Two bil3ar11_w e is ith raneensParade ?ark n Suday.At 4p .were ,Mrs-. IanKe]ttLMs Omemee c(-Midgets 8-5 and àt bank, Fentoni Fallis and Rich- 6:-15 Pntyipool Aeme Pallet ard Ruský. dondLoui's Disýounrt, Orne- Mr. and Mýrs. Jim MoMul- Mp(e, i1i th score 7-5. Joi the len are spending this week at rirst game ret afi pich their cottage on Chandos Lake. id thtcetireg'aine wt Mur- Mrs. Eunice Proctor, T'oron- rayFineyrecivig.Our to, is bolidaying with ber Mid ts re now iii -sconiid sister, Mrs. Alice Stewart. On place, one gamebeind ctBeth- Suoiday, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. am-. lJo the ,latergae Ralph Proctor, Sandra Fallis and Hy ao ad Denis ilis Winstoni Stewart attended a wcre th battery- . C. Garnett family reunion at the borne hi a, home ru t nifor the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Webb, tearn. Ou r rnen are nwtied Peterborough. wvith Lous Dscout ýfor first Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mucha plc. in otheri garnes this are leaving shortly to visit pts1wee -- Pontypool relatives in; Labrador. Ladies and ri!i-inior Girls lost Mrs. Rusk- and farniiy re- oillroktarswbile ouir cently attended 'a 35th wed- Pee Weswd Midgets won ding anoiversary party !fnr ber thei ganes against Miil.- sister anid busband, Mr. a;nd broo.1Ou Pee Wees are stili Mrs. Laverneý McFaddieoi. The leadling their league with no ceebaion was heldt at thre defeats.home of Mr. and Ms.Allaný MatrAndy Fisc-hcr' mli hou- Manley, R.R. il, Peterborouigh. da in bis raoe's Mr. and Mrs. Arnood Johns, ione Toronto. Catharine, Christine a ni d Missý Dale Hyland,Kig Michael of Rexdale were t,is, homne with ber mother, weekend visitors witb Mr. MccTr. Wilma Hy]and for four 'and Mcc. Cliff Fallis and fam- wek.Larry Dîxon, Water- ilY. lo nc)tiivrrsity, was a weekend Kathy and Brett Mangan of vis-îtor1. The 1yland family Toronto spent the past week atedda bail garne in Lake- wîth their grandparents, Mr. fi ,iio Sunday night. and Mrs. John Mangan, re- Mrl. and M1\1rs. Freeman Me- turning home witb their par- Cc,,jniler anid Jeffery ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael ofeforNova Scotia, were' Mangan on Sunday. rrecent visitors with Mr and David Sutch has completed Mris. Gordor, Stýrong. Mrs, his machine operator's course Mclre s a ie-ce oF Cor- at Milton and îsipresently em- dion's. ployed in Toronto. Mc. and Mrls.Ir'obbie Porter We are sorry to bear that icael an Kevin werý Cordon White bas been con- weekenid visitorvs with Mr. and fined to bospital in Toronto 2Virs. Fer(ry Beggs. with beart trouble. Mct. and Mrs. Verdun Le- Stephanie Sutch and Vicky fbanguie and Raody and Mr. Fat returned home on Satur- and Mrs Bart Medd and day from a week;'s stay at Kirywere guests at the Quio-Mo-Lac Camp, Mýladoc. Jfohinson-Fallis weddiog in Mr. and Mrs. Derek Wood- Yelverton United Chucch on head and family are now re- Sat4urday with reception fol- siding near Cameron, They lowviin the Yelverton Hall. have sold tbeir home to Mr. is s Arlene Brown is pres- Malloy of Toronto. el home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cail and Mv candMru. Lloyd Brown.' family are preseritly vacation- i;f,'- is area attend- ing in 'Île Maritimes. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bal I Rent a Car for have sold their borne and Iare mov\ing 'to N\ewtoniville-. A AYOR WEEKEND Congriatul1ations 10 Cathy As4 for rale. . . Hyland who, at the recent I graduaRtion At Grandview Ele- COUNY renitary School, wyps award:d the cae tophy.