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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1972, p. 13

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roým_1-Speed to 1-Speed No. 1 Friction Calender Explaned oî _fsh lg mucles rc b va s, n cn eSim l aknd heaoud aabot he coasut we rar eonz was pîepared f0it."o àJ eveiything, wvile perambula v seems to be living UP to its Tesoeslts imn ing along the avenue. Fo lame. of bicycles just sits in the many tit li ke a ietuifl tc Mat popular right now are warehouse, wating for soffie- 9 chîlhoo, whn eery orohe 1 ghtweights; the 10-speeds, one, sometime, to have aspc ing was brighter, the sun alh-ch vcgh anywhere be-miute to assemble themn. \ ays fitered tbrnugh treeS, ween 22 and 30 poundsanad The answer apparently, is- and every ant was a giant lil cler fcu, btwen he h)rng with them an esoteri c for the rider to service his own an definite, cracks of the aide- oabuary ail their. own. bike, but it doos take aonm xaîk. With the siowness of Cana- mechanical aptitude and noces- Althugh chillik in Ls ian manufacturera to get into sitates "a little bit of think, shodight, he world linot e market, it la presently iug."1 ouy nhbiodbychldeabu ominated by European and While bicycle traffic is ol inrieaangy bcoirng pout Japanese bikes,, ruoming any- tbickening on the streets, Clerk latîe byadlt e asmore and where from $80 to $450, each Joseph Mclroy says tha t more Bowmanvillitee returo iha esnfo lnproi- r thougbt bas yet been ,. to the jnye and the painsniarpceThbstie, of ai given to licencing af the ývehic- the bicycle. Nobndy lcnows ni brandes, have a frame made of les, althougbholi agrees that willevenhazrd ague a ta pecial teel allny, designat- the practice could aid police hwmany locaalredentusshae d iReynolds 531, which le bot h lu îracing the owners onI bat begn gan o edl round very. light but stiuiîg and tc5- or alolen bikes. . testreets, bt one ed p onsîve. Most of them wil the sthavesSimpteonderailleury The Recreation iDepartmont look out the window, toseehv ipe ealesi eingtorcnz te thatthemovmentis orewhicb move the chain from n15 borninst0rcog n heb that he mvemet lamorethe large to the smalaprock-nedfrisucn o th Shn alesaienoguidestoth ets lu both front and back proper handling nf bikes, and Sale ar noguids I th th bik touseail16 bas been a joint aponsor, with number of ridera eitber, Everv ealu h ik 0ueal the OPP, of the rocont Bicycle deircotacted bas i-e speede. Roadens. Director, Buf an than doubled volume over tho. Wbatever Ibeir- price irange sy htsm huh last year, and al have reached however, tho beet bikoa ar nî rsng, ay tat nm ien tn-h the point where they juat can- those equipped with optneldgbiyehaln nte not fill orders anymore. ridera. rograme nf the summor play- As onue dealer put it: "Hrow Even a fairly inexperieiuced gronud achedules.1 StuL Caunce, a design engineer in the Developrnent 1 paration departnient, friction forces rubber into fabrie, are sales?,Sales are dead! Dead rider will have little trouble One of the main prnblemns Department at Goodyear, explains the No. 1 Friction for use in later products o f the industrial division of because we can't gel the bikeý reaching 30 mph onu a l0-sPeed, encoutered with the resur- Calender bo a group of visitors ta the plant, during the the company. anymore." and Sgt. McGuey of the Bow- ec ftebcce hto He said that the