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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1972, p. 15

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The O rono NewsI Mi. and Mis. Geo. Greer of Oshawa, Mi, and Mis. Gea Bowers, Mi, and Mis. Fred Dayes of Nastleton, Mr. arci Mis. Jim Abernethy of Bow- manville Were racent visitais of Mir. and Mis. Rag Sutton. Mis. Ida Plumb of Willow- dale spent several days with ber sister Mis. Gea. Morton. Mr. and is. Stanley Cor- dan, Mi. and Mis. Sidne' Luxtaon of Bawmanville visit ed Mi. and Mis. Jim Middle- ton on Wednesday of' la8t waek. Mi. and Mis. Douglac Gamsby, Paul, David and Bath of Guelph, Mrs.Pater Bathgate, Mis. Abert Harris of Bowmanville, Mis. Ted William of Toronto, Mi. and Announce Extension of Cobourg LIP Pro ject Russaîl C. Honey, M.P. for Mi, Honey referred ta a rec- Northumberland - Durham an- ent editorial in the Financial nounced that tbe Cobourg YM- Post which lauded the LIP YWCA Initiatives Progîam program, "Much more funda- projact approved this winter mental than any of these tests has been extended until Sep- of why there la anthusiasm tamber 30tli, 1972, witb an ad- for any given,,pîogram is the ditional grant of $7,898. f act that LIP seems to have Mr. Honey -aid tînt this ex- filled a need of the times. Ini tension and the addîtional bypassîng usual cliannels and grantÎ was being made under normal economic demanda ta the expanded LIP pîogramn fun d people who wanted ta do whYrlich permitted the extension things thay thought were soc-! oýf successful 'uliyof hfia" ially -,ignificaànt, the geo(ra-j pragrams, sucli as theý YM- mnt sceens ta be on îile way YWCA progîam. The exten- ta closing a -ýbreandila sociel slan did nlot aýpply ta "j oh To a whole generalion ofý cetvy"programs, lie saidl, yaunig adulîs ,who -had beený The Nrt 'humnberland - Dur- bambarded wviti anti-establisi- ham M.P. said that the LIP ment views, here was the as-ý experiment lias been n decided tabisbmrent coming ta lhemn on success. At n ime 7,wheiè jobs their own lerms and pioviding were needed this past winter the funds needed to carry out it cîeatad 92,000 of tbem. 0f projects that the yaung fait 'Ibis niumber of jobs, 23 per were important and valuable. cent of the people involved Young and not-so-young found lad been drawing unemploy- tbemselves working ide by ment insu-rance and 25 par cent sida, and getling satisfaction bad been on wvelf are. lfrom it." Mrs. Workman's Pupils Give Pliano Recital A rac-ital 1by Mils. Whrk- Fiances Tighe, Suzanne Bail,, man's pupils was presentaýd at Angela De Jong, Kevin. An- the LionsCmunt Centre derson, C i n d y Estabrook, on Thuîsdny, June 29th. Laurie Jenninga, Kathy Le Large baskets of pink and Greslay, Angela Locke, Billy wbite peonies and rad waigels Spear, Todd Burgess, Laurla attînactively decoated the Locke, Diane Goadmurphy, spdasauditorium. Edwina Seto, Peter Craig, Mr. Famnicomnb LaGiesley of Terri Ann Townsley, Wally Newcastle, n memnber af the Marti, Platti Carîson, Verlty tenching staff at Bowmanville Sylvester, Carol Tîahly, Jo- Higi Scbool, was the veîy anne Fica, Kavin- Crago, Nan- mcapable master of caremoniai., cy Hiansa, Karen Anderson, Theppils praented Mis, Jethroy Patter, Ann Rimes, Woîkman with a lovely giftInluCliarlie Oegema, Mail eune' appreciation of ber untiîing Craig, Judy Jennings, Dawn e:,fforts on thair bebhalf. Morris, Lisha Belîman, Jane At tha close2, lunch wýas Hulis, Sanýdra Cox, Louise ,served; ice cew chocolaý7te Nimigon, Margie Craig, Mai- milk and cookies. for the' gie Van Heuvelen, Amber cýilîdren, and coffea and cook- Taylor, Sarah Le Greslay, les for the adults, Mis. 'Don Cyn.thia BaIl, Valerie Taylor, Anderson, Mis. Don Kennedy Cathy Tîgie, Mylea Chittick, and Mis. Leslie Cittick ware Janet Townsley, Shelley Bahl, luncheon convenais, w i th Jane Morris, Sharon Kennedy, oitier ladies ndc puplis assist- David Anderson, S h a r o n 1 ng., -Burns, Bey Taylor, Hilary The particip)ating p upi-l s Johnson, Rita Mostaît, Will waîe: Lari Van Camýjp, Patti Taylor and Rosemnary Ken- 'Van Meer, Joanne Le Gresley, rnedy. ~ HIdGraduatina Gran dview rtifSchool Graduationi exorcises for the Grade 8 students &f Grand- 'view Public Scbool was lald on Friday, Juna 231, Thosa win- nin-g Schiolarsbip Bais were: Cathy BEeer, Patsy Bowen, Lesley Brambla, Catby Bris- t o w, Margaret Caumanris, Cathy Hyland, Donna Kerr, Katbiy Kloapfaî, Ellen Leslie, Diana Pickering, Patti Pies- ton, Wayne Praston, Cathy Shuice, B-erlay White and Barbara Wood. 