Encounter Ruptures in Excavation Corne to the DA Racu iePeterborough Womani Dies in Car-Truck Cc nev jling hon oBtetwnSienmcss jdaioa ', ring noni torin nt, wîhw blen take b t ieman, whe',eer he goes Lîigýlhts, Gates and îe!! ,Newcasf e Cr os sing JohnDonorîogeneal cntratoronte Waverley- Road swrpoet Nix, n uesAynhOheasrctorwaruturd nther iioea ga ppe1edngacos hehihwykBthCoMr' a athe eDeprt metwr aleada opny wrorkcrwato excavate o tof h TwoOshwa olcemn, ne frr Bow- r sanile rsadnt,. ad their ofR-endandn caeto ba end,,e ', ý ýA son f M ad Mrsa c Baek ker ofoma tha3t eaway f roim hmi nd coniïnued to the car but thle suspect drew a pi'stol f rom bhis coat pocket and so e t aan~teclsal stomacb, took bis revolver an-d hanedcuffed Constable Ba ker t eehn oe For New atermain Tint.mýý smua l eb h raiadlu FebnoreA frfe rloto but tIra malter nom mails tha I approvai of tire Onlaf o Muni- cipal Board, bafora tenders j can ha called for tira job, VK anoud ira sopndvat 401 !roula stp snaeNlcholas moaditth- ssec 1da Theony cAs toiraarospod ay "TUmm TO PAGE TwO) C -as N, m -Isti.ad antenane oss wl th neB>enuRoad 'couping i MYP Runs!îp Csonne l u Ms r n y n i d ht 0 % r byth fara go rnin' bayMlVilgeo N(D) O ISif caste, ad th baance by sAntebju s i h iroman n aItntanaccdentfrmow ýf,-ICKêé uQ naseone iA rGl a rstakhe Neto Me Tn oAn ornkme h oria Hosi csuowrng I BYAW Mnabt c oncusioJ yh 3 APeterborougli worman is dead, amd ier daÏUhe Rrdagtr nw3neateyn 4 , awas first aken tc ~Pis rs Eiee M.Croe,51,of2199 Cotowod Drive, Iinjuries. The drive r of the ReeMllner Co. trangporl, ai shwm hoe)swervcdon t te et holend Cmotfinjureda in the 1:2pm acien.Total damae t ofný' sadasoksa orteOP ecs aclim_oruet ha .nd m. PP tie a If- va .aa le, 50. 'This Wekn Tiretomai shouid reaay be jumping tdé, weekend mthtie, Sidewaik Sale aogtiemn street aný1d in tire evening, Friday 2antrdas tir anualKinmanCarnivalaP eora ak OnTusdaytire matariadýý l fr ie ooi arrve trepa-rk and-today ire bay ile mli a asembingtirm, instalingiighting4anîd sound, etc., e evarytiring miii ha lu readinesLe pienty of tonc for Fiday nigit. <TUR T wo» W) Complaýis 0f iatsonmnae o t ~ PC tawer Crmjethe Bowni tee of the woemeigat the July 4 meeigo cucl i In his lte fcmlit Mfr. Watson ai tatth wte "ha casedourdryewa t becomig unsae". Heattrnb ue the asmaofprtonofth Y-crer asd fom th!e sae of the daare ena ad itbindli-; thüsd te ng. ei'ïý Alis Quiet 'ai the Bridge b;Il Nowhere Glivenl On Parade Lion CluI odn6 en pardeofaniqu ac-ho Ice lim:etire Bomnvialie nîn !kl. f'...... hils matoq er, astoma ounclinie ayr obstrdel i InceaeatifslaI mtnag. Permsion for tire ea2 ......" 