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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1972, p. 7

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9/temns Phone Jones Los ngele , Clfor- nia, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ërenneth Full. Winner of EFastern Star diraw7 for the cedar chest and contents was Mis. James Piggott, 42 Waverley Road. Mr-. nd Mis. A. K. Young, Sicarboro, Ont,, and Mrs. C. W. Siemnon, Niagara Falls, viited the latter's sister, Mrs. A.E. Bilett at 48 Division St. las7t week., At Founders College Baton Twirlinig Competition, June 24, Cindy LJangford, six years, placed second in Solo, second 'n Basic Strut and fourth in Militaîy Strut. Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Will- iamis, Los Angeles, Califor- nia, have been visiting ber roothpir, Mrs. Charlesc Wight and sister, Mrs. Nelsoni Os- borne and other relatives. Mri and Mis. Douglas Lee, Oýshawa, were Eriday even- ïing guests and Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Nestieton, weý,re Monday dinner guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- nethy.- Thursday and Friday nig-ht, [lhe Thatchwork Theatre,, the only theatrical company n- i this area, will1 present -Pu11 thie Plug", releasing a deýlight- fu1 and delectable deluge of theatrical mirth. Mr. and Mis. Ward Hoffmai .end daughters Sally and Les- iry, Ellwood City, Penn., were v,isitors on the weekend witt wýitb bier mother, Mrs. Geo. W. Jaýmes, King Street East. Mr. and Mrs. William Teed <Sr., Mass.; Mr., and Mrs. Wil- liani Teed, Jr., and Karen, O-'shawa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1Hatherly, Newtonville, visit- ed Mis. Annie Hatherly, Sun- %et Lodge over the weekend. .Recent Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Mar- tin and boys were: Mrs. C. Greenham, Maple Grove; Miss Maureen Martin, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. E. Wardell, West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenhar Russell, Stanley and Lyn, and Miss Linda Reid, town. On Thur., June 29, Fini- ence Nghtingale Lodge No. 66, L100F., pîesented Bil Shotter withbi s 25 year jew- el. The Nightingale Centen- niiai Temple Draw winners were, Mr. A. Knowlton,, Bow- manville, Mi.,C. F. Campbell, Lanark, Ont., and Mr. A. E. Dowvdel. Toronto. Thursday, July 6th and Fril day, Juiy 7th, at Ontari Place in the Forum at 8:00 the R.C.M.P. Concert Band will be presentiog musical rrogranis, Saturday, July 8t'r Pt 8:00 in the Forum an even- ing wit h Ray Charles and the Bose Brass, Satuirday aPt 2:00 the Kiwanis Kavalierýs will Derform- The Tor:onto Symýpbiony ie- gins its secondsýeiison at On- tario) Place on Tfly 9tbi. Karl 4nelwîl c-Eondcit la prograni REHOBOTH Chiristian Reformed> Church Scugog Street Mùiister: Rev. A. VandenBerc, BA.B.D., M.Th. Phoneg623-7407 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m,. 7 prn. 13ack to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Weleome", Guides who were working for lIeir Hostess Badge. Thc Comnpany will résume Ibeir N w S lain A m YŽnterest p.m. o p Mi. Peuh Heilyci, former 623-3303Liherai Minîster of Trans- portation and leader of Ac- tion Canada, spoke hast week nICwel WbrDorkaI Pickering High School. _Mr.