ý, AND SAV1E$$$ - TOP QUALITY MONDA-YS THRU FRIDAYS n'3 am. t" 8,01J p,. SATU RDAYS 70am. b S p.m. SUNDAYS 12 )1oon to 8 P.M, SST R AWSE RR Y 4,PATCH ~> - BASF UNE TED WATSON R. R.2, Bwmanill'Phone 623-7252 or 623-5893 KING ST. W, New Sweeper Goes' mb Action Cleanir Bob Clarke, operator, leans ouI of hic "monstrous $14,505. Despite one breàkd son of a gun", Bowmauville's new street sweepec. 1The is now; Ithe sIre( new machine arrived iu town 'June 301h, at a cost of liller, ENIKILN Married In Ebenezer United Mcc. John Simon tene a painting weekend aitBah- lantre under Ihe instruco of Mr, Alex M'illar. Miss Doreen Ftcewio, 01- tawa, spettheweekend with bec parenits, the E. Tre- wins, before returning to, 0t- tawa te recurne lier summler course aI Ottawa University. Miss Elva OrchIard, Mr, and Mes. _Mýilton Stainiton attended the Stainton plcnic e' ld at, the Eniniskillen Conservation Ares on Sunday. MUr. and Mcc. Rein Lamh,é Fenelon Falls, wrevisitors.1 wîth Me. and McL . Lamb.) Pleasý,ed tb report Mcc . W.Wer is hJom-e fcom hIe hospitail, feeling m iuch better.! Mr1ci udMcc. Floyd Pethi-! i k, Scarborougi, vwere Salue-i day visitons with bis parentsý Mr. and. Mes. S. R. Pethick.i -Mr. and Mes. Donald Tay- lor and famliy, Solios 'ece' Tuesday dinner guesî,s witbi Mr. and Mcc. E. R. Taylor, Master Scot Rekker, New- rcasie, spent Saturday wîtih hic grandpacents, Mr. asud Mcc. Clarence Avery. Mr. and Mcc. Farl Trewin, and Donald attended the Tre.- win picnic at Haydon Con- munity Centre on Sunday. i Mr.,iird Mcc. Carnet Townsý, Me, 3rud MrsPaul Towns asudý Paul Jr, Peterborougb, %wec SU n day eveniog callerset Mr. sdMes,. M. Stainton's. M.adMs ,A lit McA. ad Mcc. Douglas Tay-J lo, omavhlweereceot Lovely arrangem1 ents cf, Thebir,g ive n a visitors with the E. R. Tay- white sud ccream ingle daisies, niage by hber fat)her, wore a lors. pink carnations and white fori:7 lengtb A huegdw of Miss Debbie Howe spentý a gladiohi in tlu standards fonm- lace over polyester satin. An week with Miss Patti Van- ed the attractive setting in Fb- empire waict, fil leeves,i meer, Bowý,mauvîllec. enezer United Church Cour- with pearl-te,îimed cuifs, sund Mr. aud Mrsc.'R. mowe spent tire, wbeu Miss Shirley Ana a graceful traini com-pleted ber the weekendJ with relatives at'ý Crago and Mc. William. Allan gown. The waist leungt h 1veil1 Beavectoni, as te faly W1ere iEl1iotI excbauged marniage was caughî o 10 acrystal ceow)ýn. viitingelewer. ow o Satucday, May 6, She carried a bridai, bouquetl Miss Doreen Treiu, 1.172 at 2:30 p.m. The bride is of white carnations sud lyellowv tawa, Mec. E. Trewin, Eus h daughter of Mr. -aud Mcc. roses centced wth a yehýlow-1 kilen, Mr. ?su-d Mes. Lloy-ýd Keith Crago, R. R. 2, Bow- tbroated white oncbiîd, Shemon sud family a, Hadon, Imanville and the groom is the Miss Renita Vander Meuen,Là' wecre Suniiday visito)rs wÎUlh son of Mr. and Micc. William maid of honor, wone mmln Me. sud Me1s. E. R. Taiylor. ;Elliott, R. R. 2, Oshawa. genovrgd.MsCaby Me.sdMe.,f Grahiam, Rev. David Harris off1iated. Crago sud iss Beverley Cea- Newceastl, ,we'_re Sunoayvs- Vr Rocs Metcraf, soloist, was go, siters of the bride, the torsý witb Mc. suad iMcc". S. R.1acýom1panied by Mc. -Douglasbidesmaids, were in minI The long sleeved gowus _____________________________________________were styhed idenically in rutallir embcoîdered nylon over polyester. A gold mietal- lic band encircled the oina BAR AI S eckline, continuing down eltber side of the fronrit sr,',t pleat. A wide waist bard, cujif , INSIDE and OUTsu backbow in mietallir c h cradded itne.Yellow f ah- rje daffodils nestled in theý (ir * PURSS * GOVES pswept curîs. BPrown wce PURSS GLVESbaskets containing white and! cre-am cingle daisies, pink car- * SARVES ,-SHORTSnations