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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1972, p. 8

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FLASHB'ACK - 25 Years Ago - Playing in a ConyLegion League softball game against the OshJa wa Branch in Alexandra Park, last week-end, tHc Boýwmanville Legion teani went down to a 6-0 dea.Members of the Bowmanville teani were: Carleron rf, Little c, McKnight lb. Conway c, N. ih rds A, A Richards p, Sheehan 3b, Bird If, ,e WoodwJýardcl2b. t 't t t t VIFASHBACK 10 Years Ago - Two young golfers from Southview Golf Course, David'Kerr - and Bob James, playing their first out-of-town 1 tournament won their respective classes at Peter- Sbo rough inl the Ontario Qualif ying Rounds. David i onte Juvenile event and Bob the Bantam. t t t TWO HOLErS -IN-ON E- Phîlhip G. Harlos, Church Streetlete, shot a hole-in-one on the l7th ~ h l atNecasleGolf Course on Monday, July 3rd. VVWayne Barret, ala(nof Newcastle and _Pete Boncardi, ZPort Hope, were- playing in the thireesome. At Pebblestlone; Golf Course on Monday, Juiy 3rd, Dale SCowle 16e, Oshawa R.R. 4, shot 'a, hole-in-one. Play- ïng wt bis brother Bob he sank bis drive on the seonidhoe par 3, 190 yards, with a 3 iron. Frank Meens on, the next fairway was a witness- to the t * t t t OLDP-TNiMERS GAME - Plans are well under- ayfor an upcoming Old-Timers vs, Locke TV Eecon meeting. Fred "Buck"' Cowle in- for;ls îus that the response f rom former Inter- merdiatýe stars interested ini taking part lias been great. Many members of the powerhouse Brook- claide Roses and Royals, teams of 17 or more years ago have inquired, stating their willingness to participate. Many Intermediate.basebail fans a;re awLare and can clearly recail the All-Ontario Chamnpîonship crowd of 1955. No definite date lias been set for the Electronis - Old-timers con- tsbut plans are full spced ahead for such a t t t t HOIDYAT -MOSPORT- While many Dominion Day H1oidayersi,ýý spent the weekend at cottages or on the road, aýbout 8,000 racn fana and their familles took avantag of t e n weekend to camp at M0'foport Park. Quite a number of eventa were chdldincluding a snowmobile race, the six-hour Sun1-dowim race that fished in darkness, the Bulova sed-rar series and the motorcycle Grand Prix, Lud- igHeîmirath of Toronto, who bas been racing at Mos-port sincre it opened, wvon the Sundown, teaming wit Frtz ochreuter. Tbey were two lapa ahead eto their neiarest rivais. The Bulova series was won l'y Paul Lambke of Galt who took the Bulova in a I atun510 epte Yvon DuHiamel took top honrs n wo cassof motorcycies. He was riding 1~awsaki. Tere erequite a few accidents in ilhe ibike acbufo rtuinatel,v no serious casualties. ONTATO UNIO qULIFYNG ounds were heldat TmarC1Golf Course, Ennismore (forth of Pterorogh)for this zone, on Friday, June 109. Six nirmem-lbers of Bownianville Couatry Cilub wer eered with resulis as fol- Io 1 ueieRc James 41-42 - 83; Day, Mc9uia 44-42 -86. Junior-Bob Preston 40- 41 f8; ButchStehe 36-47 - 83; Mike Orme DavePre~On ted wvith 93). No word has been T reeive as et)n the score required for the finasto Jeheld later lu July. NEWiCAS;TLE POSTS W1N- Newcastle Blockettes dondCourtice 9-6 l5st, week in Durham Ladies' 4SoftlballLegu action. Judiy Powell, Vera Wright, G(,il WVhite, Jean Stere and Annabel Stevens hit * ome runs for theý winners while July Powell added i. doujble. IL S-herlock andl B. West collected homrers l'for Coutie Vera WVrighlit was, the winning pitcher *wlÙle Bey West took the -loss. FOR 11SiIlJMMER D ï'lRlîVlNM & AFIVT I 70 PONTIAC Laure-cntian 2,clr. Hardtop V-8,atmtc