4 The Canadian Statesmnan, ~wavle uy12, 1972 EDITORIAL COMM"IENT Pen-rce--nt-age Points Don't tMean Muchl Although it will have a hard time conviniCing most shoppers, partjcularly thliose on fixed inComes, the On-tarîo Foo-d Coun.cil Claimns that food prices h1av e not nrae as much as dispos- abî ncomre. The counciluss ttitis oback Upy this Cdaim, but lieMost, th-ey a're rmisleadi'ng. When it speaks of the average Canadfian, it- isflotnesary spe-akïing of thle mjrtbuit rathe'r of the incomne antd expenditures of Canadians wheni aver aged out.Ths incomres of course inClude those of bioth millionaires and pauapers, hbut both ihave vey different eff-ctsý on stitca processes. Whiatever their incomes, people rat onily a certlîain ount, beCause of the physical iri-possioi,'Ities of eating orspendingc therefore, very roughly thc s ame am-ount on food. Increases in income however, arc mnost, varied, Increases for those in the uppeDýr brackets raise the national aver- age ms disproportionately, while those oni pensions and in the low incomrý' b--rack-ets hýave very littie to doûi rai.sing or lo-wering the national income average, The .counicil dith at the per- centage ofinoespenvt byCadan on fodbasdroped4½%over the" last '10 yvears, That does,-very lite for the ageru of Canadians ho the- Domnion Bureau of Statisties csi fies as falling below the poverty Iine5 For them, percentage points make very littie difference, as in a land abundant in agricultural pr:oducýe, the food they should have, is jujst as un- attainabie niow as it wa.s 10 years ago. A quer quirk in the collective an 'ain ersonaility is that bilinguialîsmn, our possession of two officiai lan guages, is- idl considered a liabilityista oýf, as jit actuall'y is,a major national as- se ad cauise for pride. Ail Canadians are n-ot compelled to know both their coutr'slanuaesand many Cana- dJin sea neither correctly - but the ad-vantagces of some knowledge'of both aýre enormou1s. Some of these- advantages are prac- tical: the a1bi1it1y to reply in the same lagaein which one is asked a quest-' ion; to read La Presse and the Free Press with equal ease; to possess two wvays of articulating any idea with the option oAf using the anc wbich says it best. utrly knowiledge of English and Frenlchlay;:- open the treasures of the twoý greatest literatures of the mod- Modern En( For al thosàe, including parents, who neyver cease expressing their un- qtulified approval of the modemn per- missive -method of putting young people tbhrouýgh our school system, we submit a piece of evidence. In a recent Globe and Mail column, Richard Needham re- produ-ced sm "excerpts from Grade 12 Engilish examination papers" from a high sýchool iteacher in in igston. Hiere is the first oe: ", Irony is the wordue to) describe whabppens when- somre- thig wichis in some wayrelated to the epecte jbt , is unxc;pected bap- And thUeseod "Contra.st is wbere Enact TheirOw A controdcsial patchork of laws goveningth-e foreign ownersbip of Canadian busin)ess is building up across the contr.y, reports Robcert Catherwood ofThe FJnnca Post, And if the mal- cntent provinces begin Lo respond in any signfficant wavy to Prime Minister Trdauschallenge to enact their ownT legislation, the differing attitudes iýn the country toward forei-gn investmnent w7,ill become more pronounced. Last week, for example, Ontar-io întroduced amiendments to its Business Corporations Act, wbiîch will require a naoty of resident Canadian directors by Simnon Wickcns' PegýionaILzationr is caming dloser, and edoser, and cdoser. Il is anc ai Ibose bhings, like deabh, thal few spcnk about apenly, but wbich once bbc subjecl is broacbed, brings forth a torrent of wvords. Minister of Municipal Af fairs, Damcy Mc.Keougb,- recently told the Association of AlMunicipalities of Ontario, tIhat bhe intends ta bave "sometbing defïinitle" ta propose ta bbc legisiatume, this comîng January, and that be in- te-nds ta implement that proposai the foloing yeair, Januamy, 1974. Ever.ybody, knows that il is caming and coming soon, but few are willing 'lOtabke bbc trouble