stnre's manville police, tells of clock- gefce of tee bcycle th nIOpnHue Temcin1e oatdi h m-fanufacturer ona upply hall ing a bike at 50 mph ou a love1 enthetoaa neer h soled t recent Open House. The machine, lacated in thse pro-y lie of the bikes ordered for June, tretch of hîghway. Attoi]ve te oa dlget rog-ekesa tn t falesofme eovered stld b e î'n ta'si" speed, with ouly 22 pounde of rmo ntuto.e o s a u r r eoisadohrafien ohr Betxxeen them, the dealers metal and rubber betweeu tid- MS omril bcceplain living. Maynard, Fredelle Bruser: mnust have soIf enougb, for er and road, the grounf cau chainsanad padlocke are easyý evey prsa i ton 1 pdal beome awuli bad nd rcy10thieves, The combin- Cnoksnn, Catheriue: "'Fath- The Fo-'iire Book: Hog tron, Mary: 'Ginny" The "Raisins and Almonde". A ever pesonin twn o pdalbecme wfuly hrd nd M ý,1 tueatory of a litile girl who rioh memnir to touch anf de- butnewmacins mke p rug iftheridr s nt cm-ation variety givo off eaily ers in the Fire", a group ofdrèesing, log cabin building,iwas bit by a truck anf gîven light auyone wbo remembers oly a fraction of those wheol- letely sure of what hoie sdo- feyteoable lih andcutta sarpo he180'oplte on a nortb Engîandnf hslup y doctors, and how abe growing up. _____ Ing arounf town. Some are té- iug.eay1anp itbotctea amite18afidtermotîor[a af ofUp____________ juvenated1 oldies froma the As might be expetef, the Police recommeuf the use of fates lied ta the whipping of cellar,, juat te-tiref and te- l-speeds are very delicate a heavy forgef chai and pad- a pregnaut girl. paiuted, and many oI them machines, enf although hoe has iok, which wbiie tbey onuf Bail, John: " ive Pie os of have not even haf that much soIf a numnber, onue local store- still ho cut, do off er some rea- jade". The murfer of an service as their squeal *and keeper enyshle not in favor istance. elderly Cîinese with ant griaf will quickly tell any nI tbem "for kifs. Tbey're ton ti lteiog hinann aeinf ed paserb. ragleaufth kis re onjust onue vheel or even the police inspector into a ring of The ahortage lu new bicy- rough with them. This la wbiy frame, ince the untetheref intrigue. clos auf bicycle service, is due tbey're reluruef to us s0 often part onu easily ho removof Marlow, Joyce: "The Toi- tb therlack of preparation an with probleme. The bikes are fronm the rest. Awkward, but puddle Martyrs". The story the pr of domneabie manufan- fine, it's tho ridera wbo've got safeat,' is the chaîniug of both of six labourera falsely ar- turersý. When the ouickly i rbea"tefot he u h rm etef and sent bo Ausîralia, bcd "bike ciaze" bogan thre H rfcaa wn wyto anme solif object, and the but whoae real crime is jom- ý,ears ugo, North American from the l-apeef s by the uened u Ia ryr a u ngauin prnfucers expectef it 10 ho of the summer as parente faf blaves that tempting prize. Colline, Larry & Dlominique iiothingr more than a faf, and nul that the bikes are ton fine A 17 year-old Toronto ynutlî Lapierre: e'O, Jerusalem!" tx re nt reprod10 nf r- mahin b o trow onthethinka ho may have the auswer The tbree-sif cd conflîct ln, lake the neceseary te-tooling grond. The recreation vehio- for many bicycle ownera lu the Isael iu 1948 the Jews, the to aupply the demauf. Noue les, three and five-speef bicy- City- With the sponsorship nI Arabe and the British. of ihemn expectef lb buo lait cles, shoulf take over netan Oppnrtunitics