ViEW - Wo)rk jr now v thedeeo en of the ýourse oit [Ritson Road aille north o(À the cityý lew c.ourse Wh ae (up nch of thie Oshawa Creehk North. Situated Une Il lim»its, ail.KedrQ.4n, the in 175 acres. The East BPrai wvind(s for a ciile and a hI periiittiig siID holOto holes to aale it. T three hole> an'd fouir pý whw7ch have]eendSig: has been done and 80 amr plouglied and prepared A large capacity ateýrin ed for fairways and gree: and proySIhop) faciities iniided lie the lnsis green whic.h is accessibl course will be approxiir There is a surplus spac tional use as required. 0peraionýsat, Us presen.11 and the nw courseval- Grandview staff w1' tr. Mjakhing dtenoewill and U-arold Walton, fou I Ail (e GofrsSh BurroWS of Bowmanville 19WSA1 1 costhe creek and t-wo bDecaýuse I ýrnght be>. C i rhere will be f'Our par " prefer when gol ,-) nt Ji r afive anîlong the S 'f0 be- d rawito a dsuso :ok f 1business o cainc- ned. 1'rehiminary ma ects, and I Wood rather 'nof0 aes of fairways have been hear sucb discussion ur,.sue1P 0 for seeding lu Augnist by sofbrs in the iddecf ns, and a new clblons Do' ebrrs m y i asing Ia Ic ucdany o a will be erected. Aieo yeur putfes.1Inull olunter to Kej ai practice fairway and ;doso, if in my jgment ct s [e to th)e clubhoujse. Te dsrei yJn lreup~tOr nately 6500 yards long. AI would appreciate IL i o mni iaci i fo'x foraddtioal ecra- would refrain fomsuch re. The Oshawa Legiuai ou ru l te frta add-ý mafraddna era nrks as "Tbat vou1d bave hattred the Locke TV M" Elc-Cd t 11l tbe second tetak% if location iu Novelinber [cugh te trap .,"o oftimhthssaonlr-cate o h Lgoai opel mn ay 1974.The a bd ibounce, o- r it olu'td at Kiinmen ti udlokd n opeeimg ()Penili aý- 97-1 Th [havle gene uf ofî bouncis" .hys age asix rý uic ralUly 1- ni 'asfer tth ie ew club. etc., etc. I'm cpabe cudonm to daim a *12-ù' Àeîi beJohn onoowsi, y own ypahig TeLegicuairle aw a Pred Cross, teachiug jpro 'The twooing ipefceay63iadvaraes od services. lon m wig r e owaviie age wa, don rfn'yov'g re veugoîa ng ufront -6 ru the ls kuown t, 1(2me: Lookng up, Tuo1c ie ih Ifasn a backswigStanding tc TeEetos ieualc f ar ad hi Jb ead i' gcf the ail . aubebiudOhw utbj nype Om b bail, oolwi-togvcscahti esn 81 CutyClub for seuding aiog cose& ,No pivotTeeig bailnrgt h wue0aIpr the foulowng: fo! brgh toe brw, Toc muchaei he trwrst1h GOLFER rthbý f-liaud no nugh fleif- mudl iebtea crc to save neieusa conversation ward J- toc fali bcFauty huhnttagnwlrt ou No. 1 Tee .. aud Ibis t.ri, e. t. oP 2ows ee fe your oppouent. [The above-neuoed Isuif si 2/3 ungs.% soe wassttled "My-handicap is l ave beeu poiuted out t encme for i -ns (ailm hesc I'm nef iterested iu heariug by 1my professicumal ud is 1 d o lebis f aatb thàt you are't playing te 'Your by many cf y frleudcs, lu-! first lune 2this year ta handicap, sud until I've soeeucudurîg a f ew former friends, Loes umber eefss yplay af b oles, Ipîayîug more-lý),r)of interesteci in playing for more th a e ,yas ecalu thana dollar îiassau. If at ay ïf time I'm iterested rn pre s my atento en aeaeny u din.1fu in, I wi bets, l'Il let you know. Ltl iinga, w ill upr tal.orextou, te d te ame "I admiut tha ts a ulce dae wmiloye concenrating ~egg naieuumth for golf, thaftheetbeha u' usr ii'e ndcl Ithe ppe been either bof or cold and1 craf e ime;n: Wif yeu cuductJý thaf tie re gîcskeeperi ý,doû- cetighe 101hbelnoirjurs if accordin! wt teiao i ing an excellenf job. - sow e teo ythatI, don'it suggestosPm cerwitain f 01 "Ki dly ,refrain from tellru in afedydink. .if fime iiibe seonj.