aend blue stacflowecs - - - erecaccied by, the attend-! The begt man wacMc Joseph Legvaci. Mc, Briaýn Ellîott, brother of the gom and Mr. Shane Irvîne, cous,,zin of the bride, were the uchers.! Following the ceremon,a reception wasbedl te Christian Education Hall of the cburch at wbichi the guests were eeceived by ibhe bride'sý' mother wbo chose a rose laceî ensemble -witb a n e mpire wa ist and long leeves. She wasas sisted by the groom'c mother ln a long sleeved, blue lace7 gown. They-, wore wile acces,- coches sud corsaýges of whiîe carnations sud pink sweetbearl, noces. In Ibele iug a drï-e vas; beld aItte M, armon Park' Clubhouse, Oshawa. For travellingIb-te br-de wore a turquoisecrmln drees witb a palterned sýkrt,: iwbýite coat sud accessories-., Mler corsage was tbe occbid1 from ber bouquet. Tbey are1 recidîng iu Tor-onto. A graduate of Couirtîre Sec- ondary School, the bride, aý, former employeec of Woolco in Wbitby, will he joining Bell Canada shortly. She altended South Courtice sud M. ., Hobbs Public echools. The groomn is a former student of RV S. Mchaughlin and East- dale 'Collegiates sud Ducrhami College. Me is presently emr- ployed with Bell Canada, in Toronto. Tbe bridal parîy wcetr tained a thie bone of Mc mAnd Mcc. Wlliam ElliotI follbowînýg the rebearsal. Several parties were beld in bonor of the bride. They were given by Mcc. Fred Densham sud Mes. Chris Collinge; ec Lorne Crago sud Mes. Robent. Edgar; Mcc. Mugh Crawford: sud Mcc. Dale Haines; Mns.i George Scott; Mcc, Joanne_ ýMarNeiL. A pot luck supperl was served by the Base Lins il pMrm and Mrs, r Fraser, and The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 12, 1972 S U ~ 1 W fl Messrs. Gien, Fraser, Sudbury' g ~~and Allari Fraser, Toronto, WL-NW ri" n. were homer for the weekend. ELKONACINE Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wright,E '~Owen Sound, were recent Mr.& Mrs. Ted J cs visitors with Mr, and Ms ÎS~ rnest Hockaday. a ree r ' Mr. and Mers. Harry Knox.,M Fifty SDarceil and Jeffcey, Mr. and Mes. Ceo. Knox and family, On Sunday, June, l8th an ceived many cards, gifle amd "~Mr. and Mrs. John Knox re,- informai ceception was held flowers from relatives and cently attended the 251h An- at the home of Mc. and Mrs. friends and greetings frocn .~niversary celebration for Mr. Ted Jackson in honor of their Prime Minîster Pierre Elluit sand Mca. Ken Pascoe, Brou- 501h Wedding Annîvecsacy. Trudeau, Premier Win. Davise, Sgbam. Dr. Matthew Dymond, M.PFF., Miss Nancy Knox and Miss Hostesses for the afternoonMrNomnCfkM.,M. ...... .....were their daughter Mrs. Zula RMbertNonCk, M., M - Suzanne Machàie are visiticng Hall andthidahtrnRor NonMPP Miss Bonnie Chant, Edmon- law, c.Nom acsn Mr. and Mcc. Jackson (n e Mes. Cenevieve Jackson weî- Certrude Elliott) wece mai- Mr. and Mrs, Evecett Spires comed the guests and grand- cied on June 15, 1922 lu visited on Fciday with Mr. daugbters Nancy Jackson and Belleville, Ontario whece, her and Mrs. Ray Bemnis, Oshawa, Jennifer Hall wece incharge father was minister of the and also enjoyed visiting with of the guest book, Mcc. Fa- Tabernacle Cbucch and offici- the former's sisters, Mes. Iria Love, Mrs. Marguerite ated at theîr weddung cece- Ruby James, Sault Ste. ma- Brock~ poured tea and, three mony. rie, and Mes, John Law, Ma- rnduhes ae and They bave lived in Port ple. Janice Jackson and Catbryn Ferry all their macîîed life Mc. Isac HaÉdy and Mes Hall assîsted in the tea room. where "Ted" bas been a suc- Endicott,, Lindsay, spent Sakt- Members of Unit 8, United cessful auctioneer for 52 years, urda wib M. an Me, Je Curchl Women, helped with until ili bealth forced bsm tu Snode ad fmsy.the catering. retire in November, 1970.