à» ofraîme andWeberaikovsky. hHellyci was invited te, speak 15-cos ncert eie îî run -he yîte POP commitce, the r. 5-cncet sris wll un n-gioup opposed 10 the new in- tiI Augusl LU Li. The concerts ternational airpoît in Picker-> ~wilil e presentcd eecb Sun- inig Township. Mi. Helyci C day, Tucsday and Thursdey, told the audience the pro- beginning Juhy 911. posedý new international air- Mis, Marie Dunlop, Frank potsie aI Pickering is a .... Stretbasrelîne bone"monumental blunder" that aller a two-week holiday as wofi uanranîe contnuspaio guest of ber grandcbildien, 0 nololdubnsrw i. Selle andaîound Toronto. He sasd the sloehan Scott Lawrence, federai government shouhd Lisowe. ýHec daughter and cancel plans for the new air- sonîrîlaw Mi en Mi. Kn-port and, instead, study the in uetb Lawrence weîe clîend"ing development nf a major pop- 1, the Canadien National Busin- ulation centre eppioxiinateiy s, cas Conference ni the Pruden- haifway betweeu Toronto and d liai Insurance Co. of America Monitreal. He ao scid sud a n aI Tamiment Resoîl and Coun- city shouhd le oulside. com- try Club in the Pocono Moun- muting distance of existing -tains, Penn. centres but liuked to 11cm -Donald Piouty, sounIfMr. with somte form ni rapid tien- ~ rand Mis. Stewart Piouty, sl kt Toolcys Rocd, R.R. 3, Bow- There wilil e thîe ques- manvilie, was graduated in ions on the ballot'foi tle hJ- abseotia frum Andrews Uni- quoi piehiscite tri fake place veisity, Berrien Springs, Mi- lu Hamilton Township next -chigan, on June 4,, witb a December, The questions 10 bachelor nf aits degrce in le on the ballot are: Are you n chemiy He was onue of '357 lu favor of, the sale of beer ' students wbo obtained de- only, under a public bouse -grecs frni Andrews Univer- licence for consumption on Ceptaîn Scott Hewlett is thene Salvation Ai lsty Ibis spriug. The univer- licenced p),rmises 10 which - Bownîenvilie, and aiea. His wife, Joyce, also a capi tsity ia opecated by the Sev- 101h men a.nd womeu mnay le ]Left to right, are- Cindy, 5; Brenda, 9; aud Vivien, è ctI-Day Adventist denom- admitted whetber siugiy or n ýination. escorted? Arcý you in favor nf previously stationed in Thunder Bey for two years Saturd ay ni lest week, Mi¶ the sale of liquor under c funictions was to ennounce that the Red Shîeld App Adam.a was hostess 10 a mis- dining lounge licence foi $4,665 was collecled, or $43 more than the original oi fcellaneous shower for hec consumption on licenced pre- - - granddcuglteî, Miss Lucille mises wîtb fond avaihable? ,n Beacock. R.N.A., aI Toronto Are you in favor of t 1e sale N 'w Triiy P so - Generai Hospital, She r e- oI lionor under a lounge lic- îiy P so 'e ceîved many useful and beau- ence foi consumplion on lic- h iful gifta. Sundayy cvenîng enced premises? Thus tIc ci guats f Mi.end irs 1choice represents a pub 4.4 Z.uPýdas Chuîrch St., were for tIe drinking ni beer only; dtheir son' and daughleî .- ln- thc second la for ahi sorts nf lcw, Mi. and Mis. Rosa drinks, beer, winc or hiquor, Adarns, Mr. and Mis. Tînmes with a meel; and thc third kGrant, Miss Rosiyn Adams choice is foi a cocktail loun- -Mrs. Marilyn Kazinko, alî oï ge. These questions lad to le -Oshawa and Mi, George Mut- sulmitted lu îthe Pioi'inciel to Iîligo.fovernment for permission .. .. to le înciuded on the ballot ~ i.~ ~' ýs Moure than 700 U.A.W. Lo- before July 1, 1972. . i, cal 222 retîrees, tudr wives ___- and fainliies attended a re- V,'si tireas' pieni c hd Tucsae June 28, aI LcakeviewPark lSome nf thc events beld $ G adn-e cluded bingo, egg-thîowîng conlesîs, bailoon races, wat- dermnelon weight guessing and hoîseshoe pitcbiug. The me- e - brs0f IcU.A.W. Lad....... . ' Auxiliaiy- tuîned out in ful I force fo serve tle delicinus ~ -fond. A, wonderful lime was c - bd by all. Tic picnic ia an saunual eveut and President ~ -George Tbompson bepea 10 ý>:,~: . sec everyoue