAND SIFSlR RFFF Chuck Steak l 4 RED BRAND STEER BEEF, PBONE.IN Cross Rib Steaks l 8 F RE SH Minced Chuick l 8 FRFSH Minced Rond teak lb98U TUB FOR RELIEF FROM PAIN & DISCOMFORT 0F HAAHS& OD Bayer Aspirins bîl i 10 loablets 69< JHSN&JONN Baiby Powder 14-or i n 8 7< JHSN&JONN Bacby Shampoo 12-l-or bil $1.27 JOHNSON & JOHNSON Baby Oil 1orî8 8< FEMININE Modess NopkinS bo. of 48 $1.69 ChikenLegs FROEN, PIECES CUT UPý, TRAY PACKf Boiling FowIl 1o-lb box SHOIJLER OR BUT Pork Chops- FiRESH vAitY Grounrd Pr CCNTCREAM, LMOCHOCOLATE, BUTTERSCOTCH, ROBIN HOOD Parfait Puddings 3 5-o7 pkgs 49< CARRO, CHOICE QUAIITY (PEELED, WHOLE) PIum Tomatoes 28-fl-or in 29< PUIRE, ASSORTED FAOR Englisli Inn Jams 3 9-i-or jwr $1 .00 SEM A S ER Soft M argarine , 1-lb. Tub 3 PALANDA MandarinflOranges 5 I 1 Il lins$1O 17 Sie acn>-lvac pac 84c BURS BN, STORE PACK< TOWN CLUB 2.LS VAC PAC $X.08> lb 9< ieners 1-b ve pc 5 8< e. VARIETIES, MHOT, SWEET, PLAIN, GARLIC, STORE PACK SX * Italian Salusage lb 78c A5SSRTED 167< SX~Cold Cuts 16-o pkg88 BULK 16< S.X. Wieners 4-6 caron$19 41k A RNODES, R7f Bread Dough pkg of 5l..aes 79< APEDANISH-14-OZ, CHERRY DANISH-131/-OZ, PEA-21/-OZ, FOE Sara Lee Coff ee Cake pkg 79< McCAIN, FROZEN, SOSRN French Fries 31A-b bag 85< FROZEN, OCNRI Welch's Grape 12-f -oz in 4 CARNATION, FOE Steak Fries -321b pkgs $1 .00 sx RN Sliced Bologna 16ozpk 5 9< SMOKED, COOKED, BONE[ESS, 2V2 10 31/24%B AVERAGE Swifts Dinner Hams ib$124 IOWN CLUB, VISKING Bologna BY THE PIECE lb 3,5C BRAUNSCHWEIGER, LIVER & BACON & SANDWICH Sw*iftS PremiUM ChUbs 3 8-oz chub, 89< SX BRAND, FROZEN Hamburg PattieS 2ibox$158a COORSH BRAND Salami Torpedo 20-oz chub $118 FREEDRiED A&P Instant Coffee s-oiar$.79 A SUPERR BLEND 0F 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE 8 O'clock Coffee 1l bag 619< VIGOROUS & WINEY (3-LB BAG $2.29) Bokar Coffee- i-lb bag 79< CC FFEE Maxwell House 1-lb bag 8 8< PEI BIENO A&P Tea Bags (E G uLAR OR DIET CA SE 0F 24 10FL-0z TINS> T6WELS ASSORTED COLOUR PRINTS WHITE, PINK, YELLQWO PKG OFj 2 ROLLS pkg of 00 ags69< EA