ta prepare for regijonaiaion. Pesamabiy, one ai the firsl acts aiý regionalization would be an amalga- mation ai existing municipal services. Police "and fîre deparîments would ual bc scapped, but would in facl, neces- sariiy have ta be expanded, ta serve the Larger area. Tlaase deparîments in particular, in Býowmanville, could do with addibionai fuli-bime belp rigbl now. That man- Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMVES EDITOR-PUBJ.I5HEEi erm world. But perbaps Canada's w-lrgu status is most valuable wben a bilingual Canadian travels. For be can go scarcely a,)nywbere without finding someone who can understand him. In the majority of the -new nations of, Afrîca, Englisli ori French is almost certain to be oneý of the officiai 1ankuages, The samne is true in the nations of the former British and French empires on the other continents. Bilingualism is aur unperceived as- set. We sbould be enjoying ouir two Iain- guages instead of squabbling overu them, Rather than tbreatening anynne'G job for not knowing one of themn, we should be devising an eduicational systemn throu,-gb which every Canadian child wjil learn and love botb the tongues vich are fris inheritance. glish Usagle one tbing îs saîd and it is in contrast with it and reîilly mneans sometbing a- together differentu." Another was wrît- ten by a Grade 12 English student dis- cussing the function of the> subplot in th-e novel: "If we dîdn't av a subplot we ,vouldn't have a maipot because the only wya we kn-ow the main plot is thiat there is a subplot that- is niot as impor11itant as the mrain Plot and this ma)kes thie main plot stand out more and we, can recognize that il is a mi plot becausýe the suboplot is there to niake Ithe rmain plot mr mpratbyý contrat itb t,îh -e subject-" Foreign Controls on tebad fOtroicroae private anid public comapanies. uee basý some legisiation in the works thatii likely will restrict fore'in investmeriýnJt in Quebec-inicorpor(ý-ated isrnec panies. The province bias also taken other steps to, control the expa.insion of foreign-ownT-ed firms. Aiberta is taking ani increasingly tough stand against foreign participation -in thre develop- mnent 'oýf the province's resce,,,cs and induistry. But, for thie most part, the rest of the provinces are not too conceïned about curbing foreign investment. power wsoiginally cxpected te be hired Ibis ycar, but new the altitudeý sccms lao be, "wait for regionalization te do il". These are geod tactîcs, but bad slralegy. This is one amen in wbîcb the town could make self-interested prepamations, Additîonal people wilI alimost d efînitcly be ndded ta those farces wbcn an amen goverament takes over, but at thal ime, there is na gunmanbee blinI local people, witlî a keiowledge ai bath bbc citizeus and bbc egion, xiii get bbc jobs. Now is bbc time te mrake sure thal local pea- pie, gel firsl cansidemalion and aI the 5ame lime, blinI bbc farces are bought up ta the level thcýy need ta apemale efficienlly. The first indicatiofa the trend that wili accur if Ibis is not foiiowed, was the pnssing ai a by-iaw at lasI week's council meeting, handiug the trench inspecter's job over 'te bbc prov- incial Minislry ai Labour. This is the first potential em-rplo-0 ment 1ost, and ns a number of town counicillors bave privatclycxpressed, unicss preparations are made, theme will mosl certainly be aIliers. )ut-ham Courîiys Grcat FamiIy journal %-qI*A Eslablished 11i8 years ago ini 1854' Aiso Incorporating The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independeat The Orano News Second ciass mail registration number 1561 Prduced every Wedesday by Phone THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 623-3303 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontanio GEO. P, MORRIS PATRICK< GOULD , DONALD BISNOP BusiNEss MGR. SALES MANAGER PLANT MGR. MaýëcDu-^ff Report The Canadian Geveen- ment lias no intention of întreducîag maadatory wxagc and price controls te combat inflation at Ibis time. Finance Minuster John Turner andMi iiister of State Palrick Maheney have gone on record as bcng