ThIS Community wab agalii iperty had býeen ln the familyýÇClarke Williams, on SundaY. sliocked to hear of the suid-Itsince 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier de death of Mr W.M The residents of Nestletonm accompaned by his, niother, Cabe of RH, 2, Janetville, o1 community welcome ail thesge Mrs. Robert Sadier, Bowman- Monday, June 26th, Sincerië rewcomers, ville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard rympathy is extended to ibs Reverend Morley Mitchell Mackenzie and Claire, at- daughter Margaret (Mrs. Ar- and Mrs Mitchell 1e, o F- ended Decoration services at thur Hyland), to bis son Stan- day tospn thesu ern Claremont on Sunday. Mrs. ley, and to his grancilîdren. Thunder Bay,. SadIen Sr. returneci for even- Recent visitors with Mr. Sunday visitors with Mr. ing dinner with her son and and Mrs.'Charles Briggs wet'e and Mrs. Miton Fisher were 1aRmily. Mr, and Mrs. J. Renauit anl Mr, and iVrs. Harvev Dixon.ý Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce, farniIy, Mr, and' Mrs. Don Wood\ lue, ai-d Mr. and Mrs.j Port Ferry, were Thursday MacGregor and family, Mr. Arthur Polk, Brougharn. evening vsiitors with Mrs. Ed. H, Ham ner, 9,il of Toronio, i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes Lawson1 and Bruce and- Mr. Mrs, G. McLean and Mr, AI visited on Monday 'altarnoon'and Mrs, Bruce Heaslip, The vin Boyd, Bowmanville, Mrs.j with Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Sut- Lawsons' were Sunday even- Murray Çoates, Mrs, J. Fan-i ton, Orono. ing dinner guests wit.h Miss, mer, Todd and Troy, Port 1 Another tragic accident oc- Lillian Lawson in Lindsay. Ferry, the Misses 'Kate a"d curred about one mile easL ofý Bridai Shower Margaret Gordon, Oakwoud,ý Caesarea, e a r I y Saturday About fif ty friends, neigh- Mr, and Mrs, Norman Samells ',Imornir'g, when two young bors and relatives attended. Nestieton. people ]ost liheir lives. Syrri- the bridal shower on Friday Mrs. Ed, Lawson and Mr.1patfhy is extended to, their evening io honor Miss Kathy Bruce Lawson moved into famulies. Soniey, Port Perry, t the t hejr, recently constructed Constable Jerry Bowers ieft home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor~ ho-me last week, on Friday to return to bis Malcolmi. The little Misses Mr. and Mrs. Don Ellis and duties at Dryden. Shelley Malcolm and Adinette famiîv, who have purchased Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chapmanraines assisted the bride- the former Norman Samelis~ and *Tommy, North Bay. spent ectwith lher gifts. Kathy, bouse, also moved in during a few days last week with his~ who looked charmîng In thej the week. TheSmeî pro- grandparents, -Mr. and Mrs. flowered hat fashîoned by George Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Brenda Haines, had an unexý- Visit the. . , Bowers spent the holiday pected 'flash' photo taken by weekend vacationing with her sister. Stheir bouse trailer. Kathy thanked ail for their On Wednesday evening Mr. kindness and for the beauti- faiyweehst o afm tflluc.a servëd by the fo pe ily barbecue suppen. TbGse bostess assîsted by Mrs. p attendinig were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm, Mrs. Aylwin Bert Bowens and boys, Osh- Haines, Denise Malcolm~ and Specializing in; awa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph other relatives. Perme - coloýrs Bowers and boys, Tyrone, Mr.1 Guests attended froni Tor- Clairol Wigs and Mrs. Paul Chapman and onto, Don Milîs, Port Perny, Latest Cutting Techniques Tommy, Nort Bay, Constable Blackstock, Bethany, Janet- PHONE (;23-5455 Jerry Bowerg, Dryden, Miss ville, Yelverton and Nestie- Iris Reier, Oshawxa, Mr. and ton. 37 King St. W. Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs. presentatioii Bowmanville Wilfted Vine, Laurel, Darlene On Wednesday, evening, and Debbie and Mr. Earl June 28th, a presentation and Anouc Nw Bowers, all -of Nestleton. social evening was the wttb Mr. Eli Mairýs were Mrs. the friendship of Mr. and1 Heaing Substance:. George Windsor, Mn. and Mns. