urh Agric News '%, Reill WAt* The Canaclian State&rnan, %lWma'hvi11e, July 12, 1972 f frîstail Officers at Branch 178, Royal Canadian LegionNe MaktRpr zî FOr Grain Industrvy A~~3 Ar u uaI ersnaiei The Ontario Mnistry of clude cahcoarce fed ~ , Agricultureand Food are fýrersonadlvr-tel *~~-e offering a daily g-rain m1-arký vator baic r h htan i2hred inpioyes wordsor treated asIthough A good test tIo se what yur e eott i naj am odn rnfr n a Fveyoe t s a 'rob sbservienit to the farmier. Aepîyerelatinohip pro- etrepndort oerl!intaroerstdn m- on ro aess ia ablylo s xmps poIe Che berongg, nt onl-,,)-u ie owokgrain markets on a 24-hour the cashanfuremakt i',ano ke tmheveS. famm operasebutaso H f i o u rîa lie to e Il- 5~ * a day basis. FarmTers niay on cor],syenwet ish te*lite on tfswela fry u?" We i l ike ibehear this report by calling oats, barleacmaîdwt P r"li lý( piý the recgn fo wsohen wel.doi, il hl t l,(416) 924-4466. This report buckwhea, re fa an situtionarîes obvons butgîve meognaionlor orkt h bos but stme thos ni~'u ancaetisaobi-wldoc iihptoianoalasteetmehdwil1 be updated, each market whitc beani ~î prni atiencf tings It s qute te satisfaction with the job. cf handiing thle job. ~dyb :5om n îii-aesao Pncnt1thlt1tineC ovsi- Not only is the recciving f f Not Worth HMarvesting? da The grain progandrarn in-li aicas aparn t b rana competitive wage important,1 Witb the wet weather 'we Tchal hr n e nhs e a-aiabet nai a cd s amod'or a i il Pah ve the feeling that they canI ly, there bave been some plital. The funeral was held on stations aogwt te e reu'd ti motn ~ advance in tbe Job and thiat comments made to' the fact fonBwnnil. dtdd ne rI, C 1U lOn Wednesday 1the' annuiallcast imarerpot rad net nly ir uiltime~ ticorfamriiy is happy wîth the that corne of the cropc are '.' oe' nttt u n en rvddb h î< piyes u as frpîttm~~tate.just net. worth haprvesting. Thret - ipýe helpthat h~v o satnfi ' in The eed for ;training is yield may be clown or theokpae Telde îicdît0o giulueaî od Whît bv r ong vr a5;( "ery îioetant. No two quaiity -just mn)ay oit be as )rîOl ii tAtoOt.;on e c0 h gnce hc perorswîscs e b trato frý:meis perform al jobs ts deîebut due to the fac(_t so îde h o ,tedvlpin ftn n.t i n t n n r s a d s m . F ar ci em ployers fr i- tat m o sit o( the Ncosts, of theth -,' la er ig ar e oîc~ esharp ietl sy"He deesn't knew crop are araybehind ius, Toronlto adillye sopping iPort wasteOtas ri ~ hew tedeD farm work". Rcaily the se&d is in the ground and andr upe tem.Cern Couclspotdb tierea is ne reason, why cm- thse spraýys a re on, thse de-MmanMc.Sn awoetrgaimrkiggous A A O V:E D plo>ves sheuid know ho w te s esio ý nwhther or not pe roi-mon a new job, He we sheuld hrvcsthe crep, a usse e rte h ruîgrpr eeoe o Aek for ECrae ,, sss e bwn, allowýed te do sheid b inf]endby one ýý rp1 fIe rllete -nýli thHayiWl h r yctv fBw-ýItVc usd ne DmFarTe-uy awrMrkt nfrmtin ernr ioserd hejob.i) t is net bewemtmore tlhan the cost 3-258 ius enogh testic tbeper- f havestng tht crp? ~\V~Sitlled at an ipesieceren in t he Lerg-on row. Executive 1rmmbers J ack- Baker, Deug ,,Waltoni,DoeiwhpaedhrGdemtnSrvc hs nb _____ii___or__niin__ son barn. i -lbe hn n ai, BakerIX womnne Wle r îthfth1-ii, i rtotirjDc a-evl.foon.Gn Ofro Comner John iMaw of PrtSgt -At-Arýms mebe wrk Hater egaedintiseprF',c reywceIb' istligofficers. This ýphoto sowBrown ,Service Officer MaurîieConwyvatu Xad r. ..eod,,giclurl nusrrtike front înstallingtSta )n.rïýabsent Bxec. member 