The, Canadlian Staiesman, Bowmanville, July 12, 1972 Lions Club Members Resi Afier Clearing ingle ... DU TOR a aWELL WORTH 1,LOOK1NG FOR...* Nin-e Lions pau-,se for a well-earned resi, after cuttirig thie gras-s and trimnming brush behind the Lions Cenftre, June 28R. Lef t to right, the cuiters and trim- mers weeFert Stapleton, Barney Vanstone, Ted Miiller, Jimr Riekard 'iRoss Stevens, Howard Jeffery,i Don Malrsden, Bruce Lush and John Pogue. The1 Jtïems' 0/ Phone 6' mrý.HeenPenney oC Ani- zona has Jeft fo)r abroad after viiing ,ith Mr. and Mrs. A. GarsýOo of Mearns Avenue. Mr.J. H. Johnston and daýughter Wilma of Toronto were visitors with her niece, Mr.H. E. Purdy, Temperance Mn D. Visser has finished hiterm as bc,ard member of KnxChristian School and Mriý. A. Hiemstra will be tak- ing is place. Mr.irn Mrs. Ray Preston, Tanmmy andr Ti m were week- ~nd gustswth lier sister, husaodandf amily, Mr. and Mrs R.HobonDuncan iand 'ldea ire & Uubber o.LD.,Bwmanville, an- oucsthe milestones 0of sevî-ice receîved by YMn. H. H Fice wth25Yeats anid Mr1S. M. Lutonwith 15). Mnr, anýd MsGenLanid- Naaeeiave etunedfrom Cod adBr Mbur Vaine. Mr. Neil MiaeDonail 1d, dauhte KaenPatricia and Heathiler, 0Owen Sound; MNrs. GoronWoosdau'Ighter Deb- biePortHope visted heir unt, rs.GeorgeJames Street. Miad AMrs. Frank DorlndEnnskfli]e, anid Mr. and rs.StaleyTurner, Oshaa, wre rcentvisitors Mr,î. ndMrs. Harold Brown, Aylmr, isied heir "ous- mns, Mr, anld Mrs. HerPiJ owell1 and rs. Herlb Powellattnd ~d £aîlypienie ar Mr. and iVr.Keiith Gobles, Black- MsJuyCra)ppeýr, daugh- ter 0fMr. nd rs. Percy R. Cppris sedn the sum- mer at he Fren tch.Islands of aitPiereet MiTquelon weeshe will be aLttending 'Hc Un-iversitY of 'Toronto M!rs. WyePuidy and lher ildrel,-n, Louise atndlDarl: spent theweeendil)Otta- wa wth rsC. F. Hubbs. Mrs Prds iother, Mrs. Glenholme ugheswho has benvsiinig MNrs. IHubs for two \weeks, baýs also returned Mrs.BericeCole, King pSt.1Ei.,1basn rentr1'A1h etr frorn -pleaant tp toug 0f Quebec,itemrprarilyat Gaetown, New Brunswick. Goodyai-CnadaPresident to tecarerof theToron- to, Globe and Mil on ibicycle REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church ScggStreet Mlnîter: Rev. A. VandenBerg, Ba-,?ck to God Hotur Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. «Evecryone Wclcome»" Or:ganat - mis identity of the swinging looker-on is unhniown. 'Ch Lions are now celebrating the 25h aniversary of th2 Community Centre's opening, and have -been keepir the grounds themselves, over the pasL two years, to u rising maintenanc e costs. also bas a special interest inM music and is an organist ai ýan 'in Toronto /7tbough h stresses he is,, onl I/rt teres ~ an amateur". Thei GelatlysG n ra'fe ,(f-iiterest are building a new home in e er1 Afe Port Hope, moving there frcomý 23-3303 Galt. Mni Mc oim f 5unday Crash Hope Tovinship ibas 3ustcm pleted and publisbed belir sixth i safetyv an d presented the bookiet of poemls. enledA6-ea-7comajil news1.