comne out cgai next yecr. Tucsdey evcning, June 27 -the couire staff nf Canadiean 1... Tire Co. Ltd., met et the home 0 of Mi. and Mia. Stewart Me:0 iTevial, 99 Cîurch Street, 10 icelebrate tle nomination b .x the bonor rol oIthc Sales ID crease Award for May 1972 eand Honoîcry Mention in thc 0May Report to the Besl Dcal- '- ci Awýar d, List. This isa Rev. N Wesley Oake, B.Thi,, the inewmiitro monthly awaîd and for Ma e riiy ntd hrcbga ismnstyonJl thc Bowmanvilic store stood T2n a nwiuted lrh e nihinceiisodntn -24tb in 300. TIc gîoup also 2dadwsidce atngt Snehsodnto ienjoyed a barbecue steak din in 1965, he has served in churches in Grand Falls, uci and e swim lan the pool 10 Newfoundland and et -Minden, Carnarvon and Maple honni the approecbîng mra- Michelle Bothw%ýell Lake. His wife's namne is Myrtle and theyhave four ciagc oni Lriane Mrlin of tice bookk1eeping saffî and John deujgiter nI Mi ndMc children: Sandra,, who is marrîed and lives in St. Gîeenîijeld. Thec happy couple Waillce jBthwcll il omnJohn's; Terry, 18; Sherry, 15, and Dana, 7. >were preseatcd with two ville recently graduated Irom- __ chaise lounges, umbrella and Durham College of Applîed l I ~ ~ LII tabl fo he pato. rtsand Tecinology in Busi-E Thc 3rd Company Bow- ness-Medicci Secreteriel opt-E v r v iLi manville Girl Guides, lad a ion. Michelle has accepîed a Mi. sud Mis. Boyd Harria Taylor Kernolan oi Minden, pleasaul evcuing on Thuis., position wîtb Durham College. and f cmily visitcd ber par- Mi, and Mis. Wm. Taylor ni June 29tb, when thcy lad a __________Lindsay, and Mis. Chas. Mother and Daugiter Tee. enIa, Mi, and Mis. A. Green, Dwe i o Thc girls very ably presented eat Wcstport, lest wcekcrid, Dwe oBwmanville. thîce or foui akits, hed a r du te werc their daughter Kim la Mis, Art Bonnett of Missi- fabion show picking "Miss G a uae wnîking during tIc bouidays. ssauge was an overnigît guest Tceny Bopper" and Nancy Reccut visitoîs with Mis. bere, Weducsdcy, writh Iciý Rietmuller Ievouîed us *!th, Millgan and Beineice încîud mober, Mis. F Roîl. Belon Dancing. Duing the e isMrae hcly M.adMs ar eveniug, two Guides, LauriecdMs MagrtCeky MiauMsHry Lane of and fîiend Miss Jean Joues, Owen Sound weîe overnîgît Fraser and Karen Dow ce-ofHmloM.,n rgetwth rsC. ceîved the Ail Round Cord,fHaion M.adMi.gclwlh i n.MsC preseuted by Capt. Rigby. Service Pins and Badges were prescnted tb ahi the Guides by District Commssioner I- eue Whitney and Brown OwlI Mis. Downa. Tic evening waS M brougît 10 a close by c de- licinus lunch, served ly nine C"ff icer rmy Officer assigned to :ain, holds Paule, 9 months.. , 6, Captain Hewlett was ,.One of his fîrst officiai îeal "wenî over the top". )bjective for the drive. H. Lane on Wed-nesdcy., Mr. and Mia, John Albir and Michelle ni Montîca- weîc Tucsday eflernoon vis, lors with Mis, Bec Jones. Rev. T, Sueigrove acconi ýpanied. Rev. and Mis. T Smith of Newcastle tb theetre performance lu Toi. onto on Weduesdey eveniug. Recent vîsitors, besides hi, imi-mediete family members with Mr. F. Gilmer lu Osh- awca Hospital, include Rev. Rl C. White, Rev. T. Suelgînve Mi. and Mis. A. Rcdknap, Mis. Bec Joncs, Mis. Mary Jones, Mi. and Mca. Kip Dcý. vis, Mis. Ahf. Grahacm, Mr. and Mis. Wallace Bouglen Mis. Amelia Lancaster, Mr 1 , s I Several local people attend -ý ced île Eastern Ontario SteamiWeek of June 26-July 2 inc, Englue, sund Antique Associa- tio Mc at Campeilford Admissions ------ --- --72 lest xveekeud, wbere Messrs, Bitîs-3 maie ---..