oppesed te compuisory peice and wage contreis. Me. Mahancy baFsrsecial finan- Pri eMinutýer Pir re Trudau as aid tbl-tIni h Gavermenlis w-orkiog on cantingency pI,.ian bbe put mbto oeainif île lime cames when iflation be- cornes s ros hIat emer- geney icsoe r rquilr- (Id. Hen-bas acknaowledged THIS IS THE YEAR FOR HIS NON-NOVEL 4 Don'l hold your breath waiting for -ils publication, but this is tbe summer Imgoing bt write a book. It's the tcnth summer in a row that I've been going to write a book, but this year will be different, It's the y-ear in wbich I'm not goingta write a novel. Other summers I didn' get araunmd te writing a play, or an expose of thle educationai system, or a series of pun- gent essays, or an atback on marmiage. This ycar it's thbc novel. That deesn't leavetoo much, does il? Maybe M'I write a "slim" volume af verse. Any dam' fool can write poebry these days. The secret is bo avoid bbc capital letters and punctuation, make your lines ail difierent lenglhb, boss in a lutIle enotie imagery, and make the end resuit a viscemal experience wbich nobody understands. Here, just ta show you what I mean. If you dontl gel a real charge out of it, a profound emobienai ex- perience, that is, and haven'l a dlue wbat il's about, you're a connoiseur of modemn paclry. Oh, anc other thing: ne rhymc please. We'll just caîl il Il Poem yesberday ia the supcermarket a fat ladýy or may be Gie wasn't really a ladyi ran over niy foot not realiy m-ýn but wnlked I guess il was ber buggy ladcn with a quarter-ton ai cal food and orange. juice and bide and glide and wax and snacks and four cases ai non- meturnable hobbies and twelve pounds ai' pallid .meat two bags ai spuds 16 cans ai cbunky1 thtrnover my foot (not1 drîîngînyseed wart ïjuta I wept that a prt o(f tho.se plans would include tý.he use of rice and wlncotnos. Meantîme , ecers n dication iaId cmusr wage and price contraisar net la the oenmnc plans at tIiis lime, wvas the decision bythie caibinect te, aliow tlb Prices md in- cornes Commrissin tofoid up aI tie end of Junie. Il was almost lim east sion camne îInto being tuhaü il a dismaaItied, The PIC woufld have beeni eontinucd In operation and greaîly' v ex pa nded cifi île Gove-ram-)ent f e a cd il waufld soon become ncs sary to Implementcop- iory wagend pi ire con- tri.A [luge bu1emauratic cstablishmentý is required ta operate ,suicb icontrols-t-lat ,s one ,of the strongest argu- ments aga.inst resarlîng leý thlem in peacetime. Thie Finance Minister bas let it ha kaown liat, he dons nat favaur campulsory con- Tlie PIC in ite lasI report ,,aîd liaI the imposition of temiporary contrais on wage anid p--rices may be nieces,- sa.ýry befame long, Il warned iawever liaI suhcontrais ta fight in- flation would work onl1y with strong public backïing which is ual naw apparent, Dr, John, Young, chair- Now, don't bell me tbat's not a paem. It was a vivid personai experience wbich I attempted to convey bo the reader. It's got evemything. There's sex in it: a secret yearn for fat ladies; bbc word metatarsal. There's plenty of concrete, images. Tbere's symbol- ism: how about seed wart? a fertility symbol if I ever saw anc. Tbere' masochiism-i, social criticism and a deep personai se-nse of futilityand frustra- tioný, It's whaý, T Iwould cali universal in isa'opeal. Tbey wýon'l aill be se deep and bitter, of course, Tbere'li be the bearty bucolic torch: The Égarden ain't bocd The lawn ain't mowed But ll be blowed If sbe's going ta goad Me into d1oingý any of thein. Then tbere'li be the fragile, tender little lyric thait makes real poetry loyers j ust wriggle and almost turn tbemseives inside out. Something like: love myscli' thani anyonie but you sorry baby but maybe it's not'even truie. Sormy about that rbyme, but some- times il just comes s0 automatic-like ,you can't hold it back. And of couse there'll be some dra- matic narrative stuf, IPm Working on a soritaiec called The Day I Shot Lbb Black qurrel Tbinking It was a Black Bear. But i stili needs a litile poiisb- ing in the lasIt.tweive cantos. M/aybe youtbînk this i,- just advance