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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1972, p. 1

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Three Hospitalipzed FollingEarly Mriq rs i ee Lookz of atnJhetby bothi M-ayr and GCounc Memnbers greetied the opev,ý ing of the single tender sb imitteàd on repairs ta the Bow- manville Town Hall, Tuesda(-y nighit. There had been s omc dispute, as to w1hether the single tender sho)ul d be open- ed, but the decision was finally made after, Coun. rotsid that we oul ike to gjet mo7ing jon, the pro- jcbefore the Fali", and Cou. oope-r sa-id that to givea tie exenson on the mattr" ould bc, unf air to,- hebidder whoe put inhi tendeP7r on time". When Van-Ro-,Paintrs-- and(J Decorators tenderfo $15,450 was opened, Mayor Hobbs 'advised Coýunicil ,to ""take a long hardc look" at the bic1 ldbihbogi nc. ers f ro-m th a-emly "WeL tisone eint has ta b out, said CouniI. Prout, "because we've only got $5,000 budgeted for the workl"'. 11.Not surprisingly, a Mo- tioni was passed.ta take 'no action on the tender. VOLUME, 118 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUTLY 5, 1972 150b Per Copy, NUMBER 27 ivate Citizen Complains, Thre Bomanvlleresidents were iured, two oftemn seriou3sly, in a si4ngle car accident, one mile eat f town onHgha 2, ýearly Sunday morning, Th divrFrederick C. Jones, 19, of 63 King Street Wes, i i saisactrycondition at -Memorilal 'Hos- pitl,-. A paýssen-ger, Pbndv Donoghue, of 35 Waverley Road,, was later tran-sferred to the intensive care unit of (sa' e neral Hiospital, from Memorial, He is reportedï in fair cniin Another passenger, Daryl Osmond, of 27 Liberty North, was discharged from the, hospitalron NMonday. Ah wreunconiscious Con adImissionr to h-ospital, aýfte-r the 1:20 Im. accidenit. Further dJetaifls of th crsh ae not available, since Provinicial Police are stil co-ntinuing the iniverstigat'ion. ThrePeopfle KiIIVed in Two eparate Accidènfs detncamd",otlo three phona pola in Cartwrighti( acciet by Ncoroner (ýrDr. E. D. hiesovr iehoidy ee-Townisilp. Hu;biardJ, ile cMiss ;Felaegi e1d TDanýd are fIa (driver, Danis ded Saturdq a LtOshawa n~ ~ laeFia tacdnRaScarhoroug-h, qi7L-an a,rin Br lca udapcsfungar,j win crwet uto ca-Pioka Feihegi, 19, o! 2ý33'Miss falegi ivl a ICaTifor- )uciiSt., PortPrra ps-nia and O haw efora mnov-i eUh Ie eogr In the vehicle ing tn Port Fer-ry flive monthi Tie acident ocurdo g. ei uvivad by 1her1 o atod i4, a!amleprns-M.adMs. Charles cato eslto t il 55 pn.IFellegi " o! -Grenraa Huis> Paring an r Dwsa w prnouc URN '10 PAGE TVlýiN ms p oyl Po seNew Law on Vils ,-prtin l h Kin stre, r;ilt~tw ami v Si1e 5. joh r uhan y fl) i Ci pý Fdewalk clmmitea hare- r;ng0mtrea,Ufrom eg Coa. Allia a.rguied that the request should haý more specifi,but on assurance frlom Cou. ooerlta the Papparentbake a qe! t Was ju!at a ,ay of aviigomissions, the mo- tin to hood the maters-on thoýse thrae days, was pass-1 f à.1 Sch-ool/Buýý lil t'eSDspns 1toareus lrom thje Nnister o! Trans- p)ortation and-, ciCommurnica- tionis, forý a study of the school bus sopn laws, the North- umberlaaid-Durham Board of Education mhs recommended that:- a, The driver of a school bus x'ahicie upon a highwny or pa;ýrt of ahighway, regard- less o!flthe spead limit, when he is about to stop fibe school bus for the purpose of raceiv- ing or discharging school children, shall activate tha ait ernate flnshing ligits> and shall continue themn in opera- tion while stoppad for such purpose, until those children who of aacessity must cross the highway hava completad the crossing. Areas in which InsailNewPresident Stopping hec h jha s constructed to eparate traffic traveling in, à One drcin fr om traffic ravelling lar the opposite di- 'actioni by a Strip of pavement of more than 10 feet in width, aphysical barrier or an un- paved strip of ground would be excluded from this ruling. b. The flashing liglits shall be activated by the driver at aminimum distance or 100I cet from the actual stopping point. c.'That a "Stop Arm"' ba onstructad on the