10 The Canadian Statesrnian, Bo avluluy 19, 1972à WESLEY VILLE M,,I s. Carroll Nichols speýni vast wek from Tuesday untîl Frda ttending a miusic o-shpat the unîversityý in Lno.Resuts of examna~- lïtinsfor 1972 from Western O-ntarlo Conservatory of Mus- ic wth examiner Mr. Chat- be-, and every oneof the 12 pupils passed with honors, They, were. Grade 1, Susan yma;Grade 2, Patrîcia Har- esShelley Pay-ne, Nancy 'l'isnovsky; Grade 3, Lance 'ay-ne,- Janet Tallman, Grade ~Janîce Henderson; Grade 4, John Groeneveld and Mar- .ga;ret Harnes; Grade 8, An- -Jrew Clark and Cheryl Ey- mnan; Grade,9, Nancy Walker. Gloria Nicho1ýs returned hoewihher +1therfigm, Loniion on Friday evening and! retuirned oni Suday. Reltivs hreand former neîhbos a l\orrish were shoced lst wek bhear of he tagîcdeat of Edwin Au)stin, so t0fArtuý-r Austin etf Selby. Mr. Austin and his two ons wereý working at un- loadng, grain ait Kingston whnEdwin was, caught by ohe fast rmoving grain and pulled b his death. Ris broth-. erq ttm ta10hold him but waýs bing pulled in. himselfý wLe is father watched heplssy.Some of those wodrovle down on Monday and Tuesday to offer sym- pathy ere- Mr. and Mrs. A. Au'stin, Tru-man Austin,. Mrs. lVay Morton, Mrs. Geo. StpleIton, Mr. and MsKen Ashby,) M'r. and Mr-s- Ed. RuheMr. and Mrs. Frd 'Kell. ,Pearl and Valerie Aus- lin, 1\r. and Mrs. Doug Jarvis. Mis, Ida Toppîn of Toronto ïs spending a couple of weeks with o1l)d friends in the com- nuity 2andk staying with Mr.- and Ms.Arnold Thorndyke. A apy ithday party xvas planned for j littie Annette Cornelius ont Sunday at her lime 111 Port Hlope but it was slightly mrrdbyan aýcci- dental luimble causing a cut en lier e-yebroiw requiring a coule f sitces.Grand- ",i ilnnette', iu unclad aunt, TraniMrs.ý J. Fraser. tye sithi- Mr. and Mrs . Melado petSun dayrt feo-r Tordterobligar AMr.n eaç)-dws, is sin Port Port Hope Hospital where he is being Vreacted for pneu- Pau HSk1-«in lahaving a holda luWatloo wi vth in aun an unleMrandiVrs. B inEdey. ELIZABET)H VL'LE On Sundaychrc srvce -ve-re held a an uton for Hope Township. NxISuniday tbe ony eicesw 1) e utGoi ,!ale Farms,fhome -of M!r. anid 'evce ifilaisiwllb Tdel kortHope, spoükeat Cant1on 'and iRev, J, Ramjit vllbe home fromy Trinidad T4nd wil-, eak1etSunday, On Friday eenig apres- entation was hld in 'ýthe urch basem ,ent for ourie- cent brîdaýl coupleMrland M.,rs. K. Fowlr (eeBrenda Casslton), Andrew 1Pe-acock, Aýi;-a n 1jebie IngIram bll,ý;ook ipart in réa 1te adres nd îhey c,-e pree,ýnted with cotfee tablei ndtbls.lma in g] aa onamnt.Lunch %wa:s Mr. a n Mran eur .oule L.ntth eknd he 1iii itheir m capers. ý7 Mr. nd M0. W Mudrew, Oshawa, were k.