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and to, 1 1 jqBihl Windsor and Bill Jr., thank Vem for their dedica- Snrinks Pies Stouffville, Mrs. Bud Virtue tion and service in the com- aud Do n na, Bowmanville, muuity and In the church. fxtudeheaingsubstancePr-vftOshrifk Mrs. Tom Joboston, Mono Revereucl Morley Mitchell hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. Road, Mrs. Robt. Nelson, led in prayer, after whlch a Brampton, and Mrs. Clarence sing-song was enjoyed with A renowned research institute hae Hood, Stouffvilie.1 Mrs. Howard Lee at the piano fowid a unique healing substanc Mr. and Mrs. Douglas GUl- accompanîed byý Mr. Mitchell with the nblity to shrink hesuor-cri rhoids painlessly.It relieves îtchilcMrist, Woodvilie, Mr. and on bis guitar. Old favorites and dîscomfrt in minutes Zan Mrs Armond Hollingsworth, were sung and Mr. Mitchell upenrds tip heling of the injured, Terry, and Laurie Anne, On- sang "Put Your, Hand in the Inflamend tissue. ono, were Sunday guests of Rand Df the Man <of Galilee." Mn anýd Mrs. Hanry Mc- Mr. Mitchell, ln his address, la case after case, while genýtlY Laughliuý. spoke of bis pleasant associa- rehefvimg pain, actual reduction At Malcolm Memoiai Park tions with the Wilsons during <abriïnkage) took place. 1 ýni Sunday, another exciting bis hree1 years of ministry Moait important of al resuits -and friendiY hall gaie, Nes- here. 'Both -have been activeý were so thorough that this improve- tieton vs Bunketon, was en- in the church and cosnmunity mn'.tasmintained over a period joyed with Nestîcton taking- -Mrs. Wilson in the Ladies' of many montha. the game iu a close contest.. Aid and the Woîen's Insti- This waa accomplished wth a Mnr. and Mrs, Leslie Wrînith, tute, Mn. Wilson on the Board new heaig substance (Blo-Dyne) Toronto, wene Frîday over- of Managers of the churcil. ,which qumckly helps heal îjured nigbt guests with Mn, andI Since selling their farm tbey celle and stimnîntes growth of new Mrs. Victor Malcolm, moved to Port Ferry. On theiri tisan-e. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fa]ile property there are 23 species Now io-Dyne la offered in oint.. Glenn, Lawrence andI Carl. of trees. met and suppository forni called Bowîanville, and Mn. and Duning the eveuiug, read- Pre,arton7sfoiaald Mrs. Aruold Wiliams and ing.s were given by Mrs. R, at'e.Satisfaction or your money faîily enjoyed a barbecue Daison, "I Remnember". Mr. 72ftundled. supper witb their parente and Clarke Williams "Dirt Farni- grndaens M.and Mrs.' er", r.GatTopeau "A ere's a~coupo a mÎnmathee, ounf. It's so easy with Certo*, the natural fruit pectin, Certo makes your jams, jeliies and preserves taste so much better, because you boit for only one minute. t's good to know the fruit's fresh flavour doesn't get boii' ed away. You can also get a bigger yielci andi a perfect set. Get a good start on the season. Clip the coupon and'buy your Certo now. ---------- -------------------------------ï -1 5LSave 5on the purchiase of. MR.DEALR:eri od àdwfC I dl * i ~ thiscf the coupon odfer Any othe 5 e I erto >ctiIi ivien onglivet i constittes f ra, Faire to povde, on request, J J.' < ~eience satsfactoy to General ioods, Lmted t!,t icouponR to yUr dealer. cuo.Alcupn umfe frrdmto I becometé poperof nGareerai Foods. LmtedF« N redeRpgion mailiIo: Gearerao Gener, iootedLmP.d ---------------------------------------- Ail-Round Cords for Two Guides All-Round Cords were received y two 'Bowmanville Guides, at a Coi- pany meeting, the eveuing of Juine 29. On the left. Edua Fraser pins on the, crd for her daughter, Laurie, and on the rîght, Marilyn Dow does the same forhem' daughter, Karen._______________ Slummer Wedding Mr. andl Mrs,. 