pubiicity for my book. But I guarantee tb-creý Il be sometbing for' everyone, tbouigh some afiti will be pretty strong sýtuff, and you may bave to bide it fmom- your beenage kids. I was thinking particularly of a couple: Down By the Oid Gravel Pit, and Let Me Cal You Meathead. But tbeesaiso some stuif coming up thtis really haunting. One is enttle siply"Fuke". ,Il is based on grat storm on the Great Lak-,es wvben T-, -as junior porter, did great tbin.gs- witb a mop af 1er people wcme sca-siek. It's been baunting me ever since, any,,way. S,there'S, adelectable foretaste af my summyyer projeet. I can hardly waib. tage 7îtambed. Except that I bave aa go The 'm goîng swimming, thien tberce's a, baribecue, and somebow aitera da.y ilîketihat, the Muse and I ir- bath mcidy-for tbe aack. nian, of the commission, who wil aow probably re- lrtue b is p)ostf in the Uni- versity of Britisbi Columbia, said that sonne parts of the couotry, particuiarly Bri- ish Columbia, strongiy fa.v- oured controls. But there-c was littie support eueý- wbere. Dr. Young -set no time on wheýn he thought tempor- ar1y controls might be nec- essary. The Commission said the contrais mîght be beought on by "the mari-e of events", the perform- ance of prices in the, econ- my and tie public*s reac- tion te them. The chairman waruiie d lihat tie. country could flot expect talilve with infla- tion and aiso expeet un- employment tebe redclecd, Tbe Commission said that prospects for ca-opIerationi among the private seetor and evernanents to fashion ef4fective cantrol might be more pramising now than when bbe c Commiissio)n staet- ed Ils job te dampen infla- tioaary pressures in 1969. Tic conMmission oni1Y acbleved i lmitedcces The tQtal amiount iof de- maïnd for gaads and ser- vices in theiceoaaomy \siould be geared ta the natlon's potential grawth rate, the grawtb of produetivlly and other factors, the commis- sio)n sald. Taxes,, governanent spend- ing. credit conditions, ex- change rates and gavera- ment debl funding miust ail be brought into line, said Dr. Young. The commission report sald that it dans not believe powerful labour unions and corporations cao continue to push Up costs aud prices reg.ardless of the amaunt of pressure or slack Ia the economy. When the commission ex- pires at the end of Jun a graoup of civil servants Is ta continue waork on contin- geacy planning. This group wlll continune diting and preparlng some of the com- mission's studies wbieh are stililaebe issued. Finance, Miabister Turner In tbe lîghl of the cern- missioa's more tha.n two years' experience ai-d tbc experienees of other natians mi bave tricd the volun- tary system, believes price and wage controis wiii only work if they are compul- sary. He aiso doubts Cana- dians would be prcpared to put up with sucb manda- tory contrais for a long perlad of time. There Is no clear consen- sus la Canarda today in favour of compulsary con- trois. There may be, a grow- ing public demaad, but il bas nat reacbed anywhere near a national consensus in favour of such a drastie 'rtep. By Russell C. Representabîves ai 112 -nations agereed aI Stockholm ta a sel ai prin- ciples, an action plan and an orgniza- ional structure wbicb wriil hclp man- kind la figbt pollution on land, in bbc sea and in bbc air. Canada commibtcd ilseli toa aleading ole lu bbc world pollution figbb. The succcss of the first UN Con- ference on bbc Enviroament was due, sbawn by Canada and by Canadians. in large mensure, la the leadership Collective accomplisbmcnts aI tbc Conierence caver a broad front. Tbcy range from bbc identification of almos- ,pberic pallutants ai global conceru, ta the dumping ai taxic substances on the bigb. sens. Provisions weme made for bbce protection ai endangered species ai wiidlife and for bbc payment ai com- pensation when bbc effects ai pollution oiginaîing lu one country weme feit in another country, A stalement oi objpýev as also ngrced upan, sressung the nccd to man- age ocean space and bbc speciJaI interesîs of the coastal state in that management 25 ERSA rltrdy uly l,41947 Thwursdaru, JuIy