'Hind arlýcipvsIcgrltvsamas fcretm fot Jft right Comnmander akrtr iePeietSa un;HrlUnCnd.Ms eoeisl; nlpie adcn'iit~ PeietBobHlic,2dViePeietMuic -Ki rtley. enctsse fMc a- iu sitn ntemfi Annlriaert, Seýcretary Irene Whitney, Presvdent Ed -Majer, 'i M. Manur Vndr-acidlbmtosan tt siheuld go ahead and harvestliIuda eenn over 3'0 Ille cmep, but if thse value isfiedanrltvsenoda ne rae nwhat it is go- odi ing ten cost te harvest, then bia sowr nhonor o iti est that is be iett whcre Welcome tri the communîty Rutlh Wlsn nd mM ý-IAc -r- mdM-rs-1,aN Mouýtn -on ain tbesoe.By it is. Ayvalue greater than lis extéeddIteMr. and Mme Quade. On T1mursday M 1s MsHaze1 Bely ca and Nn- cj ley, who irecejved manyp-l-v wha tie hrvct cst e, aPBryan Moulntjoyr who have George CoteanMm.RcadoBenewrStuayem-ivladueflgtstnk TEUDT tisen be use.d te recever soe d ito Jim Marlow's Archer o-f Port Hopeee niglist eso f -' and MN.i sc] the laies.lan s a'vW401 cf te other costs. ît may t moved soc. . cd 'tvlunch of cake and stmaw- AFLLW IIOID. crop in the field or hanging Mmc. Knîgbt and famni1y cf BaY wlO !had been '\ih Mmc. Wil- Mmc.Bu McNeil wa s ,P bei-rîes. on thse iree. igs h aviedit snfr ie eune one Stumia evrcigzist gurst pf' On SundayIsle anniuai lpicnic rWlATI~Ut Cookig Chekenon th Mm.and mc. tuantDormil'cwith hem.Sundy caierM. nd M s. Fma-nk Hos1kîn1 of thedescendents cf Wmr. andiN1E &~! heuce M . MmadM mc. tuamt wreMm n . GednwicerdutmDonwsHanhMaghnwsied Barbecue Domml a nd fam-iily are ejy rhrand Shamncf Bnigis- a guest cf Miss CliseylGa-ntieCmutyPrat- Chicken on thse barbecue is tede ad xcptenii jîc ng a camper trip th-reugh ton. hbarr. Cacsarea. About 15 relati-ves Teavi acsares5mheiWestern Canada and on up te Mme. PeryVnap m ndMc a cnjyadfriende attended. Janis 5k csikn egimsmore Aak prier te melving te patient in Osh--awa Genertical cf Toronto, Dm, and MeM- McLaugislin and Debbîe Mc- sicam'eehic eie a nn tsi e brea hariten. Hospital wi s is ndrensaeand f amily cf rampton Laugisiin conducted the usual' cother es lstha Omntam sumgemy on Monidaymnilg. were guests cf theirprntgames, races n ee e Use ciscken isalvs, puamt Congr'atullatio l n eMAni' OnSunday Mm. éanrd Mme. Mm. and Mre. Bruce Metuntjoy and exciting one. In spite cfi~ crs r pece fo gmllin. Mc. ob yte(Linda Mout- Russell, Larmmrer r isitorsanbostethaengnintegru Wat ntl hecolsar ov- o,i v) w e 'menamied in a cf Mm. and Mrs eronAveryl Sympalthy .i-s- lcendd teenjoed a festive meai and emd ith geyios4 5bIte ase euiu edn n Saturdayof Litte Britaîn M)isses azlp m-ad m. eneHskin another éday f fellowship and buiiselp ch i c ken it is l,1ii orafitmnn in(tise Unied Churcis. Englisis and rEdna L ýarmer1and Mm. and Mme. Fnk Hec vicîtîng, meied uteranj pac ekn m. nd mc ennMacoln isiedMiss Gladys ,Cory 0fikin and famlilies -onIthe tragic WinnerF et the weekiy Tues- ide run on agesr gil niColrycf EmnenaeOkwo.deatiso lcthernepiewJack .day evenfng cerd gamei w-erc PLIJMBIG&HET Ferimedium seat, kee tise vîcýitinreltiesinths lelQuteafumeratded tise Ormoistonin crhic -ycle e- adis iis Mme. Stanley and ARCNII14 grill C6 tel12 ini1lssabove tilh Tbeyave spent eea ay rneParade in Beaverten cident Jackvactse tenag ?MacÔlr Seonde Mre'. Mc- A cel.Tumniseciknetn'ihhcsstrM.adMe nStra.son of Mm. anld Mm. alemDemadConsolation -MrilTyrone ntro , te reen somcsigan Mcii VnCmpandf miyMan c tseMontjo-y an' Ommîsten (EFsHosin) i Lwec;Men'e ihi m leae is csi sde ew, orMm, daClArke a -Mm. iieheld am i îcic