ýpalper's circulation de- "Sunset ai Garden Hiili and man was taken Io Tononto paniment wîtha 1,000 copies 0f other poems". The9-er General Hospital, suffering the Go)od> Bi- bld poeiess'bas the booklets from concussion and fractures, cycle Blue Book, for, us car-ipub]isbed in Port Hope an Rd after an accident or Couniy riens.1 thena distnibutes wbm o er Derek W. Purcly, 26, of 73 1Mn. and,Mrs. M. MacKenzie friends ai ber ,own expense, Tempenance St., was souih- spent the holiday weekend ai At the beginning of this year bound in a 1972 Toyota, wheni the borne of Mn. and Mns. H. Mrs. McHolm wa,; warded a the car -wçnt ontothe sbtould- B. Armstrong, Cbarlottetown, place in the International er, bit a sigopost nd skiddedi P.E.I., along with Mn. and Mrs. Who'sWho of Poetny,, publisb- hack across the roadway, roll- M. B. Arrnstrong and infant ed in England. "1 suippose l'Iling bibt te easi diich. The daugbter of Cal gary, Alta., begin work on mjy seventb acident occurred ai 10:30 p.m. and atiended the christening booklei soon," Mrs, McHolmi Rd. 59, recently. of thein diraniiddaughter on said, "wiing jusi ýornes nat- Sunday. urally to me, I've been doing. Damage to the cn ar wa est- In)th ib vy51h issue il it since I was: 15 yearsold". imated ai$ý2000. staited that, Northumberland At the Seýoind Annual Osha- aýnd Durhamr Counity Board of wa Highland Gamecs on July E.ducation bâd granted per- 15th ai Civic Fields, Highland unu UARY inisson to the "Great Pine Pipe Bands and Scotiish Danc- Ridge Festival of the Arts", ens will be competing stant- JOHN WILLIAM PORTER use of Newcastle Public ing ai approxîmately 2:00 p.m. School Gym. It should bave This week at Ontario Place In f ailing healtb for four read, granted use of gymnasi- the events are billed as fol- years, Mn, John William (Bill) umI bu the "Thatchwork lows: Thursday, July 13, 8 p.m. Porter, aged 64, passed away Theatre". - Toronto Symphony No, 3 - Monday, June lPth, 1972 In The Trewin Family Picnic Krel Anceni. Fnîday, 'July Toronto General Hospital, was hield Sunday, July 9th ai 14, 8 p.m., Association and .5 Son of the laie John William! Haydoýn Comiiy Centre wih Man Elecinical Band. Satur- and Jessie Porter, the deceas- a fairn attendance. A social day, July 15, 8 p.m., Roman- ed was born and edc il bour of visiting was held be- off Continental' Holiday No, Wesîville, Nova Scoti. Mer-1 fore everyone sat dlown to a 2 and at 12, 2 and 4 p.m. 63~1 ied Augusi. 30tb, 1947 toi pot luck suppen afier a sports "Sentinel" Squadron Royal Katherine (Kay) Tiiompnson,l program whicb the hblîdren Canadien Air Cadets. Sun- the arsidaL* On enjoyed. Commîittee in charge day, July 16, 7:30,, Toronto e a eie i8 n \veré Harny and Jean Colla- Symphony No. 4, Victor Feld- larlo Street, Bowmanvie for cuti end Cliff and Auna Trew- bri and ai 12, 2 and 4 p.m. T5 years, eoming here frrom in. The Cardinals of Precilus Tmmins, Ontario. Hle was A big summentime projeci Blood.eplydiMeoilHp- tai owanlleunilhs ne- for Canadian girls frnm coast Due to the inclement weet ih- et notqao i to coasi is the 1972 Singer er' conditions the 451hane riet5Xmnh g.M Stylemnaker Conte-si. Open to Beacock Fýamily Reunýfion PcP ote nrewas a memer" of girls j(0 to 1,; years of age il nie wýas heid in ihe PrJince S.And 'sPebtra offers the prospecut of eXciing Aibei C ommnllity Cenitre b rh prizes plus a four-day tnip to lstead of the originally plannied Surviving a, is h>wlfe Ray,ý Montreal in October for the Poplar Park, on Junre 24, 1972, and daughiers, Mrs. Gordon National Grand Finals. Cal lu spite of the unfavorable 1raer (Florence), Stillanbon,ý your neanesi Singer Sewing weather the execuitive were NS., Mrs. G. Me Ken z ie Centre for funthen informa- pleased to wyelýomie almnosi 65 (Mary), Timmins, OntanlO,ý tion.