l9th, 1923 Laetlists froin F" Special Sunday dinner at manill, CarÉ, T--ýIjn the Balmoral Hotel will be manvlle ClakeDarlng~ served from 12:15- 1:30 at ton and outside points 11oW bring the grand total of the' 65ç. Mr. A. J. Wadhams is Bowmanville Memorial Hion. opening his new dining pital building fund tro $l9q1- 1room and reservations may 765.48, Presidenit R.1L. beae in advance by cail- Mitchell extendis the sin- ing 32 The menu will con- cere thanks of the Hlospit al sist 0f": Board and feels confident Tomato la Cream the final objective of $250, - Roast Chieken - dressing 000 is thus very hopefully Sirloin Beef- Brown gravy in, siglit. Leg Lamb - Mint Sauce Boiled or Creamed Potatoes Mr.Jack Knight, Bow- New Green Peas, maviC, is stili in the lead Sliced Tomatoes oi' the Legion Popularity Green Onions Cnetwith Marie MoiseChe'4rry Pie- Gooseberry Pie scon«d and Jean Fee 0f Deep Apple Pie Lesard aclose third, Jeily and Blanc Mange Tea - Coffee- Mîlk A UMooster ýOrange Parade Mr". T. W. Stanley an- wast-ed in Port Hope on nocesýcý, the followîng mus- the Goieus Twelfth. Local iC ,tudents have successfully winners were: Best F].ute pa,'ssed the Toronto Con, Band, Cartwright LO. 50 ;-tervat-ory Exams: A.T.C.M. Pu rpie Guards 2384, Bow- Viola Brown, intermedia-te maýnvîlle Fif e and Drum; L. Piano, Marion Orchardi, 0A L, Kendal 405 Fife and lone Quinn; Juniorý Piano, Drumiý Juvenile. Fallis LinQe Grace Caverly, Elementary 401 Cavan, L.O.L. 1064 Jan- Piano, Allan Knight; In- etville, Fif e and Drum. Cart- termediate Smingng, Mildred wright, one of' the oldest Cole, Leone Quinn, Mahel 'unîts in Ontario L.OL. 43 Couch; Junior Sîngng,, and Blackstock L . 133 U' Margaret Allun, Hilda Curt- were also honored inmao is; Primary Sînging, Mar- awardsý. guerite Joness; Prîmary The resdent0f ew 'Rudiments, Marion Or-ch- castie LionIrs Club Mr. Percy, ard. Hare wishes to express sin- it is witb deep regret that cere thank '-V,,thefoow the friends 0fte ae ing ladies who belped with Samuel Hooper learned of the X-Ray Clinie: Mrs. Robt. bis sudden death at the Gîbson, convenor: Mrs. . home 0f his son-in-law, Mfr. F.Rr, Miss Cora 3uLerf, W. J. Cano, Darlington, n Mis HtiMao, MissýLÎ Thursday, July 12 whîle -Ruth Ha3,ncock, Mîs, ren assistîng with a load of hay, RicMrs. Hoiace arl At the Methodist Sunday Mrs, Morlr'v Sallows-,, Mis. School pîçnic at Elliott Me- Fred Neshitt,' Mrs.Pec morial Park, Hampton on Hare, Mrs. M. Ggry Mrs. Wednesday the followîng Stanley Brown, Miss Fior-, boys and girls won sport- ence Densem sond Missý Ethel 'ing ex ents: Lockhart. Boys _ Chai lie Cawnker, Harold Colmer, Tom Callan, Mr. and Mis. Orland Wiotoo Bagneli, .JackMi- Plummer, Carol and Alan, ce, Os-car Jamieson, Keni Mr. and Mrs. S. G. MeMurt- Lutn aod Siemoni, e arid Sharon spent th(, ln soreand Gerald wveekend with Chie-f ad rdd iis-Lila Brown, Mes. G. E. Puedy, Port Hope., Winona Co\veely, R h e a TH. Bverson, Oshawa.1,iGoulderniice Bagnel , Du- obseeved bis 9lstbitdv an Thicksoni, Irene Short- aI; bis King Street !home o n rde hls Darch, Ber- Tuesday, July 1 47. mcrcFennlii, Alice Jack- m- aný , He-ster Caverly, Ber- Mr. Normran llioPres- nice Beliman and Ellen Cale., ident of Local 1P,9,UWA, Cars for Sale- Somep, was in Kitchener iýlast ek go second hand cars for attending aý joint sssS1i 0f -sal at great bargains. Be DistictCounil o. 6 R 3 sue and see them before search Conmmîttec, in con)I- buying. A. W. Pickard, junction witch the Wa'ýge -Bowmanville. Policy Committee of the A fre omnil Council.and Orono boy, Sergt...Major Mi'jss Helen Langmaid ore - W. A. Hawkins, son of the sjdcý'1 at the piano at chuich late Mr. Richard Hwis in Solina on Sunday b !