for Youth Berîcaut, Simuone: "Piaf".4' mor thn asumerbutun-summer, hosy3 bcue grant, ho le attiug up eighî The truc tumnultunue stnry of happîly or happily, depending they provif e as much apeed as bicycle parking lots lu aIra- Edith Piaf, the Parisian waif ou which ide oI the str.1yy ynedwtht earlgic locations arounf the city, who entertaluef France and conuter you stand, thoy were the trouble." but uuhappîly, n sucb prog- tbe wrlf with ber sangs, ber provef wroug. These bikes relail at bc- ramihas been tartef lu Bow-iýloves, herseil. Th- on-summer craze tweeu $60 and $125 and the manville. Graham, Robin Lee: 'Dove» - sneu igu nIoabati , mot popular modela are the The reason for the thelte je A sixleen-year-oîf boy saffi% n adoly- really bit Bnw-iEuglîeh importa, which weigb obvious: bikes and even wheels aronuf the worlf by hlmàelI e Bik'ecore u hre cnvn- aa trs.prseLt elatively areeaiý, l Na,1_'ïtional Geographir, magazine, tînal lasifiallus:midle- Th srvie stuaionforah tem hae àquck and ead l Y Burch, Monte: "Onîf onr- woîgt, rcrebianand lih- types of bikes la now rte mtebut ell b ae!o an'e Fix-it Bonok". A prac: weîht.precarinus, as dealers havelride bikes? tical hanfbonk with easylu Mîdfeweghlsarebbctra- tr-ouble even.mainitaîning thase For aonme, no foubf, bîc_- structjons on howb to rpait dîbmolý coa'stes' 1at every)le vehiclee that bhey have soîf. <ing doos onutain faddish eie- and maînta'n outfoors equinD- jhat 1I1have 10 do," sai' onue the movement luficales il la pistnla b cameras. A D taY OR WEfor 1 ,leepliig h We more than the "me ay '."c .'V-roIaC fra" n'tee ep pwt ets u h lueiyo mn rmouhadmlrs1 i. ri.1n ..ýi-'h~~iiia Akfor Rae. Service What We Soîl" sign. wufhaei.Mc Ihe.. i'kW\ î5,p .., " . "W hudb ptÎsÎ1ouaiyi rbby]n(1Appoinqt \i'~Xh~. UONTY the sports, departmenb, b t ings fronm the ovethllef pub-' CJRYLR-ODELTD. Ihavent been out nf thisbaeli concoru about pollution. M . mufo tw mota"saifj The hike foos not polflut'ý ML%à aunter mrchnt, herobwadoos nI cnet mouey other thani the initial trelabively sanîl cx- A eotmeig n . . pouce auf specilly l 1nt ýr Catwrigbb Council, the 1971 ceteprovîfes one wibhiTownship Recreatonual Coin- mucb more oficient anf muchIiiitîce was re-appointef with ' SU N O0 cCO faster t-crnsportation, th,,th the exception nI 'Victor Mal- ca colin, wbo was replacef hy à It myon course ho that Glenn Larmer as tepreseubae ma plpe havejust haf tive nf tbe Blackstock Agri S vuy- STATIO enough oI bbc car, and by-ctual Society. iîu l their peronual revoit At tbc camne meeting, Baîîy againal the deporsonalizef Van Cam-0 wns appoinlef as Rq mechanical world nf bbc 2tb the Township Ring Warden. Lcee tury. Even when a group- b cyceles logether, each rider! * OENL EAsE isanndvidua, reponib1E'4 P segr MO ENTWO.BAY - RANCH STYLE ýable to 1m1,beraf4rs PO EN ILevrything going onuarounufHurt Cran *HIGH INCOME OETA Iu bbe current vorbiage of An accident Jue 24 caua-, * PAO TAINNG POGR M -the vernacular: "Try îb youlî cda total nf $3300 amg likeRINNGPO A lb.tde two cars involv , - ________ ___damage_ o bhree mail *MODERATE INVESTMENF REQUIRED boxcs and ýo a stop sîgu. po-,pular diehes and gourmet delicacios. If you appreciate a change of pace from the ardiuary or ha-ve the slighbesb whim for real Chinese gourmet food, pamper ynurself and your f amily, enjoy the beat from us. Your family will marvel at the exobiec uisine and