1, W, Donnelly A profusion of mauve Pnd George Hughes, sdater of theý yellow 'mumas, white pennies groom. and yellow-lemon huleýs ton- Al] wene attîred in floor- edl the lovely settiug iu Ebe- leugth gowus <of mauve andý nez-2er Ulnited Church wlben white organza ctyied wîth Mise Janiet Eloon Down, dais- stand=up collpr sud. leg-of- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd mutton cleeves. Mauve nihbou, Dowu, R. R, 2, Bowmauvhle, 1 adorned the empire, waistliu'l andI Mn, John William Don- aud the hemusue was accent-ý nelly, son <if Mrs, Norma Klue ed by a deep nuffle. Mauv e of RX R. 1, Eunismore andI the and white elhbous, matching laie Mr. Ernest Donnelly,l the gowns were worn ins their were united lu marniage on! coiffeurs, sud t.heir bouquets Saturday, June 24, 1972, ai were the came as the bride'sE tdsmee o'clock lu tIse afternuon, bouquet. Rev. David Harris officiated' Mn. George Hughes, bro-;ý and the organisi, Mmc. Eni, fher-ioi-iaw of the groom, Wa1sý Courtice, accoipanied iMci nest mao, snd ushersng 'were, Murray Osbarne, soloîsi. Mn. Gary Dowu, brother ail the bride, sud Mr. Denuis Thse bride was. given i Paileison usarriage hy ber faiber andI The mecetion, held ins Ebe- for ber wodding chose a for-: ee hnbHlwsfl mal les gtb white gown of îoee hrhHlwsfi Swiss cotton patternoed inlowd Iy a dance lu Centon- large eyelets aud styled with ual Hall, Bowmsnvihle. Thse leg-of-mutton sleeves sud A- bride's mothen recoîved wesr- hune skîni whicb flowed înio lng s formsl-length, long-~ a graceful chapel train. Flow- sleeveýd mauve drese, conipie-I er-petal embroidened maierial mented by a string of peanle highlighted the empire waist an corsage of ye]iow roses. and high uocklîue. A cluster She was assisted lu receiviug headpiece <if white tlowec ytegomsmte h bdceutred witb -lre chose a floor-length gown lu bêade and pearls and encircled cotatn hdso re wlth white petls, held tbe sud designed witb stand-upi brie'ssholde-legthveil. collar. Hec corsage was ofý bnie's soiedaidlng uquetyellow roses sud 'muras. ofhelcariediaebridmouuveFor travelling the bridel of yelowwbitesud auve e a pium colored, suit witls 'munie with baby's breath A-iesitadfte ae aud greenery.tA-huedskithsudit o iacri Mme. James Coyle, co suad cuffs. Grey accessonesj of the bride, wss matron cf complemeuted ber ensemble.. honor, sud the brîdesmaids Mr. andI Mcc. Donueily areý were Mrs, Gary Down, cister- ressiding ai 496 Gilchnist St., .n-îaw oif the bride, sud Mrs. Peterborough. A Registered Nurse, theý Country Home", Mn. R. Davi- bride is s graduste af Peter-i [son "Plgrimage"; Revenendibocough Civic Hospitalaisdý Mitchell read Ecclesiastes 1:tinedS '.No. 4 Darling- 2M "Notbiug Can Be Compar- ton, South Courtice ScIsool,i ed to a Faithful Frioud". sand C,on ntisc e Secoudaryl Mm. R. Davison, ou behaif Scbool. Thse groom atteudodý of tIse church and neigbors, King Edward Public Scbool,ý preseuted thse bonored couple Kounen Collegiate andI Peter- with a paie lamp sud a me- borough Colleglste. Ho is auý cîiusug lawn chair. Intenion Desiguiug salesmani Mr, Wilon, lu bis reply, -iu Toronto. expressed their "appreciatiaisl Out-of-town gueste -attend-i for tIse gis. Hoe'bas miany esI troni Peterborough, Tor-1 cherishod mnoades of kind onto, Ottawa sud Orlean's, deedCsuad frieudsbîp <of tri- TIse bridesud groom aise re- ends lu hie seventy years of ceived s cougratulatary telo- associations lu this communi- gram from Vancouver, sud a ty, one, of thse beet lu tIse phono cali trom Saskatche- wbole world. wan. Mme. Wilson expressed ber Showers lu houar of thse "tbauk y.ou' sud "It is a joy', bride were belsI at Mrs. James she said, "to, cee well known Coyio's; Mr. sud Mrs. Keïth frieude." They are very h.appy Worden's; Ebenezer- ChurrIs; in tbeirnuew home lu Port Mrs. Tom Steedmau's Peter- Penny sud everyone le very~ borough; Mmc. Norm. Klîng- fnîondly and kind, but they1 heii's, Peterborough; aud, Mns. still .