----- -3 Leland Payne and Frank Diachaîges -----<--1-- - 86' Ovens were among the ex- Major operations ---- 10 hibitors. Mior operations - --- 20 Mi. cnd, Mrs, C. R. Fa3rrowýf' and Mc. Stan Bowen attend,-i,, gcc retnnt 9 cd the Decoration service louis 3-.8 p.m., daily zinL îiîý,.riary vâu. Litle Britain, Sunday, and Graduation exerises were weîe supper guests witb Mr. held et Ncwîouvilie Public and Mis. Herry Gorrll ni Sebool on Thursday cvening, Oakwood, and cao visitcd Mi. c.peniug with c procession ni and Mis. Howard Grills. gradualca, staff and speakers. Mr. and Mis. Sid Brown Following the invocation by and girls weîeout to Algen- Rev. Sacîlgrove. came île pic- quin Park ou Sunday. sentetion ni certificates and Mi. sud Mis. George Ilicks cwards. Graduation ceitifi- aud faniîly of Campbllford cates weîe, received ly theJ were clîcrs wîîî Mis. Boa foliowing 18 students: T3111 joues, Suoday. Bickel], Jeuf Bugden, Frank~ iF îmrwsnSn Entwistlc, Claîleen Hall, Vic-IrýF herwsaSn ky Rarris, Ronald H4enderson, day supper guest witb Mr, .let Hoîstege, An Jaynes, sud Mis, Jim Gxlîrer and Robert McQuat, Walter Nik- tmlPr oe Ie I laus, Joy Pankbursl, Jolie, deily visit te Oshawa Hospi- Payne, June Powell, Rlpl lai.^ Secrie, Cindy Sellers, Gi- I\Newtoiivile Radunr Wade, Floyd Wood, and Di-decldBallebero0361Il on dcc O'Doherty. June 1911., with Tî1-cres Hooînweg pitrbîng tIceconr The M. E. Hancock Trophy game, cllowing juil 15 bits for "Tic moat outstending and stiking nul six. On June contribution to Schooi Aclivi- 26th tbey journeyed to Gar- lies" was pîescnted to blis den Hill whcre they beat the yccr's winneî, Cherleen Haýll, defending clampions 23 - 9, by the W.I. President, Miss Judy Brown went 3 for 4, Berneice Miligan (and Char- Joanne Vogels 4 for 5, sud lecn's aunt). Ed Hoad, lasI Joeny Willcmns 2 for,3, Thci- yeer's wvinner, passed on tIc esa Hoornwcgpickcd up the Plia quec, rcpiesenting the win, pitching Ibhe wbolc game. awerd, sud nnw engcavcd On July 3cd, Roadrunners wlth thc two names, to Cher- play host bc Welcome, ti leen. Gonod wisbcs and con- cnly tea n ta l as beaten gratulations weîe expîesscd, them to date. Detaîls sud ne- and thc evcning fînishcd off sult, next wcek, with c pcrty in thc gyminas- iumi for the' graducbing stu- dents, while parents weîc ln- vitcd tc, coilce and tee lu Room 4. 46326 Mis. Bec Joncs atlended thc graduation exercises et _Management JOHN L. RUSSELL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT' LTD. Apt. sud Office Buildinlgs Faims - Houses - Plezeas Toronto - Osha Bowmanville (416) -532-3414 TRINITY UNITED' (HURCH S Mnister- Rev, N. Wesley Oake, B.Th, Organist Miss Gail Thomapson SUNDAY, JULY 9th, 1972 10:00 MORNING WORSHIP (Please note change of time) 1?he memibers of St. Paul's congregation 'wiII worship with us during JuIy. Nursery for children three years and under d pro vided during the nxorning worship. A. Trhe church school will mneet in September cia ________________23. Aij ton Evi CRINESE and CANADIAN FOOD Cro Sav Les and 100/o Off Pick-up Orders Pa (over $3.00) Sný FREE- HOME'DE LIVERY (minimum $.00) Phone 623-3703 50 KING STE E. - BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IIOURS: 10 A.M. fo 10 P.M.DAILY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. to iA.M.' 1 - ý - -ý - - ---I- - -- - --- - -1-: -- - e idaY nlght, where lier grand-. Tbe Canadfian Statesman, Bowmanille, Juhy 5, 1972 son, John Cornish, recelved_____________________ several awards, as well as his graduation cerificate. B a l y s c r e Mr. and Mi . E. Webster I h ine aso c drove to Quin-Mo-Lac Camp IlIn the tonhsp, in oe Dar-y Business Directory on Sturay t brng dugh1800 s, a log schoolhbouse was ter Penny and Carol HendcîlUî nLo 0 ocsio ,Acco sonbom cIer hei wok'!and namied "Bradhey's" - -___________ holiay.after one of the eaîly setlers -W-M. J. H. CÔGGINS "The Cbristian Foujndation on whose pîoperty il wcs Cbartered Accountant of Our Nation" was the Ibeme located. 