your day will be-most rewarding. When you entertaîn or have an occasion to celebrabe, flatter your guests. Serve them an array of thoso doudcous Chinese specinibies. Your party will be a succeas and your evening will ho most pleasant. Whether you dine at homo or ut the Lotus Gardonis Restaurant, aur luscinus gourmet fonds assure you of a pleasaut, memorable exporionce-. Thank You, The Managzement FREE HOME DELIVERY ON $3.50 MINIMUM ORDER FOR- SUPERB SERVICE PLEASE CALL LOtus Çarclens RESTAURANT 623-5583 or 623-.3473 Evergreen Hedges I Jue is the mnnth 10 prune ev cîgreen bedges. And a light sheaning le ueually ahl tbat's neefef bo help keep bhem green andf attractive, Sanys R. A. Fleming, borticul- lurni apecialisb, Ontario Min- isîry nf Agriculture andfFond, Try 10 taper the sidea an -ithat the top le a few inches narrower than the boîtom. This allows light to reacb tho lowcst growtb 50 that sbrong6 healtby growbh will ho pros- ont from top 10 bottnm. Wheu proniug, remomber that ever- green hedges have a tim, green mantle an the outeife while the muner part is usoally bare af folinge. Be careful -lot 1o cul or prune 10 bbe haro aren. Unsighîly bai-e atoeswbich recuit wo't f111 lu agnin. Kcýep the timn minium usLet enugh to, k'pt heý hef go in a noat con 'T'e onmtall as a stx îtorey bud iln.Sixteen-chlanniElIsteren [le For m. siud. Presenting ihis season, a new îaiit-screen *Ray Charls ad Boss Brais, Jnily 8 * Kirel Imax production: LABYRINTH 111. A breýathtak- Aimeri and the Toronto Synîphony, Juiy 9 k 13 ing version of th, Ep '67 ciassie creatcd espe- *Walter Sssîkind aud tse Toronto Symphony, îîîy cally for Cir esphere.ý (And if you laveni seen Il& 18 $The Aroai Jae the 5-M anEilectrical "NOWRH 0F SUPER10R'" yet, yonull bc lhappy Baud, July 14 e Ivan RornanoWf July 15 & 29 a to know it'a stili thriliing Cimesphere atudiences Victor Feldbrillt and the Toronto Symnphony, Jîîiy evesy daNý Don't mniss it.) 16 6 Tne New Christy Mîinstrekls,.uy 17 a Louis Appiebaum conducts "Music feon the Movies', Touch Ontarjo. Juiy 19 a Catherine MeKîiniion, Juiy 21 e Fred Stone Jazconcert, Juiy22eC iroareoconcert, Visit hIe p.siiion pnds, one ni the worldFs ainît .iîy 1-4 a Arthur Fice d ii dheJoronto Sym- advîncedaudîo/xisualcxhibitinns. fhereyou are. piony, .iiîy 'i & 27 a A Iribotemn uGenrge & Ia 35 fer above Lake Ontarîinsoriiig a socles nf Gecrshwin, Juiv .16 oalTme Poppy l-ariiy and mIe glass-encased podi, rxplnring Ontarîn s listory, iLs. Stampedees..uly 28 @SejîOzawand the loronito proseot, guessing at its future. And ihriluing loian Symnphony, July 30. cirperi ncecunavailable anyIsore cisc in tIse norld! Mnitr7 of ladustey and Touriins, Han.s John White, Miiister (Souths uL EshiliuiPa 1mw nid hey arc.) T, Village im cbvered wv cent lent. Sunlight ge dren's Village. You once again, it'îs uç sion Io0Ontario Place Bringy Ontario Place bas c% dining and çlirnking as varied as the ost the rounds. If yoo', pîunic. On tariol Place acres of grassy hill, super places 10 cpmea and relax. f The Canadi an Stat@smnan, Bormgnville, July 5, 1972 1 Ask, for Return of Ontari*o Scholarships iSecondary schooi prîncipalsiaima for theni as a goal li% have asked the Province ta Grade 13, and have influenc4d r:e-consider its decision, ta drop1many ta carry on past second- the $150 Ontario scholarships ary school, for Grade 13 students averag- Th e cmédta by the ing 80 per