'Th' cholar- slpbars wera presenîted by -Mr. Wll Capeling. The Senior Choir sang fou'r mnusical selecctions. The choir w-~ !(ad by Mi. Robeit Tran- The Citizenship Cup and Medal were won by 'lathy Beer and Patti Preston. The Manvers Cup for high- est academiic standing was won by Kathy Kloepfer and Cathy Hyland. Special Awards for Oral Speaking were presented ta Cheryl Preston and Jim Leslie. Specini Awards for Drama were pîesanted 10 Warren Sutéliffe and-Wayne Preston. 1Kathy Kloepfeî -vary cap- ably gave tie valedictory ad- dreas, tbanked tbe parents and teachers, and ralated the avents of the achool yenr. The Principal, i.r Bolton, thanked the studants for their ca-aperatian and wisied Ihern well in the future. I Across My Desk by the Rev. Warren Turner months later and was buried Edit.or of The Anglican and by the United Church min- former Rector of St. John's, ister on a glorjous June day. Bowmanville Moreover, the United Church THE WEEKLIES got the estate. ThJre weekly newspapers of Ail this is a propos of just our towns and other 'corn- one thought, that is that the munities have a special fascin- local weekly press and the ation for me. In mny ministry Church can help each oCher, 1 have managed to have aithougli it must be admnitted cordial relations wîth the that some of the ways mnay be local editor, to our mnutual ad- strange. v7antage, I think. I have happy recollections in my first parish, Lums- of my -association with the den, Sask., there was The late George James, John James Newso-Record, published, ed- and Bill James, John's cousin, ited, set, and possibly deliver- of the Bowmanville Canadian ed to the post, office and thý Statesman. George James local stores by a man named was publisher and editor dur- Hines. Hines was an absen- ing our four years in B3ow- tee Anglican who bemoaned manville. Lhe fact that o ur choir cid flot If the Churcli had some- sigcertain difficult Welsh thing newsworthy The Can- tunies that lie happened ta like. adian Statesman was glad ta Just how he knew what we tell the story. Thus the work sang wvas neyer made clear to of 'the Church was kept be- mne. fore the reading publie. Inci- This wa1s a long time ago, dentally, the James family be- and 1 amn not sure tlhat Hines longed ta the United Chuirch. is the proper spelling of the There were occasions when edtor's namec It could be the Toronto papers wvere de-' :Eynets, or even Hinds. How- voting considerable apace to ever, this may be delayed, but some situation that was stir- 'ust, r.etribution for the fol- ring up a storm in the diocese lowi,,ng reason, and in a Toronto church. In Thiere were three locally such cases The Statesman was prominent brothers in the glad to accept and print for littie town of Lumsden with the benefit of its readers an whom Hines had some strong explanation and interpretation difference of opinion. They of what the furor was al had corne originally from about. Cannington, Ont. From time Because the weeklies are to time these brothers made comunity oriented they are the pages of the News-Record able to use items of news about -their names always spelled the local church- that the without capital letters. That large metropolitan dailies wil was H-ines', or Hynes',' or use only when there is a scor- Hlinds' way of dealing with city of exciting world or that opposition, national issues. HMnes (M'Il stick to my orig- Natuirally, 'the papers are imal version) was married ta mot in a'position ta give free a Uniec Church woman. They advertising ta local bun fights, had] no family. WThen Hines They, too, are in the business took sitk I rinistered ta him 0of making money. On the reguflarly and when he died other hand most editors wel- 1 officiated at bis funeral, As corne wel-prepared items of I rem-.ember it, that was the news which, in one way or coldest, stormniest day of the another, will be, of interest witrand, along