1l5 Liberty SI. S., Bowmanvilte' chosen by Rev. Snelgiove on In 1862, a new brick school Phonc 623-362, Sunday morning, and eey was built on the opposite cor- -WL-IAM-C. HALL- oue joined lu singiug ail thiee nec, on Lot 31. Benag a gond 1.Comm. ei-ses of oui National Autbem fcrmiug district the commun- Chariered Accountant as be losug yni. Baut- ity was weli setled. The~ 36% King St. E., Oshawa ful flowers adorning the aller school soon became crowded Telephone 725-6539 were iu loving memory of wilh older pupils attending two localredus who pas"- during the winter -montbs. C h ir opr a ct ic ed away duriîîg the week, ramcly Mis. Alce Joncs. lu in T the 1930's, a school club Port Hope aind District Hos- wasnrganized and vaîied aci G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. pitl, and Mi, T. Lambert, in ývities meant much te tbe c t- Ofc~ Chîropraclor Memorial Hospital, Bowmnau- muuity life for both young andOfie vill. Smpaly <f te coi- id.15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. munity Is exîended te the In 1962, Biadley's Schoohi Office Hours: By aplpointmeut11 sorîowing relatives of botI. celebrated the 1001h Anniver- Mi. Beuson Forsythe, a for- sary. D en tal1 mer local resîdeut, died in Much credît is due ouri nany Oshawa Hospital last wcek-,Ifinfe teachers for ahi those DR. R. E. DINNIWELL and . n Port Hope Hospitali, years of education, Dental Surgeon Mi. arr Holawa, bI Alo îl scool ous s* has resumcd general practice Mr. arryHolaway boh Alo te scoolbous siv-\et 30 Silver St. Bowmanviihe- wel]. known be sorne nf thc cd a veîy prominent place et, Office Rouis older residents, the latter a election liMe. Words nîten 9 - 12 a ruý - 1 -6 nm brother of Mis, C. Walkey heard spoke-n were - "Wait except Sctucday and Sundayý and Mi . V. Anderson, Ouri 'li you hear frorn Bradley's". D.W .RDLDDS condolgoces also, bo relatives, owvr "progicas" cîeled 75 Xing t.E Bowmanv Il@ Mi. and Mis. C, H. Lanetescohin16 , Office Hours: Mr.anud Mis. F. Hendersoný Now a fine modern home' 9 a.m. te 6 p'in daily and Carol spent the. holiday lbas taken lis place so the pag- Closcd Scturday and Suiday weekend ln Montreal, and es of history are closed for Office Phone- 623-57Pn took ln the Expo baIl game's. Biadlcy'a schnol -days. DR ILIAM KENT, D.D.S. Mis. Ken Waîe of Toronto So, with respect and mcmn- Bowmanville visited her mnother, Mis. Lena or 'y of ' t'eb past, te retaîn îî.eI Piofessio-nel Bhdg. Ovons, over Sundey. naine, many interested resî- 922 Ring St. E. - Suite,106 dents l otI pasl and pies- Office Hours: Mis. Phîl Gilmer retujrnecl cnt, have contributed (10 er-ý Weckdays. - 9 - 6 h o mu e Saturday efîcînoon cectîug a sign) on the site of except Wednesday aflernoon n fîom Memnoîsi H n s'Pitalithe original lo~g schoot bouseý Telephofle 623-7349 Il wheîe she lad uudergonc lu le known 'as Bîadiey's- nsurance i- surgeîy. Corner. n u a c Mis. -Milgan aud Bernecice May, 1972[DNLDA_ _cREO sud is ys Frro Wcr inLîfe, Auto, Home Port Hope ou Salurday be mcc 67 King E., Suite 2A athe parade, and visiled Mrs. tN emorial Hospital i Bowmanvî1le- Phone 623-5962 7- Auna Hughes and MisSw den cfteiwaid. SoW ppkv e[ tP rooe rt v il

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