cent or more in s&Xpicpl was endorsed by the subjeets. June meeting of the Pràvîin- In a letter, the Ontario Sec- Iciai Executive of the Ontario ondary School Headmasters' Secondary School Teachér4' Council asked Educatioll Min- Federation. The group re-prë ister Thomas L. Wells te take senting roughly 600 princîp'als, into consideration financial is part of the OSSTP which problems that many families represents 34,000 secondary face because of hîgher tuition schaal teachers. fees, the rising cost-of-living, and the increased dîfficulties GET CASH TOUAT students have experienced in FOR OLD APPLIANCES getting summer jobs. TJIROUGH C. W. Perry, OSSI{C Execu- T A TE SM AN tive Secretary, said principals C, L A S S 1 Ic 1E D» have recognized another prob- lem that arises from a large PHONE 623-3303 number of awards ear-marked-_______ specifically for students who, are not Ontario Scholars. Many of these awards are bas- ed on the terres of tru~sts. 1"Schools could find themn- OXE~TI WN selves, therefore, legally bound )T/lIS 15 A to make anme cash awards teA J0L1t students whose averages are ATOLlTFR ND less than 80 per cent while 1$S JU4/$A STA #?; other students whose averages are higher than 80 per cent would receive n monetary recognition," said Mr. Perry. Mr. Wells announc ed 'in April that the Ontario Schal- arships would net be awarded this spring. After considérable pu.blie reaction the Province agrecd te awarcf them this spring - but for the last time. Last year 5,794 Grade 13 students who averaged 80 par cent or more in at least 'Si "ý% R E subecs er pidaHotlRV's,0Y $869100. pi oa ! PARTNIR Mr. Perry said 'principalsRNT 8350 and teachers have feund that OPC9"3ëý the $150 scholarships have jE~SO oflmE AT EEIÎCI motivated many students t ne i fun., ýn'5 Village. is Ontario Plar \s newest and Is neither a park nor a play- c rland, A cornpletely unique , for kids-ta do. The Rabter fy Race, The Sound AreoT ho The Tube Sides, Mini-or «ad, The Foutu Swamp, The Tland- -Pnd2 2 resafe,akil.testing, rfor yftreg peufple. (No matier Cse sntire c dicaaIChîldrens <ith aý gigantie ran-plge transtu- -cie in and main staysnt.Ch il- bave 10 Cet tt i elleceit. And aded ivith youirgenrat admis- puir appetite. iver 28 dazzling suddiffesent gspots. Menus (and prices) arc stablishmcnts, Pick nte or de roe a do-it-yourselfer bring a m buîusesiuçlî'de the acres asnd s shreline, shady nionks and id the blanket, apen the basket More, More, more. Shop nsu boutiques. A World War Il Spitire. li.-I lAS. lHaida, the battle-îeasond destroyer. TIour bas d pedal hnats. The Niagara Belle (a. i-cal pacdfe-wheeler), brasbinds. and trains. Sun- shine, moonlght, fresh air and Lake Ontanio. And more Some things yon should knoii' OIntai. Place as on Tco-nt akefrcnt opet Exhibition Park. Corne by car, publie traini bue. 00 train or boat (d'e even have nue own mcea Now open 7 days-a-week. Adilacien Open Close te i-tuands l10.0 acm. 12:30 a.nm. (Son. 9:30 PIn) Restaaunte.' 12 noon e 1.00 an. (Sun..00 flop.) Exhihita: 10:00 a.m . 9.,30 p.m Cinespherem 10:00 a.ns. 9:30 pn. Admission-. Adui ts: Si.S0,Students: .75.C'hiidreist Fr-t if acconpanied by an aduit, .25 if alcne, Resident OIntaioa Senior Citizeis. Fr-e. Foorte infor-mation, cali 965-7711. Pca-k oas ronto's Lake(eont, milsartc pgrking timsyeu a so ide LMeshore BWuenad West)

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