1 LasI y Asiertsmr rsgvepoiigfa xr îliind sherlyPnotieceiW111 .a of. use....tî.m.. ..n.Po.l..ce . F~~~~ ont. p.m on,.o.dy.t. . , Fniay ad ilda, alrdy uard1Iru ck lre S21 parhurmLa nonprime time orfmom6 am. b6rpm..Bwmaviil Poicemi'i Contrucionliassfopad'fIefewmachines e 3onc a hoFîday, tirechrgeprvp roetinfrtiare usîgan ovxlaato lasbaugvenrth col bu $15 par iMurn BotU!ukcryigrcîî ro ue hiSuTronds fIa bridge pto nomle, mcli equvaenttiasatyaar in g tire club upy treoven TeCute'poefms lne oeafal O ~aroved y tire tmn's Recea- TiM mas tir raspons ofS401toN.5Roanmhlieaslu SmSork onuira% ~io Commttea, -efore tîey cou il o ,araquas sulieuedi nasadbe îe lepooe sgb~~~~~itta~~d r's t L-tieýe1ej_' n~ ~ ~ .~riei E ramans antytary Therusing quipenfis m fli onlydeteiortionevientEroionasbeuponfra iortli anko l rea lcsugaulyms Goes to shaw inners Tha ù Lein Welfar1 Fund Total salesfr ther,1mon -th wsi n tednea ia Wadnsda, Jne 8thla te oer ha revous ont toHa -nlet 0dYticketa B88FLh eld Lagion Clu Room 1aC)t wac $413. ,Th ig r sÇ'dom by Mike Gloirni c of88 2 141ib eo posibe o cmpet the $740 overthe Cor r(, r ý0raspndng on S . haaas thre wîn0 daaî of wok nivo0ivad c i to .oth in 191. nro-fj atpriza,$196 , jE hoid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S Ct atteLde'Auiir4e okn fteNvHdsno 1 Lihery Stee Bing thteC.n ttoada atmuh ,,Nrh Bm avleia h seler0fthsPtcktREdrS cHlisLi.RUN -A couplr f eksaoND rgrt sieCsrive velieedet ,oyfosteronmon w1 Plolas a home î ýInManvi, masconsîaring sek inRtlie freerl PC nominatonhumr. Thert was someý fast hacktrackimg arc! veliment deial. from î. Lawrenaofce ru ToronHover, bcn sUro sourceoseeto the localpryfls sW.lol know a'rl In.Agut.our informant saspape eucau fail season, flld with pituical speeches on both iCeanadian -and Aeia Vcanl.I' a sure thing nw hat enaor eore MGor opponen, a- dope ntan henmQiabe G;overnor allceis a2loot fte itre>o t i beNixon and.Movr a heUS.ad Trudean vs-, Stnf ai heeali ro inyl ac:tion t th ane tmeWowerchat they'll do about ail the nw telvicWionneos hat iid BteAUen s Thi e KnnCria orgu ha keen. On Sauya '3 laesaspcaatr- tion oni the diamond atthuMemoril Prk lnOt an Ail-Star team fomfieMa TwnLaga i ply ÈsoffailagansthelieJvnnde Kinsmen clippers mlic hav e me sArp u lyr s o îe lacd stars a goorun w eo t t 1' cernig treSdewalk SalebtîswekedThre especiily ineresf d i s because the circular iras tJe firsýt pinin o'b o" nwSon ofe presathý ('aarivdai our plant at weiek te podetop quaiity ad mailage seeaz tuOour fclte. er iht ru F tins newý mcieand ko u utmesmi ioha ed upon a girls' softhall gama Spatngît at Central Sconolgrond, betieni NueeateniandCurstie. Courîcemonrath e iadiy butwline ifsamie picur-faîn tme fe uNecte coaci sugesfed". if miliehRmilY wmAif a %week or sofor flairs. prrenton uasday.Wet had oc iea this ghirs'hal A numABr otgroepnad school .c'le ae lic Boir suanvitnMusau thi ,<aouluoas.,Cmng rom NWolshpYokachool.so Sthrussiaren St. John' nie C ourc us BUnts- both o Btoucenvll Foya clsss'Grde 4; Gres 3 teachaMs thr Gae8 Mrs oad rds7ad m.os K. elrOhrsCo SoloyehoN airecuseumf ira asomd2 N1JMBE~ 23