I V insBes IIRond-ubAwad Th'e Canadian Statesinan, Sowmatvî1le Juy5,17 Mrs. ruce iIlsýEd;to Phon 9 Il413 I in. ý , >, eneral Food lantý'w;._rc ,the colipany in itsCana- As Local 1230- lanadia IlU ,r !, A I f !,,,,,- l - s St La ru r .. ...'ý..'. ýtL pcetlre atr otn.sr1g an peura'ywt EU U 's,,,ii fvorofst keacton;ata'ew'egtiaios,1heCobur MrHwrd Salto1 - 1 d ' ,,ri heenm meig w es ol ga.fl Ilha- Mil"usan ail rs s 1k 1ail sThe U io15i ,tsvoterejee beh1d inwage eve: Brue W Merer nd '1 ,d acoma,_ofir o an82c He arnd wrke, t'b eny f amto wee unb5A.551---1)9 a hu icras, pradove pepre fr alogltrk99a yay dînnerÀguesis of i e erTeofrwsfurGn iFosbsrcnl Mrs.KenBai............................cens hihertha tu orginl sippe on eroug fot~ ro, proaiad oud avutstosaîsy eran-fort, Mr.,,nd Mrs El-er Mum- *. Ctwo, - --ather than three yearsaily ~ McCor- ,ask re-vîsîîng her r-- '1s' , ly ikesadînne supr s Laninmmer ms end îth her mot1 M s.1e1caiers in-he ten oon l tîves, M . -ý.H-ý1_,ýý7,".,ý,,,,--jý ' , -ý >> f r and M s Don Brook Mr, and .Mrs. 1rvîlle Chat- were,,, ,e --uetsion uatured aElec. Eso holiday: ..eeke1nd with Mr.. and be t hT e c , piild in Beilevane,-t As re County,,nos._ toObis ! .t.rling."and Sunday- supper. 'he executive, ofrthee psesilant Mr. arid Mrs.. W..m, Remd St. .>", l - :< heeader b -'1,East . F 1ýý', Coast.,ýý ýý e wîth Mrand Mrs Tom Mc ludJîn Hepurn New-r' ,nd sons of Oa«ville spent Gu i wereciir, Dond W t etpat peîen fat. mai' Les Re._,:icha:0rdi.I î .. 01 ,. -. Peter - ..:.ý,- Scothomn, %6Ottawa. M-ifsnbrough LsalecrtryTLv Mr.F.E oe 1 atet. r. d negoe n fml si sha ut Waes inteMmoilHsp-i'owisCro er adMsBrdodîshw:MssMr uie2t. omr eeig insr radMs Jh jx.n. amlPt" 4ýi.,ýi. ...'," . m4nvî -: .iliee--. astc, ae rg Soe reuni al cuionrk Pary on, adboogh eectvem mbr Mr ad rs Faci Cwa, er.atrdy îstrs.mh r ndMs.aye.rîhtMssSuanLr, OlawMisKah MGirK c MelaieNanc sn Joh a, theforier. sîterMi' andandfam M .owmavmie; M. ws a innr:gusi îth r,-ner spndngibsee a, ct-Mr. eronVei ad ,,. ard r Knnth Wr.h. d.r..re R Stves.neM..an.MRn1ogr 5, 'a , ageai ani'Lke.Symath oftu comun:sn1sos BseLmn; Mss ar-dayoat iekMr rd rslam an Lo, wreree Newcastie ai.her cottageWnî. Cowaa (Gant). with'Mi . ard Mrs Fre - -Sno en visîed rsii'. ardof MrTd Wcte, ta n wn Cameron.Lake. Joint church sericene t Wrigbt _. - ý Woodbride family atiended the bîrthda 'r>R g uto etrn d Su da wll be hed t Ma4e Th c oi nenbrs me istfo mel M s d anki w o r E a . ra g, Pr vie ceGe er l ns ra c hoe lsek fon b rv t1:3 r.W.isaeemg au îvdm ai rv o e-o uia OsaaenrlIfsîa. ian r.JonCar idbon f raidMsCdrcnidyo ai ek.Te ioM r.G yMDî IEadATMBL Paul Snodegrass. Steven,1 -îtchener, setib usliadfaîywer hy aldonRv îd Mis, tanè1ý- adOsa ,weeSu ayii of Lîodsa, ceieb1 ated her weekend with ,lber parents, M5eI1.UBANCE for i 1. .E lienshaandMss D avid of ta wa nts, M. rdMs.H.Cony n1 Bowia arntCunîl M ' aîid Mr. Percy Dewell-ý, , w Tere Undayiiiisuppe-r gesi eKNOST-E puLs ofher graes.reseted iVIs. artn wih aMape af in and car '.