ý-the i o f the leading Cn absence of Miss Ileeni Bal- adian r-ifle shots this year son wbo is on her _oia&~gi t tbe BîsIley rmeet. Letteor to tdelto r Dear Sir: [ t wouid again be grcatly, appreciated if, as a public service, you ceuld sec fit te peint some refereace ta the 27th Annual Fergus High- land Games te be heid on, Saturday, August 12, next. We are pieased te announce that bbc Henourabie William G. Davis, Premnier of, On- tario, will officially open the Games Ibis year at 12:45 p.m. This ynar the Gamnes wiIi featuLre The Effinhurgi City- Police, Pipe Banid,pesn wor-IdcIhamp'is, wbo wl neut only put onaspia presentation but wiii, we un-,derstand, compete against' eue own Caniladi Grade A Pipe Bauds. The Gaines are sponýsor- ed by the Fergus Chamiiiber of Commerce anid are net promoted as a mioaey'-maký- ing sýchem.: tunder lie cie- cum-stances %we hýave a limit- rd advertisinig budcget anid any faivorabI i pubiicity ini your colurmns woufld be greatly a prncîabnd are no niatras yt liaI wud ugeîinfla- tien is te reacb an in rtoler- aIle level ia the ranar fui- tture, *Tic govemmrenit dons net wvanIt mna ory ýcao- trois becaiuse bbeyquki incarne unpopular and ta be effective wouIldrenquire a ma s s ive bureaucratie striucture that couid be-, cornIe unmanageable.' T hanking you again for youir'consideration and sup- part, I arn Yours sincerey, J, D. Wilson, Q.C., Chairman, Pubiicîty Committee Dear Mr. Jms la]ast wnck'S fedition ot your paper m1ention wasý miade of tie Caunties -Board of Education agrncing le the use of the îNewvcastle- Puiblic Sehoýol ynaimbyý a bleUabrical greuip. Tu ssmii-lgraup ofA young eoplecailing itseîf Tbateiworc andnet The Great Pine R -idge Festival oIf bb Arts ,vhich operatnd succesfu iiiluNewcastle la 196i8 an1d 1969. Me or f Tliatcliwork h-ave haýd tiheatrical experi- ce wF %,itli thc Pine Ridge Festi val and lie Orono Youth, Theatre and deserve cmuiysupport in thieir e'fforts te kecp theabre alive lu thlis area. It is boed Ihat anc day soimmer binaIre by the Fes- tiv-al w i11 retuen le NeT(w- castle's Community H-all., Meantimé, wc applaud the yvoungý, group and are happy 10 hav Iis oppartuniity ,te mient tic publie ta ils9 nam-e - Your's sincereiy', MeLs. Madeline Williarns Seceýetary ic eGreat Piarid Festival of bhc Arts. Honey, M.P. proccss. Canada babied a sel of m arine poil- lution principies, ail 23 ai wbicb were endorsed by bbc conference. Canada aise tabied, weil before bbc con1 crence, a deciaration ou the. human cnvironmcent cansisting ai legal principles analogous le the UN declama-, lions ai pninciples on outer space nd buman rigbts. We weme the first country ta, do so. The declaration ,on bbc bumani environmcnt approved at Stockholm lasI Fmiday coutained bbc principlesý inlroduccd by Canada, based on bbci Tmail Smeltcr Case, nameiy tbe dut- ai cvery state not la poilule the envîr7- onment of alber stales, the duty net ta pollule the sen, tbe air and. ouler spac-e beyond the jurisdictien of auy,' st4ate. and tbe duLy la dcvciop Ihie law, cancemuing iiabilily Dnud compensation in respect ai such damage, Theý Honoumable Jack Davis, Min- ister ai the Envimoamenl, wba led tlie Canadia delegation. statcd bis belief Ibat "we can bave bath economic growth and a clean envimanmcnt boo" and Dsistat Pas t From the Statesmnan Files U.n perceived Asset WiII Locals iLose To Region? Report from Ottawia «'Copyright andor rorperty rigbts subsist in the image appearieg on thi2s proot.Pemsint reproduce in whotE, or Ïri paIrt and i any iorm whatsoever, particularly lby phtographia or a offs-et process tri ci ulcain must be obtained front the pubtisher and thè,e rinter. An,, uncrthorized9 reproducttion wlU b. suLjeci to recourse in law." $7.00 a yeýar 6 mnonths $4.00 $900 a Yectr in the United . cte strictly bhciadvaeýI Atthaougli ver recubrnwtbe tairen te avoîd ner tTheCadentrtrin cetadrts tnq tri ticcolumne On lb.unrtadrgthat it wil not'be liabiefrye rror ti-, -1rôl ny overisee puish'ýed hereundies ule a prooi ai such advertisment is rCfeleted tiwrittrng by Ibe advertlser ,-.CIreturned tao The Cnnadian Stitesmocn business office duty rsined by the dvrtce nd witb ue errer or carrecions plaiy nted i writing thereon. and ti thct case i! an _fror Go rnated te not rretdby fixe Canadion Srtemnitc iabiltty shait ot ezceed sucb a portion ai the ent-,ire o etsxhadverirememt aes the mripc occupied by the noted errer bears tri the, whioesporaccule b! surb advertisement, M -cocci 49 YEARS AGO