left hand side of the schoolbus.validle, with a ragulation two-faced stop sîgn and alternate flash- ing lights on thetop and bot- tom of sign installad in sudh a manner that if can be con- troiled by the driver from in-ý ide the school bus validle nd mounted at a height that would be directly in front of driving motorists approach- ig from both directions..1 The prop-osais have been frxvarded to the, minister, ~abesContact Quarantines Twelve Cattie TwalIve cattle from a? Bow- manvilla farmn are în a 40- day quarantine, after coming in contact with a rabid skunk June 22nd. Arthur Martin of Martin Road, owner of the cattla, sot the skunk aftar noticing ijump around like crazy' in ne, of his pastuiras. Tfhe car- cass was shipped to Che Ani- mal Dtseascs Research Insti- lte, where it proved positiveJ Ltests, on June 26th. Mr. Martin said that the cattie 'seemn to healal right', ad that la fact, ha was un- âware of the quarantine. Thay will bha kept under urveillance by tfli Health of, Animals Branii hof h fed- ýrai department, of agricul-ý ,re. osOff Roa A London man was chargad witi improper passîng a!ter a e car was !orcad off Highwny Dil ilsnIIaw presI.ident onf dhe Rotary Club, 35.,and into a ditch, Saturday acc~ps t ave o hS ofic fomAi Syleterý, ýOw morning. Past rsi at af te Isalto meeting of Ille Club, The charge w-ai laid against hield ast husdy.Other Officers installed were: Vice- Lesley Zoltai, 52, o! 4 Apple- wood Lana,,affer ha attempt- presîdent., HryCüooke; Secretary, Ted Mann; Trans- ed f0 pais a car driven by urer, Parcy Crpper;- C. Cattranri, Jack Lynn, M. Brown, Harry Thorn, 58, o! 50 Sharp J. Lander and . JMcLa, aii,. directors. The new presi- St., Scarborough. Ha swervad du-back, into fie northbound lana dlent told ebesthtone eof his major projacts do! thel,,highway f0 avoyid -south-, ing thIe nt yýIIea illbe-foform ,a consortium on manyJbound tra;ýf!ic and lis car of the lrgrpr-O ecf s tha- fieClub wouid ike to îfruck fia Thiora vahld, said undrtae. nubero! the sevic oraniatinsProvincial Police atia bPNewj- w~h haappoadied fo hep i fI prsenatin th catledacfvIiment, The Thr-, MIvahîle t iwac fffern 1-1 ona win1ngpol or tha town. "You're now1$400 ,damaiýge uwhîila ieZotai Jarkmg In tha ro 40OO"Said Mr. Wilson. "Wa car lad $,75 damaga. do'texec t hve fIe o] fnhd hsyarb nyýTa olso 1ocedati : -)i finshed thi vea45ba.m.,n jifsous(il o! fihe -PIýM'but w,,e wouliý( «k,- to get the projacf startedjfntonwt feNrt rn Nlew Seweeper Fias Av iye has its inew road sweeper, 'and its a,,,mo-nstrous son of a gun,' ay Charles Watt, town enier jThe macthine arivd n a flloat, fully assemrbled, lastý Frîday, and should go on the road, jlter this week. Withotit tear in bhis eve, Mr. WAaitsaid tltlfter the new sweeper arrvd 'they took our old Btyaa' baling wire, chewinig gum ,and al, Book-s Get Mobilized Stop Du i f Tires, i ~~Two triaetor tirailer loa&ds of tires were um-cç ped in ani area off Wharf Road Iast Thursday, and a number of people were very Upset by the action. Leslie Coombes told Countil M nda nght, tliat boh he aind a "lot ofJ other rate-payers"_were very disturbed by the dump- ing, nIfo only beÇause rUIbber makes a poor M Ii, due ta its slow decmpaitin, ut eea~eof thiat ver,, reasan, "aujr awn Good- year hasawaýys had to take its wasterubber out of tawn". Mi. Coombes sýaid thart t he a lewasequally dsure houd'thve been allowed tractor tires were dumped by by the incident., and th at ha and vwon't bhe in the future". Traiway an tht prmi~ hd ony dscoere th dup~.Mr. Coomibes said ha watch- Trailways and that per,-oitý- had enltheicovere h up I ,-,,ring of the tires by Sion had been .given thy Townl ing, as -a passerby. le saîd towp works equlpmrent, and Hall. he inMvediately took action to saÎd "it took a good part of Mayo)r Nobbs howve, sad to the dumping, "which the day to finiish the. job". !H oIdInd-'uction >ervice for, INew MitrafTify ________ ~ In an impressive cermony1 in the church sanctuary on: Tuesday, July 4th, Rev. N. , ea her Wesley Oake, B.Th-, was hi ducted as Miniister ofTiny Tr