-1 Beacock "Clan" members, Pre- Allister, Westvllle, NS., Mrs. A Port Hope couple,' Mn.- and ceding the business m--eeing Alfred Akehurst -(Kathleen),ý Mrs. Edwerd Parroît, won top the Recrealtion Com-lmitee, Alberta.', prize ai the Cobourg Hoti- Mn. and Ms Bruce Stepheni- Mr. Porter, hest known as cultural Society Rose Show son, Mr.n odMl .DugSep-"Bil" eie en oe held Wednesday, July sth. enson and Mn, Gary AMcCulevl ey 0 1 f ", esies ben10a lover Sbowîng a Tropicanna rose, ildte rt na ubro bushes, was highly regarded placed firsi in over 208-en- rousing gamies and ýoniesis tries. Mn. and Mrs. Parroitt wbich inicluided both thie cild- by ahl who knew hlm, and bis bave only been growing roses ren an-ci the adults. -During doions Farncombe, Toronto, for three years and feel their the busi.ness m-eeting it wa and. Ewert in Bowmanvïlle neal specialiy is irises. This suggesied thatan iiy famnily confîrmed ibis by expressing was their finsi show. member try to) obiain informa- la the following words, "lHe Tbree new teachers bave tion regarding bis own im- was a very pleasant, non- been bired for the coming mediate famfily 10 enable the complaining gentleman, and lb y ai Knox Christian Sehool, famiiy tree to be updaied. was a pivilege to care for yeanFolowing tbe afiernoon of hlm." Scugog Street. Tbey are as games and i be usual family The service ýwaq fbeld on follows: Miss Aun Sienken, B.A., Zeeland, Michigan,a chut-chat, everyone enjoyed a Thursday, June 22, 1972, ai grdute0fClvn o aeg;deligbbfuil pienic lunch, Ex- 2 o'clock from tbe MJorris Missue LaralWeeies, B.A., ecuive for 1972--19743 will be: Funeral- Chapel, Bowmanviîle Meie, wuasWengin, A. ,aPresident, Doug Stephenson; tb Si. Andrew's Presbytenian gradulate of Calvin Gollege Spc'ytes Co Gary eMcCeudley; uri-iwith Rev. J. Gilcbnlst and Mss Margret Dudnan, Sprs amtce, -Mr, and oefficiîng. The deceased's B.A., Lcombe, Alberta, and nsGn Beacock , rBn- avounite hymus, "'On Christ a graduate of Dordi College. Snow in June? Ube- "he Streid okstrd, eai- Despibe the coninuilng pop- lievable? Ask, tbe C. S, "Tle SDoue w er laedBat- ularity af bicycle idling, it CneS-ppr -teypd le dnnte serv ie M ;aniv was abit stentibng Io ee a Cne -ipi, ipypdle uigltesriem!,Vv middle-aged couple wat;lch a i t in Algonqujin 'Park on !an Wethenall sang "'ýHaw double bill et the Oshýawev June lobb. For the Ibird, Great Tbou Art." Drie-i reenîysîîingonconscub_;ivýe yean a gnoulp 0f thiein bic l uchtthe lnteachers and students fromn Palibearers were Mess. amembce.of theInocarsCounrtice Secondeary School ArUnold Lobb, Mac Moore,1 the couple parked their bike-s Ivenr.ted mm th le park for, an1 Robert Ponter, Mark McKen-j aginst eibhen ide te experience in oubtdoor livin1g. zie, Denis Piekard, Frank speaer oleandsettbruhýifLeen studenis under thle ,Stuibberi, Flower bearers of the entire show. AlihouLiguidacIM.E ikrte aieuîu lrlik tbey seemed to tooubyMn. A. Benford and Miss A. ens ,were Messrs. Reg,.