- î ;me about yopur paserfcrm- hlsm eon eoclc e"huiyufryu ot lances on the golf course. Thej'"_ ý moglfmefcin.I lcm gdreitaiid ouly1, round 'hich intercala me;wn yur mouey, I i11 uysandc!nireraticu' la Th ue Vere a eut te p a: .l.... ...... "The s,-co)re card contin lw -C li l1lj cpp 1,11a înning tame so e0nato u h I TAXI 623-q4422 SSpeciaM Airport Rates *Limouwsine Service Dei;Very Service *25% Off for OId Age Pensioners * Bngo Run 70c per persan (wiwl town lximita') 231 INGSTREET 'EAST. OMNIL WE SPENT TUESDAY EVENING DEUIVERING OUR SPECIAL PROGRESS FL'YER FROM Dft OOR TO DOOR CONTAINING THE MANY SPIECIALS VVE HAVÉ FOR THE SIDEWALK SL.I YOU MISSED YOUR COPY PLIEASE PICK ONE URP WfHEN YOU VISiT US DURING' THE SALE THURS., FRI. SAT. Gary "jw'Akywsin cojfrrýaiid alî i the wayon Sundayý, cexcept s kimforoneîrninig when the Flyers tied 'hescoru-tuacre-unhrnr Hie pitched the ntr game adbogtteEeto througb, aided by, some good hitting from hîs teami- Bowmanviflle Kinsmen Spe.-edýy Larry UAL. PARK - LIBERTY ST. S, FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT,,. ThursdayAfrno Thursda3y EveiÎng anod distribution Jis handled, Friday Afterooni SAY HELLO 'TO Ju4 LUTN andTJE HNUSIC 0F SERVICE CENTRE SPECIAL Free Grease Job ITIEVERY 011, CHA1NGE T1URSPAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY THURSDAY SPECIALS LWNMASRC M E 599 F RIDAY SPECI-ALS SUNGLASE$ POLARID-REGý. UP TO$7,00.- - EEG. $9,75T SATURDAY SPE-CIALS 13H-EDEG.'$14M95RS S'aTeP, REG., $1.29 Mau More sC-iel"ýý "An Entire Veekend of Fun and Action" Big Draw for - ý. 1972 POÏNTIÀC FIREBIRD) - SATURDAY TICKETS 1-'$1.00 Poedifor Kinsmen Communîty WorkI CthrLarýry Piper wh 'si, sncestrneJi eo h Eecrou bitwha abU)lid v 1 * # SPORTS CHURCU ST. NORTU ORONO - 983-5810 Credit Assistance 16 3URH T Sun and elbthbts. U 1 fb b t aouble .cr1 fol owhingAuth Eig oraun, f o s letUi iF 14 Brund thBe aesI bit d an»tao inh PafIU 1cr '). Sundayý, after lie astbon Tbe gane's klongeil a-he into afield as bis inotorcytclu Para tckove, U taveiedWa unoadciby COsawa's skidded out of control, tbroub beaIng urbit Bray u tbc igbtlilConst. Dave McDoialdact bBauey inlme,5BMma-]JatWilliam R. Crosslan,,, îeý it C alfo 51/îraen st ileS tbid ptcher, isbed 18, of 330 Orcbard Crese, t tbe eglna1e~ eedQU paorun m n ripl tro,) !uî-contsol of tbe vehîcle, 'ata tSe eighth. ed t tbe left centerf'ield higb speed', and the ,l~ S1e.uyI asOi b f uce A ammot 400 Pf.skdded on ta tbe sboud secod nroud apeaaire pus shot Badybawiifed of Ta-unton Rd., just east o £Gths r u his ouil oe r be forpe icu t Cr)unty Rd., 4, at 110:p. * oebesawu fbrereeu L ief t, Tbe driver was treate L iuigs urngBowemuviïs er ieBeics ORii o uand bruises at Mcmi T~~ 2 1Lesto Port Hope on Juanyd DonMMrtrtpec ra Hsia lus tw< batters in tue sc Bwavii truc sicor o aau to unsngewiie A »AV OR1 WEE-KE-'1 Id, Hie was charged t un ntheirtbirdoffasb- sParka ele]red a îgeb! anda Ask foRatre iree rSc on ne is u e w eifrDru Br.sciiefy o arc rs be faceci. livered tihe run acring bits, RBI double. ce bas bthafeuly CRSE~DDEL After Ohw rue Aky uru i svninigsy ute 12games be ta. pisyïc2-58 ithe À: fn Secrc.n nriGV1 Hrd wm iuc d or in u o,, LùckeF,ý Ray Crombîi _____________ Now Open P' 'AM ---LE- Ph-one 17 FRIDAY' JULY 14th SATURDAY JUL'Y 115th