nse r d United Churci, omâ-ntý he tra nisf rs of t hLrýp Thea o er v fic i as Iand minis- pbic cho b, ch -1h eteia nembers of shawa, 0f -Education, Church,Osaacodtdte Mrs. Doris F'erry wil go to service, Rev. J. A. Lough-ee.d COurtice North Public School of Durham Collage gave the and' Mrs. Barbara Ingraham sermon iia which lie focused on to Maple Grove East Publie the tapie "What Do You Think Sehool1. Both formierly taught of the World in 1972",' at Lockhart's Public School. He poînted out many of the Mrs. Margaret McCullough tragie things that are hap- is transferred to Newcastle pening in local and remnote Public School, from Maple parts of the world and on the Grave East. problems that many people 3BITS PIECES §1 CANADA WEEK - If appears evident that we have survived another birthday as a nation, but not wit- ouf problems. Quife a few lost their lives cither on fhe highways or in other accidents, and the govern-' ment at Ottawa had a rough time after that ail-' French concert on Safurday night., If seems to us7 there is a WASP backlash just waifing fo be releas- ed. Prime Minister Trudeau was wise tcu apologize for Mr. Pellefîer's indiscrefion. t t t t ti WOMEN'S LIII - Belleville bas joined the women's liberation movement by appointing two women to ils municipal police force. Wonder ifthe powers that be here have considered such a move. tt t t t UNSEASONAL - The weafher is really having problems sorting itself ouf. Here if is the fîrst week of July and if feels as tholiugh t here could' ha frost tonight, and clecfric heat thermostats are clicking on quite regularly. It's almost Exhibition weather. The Russians have predicted that w'r.- on our way back to the ice age. Let's hope fhey ara wrong. t t t t t TWO ACES - If you will check the Sportnlk columnn this week, you'll find that two unusual events, happened ai area golf courses. Two people scored holes-in-one on different courses and there was a third by a Canadian on the U.S. pro golf tour. Ail of which was a great way to celebrate Canada Week. t t t t ýt RECOVERING - Wa understand that Hope 's Reeve Howard Quantrili has now returned home from- hospital and is on the way to recovary afferben injured in a car accident. We trust ha will soon be back on the job as good as naw,. t - t t t t MAIL - Publishar Jim Johnston of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star replying to n Toronto subscriber whos'e paper àrrived late, writes that two waeeks laie is not ai ail unusual for the post office, sometimas whan a wheal rolls off the stngecoach or the herses get tired, if takes aven longer. T t t , t t BE CALM - We were upsef to learn that one local -marchant, ordinarily a quiet type unaccustomed to outhreaks of wrath or profanity, pourad ouf quite a few naw words early this week when the flag ha was flying ovar the front of his store was stolen'. If îf's any, comfort, in Cobourg four flags were stolen and several plate glass windows broken over the^ holiday,. There muýt 4 trebels mn our midst. PASSES This xnoriling wc adr-nowa raceîpt of two passas, for the new Kawartha Downs ýRncaway inear Peterboroughi. No word has beaurcavedq concarning the opening date that was ost ,nnd. When it doas open ann1d you cnnt lant th edtoror advertising mnanager you'l kow w'refollowing the ponies5. haIve ini facing Mie a, they1 met t Hiee tre5ssed Vta inanly people are loigforr so'mething more ' aîaful8 ont of lîfe and, in thi e r aýre ttrinýg to thle u agn truth as found inthe f1 e an teacigs of Jelss Chlrist. Rýev.1 repaeh mut adhelip those whi re eacigframore Mev MTask" was suag b (UN ro PAGE TWO> 'ew Seior Public School, in COId BOH.S. The old high sclool build- ing in Bowmanvila will "daf- initely bacomne a new, senior public school", saîd AI Strike, one of the ad hoc committae formcd to invastigate disposai 0f the structure. iThe question now, le said, ihow big the building wiil ba, how mi-uci o! the original structure wil remin and 1how big a studant population it wili hold. "They have f0 get the new Clarke School settled first," said Mr. Strike, "bacause