power steeingý, white wls dises, radio. Local one owner car. Lic. 79927A. '7 PONTIAC Parisienne 4dr. Hardtop V-,automiatie, double power, radio, white walls and discs. Totoegreen, sold and serviced ly us sinice nw i.62413A. '69 CADILLAC Eldorado 2-dr. Hardtop Fully power. equipped including air-con- ditioning. Executive driven, only 22,000 miles. Luxury driving in cool comfort, Lie, f695802.j '69 POiNTiAC 4-dr. Sedan V r, omat1Je, rdio,1whit e walsad dises, Don't mistis one.Lic.632'l09A, '69 UICK Customn Skylark 2-dr. Hardtop V-8,autmatc, ouble power, black bucket seats wýith floor conisole, Lie. 505224. '68 O-LDSMý-OB1LE CUTLASS 4-dr. Hardtop V-8iatomatie, double power, radio, whitewalls atud diýscs, Lic. 65821IA. '67 CHEVROLET Impala Custom Sport V-8ý, automnatic, double power, radio, white walls and diises. 'Red kucket seats with floor console. Lic. 67016A. oenient GMA.C Financing .0 . - 166 KING ST. E. Preidet: om "Cowan- Sales Ma1nag-er: Stew Preston 623-3396 Weldo Bron, Ry Latangu, Eal MCQeen Darlingion Wins PlÀumbeirs Golf i Sécior-î In the opening game of the Carling Cup, on Monday tieC. I 9th, Salem edged Courtice to 1. Tim Zavinski put ýî Caurtice, into a lead early ln the first hal?, but Pete Pir- sent evened the score with hM~. first of two goals. Saleir went Into thbe lead mîdwa~ through the, second hait o Pete Pinsent's; second goal%_2 and hung on for the win. On Wednesday the _2lst,.1 Salemn was elimlnated on theý drowned out Hampton field 3 to 1 by Hampton. John Payne put. Hampton ahéad midway througb the first hait, la .the second half Rob Smart tied the game, but e-eývà goals by George Leadbeater and Pete Schconderbeek de- cided the match. 4 Saturday nlght, Salina aud Tyrone played at Salem. Theî game remained close for tbree quarters of the match wlth John Werry picklnig the Solina goal und Iva Griffin 1 frý scoring, the Tyrone goal, but late in-tlh0 second hait John Huggins put Sauina in front and James Baker added the insurancé goal. The final1 game of lhe z Carling Cup Plairoffs will bc played Monday, July lot, with flampton vg So- fina at tihe Salem field. On Thursday at Bowmanville Golf Cl ub, t Game time at 7:30 p.m. Wîth league play gettîu,ýg Utilities golf'tournament had 48 players see-king the back, Tyrone came Up wit.h a Momar trophy, Alex Airs of Hurvid Plumbing a, ;nd a 2 to 0 win over Courtice. ville club, was the winner and î's picture.d fhEre beingý Rory Gibbs picked up both of lyQaiyUîte rnhmngrJmCuc ak the Tyrone goals for the win- anaer a tl td ave Konagrbum. ning side. n aae fýpt1Ld al onlm On Wednesay the 28th.1 Solins had littie trouble In' dropping Hampton 3 to O. Ewart Werry, John- Werrye45li the Salina ngoals and Stev e- Page the shutout.E I Meanwhill ln Courtice InIf a fîght riddied gane, CourtizeME E first win of the séason. Bue(b ir' I;-ke Hweere ie 111h ienirxg Osborne picked up the Cour- itmsied ihMrcer, ai1- tice goal on a penalty shot It took veteran Don Mr-as a daeru bitter, early in the firt.hait. Th e cer .5 third base, hune single Ile'eegng as h ero, The shutout went ta Doug Harri- the l hi inning to tocuevior a ed l's tcrdof son. Saturdayls leegthy but evert- itheseasnuovr Bwavle Courtice plcked Up Another ful struggle at Keudal's lir-wihot iss point in a gaine with TyraneI vey JacksGn Park. Mercer. I) vh on i on Satuirday -nî,igt, when tbey ,rWho entered the gam-e a h aswoto nt. tied 1 al. MTýitch Daveypckpnh bitter leteegt Dmno a cuetswa ed up tihe Tyrone myarker and jýrinig, lie a f'at O'Reil- ectuwd pnsrpi Mike Ormiston ;collected ithe 1ly pUiteh, past t fhird ' , w'ithter da wabe.T1'lctos Courtice goa.scs