> Hard- enjoy themselves, lb surely lbas Brbmedrd nw ani and HnBentley. to be tiring on the back. and miosqittes for six deys Itermtei was in Bowmnan- The dvane Buleti 0fand came back beaflbier than vleCpeey Th Avnc ille;l fthey, lefi. The tpincluded _________ the 1971 Census 0ý f Canada 60 miles for paddýling and five shows the final popuflation mjiles, of ponaging with 70 hb. figures in tbe following places: alumnitium anesanid 45-50 BUfRET. UN Bowmanvîlle ljb. packs. ca1enoe tipping bas 1966- 8,513 1971-8,4 bom very Ooplar at Cour't'1-1 (Intended for las we-ek,) Cobourg- ice anibis yeaur over 40 stut- M.Rse aDnlDe- 196611,521 1971-11,282 Rdenjel b Osawa- cenejs applicd for he 15 vc ru spent. a few 7deys wiihî 196-78082 197-91587arces on the trip, SudentsMs.TBeey 196-78082chosen for the metal Peterborough~hsclen oilcaeaiis Sonry Ib re(port Ihe pa4ssing 1966-56,177 197 , 58i31 l1 al r hc rencsr o fM.Fed Tab n or Port Hop3e- admnigbtrcedn en osia nTedy 1966- 8,656 91971 8,2tnpir. WbyThe seýnse of a- u 7,M. ab as 'ai (,change lu atrea uince c0nîpîîs;hment, dcveopmen iýeicnt 0f ibIsdistrf, ic ai h June 1, 1966) o f lifc-long rceainl klî,h e elaes tc lorn isý THoe new Pricol of Prt ie apor-ciato onatujre aPnd wîfe, one brother John and Honelasgh. Seolla,,Mn.solautd, the respectfor Z.stnong one :siaber Emily, Mn, on- Dougls R. ella±y, M bodies. thedeelpmntof lu- mai Collaculttof Bowmnai- Gelîatly sp5ent 1Il years uiteesiafoiuddthne- vile.Service was eld, in education system in Kice-slatdep fîinsis.We Morris FunePral Chapel,ý e-Wlaterloo, tben took a one ýthe tnip is -oVer, eeyn omnvle Iiretwas yeen sabbeiical lu EngIlnd wants Io go back agin.' eât Bebhesda Cemeier3y, Ty- where lhe siudîed ai the Lon- ______u__ nne don Institube of Euain eMn, and MVr$. C. Coopr am s Orono, were supper guesis of Prepar Xmas Mrs. Bryan on Suldey'. Several from Ibis district TED 'ClIgImURCH Events Already 1%ae ~cl~o~ We*4ey Oake, BM- Thd Tbb vr G~ TopsnAlthiough ýilt ýiwl) h b-served a Iovely lunch by? En- gnnng of' July, jplans are nîskilen U.C.W. aind, neigh- alre--dy- 11.1kon_ 4_e__way.for.or2ai Eniskillen Uniied] o- r ceci Ms Si D URING OUR BIG E MAX F iACTOR Key Cases and Wallets 5O0 o Off DuBarry and Yardley WHILE THEY LAST 5OV/o Off DEE TEE Garrbage Bags 3for 9 c Grab Bags Facial1Tissule 3 pkgs. 99C E OJMONEY TetetLn PEPSO DENT 5O0 Off FAMI LY SIZE SPECIAL SWAN;K Sug Lm95 Sunlasesand "_BRECK 50 'Off VITA DIEIT 'Vitamins 'Reg. $3,49 Steel Blades Eeg. 67e Now 33c PRO Ee1g, 69e n 89 Now 39 c Paper Plates 100's -,9 - 1 . 99C Sudden Beautfy Hair Spray 16 0z. Reg. $1.41. 99 C Salad BowI Set Now-9 9C PLAYTEX RUBBER Gloves1 Ee.2 pAir for ýý2.9s ______________________________________________ I MAX FAC.ýTOP* FIly Tox Bloc Now e 1.9 Summer APRONS ONLY44c DEETE EReg, 2 foýr 6 or99( and S-hampoo Brut Splasih on lotion ENVELOTPES Delter ize SHOWER CAPS PENS C ad D Ss Medif oaml 12 oz. with 5 free blades Reg. $1,35 99C Many More Reduced on, the Street and Our store Beech Thongs X or Y s)traips AJil si7es "4C NvaCrea Resdan 6 oz. - Eeg. $1,59 99C Deodorant Anti-Perspîrant Spray 194 93C SevTE 150's 49( 20 tz 19 20e coupon oni any 1.23 ______________ i Ony1.49 Trip(' and Tr H air ( o Blonde Trnr Sun Lgte $75for 17 Fiber Point Pen 39c' Deodorant Spray Now 69c "lil IVV.VA mi l%)%~ Coone Purse Jotter Eeg. 49c 2~ fo9c wvhîle they làst ALEX McGREGOR I. D. A. O UG STORE Draw on World'sý Lar-ge5i Chocolate Baçîr f re tickiets with the purchaso e cf hree 39C Hershey ÎCh'ocolaît'e Bars Fer OnIy 8 9 COME IN AND SPEET