- wrercetwekndguss fan.isprets-r'nfMs.Cm îte_,s ratsu-laptnwî Mnave e w at bemparents, Mii. a is.2C W MAVI ring ofstelin siver:s:ta1y egravd. n W dneday Prncial. on.is. or.an .,MNaly- owsn.,ass iied-oTusdr e>nin,--g clles ontue' neceandDary _-tb Osawa .tone nd a scialcake, ire Matins lso enerta 'd theteacbes ,t ireuce eaOrno, Ont., on 3'4- Reonl Cnfeenc-a home io. Uerretr-mnt dmto, TentUnierstv, etebor Wedneday narke tir conlusio.of ..teahing nlooai' et"îtinedthe ogh,1uesdy, Wenesdy an carer tat.ete..d..er.0 yars-Mis Ma.in.iheforer herea M Nei,Tbursdaylasi'week. nroving...te NewcIltl scirool, asa anphoqite busy sîcing manrrd.Susan, uelph, wer I.. lew cash/e . Ker Ha mo n d wre re- .'.' a.. J.bf h ai niany stu dents, even under dayiWednesday. Cords were - ý1 ý, . ýI Cowanv-l1e Public S *hool. suchiteriblecss asf orne- pyi ayed nd a i a couple of1ý 1>11k' ". .w.l: .. .'..er ':iîn- ro-unds of ':Orange Ju-,c;e one r'. mined ibt fr l, 1. . Gl Onti1îo.w..e. : mî,A achg no-hb-, ber, die nd sh wîl be mssed yl"Thre mui bav beensorn Vaiey toe) r eiph:nowy:i. lSto Turd. hp F.th., om ' hei cars. K n d a ff t ia,,ber onstraied tliemi agîiîty and asi i ie or to~~~ ~~ ha.i98 ..nn i...o..old.i S ee. iifalmnhe-in esa lou, frin.iw.h reO lokr sad "fyo a thîn non:hou:on Modny ma ber o1the Cau-ke rian-.eac:e,1te:presanad ber wltb,"be-t be-.,,oir",;Y,:i, MiaDhi iarîada erigAscain o ln r .. Maitîn te Cîve mary1heautifu' bicibstone Inganighave Bysta dcs dnugbter of M' an,4 Mi__ -ixbusiness ith piaasî.r .o.. S iarî, l I ..,ha:v.. ant.. wiil ha- aitenIding the _______________________i in--tnatina1 outh Cam .,U TY1 -stng.rdHon re Tie nim ispre ar th ir wn tr homesThbey rar ois the groud. -,, ý _eý' 1_ - - T e u tionMto belp is ownaclub. T e same as e and your.Aanyou could sy tire beave aý1, ý-, - u1. . ýi ficnin.5Chlre eig"iydopopeo tr. ohn Tiey oa i otcambl TURDA --'l"- UIU baptied wea: JenîferLynoTreaithem"ruel ndmen.1Th.r.ju. lik b goabou , 1 ýeA , , ,; . - d- u g h1 r . .i-.- n tIgMrs ýý.'î, ý o- ,f Mi'., îýtA. Var To add some ....u. y b-the Mnarn r le d au ile ,lia.rri._ý_;ýýý1 ýL ý;. ý Drunen ',a-r'.Lea,.William ,But.tireyne dettructîve people say. B-t tr.eandnlyspeop-e'whoasiroul Hmdmd '.. ý?1_1.. Over precinus. la-nd D&iroyed w Bwbeat cropu I cannoturay, i secffi C, u- -bon Sundy <fieno,à,7Bt.tire,'re ony trymn b ire irei'a'îeNow ihebea-r liavdonc wong il.r'%i C sevra crsanI prsnsýi'-As urhu anm. And ..otire ugly farmer di antI Mrs, Douglas1l,,nson>antI Somethingthey.haver Made;Spe nys Gordonl get you, beaver,-, Mi. nd Mi., es BuM 'ws 1Islie ir.epet.rik-ayr fits ir ltIiin.tra Id B _ý ý'.,..,ý.. ....