en cousin Joe Hoskil, son c-f M.Hldrlaw eo d BdHaï',POE2325 onl 3te mnuts t tie.AdaArctrngcfBethanly Suniayat tise brhocf MAnild Mmc. Howard Hsi-intw1 c eiCosolation EthelGee, Brsslgitiy ithbttrc wr ecn aie of Me a aInadle Ilaftrlacist fer basting, dur oeig Wit ,until lise t1ct 0iC inutes te baste witb 0 tiesue.TialenJULr iselps prevenlrt cmcing9. J l10ilad2 Afl Food specialiste atise- J y0,hinl1'-Ai af 44 ari Fod Cuncl. initrImproecment Confemence- at cf Agiculture an(" Foedi, sulg- Ottawa. gestusngtegeto te ieJuiy, 13, Tisuroday - __4th cisýcice npieces s per1ingWestern Ontario Frm ndMEN SWF-AR LTD wihafomk meleaiscemui c ome .Managemfent Day wî,ý iti 'tie jiceaodfive7r. Gill frFtus InEgînCont cis s o icke ,lgsabut25te ;an aprogram at tise Pirovin- mintes qurtes1fr 40 te- 50ial Police Coliege, Ayinimer, fi' , -ncs 45 uiy13, Tisursday - Dur-' Dclivit flow of sopncy.lthat anerae e.5.mnte.Tie heknarn County 4-H Judging Cern- q depedaby ad saelytha s our t pak ffîienc. i saetybY i doc wen t jefor tederpetition at the farm cf Bey. Hroýrond the ock rspnsblîy. eimna)ting, the hia7.ards of an rover- and pulls easl aymr Gray R R. I, Portî Hope ndb clecttrcty provides s burenedwiring system. Goo>d reasons itiseP hone.Tise skîn vwill b 1p. may eviess dpedblMost for iving top priority ito your home cuc edseretie et-Ji 7 ona o tender and juicy. Famer Cash Grain Produc- homownrscan taike il for granteýd. wiiring when you consider making l---- ien Corse aI Ridgctown Col-' And yet, i.r many home(s ove-r ten imnprovpments. ,ý~lege cf Agricuitural*Technol- yer lteqatity of secr vice is; To find out what re-wiring (,An do 515 P1 rotest oy sevrel retrite-.smpl beaue fr yur ome c-iJ qulifed18 and 19 1Un'vcncsity thewiîn soudaedan iadqute Eer cal oernizaà on cotracte.oNfvGuelph , v ,gINiuEultuuràl Ni iay Scri ~ thtie Universty. and ts ewin ca malke, a orld of Anid ask him abouiit the Hydro rinanceý Elora Researcis Station. by Plan-a easy 'A petition potetîn heJl 19, Wedînesday - Dur- differnce h nvehenenew sernior elcnentaY chool ham Sou and Cmop improve- proidngamleoules ndswtces way tenfit the te be b uilt int Cobuni ulent Bus Tour te Prince wihere yvou iwantithem1 n performanoe worktooyou),r jt fe ir-iiP A, A. f Eucaien bytis tOn'S Juîy 20, ThDumsday ,- Sale by bîngîg fît pwerte yur uuge -~ e frwared edse Mînster EdwadtCounty Tbr.petiiorSig Waterloo Test Station, Watem- [Iýresits, epiesefting aboutli 1oo, Ontario. 12 per cent cftise properties i la cnoumg, was eceivcd at aJuy2,Trsa-- D- recent meeting cf ceuncil. Il harn County Juior Farmerl w£aàs signed by 315. land o wnlemîcknBrbce ad55 Cobourg tenante, and ,iuiy 21,Fiy-Onai ____________________________________________________________ 4 HrnilJton Townsirsimci- Sheep Field Day Lteile bc"Ild ati, tise Shur Gain Research Fanm, 'à July 21 and 22 -2nd An- nuel Mapie Syrup Tour in î Leeds, Grenville and Le-namk Counties. f1%8m P July 22, Satumday - Z-one 2 Z, Junior Fermer 11eld Day te b -e 1'eld at tise Trenton Higis Schsool, Trenton, Ontario. July 22 and, 23 - Annuai Ontario Regional Lily oit IftiseRoyal Botanical Gar-0-- -tA Z% Tn 10 E lrp, Durham t County, Dee-, SIdewak )Sle ,-7John Lrmo f Black- iJREY n AT U Speials'-,.T SHRTSBRIEFS - ETl MANY, MANY OTHER SUMMER SHOES GREATLY REDUCED Wek1 Rprt$,9u DRSSSHRT "MO ES Wcek mcf June 3-1 inclusive LOy D E L LIS S O S 1t ~ac fceWNBEAKERSMEN 4 9 KMING5,STR-ET WEST BOWMANVILLE Mnreeain -1 rm y7 pBw avle naj tmeatmntsà27 u r ie -8 P.m d±l