ul iin h al O'Reilly su[fferepdthlos , is Wlth Soïina aud HamptoniEagles a 7-6 uoid oerthefrs, afe eevitry Rd ,a;ain playîng elc otiher Sat- Locke TV h lcrn'tid urday night. both teams mise- t was the t hirdcltlime in the thrower OfHi ftroo.lfe ed on many chances and end- last four frames that Meana- followed starter George "Qeîý-; ed up ln a nil tie. Rick Run- ger Clint Ferguson elected to eral Jos whyo wrkd w cie and Pave Taylior plcked load the bases iutentionaîîy. HinninsWand Byrod n any the Fhutou ts. In the two previeus cases, thie lomswocakdu / Junior strategy worked ta perfction.1frames. On June ?22nd, Courtice Te-1 Charles Reid, Kcndall, thirdl maiued luin1rai place as tbey sisi cof tihe foilwiegplayrs: finger and their top bulî.penk dropped Tyrone 3 to O. Re- S al1emi: Richaý:rd BRoomer, SPecialist. tolled 3 2,3 in-- port of the goal scoring was Glen Ashton, Jim Potr lngs, allowîug no runs on tu not passed on. Pete Pinseat. hits, te gain the decisioni, In Tyrone ou Tuesd-_ay T yr o ne: Deug Broom-,e, Raiph Kennedy, Who started, night, the home towners cam-e Bruce Baker, rn Nilowa replaceci by a Junior out on top with a 2 tn O wia John Hamiltenj, Joe(irok hurler, Mike Carman, 'iu the over Soina to put them Into Courtice: Dean KuaxDon fift'h. second place lu the Junior Burgessý, Randy Allen. Bowmanville took a 1-O lead League. liampton: Hasrold Leach, lu their first on Ceorge Sains- on Saturday, Juir Sth, Don Roger:s, Pete Schoonder- bury's double sud Ray, Croin- the Dtbarington Ail-Stars heek, Bob Traviss, Dave Tay- hies two base, twnoeut swa,ýt. wilI pilay last yearls league lor.- The Eagles bit for ingle ehamps, Solina, at the Maage)Rlph Dsvey. mnu. the first sureuhe Courtice Park, beginning Notice: AlSaswl dup Jïouies for threel th sec- gd 7:60 p.n1. apra1ctice ari eSe ot - oud, ,Lon bits frinJohiset- Thie Ail,-Star team wwlll on bifeld _n brsayngh.1er, Kney inWs RI Electrons11 TakePotHp ýWî*th -S-àme Heavv Hitfinnù l w bw a ww a Clrke nleaou6-5 whn ay Cram4ie wdaite protstiUg he bas The Locke TV E11r11ome1,aesiae oul mie' eiin htrne jolted t.he Port Hope lcatodeet etcn«rCab e elybdmssdscn last Wednesday night ai Agri- Ted "Baldyý"Hoar ot thuh-,bae. culture Park, by registerlng a, The Flyers squared thiiugs 9-7 declsion. The win leaves . .uEuu rp at 6-6 lu their haîf ofth Bowmanville witbh 1a seasen flIL VIWEM. sevntbhefr kyto mark of 5-5. 'ovrJh mqd.Th amg Gary 1liawk" Akey -made HEATING SPECIALIST ngblw amýýe'atrls- aý rare relief visit and biked 1 Queen Street I ai, ik usi rea(l',cbed bhis pitcblng stsrkt4-0,.as Bowmanlvillefit on a ml-ssed third strike1ý he tlosîed ,eue run, two bit j-g u scored onWan Hogg'7s balovrttelast three inn- -7591 triple. Crough, who wenit te ings. Doug Crougli toiled for 24 HOUR SERVICE ýright field wheu Akey re-1 the first six frames and t.wo 011, Gas & Electric Furnace I ieved hlm, macle a sensation- batters In the Port Hope & Air Condition Installa- Iai grab ofý Bill Ryan's sinking seventhi, before retlring. lie tions - Central & Windoiv drive, holding lio0gg at third. wss touebeci for il of the Ijaits - Clare Hld & Ahey ,,thu retîied the ýnext Flyers' J13 bits sud sIx ruas, Fiudley EquIpmeat two men. while fannlng four sud walk- Free stimates Bowmnanvilie took adVan- ing oeemn. Wben Deug BuýdgîeTermis Available tage of tbi-ee Fiyer eýrrors sud exited tram the mound ta ___________11tbree wild pitches trom Bein- right field, it was a 9-6 situa- 7 ma lu the ninthý, as they tlon. e'içrýs enan imved Into a 1 ,- l eTe ouly i fitiettametwp bit for ffhree ruas l t Kely's run scorin ingle of the nintb. wlle Port Hope Rya drove lu Port Hope's masgda ae crel ter - logg with tue game'sfia final at bat. Pave Bemma j i, S run lathe bottom eofthe ina- travelled the route for t.h, ~ ( i\~ u lase, giving up 10 ~ 9Aroýund the Bases.: claimed Il strikeouts and - For Bowmanville, Crough walked Just two. lan sd Kelly bad two bits eacb, Four of Bowmarsville's bits ,,/wbile Symons, Hodgsou, Paul were of the extra base varit.