the size of that datermainas wheth- er we have to take any stu- dents from Newcastle and places like that". Ncassary renovationm hava Shirley Frank, Rifeplacing ]Bowmanville Chiambejr o,! Commerce annouaeed titis week that Mrs, Shirley Frank was the successful applicant for the post of >Secretary-Treasurar, rapine- ing Mrs. Paggy Frank who bas resigaed, The aew secretary-trensur- er lias long been associated %with many charitable orgn-1 izations la the area. Her duties; will commence on r August lst. U been esi-mated fo cost $900,-1 000, "n as trustees, 'c wvon't go'or tint", ha added, Aýccordinig to an iatarim r- i)ort, fiied - w.ith fha Board cof Education, thle roof on th-e 1890 section of thle scliool is la bad shape,> and thlere is somne d ebaf e as tco whetiher it siould ba r'eplacad or that; section of the structure tom down. Some aew additlins arc also considered necessary, according f0 fhe report, vations,'" said .Mr'ýtrkecli- 'Thc Counties don't itn that tiey can ha carried' on f0t do a damn thing about r ail 'wintar, but they have to those roads until we sign fie rouna get fhe Clarke Sclool settled rod greement', Deputy fîrst, because tîat's aew con- Reeve eorge Stepien toldjgý struction and is going f0 de- Bowm,,,nanviile Councîl Mon pend on the weather". day nigît, whanLhie condi-1 HIowaver, ie matter îs !on f sonia o! the roadaIý !malysetid, fhe new scîooî foricitfe Coties re, 2 A cniito meeting bat- will go înto operation-in Sep- responsible was brought up. wecien fia Bowmnnville Foun- tembar, 1973. Court. Prout lad introduced dry Company Lt d. andi nagot- fhe matter, saying ha fait the iafors for Local 2375, United! ds.The situation, he has bean scheduled for, Jly sdasparticularly bad on 12, Tom 'Reidar, compnniy Liber ty Street Nor th. lVany iîice-president, said Monday, p)roperties are fioodad during The taîks are aimed .at Wtfinners ai BH S wet, wea.thar, due f0 the lack working ort a new agree- 0fproper dit ching, the dust ment batween fia comnpany 'Bolmn=nville High Sehool isi thick and fie surface full and the union local rapresant- lias armounced _six OntariaO of hoies, le told council. ig75cmaympoes ScholarshipTia previTons ,contrnct bat- Scoarhp winnecr s fils 'I would move tînt we nsk ween ftha two parties expiradi year. Tiey are: Nancy SY- the Counties kindly to do, n Ma;Y 31. mous, 91.7%,, Diane Hopkins, bit of ditching, s'ince w'e Paiiny tîahv 87.85c; Brenda Harris, 85.3%; big, taxpayer.Ad fw ba el nflrap Evîu Raipb Bouwmeesfar 84.2%; don't g!Let some action w ocsins.btno majois Suzanne Lucas, 81.7%, -and shiuid scrnp fie whli hn ushdbe sed, si Brandon Lander, 81%., nnd welcome ragionai gov- M1r. Relder. Clarke. Higi School lasrarnm-en't'. The conciliation meeting not yat completed fie list of Couni. Hooper said la wouli xiii ba hld in Bownnville, ifts schoiarshi inr.(TURN vo PAGE TWo) hoeinnine at 10fl m Peggy Clarke, of the M/1obile Library Service seti oui, with, another'load of books to be deliveredi around th1e town. Ten local girls are operating the library fromn the former equipment roomî i te To 121al, under the auspices of an -potui (e or Youtbi Gra-ýnt, and bicycles are providing the sa means of TowonGesaDel German Judo Champions Compete in Mapt!e Grove A feamwhmcbLeo THaunsýberger dsc-ldaste "creamn o1f the judocrp' vsta BwmnvHe durîng the ~ ~ ~ ý -,knadwa aca ~h cunlr members of the Maple Leaf Judo Club, The 12 mamîbersý of the German National High School faam did, "very well" accordling to Mr. l-Iauns-ber-gerý, which is hardly surpris- ir', sncefour of thea membars- hold the firsf fhrea places in the European an d Russian Championships. Theý tc u iemlbers were blete ihlocal faiiesç-. wbmle the coach stayed WothMe, Haunsberger. The VIsîtos f<ht n mth mhan akiiecub today, adfhnface the Ontarmo.: Cham--pîonshïp teaim, rd in Toronto. On laaving Bowvmaenvlla Monoday, the German coach exfended ai nvitation, to the ncai clu maembars, for an expenses paiid visit to Gmay iext ueé;lllillllâ au lu a'm. MMER

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