with oth- to readers - this, incident- ers, I had ta help push the ally, includes the editor of hearse ta the top of the cerne- this paper. But don't- blame tery 11i1L, an editor if he re-writes it, Hines' estate, which for or abbreviates it, He is gov- those deIpressionl day7s ws erned hy the general style of cosierblwent ta bis h-is publication and the amount widow. She died flot many of space available. Wvrs. Lawrence H1-arris, Doug ind Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris, Richard and Kim ia-nd Robert Harness were bar- becuie guests of Mr. and Mrs. FJack 'Williamis, M\jerridy, An- dîcrea, Lynn anàid Sandira on rSatu-rday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mitchell an-d family are now residing in the bouse they puirchased frorn Mr. Dave Nancekievili11 on MIRi Street North. Mrs. John Turnecr of Bow- manille, formerly of Centre Street, Orono, is now at the Marnwood Nursing H o me, Bowmanville. 1 'Mr. Lawrence Squair, Mr. 'Wm. S. Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat and famlly, Mr. and iVrs. Aleck Moffat and family were among the lur.- Scheon guests of Mr. and Ivrs. Charles Langmnaid and famnily of Sauina at noon crn Monday. Mr?. and M]II M. Singer of New York City spent last week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. -1Douglas Gibson a nd sýon of Hillerest Lane. Mrs. Grace Moncuir A Osh- awa is visiting, Mr., and Mrs. C. A. Tebble, Mr.,tand Mis. Leo lHadder, Brian, Miethelle a-nd Michael of Scarborough, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Mîddleton- and Delbie of Oshawa were recent guests tof Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Middle- ton. Congratulalto'ns to Mr. and Mis. Hadder on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. ý,Mrs. J. A. Saundars, nee Barrabaîl, Is now at the Sun- set Lodge, Nursing Home, BowmanviIle. Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willow- dale, Mr., and Mrs, Bill Sears of Scarborouigh, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Hird of Whitby, Miss Lois Stapleton- of Newton- ville, Mrs. Gev. Morton, Mis. 1John Morris,* Mr. and Mrs. -Lawrence Harris and sons Douglas and Charles, Mr. and eMrs, Bon Harris, Richard and yKim were Sunday buffet sup- ePar guests of Mi. and Mrs. 1Bob Morton, Gardon and Marilyn, on the occasion of yMis. Gea. Mortn's bîrthday. MemoialPark Tykes Defeat Orono 14 l'o 1 rýOn ThuLirsdaýy, July 6th, at Mý1ernoria3l Park bhe Oronoi Tykes went down ta defeat at the hands of the Bowman,1-- ville MNei.noýrial Park Tykes. Ken Cowle and Dean Holmes allowad only seven bits wbhile getting as many themsalvaes wlth a triple ta Holmes thrown la. Jackie Pinchi, Tirn Almond, Paul Dadsýon and Randy "Char" Henning had timnelY bits. Tasmna, and West were the big guns for the Oronio teani. Line core> Bowmanville 14 -runis, 18 hits, .5ros~Ooi 8 runs, 7 hits, 8 errors, The Tykes played Poýrtý Hope Tuesday niglit, July il,' at the Memoriai Park, a,1di on Thursday, JuIy l13th, a.reý hasts ta the poweýrful Oshawa,7 Tykes. Gaie time 6:30., PÏino Pupils of leçanne McMahon Present Recital '1he pianon recital by pupilsl on Monday, Juine 26ieheM97, at Grandview Public Sool. P upJI spartlcipating in group one were: Kimberleyl iHoy, Hugbie Cliffeord, Lauirie Ann Shi1itch, April McQuaid,ý Kim JiMmo,, Karen Rowan, Julie napp, Lorie Howe, Linda MCue, Gordon El1son,ý Janet MeCue, Susan Guthrle, Gordon McCabe, John Mc- Cabe, and 'Chris Woodhead. Impersoniations were present-ý ed by Lorrianne Mulligan and! Kim Jimmo, an-d Lorriannej also presented a dance rou- tine. SGrOuP Two, included selec- tion -by1:QSus A-ye "o "Pe'ter Enio0Y's a Swing",--Ka-, thy Kloepfer and Sharon Pal.mer "The Pobin's Lulla1- by", Helen Van Beek "Ron,- do", Ted Spearing "Madley Af Irish Jîgs and Reels", Heather McGill "Little. March", andý MVarlene Ryley "From the Cliff s". A dance routine wvasi given by Lorrianne Mulligan. Group Pour, lncluded. selec- tions by Carol Clifford "Pras-' to", Kim Neals "On Lake Louise", Laurie Tyler andý Tara Gillen "Qucen 0-f the(1 Pixies", Mary Stevens "Sona- tina", K atbhl1e en Morton 'Waltz in A fiat", Dynn Ar- gue and Mamqrie Lachppll 'Sunset Trail", Ruth Palme:L ":Minuet", Betty Ann Morton u f