-jll continue with their Go, Hughes', Toronto. activities lu ibis commuuity -- -.., It le interesting ta know that Mr. sud Mrs. Wilson INCOME AND INVESTMENT were married 43 yearc dune Inu.1971, private sud public 2fth, Congratulations sud hesi investmeut lu Ontario totalled wlehes are extended' ta them $7.3 billion, or just under 40 for continued health su their per cent of tIse Canadian total retiremeut. of uew inveeti ont for thse To cauclude a happy occa- yean. Total Dereonal sucome slan tIse ladies served thse iu Ontario grew by 9.9 per usual doudcous lnch, and alcent su 1971, ta $30.1 billion, social tino wa.s enjoyed re-s reported lu the Ontario -miniscing sud reuewing trs- Minsstry of tudustry, sud endships. Toursmu's aunual review, ONTARIO ,IN!DUSTR1AL PRODUCTION Value of facto ry shîpieute of il mufactuning indus- tries lu 'Ontario. durïng 1971 iucreased to juet unden $26 billion, represeuiting about 52 per cent of the total national value of mauufacturng, shîp- WEDDINC Th-k Canadian Statesn'an, 3'avi1,.uly 5, 1972 AVILA- PAlWBID 1hbide's mrother received gy. DThe groom attended ai gueste wearîng a, cut-work, Far Eastern Univeýrsity ar Lovely arrangements <if beaded jusi gown lined witls received 'hie Bachelor of Sý'- daîsies and gladiolue set the skyhlue satin., Her corsage ence ins Medical Tecllïolo,-;5 mood for a sumnmer weddrng was of cymbIdium orchide, The couple wihl be residin' when Perîsta D, Pambid, dau- Witb regret, the gnisom'e mno- at 31 Kîng East, Bowrnanvfll,- gonloPa id Batac, Ilocos Upoon departure to Quebecý Rent a Car for Norte, Philippinee, and Mr. City, the- bride wore a floonl A DAY OR WEEKEND Eduardo L. Avila, son of Mme-. leugth,, peasant type drese lu Aek for Bae Creseuciana Leonidas Ilda de ean white. ies, we j it ,u mrni"eThe bride attended 'the Uni- ýCOUNTY by e,wr. Bineian Pnice t versity of Santo Tomas and CliRYSLER.-DODGE LTD. by Rv. r. rianPrie i Stnow possesses a B,,S. lu Phar- 6328 Mary's Cathedral, Kingston',.macy 623-2586Tehnlo Ontario Saturday, dune 24th,,~ u eia ehoo-_____ at 5 p.m. TIse bride, wearing a full-, length gowu of embroidered i U ea NIr t jusi, a fabrîc made oif pine-er apple sbreds, was given iný marniage by ber father. -"1 Gregonin Pambîd. Her shoul - The butcher was busy waiting on a. enstomer whien e don lengtb tulle veil, was woman rushed lu and, said, "«Give me a pound of cat foo!, caugbt to a delîcately beaded (1uice! besddress, and she carnled a Turning te. thse other custoneer, who harl been waiting single, large mauve coloured for sonÎe time, elie said, 11I hope you don't mimd my-gettinig orchid. waited on before you." The maid of honour was "Net if You're that hungry," replîed thse, ther womaa. Mise Clanita Pambîd, sister of the bride. Bridesmaide CLOTHES CARE HINT: were Mis Mary Treyes and, 1Moth damage willl not occur te vouir elothes if they 'are Miss Grace Toledo, They cleaned regularly. Neyer put soiled garments away, wore fonal engtb crepe gowus wîth beaded lace in aý1ý SUPPORT CHRISTMAS LIGHTING yellow cohour,- and yellow hroug nylon bats with a pretty vol-trog vet ribbon. Their bouquetsý Chamber of Commerce 50-50 Draw were white aud yelhow dases_ întorspersed wi th baby's,. breath. m w PabiIbrthr f he3b6d.0OW ANVI LLE Beet mnuwas-Mvr, Necifordý Ushers were Mr, Meleclo Cie- . mente aud Mr., Antonin Are- C LEA n' lc ei L The reception was held CL ANRnLD the La Salle Hotel, Kingston; 84 s r -KIGS.W 2-5q and music by tIse Country "We Specialize In Shirt Launderîng". 4,49ea-4,99 ea, 2.19 Pr. BOYS' Denim Pants These pants have smart pattern design în colors of Blue, Wine or Mauve, Sizes 4 -,6X Reg.4.98 39 GIRLS' Sizzler Dresses Assorted styles in gay knit patterned f abrics, Knits or cottons - Special Price 4 -6X 27 yn 7 - 14 Beach Towels Striped with jacquard border in Red, Green or Blue. Approximately 30" x 60". Spe cial Price, 7,99 e. SPRING'AND SUMMER Fabrics To make room for our new Fall Fabrics, weý have reduced our, stock- of the following materials : Ginghams, Piques, Cottons., Brushed Denims, Prints and Jerseys, ALL TerrySlip pers Washable Terry Slippers and, Travel Pouch in gay, colorful designs. Rubberizedý soles. S., MI, L Special 1.9 Pr. MISSES' Sleeveless Dresses White dresses, assorted, in four smart styles with nautical trim, in Red and Blue, sizes 10-118 -ml "7- Extra Speci'al 5 KING ST. EAST 1.1/ BQWMANVI LLE