ý_ ý , ge Y , A , M who-1 pcIl l _d.ant 3i'd.dmirig bi'ik's h's ladtl'i inkeyou ho e forsuppe ., ,t '. t,,,ýAiea' and ha ) ,ondphou-ti ;I ____ _______________ -___ ..___ ..__and -To heieutieecoateive.feel .ihe1,pain>'of fire, . ATETIN FA M RS0 aw>1hi hoe He'l 1 tay, o. tree... 'ila ,ea i But -wl-1en".it..ail-is quiet And. fresirer air he 1 wfll Mriadd THURSDAG.YFre-Ucaue2otb 1 ir",paginieycon B, ie are le isredyGie oe aW1:0 ,m ATRDYI..'2 j To ire-.- as quick as ihey aýý;,,,,,ý, ", . r TenCanoftake irs zicîm-ack 1:0 pm, -M lubAetvitî-ayI,130 Raes ithW'aerig Pnie-e Yeu can't say they're dumb. H-e sits down on the rîver's edge Albidiif pnt b ulca :0PM -~~ And peers clown ai tire sac '5-A0l 8.build ing entatirýe ubic 1:0 P .m. 9 hea And tiren again tire sound comes, 5:0-83 nii ih aeigPiiee erefords, Shorthorns, Angtus, LghMos, Tir sord f allng amUp cornes one uilebe8e heats - $12,800 p1'ZC m-IoIXey Pony Clasaý, Clydesdales nd Co( eca And ail tire tile beavers To take a look around, Ttrda n atna orses And omewier in lie onfsion .9800 OfficiaiFair Ouening 9.00 MISS OSHAWA FAIR CONTEST 40 os rwn ots O E ? Have descended doen again But no w fslai and lime te sîeep N îniha iesud Deadlie for Entries - July 7th EEIG And close up for tire night, Hie feels a sharp pain in iris side, Chîlçren's Day700-OdT eFdde'Cots SAVE ON But tirey'll ha back at work again Nia iiny legs are weak, 9:00 - Old TynreDaidlrsng e Premiuim Qualîty At tire break of ligii. Ne ireadusîraigiri for tire water FRIDAY, JULY 21900-OdTmDacn * GASOLINE ~Yes, ligiri us back su up they cme Poctnterbsek Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Hostein, * ISL,~ To stan tireir daîly job, About fîve minutes later Sheep, Light MHorses, -Percherons, Belgian SUDYJLY2 * OOR- IClip, clip, crip. cirop, A form appears afloat, EVENING- Ail Saddle Morse Classes iI There goca anotirer log. Tiren te iiree cold-irearied farmer Ontario County Dairy Princess 2:00 M orse Drawîng Contest Farmtans an PUnp ~Tirey drag tire chips te tlie water Alupcm birstro. Country and Western Show Family Programme avalale .And final thcm te tireir dams, For ire has killed tire emblem 'Log Sawing Contest Tireir taîll propel ticr bodes- For 'wiich our country stands, J RAUIBNSADACONWLLB NATNAC UIGTEFI CALL COLLECTàl As man's working irands, To kîll tire National Emblem OGNMSC AD N LW ILB NATNAC RN MM N~~~~e's irardly called- a man. JOSEPU NWEFi President MS . .BON ertr-raue 668ý-341 Th eir tails are like propellers,ilSCýDN Fî VýJý 1: PAT F11-.~ But tirer tI"n'tro 'und nnd round, -.-by Bonnie Cunninmgiram, 1 _____________________________ Kind oýf _cLLimsy on dry land Newcastle, Onitario,