- ýý Wakeley sud Rysu pcmvided ty, includiug Crough'o two te Flyers with tv-4 bits rua roundtripper lu the third. iT/aTlf4ye piece. The lasers' top stick- It was bis third this yea,. A man, however, was Bernia, Don MeMurter hadsd aamed who may be baving bis prob- eut is iratcf 972.givng /f(/ÇEF~~., lems on the mouud, but is the TV crowd s 1-0 edge la /T.Ç T/ fl/fW10AM stili a teugb customer at the the second Inning. plate.lie slammed eut tbree iAtter f½ rames the Elec- bits aud lined out to :igit i trons beld a 4-1 margin, but bis otber et bat.,liogg. be- Port Hope, aiways a tough bind the plate for Port Hope', tee, ~ ' ruedptorruas l 1 h hf N~t dicd an excellent job lu hlock- the sixth ta taoke aver tbin~'1.J ~ J sg most 0 f Bemms's off tar- lead 5-4. Tbey lted Crougb gt throws. A less than uer-ý for four bits, with slthe fE LLJ Sheili a zdcow oke ue damage doue with twaoeut. ~tetpciBweviePr An infieki error (Bowman- ServiCe thoe truggale.wavll-o ville's third et four la the The Flyers, atter s qulck match), started the Flyers gtwy aebe tmln stlrrlng, Bob -ýTrew, - Bemma 180 KING E. ag Iaybaeeb ee sband <RB) sd Ry ymos' w1 BOWMANVILLE the victories bave been bard rua dauble followed. Ralph ta ncame by, With mainly the Hodgsou then ripped s singite PHONE 623-5662 sa-ine graup of talented play- over short, putting Port Hope * cý rsi thcir liieup, their re- in front. DnMeLachlan - Don Plincnt1ump l cmewht fa T'he Elec-tron! eoerdýpuze Tourney the 4th Annual Qualîty championship and the a member of the Bowman- presýentedî with the trophy lef t, and Eastern District xtrons 7M Day Came and oh TObllson(lid Ho ies tok-overfor the ElrU s n thrd nd ald SEEKING PRODUCTS ABROAD Ontario searches the world for new products and ideas, as well as licensing produet know-how first created here, In 1971, through Ministry of lndustry and Tourism product prospecting missions, 34 On- tario, industrialists visiteci tradI fairs in Norway, Swed- en, Germany, Italy, Switzer- land, the U.K., and Japan. They also met many local industrialists wishing to have produets manufactured locally for the North American mark- et. dal's Junior squad, replaced Kennedy in the fifth and was impressive over the next tbree innings. Heading into the top of the eighth, Kendal lect 6-2. The Electrons took a page froin the Eagles' stra- tegy book, as they staged aý four-run rally, to tie the game and bring on relief ace Reid. Hie was greeted by O'ReilIy'sý sacrifice fly that macle the, score 6-5, and then saw Sains-1 bury drill a single for the!I equalizer. After a walk, Reidl retired the final out in thel TV crowd's eig'hth inning. 1 Reid was tough after hlIsi shaky entrance, as he blankedj the Electrons on only one hit over the next three innings. Pat O'Reilly replaceýd Holmes in Kendal's ninth, as they threatened with the bases full and one out. "Red's" firqt batter, West, lined into an inning eniding double plýay.) The Loche crew escaped a bases full sýcene in the IOth, but Mercer ended the extra inning adventure the net frame. Aroiind the Bases- Fraser Wallace bad four ofi the Eagles' 15 hits and drove in two runs. Riobinson, West, Pete Maartense and Shetier ail bangeýd out two base knocks apie(c. Kendal coin- mitted tre