- ..~ ~ Mcc. Harvey Yellowlees, Mr. and Mc.Jcko ,e-ïPort Ferry Star. Karen, Brenda and Janice held a family shower at their home for Miss Jane Shulga,ý Mr. and Mrs. Larry Potter Ajaxwbrie-to-be ow vnFor Your onhyuanmann, 'Indea strs with Mr. and Mcu.Alex Fotter. Mr. and Mcc. Hugh Boyd, 1 Osh'awa, were Saturday night; ionalread,lthe sweeper Clarence Bray.B es, cleaning up duel and Mr. and Mcc. Don Taylor and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Brooblin. F h couple wac presented with a and family, Chatham, andRESTAURANT bridge set and a wool blanket Mes. F. R. Cook, Bowmar-R S A AN ýfrom the Base Line and ville, were recent visitors ýEbenezer Conimunîties. with Mr. and Mes. Frarnk 231 KING STREET EAST,_ BOWMANVILLE ________________ Westlake. Mes. Dora Norton, Ma k1 ham, spent a few days wiln'I SOLINA Mr. end Mec. Chas. Langmieid and family, Mr. and Mcc. Larry Broome, Monday dinner guests at h s fR E Joe Snowden, Bruce and. were: Mcc. Catherine Munro, O R ES$,0A D O E >Shecyl were Sunday supper Toowoomba, Queensland, Au- guests of Mr. and Mcc. Lloyd stralia, Mec. Adrienne Martin,(wtntonlet) Broome and family, Havanna, Cuba, Mr. Bill Mc- Kay, Toronto, Miss Kate Foc- Cameron Smales, Oshawa, tee Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ah- ft bolidayed leist week witb eh etHls onavhe e V ff fand c. To Bae n Lawrence Squair, Mr, Wll j MM('V5 3 m3 M.a ndmliy.l avs Moffat, Mc. and Mrs. John Mc.Rph av, Moffat and Ian, Mr. and Mcc______________ Mand Mcc. Wes Yellowlees, Alex Moffat, Jim, Tom, Cath Me. and Mcc. Hacvey YelIow- erîne and Colleen, i fO-* Ca rie ugr lees and famlly. and Mr. and ooMe rv ll Lu f, Kr- Mccth Erest ock aay atted- en and Nancy, Peterborough. cdth Yllwlecfahl pc- Miss Pearl Leach enjoyed* Friecl Chicken nic held on Sunday at Dar-1a weeks bolidays at Lake lîngton Provincial Park. Missisgagon, Cloyne, Ont., Cmlt eut hoefo CIL and Mec. Gibert Tapp with Mr. and Mes. Ray opee Mn ocooefor and famihy, Goose Bay, Lab- Oborne, Lakewood, Ohio, and radorn are holidaying with Miss Mary Oborne, Maryland.' - " p iAi GSi 0 e 1 a e AT FREDERICK'S PHARMACA 67 KING- ST.- EAST' SEE OUR SAVINGS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE qIJALITY COLOUR FILM 'Size 126 for Instamatic Cameras '99C uWwHILE THEY LA&STr! 17 PIECE STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY SET Sidewalk Price $2.50 CHILDREN'S SUNGLASSES ONLY 24C ENJOY A GOOD OLD-FASHIONED LEMONADE DRINK AT OUR PICNIC TABLE only 5c a glass F011 WRAP 12" by 2ý5 Feet OnIy 39c PHOTO ALBUM NEW BAG Hoids 48 Photos TAME SPRAY 0F SPONGES-- 1.29 Value - Only Creme Rinse A Special at88 77c Reg. 1L89 -onlyl,49 Now 4.9c. SPECIAL- ONE DAY ONLY! Bring the Farnfly FRIDAY, JUILY l4th 11l A.M. to 5 P.M. ALBSO -LUTELY, FREE A FULL COLOUR BONUS PORTRAIT TAKEN BY OUR PHOTOGRAPHER FAMOUS T's Here! COLGATE YARDLEY SPRAY COLOGNES PEARL DROPS TOOTH PASTE SPRING FLOWErSý- in Gift Box TOOTH POLISH, 1.39 Size - only COLOGNE Reg. 1.00 Only11 77c OnIy. 1.50 87C 1.50 - Special 10 GET LITE, UP BOWMANVILLE FOR CHRISTMAS! GEYOUR 50-50 TICKET ON YLY -$1.00 Proceeds to Repair Christmas Street Lighting in 13ABY PAMPERS BALSAMN PLUS GLANÏ SIZE B RUSH & comB Instead of Diapers Herbai Shanipoo GARBAGE BAGS 1 SETi 1.29 to 2.15 1.98 Only O'nIy 39C 98e Value 59C Ideal for Holidays! 19 SUPER SAVINGS!!. DISCOUNT UN-STORE SPECUA&LS:-' Antiphiogistene A-535 RUB, 1.49 - Only - 99C F.D *S. Feminbine Deodorant 1.89 OnIy 1. 07 FREDERICK'FS 67 KING ST. EAST ý62 LISTERINE IBROMO-SELTZER Antiseptic Reg, 1.49 - Only 95e - OnIy 67c 9c PHAR ACV' 13-2546 BOWMÂN VILLE LU S ADIS'WEAR