r~more intensive future use"." "Dance", Karen and Dale 0,a iS f r Ease The Comminittee lias stated that Yo-ungman "Brighit as a But- maygl orse owneîs are ton Polka", JilI Woo'd "WaltzC op facin-g financial difficulty, in D", Bill Palmer "Allegret- IVI tIdaxe the provincial program to", a trio Cf Patt-i Preston, j *r* C', f Co rse 'T xe e srsess properties at market S. Jolinston, Karen Young-ý value, and it called attention man "Mardi of the Clock-I "The gamei of golf can nolpa.ixties. to tbe special socially and work Soldiers" M a ria n n elonger be corisideîed an ac- The Board Jjned thap Com]- ecologically beneficial assets Clifford "Let there be Pence", tivity of-the alite and weal- -itee on Golf Courise Assess- 0of the praperties. Marilyn Youngmnan and Jeain-,tb,, the Central Ontario Joint mient and taxation lui a recomi- It asks for special consider-1 ne McMahoii "King of the Planning Board îecently tbld mendation that courses ha -ation for the courses an thei Forest". and Marlyn Young- their Treasurer of Ontario, in ýssessed accordéing ta he basis that they "perform valu-j man "Moofiliglit Sonata". 1suippor-t of a move ta have ýolfing usie, rather than ac- able aastlietic, acological andi The Piano Racitai %as clos-Igolf courses placed ini special -ý)rdin, Io their potentiaI recreational cion o h Taylor Made Garage Doors One piece V-grooved steel door. Bonderized, prime-coated, ready to paint. Nylont rolier in steel track for easy opening and closing Fitted with climiate-proof weather stripping. The handie lias keyed lock. Oepiece ' x 7'1739 Onepice9' x 7'------------- --$79.95 ENJOY THE WARMTH AIND CHAM 0F NATURAL WOOD Section-al Garage Door, This haIndso-me sectionial dor-r 1q cusù crafted from natural wood. Sanded smooh ready to paint or stain. Complete wýrith necessary hardware. 8x x ' ith 16 panels $109.95 Now $99 (Special Orders OnIy) delivered The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 12, 1972 1 lied emaioandng miimm f the current tax situation '-i adcaionifacilities a nd the courses with the view in municipal servicels." keeping as many courses ini The Board went aven furtli- operation as possible, a 41e ai and predictad that "if demand for golfing fa.iltçzý privately owned courses are will continue ta inceaàt" forced out of existence by op- Tliay now awaît a provinci , l pressive taxes, it is antirely response to thair recommn possible that this demand dations. would tien hava to ba satis- fied by increasad municipal, Algonquin Provincial Paik involvement." l ad 757,000 visitais during Both Board and Committea 1971, an Il par cent increasp- recommend a complete st;udy over the previaus year. 4ài Precision-made, ready for quick assembly. 22'x 22" Garage $1079deved WINDOW UNIT 2-place aliding. analicomplete wiith mounted screen. Ready to îinstal Single-glazed plas- tic track. Complete with hardware. Roughà stud opening approximately 271/4" -,27". k» 51 8.90 for Contrilling Exem Temiparatuiras h liioms', Cottage or Garage1 BATT INSULATION A fibergiass Bautf hatcan ha easily installed& ewenst'uda7 ta pravide efficientinsltin The 2%' rail encavera60quawre T feat, the 31/2" rail cavairs 40 V square feet. 2" or 3" tckes S, regulnrhy 3.96 ench NoJ.19 eae . .< ,IL and SHINGLE SPECIALS a] STYROSPAN INSULATION The quick and easy way to in- suinte recreation rooms, cottages. Easily eut with any sharp-edged tool. 1/2e9 x 4' x 8'-99 1" x 4' x 8' - --2.19 ASPHALT IMPREGNATED TEN TEST SH9EETINGC [haýse, fihreboardsbtngpai reist moistuir andf retard ah- sorption from main and snlow, F'or installation on wood studs or, on a solid plank -wall. Easily applied. 4x 8' x 71"Rglr$2,59 Special 1.99 a panal a panai' Store Hours: t MON. TO WED., 8:30 'TIL 6 THURS., FR1, 8:30 'TIL 9 SAT. 8:30 'TIL 5 CANADIAN GYPSUM ASPHIALT SHINGLES *210 1h. Supaeal )!Shingleaý *Seal daw-n type thato suf lnger roof lifa *Spot welds ha3ve agsphaît seul- ing" coipn ixd on each shingle * alswili sun's lient ane anichois tabs down firmi-ly *Ehany black only isquare cavais 100 squ;ar-e feet 9.88 a square BOWMANVILLE - Phone 623«3388t The Big Beaver Cadet for Your Car Storage and and Worksliop GARAGE and COTTAGE SLUDER

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