îtheMr. an %brs. eL rewvethea 1iir eekend. fca ad h va(rs s ogyar-ad frenda h Adther asbreak down Tberer wb takeofftheca trailer for therwcar an the aýir 10 land, on their station wa-gon N îo one was hurt but thev erýe shaken up a bDit and hiad to leave the trailer, wihLongyear's car on it, at n o umngt ser-vice sýttion Suz hoe on ïudywth Pihe D)unstaîýl tin, and A]lysco. Nancy Fowler and Plana Zli dspent the weeke,;nd at aý rîding_ school, rodeo north T m155 yIr-CTION PRICEDe" PECIALS ~BLUE>GN, PI K, WHITE, YELLOW pet. kgO TISSUE roIIs pko of 180 sheets PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSU DAK RANODAK BRAND, "PORýK SHOULDERS»" EDCANNED1L TINi DISOUN BAED OOD! YU B TH JUGE. SWITCH AND SAVE! SA A 4 A wH1Tme, ScED 24-OZ -LOAVES JANE PARKE, CHERRY OR fuLL 8-INCI, 2-O lSZE JAEPARKER ?SAVEfoc; JANE PRKER SAVE 10cý Coiffee Cake ia . JANE PARKER A c) B-aýha Cofe6etCke 16-oz cake 59 JANE PARKER Glazed Dornits JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cak4 (BUJY e KGS -; AVE asq JAN PRKRTWIN ROLLS OR JANE ARKER NAMBRG BUNS OR A NI 1 ,PER I T 7-OZ AEROSOL TIUN $. MOuTI-WADH & GAROLE Lavons 7-fl-or 611 63< PINK DET ERGEN GrperutJuice 4 lorn44< Spaghetti Sauce 5 14-f I-or tins 8 9 FONDA, PASTEL COLOURS, DEF 9' PLATES PaeperPatskgo108< O ETERO ERNLL Palolie Lqui124fWI1r LaS î 3 R ('31L E PArRKER NOUSE LabageROUS 1-bbag 7 7 32-fI-oz tin :3 5< JUS' SQUEEZED ,4 C CUI. 3 2 A UPERE 8SLEND 0F l100% 3RAZILIAN COFFEE 8 OClock Coffee , 16 bbag 69<- PRAýSPBERRY OR STRAW09RRY, 'WIH PECTIN lona Jaîms 312-i-oz jars$1.00 WHIT, PINK, YMLOW4ý , A&P Facial Tissue 3 r,,"ehS1.0O lndio Corned Beef 1 zl 9 Tomoto Paiste 5hf-zln10É MIX 4, M.ATCH, PURITAN ( VReTIS Stws&DÎnners 4 8sf-oz tins$1 .00 Marhmllos i-o~ kg29< Orange Crystails 3< KRAFT Miracle Whip 22 Woziar 69< STRWBRR-RIUBRI46 oý' ASPBERRY 840 ED.Smith Pie FlU:,er 3"" '69<ý Mazola Corn Q0il 128-fl-oztin $3,59 ANtI PAGE Peanut Butter 1 a j 3 8< Sara Lee Cheesecake Fo npg93< PEGULAR OR CRINKLE, FROZEN A&P French Fries, 2.1b pkg 48< Kent Lemonade 2 6-fl-oz tinsn23< i TULIP 7nhonMa SHiRRIFF, ASSORTiE) i -, lv> clb "Red-rand"Steer Beef BLADE STEAKS LB 9 STEAKS 1ONFE IN STEAKS (,ROUND BEEFFES SHORT RiB 1BONS M, P RAS? SHOULDER76 CHICKEN QUR1R b58 CUT 'UP FOWL Frozen, ",oiling, Tray Pack lb 29< SIDE BACON'-uDet-Right Brand, Sliced 1-lb vac pac88 SAUSAGES 3un rand, Store Pack, Beef & Pork lb 56< ITA IANSAU AGE 1.~d, Store Park' b74 S.X, COLD CÇ TS Assortecd Pkg 16-or pkq 88 S. X. w-IýE NI S ulk, "ýGreat on a Grill' 4-lb cin$1,99 SLICED B L A ~Maplýe Leal 6o pg59 HAMB G TTIES216box$15 Pick up vour free gýa ~~r tA &P'. MouS Counier. Ti ,'VL ýROLII CORýDON BLEU". Conoo No 1 Gode~CaroinaSwee , Al- r This week's recipe