eroYrs and Nf t 18 men nn base. The Eleýctronis, performing with somne valuable players out of terlineup. madle seven e(,rrors and stranded 1.l men. *P-wmannvll]e tallîed Il. bits, wih 'Reiliy, Sainsbîirv 9 ud "utli Bgneil hanving stonp rseneibbing ag neil on twAO temnou iss WIN BOWLING TROPHY - At Richmond HiII Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday, July lst the Savage Trophy was won by the Bowmanville Mixed Trebles teani of Mervyn Brock, skîp; Norman Broch, vice-skip; Clarence Oke, lead skip, The higli three-gaie score was 46-4. t t t t LEGIONAIRES OVERPOWER NEWCASTLE - A six Éun fifth inning explosion spaî-ked Oshawa Junior Legionaires ta a 10-4 whipping cf ]Newcastle Liens last week in Eastern Ontario Basebaîl Association action. The Oshawa pitchirîg combination cf Deug Stone, Randy Rogers and Les Kiraly.held the New- castle batters ta two bits, striking eut 13, Legion- aires scored three mus in the f ifth inning, six in the fifth and one more lu the sixth. Newcastle scered two in the second, one in the third and the other in the seventh. In a game playcd earlier at Kinsmea Stadium, Legionaires topped Kendal 10-3. t t *î t ï WIN AT ANNANDALE - On Thursday, June 29 the Bowmanville Country Club lady golfers played at Asînandale Golf Course with the fol- lowing resuits: Ruth Barclay, low gross; Audrey Gardner, low net; Mariais Pearson, Joan Turner and Joyce Lyle alsn won prizes. The teamc prizé was won by Val Miller, Audrey Gardner and Ruth Barclay. THE PORT HOPE AND COBOURG GOLF CLI33B have announced that the iiame of the new course, at Theatre and Dale iRoads, will be Dalewood-, Dalewood Golf and Country Club is currently under construction and if everything goes according to plan members will be able to play on the course next Spring. The Cobourg clubhouse and course bas beeni sold to a developer for the sum of -3400,000. The sale is on the condition that the zsnngof the property will be changed. The Cobourg Club wil be allowed to operate unti]. the new course is com-. pieted and ready for use. The Port Hope Club i:; stili negotiating the sale of its property. No com- mitments have been macle so f ar. RAISES OVER $477,000 The first Sports Lottery ever held in Ontario has- netted more than $477,000 for the amateur sports groups whe participated. The 50 sports associations, hund- reds of clubs, leagues and sports groups involved ini the lottery, sold more than 800,000 tickets before the Iottery ended on April 29, 1972. The money earned by the amateur sports groups lias been used in a number of ways. Some sports have used their share of the money f rom the ticket sales to build new facilities and to rent practice time in existing sport centres. Others have purchased new equipment and uniforms, ,$one sport associations have -used their money to assist athletes with their travel expenses when they were conipeting. Other sport groups have used their revenue to hold. coachi and player clinics tb inprove the quality of their games. Trhere hav e also been many awards fin., anced through the money froni the lottery, The second Sports Lottery is now under way, and it is expected that even more money wîll hie realize.d for theprmoio and developmenit of athletes Pad Fports progranis throughyboit, L T D., Men's Su'its fr$39ý98 up Men's C-riae frm$49"98 Up from$1198 Up I -~ s COMPLETE LINE 0F BOY"$ EA SPORSHITS $32 9 p SHORTS from,$4.79up JERSEYS anid $3.29 up ~ WINDBREAKERS from $9.98 up LARGE SLET O F *... BATHING SUiS SHORT SLEEVE SPORTSHIRTS and D RESSSHRT dEN'S WEAR. LTD- Bowmanville, Ontario .1 t l

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